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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Provenance of the south Texas Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group, western Gulf of Mexico basin : insights from sandstone modal compositions and detrital zircon geochronology

Mackey, Glen Nelson 2009 August 1900 (has links)
Sandstone modal compositions and detrital zircon U-Pb analysis of the Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group of the southern Gulf Coast of Texas indicate long-distance sediment transport primarily from volcanic and basement sources to the west, northwest and southwest. The Wilcox Group of south Texas represents the earliest series of major post-Cretaceous pulses of sand deposition along the western margin of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Laramide basement uplifts have long been held to be the provenance of the Wilcox Group, implying that initiation of basement uplifts was the driving factor for this transition from carbonate sedimentation to clastic deposition. To determine the provenance of the Wilcox Group and test this conventional hypothesis, 40 thin sections were point-counted using the Gazzi-Dickinson method to determine sandstone composition and 10 detrital zircon samples were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS to determine U-Pb age spectra for each of the sampled areas. Modal data for sand grain populations suggest mixed sources including basement rocks, magmatic arc rocks and subordinate sedimentary rocks for the Wilcox Group. Zircon age spectra for these sandstones reveal a complex grain assemblage derived from older sediments and crystalline rocks ranging in age from Archean to Cenozoic. Sediment was primarily derived from Laramide uplifted crystalline blocks of the central and southern Rocky Mountains, the Cordilleran arc of western North America, and arc related extrusive and intrusive igneous rock of northern Mexico. Comparisons of Upper and Lower Wilcox zircon age spectra show that more arc related material was deposited in the Lower Wilcox, whereas more basement material was deposited in the Upper Wilcox. / text

Les Evaporites de la Conca Sud-pirinenca Oriental (Cuisià superior – Lutecià): Sedimentologia i Estructura / The Evaporites of the Southeastern Pyrenean Basin (Late Cuisian – Lutetian):Sedimentology and Structure

