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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization and modeling of hydrology and climatology in paramo ecosystems in Colombia : A study of the paramos and climate change impact on these ecosystems as a water resource / Karaktärisering och modellering av hydrologin och klimatologin i paramoekosystem i Colombia : En studie av paramos och klimatförändingarnas effekt på dessa ekosystem som vattenresurs

Nilsson, Lovisa, Tholander, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Paramos are unique ecosystems situated in the tropical Andes at an elevation of 2800-4800 meters above sea level. They are home to a variety of endemic species and have a great water regulating capacity and supply around 80 % of the population in Colombia with freshwater. These ecosystems have been found to be particularly vulnerable towards climate change, which is a major challenge when it comes to safeguarding this water source. This study aimed to investigate paramos on three spatial scales: the large, medium and small scale. The large scale aimed at investigating the paramos of Colombia on a national level, the medium scale aimed at modeling the hydrology of a small paramo catchment, and the small scale aimed at exploring the general landscape and methods for monitoring the hydroclimate. At the national scale, the paramos were characterized based on hydrological and climatological variables, in the end focusing on precipitation and discharge, and producing descriptive statistics, in addition to finding temporal trends. The aim was to describe the paramos of Colombia hydroclimatologically on a spatial and temporal scale to get a more updated and comprehensive picture of the hydrology in these ecosystems and to investigate whether any possible relationships between the hydroclimatic variables could be detected that could affect the water availability, that is, if there were any signs of climatic forcing and hydrological response. Another aim was to investigate whether any significant trends could be seen in historical data and if there were any signs of climate change or ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) events affecting the time series. The results showed that there was a large range in the amount of annual precipitation, between 500 and 5000 mm/yr, depending on the location of the precipitation station. The annual precipitation differed with up to around 2000 and 3500 mm/yr within and between different paramo regions, respectively. The annual mean daily discharge ranged between 0 and 25-30 m3/s and the total annual specific discharge ranged between 0 and 2500 mm/yr. It was not possible to detect any general, common temporal trend in neither precipitation nor discharge for all of the stations and the majority of the trends for individual stations were not significant. However, most locations that did present significant trends in precipitation showed an increase rather than a decrease, on a monthly rather than an annual scale. The trends that were significant for discharge were also increasing. No evident relationship between precipitation and discharge could be detected in neither amount nor pattern or trend over time, although some similarities and common traits could be found. Some local maxima and minima in precipitation and discharge coincided with ENSO events, but whether the significant trends are due to climate change remains unclear. The changes that were seen could have an impact on societies that are close to and rely on the paramos, but more studies on a seasonal and monthly scale are needed. At the medium scale, the HBV light model was used to simulate the hydrology in the small paramo catchment called Monterredondo. The aim was to investigate how a parsimonious model like the HBV model would perform compared to the more comprehensive SWAT model, which previously succeeded in modeling the hydrology in this watershed. Since the data is scarce in these regions, a simpler model could be more desirable. The results showed that the HBV was sufficient for the task, receiving a NSE value of 0.81 (calibration period) and 0.56 (validation period), and able to perform almost as well as the SWAT model, which received NSE values of 0.83 (calibration period) and 0.59 (validation period). Furthermore, since the paramos are vulnerable towards climate change, it was considered important to investigate how discharge might be affected by climate change. Simulations of future climate towards the end of the century, representing two emission scenarios, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5, were performed with data from the general circulation models EC-Earth3-CC (Europe) and MRI-ESM2-0 (Japan). The results from the EC-Earth3-CC model indicate a change towards drier dry seasons and wetter wet seasons. On an annual scale, it shows a decrease in discharge, but no change in annual precipitation. The MRI-ESM2-0 model was not considered reliable due to the large distance between the catchment area in question and the location where the data came from. Large uncertainties are associated with the data quality and quantity for both parts of this study. This is a well-known issue in these quite unapproachable locations, which is why the small scale investigation focused on learning more about the monitoring of these ecosystems. A horizontal precipitation station was built to capture horizontal precipitation. Even if built as a rather rough structure, it seemed to work and could be useful for future investigations. The results showed that horizontal precipitation contributed with a non-negligible amount to the total precipitation.  