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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consolidación de cadenas globales y desarrollo de clusters locales: el caso de la industria de maquinaria agrícola en Argentina

Langard, Federico 19 February 2015 (has links)
La industria de maquinaria agrícola argentina tiene una larga trayectoria vinculada desde sus inicios al desarrollo de la agricultura pampeana argentina. En tanto, su localización, concentrada en las provincias de Santa Fe y Córdoba, se vincula a la zona de producción agrícola originaria del país, donde la demanda fue desde un principio cuantitativamente más importante y cualitativamente más dinámica. La tesis estudia está industria en está área específica desde una perspectiva histórico - estructural, distinguiendo entre firmas transnacionales de países "centrales" y empresas nacionales PyME, propias de un país periférico. De está forma respondemos los siguientes interrogantes, que son a su vez guía de la tesis: ¿cuál ha sido la configuración industrial de los distintos segmentos de producción? ¿Hasta qué punto las diversas trayectorias se traducen en dinámicas diferenciadas de vinculación en el territorio y en la acumulación de competencias endógenas por parte de las empresas? En definitiva, consideramos central el análisis de las diferentes formas de organizar la producción espacialmente, ya sean PyME nacionales o firmas transnacionales, y sus consecuencias a nivel económico, como así también, en la forma de estructurar el territorio. / Director de beca Conicet: Graciela Elena Gutman

Multi-year campaign of the gamma-ray binary LS I +61º 303 and search for VHE emission from gamma-ray binary candidates with the MAGIC telescopes

López Oramas, Alicia 18 September 2014 (has links)
Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de sistemas binarios compactos de rayos γ, las denominadas binarias de rayos γ, con los telescopios MAGIC. Sólo cinco sistemas son los componentes de este reducido grupo. Todos ellos tienes estrellas masivas, pero sólo se conoce la naturaleza del objeto compacto de una de ellas, que se trata de una estrella de neutrones. Aunque ninguno de ellos muestra pulsaciones (propio de estrellas de neutrones) ni estructuras que se asemejen a jets (típico de agujeros negros), la mayoría de las teorías apuestan a que el objeto compacto de estos objetos es una estrella de neutrones. El escenario más aceptado para explicar la emisión γ de muy alta energía es aquel en el que el viento estelar interactúa con el viento de la estrella de neutrones, acelerando las partículas presentes en el sistema hasta velocidades relativistas, con la consecuente emisión de rayos γ. El esquema de la tesis es el siguiente: • El capítulo 1 es una introducción a la astronomía de rayos γ de muy alta energía. Se presenta un pequeño resumen de la historia de los rayos cósmicos y su relación con los rayos γ. A continuación, se describen los métodos directos para la detección de rayos γ desde el espacio y los métodos indirectos utilizados por observatorios en tierra. Debido a que esta tesis utiliza datos de los telescopios MAGIC, se introduce la técnica IACT y sus fundamentos físicos. • En el capítulo 2, se discuten las restricciones de los telescopios Cherenkov debido a las incertidumbres sistemáticas provocadas por el desconocimiento de las condiciones atmosféricas y la necesidad de corregirlas. Como posible solución, se propone la utilización de sistemas LIDAR y se describe el instrumento de este tipo que está siendo desarrollado y caracterizado en el IFAE. • Los telescopios MAGIC, desde los componentes electrónicos y mecánicos y el software de control, están descritos en el capítulo 3 . Se hace especial hincapié en el sistema de adquisición de datos, en el que la autora de la tesis ha contribuido. La cadena de análisis estándar de MAGIC también se describe en este capítulo, dedicando un apartado especial al análisis bajo condiciones de luna moderada/fuerte. • El capítulo 4 es una introducción a los distintos tipos de sistemas binarios, prestando especial atención a los sistemas binarios en rayos X y en rayos γ. Los posibles escenarios para explicar la emisión gamma de estos últimos se discuten aquí también. • El capítulo 5 es una completa y detallada descripción de la binaria de rayos γ LS I + 61◦303 y se muestran los resultados de una campaña multi-­‐anual. Se investiga la variabilidad anual en la emisión a muy