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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direito à informação e ao consumo sustentável / Right to information and to sustainable consumption

Pfeiffer, Maria da Conceição Maranhão 30 May 2011 (has links)
As informações acerca da performance e impacto socioambientais do fornecedor e do produto são necessárias para o exercício do consumo de forma sustentável. O conhecimento dos impactos socioambientais advindos da produção, uso e pós-consumo é requisito para a livre escolha dos consumidores por produtos que apresentem impactos socioambientais positivos em qualquer dessas fases de seu ciclo de vida. Um dos instrumentos para o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável é possibilitar o consumo de produtos que utilizem menos recursos finitos da natureza e que tragam melhorias sociais como suas consequências. No Brasil, o fundamento para a inclusão dos dados socioambientais do produto nas informações veiculadas ao consumidor está presente no ordenamento jurídico, na garantia de acesso à informação e no direito à preservação do meio ambiente, ambos inseridos no rol dos direitos constitucionais fundamentais, ao lado do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, bem como em preceitos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e da legislação ambiental. A função social da empresa decorrente do princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade também justifica o dever de veiculação dos dados referentes ao impacto socioambiental de seus produtos e acerca do comportamento socioambiental da empresa. A veiculação desses dados beneficia a concorrência, acarretando o aperfeiçoamento dos próprios meios de produção para atrair os consumidores que optam por produtos sustentáveis. Os deveres de clareza e veracidade, decorrentes do princípio da boa-fé objetiva previstos no CC e CDC, necessitam ser observados na veiculação dessas informações para evitar a maquiagem socioambiental, que é a divulgação da falsa imagem de preocupação socioambiental ao produto. A essencialidade ou utilidade das informações é o parâmetro para sua veiculação sob o risco de ocorrer seu excesso, que impede a correta compreensão de todos os dados apresentados. Até os riscos de impactos socioambientais ainda não comprovados cabem ser informados em atenção ao princípio da precaução. O repasse dessas informações pode e deve ocorrer por todos os meios de comunicação utilizados para a divulgação dos produtos, ressaltando-se o papel da rotulagem. / The information concerning the social-environmental impact of the product and the of the producers performance are necessary for the exercise of the sustainable consumption. The knowledge of the social-environmental impacts of the life cycle impact of the product is a requisite for the free choice of the consumers for products that present positive social-environmental impacts in any of these phases of its cycle of life. One of the instruments for the reach of the sustainable development is to make possible the consumption of products that use less finite resources of the nature and that they bring social improvements as its consequences. In Brazil, is possible to conclude that the legal system establishes the inclusion of the social-environmental data of the product in the information propagated to the consumer. Brazilian Constitution imposes the guarantee of access to the information, the consumer protection and the right of the preservation of the environment, as well as the dignity of the person human being. The social function of the companies, based in the constitutional principle of the social function of the property also justifies the duty of propagation of the referring data to the social-environmental impact of its products and concerning the social-environmental behavior of the company. In the legislative basis, there are strong rules concerning information in the Code of Defense of the Consumer and the environmental legislation. The propagation of these data benefits to the competition, creating incentives to the companies improving the means of production to attract the consumers that opt to sustainable products. The duties of clarity and veracity, attached with the good-faith principle established by Civil Code and Consumer Defense Code, need to be observed in the propagation of this information to prevent the greenwashing, that it is the propagation of the false image of social-environmental concern to the product. The essentiality or utility of the information is the parameter for its propagation under the risk to occur its excess, which hinders the correct understanding of all the presented data. Until the risks of social-environmental impacts not yet proven, they fit to be informed in attention to the Precautionary Principle. The view of this information can and must occur by all means of communication used for the spreading of the products, standing out itself the paper of the labeling.