In summary, there is a risk that climate changes will have an impact on the water resources, due to drier dry seasons and wetter wet seasons. This could lead to water shortages in periods, but more studies are necessary to confirm the result. It is especially important to investigate more variables such as land use, soil moisture and radiation. It is also important to study more paramo areas in detail since they respond differently towards climate change. / Paramos är unika ekosystem som ligger på en höjd av 2800-4800 meter över havet i de tropiska Anderna. De är hem för en mängd olika endemiska arter och har en stor vattenreglerande förmåga och försörjer cirka 80 % av befolkningen i Colombia med dricksvatten. Dessa ekosystem har visat sig vara särskilt sårbara för klimatförändringar, vilket innebär en stor utmaning när det kommer till att skydda paramos som vattenkälla. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka paramos på tre rumsliga skalor: stor, medelstor och liten skala. Den stora skalan syftar till att undersöka paramos i Colombia på nationell nivå, den medelstora skalan syftar till att modellera hydrologin i ett litet paramoavrinningsområde, och den lilla skalan syftar till att utforska det allmänna landskapet och metoder för att övervaka hydroklimatologin. På nationell skala karaktäriserades paramos utifrån hydrologiska och klimatologiska variabler, i slutändan med fokus på nederbörd och avrinning, genom att producera beskrivande statistik, och därtill hitta trender över tid. Syftet var att beskriva paramos i Colombia hydroklimatologiskt både rumsligt och tidsmässigt för att få en mer uppdaterad och heltäckande bild av hydrologin i dessa ekosystem och för att undersöka om möjliga samband mellan de hydroklimatologiska variablerna kunde upptäckas som skulle kunna påverka vattentillgången, det vill säga om det fanns några tecken på klimatpåverkan och hydrologisk respons. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka om statistiskt signifikanta trender kunde ses i historiska data och om det fanns tecken på att klimatförändringar eller ENSO-händelser (El Niño Southern Oscillation) påverkade tidsserierna. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett stort spann i uppmätt årsnederbörd, mellan 500 och 5000 mm/år, beroende på nederbördsstationens lokalisering. Årsnederbörden skiljde sig med upp till cirka 2000 och 3500 mm/år, inom respektive mellan olika paramoregioner. Det årliga medeldygnsflödet låg mellan 0 och 25-30 m3/s och det totala årliga specifika flödet låg mellan 0 och 2500 mm/år. Det var inte möjligt att upptäcka någon generell, gemensam tidsmässig trend i varken nederbörd eller avrinning för samtliga stationer och majoriteten av trenderna för enskilda stationer var inte signifikanta. De flesta platser som faktiskt visade signifikanta trender i nederbörd visade en ökning snarare än en minskning, på månadsbasis snarare än årsbasis. Trenderna som var signifikanta för avrinning visade också en ökning. Inget uppenbart samband mellan nederbörd och avrinning kunde ses i varken kvantitet, mönster eller trend över tid, även om vissa likheter och gemensamma egenskaper kunde hittas. Vissa lokala maxima och minima i nederbörd sammanföll med ENSO-händelser, men huruvida de signifikanta trenderna beror på klimatförändringar är fortfarande oklart. De förändringar som kunde identifieras kan ha en inverkan på samhällen som är nära och förlitar sig på paramos, men fler studier på säsongs- och månadsskala behövs.  På den medelstora skalan användes HBV-lightmodellen för att simulera hydrologin i ett litet paramoavrinningsområde kallat Monterredondo. Syftet var att undersöka hur en mindre komplex modell som HBV-modellen kunde prestera jämfört med den mer omfattande SWAT-modellen, som tidigare lyckats modellera hydrologin i samma avrinningsområde. Eftersom mängden data i dessa regioner är begränsad kan en mindre komplex modell vara att föredra. Resultaten visade att HBV presterade tillräckligt bra för uppgiften då modellen erhöll ett NSE-värde på 0,81 (kalibreringsperioden) och 0,56 (valideringsperioden) och kunde prestera nästan lika bra som SWAT-modellen, som erhöll NSE-värden på 0,83 (kalibreringsperioden) och 0,59 (valideringsperioden). Då paramos är sårbara för klimatförändringar ansågs det dessutom viktigt att undersöka hur avrinningen kan påverkas av klimatförändringar. Simuleringar för framtida klimat motsvarande slutet av seklet modellerades med två utsläppsscenarier, SSP2-4.5 och SSP5-8.5. De representerades med data från de allmänna cirkulationsmodellerna EC-Earth3-CC (Europa)och MRI-ESM2-0 (Japan). Resultaten från EC-Earth3-CC-modellen indikerade en förändring mot torrare torrperioder och blötare regnperioder. På en årsskala visade modellen en minskning i avrinning, men ingen förändring i årsnederbörd. MRI-ESM2-0-modellen bedömdes inte vara tillförlitlig på grund av det stora avståndet mellan det aktuella avrinningssområdet och platsen där datan kom ifrån. Stora osäkerheter är förknippade med datakvalitet och kvantitet för båda delarna av denna studie. Detta är ett välkänt problem på dessa ganska otillgängliga platser, varför den småskaliga utredningen fokuserade på att öka förståelsen för den hydroklimatologiska övervakningen i dessa ekosystem. En horisontell nederbördsstation byggdes för att fånga horisontell nederbörd. Även om den byggdes med en ganska grov struktur, verkade den fungera och kan potentiellt vara användbar för framtida undersökningar. Resultaten visade att horisontell nederbörd bidrog med en icke-försumbar mängd till den totala nederbörden. Sammanfattningsvis finns det en risk att klimatförändringarna påverkar vattenresurserna, på grund av att torrperioderna blir torrare och regnperioderna blir blötare. Detta kan leda till en periodvis vattenbrist, men fler studier krävs för att bekräfta resultatet. Det är särskilt viktigt att undersöka fler variabler såsom markanvändning, markfuktighet och strålning. Det är också viktigt att studera fler paramoområden i detalj, eftersom de reagerar olika på klimatförändringar.

