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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do gozo ? transcend?ncia : uma hist?ria da literatura er?tica brasileira

Zucchi, Vanessa 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Letras (letraspg@pucrs.br) on 2018-12-06T10:40:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE - Vanessa Zucchi.pdf: 1547346 bytes, checksum: cbb6bfd4500d5459dee05c728c45bc48 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-12-10T10:44:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE - Vanessa Zucchi.pdf: 1547346 bytes, checksum: cbb6bfd4500d5459dee05c728c45bc48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-10T11:04:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE - Vanessa Zucchi.pdf: 1547346 bytes, checksum: cbb6bfd4500d5459dee05c728c45bc48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This thesis aims to elucidate the development of Brasilian erotic literature's polysystem in the decades from 1960 to 1980, besides it discusses the representations of eroticism in this repertoire. The main support of the thesis are the concepts of 1) erotic literature, which is defined as any literary narrative with the eroticism in the center; 2) eroticism, as an inner e subjective experience, according to George Bataille's philosophical approach; 3) the theory of polysystems, by Itamar Even Zohar. The literary corpus was constituted from the intersection of these concepts, in order to create an integrated panorama, internally and externally. In the highlighted period, it is possible to realize the formation of the erotic polysystem, its subsequent consolidation and renovation. In the first moment, the focus is on Cassandra Rios and Adelaide Carraro. Subsequently it is made an analysis of two specific cases that illustrate the movement of the polysystem: the publication of mass Literature by L?Oren Publishing House and the short story contest by Status magazine. Finally, regarding the 1980s, it is studied how the erotic literature reacts to "pornographic hangover", characteristic of the period. / Essa tese analisa o desenvolvimento do polissistema da Literatura er?tica brasileira nas d?cadas de 1960 a 1980, ao mesmo tempo em que discute as representa??es de erotismo que perpassam esse repert?rio. A base te?rica organiza-se em torno de tr?s conceitos: 1) o g?nero liter?rio er?tico, entendido aqui como toda obra liter?ria que coloca o erotismo como elemento central da narrativa; 2) o erotismo, como um uma experi?ncia interior e subjetiva segundo a concep??o filos?fica de George Bataille; e 3) a teoria dos polissistemas, de Itamar Even Zohar. A partir do entrecruzamento desses conceitos operacionais foi elaborado o corpus liter?rio, de modo a compor um panorama integrado organicamente entre si e entre outros sistemas culturais. No per?odo destacado, ? poss?vel perceber a forma??o do sistema de literatura er?tica, sua posterior consolida??o e renova??o. Dessa forma, no primeiro momento, o foco reca? nas escritoras Cassandra Rios e Adelaide Carraro, protagonistas do novo impulso empreendido pelo g?nero. Posteriormente, abordam-se os principais eixos que movimentam o polissistema atrav?s de dois casos espec?ficos: a literatura de massa publicada pela editora L'Oren e o Concurso de contos er?ticos da Revista Status. Por fim, na d?cada de 1980, examina-se de que forma a literatura er?tica lida com a chamada "ressaca pornogr?fica" que caracteriza o per?odo.

?Que diferen?a da mulher o homem tem??: erotismo e pornografia em Maria Teresa Horta e Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Ribeiro, Marcela 17 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-03T23:17:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelaRibeiro_DISSERT.pdf: 946035 bytes, checksum: 921123383ebaeec86fe2de48dfe8f68e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-06T23:21:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelaRibeiro_DISSERT.pdf: 946035 bytes, checksum: 921123383ebaeec86fe2de48dfe8f68e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-06T23:21:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelaRibeiro_DISSERT.pdf: 946035 bytes, checksum: 921123383ebaeec86fe2de48dfe8f68e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-17 / A presente pesquisa tem como proposta geral a delimita??o do espa?o er?tico no papel impresso, em meio ao texto po?tico. Para tanto, prop?e-se comparar duas escritas de car?ter transgressor, fazendo a uni?o da portuguesa Maria Teresa Horta e do brasileiro Carlos Drummond de Andrade pela trama er?tica, pelo discurso at?pico e marginal do erotismo para o qual os dois produziram livros, que s?o, respectivamente, Educa??o sentimental (1975) e O amor natural (1992). Tem-se o erotismo como a soma das vozes masculina e feminina na rela??o heterossexual e pretende-se esquadrinhar como o universo da literatura representa o homem e a mulher e se essa representa??o na verdade ? imposta socialmente ou se traz ? luz algo de novo. Se cada ponto de vista ? a vista de um ponto, cada autor falar? do alto de seu ponto de observa??o e experimenta??o, o mais confort?vel para si. Para tanto, busca-se investigar o erotismo em si e sua rela??o com a vida cotidiana, delimitando tamb?m o que o afasta - ou aproxima - da pornografia e da obscenidade. / This research has the delimitation of erotic space on printed paper as a general proposition, amidst the poetic text, and therefore the real world. To do so, it proposes the comparison of two transgressor writing styles, putting together the Portuguese writer Maria Teresa Horta and the Brazilian writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade by an erotic plot, by an atopic and declassed speech to which both of them produced works, respectively, Educa??o Sentimental (1975) and O amor natural (1992). Has the eroticism as a combination of the masculine and feminine voices in a heterosexual relationship. It is intended to probe how the literary universe represents man and woman, and if this representation is actually socially imposed or brings to light something new. If each point of view is the view of a point, each author will talk from the top of its point of observation and experimentation, the most comfortable for itself. Therefore, it seeks to investigate eroticism itself and its relationship to everyday life, also delimiting it from what separates ? or near ? it from pornography and obscenity.

