Spelling suggestions: "subject:"english learning"" "subject:"3nglish learning""
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自伝的記憶に含まれる感情が動機づけに及ぼす影響速水, 敏彦 02 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:10610105 研究代表者:速水 敏彦 研究期間:1998-2000年度
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學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就之影響-以台北縣新莊市某國小為例 / The effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students' learning achievements in elementary schools- A case study of a elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County祝實蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以臺北縣新莊市某國小三年級為研究對象,採問卷調查法蒐集資料,並以最小平方估計式模型(Ordinary Least Square)的估計,探究學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就的影響,及學童在不同性別、家庭子女數、有無兄姐、是否與父母同住、家庭所得及家庭社經地位(SES)等情形下與學童低年級學習成就之相關程度。實證結果發現,學童學齡前雙語教育經驗對學習一年後及二年後之學習成就(包含總成績、國語、英語及數學成績)除英語成績具有顯著影響外,其餘影響效果皆不顯著;在性別差異上,女生的學習成就均高於男生;家庭子女數多寡與學習成就呈顯著負影響;學童有無兄姐及是否與父母同住對學習成就的影響,在學習一年後有顯著影響,對學習二年後之學習成就影響則不顯著;家庭所得對學習成就影響較不顯著;另外,家庭社經地位對學習成就則呈現顯著正面影響。 / English learning has been gaining popularity recently. In order to make children more competitive internationally, many parents choose English immersion or bilingual kindergartens when their kids are in preschool ages. But according to many researches of preschool education, when preschool children learn English, it may cause them to pick what they like to learn because of the gap in languages, it may cause a crisis in children for identifying their cultures. It may affect their skills of expression and deliberation, and cause them to feel frustrated and hindered when learning.
This research uses the 3rd grade students of an elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County for subjects, uses questionnaires to collect information, adopts the estimation of Ordinary Least Square, investigates the effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students’ learning achievements in elementary schools, and compares the students’ relevant degrees with different genders, family members, whether having brothers and sisters, living with their parents or not, and their parents’ income and socioeconomic status. It proves that the experiences in preschool bilingual education for the learning achievements after having learned for one or two years, including their overall scores, and scores of Chinese, English and math. It turns out to be positive affection, but besides English scores, the affections are not obvious. In gender difference, girls’ learning achievements are better than boys. The numbers of their family members for learning achievements turn out to be negative affection. It is an obvious positive affection after having learned for one year whether the students have brothers and sisters or live with their parents or not, but having learned for two years and the parents’ income do not affect the learning achievements much. Their parents’ socioeconomic positions turn out to be positive affection, too.
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Homework! What, Why, How? : Primary school English teachers’ attitudes towards and use of homework in China.Jiang, Zhengyao January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the attitudes to English homework held by teachers of primary school (Grades 4-6) in Mainland China, through an online survey. After obtaining 112 responses and analysing them by utilising both qualitative and quantitative methods, the results found that English teachers in China have a unified positive attitude towards homework and its effect. English homework is most commonly assigned once a day. Repetition or Exercise is the most popular type of assigned homework, and it is overwhelmingly preferred by the teachers, followed by Preparation and Reading. The respondents stress that homework has an indispensable connection with the scheduled school teaching. Through assigning the correct volume of homework, students can develop positive habits with regards to self-study, and therefore students can improve their academic performance in examinations. A combination of both oral and written feedback is utixlised the most. Follow-up of homework usually appears to be two-dimensional; material stimuli such as penalty copy and self-correction, and immaterial stimuli such as encouragement and criticism. All of the evidence shows that China’s particular education system reflects Skinner’s behaviourist theories of learning, meaning that students’ behaviour with regards to acquiring knowledge can be shaped by frequent and random reinforcement, and this behaviour will eventually persist in the long-term even in the absence of reinforcements.