Adaptação do modelo da zona agroecológica para a estimação do crescimento e produtividade de eucalipto / Adaptation of the agroecological zone model to estimate eucalyptus growth and yield

Freitas, Cleverson Henrique de 29 June 2018 (has links)
Dentre as espécies florestais, o Eucalyptus é o gênero florestal mais plantado no Brasil, com aproximadamente 7,8 milhões de hectares, tendo grande importância econômica para o país. Desta maneira, é importante um melhor conhecimento e quantificação dos fatores que condicionam e reduzem o crescimento e a produtividade das florestas. Assim, este estudo teve por objetivos: i) adaptar, calibrar e avaliar o Modelo da Zona Agroecológica (MZA-FAO) para a estimação do crescimento e da produtividade de oito clones de eucalipto em diferentes regiões brasileiras; ii) determinar a magnitude e as principais causas das quebras de produtividade (yield gaps) da cultura do eucalipto em diferentes regiões produtoras do estado de Minas Gerais; e iii) avaliar a influência de eventos de El Niño, La Niña e Neutros na produtividade de eucaliptos em diferentes localidades produtoras do Brasil. Foram adaptados e calibrados os coeficientes do MZA-FAO, como a correção para o índice de colheita (Cc), o coeficiente de sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico (ky), as curvas características de índice de área foliar (IAF), crescimento radicular (Zr) e coeficiente de cultura (kc), além da inclusão de funções de penalização da produtividade do eucalipto por ocorrência de eventos de geada (ffrost) e mortalidade por longos períodos de deficiência hídrica (fwd). A inclusão das funções de penalização e a calibração dos coeficientes resultaram em uma melhora significativa no desempenho (acurácia e precisão) do modelo, com a REQM passando de 110 m3 ha-1, na fase inicial de calibração, para 39 m3 ha-1, na fase final de calibração, R2 passando de 0,73 para 0,82 e índice d indo de 0,70 para 0,93. Com relação às quebras de produtividade, a deficiência hídrica foi o principal fator de quebra de produtividade, correspondendo a 77% da quebra total (QT), enquanto que as perdas decorrentes do déficit de manejo corresponderam a 23% da QT. Para avaliar o crescimento do eucalipto em eventos de ENOS, no período de 1983 a 2016, foi considerado o Incremento Corrente Anual (ICA) no período de máximo crescimento, ou seja, no 3° ano de seu ciclo. As produtividades e as perdas de produtividade do eucalipto durante a atuação dos eventos de ENOS mostraram-se amplamente variáveis tanto espacialmente quanto temporalmente, como consequência dos diferentes regimes térmicos e hídricos das regiões produtoras, não sendo observado um padrão claro para a relação ENOS e produtividade do eucalipto em diferentes regiões brasileiras avaliadas. / Among the forest species, the Eucalyptus is the most planted one in Brazil, with approximately 7.8 million hectares, having a huge economic importance for the country. Therefore, a better knowledge and quantification of the factors that affect forests growth and yield is of high important. Based on that, this study had as objectives: i) to adapt, calibrate and evaluate the Agroecological Zone Model (AEZ-FAO) to estimate growth and yield of eight eucalyptus clones in different Brazilian producing regions; ii) to identify the magnitude and major causes of yield gaps of eucalyptus in different producing regions of Minas Gerais state, Brazil; and iii) to identify the influence of El Niño, La Niña and Neutral events on eucalyptus yield in 12 Brazilian producing regions. The model´s coefficients, such as correction for the harvest index (Cc), water deficit sensitivity index (ky), leaf area index curve (LAI), root growth curve (Zr) and crop coefficient (kc), were calibrated. Penalization functions for considering the occurrence of frost events (ffrost) and mortality by long periods of accumulated water deficit (fwd) were also included in the model. The calibration and adaptation of the model resulted in a significant improvement of its performance (accuracy and precision), for both calibration and evaluation phases. The RMSE was 110 m3 ha-1 in the initial phase of calibration while in the final phase, RMSE was reduced to 39 m3 ha-1, the R2 was increase from 0.73 to 0.82, and the agreement index (d) was also improved going from 0.70 to 0.93. In relation to the yield gaps, the water deficit was the main factor of yield reduction, corresponding to 77% of the total yield gap (YGT), while losses due to sub-optimum management corresponded to 23% of YGT. In order to evaluate the eucalyptus growth under different ENSO events, from 1983 to 2016, the Current Annual Increment (CAI) in the period of maximum growth, 3rd year of the cycle, was used. The eucalyptus yield and yield gap during the ENSO events were widely variable both spatially and temporally as a consequence of the different thermal and water regimes of the producing regions. It was not possible to identify a clear pattern thee relationship between ENSO and eucalyptus yield in the different Brazilian regions assessed.

