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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelos cognitivos na categorização de "violência" : estruturas e processos no discurso de sujeitos urbanos, rurais e "rurbanos"

Säge, Morgana Larissa 10 December 2010 (has links)
O problema norteador desta dissertação é: como indivíduos urbanos, rurais e rurbanos, da região de Caxias do Sul, estruturam a categoria VIOLÊNCIA, a partir de modelos cognitivos, os quais emergem do modo como esses indivíduos expressam linguisticamente suas experiências nesse domínio? O objetivo geral é o de investigar, no âmbito da Linguística Cognitiva (LC), especificamente da Semântica Cognitiva, quais processos e estruturas estão implicados na categorização de VIOLÊNCIA, a partir da análise de trechos de entrevistas realizadas com indivíduos urbanos, rurais e rurbanos da região de Caxias do Sul. A amostra é constituída de 20 entrevistas, a partir das quais é gerado o corpus para análise. As análises fundamentam-se na Teoria dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (TMCI) e seus desdobramentos teóricos, com ênfase em modelos metafóricos e metonímicos. Esta investigação é particularmente relevante à medida que VIOLÊNCIA é um conceito abstrato complexo, cuja estruturação se encontra fortemente ligada a fatores cognitivos e socioculturais. O objetivo geral desdobra-se nos seguintes objetivos específicos: (a) identificar e analisar a estrutura da categoria VIOLÊNCIA em termos de mapeamentos metafóricos e metonímicos; e (b) discutir questões metodológicas atinentes à entrevista, avaliando sua adequação como o instrumento da pesquisa em LC. As hipóteses formuladas a partir do problema de pesquisa são: (1) modelos metafóricos, que estruturam a categoria, diferem entre sujeitos urbanos, rurais e rurbanos; (2) modelos metonímicos, que são culturalmente motivados, diferem entre sujeitos urbanos, rurais e rurbanos; (3) a entrevista individual, como inicialmente proposta, constitui-se como um ato de fala legítimo para análise em LC, à medida que um conjunto de requisitos técnico-procedimentais for atendido. A partir da análise do corpus, verifica-se que as hipóteses (1) e (2) não se confirmam completamente, uma vez que, apesar de se observarem, na amostra, ricos mapeamentos metafóricos e metonímicos, com maior ocorrência de modelos metonímicos, estes não diferem em função do critério de pertencimento a dada comunidade, mas sim em função da formação escolar. Entretanto, a verificação dessas hipóteses deve ainda merecer atenção em pesquisas posteriores com ampliação dessa amostra. A hipótese (3) é confirmada, à medida que os discursos gerados nesse tipo de evento de fala forneceram dados altamente relevantes para a investigação da estruturação da categoria VIOLÊNCIA, os quais podem ainda ser explorados em novas pesquisas que focalizem aspectos mais específicos de determinadas manifestações linguísticas. / The guiding problem of this dissertation is: how do urban, rural and rurban individuals of the region of Caxias do Sul structure the category VIOLENCE, on the basis of cognitive models, which emerge from the way these individuals express linguistically their experiences in this domain? The general objective is to investigate, in the field of Cognitive Linguistics (CL), Cognitive Semantics more specifically, which processes and structures are implied in the categorization of VIOLENCE from the analysis of parts of interviews carried out with urban, rural and rurban individuals of the region of Caxias do Sul. The sample is constituted by 20 interviews, which generates a corpus for analysis. The analyses are founded on the Theory of Idealized Cognitive Models (ICMT) and its theoretical consequences, with emphasis on metaphorical and metonymical models. This investigation is particularly relevant since VIOLENCE is a complex abstract concept, whose structuring is strongly connected to cognitive and sociocultural factors. The general objective is opened up in the following specific objectives: (a) to identify and analyze the structure of the category VIOLENCE in terms of metaphorical and metonymical mappings; and (b) to discuss methodological issues concerning the interview, thus evaluating its adequacy as a survey instrument in CL. Hypotheses formulated on the basis of the survey problem are: (1) metaphorical models structuring the category differ in urban, rural and rurban subjects; (2) metonymical models, which are culturally motivated, differ among urban, rural and rurban subjects; (3) the individual interview, as initially proposed, constitutes a legitimate speech act for analysis in CL as long as a set of technical-procedural requirements is met. After analyzing the corpus, it has been noticed that hypotheses (1) and (2) are not confirmed completely because, although the sample presents rich metaphorical and metonymical mappings, these do not differ due to the criterion of belonging to a certain community but rather due to schooling. However, the verification of these hypotheses should deserve further attention in later surveys, and with a larger sample size. Hypothesis (3) was confirmed, once the discourses generated in this type of speech event supplied highly relevant data to investigate the structuring of the category VIOLENCE, which can be still explored in new surveys focusing on more specific aspects of certain linguistic manifestations.