Metodologias utilizadas na avaliação do impacto ambiental para liberação comercial do plantio de transgênicos: uma contribuição ao estado da arte no Brasil / Methodologies used in environmental impact assessment for the commercial release of GM crop: a contribution to the state of the art in Brazil

Marcelo Finucci 14 September 2010 (has links)
Os Organismos Geneticamente Modificados (OGM) surgiram há poucos anos e estão sendo discutidos por toda a comunidade científica por ter implicações ambientais e na saúde pública. Por ser um tema vasto, foi estudado apenas a liberação para o plantio comercial dos OGM, mostrando suas vantagens e desvantagens. Neste trabalho são apresentados vários dados das plantações comerciais dos OGM no Brasil e no restante do mundo, mostrando o aumento do uso destes organismos na agricultura mundial. Esta dissertação apresenta um breve histórico da liberação para o plantio comercial dos OGM no Brasil e os seus aspectos legais. Foram pesquisados os aspectos legais para essa liberação, levando em conta a necessidade de ser feito o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), que é um instrumento de aplicação do Princípio da Precaução existente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, do qual a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) é uma de suas ferramentas. Nesse contexto foi estudada a legislação brasileira sobre o meio ambiente e sobre os OGM. Para se decidir quais são os melhores métodos de AIA, para liberação comercial do plantio dos OGM, de acordo com as exigências legais, foi feita uma pesquisa revisando esses métodos. Foi verificado para cada Método se ele apresenta características de identificar satisfatoriamente os impactos ambientais em relação aos seus efeitos, espaço e tempo. Sabendo-se quais as exigências de avaliação de impacto necessárias para a liberação do plantio dos OGM foi possível identificar as metodologias de AIA mais indicadas para o caso. Concluiu-se que os métodos mais indicados para a liberação comercial do plantio dos OGM são a Matriz de Interação e o AMBITEC-AGRO / Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) have only recently appeared and are being discussed by all of the scientific community for having environmental and public health implications. By being a vast subject, only the release for the commercial plantation of the OGM was studied, showing its advantages and disadvantages. In the following work, data of GMO commercial plantations in both Brazil and globally are presented, showing an increase of the use of these organisms in world-wide agriculture. Also included is a brief historical account of the approval and release of GMOs for commercial plantation in Brazil. It was taking in account the necessity of conducting the Environmental Impact Study (EIA), a component of the Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA) that is an instrument of the application of the Precaution Principal in the Brazilian legal system. Additionally, Brazilian environmental regulations and regulations pertaining to GMOs was studied. An analysis of the best methods of AIA legally required for commercial authorization of planting GMOs was performed. Each method was verified if it met satisfactory characteristic identifying the environmental impacts concerning to its effect, time, and space. It was possible to determine the best AIA methodology for this case by matching the necessary requirements for evaluating the impact of authorizing the planting of GMOs. It was concluded that the Interaction Matrix and the AMBITEC-AGRO are the best methods for the commercial authorization of planting GMOs

Distribuição elementar e de radionuclídeos na produção e uso de fertilizantes fosfatados no Brasil / Elemental and radionuclides distribution in the production and use of phosphate fertilizers in Brazil

