Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ericsson."" "subject:"ericssons.""
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Business model innovation to explore data analytics value; A case study of Caterpillar and Ericsson.Kritikos, Konstantinos, Barreiros, Jacinto January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify a roadmap for well-established companies towards business model innovation to explore data analytics value. The business model innovation currently taking place at Caterpillar and Ericsson in order to explore data analytics value is presented to answer the question: “How do established companies explore data analytics to innovate their business models?” Initially, the problem discussion, formulation and purpose are given. Then, the relevant theory is presented covering the importance of data analytics, IT infrastructure challenges due to the increased volume of data created, data analytics methods currently being used, smart connected products and the Internet of Things. The meaning of business model innovation is given, followed by a well-structured business model process which includes the business model canvas for representation purposes. The business areas affected by data analytics value and the barriers of business model innovation are given as well. After that, the theory addressing business model innovation to explore data analytics value is presented and the main industries which are currently on this journey along with the required initial steps and the business models that can come out of this process are identified. The challenges and risks if the option of not following this route is chosen are also shown. The method section follows to explain the case study design, data collection method and way of analysis. The results cover all the information gathered from numerous sources including on-line available information, papers, interviews, videos, end of year reviews and most importantly current Caterpillar and Ericsson mid-level management employee answers to a questionnaire created and distributed by the authors. The business model canvas tool is used to aid the reader understanding Caterpillar’s and Ericsson’s business model innovation. Each company’s business model is given before and after data analytics adoption. Finally, the analysis of the results and the link with the theory is given in order to answer the thesis question.
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Diversity in the Process of Internationalization : A Case Study on EricssonChen, Cen, Li, Xiuting January 2009 (has links)
<p>Research on the diversity in the context of internationalization process is rare. Our purpose of this thesis is to conduct a good understanding on diversity of internationalization process in telecommunication industry. Based on Uppsala Internationalization Model (U-Model) of Johanson and Vahlne (1977), we applied a qualitative research method, primary and secondary data collection to perform an empirical study. Afterward we discuss about how organizational diversity, marketing strategy diversity and diversity of core values on Ericsson show up in the process of internationalization. In the conclusion, we put forward our comments on the research problems. Then we also issued a direction on further research.</p>
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Diversity in the Process of Internationalization : A Case Study on EricssonChen, Cen, Li, Xiuting January 2009 (has links)
Research on the diversity in the context of internationalization process is rare. Our purpose of this thesis is to conduct a good understanding on diversity of internationalization process in telecommunication industry. Based on Uppsala Internationalization Model (U-Model) of Johanson and Vahlne (1977), we applied a qualitative research method, primary and secondary data collection to perform an empirical study. Afterward we discuss about how organizational diversity, marketing strategy diversity and diversity of core values on Ericsson show up in the process of internationalization. In the conclusion, we put forward our comments on the research problems. Then we also issued a direction on further research.
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Ledning av fusionsförlopp : en analys av bildandet av Ericsson Information Systems ABDahlgren, Göran, Witt, Per January 1988 (has links)
Fusion är en ofta tillämpad strategi för att nå tillväxt och diversifiering. Omfattande erfarenheter av fusioner har samlats under decennier. Fusionsansträngningarna kröns likväl inte alltid med framgång. Misslyckad samordning i flera fusioner under senare år har förorsakat negativa ekonomiska utfall. Få forskare har uppmärksammat den sidan som gäller samordning och dess effekter. Dessa studier har främst gällt samordning av system, procedurer och fysiska tillgångar. Denna avhandling behandlar ledning av fusionsförlopp och särskilt betydelsen av ledningskulturerna i de ingående enheterna. Detta senare område har rönt ringa uppmärksamhet i tidigare forskning. Boken innehåller dels en beskrivning av bildandet av Ericsson Information Systems AB, dels teoriutveckling om ledning av fusionsförlopp i samband med diversifiering. Boken beskriver också en viktig del av försöken att utveckla en svensk dataindustri från 1950-talet fram till början av 1980-talet. Det fall som studerats gäller en för svenskt näringsliv viktig fusion, nämligen Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericssons förvärv av Datasaab AB. Huvudparten av Datasaabs verksamhet slogs samman med vissa enheter i LM Ericsson, vilket bildade Ericsson Information Systems AB. Direkt blev ca 3900 personer i Datasaab och LM Ericsson berörda. Författarnas förhoppning är att forskningsresultatet skall kunna vara användbart för diagnos av fusionsförlopp samt lämna vägledning om att leda sådana förlopp. Speciellt betonar de att det är affärsidéer som samordnas och inte hela eller delar av bolag. Vidare framhåller de nödvändigheten av att säkerställa ett en kärngrupp omgående formeras med ansvar för realiserandet av förväntade synergier. / <p>Diss. av båda författarna Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1988</p>
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The Role of the Public Sector in the Innovation Process of the Swedish Mobile Telecommunication IndustryWang, Chih-Feng 11 June 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to use a dynamic view of systems of innovations in order to explore the roles of a public sector in identifying innovative opportunities introduced by new technologies and new high tech products and shaping the competitive advantages of Sweden. This thesis is limited as to the field of good products in the mobile communication industry. Basing that if a country can specialize, put and allocate all of its efforts in the mobile telecommunication industry, the country could possibly enjoy better economic growth and competitive advantages comparing with other countries specialized in other less promising industries.