Carrillo Álvarez, Emili 13 November 2012 (has links)
La successió cuisiana i luteciana de la Conca Sud-pirinenca Oriental (CSO), situada al NE d’Ibèria, mostra un conjunt de sediments carbonatats, evaporítics i detrítics, els quals van ser dipositats en un context compressiu en una conca d’avantpaís. Aquesta compressió es va generar per col•lisió continental de la placa d’Ibèria i l’Europea entre el Cretaci superior i el Miocè inferior. Com a conseqüència de l’escurçament, els sediments es troben distribuïts en tres unitats estructurals: la unitat autòctona de la conca de l’Ebre, localitzada al sud, i les unitats al•lòctones del Serrat i del mantell del Cadí, ubicades al nord, situada la primera per sota de la segona. Encara que molts treballs s’han centrat en l’estudi de l’estratigrafia i l’estructura de la CSO, l’arquitectura estratigràfica i els ambients deposicionals de les evaporites no s’han acabat de resoldre. Les roques evaporítiques dipositades en conques d’avantpaís actuen, en molts casos, com a nivells de desenganxament i, per tant, aquestes roques estan deformades o simplement no afloren. Com a conseqüència, el coneixement d’aquests dipòsits no és molt ampli, i l’estudi d’afloraments i litofàcies resulta un repte. L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és millorar aquest coneixement. En aquesta tesi, a partir de la realització de mapes i talls geològics detallats, i de la correlació de columnes i logs de pous, s’ha establert l’arquitectura estratigràfica de la CSO per als períodes Cuisià superior i Lutecià. Aquesta arquitectura presenta sis seqüències deposicionals, tres de les quals de nova proposta en el present treball. Aquestes tres seqüències corresponen a la seqüència Serrat, formada per les Evaporites del Serrat, i a les seqüències Bellmunt inferior i superior, constituïdes per sediments detrítics. Les Evaporites del Serrat, dipositades per sobre d’una primera seqüència carbonatada (formacions Penya i Armàncies), es caracteritzen per tenir capes de sals i lutites en un depocentre situat actualment en el mantell del Cadí. Aquestes sals estan envoltades per un cinturó marginal anhidrític, localitzat en la conca de l’Ebre. En el centre de la conca, aquestes evaporites estan cobertes per una successió turbidítica atribuïda a la Formació Vallfogona (seqüència Campdevànol) en diferents depocentres. Cap als marges de la conca, aquesta formació canvia lateralment a unitats carbonatades (Calcàries de la Pedra i Calcisiltites). La Formació Guixos de Beuda es troba per sobre de la seqüència Campdevànol, i representa la segona seqüència evaporítica. Les seqüències Bellmunt inferior i superior, caracteritzades per dipòsits d’origen fluviodeltaic (formacions Banyoles, Coubet i Bellmunt), representen les seqüències més modernes d’aquesta arquitectura. Aquestes dues seqüències estan separades per una altra unitat evaporítica, anomenada en el present treball Guixos de Besalú. S’ha reconegut que la potència de les capes d’anhidrites atribuïdes a les Evaporites del Serrat és major en la conca de l’Ebre que en el mantell del Cadí. Per tant, s’ha considerat que aquesta unitat es configura, de la conca de l’Ebre fins al mantell del Cadí, com a un tascó anhidrític que passa a una cubeta salina en el centre de la conca. Per contra, també s’ha reconegut que la potència de la Formació Beuda és menor a la conca de l’Ebre que en el mantell del Cadí. L’anàlisi de mostres d’afloraments i de testimonis de pous ha permès interpretar els models sedimentaris de les unitats evaporítiques més representatives. En les Evaporites del Serrat, s’han distingit tres paleoambients, de marge a centre de conca: plataforma sulfatada, constituïda per anhidrita nodular i pseudomòrfica (de selenites); talús, format per guix secundari (anhidrita en profunditat) amb litofàcies laminada, de caràcter detrític; i conca profunda, constituïda per capes de sal i lutites reconegudes només en el subsòl. En canvi, en la Formació Beuda només s’ha reconegut un únic paleoambient, corresponent a un sistema de conca sulfatada situat en el mantell del Cadí. Aquest paleoambient està representat per cicles de guix secundari (anhidrita en profunditat) amb litofàcies massives i nivells pseudomòrfics (de selenites). De tota manera, l’existència d’àrees amb litofàcies bandades i laminades, atribuïdes a ambients més profunds, indiquen l’existència de petites zones més deprimides en la conca. La composició isotòpica (delta-34S, delta-18O; 87Sr/86Sr) de mostres de guix i anhidrita indiquen un origen marí per aquestes unitats i, a més, processos de dissolució/reprecipitació dels sulfats. A partir de l’anàlisi estructural de les correlacions estratigràfiques, dels mapes i talls geològics, de la interpretació de perfils sísmics reprocessats i de noves dades gravimètriques s’ha deduït que la sedimentació durant el Cuisià superior i Lutecià va tenir dues etapes tectòniques: una primera etapa extensiva, coetània amb la sedimentació de les Evaporites del Serrat i la Formació Vallfogona, i caracteritzada per falles normals produïdes per flexió extensional; i una segona etapa compressiva, sincrònica a la sedimentació fluviodeltaica, i caracteritzada per encavalcaments i plecs, i falles transversals de tipus strike-slip. Durant la primera etapa, les falles normals van tenir direccions obliqües i perpendiculars respecte l’escurçament pirinenc (N-S). Durant la segona etapa, les falles de strike-slip van estar generades per la reactivació de falles normals preexistents. A més, les Evaporites del Serrat van actuar com a nivell de desenganxament del mantell del Cadí i de la Unitat Serrat. Finalment, en aquesta tesi, s’han realitzat models sandbox per tal de millorar el coneixement del paper de l’arquitectura estratigràfica d’una successió dúctil (en aquest cas, evaporites) sobre l’evolució estructural. A partir d’una sèrie d’experiments, s’ha observat que l’existència de discontinuïtats geomètriques en els materials anàlegs a les litologies evaporítiques generen zones de deformació preferencial. Comparant els resultats d’aquests experiments amb els trets estructurals de la CSO, s’ha interpretat que l’evolució i estil estructural d’aquesta conca va estar controlada per l’existència de discontinuïtats litològiques –com el canvi de gruix de les anhidrites entre la plataforma