Cátia Heloisa Rosignoli Saueia 01 September 2006 (has links)
O fertilizante é considerado um componente essencial para a agricultura, pois sua utilização aumenta e repõe os nutrientes naturais do solo, perdidos por desgaste ou erosão. No processo de obtenção dos fertilizantes fosfatados, o concentrado de rocha reage com ácido sulfúrico concentrado produzindo ácido fosfórico e sulfato de cálcio (fosfogesso), como subproduto. O ácido fosfórico é utilizado para a produção do superfosfato triplo (TSP), superfosfato simples (SSP), monoamônio fosfato (MAP) e diamônio fosfato (DAP). A rocha fosfatada usada como matéria prima apresenta em sua composição radionuclídeos das séries naturais do urânio e tório. Durante o ataque químico do concentrado de rocha, as espécies presentes na reação, estáveis e radioativas, são redistribuídas entre o ácido fosfórico (matéria prima dos fertilizantes), e o fosfogesso, de acordo com sua solubilidade e características químicas. Enquanto os fertilizantes são comercializados, o fosfogesso fica estocado em pilhas podendo impactar o meio ambiente. Com a finalidade de entender a distribuição dos elementos e dos radionuclídeos no processo industrial de produção de fertilizantes fosfatados, foram analisadas amostras de concentrado de rocha, de fertilizantes (SSP, TSP, MAP e DAP) e fosfogesso de três procedências nacionais denominadas indústrias A, B e C. A técnica utilizada para a análise elementar foi a análise por ativação com nêutrons, que permitiu analisar os elementos Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Na, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn e Zr, e as terras raras, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb e Lu. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que em geral, as terras raras se distribuem de forma homogênea em todos os fertilizantes e no fosfogesso, exceto o Lu. Os fertilizantes SSP e TSP apresentaram concentrações de todos os elementos analisados da mesma ordem de grandeza da rocha de origem. O mesmo comportamento foi observado nos fertilizantes MAP e DAP, exceto para os elementos Co, Sc e U. Os elementos pertencentes à série radioativa natural do urânio (238U, 234U, 230Th, 226Ra e 210Pb), do tório (232Th, 228Ra e 228Th) e o K-40, foram determinados por meio da espectrometria gama e alfa. As amostras de fertilizantes MAP e DAP, que são diretamente derivadas do ácido fosfórico, apresentaram baixa concentração para o 226Ra, 228Ra e 210Pb, enquanto que para o U e Th as concentrações encontradas foram da mesma ordem de grandeza da rocha de origem. Os fertilizantes SSP e TSP, que são obtidos pela mistura de ácido fosfórico com concentrado de rocha, apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas para os radionuclídeos das séries naturais. Avaliou-se a exposição devido a sucessivas aplicações de fertilizantes e fosfogesso, calculando-se a dose interna devida à aplicação por 10, 50 e 100 anos. Os valores encontrados estão abaixo do limite de 2,4 mSv a-1, mostrando que esta prática é negligenciável. / Fertilizer is considered an essential component for agriculture, because its use increases the natural soil nutrients, which are lost slow waste or erosion. The Brazilian phosphate fertilizer is obtained by wet reaction of igneous phosphate rock with concentrated sulphuric acid, giving as final product, phosphoric acid and dihydrated calcium sulphate (phosphogypsum) as by-product. Phosphoric acid is the starting material for triple superphosphate (TSP), single superphosphate (SSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP). The phosphate rock used as raw material presents in its composition, radionuclides of the U and Th natural series in. During the chemical attack of the phosphate rock, this equilibrium is disrupted and the radionuclides and the elements migrate to intermediate, final products and by-products, according to their solubility and chemical properties. While the fertilizers are commercialized, the phosphogypsum is disposed in stack piles and can cause an impact in the environment. In order to evaluate the radionuclides and the elements distribution in the industrial process of phosphate fertilizer production, samples of concentrated rock, fertilizers (SSP, TSP, MAP and DAP) and phosphogypsum from three national industries (A, B and C), were analyzed. The characterization of the elements Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Na, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn and Zr, and the rare earths La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu, were performed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results obtained showed that, in general, the rare earth elements are distributed uniformly in the fertilizers and phosphogypsum, except for Lu. The elemental concentration present in the fertilizers SSP and TSP are of the same order of magnitude of the source rock. The same behavior was observed in the fertilizers MAP and DAP, except for the elements Co, Sc and U. The radionuclides of the U series (238U, 234U, 230Th, 226Ra, 210Pb) and of the Th series (232Th, 228Ra, 228Th) and 40K were determined by gamma and alpha spectrometry. The fertilizers samples, with are derived directly from phosphoric acid, MAP and DAP, presented in their composition low activity concentrations for 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb. For U and Th, the concentrations founded in MAP and DAP are more significant, similar to the source rock. SSP and TSP fertilizers, which are obtained by mixing phosphoric acid with different amounts of phosphate rock, presented higher concentrations of all radionuclides of the natural series. Long-term exposure due to successive fertilizer and phosphogypsum application was evaluated. Internal doses due to the application of phosphate fertilizer and phosphogypsum for 10, 50 and 100 years were below 2.4 mSv y-1, showing that the radiological impact of such practice is negligible.

Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique / Reduction and treatment techniques of pollutants in thermal machine

Alkadee, Dareen 10 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, a consisté, dans une première partie, à introduire d’une part, la notion de l’analyse du cycle de vie « ACV » et celle des biocarburants. D’autre part, à présenter l’intérêt d’appliquer une ACV sur des biocarburants afin de valoriser leurs bilans énergétiques et analyser leurs impacts environnementaux face aux carburants conventionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons comparé, d’un point de vue énergétique et environnemental, 3 scénarios de production d’électricité : 2 scénarios de cogénération (turbine à vapeur et ORC) pour la production d’énergie électrique et thermique à partir de biomasse, et un scénario de cogénération par moteur diesel. Ces scénarios sont comparés à l’aide de deux méthodes orientées « analyse des dommages »: Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et IMPACT2002+Dans une troisième partie, on a abordé la valorisation du biogaz sous forme de carburant dans des moteurs "dual fuel" pour des engins agricoles dans le but de déterminer l’impact environnemental lié à l’utilisation de ce carburant alternatif au diesel par rapport aux autres biocarburants. Les méthodes Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et CML ont été utilisées ici. On a pu ainsi identifier les principaux polluants générés à chaque étape du cycle de vie de l’agrocarburant et les étapes qui ont les plus grands impacts environnementaux et on a identifié, selon nos critères et par rapport au contexte, le scénario énergétique le plus compatible avec le principe de développement durable. / This thesis has consisted in a first part to introduce, on one hand, the concept of each of: lifecycle assessment "LCA" and biofuels, on the other hand, to present the benefits of applying aLCA on biofuels to evaluate their energy balances and to analyze their environmental impactsagainst conventional fuels.In a second part, we compared, from point of view energetic and environmental, 3 scenariosof electricity production: 2 scenarios of cogeneration (steam turbine and ORC) for theproduction of electrical energy and of heat from biomass, and a scenario of cogeneration by adiesel engine, these scenarios have been compared using two damage-oriented analysismethods: Eco-indicator 99 (E) and IMPACT2002 +In a third part, we worked on the evaluation of methane as fuel in "dual fuel" engines foragricultural purpose, the aim was to determine the environmental impact associated with theuse of this alternative fuel for diesel compared to other biofuels. Methods Eco-indicator 99(E) and CML have been used here.We were able to identify the main pollutants generated at each stage of the life cycle ofbiofuel and the steps that have the greatest environmental impacts, and to identify, accordingto our criteria and to the context the energy scenario the most consistent with the principle ofsustainable development.

Environmental and socio-economic impact of hosting refugees : a case study of villages around the Dzaleka refugee camp in Dowa district, Malawi

Kavalo, Eddie Bright 11 1900 (has links)
The opening of the refugee camp in Dowa by the Malawi Government, with support from UNHCR meant that the population of that area was increased abruptly. This led to an increase in socio- economic activities resulting into high demand of energy, food and other amenities from the natural environment. The impact of the refugees on the host community and their relationship was central in this research. The main aim of the study was to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts for hosting refugees at the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection. A structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and key informant interviews were used to collect data and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 16.0. In total, 237 household heads and 6 key informants were interviewed. In addition, 4 focus group discussions were conducted. Qualitative data, collected through focus group discussions helped in explaining and understanding the results from the questionnaire. The most evident environmental impacts reported by respondents were: deforestation and firewood depletion; land degradation and water pollution. It is important to note that such environmental impacts can affect the long-term livelihood opportunities of both refugees and host population. The camp establishment has had socio-economic impacts regarded as positive by the majority of the respondents. Although most hosts still struggle to survive, the camp has created a larger market for generating income and better opportunities to provide basic needs such as food and water. The majority of host respondents use the refugee camp for providing livelihoods. Most respondents reported that refugees are regularly benefitting from privileged access to resources unavailable to the local host population. In this respect, refugees at Dzaleka were offered opportunities for education, literacy, vocational training, health and basic livelihood. The most reported negative social impacts are exposure to more conflicts and increased insecurity. Both of these impacts relate to the relationship between the host community and refugee population. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique / Reduction and treatment techniques of pollutants in thermal machine

