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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Causes of decline and conservation solutions for Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra in eastern Scotland

Perkins, Allan John January 2012 (has links)
The Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra is one of the most severely declining farmland birds across Europe. In the UK, numbers fell by 86% between 1967 and 2008. Corn Buntings favour open landscapes, nest on or close to the ground, are often polygynous, double-brooded, and have a seed-based diet supplemented in summer by invertebrates. This study investigated the recent causes of decline in arable and mixed farmland in eastern Scotland, and sought to identify potential conservation solutions that could be delivered through agri-environment schemes (AES). Combining new data with analyses of existing long-term datasets, I investigated habitat associations during summer and winter, the timing and success of nesting attempts, and measured reproductive and population responses to AES. Corn Buntings declined almost to extinction in one study area where, over 20 years, the main recorded intensifications of farming were reduced weed abundance within crops and removal of boundaries to make bigger fields. Territory locations, late-summer occupancy and polygyny were all strongly associated with weedy fields. There were also positive associations with overhead wires and in early summer with winter barley and forage grasses. Late-summer occupancy was associated with spring-sown cereals, crops that are amongst the last to be harvested. Changes in habitat associations and to aspects of the mating system as the population declined and agriculture intensified are discussed. Intensive monitoring showed that Corn Buntings laid clutches from mid-May to mid-August, mostly in fields of forage grasses and autumn-sown cereals in early summer, and spring sown cereals in late summer. A preference for nesting in dense swards explained this seasonal variation. Breeding success in forage grasses was poor, due to high rates of nest loss during mowing. However, in experimental trials, nest success in fields with delayed mowing was fivefold that of control fields. With sufficient uptake through AES, delayed mowing could raise productivity to levels required to reverse population declines. In winter, cereal stubbles and AES unharvested crop patches were the main foraging habitats used. Unharvested crops with abundant cereal grain in their first winter of establishment were favoured. Population monitoring over seven years and 71 farms revealed increases on farms with AES targeted at Corn Buntings, no significant change on farms with general AES, and declines on control farms. In arable-dominated farmland, management that increased food availability reversed declines, but on mixed farmland where Corn Buntings nested in forage grasses, delayed mowing was essential for population increase. This study has already influenced the design of AES targeted at Corn Buntings in Scotland, and I make further recommendations for the species’ conservation and design of AES that are applicable to farmland throughout Britain and Europe.

The spatial dimensions of Native Title

Brazenor, Clare. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M. Geomatics Sc.) -- Dept. Geomatics, Univ. of Melb.

Turismo e conservação no cenário rural do entorno de uma Unidade de Conservação, no município de Luiz Antonio (SP).