evaporítica i la conca profunda– en les Evaporites del Serrat. L’existència d’aquestes discontinuïtats litològiques va generar encavalcaments fora de seqüència, contribuint a la generació d’una conca de piggyback. / The Cuisian and Lutetian succession of the Southeastern Pyrenean Basin (SePB), NE of Iberia, shows an assemblage of carbonate, evaporite and detrital sediments, deposited under a compressional context in a foreland basin. The compression was generated by continental collision of the Iberian and the European plates during the time span comprised between the Upper Cretaceous and the Lower Miocene. As a consequence of the shortening, these deposits were distributed in three structural units: the autochthonous unit of the Ebro Basin, located to the south; and the allochthonous units of the Serrat Unit (below) and the Cadí thrust sheet (above), placed to the north. Despite many studies have been focused on the stratigraphy and the structure of the SePB, the stratigraphic framework and the depositional environments of the evaporites remain poorly understood. In foreland basins, the evaporite rocks usually act as décollement levels, so they are deformed or simply are not outcropping. As a consequence, the knowledge of these deposits is limited, and the study of outcrops and lithofacies is a challenge. The general aim of the present Ph.D. Thesis is to improve this knowledge. In this Ph.D. Thesis, on the basis of geological maps, cross-sections, and sections and welllogs correlations, a stratigraphic framework of the SePB was established for the Late Cuisian and Lutetian times. This framework considers six depositional sequences, and three of them are newly proposed. These three sequences correspond to the Serrat sequence, formed by the Serrat Evaporites, and the Lower and Upper Bellmunt sequences, constituted by detrital sediments. The Serrat Evaporites, deposited on a previous carbonate sequence (Penya and Armàncies formations), are characterized by salt – shale layers in a depocenter located basinward (nowadays in the Cadí thrust sheet). These salt layers are surrounded by an anhydrite marginal belt, placed in the Ebro Basin. In the basin center, these evaporites are covered by turbidite successions attributed to the Vallfogona Formation (Campdevànol sequence) in different depocenters. To the margins, this formation changes laterally to carbonate deposits (Pedra Limestones and Calcisiltites). The Beuda Gypsum Formation is overlying the Campdevànol sequence, and represents the second evaporite sequence. The Lower and Upper Bellmunt sequences, characterized by fluvio-deltaic deposits (Banyoles, Coubet and Bellmunt formations), are the youngest sequences of this succession. These two sequences are divided by another evaporite unit, called Besalú Gypsum in the present work. The anhydrite layers attributed to the Serrat Evaporites were recognized to be thicker in the Ebro Basin than in the Cadí thrust sheet. Thus, the stratigraphic framework of this unit is characterized, from the Ebro Basin to the Cadí thrust sheet, by an anhydrite wedge which changes to a salt deposit in the basin center. By contrast, the Beuda Formation was recognized to be thinner in the Ebro Basin than in the Cadí thrust sheet. The analysis of samples and well-cores allowed to interpret the sedimentary models of the most representative evaporite units. Three paleoenvironments were distinguished in the Serrat Evaporites, from the margin to the basin center: sulphate platform, constituted by anhydrite nodules and pseudomorphs (after selenite gypsum); slope, formed by secondary gypsum (anhydrite in the subsurface) with laminated, detrital lithofacies; and deep basin, constituted by salt and shale layers, only recognized in the subsurface. On the other hand, in the Beuda Formation, only one paleoenvironment, characterized by a sulphate basin, was recognized in the Cadí thrust sheet. This paleoenvironment is represented by cycles of secondary gypsum (anhydrite in the subsurface) with massive and pseudomorphic (after selenite gypsum) lithofacies. However, the existence of areas with banded and laminated lithofacies, attributed to deeper environments, indicates the occurence of small troughs in the basin. The isotopic composition (delta-34S, delta-18O; 87Sr/86Sr) of gypsum and anhydrite samples indicates a marine origin of these units and, also, dissolution/re-precipitation processes of the sulphates. On the basis of the structural analysis of the stratigraphic correlations, the geological maps, the cross-sections, the interpretation of reprocessed seismic profiles and new gravity data, it was deduced that the sedimentation during the Late Cuisian and Lutetian had two tectonic stages: a first extensive stage, coeval to the sedimentation of the Serrat Evaporites and the Vallfogona Formation, and characterized by normal faults generated by flexural extension; and a second compressional stage, coeval to the fluvio-deltaic sedimentation, and characterized by fold-and-thrust and transverse strike-slip faults. During the first stage, the normal faults had oblique and perpendicular directions with respect to the Pyrenean shortening (N-S). During the second stage, the strike-slip faults were generated by reactivation of pre-existing normal faults. Also, the Serrat Evaporites acted as the décollement level of both the Cadí thrust sheet and the Serrat Unit. Finally, in this Ph.D. Thesis, in order to improve the knowledge about the role of the stratigraphic framework of a ductile succession (evaporites, in this case) on the structural evolution, sandbox models were developed. On the basis of a series of experiments, it was observed that the existence of geometrical discontinuities, located in materials analogue of the evaporites, generates zones of preferential deformation. Comparing the results of these experiments with the structural features of the SePB, it was interpreted that the evolution and the structural style of this basin was controlled by the existence of lithological discontinuities –as the case of the thickness change of the anhydrites between the evaporite platform and the deep basin– in the Serrat Evaporites. The existence of these lithological discontinuities generated out of sequence thrusts, contributing to the development of a piggyback basin.