Oscilação interdecadal do Pacífico e seus impactos no regime de precipitação no Estado de São Paulo / Pacific interdecadal Oscillation and its impacts on São Paulo State rainfall regime

Prado, Luciana Figueiredo 07 January 2011 (has links)
A importância do Estado de São Paulo (ESP) é notável no desenvolvimento do Brasil, seja no setor econômico ou energético, o que justifica o estudo do comportamento do clima nessa região. O conhecimento da variabilidade da precipitação é imprescindível na gestão de recursos hídricos e possui grande impacto na agricultura e geração de energia por meio de fontes hidrelétricas. Estudos anteriores apontaram efeitos não-lineares do El Niño-Oscilação Sul (ENOS) sobre a precipitação no ESP; entretanto, nenhum estudo específico acerca da influência da Oscilação interdecadal do Pacífico (ODP) nesta área foi ainda realizado, embora haja alguns impactos conhecidos na América do Sul. Deste modo, este trabalho estudou a relação entre anomalias de precipitação no ESP e a ODP, no período de 1901 a 2007, de forma a auxiliar as pesquisas na linha da previsão climática nessa região do Brasil. Na primeira etapa, foram descritos os regimes de precipitação tanto para a América do Sul como localmente, para o ESP, onde se destacaram fatores como a topografia e a influência do Oceano Atlântico. Posteriormente, foram calculados quantis anuais e mensais que permitiram classificar cada evento quanto ao total de precipitação. Regiões pluviometricamente homogêneas foram determinadas no ESP com base na climatologia e nos quantis de precipitação. Notou-se a relação construtiva entre eventos ENOS e as fases da ODP, com máximo durante o verão austral. Os sinais da ODP são percebidos em todo o ESP principalmente na primavera e no verão austrais. Uma análise complementar mostrou que as fases da Oscilação Multidecadal do Atlântico (AMO) também contribuem para a precipitação no ESP durante o verão e a primavera austrais no litoral, durante o verão no interior, e ao longo da primavera na região da Serra da Mantiqueira. Aparentemente, não há relação entre os eventos ENOS e a AMO. / São Paulo State (SPS) is remarkably important to the development of Brazil, economically or energetically, and this justifies climate studies on that region. Knowing rainfall variability is essential to water resources management and it has a great impact on agriculture an power production by hydroelectric power plants. Previous studies have detected non-linear effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on SPS rainfall however no specific work deals with PDO influence in this area besides some impacts on South America are known. Therefore this work has studied the relationship between rainfall anomalies in SPS and PDO from 1901 to 2007 to contribute to the climate forecasting improvement. First it was described the rainfall regime in South America, and locally in SPS where topography and the Atlantic Ocean influences were of special importance. Then annual and monthly quantiles were calculated to allow the classification of events according to rainfall totals. Rainfall homogeneous regions were established in SPS using climatology and quantiles. It was observed the constructive relationship between ENSO events and PDO phases, mainly on austral summer. PDO signals were noticed all over the SPS mostly on austral spring and summer. An additional analysis showed that Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) phases also contribute to SPS rainfall during austral summer and spring at the coast, only on summer at the country and during spring at the Mantiqueira Slopes. Apparently, there is no relation between ENSO events and AMO phases.