altas energías de esta fuente, así como la posible existencia de una modulación super-­‐orbital en su flujo. Además, se realiza un estudio sobre variabilidad espectral. Finalmente, se estudia la posible correlación entre el flujo en rayos γ de muy alta energía y la pérdida de masa de la estrella, a través de observaciones simultáneas de MAGIC y el telescopio óptico LIVERPOOL. • En el capítulo 6, se describen las observaciones realizadas sobre la candidata a binaria de rayos γ MWC 656. Este sistema es muy interesante debido a que se trata de la primera estrella masiva tipo Be en albergar un agujero negro, probado experimentalmente. • En el capítulo 7 se muestra la búsqueda de emisión γ del sistema binario SS 433, un microquasar que se encuentra sumergido en una nebulosa. • Finalmente, las conclusiones de los estudios realizados y algunas perspectivas de futuro se recogen en el capítulo 8. / This thesis is focused on the study of compact binary systems that emit γ-­‐ ray emission, the so-­‐called γ-­‐ray binaries, with the MAGIC telescopes. The bulk of the non-­‐thermal emission of these systems peaks in the γ-­‐ray domain. Only five systems are the members of this reduced group. All of them host massive stars and a compact object, remnant of a supernova explosions. Only the compact object of one of these binaries is known, a neutron star. Although none of them display pulsations (associated with neutron stars) or double-­‐jet structures (associated with microquasars), most of the theories and observations suggest a neutron star as the compact object. The most accepted scenario to explain the very high energy (VHE) emission of this source class is the pulsar wind scenario. The wind of the massive star and the wind of the neutron star interact, accelerating particles up to relativistic energies with the consequent emission of γ-­‐rayphotons. The outline of the thesis is the following: • Chapter 1 is an introduction to VHE γ-­‐ ray astronomy. First, a brief history of cosmic rays and their relation with γ rays is introduced. Direct methods for the detection of γ rays in outer space and indirect detection techniques on Earth with ground-­‐based observatorios are described. Since this thesis uses data from the MAGIC telescopes, the Imaging Air Cherenkov Technique and its physics principles are introduced. • In Chapter 2, the restrictions of IACTs in terms of the systematic uncertainties due to atmospheric conditions and the need for correcting them is discussed. A LIDAR is introduced as a solution for the next generation of IACTs, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), to reduce systematic errors and enlarge the duty cycle. The LIDAR which is being developed and characterized at IFAE is described, as well as the performance of this system. • Chapter 3 shows a description of the MAGIC telescopes. The hardware and software components, with a special contribution to the data acquisition system by the author of this thesis, are described. The standard data analysis chain is also collected as well as the special treatment of the data under moderate -­‐ strong moonlight conditions. • Chapter 4 is an introduction to compact binary systems. It describes the large variety of these sources in this Universe, finally focussing in X-­‐ray binaries and γ-­‐ ray binaries. The possible scenarios to account for the γ-­‐ ray emission of these sources are also introduced. • Chapter 5 is the complete and detailed description of the γ-­‐ray binary LS I +61◦303. The results of a multi-­‐year campaign are shown in this Chapter. Studies on the yearly flux variability and the possible existence of a super-­‐orbital modulation in the flux are investigated. Furthermore, searches for spectral variability are performed. Finally, a correlation study of the TeV flux with the mass-­‐loss rate of the Be star through simultaneous observations with an optical telescope is performed. • In Chapter 6, a search for TeV emission of the γ-­‐ray binary candidate MWC 656 is performed. This system is especially interesting for being the first Be star to be proven to host a black hole. • Chapter 7 details the search for VHE γ-­‐ray emission of the binary system SS 433, which is a microquasar embedded in a nebula. It is the only super-­‐critical accretor in the Galaxy and displays hadronic jets emission. • Finally, concluding remarks from the presented studies and future perspectives are discussed in Chapter 8.