Alkadee, Dareen 10 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, a consisté, dans une première partie, à introduire d’une part, la notion de l’analyse du cycle de vie « ACV » et celle des biocarburants. D’autre part, à présenter l’intérêt d’appliquer une ACV sur des biocarburants afin de valoriser leurs bilans énergétiques et analyser leurs impacts environnementaux face aux carburants conventionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons comparé, d’un point de vue énergétique et environnemental, 3 scénarios de production d’électricité : 2 scénarios de cogénération (turbine à vapeur et ORC) pour la production d’énergie électrique et thermique à partir de biomasse, et un scénario de cogénération par moteur diesel. Ces scénarios sont comparés à l’aide de deux méthodes orientées « analyse des dommages »: Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et IMPACT2002+Dans une troisième partie, on a abordé la valorisation du biogaz sous forme de carburant dans des moteurs "dual fuel" pour des engins agricoles dans le but de déterminer l’impact environnemental lié à l’utilisation de ce carburant alternatif au diesel par rapport aux autres biocarburants. Les méthodes Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et CML ont été utilisées ici. On a pu ainsi identifier les principaux polluants générés à chaque étape du cycle de vie de l’agrocarburant et les étapes qui ont les plus grands impacts environnementaux et on a identifié, selon nos critères et par rapport au contexte, le scénario énergétique le plus compatible avec le principe de développement durable. / This thesis has consisted in a first part to introduce, on one hand, the concept of each of: lifecycle assessment "LCA" and biofuels, on the other hand, to present the benefits of applying aLCA on biofuels to evaluate their energy balances and to analyze their environmental impactsagainst conventional fuels.In a second part, we compared, from point of view energetic and environmental, 3 scenariosof electricity production: 2 scenarios of cogeneration (steam turbine and ORC) for theproduction of electrical energy and of heat from biomass, and a scenario of cogeneration by adiesel engine, these scenarios have been compared using two damage-oriented analysismethods: Eco-indicator 99 (E) and IMPACT2002 +In a third part, we worked on the evaluation of methane as fuel in "dual fuel" engines foragricultural purpose, the aim was to determine the environmental impact associated with theuse of this alternative fuel for diesel compared to other biofuels. Methods Eco-indicator 99(E) and CML have been used here.We were able to identify the main pollutants generated at each stage of the life cycle ofbiofuel and the steps that have the greatest environmental impacts, and to identify, accordingto our criteria and to the context the energy scenario the most consistent with the principle ofsustainable development.

Direito à informação e ao consumo sustentável / Right to information and to sustainable consumption