Service Level Management : Equalize unloadingencrustation at Stora Enso – Skoghalls bruk

Johansson, Mikael, Karlsson, Joel January 2009 (has links)
The report is part of the university´engineer program within Industrial Organization and Economics with specialization in Logistics and Managment at Jönköping´s university. Skoghall´s mill underlies a large supply chain, which means there should be a lot of areas in need of small improvement measures. This report illustrates a small part of one of these areas and is focused on the loading distribution services in the terminal Vänern. At the moment there´s a very unequal load of the load carriers SECU box and Container at the terminal. Skoghall´s mill has the desire to equalize the high and low load levels of the 2 loading carriers named previously. One of the options to solve the problem is to set a limit of how much the carriers can load per week or per day. The mill also wants it to be investigated if the proposition would influence the customers in any way and if both the company and its customers could handle a lower level of delivery services in case the proposition was to be applied. The goal to be achieved with this thesis is to provide balance to the unequall loading of the 2 load carriers, SECU and Container, and investigate whether or not the Skoghall´s mill´s customers, could manage the lower degree of delivery service that the proposition would imply. For this goal to be achieved, random sample investigations were taken from orders of a customer that is provided with SECU load carriers and the same was made with a Container´s customer. The orders were analysed from production to consumption on the investigation. As a result of random sample investigations and customers´s evaluations, the thesis shows that it is possible to lower the resources at Vänerterminalen. This means that there is a full possibility to limitate the loadingprocess without causing any major effects on Stora Enso´s customers. Further investigation should be made by the company, such as random sample investigations of more customers, to generate a better picture of what the proposition would mean in reality. In case that investigation turn out to be not in accordance with the thesis, the authors worked on other two solution propositions. Both of them also would contribute to a more even torrent of unloading at Vänerterminalen.

Service Level Management : Equalize unloadingencrustation at Stora Enso – Skoghalls bruk

Johansson, Mikael, Karlsson, Joel January 2009 (has links)
<p>The report is part of the university´engineer program within Industrial Organization and Economics with specialization in Logistics and Managment at Jönköping´s university.</p><p>Skoghall´s mill underlies a large supply chain, which means there should be a lot of areas in need of small improvement measures. This report illustrates a small part of one of these areas and is focused on the loading distribution services in the terminal Vänern.</p><p>At the moment there´s a very unequal load of the load carriers SECU box and Container at the terminal. Skoghall´s mill has the desire to equalize the high and low load levels of the 2 loading carriers named previously. One of the options to solve the problem is to set a limit of how much the carriers can load per week or per day. The mill also wants it to be investigated if the proposition would influence the customers in any way and if both the company and its customers could handle a lower level of delivery services in case the proposition was to be applied.</p><p>The goal to be achieved with this thesis is to provide balance to the unequall loading of the 2 load carriers, SECU and Container, and investigate whether or not the Skoghall´s mill´s customers, could manage the lower degree of delivery service that the proposition would imply.</p><p>For this goal to be achieved, random sample investigations were taken from orders of a customer that is provided with SECU load carriers and the same was made with a Container´s customer. The orders were analysed from production to consumption on the investigation.</p><p>As a result of random sample investigations and customers´s evaluations, the thesis shows that it is possible to lower the resources at Vänerterminalen. This means that there is a full possibility to limitate the loadingprocess without causing any major effects on Stora Enso´s customers. Further investigation should be made by the company, such as random sample investigations of more customers, to generate a better picture of what the proposition would mean in reality. In case that investigation turn out to be not in accordance with the thesis, the authors worked on other two solution propositions. Both of them also would contribute to a more even torrent of unloading at Vänerterminalen.</p>