Precise photometric redshifts with narrow-band filters, quality cuts and their impact on the measured galaxy clustering

Martí Sanahuja, Pol 16 May 2014 (has links)
El cartografiat Physics of the Accelerating Universe (PAU) al telescopi William Herschel (WHT) farà servir una nova càmera òptica (PAUCam) amb un gran conjunt de filtres de banda estreta per a dur a terme un cartografiat de galàxies amb determinacions fotomètriques del desplaçament al roig (photoz) de precisió quasiespectroscòpica σ(z)/(1+z ) ~ 0,0035, així com també fer un mapa de l'estructura a gran escala de l'univers en tres dimensions fins iAB < 22.523.0. A la primera part de la tesi es presenta un estudi detallat del rendiment en photoz utilitzant simulacions fotomètriques de 40 filtres equidistants de 12.5 nm d'amplada (FWHM) cadascun, amb un ~25% de solapament entre ells i que en conjunt abasten de 450 nm a 850 nm en longitud d'ona, juntament amb un sistema de filtres de banda ampla ugrizY. A continuació, presentem la matriu de migració rij, que conté la probabilitat que una galàxia dins del interval j en desplaçament al roig real es mesuria l'interval i en photoz, i estudiar el seu efecte en la determinació de les correlacions espacials entre galàxies, tant les autocorrelacions com les correlacions creuades entre diferents intervals de photoz. Finalment, també estudiem l'impacte en el rendiment de la determinació de photozs en aplicar petites variacions en l'amplada, la cobertura de longituds d'ona, etc., del conjunt de filtres, i trobem una àmplia regió en la qual els conjunts de filtres lleugerament modificats ofereixen resultats similars, deduint que el conjunt original és prou òptim. A la primera part de la tesi, es fa ús d'un tall de qualitat en la determinació dels photoz, és a dir, s’eliminen aquelles galàxies de la mostra per a les quals se sospita que l'estimació del photoz podria ser poc fiable, per així aconseguir la precisió que es necessita. A la segona part de la tesi, es mostra que l'aplicació d'aquests talls de qualitat pot esbiaixar substancialment tant les correlacions entre galàxies mesurades a cadascun del intervals en photoz com les creuades. A continuació, es desenvolupa un mètode simple i eficaç per corregir aquest efecte fent servir les mateixes dades. Finalment, s'aplica el mètode al catàleg de MegaZ, que conté al voltant d'un milió de galàxies vermelles lluminoses amb un desplaçament al roig de 0.45 < z < 0.65. Després de dividir la mostra en quatre intervals de photoz d’amplada Δz = 0.05 utilitzant l'algoritme BPZ, veiem com les nostres correccions fan que les mesures de les correlacions entre galàxies en un mateix interval i entre els intervals creuats estiguin d’acord amb les prediccions. A continuació, busquem el senyal de les oscil·lacions acústiques de barions (BAO) en els quatre intervals de photoz, amb i sense l'aplicació dels talls de qualitat, i trobem un ampli acord entre les escales BAO extretes en ambdós casos. És interessant de notar que s'observa una correlació entre la densitat de galàxies i la qualitat de les determinacions de photoz fins i tot abans que s'apliqui qualsevol tall de qualitat. Això pot ser degut a efectes observacionals no corregits que resultin en gradients correlacionats en el cel entre la densitat de galàxies i la precisió en la determinació de photozs. El nostre procediment de correcció podria, doncs, ajudar a mitigar alguns d'aquests efectes sistemàtics. / The Physics of the Accelerating Universe (PAU) survey at the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) will use a new optical camera (PAUCam) with a large set of narrowband filters to perform a photometric galaxy survey with a quasispectroscopic redshift precision of σ(z)/(1 + z) ~ 0.0035 and map the largescale structure of the universe in three dimensions up to iAB < 22.523.0. In the first part of the thesis we present a detailed photoz performance study using photometric simulations for 40 equallyspaced 12.5nmwide (FWHM) filters with a ~25% overlap and spanning the wavelength range from 450 nm to 850 nm, together with a ugrizY broadband filter system. We then present the migration matrix rij, containing the probability that a galaxy in a true redshift bin j is measured in a photoz bin i, and study its effect on the determination of galaxy autoand crosscorrelations. Finally, we also study the impact on the photoz performance of small variations of the filter set in terms of width, wavelength coverage, etc., and find a broad region where slightly modified filter sets provide similar results, with the original set being close to optimal. In the first part of the thesis we make use of a photometric redshift (photoz) quality cut, that is removing those galaxies from the sample for which one suspects that the photoz estimation might be unreliable, in order to achieve the stringent photoz precision needed. In the second part of the thesis, we show that applying these photoz quality cuts blindly can grossly bias the measured galaxy correlations within and across photometric redshift bins. We then develop a simple and effective method to correct for this using the data themselves. Finally, we apply the method to the MegaZ catalog, containing about a million luminous red galaxies in the redshift range 0.45 < z < 0.65. After splitting the sample into four Δz = 0.05 photoz bins using the BPZ algorithm, we see how our corrections bring the measured galaxy autoand crosscorrelations into agreement with expectations. We then look for the BAO feature in the four bins, with and without applying the photoz quality cuts, and find a broad agreement between the BAO scales extracted in both cases. Intriguingly, we observe a correlation between galaxy density and photoz quality even before any photoz quality cuts are applied. This may be due to uncorrected observational effects that result in correlated gradients across the sky of the galaxy density and the galaxy photoz precision. Our correction procedure could also help to mitigate some of these systematic effects.