Meter Scale Cycles In The Eocene Cayraz Formation (haymana Basin) And Response Of Foraminifers To Cyclicity

Geyikcioglu Erbas, Bedia 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of the meter-scale cycles in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of the Middle Eocene age and to study the response of foraminifera to the sedimentary cyclicity. In order to perform this study, two stratigraphic sections, which are 44,55 m and 25,95 m in thickness, were measured on a regularly bedded succession mainly composed of carbonates and siliciclastics in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of the Haymana Basin. In this study, detailed microfacies analyses were carried out in the studied sections and 10 different microfacies types were identified strictly based on the biofacies in order to define meter scale cyclic sedimentation. Based on the detailed microfacies analysis and the distribution of the vertical facies relationships a composite depositional model is suggested. According to this model, three major facies associations were distinguished, from deepest to shallowest, as: shallow open marine, shoal and lagoon. Studied sections are composed of meter-scale cycles of both upward shoaling or deepening in character and based on the stacking pattern of meterscale cycles two systems tracts were identified along the measured sections. Section 1 is represented by highstand systems tract (HST) and section 2 is represented by lowstand systems tract (TST). In this study, the responses of benthic foraminiferal groups to the sedimentary cyclicity have been documented by quantitative and statistical analysis to understand the shallowing upward cycles, which are fundamental stratigraphic units, in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of Middle Eocene age. Among foraminifera, particularly the forms like Nummulites, Assilina and Discocyclina are excellent in order to detect cyclic variations of facies. These studies lead to understand shoaling-upward character of the meter-scale cycles, which are the building blocks of the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation.

Response of Phytoplankton to Climatic Changes during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition at the North Atlantic ODP Site 612 / Fytoplanktons respons till klimatförändringar under Eocen-Oligocen övergången vid Nordatlanten ODP Site 612