Variability and trends in the tropical Pacific and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation inferred from coral and lake archives

Thompson, Diane Marie January 2013 (has links)
The background state and changes associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the tropical Pacific Ocean influence climate patterns all over the world. Understanding how the tropical Pacific will be impacted by climate change is therefore critical to accurate regional climate projections. However, sparse historical data coverage and strong natural variability in the basin make it difficult to assess the response of the tropical Pacific to anthropogenic climate change. Further, climate models disagree regarding the response of the basin to continued anthropogenic forcing into the future. Building off of the limited instrumental record, high-resolution records from coral and lake sediment archives can be used to assess the response of the tropical Pacific to past climate changes and to compare and assess climate model projections. In the present study, I use high-resolution coral and lake records from the equatorial Pacific to assess climate model projections and the response of the coupled ocean-atmospheric climate system in the basin (ocean temperature, salinity, winds, precipitation) to natural and anthropogenic forcing. Using a simple model of how climate is recorded by corals, we compare historical climate data and climate model simulations with coral paleoclimate records to assess climate model projections and address uncertainties in the historical data, models and paleoclimate records. We demonstrate that this simple model is able to capture variability and trend observed in the coral records, and show that the both sea surface temperature and salinity contribute to the observed coral trend. However, we find major discrepancies in the observed and climate model simulated trends in the tropical Pacific that may be attributed to uncertainties in model simulated salinity. We then assess 20th-century variability and trends in SST and salinity in the central tropical Pacific using replicated coral δ¹⁸O and Sr/Ca records from the Republic of Kiribati and the central Line Islands. We find that the coral records from these sites display a warming and freshening trend superimposed on strong interannual and low-frequency variability. Further, we demonstrate an apparent strengthening of the E-W SST gradient across the dateline (between 173°E and 160°W) and a slight weakening of the N-S SST gradient due to enhanced warming along the equator and west of the dateline relative to other sites. However, we find no evidence of increased variability in the central Pacific, suggesting that there has not been an increase in central Pacific style ENSO events. Finally, we show that the salinity response to climate change may be very patchy within the basin. Using a new ~90 year coral Mn/Ca record from the central Pacific, we investigate variability and trends in tropical Pacific trade winds. First, we demonstrate a strong association between westerly wind anomalies and coral skeletal Mn/Ca, which recorded all of the major historical El Niño events of the 20th century. In this new long Mn/Ca record, we find a reduction in the amplitude and frequency of Mn/Ca pulses between 1893 and 1982, suggesting a decrease in westerly wind anomalies in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. Finally, we use a sediment record from Bainbridge Crater Lake, Galápagos Archipelago to assess variability in the eastern tropical Pacific over the past ~6 thousand years. Based on results from long-term monitoring of the lake, we propose a new climate interpretation of the sediment record and find further evidence reduced mid-Holocene ENSO variability and a ramp up of ENSO variability starting around 1775 cal. years BP.

Sources, mobility and bioavailability of metals and metalloids in the mining and smelter impacted altiplanean city of Oruro, Bolivia