Theory & observations of the PWN-SNR complex

Martín Rodríguez, Jonatan 21 July 2014 (has links)
In this work, we study theoretical and observational issues about pulsars (PSRs), pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs). In particular, the spectral modeling of young PWNe and the X-ray analysis of SNRs with magnetars comparing their characteristics with those remnants surrounding canonical pulsars. The spectra of PWNe range from radio to γ-rays. They are the largest class of identified Galactic in γ-rays increasing the number from 1 to ∼30 during the last years. We have developed a detailed spectral code which reproduces the electromagnetic spectrum of PWNe in free expansion (tage .10 kyr). We shed light and try to understand issues on time evolution of the spectra, the synchrotron self-Compton dominance in the Crab Nebula, the particle dominance in PWNe detected at TeV energies and how physical parameters constrain the detectability of PWNe at TeV. We make a systematic study of all Galactic, TeV-detected, young PWNe which allows to find correlations and trends between parameters. We also discuss about the spectrum of those PWNe not detected at TeV and if models with low magnetized nebulae can explain the lack of detection or, on the contrary, high-magnetization models are more favorable. Regarding the X-ray analysis of SNRs, we use X-ray spectroscopy in SNRs with magnetars to discuss about the formation mechanism of such extremely magnetized PSRs. The alpha-dynamo mechanism proposed in the 1990’s produces an energy release that should have influence in the energy of the SN explosion. We extend the work done previously done by Vink & Kuiper (2006) about the energetics of the SN explosion looking for this energy release and we look for the element ionization and the X-ray luminosity and we compare our results with other SNRs with an associated central source.

Observing the VHE Gamma Ray Sky with the MAGIC Telescopes: the Blazar B3 2247+381 and the Crab Pulsar

Giavitto, Gianluca 21 February 2013 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es ampliar nuestra comprensión de la física de dos clases de fuentes astrofísicas entre las más importantes emisoras de radiación no-térmica: blazars y púlsares. En particular, la tesis relata sobre la observación del blazar B3 2247 381 y el púlsar del Cangrejo. Este estudio se llevó a cabo mediante la medición de rayos gamma por encima de ~50 GeV con los telescopios MAGIC. Las dos clases de fuentes incluidas en esta tesis no están fuertemente relaccionadas, sin embargo, representan dos ejemplos interesantes de cómo observaciones de rayos gamma en una gama de energía cerca del umbral de MAGIC puedan conducir a avances en la comprensión de los mecanismos de emisión, y a veces a descubrimientos sorprendentes. Los blazares son galaxias activas con un chorro relativista propulsado por su agujero negro central y dirigido hacia el observador. La emisión de rayos gammas procede de partículas cargadas aceleradas en el chorro. El tipo de partículas aceleradas, la posición de la emisión y el mecanismo de aceleración son algunas de las preguntas abiertas sobre los blazars. Además, su observación puede proporcionar límites sobre la luz de fondo extragaláctica (EBL), importante para comprender la formación y evolución de las primeras galaxias. B3 2247+381 ya se observó con MAGIC en el modo monoscópico en 2006, pero no fue detectado. En 2009, el comienzo de las observaciones estereoscópicas mejoró la sensibilidad de MAGIC, y se propuso su re-observación. Se detectó en Octubre de 2010, conseguentemente se determinó su espectro por encima de 200 GeV. No se encontró variabilidad. Esta evidencia, junto con las observaciones en otras longitudes de onda, se interpretó mediante un simple modelo Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) a una zona con parámetros similares a los adoptados por otros blazars. Aunque B3 2247+381 no sea una fuente sorprendente,estos resultados conferman de la validez de modelo SSC y amplian la base de datos disponibles para estudios de EBL y de población. Los púlsares son estrellas de neutrones altamente magnetizadas, que girando emiten pulsos de radiación electromagnética en todas las longitudes de onda. Hasta hace poco, no se había detectado ningun púlsar por encima de 100 GeV, de acuerdo con la las predicciones del modelo “outer gap” (OG) de un corte exponencial en el espectro de energía alrededor de algunos GeV. MAGIC observó el púlsar del Cangrejo entre 2009 y 2011, recogiendo 73 horas de datos stereo de buena calidad. Un plug-in para el software de timing TEMPO2 fue escrito para calcular las fases de los succesos mediante efemérides radio. La análisis fue adaptada para obtener