Maria da Conceição Maranhão Pfeiffer 30 May 2011 (has links)
As informações acerca da performance e impacto socioambientais do fornecedor e do produto são necessárias para o exercício do consumo de forma sustentável. O conhecimento dos impactos socioambientais advindos da produção, uso e pós-consumo é requisito para a livre escolha dos consumidores por produtos que apresentem impactos socioambientais positivos em qualquer dessas fases de seu ciclo de vida. Um dos instrumentos para o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável é possibilitar o consumo de produtos que utilizem menos recursos finitos da natureza e que tragam melhorias sociais como suas consequências. No Brasil, o fundamento para a inclusão dos dados socioambientais do produto nas informações veiculadas ao consumidor está presente no ordenamento jurídico, na garantia de acesso à informação e no direito à preservação do meio ambiente, ambos inseridos no rol dos direitos constitucionais fundamentais, ao lado do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, bem como em preceitos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e da legislação ambiental. A função social da empresa decorrente do princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade também justifica o dever de veiculação dos dados referentes ao impacto socioambiental de seus produtos e acerca do comportamento socioambiental da empresa. A veiculação desses dados beneficia a concorrência, acarretando o aperfeiçoamento dos próprios meios de produção para atrair os consumidores que optam por produtos sustentáveis. Os deveres de clareza e veracidade, decorrentes do princípio da boa-fé objetiva previstos no CC e CDC, necessitam ser observados na veiculação dessas informações para evitar a maquiagem socioambiental, que é a divulgação da falsa imagem de preocupação socioambiental ao produto. A essencialidade ou utilidade das informações é o parâmetro para sua veiculação sob o risco de ocorrer seu excesso, que impede a correta compreensão de todos os dados apresentados. Até os riscos de impactos socioambientais ainda não comprovados cabem ser informados em atenção ao princípio da precaução. O repasse dessas informações pode e deve ocorrer por todos os meios de comunicação utilizados para a divulgação dos produtos, ressaltando-se o papel da rotulagem. / The information concerning the social-environmental impact of the product and the of the producers performance are necessary for the exercise of the sustainable consumption. The knowledge of the social-environmental impacts of the life cycle impact of the product is a requisite for the free choice of the consumers for products that present positive social-environmental impacts in any of these phases of its cycle of life. One of the instruments for the reach of the sustainable development is to make possible the consumption of products that use less finite resources of the nature and that they bring social improvements as its consequences. In Brazil, is possible to conclude that the legal system establishes the inclusion of the social-environmental data of the product in the information propagated to the consumer. Brazilian Constitution imposes the guarantee of access to the information, the consumer protection and the right of the preservation of the environment, as well as the dignity of the person human being. The social function of the companies, based in the constitutional principle of the social function of the property also justifies the duty of propagation of the referring data to the social-environmental impact of its products and concerning the social-environmental behavior of the company. In the legislative basis, there are strong rules concerning information in the Code of Defense of the Consumer and the environmental legislation. The propagation of these data benefits to the competition, creating incentives to the companies improving the means of production to attract the consumers that opt to sustainable products. The duties of clarity and veracity, attached with the good-faith principle established by Civil Code and Consumer Defense Code, need to be observed in the propagation of this information to prevent the greenwashing, that it is the propagation of the false image of social-environmental concern to the product. The essentiality or utility of the information is the parameter for its propagation under the risk to occur its excess, which hinders the correct understanding of all the presented data. Until the risks of social-environmental impacts not yet proven, they fit to be informed in attention to the Precautionary Principle. The view of this information can and must occur by all means of communication used for the spreading of the products, standing out itself the paper of the labeling.

Aplicação do Geoprocessamento no estudo integrado das áreas de preservação permanentes nos municípios de morrinhos e caldas novas (GO) / Study on Application of integrated geoprocessamneto areas permanent preservation and city of morrinhos, city of caldas novas (GO)