Tapia, Joseline 19 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Oruro est situé dans l'Altiplano Bolivien à 230 km au sud de La Paz. Le principal système hydrologique est endoréique et est constitué par les sous-bassins du lac Titicaca-rivière Desaguadero-lac Poopó-salar du Coipasa (TDPS). Cette zone présente une saison sèche (DS) et une saison humide (WS). Malgré l'existence de la WS, les précipitations sont rares, néanmoins, l'intensité augmente interannuellement associé aux événements ENSO. Géomorphologiquement, ce site est composé de: l'Altiplano et la Cordillère Occidentale liés aux dépôts épithermaux et Cu et la Cordillère Orientale liée aux nombreuses ceintures métallogéniques, la plus connue est la ceinture de Sn. Le Département d'Oruro est situé dans la partie centrale de cette ceinture, et malgré le fait que cette ville a été soumise à des activités minières depuis le XVIIème siècle, les caractéristiques géochimiques et les processus de dispersion qui affectent cette zone sont peu connus. Les faits exposés précédemment, ont motivé une étude géochimique détaillée des carottes sédimentaires lacustres dans ce domaine. Deux campagnes de carottage (DS et WS) ont permit de récupérer 5 carottes sédimentaires, 4 dans le lac Uru Uru (2 en DS et 2 en WS) et une à la lagoon Cala Cala (18 km E d'Oruro), ce dernier pour déterminer le fond géochimique local. Analyses de laboratoire ont été effectuées au Laboratoire des Mécanismes et Transferts en Géologie (LMTG, Toulouse), où un total de 91 échantillons de sédiments et 222 échantillons des eaux interstitielles (PW) ont été étudiés. Le fond géochimique et les sources des éléments traces nous ont permis de proposer que le fond géochimique naturel de As et Sb est significativement plus élevé par rapport de la croûte continentale supérieure (UCC), les niveaux de fond mondial, les centres industriels et les sites miniers historiques. Ces conclusions nous ont permis de soutenir l'utilisation des coefficients d'enrichissement (EF) locaux et jeter l'utilisation de l'UCC pour calculer les EFs. Il existe une multiplicité de sources des contaminants qui ont difficulté la discrimination entre apports naturelles et apports anthropiques dans ce bassin. Cependant, nous proposons que l'impact anthropique dans les sols superficiels est liée à la dispersion des éléments traces par la Fonderie de Vinto, tandis que le lac Uru Uru est plutôt influencé par les activités minières. Études de diagenèse précoce, nous ont permis de déterminer que les éléments traces au sein du lagoon Cala Cala sont moins disponibles et mobiles que dans le lac Uru Uru et des fortes concentrations des éléments traces en solution sont expliqués par la proximité des ceintures métallogéniques situées le long de la Cordillère Orientale, et non par influence anthropique. Le nord du lac Uru Uru présente des concentrations inférieures moyennes des éléments traces dissous et leur comportement est fortement associée à des changements saisonniers, parce que l'environnement réductrice atteint au cours de la WS entraîne la libération des éléments traces que la dissolution réductrice des oxyhydroxides de Mn a lieu. Dans ce domaine, le comportement des éléments traces dans l'état solide montrent des changements modérés entre les différentes saisons. Les éléments traces dans le sud du lac Uru Uru sont les plus réactifs, disponibles et mobiles. Au cours de la DS le comportement des éléments traces dissous est associé à l'évaporation, cette réaction n'a pas été observée au cours de la WS. Les plus fortes concentrations du Sb et Mo dissous se trouvent dans cette région pendant les deux saisons et Cd que pendant la DS. Dans ce domaine, le partitionnement à l'état solide (SSP) montre des changements de fractionnement importants lors de la WS, impliquant que les éléments traces peuvent être facilement libérés dans l'eau interstitielle lorsque les conditions de réduction sont établies, les éléments les plus instables sont Mo, U, Sb, Pb et Cd. Cette zone affiche le souci environnemental plus important, parce que, encore l'influence de la WS, on trouve l'influence anthropique associé à la Mine de Huanuni, probablement en apportant Sb (et Mo) dissous (et comme le montre autre étude, Mo représente une compétition pour le Cu en induisant des carences alimentaires pour animaux de ferme). Nous soulignons que c'est dans ce domaine où la plupart de la flore et faune vive et de la pêche est généralement pratiqué. On recommande de déterminer le comportement des éléments traces dans la WC, spécialement au cours de la WS et La Niña événements. En ce qui concerne l'influent de l'exploitation minière et le climat sur le dépôt des sédiments dans l'Altiplano, il a été déterminé que au cours du dernier siècle, l'exploitation et la production de Sn a influencé le dépôt de Sb-Ag-Pb dans les sédiments du lac Uru Uru. En outre, événements ENSO pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la production de minéraux authigènes pendant la diagenèse précoce. Enfin, nous proposons que le dépôt des éléments traces est influencé principalement par trois sources: la géologie locale, la formation des minéraux authigènes sous l'influence probable des événements froids ENSO (La Niña) et les gangues et minerais d'origine minérogénétiques.