Rivero Cuesta, Lucía January 2015 (has links)
The development of modern glacial climates occurred during the Eocene-Oligocene transition (34 to 35.5 Ma) when a decrease of atmospheric CO2 led to a global temperature fall. The ocean was deeply affected, both in the surface and the deep-sea, suffering a strong reorganization including currents and phytoplankton distribution. Spanning that time, 35 samples from the North Atlantic Ocean Drilling Program Site 612 have been analyzed by counting coccoliths abundance in different size groups (< 4 µm, 4 to 8 µm and > 8 µm) and silica fragments abundance. Absolute coccoliths abundance were estimated with two different methods, the “drop” technique and microbeads calibration. In addition, a fragmentation index was calculated to assess the preservational state of the samples. The results obtained fit in the global picture of a decrease in phytoplankton abundance across theEocene-Oligocene boundary, although coccolith and silica fragments abundances show slight different patterns. Absolute abundances estimates showed a large difference between the “drop” and the microbeads methods. The temperature at which samples are dried seems to affect microbeads distribution, leading to an underestimation at temperatures higher than 60º C. In future work the current dataset will be updated with additional calibration and replicate counts to confirm that the “drop” estimates are the more valid results. As the fragmentation index was fairly constant in all samples, no major differences in nannofossil preservation were inferred. Coccoliths abundance drops are thought to be triggered by global temperature fall, general decrease of atmospheric CO2, changes in oceanic circulation, pulses of nutrients or a combination of those. / Under tidsspannet som täcker övergången mellan eocen och oligocen, för ungefär 35.5 till 34 miljoner år sedan, genomgick jordens klimat en stor förändring. Under eocen hade vår planet ett varmare klimat och var i ett så kallat ”greenhouse state”. Mot slutet av denna period och i början av oligocen skiftade emellertid klimatet till en kallare regim, ett så kallat ”icehouse state”. Under detta tillstånd minskade andelen koldioxid i atmosfären vilket medförde att den globala temperaturen minskade. Vidare påverkades också havet och speciellt de fytoplankton som levde där, då de påverkas av temperatur och inflödet av näringsämnen. Fytoplankton står för en betydande del av jordens pågående fotosyntes samt är basen av den organiska matkedjan. Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera förekomsten av coccoliter, små kalcitplattor som produceras av en typ av nannoplankton som kallas coccolitoforider. Coccoliter från en djuphavskärna härstammande från norra Atlanten har därför samlats in och för-ändringen av mängden fytoplankton över nämnda tidsspann mätts. Vidare har också bitar av kisel från andra växtplankton räknats. Resultatet av denna studie var att båda grupperna var rikligare under den sista delen av eocen men mängden sjönk snabbt i början av oligocen. Det finns inte tillräckligt med information för att reda ut orsakerna av detta, men det är troligt att minskningen i temperatur och CO2-tillgängligheten för fotosyntesen är viktiga faktorer.

The Oligocene of southern Australia : ecostratigraphy and taxic overturn in neritic foraminifera / Graham David Moss.

Moss, Graham, 1957- January 1995 (has links)
Loose sheets comprise of profiles of the Oligocene. / Bibliography: leaves 89-158. / 158, [60] leaves, [16] leaves of plates : ill., maps ; 30 cm. + seven charts (some folded) / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / This study investigates a late Eocene to Miocene succession of diverse mid-latitude assemblages of foraminifera from carbonates and calcareous muds and sands on the southern Australian margin. It contrasts foraminiferal profiles from the restricted St. Vincent and Murray Basins with the Otway Basin that is more exposed to oceanic conditions. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, 1995