While deducing contemporary innovation theories, the conflicts and contradictions are notified between the proactive roles assumed by the government sector in creating innovations and traditional views concerning the appearing of radical innovations. According to those theories, the public agencies are proposed to assume more responsibilities in creating innovations, while the sources of innovations are merely considered as a result of ¡§chance¡¨ or ¡§serendipity¡¨. A proactive view in articulating the roles of the government agencies is illustrated in this thesis in the respects of the intentions of technical developments.
Using NMT and GSM standard development process as empirical cases, it is concluded that circumstances are favorable for radical innovations where a competent public sector agency with visions places procurement orders based on transparent competition and open standards or technical specifications, coupled with a competitive producer market. In the meanwhile, while working closely together with international standardization institutions and taking part in R&D projects, the pubic sector plays a different role, namely, as an entrepreneur, a catalyst, and a competent user, in the innovation process of the mobile telecommunication development.
Key Words: Innovation, Sweden, Mobile Telecommunication, Public Sector, Ericsson, NMT, GSM
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Agilt regressionssystemtest / Agile Regression System TestingAodah, Anwar, Öcüt, Bora January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes på avdelningsnivån CCS på avdelningen PDU Platforms på Ericsson. Avdelningen ville förändra sin nuvarande arbetsprocess genom att övergå från Daily Build, att bygga och testa en gång om dagen, till ett mer kontinuerligt byggande och testande. CCS hanterar och tillhandahåller kontrollsystemtjänster för RNC applikationer och äldre RBS. Målet med detta examensarbete var att automatisera testprocesser för att kunna utföra kontinuerliga tester. Första steget i arbetet var att ta fram ett specifikt användningsfall, ett use case, att arbeta mot. Detta skedde genom analys av felrapporter och detta ledde till att nodomstarter definierades som ett första användningsfall. När användningsfallet var definierat, skedde analys av plattform att använda för automatisering, samt vilka steg som behövde automatiseras. De var enligt följande, uppladdning med ftp, exekvering av filer med Telnet och nodkonfiguration med verktyget Cicc.
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Improvement Management Training A case study at a Swedish Multinational CorporationGidebring, Christian, Petré, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
It is of vital importance never to forget that the world is ever changing. Therefore, it is crucialfor organizations not to only alter but also to improve their performance in order to becomemore competitive on the market. One way of achieving this is to work with continuousimprovements. However, this requires that the employees receive the needed training for thispurpose. In multinational corporations they must also all receive the same training in order tocreate a common culture throughout the whole organization. This study therefore aims toinvestigate how a multinational corporation can organize an Improvement ManagementTraining. Which are the main areas that are desirable to have knowledge in when leading animprovement work? In order to identify the areas of interest, a case study has been performedat Ericsson Supply Site Borås. The investigation was conducted as a combination of aqualitative and a semiquantitative study in order to determinate the empirical data. The resultsrevealed that the following five major areas are essential for an Improvement ManagementTraining: Leadership, Lean¸ Organizational Behavior, Project Management and StrategicManagement. / Program: Bachelor of Science with a Major in Industrial Engineering – Work Organization and Leadership
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CSR-kommunikationens Innehåll och Budskap : En studie om hur CSR-kommunikationen i Ericssons hållbarhetsrapporter har förändratsBergqvist, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle spelar företag en stor roll, och det förväntas att de ska ta miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt ansvar. Ett begrepp som ofta används för att beskriva företagens samhällsansvar är CSR, även kallat Corporate Social Responsibility. I takt med att CSR har blivit alltmer efterfrågat av företags intressenter, har företag som exempelvis Ericsson börjat producera årliga hållbarhetsrapporter. Ericsson, som flera gånger har rankats högt av olika organisationer för sitt samhällsarbete, är det företag vars hållbarhetsrapportering analyseras i denna rapport. Fokus ligger på den förändring som skett av budskap och innehåll i deras rapportering mellan år 2000 och år 2012. Det innehåll som har studerats är de tre huvudområdena inom CSR: miljö, socialt och ekonomiskt ansvar och engagemang. Utifrån ett kodningsschema har de nämnda områdenas omfattning beräknats för att se hur dessa har förändrats under perioden. Budskapen i rapporterna har delats upp i fyra huvudbudskap: CSR-åtagande, CSR-påverkan, CSR-motiv och CSR-kongruens. Med hjälp av ytterligare ett kodningsschema har budskapen studerats för att se hur de fyra budskapskategorierna har förändrats under tidsperioden. Efter att en innehållsanalys av budskapen och innehållet i Ericssons hållbarhetsrapportering genomförts var det tydligt att båda delarna har förändrats under tidsperioden. Innehållet i CSR-kommunikationen har gått från att endast fokusera på miljö-dimensionen av CSR till att fokusera allt mer på de sociala aspekterna. Inom den sociala dimensionen så har begreppen mångfald och mänskliga rättigheter fått ett allt större fokus på senare år. De mest kommunicerade budskapen har genomgående varit CSR-kongruens och CSR-motiv.