MARTINS, Renato Adriano 21 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T14:44:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Renato Adriano Martins.pdf: 1143566 bytes, checksum: 6ae2b8648f2828850889923cb3ecc34d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-21 / The process of settlement that has occurred in the field of Cerrado biome from the 1970, dueto the discovery of new technologies that permitted the change of soil acidity, combined with the intense investment and incentives granted by state and federal government, triggered a process of conversion of the original vegetation, which is being replaced very quickly by the practices of agriculture. At this juncture, the various vegetation types that comprise the original Cerrado vegetation was being impacted, among them, even the permanently protected by law, are being preserved as the Trails, springs, riparian vegetation, the tops of hills and rows of ridges, places of great importance for the maintenance faun-floristic and environmental stabilization. Therefore, the main object of study, this research is the Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) and environmental impacts that occur in them due to the occupation and land use. The APP's are vegetation types, features or places of the natural environment, which, because they have ig importance for the environmental balance is permanently protected and regulated by specific environmental legislation. Its importance is related to fluid balance, dissipation and attenuation of erosion, conservation of fauna and flora, serves as shelter and as ecological corridors that facilitate movement of animals, birds and insects of the islands of remaining forest. However, the research revealed that not either importance to the environmental balance, neither the environmental regulations, meant that these areas were constantly occupied and subjected to various forms of human interventions and impacts. Thus, we need better knowledge of these areas to seek mediated that effectively contributes to the preservation of these areas. In this sense, the research in question aimed to implement the GIS and its many tools in the quantification and identification of key environmental impacts that APP's suffering due to occupation and use of the Earth, focusing on spatial Municipalities of Morrinhos and Caldas Novas (GO). To achieve this, we used as instruments to review, field research, data from the SIG Ecological Economic Zoning Microregion Half Bridge; vectors Shp. drainage, roads and municipal boundaries, scale 1:100,000 georeferenced; satellite imagery - Landsat TM 2010 and Radar Image of Aster Gdem. The survey revealed that 12% of the study area should be allocated to permanent preservation. The Coverage Map Land Use and showed the following use classes: pasture (50.17%) bare soil (9.07%) dense cerrado (12.70%) growing area (11.73%) closed drain (13, 43%) water bodies (1.39%) Center Pivot (1.51%). The indiscriminate use, without proper planning has caused severe impacts on APP's. As a result makes it necessary to review the process of being subjected to occupation of these areas, seeking its preservation and to guard them so that they fulfill their important role in environmental protection. / O processo de ocupação que vem ocorrendo no domínio do bioma Cerrado a partir da década de 1970, em decorrência da descoberta de novas tecnologias que possibilitou a alteração da acidez do solo, somado aos intensos investimentos e incentivos concedidos pelo poder público estadual e federal, desencadeou um processo de conversão da vegetação original, que vem sendo substituída, de forma muito rápida, pelas práticas da agropecuária. Nessa conjuntura, as várias fitofisionomias que compõem a vegetação original do Cerrado foi sendo antropizada, dentre as quais, nem mesmo as protegidas permanentemente por lei, estão sendo conservadas, como as Veredas, as nascentes, as vegetações ripárias, os topos de morros e as linhas de cumeadas, lugares de grande importância para a manutenção fauno-florísticas e para a estabilização ambiental. Assim sendo, o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa são as Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APP s) e os impactos ambientais nelas ocorrentes em decorrência da ocupação e uso da terra. As APP s são fitofisionomias, feições ou lugares do meio natural, que, por possuírem grande importância para o equilíbrio ambiental são regulamentadas e protegidas permanentemente por legislação ambiental específica. Sua importância está relacionada ao equilíbrio hídrico, dissipação e atenuação de erosão, preservação de espécies da fauna e da flora, serve como abrigo e como corredores ecológicos que facilitam a circulação de animais, aves e insetos pelas ilhas de remanescentes florestais. Todavia, a pesquisa em revelou que nem a importância para o equilíbrio ambiental, nem a legislação ambiental vigente, impediu que essas áreas fossem constantemente ocupadas e submetidas as mais diversas formas de intervenções antrópicas e impactos decorrentes. Assim, é preciso melhor conhecer essas áreas para se buscar mediadas que efetivamente contribua para a preservação dessas áreas. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa em questão objetivou aplicar o geoprocessamento no processo de quantificação e identificação dos principais impactos ambientais que as APP s sofrem em decorrência da ocupação e do uso da terra, tendo como recorte espacial os municípios de Morrinhos e Caldas Novas (GO). Para alcançar tal objetivo, utilizou-se como procedimentos metodológicos a revisão bibliográfica; a pesquisa de campo; dados SIG s provenientes do Zoneamento Econômico Ecológico da Microregião Meia Ponte; vetores Shp. de drenagem, malha viária e limites municipais, escala 1:100,000 georreferenciados; imagem de satélite LANDSAT TM de 2010 e imagem do Radar Aster Gdem. A pesquisa revelou que 12% da área estudo deve ser destinada à preservação permanente. O Mapa de Cobertura e Uso da Terra evidenciou as seguintes classes de uso: pastagem (50,17%) solo exposto (9,07%) cerrado denso (12,70%) Área cultivada (11,73%) cerrado ralo (13,43%) corpos d água (1,39%) Pivô Central (1,51%). O uso indiscriminado, sem o devido planejamento tem provocado graves impactos nas APP s. Em decorrência disso faz necessário rever o processo de ocupação que sendo submetida essas áreas, buscando sua preservação e resguardá-las para que as mesmas cumpram seu importante papel de proteção ambiental.