Severino, Fulvio Cesar Garcia 15 March 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1025.pdf: 2993965 bytes, checksum: 952fe1a5b42e4a1d62e6da952be65656 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-03-15 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The tourism in rural areas has stood out for allowing the conservation of natural areas that comprises the rural matrix and for having conditions to generate revenues and employments to the local population. In the present survey, six farms (located in surroundings of Jataí Ecological Station Luiz Antônio city/SP, Brazil) were visited with the aim to verify by interviews both its tour potential and the owners social representations concerning to land uses. In addition, it was intended to know postures, values and worries about the tour activities from the urban areas people to obtain a wiser view about tourism issue. The activities developed in farms compose the cast of touring possibilities in rural areas. Nevertheless the owners are not ready for tourism in their proprieties. Natural areas of their proprieties have been seen with dislike (negativist representation) due to impossibility of using them as incomes (utilitarian representation). The conservation unit has been seen as a biodiversity protection place (naturalist representation). However natural areas out of Ecological Station have not been comprehended as a place for conservation. Ecological Station was the most tour potential cited by interviewees in urban area. They also realize that the city still has not been ready for tourism due to a lacking infrastructure. Notwithstanding they believe tourism might be a generator of employments and revenues besides a social and economic factor of growth and development. Tourism is supposed to serve for this purpose without basing upon developmental myth referential as well as to be planned with and for population. For its formal implementation, there is the necessity of an incitement policy for tour activities based on environmental, social and economic diagnosis. There is also the necessity of sensitization efforts and environmental education with population. The main point is to train local guides consciousness from environmental, social and cultural queries and capable to spread its tour attributes away. It is important as well to choose a farm, to observe the evolution of tour activities and to monitory its results. / O turismo em áreas rurais tem se destacado por permitir a conservação de áreas naturais que compõem a matriz rural e ainda gerar renda e empregos para a população local. Neste estudo foram visitadas 6 fazendas que possuem limites com a Estação Ecológica de Jataí, (município de Luiz Antônio, Estado de São Paulo), com o intuito de, por meio de entrevistas com seus proprietários e análise da infra-estrutura existente, verificar o potencial turístico dessas propriedades e as representações sociais de seus proprietários em relação aos usos em sua terra. Associado a estes objetivos pretendeu-se conhecer as atitudes, valores e preocupações relativas à atividade turística de moradores da área urbana do município, a fim de se obter um panorama mais amplo do município sobre a questão do turismo. As atividades realizadas nas fazendas compõem o elenco de possibilidades turísticas na área rural. Entretanto, os fazendeiros não se mostraram preparados para o turismo em suas propriedades. As áreas naturais de suas propriedades são vistas com antipatia (representação negativista) devido à impossibilidade de utilizá-la como fonte de recursos diretos como o fazem com a parte produtiva de suas terras (representação utilitarista). A unidade de conservação existente ao lado de sua propriedade é vista pelos entrevistados como local de proteção à biodiversidade (representação naturalista), mas não percebem a importância de áreas exteriores a ela como possíveis potenciais de conservação. A unidade de conservação foi a mais citada como potencial turístico pelos entrevistados na área urbana; os entrevistados também têm consciência de que a cidade não está preparada para o turismo pela falta de infraestrutura, mas apostam no turismo como gerador de empregos e renda para a cidade, como fator de crescimento e desenvolvimento sócioeconômico. O turismo deve servir realmente como meio de crescimento econômico para a cidade, mas deve ser pensado sem o referencial do mito desenvolvimentista, com e para a população. Antes de ser implementado formalmente, deve-se ter uma política de incentivo às atividades turísticas baseada em diagnósticos ambiental e sócio-econômico da cidade, há necessidade de um trabalho de sensibilização e educação ambiental com a população, inclusive formando guias da própria cidade conscientes das questões ambientais e sócioculturais da cidade, disseminando seus atributos turísticos. Inicialmente, sugere-se a escolha de uma propriedade e o desenvolvimento de um projeto piloto de turismo no meio rural que poderá ser monitorado como forma de avaliar os resultados dessa atividade.

Conflitos em áreas de conservação ambiental : o caso de Caravelas e do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, Bahia