un bajo umbral de energía. Una pulsación significativa (>6.8 sigma) se detectó en el rango de energía 46-416 GeV. La curva de luz presenta dos picos (P1 y P2), en línea con los de energías más bajas, pero más estrechos y con proporción P1/P2 de 0,5. Los espectros de energía resueltos en fase continuan como una ley de potencia con un índice espectral de ~-4 hasta las energías más altas, en fuerte desacuerdo con todas predicciones. Un modelo OG ampliado interpreta esta emisión como procedente de inverse Compton scattering por pares secundarios y terciarios sobre fotones IR/UV. Otras explicaciones existen, algunas predicen características espectrales comprobables con más observaciones. Queda para averiguar si el Púlsar del Cangrejo es único en su clase o si la emisión de rayos gamma hasta centenares de GeV está presente en otros púlsares. Durante el transcurso de esta tesis también he trabajado activamente en el para la actualización de la camera y del sistema de lectura de datos de MAGIC, que asegurará observaciones más eficientes y más estables. / The goal of this thesis is to expand our understanding of the physics of two astrophysical source classes amongst the most prominent emitters of non-thermal radiation: blazars and pulsars. In particular, the thesis reports the observation of the blazar B3 2247+381 and the Crab pulsar. This study was carried out by measuring gamma-ray emission above ~50 GeV from these sources with the MAGIC telescopes. The two source classes covered in this thesis are not closely related, however they represent two interesting examples of how gamma-ray observations between 50 and few hundreds of GeV, an energy range close to the threshold of MAGIC, can lead to advancements in the understanding of the emission mechanisms, and sometimes to surprising discoveries. Blazars are a type of active galaxies with a relativistic jet powered by their central black hole and directed towards the observer. Gamma-ray emission originates from charged particles accelerated in the jet. The nature of the accelerated particles, the position of the emission and the acceleration mechanism are some of the open questions about blazars. Furthermore, their observation can provide indirect limits on the extragalactic background light (EBL), important for understanding early galaxy formation and evolution. B3 2247+381 was observed already by MAGIC in monoscopic mode in 2006, but eluded detection. In 2009, the commencement of stereoscopic observations enhanced the sensitivity of MAGIC, so it was proposed for re-observation. It was detected in October 2010, leading to the determination of its spectrum above 200 GeV. No significant variability could be found. This evidence, together with observations at other wavelengths, is interpreted using a simple one-zone Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) model, with parameters similar to those adopted for other blazars. Even if B3 2247+381 was not a surprising source, these results confirm the validity of SSC models and enlarge the data base to be used in EBL and blazar population studies. Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit periodic radiation at all wavelengths. Until recently, no pulsar was detected above 100 GeV, in agreement with the “outer gap” (OG) model predictions of an exponential cutoff in the energy spectrum at few GeV. For the Crab pulsar however, the presence of said cutoff was questioned in 2010 by MAGIC monoscopic measurement. MAGIC observed the Crab pulsar in stereoscopic mode between 2009 and 2011, collecting 73 hours of good quality data. A plug-in for the TEMPO2 timing software was written to calculate the event phases using radio ephemerides. The analysis cuts were customized to obtain the lowest energy threshold possible. A significant pulsation (>6.8 sigma) was detected in the energy range 46 - 416 GeV. The folded light curve shows two peaks (P1 and P2), aligned with the ones at lower energies, but narrower and with P1/P2 ratio of ~0.5. The phase-resolved gamma-ray energy spectra continue as a power-law with a spectral index ~-4 up to the highest energies, in stark disagreement with all predictions. An extended OG model interprets this emission as high-altitude inverse Compton scattering of secondary and tertiary pairs on IR/UV photons. Other explanations exists, some predicting spectral features testable with further MAGIC observations. It remains to be understood if the Crab pulsar is unique in its kind or if gamma-ray emission up to hundreds of GeV is present in other pulsars. During the course of this thesis I was also actively involved the work for the MAGIC camera and readout upgrade, which will assure more efficient and stabler observations in the future.