Combiner Analyse du Cycle de Vie et modèles économiques pour l’évaluation ex-ante d’instruments de politiques publiques – Application au secteur laitier français / Combining Life Cycle Assessment and economic modelling for ex-ante assessment of public policies instruments – Application to French dairy production.

Salou, Thibault 02 February 2017 (has links)
L’Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV) est une méthode d’évaluation multicritère des impacts environnementaux des biens et services. A ces débuts, l’ACV, dite Attributionnelle (ACVA), s’est attachée à analyser les impacts environnementaux dans des situations statiques pour la réalisation d’études comparatives, la communication environnementale et le développement de produits. De récents développements méthodologiques ont vu l’émergence de l’ACV Conséquentielle (ACVC) qui vise à quantifier les impacts directs et indirects de changements, via les mécanismes de marchés, permettant ainsi l’évaluation de politiques publiques. Cette thèse vise à proposer un cadre méthodologique pour l’évaluation d’instruments de politiques publiques dans le secteur de l’élevage laitier en combinant ACV et modèles économiquesElle s’articule autour de trois axes : i) identification et caractérisation des performances environnementale de technologies de production laitières par ACVA ; ii) adaptation du modèle économique MATSIM-LUCA pour les besoins de la thèse ; iii) évaluation par ACVC des impacts environnementaux de la suppression des quotas laitiers et de l’introduction d’une prime à l’herbe en Europe. Les travaux réalisés fournissent : i) une première proposition méthodologique pour l’évaluation d’instruments de politiques publiques par ACVC dans le secteur de l’élevage et ii) plusieurs pistes d’amélioration nécessaires pour rendre la méthode opérationnelle pour les décideurs publics. / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a multicriteria method to assess environmental impacts of goods and services. In its early stages, LCA, known as Attributional (ALCA), was used to assess environmental impacts in a status-quo situation for benchmarking, environmental communication and product development. Recent methodological developments led to Consequential LCA (CLCA), which aims to quantify direct and indirect impacts of changes, through market mechanisms, allowing for public policy assessment. The aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to develop a methodological framework to assess public policy instruments in the livestock sector by combining LCA and economic modellingThis thesis is organized into three axes: i) identification and characterization of environmental performances of dairy production technologies through ALCA; ii) adaptation of MATSIM-LUCA economic model to the needs of the thesis; iii) environmental impact assessment through CLCA of dairy quota removal and implementation of a grass premium in the European Union. This work provides i) initial development of a methodological framework for assessing public policy instruments in the livestock sector and ii) identification of several improvements needed to make the method operational for stakeholders.

Reporting udržitelného rozvoje / Sustainability Report in Company

Mlejnek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Thesis deals with the reporting of sustainability development and its mode of administration of regular reports. The first section contains information ofsustainability development and a summary of the approach of the UN and the EU to sustainability development, which influenced business attitudes to the disclosure of periodic results using standardized reporting of sustainability. The second part analysis the situation of companies in the administration report brewing on sustainability and social responsibility. The aim is to develop recommendations for the creation of reports on sustainable development and social responsibility on the basis of previous analyzes and evaluation of their development.

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