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Rethinking Systems of Innovation : Towards an Actor Perspective on the System of Innovation PerspectiveLidén, Alina January 2016 (has links)
In 1987 a book by Chris Freeman with the title “Technology policy and economic performance. Lessons from Japan” was published. This book turned out to be the birth certificate of the systems of innovation perspective which came to enjoy a tremendous popularity the next three decades. The topic of this thesis is within the field of systems of innovation. This approach is extensively used today and the systems of innovation is an extensive field of studies; there is a growing interest and a well-established group of researchers deal with the concept and set the research agenda. Despite the great interest and the extensive work so far, the concept is challenged by noteworthy conceptual and methodological ambiguities and limitations. The aim of this thesis is to advance a theoretical framework of the systems of innovation perspective by adopting an actor-based perspective. From a theoretical perspective, the dissertation pinpoints the system of innovation at the interplay between two rationales: a territorial rationale and a functional rationale. The intention of this theoretical framework is to shed light upon the variety of actors operating within a system of innovation. Based on different logics or rationalities, actors understand and behave differently which has an impact on the behaviour and performance of the system. The assumption is that the different rationalities influence the innovation process, and how activities are organized and carried out. In the empirical backdrop of the thesis, the Swedish system of innovation is analysed in terms of how innovation policy discourse and practice have developed over time. The territorial based system of innovation is analysed through three instances: VINNOVA, the Swedish National Innovation Strategy and the Innovation Council, all considered to be relevant in understanding the embeddedness of ideas on innovation within Swedish politics and practice. The functional based system of innovation is addressed through the role of the large firm Ericsson in the systems of innovation. Ericsson has been chosen as an actor in a system of innovation, and therefore attention is paid to the interplay with the territorial actors, such as the state and universities. Several conflicts of interests characterize the relation between Ericsson on the one hand and the university and government on the other. The interplay between the two types of systems of innovation is further concretized in the analysis of the Mobile Heights case, an innovation cluster programme. Three main analytical conclusions have been emerged from the empirical research, discussed in terms of policy makers, policy implementers and practitioners pinpointing to a fairly loose system where different interests, networks and practices can only be partially and temporarily aligned.
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Sony Ericsson : En studie av värdeskapande ur kundperspektivBolos, Anton, Kuslin, Sergei January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study intends to elucidate which view customers has about Sony Ericsson as a trademark compared with it’s biggest competitors and how the company can expand and create added value around its products. The aim with this essay is to study and to analyze Sony Ericsson’s creation of value and to increase understanding about strategy development. We have chosen to do this study on the basis of customer perspectives.</p><p>We have used existing theories that treat matters: added value, marketingmix and trademark image. In consideration of these we have tried to form our own theoretical model from existing theories. We have afterwards tested this model on empirics, that is based on a customer survey in Russia, which concerns customers’ view about biggest trademarks on the mobile market and above all Sony Ericsson.</p><p>In our survey we have come to the conclusion that customers consider Sony Ericsson as a company that gives a satisfying added value. Nokia has succeeded better to create an added value on it’s products and is considered by customers to be the most sought-after. Our survey shows that design can have the crucial role for creation of value.</p><p>In order to better satisfy the customers' needs and wishes on markets the companies must adapt their products and create added value through good product strategies, correct marketing measures and satisfying service. This increases the strength of trademark's image and gives better basis for creation of added value.</p>
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