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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A posteriorní odhady chyby pro řešení konvektivně-difusních úloh / A posteriori error estimates for numerical solution of convection-difusion problems

Šebestová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with several issues of a posteriori error estimates for linear problems. In its first part error estimates for the heat conduction equation discretized by the backward Euler method in time and discontinuous Galerkin method in space are derived. In the second part guaranteed and locally efficient error estimates involving algebraic error for Poisson equation discretized by the discontinuous Galerkin method are derived. The technique is based on the flux reconstruction where meshes with hanging nodes and variable polynomial degree are allowed. An adaptive strategy combining both adaptive mesh refinement and stopping criteria for iterative algebraic solvers is proposed. In the last part a numerical method for computing guaranteed lower and upper bounds of principal eigenvalues of symmetric linear elliptic differential operators is presented. 1

Optimal Control Problems with Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations as Side Constraints: Analysis and Numerics

Reibiger, Christian 09 March 2015 (has links)
It is well-known that the solution of a so-called singularly perturbed differential equation exhibits layers. These are small regions in the domain where the solution changes drastically. These layers deteriorate the convergence of standard numerical algorithms, such as the finite element method on a uniform mesh. In the past many approaches were developed to overcome this difficulty. In this context it was very helpful to understand the structure of the solution - especially to know where the layers can occur. Therefore, we have a lot of analysis in the literature concerning the properties of solutions of such problems. Nevertheless, this field is far from being understood conclusively. More recently, there is an increasing interest in the numerics of optimal control problems subject to a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equation and box constraints for the control. However, it is not much known about the solutions of such optimal control problems. The proposed solution methods are based on the experience one has from scalar singularly perturbed differential equations, but so far, the analysis presented does not use the structure of the solution and in fact, the provided bounds are rather meaningless for solutions which exhibit boundary layers, since these bounds scale like epsilon^(-1.5) as epsilon converges to 0. In this thesis we strive to prove bounds for the solution and its derivatives of the optimal control problem. These bounds show that there is an additional layer that is weaker than the layers one expects knowing the results for scalar differential equation problems, but that weak layer deteriorates the convergence of the proposed methods. In Chapter 1 and 2 we discuss the optimal control problem for the one-dimensional case. We consider the case without control constraints and the case with control constraints separately. For the case without control constraints we develop a method to prove bounds for arbitrary derivatives of the solution, given the data is smooth enough. For the latter case we prove bounds for the derivatives up to the second order. Subsequently, we discuss several discretization methods. In this context we use special Shishkin meshes. These meshes are piecewise equidistant, but have a very fine subdivision in the region of the layers. Additionally, we consider different ways of discretizing the control constraints. The first one enforces the compliance of the constraints everywhere and the other one enforces it only in the mesh nodes. For each proposed algorithm we prove convergence estimates that are independent of the parameter epsilon. Hence, they are meaningful even for small values of epsilon. As a next step we turn to the two-dimensional case. To be able to adapt the proofs of Chapter 2 to this case we require bounds for the solution of the scalar differential equation problem for a right hand side f only in W^(1,infty). Although, a lot of results for this problem can be found in the literature but we can not apply any of them, because they require a smooth right hand side f in C^(2,alpha) for some alpha in (0,1). Therefore, we dedicate Chapter 3 to the analysis of the scalar differential equations problem only using a right hand side f that is not very smooth. In Chapter 4 we strive to prove bounds for the solution of the optimal control problem in the two dimensional case. The analysis for this problem is not complete. Especially, the characteristic layers induce subproblems that are not understood completely. Hence, we can not prove sharp bounds for all terms in the solution decomposition we construct. Nevertheless, we propose a solution method. Numerical results indicate an epsilon-independent convergence for the considered examples - although we are not able to prove this.

Stabilité de l'équation d'advection-diffusion et stabilité de l'équation d'advection pour la solution du problème approché, obtenue par la méthode upwind d'éléments-finis et de volumes-finis avec des éléments de Crouzeix-Raviart / Stability for the convection-diffusion problem and stability for the convection problem discretized by Crouzeix-Raviart finite element using upwind finite volume-finite element method / Stabilität des diffusions-konvektions-problems und stabilität des konvektions-problems für die losüng mittels upwind finite-elemente finte-volume methoden mit Crouzeix-Raviart elemente