Nogueira, Fernanda Silveira de January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou compreender um cenário de conflito ambiental na região do município de Caravelas e do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, incluindo seu entorno, no sul da Bahia, Brasil. Trata-se de uma área que abrange ecossistemas mundialmente ameaçados e interdependentes (fragmentos de Mata Atlântica, manguezais e recifes de corais) onde ocorre elevado grau de endemismo de espécies, e se localiza a principal área de reprodução da baleia jubarte (Megaptera novaeagliae). Historicamente, esta região tem presenciado diversas atividades. Destacam-se a extração de pau-brasil, a caça das baleias jubarte, e a exportação de café, madeira, cacau e coco através da Estrada de Ferro Bahia-Minas. Verifica-se também a propagação de instituições ambientalistas e do monocultivo de eucalipto, bem como a presença do turismo de mergulho e observação de baleias, da pesca artesanal e da mariscagem. Objetivando entender os conflitos ambientais em torno das práticas de conservação e de projetos de desenvolvimento no município de Caravelas e no ParNaM dos Abrolhos, esta pesquisa se utilizou da abordagem construtivista da sociologia ambiental e dos estudos de conflitos ambientais articulados com as percepções sociais, resultando na categoria analítica dos pacotes perceptivos. Foram realizadas 45 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 46 interlocutores pertencentes aos distintos grupos sociais envolvidos com o uso do espaço local (ambientalistas, pescadores, poder público local, ribeirinhos, setor privado e setor turístico), observação participante, registro fotográfico e pesquisa documental entre março e maio de 2008. A análise da degravação das entrevistas revelou a existência de um cenário polarizado por ambientalistas e parte do setor turístico de um lado, que constituiu o pacote do ecodesenvolvimento, e pelo poder público, grandes empresas (porto da Aracruz Celulose e a carcinicultura da COOPEX) e parte do setor turístico de outro, o pacote do progresso. A disputa se dá pela utilização do espaço em questão através de uma lógica de desenvolvimento aliado a conservação ambiental resultando na implementação de uma Reserva Extrativista (Resex de Cassurubá) e na revitalização do ecoturismo, defendida pelo pólo dos ambientalistas, em oposição ao desenvolvimento como aumento de oferta de emprego e recolhimento de impostos através do estabelecimento de grandes empresas no município como a Aracruz e a COOPEX, defendido pelo poder público local. Quanto às populações locais, os ribeirinhos e os pescadores, verificou-se que a sua maioria não era favorável a atividades que colocariam em risco o manguezal e os recifes de corais, como a carcinicultura e a dragagem do canal para o porto, mas que sentiam a falta do estabelecimento de uma grande empresa que absorvesse a mão-de-obra deles, e muitos desconhecem ou apresentam incertezas quanto à Resex. Também foram apresentadas as diversas percepções acerca dos ecossistemas locais a partir dos distintos grupos sociais entrevistados. / This study has tried to learn the environmental conflict scene in the region of the city of Caravelas up to Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos (National Marine Park of Abrolhos), including its surroundings, in the South of Bahia, Brazil. The scope focused on this work has interdependent worldly endangered ecosystems − segments of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, mangroves and coral reefs – in which there is a high level of endemism of species, and it is also the main breeding ground of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeagliae). This region has historically experienced a variety of activities, such as pau-brasil extraction, the whaling of Humpback Whale; and coffee, wood, cocoa and coconut exports through the Bahia-Minas railway. There has also been a growing number of environmentalist institutions, eucalyptus monoculture, diving tourism, whale watching, artisanal fishing and shellfish gathering. The goal of this study was to understand the environmental conflicts concerning conservation measures and development projects in the city of Caravelas and in ParNaM dos Abrolhos. This research has used the constructionist approach from environmental sociology and environmental conflicts studies associated with social perceptions, which resulted in the analytical concept of perceptive packages. Forty-five not-strictly-planned interviews were conducted with 46 interviewees that belonged to the different social groups involved in the using of the area. They were environmentalists, fishermen, local civil power representatives, riparian inhabitants, private business representatives and tourism business representatives. There was also participative observation, photographic documentation and documental research between March and May of 2008. The analysis of the interviews transcription revealed the existence of a scenery divided in two conflictive groups: the environmentalists and part of the touristic sector that comprises the package of ecodevelopment (sustainable development) on one side, and the public power, big companies (Aracruz Celulose Harbour and shrimp farming of COOPEX) and the other part of the touristic sector on the other side, the package of progress. The two parties contest for the use of the area. The environmentalists stand for the idea of development along with environmental conservation through the implementation of the Extractive Reserve of Cassurubá (Resex de Cassurubá) and the improvement of ecotourism. On the other hand, the local public power is in favor of development as a way to increase the number of job opportunities and tax collection due to the establishment of big companies, like Aracruz and COOPEX, in the city. Concerning local people, riparian inhabitants and fishermen, it was found that their majority were not in favor of activities that would be risky for the mangroves and the coral reefs such as the shrimp farming and the dredging of the channel to the harbour. However, they lacked for the establishing of a big company that could use their work force. Besides, many were unaware or uncertain about Resex. It was also presented distinct perceptions of local ecosystems from different social groups interviewed.