Constraining Cosmological Models of Dark Energy

Duran Sancho, Ivan 19 July 2013 (has links)
Avui en dia, l'Univers sembla estar experimentant una fase d'expansió accelerada, com ho demostren les dades de supernoves i posteriorment corroborada per una sèrie de mesuraments cosmològiques -molt recentment pel satèl·lit Planck. Mentre que aquesta expansió pot ser descrit en la teoria de la gravetat d'Einstein mitjançant la invocació de l'existència d'una positiva, però extremadament petita constant cosmològica, Λ, connectat al buit quàntic, s'han proposat moltes alternatives. A grans trets, el contingut d'energia de l'univers actual es pot dividir en 5% de la matèria bariònica i el 95% d'un invisible (conegut com el "sector fosc", perquè els seus components no interactuen electromagnèticament), el 25% del qual constituït per matèria no-relativista, partícules massives d'interacció feble ("matèria fosca freda") i un 75% d'un component amb una enorme pressió negativa, l'anomenada "energia fosca". La naturalesa d'aquest últim component és completament desconegut, això justifica que s'han proposat molts candidats "de prova". De moment, la més simple i de més èxit és la constant cosmològica, esmentada anteriorment. No obstant això, pateix de dos inconvenients principals a nivell teòric: el problema de la coincidència i el problema del “fine-tunning”. L'objectiu d'aquesta memòria és proposar i ajustar els models cosmològics de l'energia fosca que eviten aquestes dificultats. Aquesta tesi està organitzada de la següent manera: Els capítols § 2, § 3 i § 4 s'introdueixen conceptes bàsics utilitzats en considerar els diferents models que conformen el nostre treball de recerca. Els següents capítols se centren en els diferents models cosmològics. Al § 5, l'energia fosca compleix el principi hologràfic i es postula que interactua (també sense gravetat) amb la matèria fosca. El principi hologràfic estableix una escala de longitud, en aquest cas la longitud d' Hubble, és a dir, la distància que limita els esdeveniments causalment connectats. Al capítol § 6, s'estudia amb més profunditat el model anterior, i es presenta una alternativa al mateix. Tots dos models comparteixen l'evolució fons idèntica però cada component es comporta de manera diferent, la qual cosa indueix un comportament divers quan es consideren les pertorbacions. Això permet discriminar observacionalment un model de l'altre. Un model d'energia fosca hologràfica més es proposa en el § 7, aquest amb l’escala de longitud determinada per el Radi de Ricci (és a dir, la mida màxima d'una pertorbació que condueix a un forat negre). Un cop més, es suposa una interacció no-gravitacional entre l'energia fosca i la matèria fosca. Al § 8, s'estudia un model unificat (amb una unificació entre la matèria fosca ad energia fosca) proposat anteriorment. Atès que l'espai de paràmetres que s'ajusta a les dades observacionals és molt petit (i també en vista del seu interès teòric), descomponem el component únic en matèria fosca freda i buit que interactuen entre ells. Com a conseqüència, l'espai de paràmetres permesos queda augmentada considerablement. Encara que els models esmentats anteriorment imiten a nivell de fons el model ΛCDM estàndard, els components foscos evolucionen de manera molt diferent. Per estudiar-los rigorosament, els codis numèrics de les pertorbacions cosmològiques han de ser adequadament modificats, amb l'inconvenient d'incrementar notablement el temps de càlcul. Aquest fet és alleujat al § 9, on un nou mètode per calcular l'espectre de potència dels models d'energia fosca és proposat. Finalment, en el § 10 tres noves parametritzacions del paràmetre de desacceleració, amb base a arguments termodinàmics sòlids, es proposen i es contrasta amb les dades observacionals. / Nowadays the Universe appears to be undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion, as witnessed by supernovae data and later corroborated by a host a cosmological measurements -very recently by the Planck satellite. While this expansion can be described in Einstein’s theory of gravity by invoking the existence of a positive but exceedingly small cosmological constant, Λ, connected to the quantum vacuum, many alternative, and sometimes sophisticated, explanations have been proposed. Roughly, the energy content of the present universe can be split into 5% of baryonic matter and 95% of a non-visible (dubbed the “dark sector” because its components do not interact electromagnetically) whose 25% consists of non-relativistic, weakly interacting massive particles (“cold dark matter”) and a 75% of a component with a huge negative pressure, the so-called “dark energy”. The nature of the latter component is completely unknown; this justifies that many “trial” candidates have been proposed. By far, the simplest and most successful one is the cosmological constant, mentioned above. However, it suffers from two main drawbacks at the theoretical level: the coincidence problem and the fine tuning problem. The aim of this Memoir is to propose and constrain cosmological models of dark energy that circumvent these difficulties. This Memoir is organized as follows: The Chapters §2, §3 and §4 introduce basic concepts widely used when considering the different models that conforms our research work. The following Chapters focus on the different cosmological models. In §5 dark energy is considered connected to the holographic principle and posits that it interacts (also non-gravitationally) with dark matter. The holographic principle sets a length scale, in this case the Hubble length, i.e., the scale of the causally connected events. In §6 the previous model is studied more deeply and an alternative to it is presented. Both models share identical background evolution but each component behaves differently, which induces a diverse behavior at the perturbative level. This allows to observationally discriminate one model from the other. A further holographic dark energy model is proposed in §7; this one based on the Ricci length (i.e., the maximum size a perturbation can have leading to a black hole). Again, a non-gravitational interaction is assumed between dark energy and dark matter. In §8, a unified dark model (featuring a unification between dark matter ad dark energy) previously proposed is studied. Since the parameter space that fits the observational data is very narrow (and also in view of its theoretical interest), we decompose the single energy component into cold dark matter and quantum vacuum interacting with one another. As a consequence the allowed parameter space gets substantially augmented. Although the models mentioned above mimic at the background level the standard ΛCDM model, the dark components evolve very differently. To rigorously study them, the numerical codes for the cosmological perturbations must be suitably modified, with the drawback of notably increasing the computational time. This is much alleviated in §9 where a novel method to calculate the matter power spectrum of dark energy models is proposed. Finally, in §10 three model independent parameterizations of the deceleration parameter, based on solid thermodynamic arguments, are proposed and contrasted with the observational data.

Avaliacao do metodo geoestatistico no estudo da distribuicao espacial da hepatite A

Medronho, Roberto de Andrade. January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Doutor -- Escola Nacional de Saude Publica, Rio de Janeiro, 1999.