Cadre structurel, déformations et exhumation des Schistes du Santa Marta : accumulation et histoire de déformation d'un terrain caraïbe au nord de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta / Structural framework, deformations and exhumation of Santa Marta Schists : the accretion and history of deformation of a caribbean terrain at the north of te Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Piraquive, Alejandro 20 February 2017 (has links)
La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM) est peut-être Le massif de la croûte terrestre le plus complexe trouvé dans les Andes du Nord. Sa situation unique comme un massif triangulaire isolé segmenté de la continuité de 7000 km de long Andes montagne comme la dernière position devant les domaines de la plaque des Caraïbes plus jeune, place la SNSM comme une île séparée de toutes les chaînes de montagnes environnantes de la marge continentale. Un relief important caractérise cette montagne atteint l'altitude la plus élevée dans le domaine des Caraïbes entière à 5750 m, et de définir, la SNSM comme le plus grand chaîne de montagnes côtières dans le monde. La SNSM est une caractéristique géologique unique un remarquable que les récifs coralliens Etreintes biodiversité de SES dans les forêts tropicales qui passent d'auge fortement végétalisées la mer des Caraïbes, les forêts de haute nuage, et bruyères, jusqu'à ce que, son magnifique sommet couronné par les glaciers.Par sa position sur la marge nord - ouest de l' Amérique du Sud l'étude de la SNSM donne l'occasion de résoudre des questions importantes sur l'évolution des cycles super-continentales depuis les temps Grenvilliens par l'orogenèse Neoproterozoic Pan-Africain, l'orogenèse Paléozoïque tardif Ouachitan-Appalaches cela a conduit Pangaea assemblée, et Trias Pangaea débâcle suivie par la Rift Atlantique Jurassique centrale et plus récemment par le début de la plaque des Caraïbes accrétion / subduction depuis le Crétacé tardif contre le nord - ouest en Amérique du Sud.Je tenté de démêler l'histoire géologique de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Massif utilisant les plus avancées en géochronologiques, thermochronologiques, géochimiques et isotopiques techniques qui a permis de recueillir une quantité importante de nouvelles données à ajouter à la base de données existante sur la SNSM. Nos résultats comprennent une carte géologique réévaluée 1: 25000, qui comprend la définition de quatre nouvelles unités stratigraphiques, Accompagné de deux sections crustales sur 320 km de longueur ce disséquer le massif, et 8 sections parallèles à l'angle nord - ouest de le ceinture métamorphique de la SNSM. L'ensemble des données géochimiques et isotopiques comprend: i) 17 roches ignées et métamorphiques et six échantillons détritiques datés par ablation laser induite par couplage plasma spectrométrie de masse (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon géochronologie qui a abouti à 2790 nouvelles dates et in-situ analyse des oligo - élément, ii) 16 roches ignées et métamorphiques qui a donné 31 nouveaux âges thermochronometriques: 12 âgés du traces de fission en zircon 11 âges du traces de fission des apatites et 7 âges (U-Th) / He dans les apatites, iii) Géochimie de la roche entière à partir de 10 échantillons et iv) analyses à la microsonde chimie minérale et cartes x-ray de quatre échantillons a donné aux grenats zonées et péritectiques. Elles ont été données acquises à partir des unités du complex métamorphique nord - ouest du massif SNSM. Avec ces données, nous enquêté i) Les unités sont conformes à la SNSM ce ceintures métamorphiques, de leurs relations chronologiques et stratigraphiques du Précambrien à l'Eocène; ii) Le laps de temps et les conditions P-T du l’événement métamorphique Paléozoïque tardif à Mésozoïque précoce (chapitre 1), iii) Le moment de l'activité ignée, accrétion et l'exhumation des terranes océaniques et continentales au cours du Crétacé tardif à la fin du Miocène. iv) Un mécanisme pour expliquer comment l’exhumation a eu lieu sous un régime collisionnel influencé par un processus climatique à l'érosion et des gradients thermiques élevées (chapitre 2); v) Les processus tardifs de la dénudation et la sédimentation contrôlées par la tectonique dans deux bassins marginaux depuis le Miocène précoce dans le diminution des taux d'érosion et gradients thermiques (chapitre 3). / The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM) is perhaps the most complex crustal massif found in the Northern Andes. Its unique situation as an isolated triangular massif segmented from the continuity of the 7000 km long Andes as the last standing mountain before the domains of the younger Caribbean plate, places the SNSM as an island separated from all surrounding mountain ranges of the continental margin. A prominent relief characterizes this mountain reaching the highest altitude in the entire Caribbean realm at 5750 m, and defines, the SNSM as the highest coastal mountain range in the world. For this reason the SNSM is a unique geological feature that embraces an outstanding biodiversity from its coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea passing trough heavily vegetated tropical rainforests, high cloud forests, and moorlands, until its magnificent summit capped by glaciers.By its position on the northwestern margin of South America the study of the SNSM provides the opportunity to resolve important questions on the evolution of super-continental cycles since Grenvillian times through the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny, the Late Paleozoic Ouachitan-Appalachian orogeny that led to Pangæa assembly, and Triassic Pangæa break-up followed by the Jurassic Central Atlantic Rift and more recently by the start of the Caribbean plate accretion/subduction since the Late Cretaceous against northwestern South America.In this investigation I attempt to unravel the geological history of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Massif using geochronological, thermochronological geochemical and isotopic techniques that allowed to gather a significant amount of new data to add to the existent database on the SNSM.Our results include a reevaluated geological map 1:25000, in which I define 4 new stratigraphic units, accompanied by two crustal-scale cross sections of 320 km length that dissect the massif, and 8 parallel cross sections at the NW corner of the SNSM metamorphic belt. The geochemical and isotopic dataset includes: i) 17 igneous and metamorphic rocks and 6 detrital samples dated by laser-ablation induced-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), U-Pb zircon geochronology that resulted in 2790 new dates and in-situ trace element analyses, ii) 16 igneous and metamorphic rocks that yielded 31 new thermochronometric ages as follows: 12 zircon fission track ages, 11 Apatite fission track ages and 7 (U-Th)/He in apatite ages, iii) Whole rock geochemistry from 10 samples and iv) Microprobe mineral chemistry in spot analyses and x-ray maps from 4 samples that yielded zoned and peritectic garnet. These data were acquired from the units of the northwestern metamorphic suite of the SNSM massif. With these data we investigated i) The units that conform the SNSM metamorphic belts, their chronological and stratigraphic relationships from the Precambrian to the Eocene; ii) The time span and P-T conditions of a Late Paleozoic-Early Mezosoic metamorphic event (Chapter 1), iii) The timing of igneous activity accretion and exhumation of oceanic and continental terranes during the Late Cretaceous to late Miocene. iv) A mechanism for explaining how this exhumation occurred under a collisional regime by a climate influenced process at elevated erosion and thermal gradients (Chapter 2); v) The late processes of denudation and sedimentation controlled by tectonics in two marginal basins since the early Miocene under decreased erosion rates and thermal gradients (Chapter 3).