The public management of environmental impact assessments in South Africa.

Duggan, Andrea Susan. January 1999 (has links)
The thesis explores the nature of public management of environmental impact assessments in South Africa. As concern for the environment and for the attainment of sustainable development has grown globally, so too has the adoption of environmental management systems in line with this goal. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is regarded by many, as being an effective tool that, when used within and supported by these management systems, will advance the attainment of sustainable development. While the environmental impact assessment is an important tool, experience with it illustrates how its effectiveness is constrained by a number of factors. These range from shortcomings with the technical design of the procedure to shortcomings of an institutional nature. Research has shown that the technical soundness of design will be of little consequence to the effectiveness of the procedure if the political structures and decision-making processes are not taken into account. The technical constraints on EIA do not reflect a weakness of science rather they reflect the reality that environmental impact assessment has evolved as an ongoing political process within development planning. These issues will be explored in this thesis with particular reference to experience with the implementation of EIA in the United States under the National Environmental Protection Act of 1969. The issue of public management is considered by looking at South Africa's environmental management strategy in the Environmental Conservation Act 73 of 1989, and the provisions in the Constitution that directly impact on the three spheres of government's responsibilities towards the environment are highlighted. A case study ofthe provinces of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal is also undertaken in an endeavour to illustrate the 'practical reality' versus the 'procedural ideal' of policy implementation. Provinces are constrained in their ability to effectively implement EIAs by financial and capacity constraints. The manner in which these two provinces have attempted to overcome these constraints in order to implement EIAs will be considered in this thesis. As research undertaken has shown and in conclusions drawn in this thesis, EIAs can be considered an important tool in the world move to sustainable development. But the are simply a tool and cannot be expected to operate in isolation if they are to be effective. They need to be supported by strong national policy, co-operative governance and the necessary budget allocation if they are to operate in the manner they were designed to and if they are to achieve sustainable development. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

Conflitos em áreas de conservação ambiental : o caso de Caravelas e do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, Bahia