Bici Decoraciones SAC

Cortez Salas, María Teresa Ysabel, Llano Canahuate, Julio Elmer, Garamendi Tomas, Wendy Yahaira, Grabau, César Rody 11 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto del curso de Desarrollo de Negocios 2 de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, consiste en la creación de un soporte de madera para bicicletas que serán elaboradas con tableros OSB que nos asegura una alta resistencia en los soportes. Cabe recalcar, que nos vamos a dirigir a Lima Metropolitana en los distritos de mayor población en el uso de bicicletas y que además cuentan con acceso de ciclovías, tales como Surco, La Molina, San Isidro, San Borja y Miraflores, asimismo nos dirigiremos a los sectores socioeconómicos A y B, con un rango de edad de los 18 hasta los 45 años. El proyecto es viable, puesto que según la entrevista a profundidad que se realizó, se identificó un gran porcentaje de personas que usan la bicicleta como medio de transporte; parte de ello, la investigación también indica que los usuarios tienen dificultades para guardar sus bicicletas ya que no cuentan con el espacio adecuado en sus hogares. Por un lado, para la puesta en marcha del proyecto se necesitará una inversión inicial de S/. 51,884 soles, que será financiado al 100% por los accionistas sin necesidad de ser financiado por entidades bancarias. A su vez, tenemos en cuenta que los meses Diciembre, Enero, Marzo y Julio tendremos ventas elevadas que demostrada que el negocio es rentable. Por otro lado, el área de marketing hará uso de la publicidad digital, para ello se empleará las herramientas web como Facebook, Google Adwords, Landing Page y Community Manager, que nos permita una mejor difusión del producto. La distribución será coordinada directamente con el cliente a través de las redes sociales; también es importante indicar que se contará con distribuidores externos tales como Maestro y Sodimac. / The present Project of the Business Development course 2 of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, consists in the creation of a wooden support for bicycles that will be made with OSB boards that ensures high resistance in the supports. It should be noted that we are going to head to Metropolitan Lima in the districts with the largest population in the use of bicycles and that also have access to bicycle paths, such as Surco, La Molina, San Isidro, San Borja and Miraflores, we will also go to socioeconomic sectors A and B, with an age range of 18 to 45 years. The project is viable, since according to the in-depth interview that was carried out, a large percentage of people who use the bicycle as a means of transportation was identified; Part of it, the research also indicates that users have difficulty storing their bikes as they do not have adequate space in their homes. On the one hand, for the start-up of the project an initial investment of S /. 51,884 soles, which will be financed 100% by shareholders without the need to be financed by banks. At the same time, we take into account that the months of December, January, March and July will have high sales, which has proven that the business is profitable. On the other hand, the marketing area will make use of digital advertising, for this we will use web tools such as Facebook, Google Adwords, Landing Page and Community Manager, which allows us to better disseminate the product. The distribution will be coordinated directly with the client through social networks; It is also important to indicate that there will be external distributors such as Maestro and Sodimac. / Trabajo de investigación

Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'

Medalla, Maria Enriqueta 18 October 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.

"Transtorno de identidade sexual: um estudo psicopatológico de transexualismo masculino e feminino" / Sexual identity disorder : a psychopathological disorder of male and female transsexualism

Saadeh, Alexandre 27 September 2004 (has links)
Esse estudo propôs-se avaliar presença de transtornos de eixo I, personalidade e caracterizar demograficamente 33 transexuais (masculinos e femininos). Outros objetivos foram comparar Depressão e Transtornos de Personalidade após dois anos de psicoterapia grupal e estruturar um temário específico para ela. Foram aplicados: SCID-I/P, Beck, Hamilton e Entrevista Estruturada para Distúrbios da Personalidade pelo DSM-III-R. As características demográficas gerais não variaram nos grupos. Não houve nenhum diagnóstico psiquiátrico prevalente. Houve predomínio de sintomas depressivos e não de quadros clínicos de depressão. Quanto aos transtornos e traços de personalidade, nenhum dado estatisticamente significativo foi encontrado. Temas para psicoterapia foram estabelecidos. / This study aimed to evaluate the presence of personality disorders of axis I as well as to characterize demographically 33 transsexuals (male and female). Other objectives were to compare depression and personality disorders after two years of group therapy and structure a specific theme list to it. SCID-I/P, Beck, Hamilton and Structured Interview for Personality disorders by the DMS-III-R were applied. General demographic characteristics did not vary among the groups. There was no prevailing psychiatric diagnosis. As for disorders and personality traits, no statistically significant data was found. Psychotherapy themes were established.

Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'

Medalla, Maria Enriqueta 18 October 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.

"Transtorno de identidade sexual: um estudo psicopatológico de transexualismo masculino e feminino" / Sexual identity disorder : a psychopathological disorder of male and female transsexualism

Alexandre Saadeh 27 September 2004 (has links)
Esse estudo propôs-se avaliar presença de transtornos de eixo I, personalidade e caracterizar demograficamente 33 transexuais (masculinos e femininos). Outros objetivos foram comparar Depressão e Transtornos de Personalidade após dois anos de psicoterapia grupal e estruturar um temário específico para ela. Foram aplicados: SCID-I/P, Beck, Hamilton e Entrevista Estruturada para Distúrbios da Personalidade pelo DSM-III-R. As características demográficas gerais não variaram nos grupos. Não houve nenhum diagnóstico psiquiátrico prevalente. Houve predomínio de sintomas depressivos e não de quadros clínicos de depressão. Quanto aos transtornos e traços de personalidade, nenhum dado estatisticamente significativo foi encontrado. Temas para psicoterapia foram estabelecidos. / This study aimed to evaluate the presence of personality disorders of axis I as well as to characterize demographically 33 transsexuals (male and female). Other objectives were to compare depression and personality disorders after two years of group therapy and structure a specific theme list to it. SCID-I/P, Beck, Hamilton and Structured Interview for Personality disorders by the DMS-III-R were applied. General demographic characteristics did not vary among the groups. There was no prevailing psychiatric diagnosis. As for disorders and personality traits, no statistically significant data was found. Psychotherapy themes were established.

Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'

Medalla, Maria Enriqueta January 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.

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