Non-thermal emission from high-energy binaries through interferometric radio observations

Marcote Martin, Benito 27 October 2015 (has links)
High-mass binary systems involve extreme environments that produce non-thermal emission from radio to gamma rays. Only three types of these systems are known to emit persistent gamma-ray emission: colliding-wind binaries, high-mass X-ray binaries and gamma-ray binaries. This thesis is focused on the radio emission of high-mass binary systems through interferometric observations, and we have explored several of these sources with low- and high-frequency radio observations, and very high-resolution VLBI ones. We have studied the gamma-ray binary LS 5039 at low and high frequencies, and we have determined its spectra and light-curves in the frequency range of 0.15—15 GHz by analyzing radio observations from the VLA, GMRT and WSRT. We have observed that its spectrum is persistent along the time on day, month and year timescales, exhibiting a turnover at 0.5 GHz. The obtained quasi-simultaneous spectra reveal subtle differences between them. Synchrotron self-absorption can explain the observed spectra, but the Razin effect is necessary at some epochs. This is the first time that this effect is reported in a gamma-ray binary. With all these data and a simple model, we have estimated the physical properties of the radio emitting region, providing an estimation of its size, the magnetic field, the electron density, and the mass-loss rate of the companion star. We have also explored the low-frequency emission of the gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303 through GMRT and LOFAR observations. We have detected for the first time a gamma-ray binary at a frequency as low as 150 MHz. We have also determined the light-curves of the source at 150, 235 and 610 MHz. These light-curves are modulated with the orbital and superorbital period, with a quasi-sinusoidal modulation along the orbital phase. The shifts observed between the orbital phases at which the maximum emission takes place at different frequencies have been modeled with a simple model, suggesting an expanding emitting region, with an expansion velocity close to the stellar wind one. The gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057 has been explored with a very high-resolution EVN observation to unveil the evolution of its radio emission along the orbit. However, the source was not detected, setting an upper-limit which is one order of magnitude below the radio emission detected in previous observations. We have discovered a new colliding wind binary (HD 93129A) through a multiwavelength campaign with optical and LBA radio data. We have resolved the radio emission from the wind collision region, observing the expected bow-shaped structure. This source is one of the earliest, hottest, and most massive binary systems discovered up to now. We provide a rough estimation of the wind momentum rates ratio based on the observed structure. We have also observed an increase of the radio emission during the last years, as the system approaches to the periastron passage, which is estimated to take place in ~2024. Finally, we performed radio observations on two new sources that were hypothesized to be gamma-ray binaries. On one hand, the star TYC 4051-1277-1 was initially proposed to be associated with a non-thermal radio source, but he have concluded that the radio emission is originated by a quasar. On the other hand, MWC 656 has been discovered to be the first Be/BH binary system. However, its radio emission remains undetected. Based on these results, we have improved the knowledge of several high-energy binary systems through their radio emission, conducting for the first time detailed low-frequency estudies on these types of sources. / Las binarias de alta energía son sistemas que producen emisión de rayos X y/o rayos gamma, debido a la presencia de un entorno suficientemente energético como para acelerar partículas hasta velocidades relativistas. Sólo tres tipos de binarias han sido detectadas en rayos gamma de forma persistente: binarias con colisión de vientos, binarias de rayos X de alta masa o binarias de rayos gamma. Todas ellas involucran una estrella masiva (con una masa superior a 8 veces la masa solar) y a otra estrella masiva o a un objeto compacto. Esta tesis está centrada en el estudio de la emisión radio de estos sistemas a través de observaciones con radio interferómetros. Se han estudiado dos binarias de rayos gamma a bajas frecuencias (LS 5039 y LS I +61 303), obteniendo sus curvas de luz y espectros. Éstos nos han permitido determinar propiedades físicas de la región emisora, como el campo magnético, la tasa de pérdida de masa, o la velocidad de expansión de dicha región. También hemos revelado la presencia del efecto Razin en la parte absorbida del espectro de LS 5039, siendo la primera vez que se detecta en una binaria de rayo gamma. Además, se ha detectado por primera vez una binaria de rayos gamma, LS I +61 303, a una frecuencia tan baja como 150 MHz. También se ha estudiado la binaria de rayos gamma HESS J0632+057 con observaciones radio de muy alta resolución, aunque la misma no ha sido detectada. Se ha descubierto una nueva binaria con colisión de vientos, HD 93129A, a través de observaciones radio de muy alta resolución y observaciones ópticas. Por último, se han llevado a cabo observaciones radio de dos fuentes que eran candidatas a ser binarias de rayos gamma.