Nogueira, Fernanda Silveira de January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou compreender um cenário de conflito ambiental na região do município de Caravelas e do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, incluindo seu entorno, no sul da Bahia, Brasil. Trata-se de uma área que abrange ecossistemas mundialmente ameaçados e interdependentes (fragmentos de Mata Atlântica, manguezais e recifes de corais) onde ocorre elevado grau de endemismo de espécies, e se localiza a principal área de reprodução da baleia jubarte (Megaptera novaeagliae). Historicamente, esta região tem presenciado diversas atividades. Destacam-se a extração de pau-brasil, a caça das baleias jubarte, e a exportação de café, madeira, cacau e coco através da Estrada de Ferro Bahia-Minas. Verifica-se também a propagação de instituições ambientalistas e do monocultivo de eucalipto, bem como a presença do turismo de mergulho e observação de baleias, da pesca artesanal e da mariscagem. Objetivando entender os conflitos ambientais em torno das práticas de conservação e de projetos de desenvolvimento no município de Caravelas e no ParNaM dos Abrolhos, esta pesquisa se utilizou da abordagem construtivista da sociologia ambiental e dos estudos de conflitos ambientais articulados com as percepções sociais, resultando na categoria analítica dos pacotes perceptivos. Foram realizadas 45 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 46 interlocutores pertencentes aos distintos grupos sociais envolvidos com o uso do espaço local (ambientalistas, pescadores, poder público local, ribeirinhos, setor privado e setor turístico), observação participante, registro fotográfico e pesquisa documental entre março e maio de 2008. A análise da degravação das entrevistas revelou a existência de um cenário polarizado por ambientalistas e parte do setor turístico de um lado, que constituiu o pacote do ecodesenvolvimento, e pelo poder público, grandes empresas (porto da Aracruz Celulose e a carcinicultura da COOPEX) e parte do setor turístico de outro, o pacote do progresso. A disputa se dá pela utilização do espaço em questão através de uma lógica de desenvolvimento aliado a conservação ambiental resultando na implementação de uma Reserva Extrativista (Resex de Cassurubá) e na revitalização do ecoturismo, defendida pelo pólo dos ambientalistas, em oposição ao desenvolvimento como aumento de oferta de emprego e recolhimento de impostos através do estabelecimento de grandes empresas no município como a Aracruz e a COOPEX, defendido pelo poder público local. Quanto às populações locais, os ribeirinhos e os pescadores, verificou-se que a sua maioria não era favorável a atividades que colocariam em risco o manguezal e os recifes de corais, como a carcinicultura e a dragagem do canal para o porto, mas que sentiam a falta do estabelecimento de uma grande empresa que absorvesse a mão-de-obra deles, e muitos desconhecem ou apresentam incertezas quanto à Resex. Também foram apresentadas as diversas percepções acerca dos ecossistemas locais a partir dos distintos grupos sociais entrevistados. / This study has tried to learn the environmental conflict scene in the region of the city of Caravelas up to Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos (National Marine Park of Abrolhos), including its surroundings, in the South of Bahia, Brazil. The scope focused on this work has interdependent worldly endangered ecosystems − segments of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, mangroves and coral reefs – in which there is a high level of endemism of species, and it is also the main breeding ground of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeagliae). This region has historically experienced a variety of activities, such as pau-brasil extraction, the whaling of Humpback Whale; and coffee, wood, cocoa and coconut exports through the Bahia-Minas railway. There has also been a growing number of environmentalist institutions, eucalyptus monoculture, diving tourism, whale watching, artisanal fishing and shellfish gathering. The goal of this study was to understand the environmental conflicts concerning conservation measures and development projects in the city of Caravelas and in ParNaM dos Abrolhos. This research has used the constructionist approach from environmental sociology and environmental conflicts studies associated with social perceptions, which resulted in the analytical concept of perceptive packages. Forty-five not-strictly-planned interviews were conducted with 46 interviewees that belonged to the different social groups involved in the using of the area. They were environmentalists, fishermen, local civil power representatives, riparian inhabitants, private business representatives and tourism business representatives. There was also participative observation, photographic documentation and documental research between March and May of 2008. The analysis of the interviews transcription revealed the existence of a scenery divided in two conflictive groups: the environmentalists and part of the touristic sector that comprises the package of ecodevelopment (sustainable development) on one side, and the public power, big companies (Aracruz Celulose Harbour and shrimp farming of COOPEX) and the other part of the touristic sector on the other side, the package of progress. The two parties contest for the use of the area. The environmentalists stand for the idea of development along with environmental conservation through the implementation of the Extractive Reserve of Cassurubá (Resex de Cassurubá) and the improvement of ecotourism. On the other hand, the local public power is in favor of development as a way to increase the number of job opportunities and tax collection due to the establishment of big companies, like Aracruz and COOPEX, in the city. Concerning local people, riparian inhabitants and fishermen, it was found that their majority were not in favor of activities that would be risky for the mangroves and the coral reefs such as the shrimp farming and the dredging of the channel to the harbour. However, they lacked for the establishing of a big company that could use their work force. Besides, many were unaware or uncertain about Resex. It was also presented distinct perceptions of local ecosystems from different social groups interviewed.