Variabilité interannuelle et prévisibilité du système Mousson Indienne d'Eté - Oscillation Australe El Niño

Boschat, Ghyslaine 10 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La Mousson Indienne d'été (ISM) et l'Oscillation Australe El Niño (ENSO) sont parmi les phénomènes climatiques les plus énergétiques et importants de la planète. Bien qu'ils soient localisés dans la région tropicale Indo-Pacifique, ces deux phénomènes peuvent avoir des répercussions climatiques à l'échelle globale via les téléconnections atmosphériques. Cette thèse vise à améliorer notre compréhension et la prévisibilité interannuelle d'ENSO et de l'ISM, en analysant leurs téléconnections grandes échelles, et en déterminant le rôle, dans cette prévisibilité, des modes majeurs de variabilité interannuelle observés dans les régions tropicales et extratropicales de l'Indo-Pacifique. A partir de diagnostiques statistiques d'observations sur les périodes 1950-1976 et 1979 2007, et d'expériences de sensibilité réalisées à l'aide du modèle couplé SINTEX F, nous montrons l'importance des latitudes tempérées dans la prévisibilité du système ENSO-mousson. Des précurseurs robustes des évènements ENSO et ISM sont identifiés dans les régions du Pacific Nord et de l'Océan Indien Sud pendant l'hiver boréal précédent, apportant ainsi de la prévisibilité plus tôt que leurs traditionnels précurseurs tropicaux. De plus, cette prévisibilité de la mousson d'été est accrue pour les pluies en fin de saison (Août- Septembre). Cette deuxième partie de la saison de mousson se caractérise également par l'émergence de processus couplés océan-atmosphère dans l'Océan Indien, pouvant contrecarrer l'effet d'ENSO sur la mousson. Une amplification de ces rétroactions locales pourrait expliquer l'affaiblissement de la relation ENSO-mousson observé lors des dernières décennies.

Variabilité climatique de deux périodes clés de l’'Holocène, c. 7000-6000 et 3500-2500 années BP, dans le Pacifique Sud-Ouest à partir de l’'analyse d'’archives bio-carbonatées.

Duprey, Nicolas 25 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude a pour but de documenter le climat à deux périodes clés de l'Holocène à partir d'archives biocarbonatées. Le potentiel du bénitier Tridacna maxima (géochimie et croissance) comme archive paléoclimatique a été montré. Des spécimens fossiles de cette espèce ont ensuite été utilisés pour documenter la variabilité climatique du Pacifique Sud-Ouest durant la transition Holocène inférieur-Holocène moyen (7.0-6.0 ka BP) et lors de la migration Lapita en Océanie Lointaine (3.5-2.5 ka BP) en complément d'enregistrements issus d'autres bénitiers et d'un corail massif Porites sp. Des enregistrements Sr/Ca de Porites sp. ont aussi été utilisés comme paléothermomètre. A 7.0-6.0 ka BP, la phase de réchauffement postglaciaire était terminée et la marge sud-est de la Warm Pool était dans sa position actuelle. L'influence saisonnière de la SPCZ était plus faible qu'actuellement dans le Pacifique S.O., montrant que la SPCZ était située au nord de sa position actuelle. La variabilité El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) était réduite de 20-30% par rapport à la variabilité actuelle. La période coincidant avec l'émergence de la culture Lapita, 3.6-3.4 ka BP, est caractérisée par un état moyen de type La Niña sur le Pacifique S.O avec une forte variabilité ENSO. Le climat a donc pu agir comme déclencheur et/ou favoriser la migration Lapita à 3.2-2.7 ka BP. En effet, des conditions climatiques instables peuvent favoriser le développement et l'expansion de populations nomades dépendantes des ressources marines, comme l'était la population Lapita.

Beach-dune morphodynamics and climatic variability in Gwaii Haanas National Park and Haida Heritage Site, British Columbia, Canada

Cumming, Rebecca Miville 27 July 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes the geomorphology and morphodynamics of two embayed, sandy, macrotidal beach-dune systems in the Cape St. James region of Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. Gilbert Bay beach is a small embayment with a southwest aspect that exhibits prograding dune ridges. Woodruff Bay beach, a larger system with a SE aspect, is characterized by large erosional scarps on the established foredune. Aspect to erosive conditions and embayment size control the distinct morphologic responses of these beach-dune systems. The morphodynamic regime at Cape St. James consists of high onshore sediment transport potential combined with an increasingly erosive water level regime that is forced by PDO and ENSO climatic variability events. Conceptual models of potential future responses of these beaches to sea level rise show a possible landward migration of up to 3.5 m at Gilbert Bay beach and up to 4 m at Woodruff Bay beach.

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