Cenozoic terrestrial palaeoenvironemtal change : an investigation of the Petrockstowe and Bovey basins, south west United Kingdom

Chaanda, Mohammed Suleiman January 2016 (has links)
The Petrockstowe and Bovey basins are two similar pull apart (strike slip) basins located on the Sticklepath – Lustleigh Fault Zone (SLFZ) in Devon, SW England. The SLFZ is one of the several faults on the Cornubian Peninsula and may be linked to Variscan structures rejuvenated in Palaeogene times. The bulk of the basins’ fill consists of clays, silts, lignites and sands of Palaeogene age, comparable to the Lough Neagh Basin (Northern Ireland), which is also thought to be part of the SLFZ. In this study a multiproxy approach involving sedimentary facies analysis, palynological analysis, stable carbon isotope (δ13C) analysis and organic carbon palaeothermometer analyses were applied in an attempt to understand the depositional environment in both basins. A negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) with a magnitude of 2‰ was recorded at ~ 580 m in the siltstone, silty clay to clay lithofacies in the lower part of Petrockstowe Basin, with minimum δ13CTOC values of -28.6‰. The CIE spans a depth of 7 m. Palynological characteristics of this excursion are correlated with the Cogham Lignite in the southern UK, which is the only established PETM section in the UK, and other continental sections to test whether the palynology associated with this CIE can be used to date it. The age model proposed herein correlates the CIE to the Eocene Thermal Maximum -2 (ETM2; ~ 52.5Ma) event. Key pollen and spore assemblages found in the lower Petrockstowe Basin are Monocolpopollenites, Inaperturopollenites, Laevigatisporites, Bisaccate conifer pollen and Tricolporopollenites, which suggest an Eocene age, while those occurring in the upper part of the Petrockstowe and Bovey basins are Arecipites, Inaperturopollenites, Monocolpopollenites, Tricolporopollenites, Sequoiapollenites, and Pompeckjodaepollenites, which have suggested botanical affinities to modern tropical to sub-tropical genera signifying a climate that was frost-free at the time of sediment deposition. This assemblage further suggests that these sediments are Oligocene to middle Oligocene in age. In the upper part of the Petrockstowe Basin, reconstructed mean annual air temperatures (MAT) demonstrate a clear departure from the mean temperature of 24.5oC at 10 m to 19.5oC towards the top of the core, indicating a steady continuous decline similar to the temperature departures seen in the Solent Group in the Hampshire Basin, Isle of Wight, UK which has an established Eocene – Oligocene succession.