Um olhar sobre o feminino na poesia er?tica de John Donne

Galdino, Francisli Costa 25 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-06-02T19:08:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FrancisliCostaGaldino_DISSERT.pdf: 2173203 bytes, checksum: 4174d964da89b665dc24976efd66f741 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-05T19:09:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FrancisliCostaGaldino_DISSERT.pdf: 2173203 bytes, checksum: 4174d964da89b665dc24976efd66f741 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-05T19:09:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FrancisliCostaGaldino_DISSERT.pdf: 2173203 bytes, checksum: 4174d964da89b665dc24976efd66f741 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-25 / O objetivo desta pesquisa ? apresentar um estudo cr?tico sobre como se d?o as representa??es do feminino nos poemas er?ticos de John Donne (15721631), acreditando assim possibilitar uma melhor vis?o de como o feminino era visto pela sociedade Inglesa dos s?culos XV e XVI por meio das an?lises dos poemas e de suas representa??es. Neste sentido, essa pesquisa, de car?ter bibliogr?fico, anal?tico e interpretativo, se encontra justificada na relev?ncia que se d? a contextualiza??o do lugar e do espa?o do feminino em uma sociedade de uma ?poca de transforma??es e turbul?ncias sociais (fim do Renascimento, da Idade M?dia e contra-reforma religiosa). Tendo como cerne os estudos sobre no lugar do feminino na sociedade ocidental al?m de direcionar suas an?lises ao estudo dos poemas er?ticos, uma vez que as representa??es do feminino possuem tra?os mais marcantes nesse espa?o, tendo em vista toda a obra po?tica de Donne. Para isso, a pesquisa teve como orienta??o te?rica, prioritariamente, os estudos cr?ticos de Campus (1988), Eliot (1941), Erickson (2010), sobre quest?es que envolvem a po?tica Donniana; Bataille (1988) e Beauvoir (1980), nos questionamentos a respeito do erotismo e sexualidade; Grolli (2004) e Macedo (2002), quanto ao feminino e seu lugar no espa?o. / The objective of this research is to present a critical study on how the feminine representations happens in the erotic poems of John Donne (15721631), believing thus allow a better view of how the female was seen by English society of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by the analysis of the poems and their representations. The objectives are directed from the critical reading and interpretative analysis of the poems, both concerning understanding of social historical aspects as the identification of feminine places with regard its manifestations in Donneana poetry. In this sense, this research, bibliographic, analytical and interpretative character, is justified in the importance that is given to contextualization of the place and the feminine space in a society of a time of changes and social upheavals (end of the Renaissance, Middle Ages and religious reformulation). With the core studies on the place of women in Western society as well as direct their analysis to the study of erotic poems, since the feminine representations have most striking features in this space, considering all the work poetry of Donne. For this, the research was theoretical guidance, primarily, critical studies of Campus (1988), Eliot (1941), Erickson (2010), on issues surrounding the poetic Donneana; Bataille (1988) and Beauvoir (1980), the questions about the eroticism and sexuality; Grolli (2004) and Macedo (2002), about the women and their place in space.

A tessitura do desejo : corpo, sexualidade e erotismo nos contos de Ana?s Nin

Zucchi, Vanessa 28 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:39:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 460149.pdf: 698283 bytes, checksum: 09b1b88964bea0ea869efaf7aa5cb9e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / The eroticism always has been present in written culture once it is an essential element of the human condition and appears even when it is absent. However, this universe is composed from elements that cause discomfort, not just pragmatic, but theoretical. This dissertation aims to enter this obscure and marginal field. So, considering the eroticism as part of the text s structure and also a representation of a social and individual phenomenon, it was analyzed the Erotica of Ana?s Nin. For this, the approach was based on the philosophical conception of Bataille, with an intersection of the concepts of body (Le Breton) and sexuality (Foucault). After, it was made a brief introduction of the eroticism in literature, in order to legitimize and consolidate the erotic literary tradition, in which is inserted the writer Ana?s Nin. Finally, the literary corpus is compound by tales of the collections Delta of Venus and Little birds, and it was analyzed from the theoretical framework developed with the thinkers above cited. / O erotismo sempre esteve presente na cultura escrita, uma vez que, sendo um elemento essencial da condi??o humana, manifesta-se mesmo na sua aus?ncia. Contudo, esse universo ? constru?do a partir de elementos que geram um desconforto, n?o apenas pragm?tico, mas te?rico. Nessa perspectiva, esta disserta??o tenciona adentrar esse campo ainda t?o obscuro e marginal. Considerando o erotismo tanto como parte da tessitura textual de uma obra liter?ria, quanto como representa??o de um fen?meno social e pessoal, objetivou-se analisar a constru??o do erotismo na literatura er?tica de Ana?s Nin. Para isso, o erotismo foi abordado atrav?s da concep??o filos?fica de Georges Bataille, em uma intersec??o com os conceitos de corpo (David Le Breton) e sexualidade (Michel Foucault). No segundo momento, realizou-se uma breve introdu??o da presen?a do erotismo na literatura, com objetivo de legitimar e consolidar a exist?ncia de uma tradi??o liter?ria er?tica, na qual se insere a escritora Ana?s Nin. Por fim, o corpus liter?rio, composto por contos selecionados das colet?neas Delta de V?nus e Passarinhos, foi analisado a partir do quadro te?rico desenvolvido com os pensadores supracitados.

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