Conflitos em áreas de conservação ambiental : o caso de Caravelas e do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, Bahia

Nogueira, Fernanda Silveira de January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou compreender um cenário de conflito ambiental na região do município de Caravelas e do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, incluindo seu entorno, no sul da Bahia, Brasil. Trata-se de uma área que abrange ecossistemas mundialmente ameaçados e interdependentes (fragmentos de Mata Atlântica, manguezais e recifes de corais) onde ocorre elevado grau de endemismo de espécies, e se localiza a principal área de reprodução da baleia jubarte (Megaptera novaeagliae). Historicamente, esta região tem presenciado diversas atividades. Destacam-se a extração de pau-brasil, a caça das baleias jubarte, e a exportação de café, madeira, cacau e coco através da Estrada de Ferro Bahia-Minas. Verifica-se também a propagação de instituições ambientalistas e do monocultivo de eucalipto, bem como a presença do turismo de mergulho e observação de baleias, da pesca artesanal e da mariscagem. Objetivando entender os conflitos ambientais em torno das práticas de conservação e de projetos de desenvolvimento no município de Caravelas e no ParNaM dos Abrolhos, esta pesquisa se utilizou da abordagem construtivista da sociologia ambiental e dos estudos de conflitos ambientais articulados com as percepções sociais, resultando na categoria analítica dos pacotes perceptivos. Foram realizadas 45 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 46 interlocutores pertencentes aos distintos grupos sociais envolvidos com o uso do espaço local (ambientalistas, pescadores, poder público local, ribeirinhos, setor privado e setor turístico), observação participante, registro fotográfico e pesquisa documental entre março e maio de 2008. A análise da degravação das entrevistas revelou a existência de um cenário polarizado por ambientalistas e parte do setor turístico de um lado, que constituiu o pacote do ecodesenvolvimento, e pelo poder público, grandes empresas (porto da Aracruz Celulose e a carcinicultura da COOPEX) e parte do setor turístico de outro, o pacote do progresso. A disputa se dá pela utilização do espaço em questão através de uma lógica de desenvolvimento aliado a conservação ambiental resultando na implementação de uma Reserva Extrativista (Resex de Cassurubá) e na revitalização do ecoturismo, defendida pelo pólo dos ambientalistas, em oposição ao desenvolvimento como aumento de oferta de emprego e recolhimento de impostos através do estabelecimento de grandes empresas no município como a Aracruz e a COOPEX, defendido pelo poder público local. Quanto às populações locais, os ribeirinhos e os pescadores, verificou-se que a sua maioria não era favorável a atividades que colocariam em risco o manguezal e os recifes de corais, como a carcinicultura e a dragagem do canal para o porto, mas que sentiam a falta do estabelecimento de uma grande empresa que absorvesse a mão-de-obra deles, e muitos desconhecem ou apresentam incertezas quanto à Resex. Também foram apresentadas as diversas percepções acerca dos ecossistemas locais a partir dos distintos grupos sociais entrevistados. / This study has tried to learn the environmental conflict scene in the region of the city of Caravelas up to Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos (National Marine Park of Abrolhos), including its surroundings, in the South of Bahia, Brazil. The scope focused on this work has interdependent worldly endangered ecosystems − segments of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, mangroves and coral reefs – in which there is a high level of endemism of species, and it is also the main breeding ground of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeagliae). This region has historically experienced a variety of activities, such as pau-brasil extraction, the whaling of Humpback Whale; and coffee, wood, cocoa and coconut exports through the Bahia-Minas railway. There has also been a growing number of environmentalist institutions, eucalyptus monoculture, diving tourism, whale watching, artisanal fishing and shellfish gathering. The goal of this study was to understand the environmental conflicts concerning conservation measures and development projects in the city of Caravelas and in ParNaM dos Abrolhos. This research has used the constructionist approach from environmental sociology and environmental conflicts studies associated with social perceptions, which resulted in the analytical concept of perceptive packages. Forty-five not-strictly-planned interviews were conducted with 46 interviewees that belonged to the different social groups involved in the using of the area. They were environmentalists, fishermen, local civil power representatives, riparian inhabitants, private business representatives and tourism business representatives. There was also participative observation, photographic documentation and documental research between March and May of 2008. The analysis of the interviews transcription revealed the existence of a scenery divided in two conflictive groups: the environmentalists and part of the touristic sector that comprises the package of ecodevelopment (sustainable development) on one side, and the public power, big companies (Aracruz Celulose Harbour and shrimp farming of COOPEX) and the other part of the touristic sector on the other side, the package of progress. The two parties contest for the use of the area. The environmentalists stand for the idea of development along with environmental conservation through the implementation of the Extractive Reserve of Cassurubá (Resex de Cassurubá) and the improvement of ecotourism. On the other hand, the local public power is in favor of development as a way to increase the number of job opportunities and tax collection due to the establishment of big companies, like Aracruz and COOPEX, in the city. Concerning local people, riparian inhabitants and fishermen, it was found that their majority were not in favor of activities that would be risky for the mangroves and the coral reefs such as the shrimp farming and the dredging of the channel to the harbour. However, they lacked for the establishing of a big company that could use their work force. Besides, many were unaware or uncertain about Resex. It was also presented distinct perceptions of local ecosystems from different social groups interviewed.