Efeitos da desnutrição precoce e de crises convulsivas na memória espacial do rato imaturo

Hemb, Marta January 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-07T19:05:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000397458-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 1733563 bytes, checksum: 992752e280f9a8a81b06e232e3094649 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Purpose: In this study we evaluated the effects of undernourishment and seizures on memory and spatial learning in a model of developing brain. Methods: Male Wistar pup rats were allocated to one out of six experimental groups as follows: Nourished Control (NC), Nourished Recurrent Seizures (NRS), Nourished Status Epilepticus (NSE), Undernourished Control (UC), Undernourished Recurrent Seizures (URS) or Undernourished Status Epilepticus (USE). UC, URS and USE groups were maintained on a starvation regimen from post-natal day 2 (P2) to post-natal day 15 (P15). URS and NRS groups suffered three daily flurothyl-induced seizures from P2 to P4. USE and NSE groups suffered a status epilepticus (SE) at P15. Beginning at P21 all groups were trained in the Morris water maze. At P30 the animals were sacrificed and their brains weighted. Results: Our data indicate that early undernourishment does not alter seizure susceptibility at P15, but diminishes body and brain weight (p<0,001), whereas seizures diminish body (p<0,001) but not brain weight (p=0,972). In the Morris water probe test we have observed that undernourished rats spent less time in the target quadrant than nourished animals (p<0,001). Also, rats submitted to recurrent seizures and rats submitted to status epilepticus spent less time in the target quadrant than seizure-free animals (p=0,001). There was a significant interaction between undernourishment and seizure (p=0,013). Discussion: Our findings show that undernourishment and seizures have a detrimental additive effect on body and brain weight as well as in spatial memory. / Objetivo: Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos da desnutrição precoce e de crises convulsivas no aprendizado espacial e na memória, em um modelo de desenvolvimento cerebral. Métodos: Filhotes machos de ratos Wistar foram alocados em seis grupos: Nutridos Controles (NC), Nutridos Crises Recorrentes (NCR), Nutridos Status Epilepticus (NSE), Desnutridos Controles (DC), Desnutridos Crises Recorrentes (DCR) e Desnutridos Status Epilepticus (DSE). Os animais dos grupos DC, DCR e DSE foram mantidos em um regime de privação alimentar do segundo (P2) ao décimo quinto (P15) dia de vida pós-natal. De P2 a P4, os grupos NCR e DCR foram expostos a três crises convulsivas recorrentes por dia, induzidas por flurothyl. Em P15, os grupos NSE e DSE foram expostos a um status epilepticus induzido por esta mesma substância. De P21 à 26 todos os grupos foram testados no labirinto aquático de Morris para aferição do aprendizado e memória espaciais. Em P30, os animais foram sacrificados e os cérebros foram pesados. Resultados: A análise indicou que a desnutrição precoce não alterou a suscetibilidade às crises convulsivas em P15 mas reduziu os pesos corporais e cerebrais (p<0,001), enquanto as crises convulsivas diminuíram o peso corporal (p<0,01), mas não o cerebral (p=0,972). Além disto, os animais desnutridos permaneceram menos tempo no quadrante alvo do labirinto aquático de Morris do que os nutridos, durante o teste de prova, em P26 (p<0,001). Da mesma forma, os ratos submetidos às crises recorrentes, assim como os que sofreram status epilepticus, também permaneceram menos tempo no quadrante alvo, quando comparados aos animais livres de crises (p=0,001). Conclusão: Nossos achados mostram que a desnutrição e as crises convulsivas apresentam um efeito aditivo prejudicial no peso corporal, no peso cerebral e na retenção da memória espacial de ratos jovens.

Qualidade da água e macroinvertebrados em córregos periurbanos um estudo de caso em Angatuba (SP) /

Cesar, Daniela Aparecida Silveira January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Raoul Henry / Resumo: A escassez de água tornou-se um problema relevante devido ao rápido crescimento populacional associado às ações antrópicas em todo o mundo. No entanto, estudos que abordam a influência das ações antrópicas e da sazonalidade em diferentes aspectos como qualidade de água, usos dos solos e fauna bentônica em cursos de água periurbanos ainda são escassos. O monitoramento de estações a montante e a jusante são importantes para identificar pressões pontuais sobre o curso de água. Diante deste cenário, estudos de avaliação ambiental são necessários visando estratégias para gerenciamento e conservação desses recursos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade ambiental (entorno, água e fauna) em diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais de cursos de água periurbanos localizados no município de Angatuba (SP). As coletas foram realizadas em dois pontos de amostragem situados em áreas a montante (próximas às nascentes) e a jusante da rede de drenagem urbana. A sazonalidade e categorias dos usos do solo afetaram de maneira diferente os locais estudados contribuindo para as mudanças na qualidade da água e distribuição dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos nas diferentes escalas. A maioria das variáveis medidas a montante mostrou baixa variação sem padrão sazonal definido. Maior amplitude de variação foi observada para as variáveis medidas a jusante, com valores elevados durante todo o ano. A abundância dos invertebrados aumentou no final do período de estiagem a jusante e diminuiu o... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

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