Mildner, Marcus 30 May 2013 (has links)
On considère le problème d’advection-diffusion stationnaire v(∇u, ∇v)+( β•∇u, v) = (f, v) et non stationnaire d/dt (u(t), v) + v(∇u, ∇v)+( β•∇u, v) = (g(t), v), ainsi que le problème d’advection (β•∇u, v) = (f, v) sur un domaine polygonal borné du plan. Le terme de diffusion est approché par des éléments de Crouzeix Raviart et le terme de convection par une méthode upwind sur des volumes barycentriques finis avec un maillage triangulaire. Pour le problème stationnaire d’advection-diffusion, la L²-stabilité (c’est-à-dire indépendante du coefficient de diffusion v) est démontrée pour la solution du problème approché obtenue par cette méthode d’éléments finis et de volumes finis. Pour cela une condition sur la géométrie doit être satisfaite. Des exemples de maillages sont donnés. Toujours avec cette condition géométrique sur le maillage, une inégalité de stabilité (où la discrétisation en temps n’est pas couplée à une condition sur la finesse du maillage) est obtenue pour le cas non-stationnaire. La discrétisation en temps y est faite par un schéma d’Euler implicite. Une majoration de l’erreur, proportionnelle au pas en temps et à la finesse du maillage, est ensuite proposée et exprimée explicitement en fonction des données du problème. Pour le problème d’advection, une approche utilisant la théorie des graphes est utilisée pour obtenir l’existence et l’unicité de la solution, ainsi que le résultat de stabilité. Comme pour la stabilité du problème d’advection-diffusion, une condition géométrique - qui est équivalente pour les points intérieurs du maillage à celle du problème d’advection-diffusion - est nécessaire. / We consider the stationary linear convection-diffusion equation v(∇u, ∇v)+( β•∇u, v) = (f, v), the time dependent d/dt (u(t), v) + v(∇u,∇v)+( β•∇u, v)= (g(t), v) equation and the linear advection equation (β•∇u, v) = (f, v) on a two dimensional bounded polygonal domain. The diffusion term is discretized by Crouzeix-Raviart piecewise linear finite elements, and the convection term by upwind barycentric finite volumes on a triangular grid. For the stationary convection-diffusion problem, L²-stability (i.e. independent of the diffusion coefficient v) is proven for the approximate solution obtained by this combined finite-element finite-volume method. This result holds if the underlying grid satisfies a condition that is fulfilled, for example, by some structured meshes. Using again this condition on the grid, stability is shown for the time dependent convection-diffusion equation (without any link between mesh size and time step). An implicit Euler approach is used for the time discretization. It is shown that the error associated with this scheme decays linearly with the mesh size and the time step. This result holds without any link between mesh size and time step. The dependence of the corresponding error bound on the diffusion coefficient is completely explicit. For the stationary advection equation, an approach using graph theory is used to obtain existence, uniqueness and stability. As in the stationary linear convection-diffusion equation, the underlying grid must satisfy some geometric condition. / Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die zweidimensionale stationäre Konvektion-Diffusionsgleichung v(∇u, ∇v)+( β•∇u, v) = (f, v), die zeitabhängige Konvektion-Diffusionsgleichung d/dt (u(t), v) + v(∇u,∇v)+( β•∇u, v)= (g(t), v), sowie die Konvektionsgleichung (β•∇u, v) = (f, v). Der Diffusionsterm ist diskretisiert mittels Crouzeix-Raviart stückweise lineare Finite Elemente. Das Gebiet ist in Dreiecke unterteilt und der Konvektionsterm ist mittels einer upwind Methode auf Baryzentrische Finite Volumenelemente definiert. Für die stationäre Konvektion-Diffusionsgleichung, wird (d.h. von v unabhängige) L²-Stabilität der numerischen Lösung bewiesen. Voraussetzung dafür, ist die Erfüllung gewisser geometrischer Bedingungen an die Unterteilung des Gebiets. Beispiele von Unterteilungen die diese Bedingungen erfüllen, werden gegeben. Wieder an dieser geometrischen Bedingung geknüpft, wird Stabilität (d.h. die Zeitdiskretisierung ist entkoppelt von der Netzweite) für die zeitabhängige Konvektion-Diffusionsgleichung, bewiesen. Für die Zeitableitung wird dabei eine Implizite Euler Diskretisierung verwendet. Eine obere Schranke für den Diskretisierungsfehler, proportional zum Zeitdiskretisierungsparameter und zur Netzfeinheit, ausgedrückt als Funktion der Daten der Differenzialgleichung, wird gezeigt. Für die Konvektionsgleichung wird ein graphentheoretischer Zugang verwendet, der es ermöglicht Existenz, Eindeutigkeit und Stabilität, zu bekommen. Für die Stabilität, werden ähnliche geometrische Bedingungen an die Unterteilung des Gebiets gestellt, wie beim stationären Konvektion-Diffusionsproblem.

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