An evaluation of the development of environmental legislation governing environmental impact assessments and integrated environmental management in South Africa

Arendse, Clarice January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

An evaluation of the development of environmental legislation governing environmental impact assessments and integrated environmental management in South Africa

Arendse, Clarice January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This study provides an overview of the development of environmental assessment legislation in South Africa since the advent of democracy and critically assesses whether an effective regulatory system is in place. Where necessary and appropriate, the study may include aspects of foreign and international law. This study also aims to provide an overview of the law as it stands by highlighting both the good and bad elements of the law in relation to EIAs and IEMs. It is furthermore aimed at exposing potential grey areas in the law and proposing possible recommendations for improvement

Capacidade de visitação : ensaio metodologico para trilhas em unidade de conservação / Capacity of Visitation: Practice Methodological for Tracks in Protected Areas

Britto, Pedro Dultra 23 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Rosely Ferreira dos Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T16:46:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Britto_PedroDultra_M.pdf: 4022364 bytes, checksum: a2a36ac1c1293d260a305103591dd335 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Estudos sobre capacidade de visitação são necessários para o planejamento e gestão da visitação pública em Unidades de Conservação. O uso destas áreas naturais para visitação pode acarretar impactos indesejados, e o equipamento mais comum utilizado nesta atividade é também o que mais fragiliza o meio conservado: a trilha. As metodologias disponíveis atualmente, e utilizadas para este tipo de avaliação em trilhas de UCs brasileiras, são, normalmente, estrangeiras e extemporâneas. Considerando que isto pode ser uma inadequação para as características bastante diversificadas das UCs brasileiras, quais critérios são válidos para a escolha de uma, ou várias, metodologias de avaliação desta capacidade ou dos impactos advindos da visitação pública? Este estudo aborda várias metodologias, notadamente as três mais utilizadas, sob a perspectiva de uma trilha brasileira que possui intensa visitação pública: A Trilha do Castelinho, localizada no Jardim Botânico de São Paulo, dentro do Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga. Ele também pretende estruturar, a partir da abrangência destas três metodologias, a formulação de uma nova, híbrida, que responda satisfatoriamente a uma realidade brasileira / Abstract: Studies about carrying capacity are necessary for the planning and management for visitor in environment Conservation Areas. Visitor in these areas can cause undesirable impact, and the main apparatus in this activity is the most fragile in the Conservation Area: tracks. The methods available to evaluate this impact in Brazilian Conservation Areas are normally foreign considering that this might be inadequate for the diversity of the Brazilian Conservation Areas, which criterions are valid in the choice of one or more evaluate methods in carrying capacity or visitor? This study analyzes three different methods that are the most used in one tracks that has visitor: The "Trilha do Castelinho" in the São Paulo Botanic Garden , in Fontes do Ipiranga State Park . This study also intend to develop a new method, from these three that correspond to the Brazilian reality / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

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