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以敘事研究初探語言學習者自主動能與其學習環境之互動 / A Narrative Inquiry on the Interplay between Language Learner Agency and Learning Contexts陳瑋婕, Chen, Wei-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以敘事研究的方式,透過深入訪談,探討一位台灣語言學習者的自主動能(learner agency)與其學習環境之互動。經由敘事訪談(narrative interview)、開放式訪談、半結構訪談以及分析受訪者社群網站發表之文章,本論文意圖呈現台灣語言學習者在不同學習環境中如何表現自主動能。
本研究以受訪者Erin出國留學為分界,共三個階段:第一階段為受訪者出國前(2014/08/25),以敘事訪談(narrative interview)的方式,Erin完整呈現自我對英語的認知與語言學習歷程之掙扎。第二階段為Erin出國以後,藉由開放式與半結構訪談,描繪出Erin在國外求學的經驗,並更深刻探討過去的語言學習歷程。第三階段為Erin回國後(2015/09/17),再次以敘事訪談的方式,Erin反思英國求學的經驗以及英語在其人生中扮演的角色。
本研究以vam Lier所提之自主動能的三個特色為分析框架,並推衍出兩項申明:其一,台灣英語學習者在正式的語言學習環境中面臨許多挑戰,但學習者仍有表現自主動能的空間,表現方式包括逃避或拒絕學習;其二,學習者若能沈浸於語言習得的環境(foreign language acquisition environments),極有可能脫離正式語言學習環境的框架而成為一個不同於以往的自己。本研究檢視學習者在不同的學習環境中如何展現自主動能,筆者期望研究結果可提供語言教師看待語言學習者一個新視角。 / Drawing on the concept of learner agency, a narrative inquiry was conducted in order to achieve an in-depth, qualitative understanding of the interplay between a Taiwanese learner's exert of agency and various contexts. The study was developed in three phases, and multiple number of interviews were the main instrument for data collection. The first interview was conducted in August, 2014, before the participant, Erin, headed for England to pursue a Master's degree. The following interviews documented her life experiences abroad and further explored her past language learning history. The final interview was conducted in September, 2015 after she came back to Taiwan, in which she reflected on her overall study abroad experiences and the role of English in her life. The findings delineated Erin's English learning story and her agency domestically and internationally. van Lier's proposal of core features of learner agency was used as the analytic framework to discuss Erin's story, and later two assertions were derived from the discussion: (1) Being an EFL learner in the Taiwanese formal educational context may involve many challenges, but the learner still has room to exercise his or her agency-even though this could mean avoiding or rejecting learning, and (2) Fully engaged in a foreign language environment, the learner is likely to break away from the limitations of formal English learning system. The study delineates a close examination on how the language learner interacted with various contexts and demonstrates several considerations TESOL practitioners can take. Based on the findings and the discussion, pedagogical implications as well as suggestions for future research are also provided at the end of the thesis.
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兒童美語補教業消費者決策行為之研究 / A study on the decision process of children's English learning program郭靜怡, Kuo, Ching-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
質,家長涉入深(二)家長對於兒美補教首次消費知覺風險高,決策勝任感不足(三)兒美補教消費為具嘗試性重購(Trial Repeat Purchase)之序貫決策(Sequential Decision)(四)反向代間影響於嘗試性重購時期漸增(五)同儕影響在兒美補教業存在且顯著,以社會支持、社會認同與社會遵從等三種方式影響(六)孩子與家長在選擇補習班決策準則與購買後滿意度準則均不同(七)兒美補習決策存在影響甚大的『詢問脈絡口碑』(Seeker-Initiated WOM)。 / This study intends to inquire consumer’s decision making process of children’s English learning program in a qualitative way. While there are many quantitative studies about this process, few are conducted qualitatively. revious studies are all focused only on the first purchase, neglecting their subsequent repeat purchase processes; and parents are assumed to be the decision makers, ignoring the role of the children in the process. This study thus purports to explore and provide a clearer depiction of the parent-child interaction in the repeat purchase context.
After reviewing 27 prior studies, this researcher suggested research questions in this study. Data were collected through several interviews with parents and children respectively. Parent interviews were conducted through one-on-one basis, while children interviews through focus groups. Interviews were taped, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively.
The results of this study can be concluded into seven parts as follows. First of all, the essence of the first purchase decision in children’s English learning program is close to the essence of the purchase decision of special goods, and the consumers’ (parents) involvement is deep. Second, the risk conception of the first purchase is high and consumers are lack of confidence in first purchase in the decision making. Third, the process is a sequential decision
with trial repeat purchase process. Fourth, the influence of reverse intergeneration is increasing in the process of trial repeat purchase process. Fifth, the peer-influence exists remarkably in three ways : social support, social
identification and social conformity. Sixth, both decision and satisfying criteria are distinct from parents and children. Finally, the seeker-initiated WOM is a tremendous factor in the decision of children’s English learning program.
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