Eocene-Miocene Carbon-Isotope and Floral Record From Brown Coal Seams in the Gippsland Basin of Southeast Australia

Holdgate, Guy R., McGowran, Brian, Fromhold, Tom, Wagstaff, Barbara E., Gallagher, Stephen J., Wallace, Malcolm W., Sluiter, Ian R., Whitelaw, Michael 01 January 2009 (has links)
The carbon-isotope and palynological record through 580 m thick almost continuous brown coal in southeast Australia's Gippsland Basin is a relatively comprehensive southern hemisphere Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene record for terrestrial change. The carbon isotope δ13Ccoal values of these coals range from - 27.7‰ to - 23.2. This isotopic variability follows gymnosperm/angiosperm fluctuations, where higher ratios coincide with heavier δ13C values. There is also long-term variability in carbon isotopes through time. From the Eocene greenhouse world of high gymnosperm-heavier δ13Ccoal values, there is a progressive shift to lighter δ13Ccoal values that follows the earliest (Oi1?) glacial events around 33 Ma (Early Oligocene). The overlying Oligocene-Early Miocene brown coals have lower gymnosperm abundance, associated with increased %Nothofagus (angiosperm), and lightening of isotopes during Oligocene cooler conditions. The Miocene palynological and carbon-isotope record supports a continuation to the Oligocene trends until around the late Early Miocene (circa 19 Ma) when a warming commenced, followed by an even stronger isotope shift around 16 Ma that peaked in the Middle Miocene when higher gymnosperm abundance and heavier isotopes prevailed. The cycle between the two major warm peaks of Middle Eocene and Middle Miocene was circa 30 Ma long. This change corresponds to a fall in inferred pCO2 levels for the same period. The Gippsland data suggest a link between gymnosperm abundance, long-term plant δ13C composition, climatic change, and atmospheric pCO2. Climatic deterioration in the Late Miocene terminated peat accumulation in the Gippsland Basin and no further significant coals formed in southeast Australia. The poor correspondence between this terrestrial isotope data and the marine isotope record is explained by the dominant control on δ13C by the gymnosperm/angiosperm abundance, although in turn this poor correspondence may reflect palaeoclimate control. From the brown coal seam dating, the coal appears to have accumulated during a considerable part of the allocated 30 Ma Cenozoic time period. These brown coal carbon isotope and palynological data appear to record a more gradual atmospheric carbon isotope change compared to the marine record.

Biostratigraphy of the Cowlitz Formation in the upper Nehalem River Basin, northwest Oregon

Shaw, Neil B. 01 January 1986 (has links)
Examination of stream and roadcut exposures of the Cowlitz Formation allows the selection of measured representative sections, and collection of fossils, from an area roughly defined by the intersection of the boundaries of Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and Washington counties in Oregon. The study defines the features of the local environment of deposition, correlates sections to derive a composite columnar section, and develops a checklist of species for both microfossils and megafossils of the Cowlitz Formation.

Stratigraphy, diagenesis, and depositional environment of the Cowlitz Formation (Eocene), northwest Oregon

Farr, Leonard Carl, Jr. 01 January 1989 (has links)
The Upper Eocene Cowlitz Formation is exposed in surface outcrops southwest of the town of Vernonia, in Columbia County, Oregon. The Cowlitz Formation also occurs in the subsurface of the Mist gas field where its Clark and Wilson (C and W) sandstone member (informal) acts as a natural gas reservoir, and its upper Cowlitz mudstone member (informal) acts as a cap rock. Surface exposures and continuous core were studied in order to determine Cowlitz Formation stratigraphy, and its depositional environment. Fresh core samples were also studied petrographically, and with a scanning electron microscope, in order to determine the effects of diagenesis in the gas producing C and W sandstone member.

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