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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


SERGIO ROZENBAUM 11 May 2009 (has links)
[pt] Vem-se observando, no Brasil, um crescimento do mercado imobiliário. Os jornais e revistas das principais cidades brasileiras contêm inúmeras páginas de anúncios de lançamentos imobiliários. São muitas ofertas, muitos compradores e muitos negócios. O mercado imobiliário está em expansão, atendendo a quase todas as classes sociais e empregando um grande contingente de mão-de-obra. Várias empresas de construção civil foram listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, obtendo recursos para o desenvolvimento de projetos. Esse mercado está assumindo, finalmente, um papel importante na economia do Brasil, a exemplo dos EUA, da União Européia e dos países da OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômico). Ainda falta, contudo, um indicador das tendências do mercado que permita uma análise do investimento, tanto para produtores quanto para os compradores. Na verdade, não existe um índice de preços para o mercado imobiliário para nenhuma cidade brasileira. Esta pesquisa concluiu que para grande parte das prefeituras brasileiras, é possível usar as bases de dados do ITBI (Imposto de Transmissão de Bens Imóveis) e do IPTU (Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano) para a construção de um índice municipal de preços de apartamentos (IMPA). Um índice foi construído através de um modelo hedônico em que os atributos utilizados são os que constam da base de dados do ITBI, e mais uma variável, que atribui um valor à localização das ruas de um bairro (VR). Essa variável foi obtida na planta genérica de valores (PGV), que serve de base de cálculo do IPTU. A partir do modelo utilizado na cidade de Paris, França, foi proposta uma nova metodologia, testada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A divisão das cidades em regiões homogêneas, representadas por um ou mais de seus bairros mais importantes, permitiu a obtenção de índices regionais e, por agregação, um índice municipal. A metodologia é de fácil replicação por grande parte das prefeituras das cidades brasileiras de grande e médio porte que possuam um cadastro das edificações residenciais multi-familiares e uma planta genérica de valores. Quando essas prefeituras construírem seus índices, será possível obter um índice nacional. Os resultados obtidos para o Município do Rio de Janeiro validaram o modelo. / [en] A growth of the real estate market has been observed in Brazil. The newspapers and magazines of main Brazilian cities contain many pages of ads for new real estate developments. There are many offers, many buyers and many deals. The real estate market is growing, meeting the needs of almost all social classes and employing a large pool of labor. A number of construction companies have been listed on the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, having obtained capital funding for development projects. This market is finally getting an important role in Brazil’s economy, like the U.S., EU and OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). However, it still lacks an indicator of market trends to enable an analysis of the investment, both for developers and for buyers. As a matter of fact, there is not a price index for the real estate market of any Brazilian city. This research concluded that for most Brazilian cities, it is possible to use the ITBI (Transmission of Real Estate Tax) and IPTU (Buildings and Urban Property Tax) databases for the creation of a municipal index of condominium prices (MICP). An index was created through a hedonic model that uses attributes from the ITBI database, plus a variable attribute which assigns a value to the location of the streets of a neighborhood (VR). This variable attribute was obtained from the plant of generic values (PGV), which serves as the basis for calculating IPTU. Based on the model used in the city of Paris, France, a new methodology was proposed and tested in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The division of cities into homogeneous regions, represented by one or more of the most important neighborhoods, enabled the achievement of a regional index and, by means of aggregation, a municipal index. The methodology is easy to replicate for most Brazilian cities of large and medium size that have a record of multi-family residential buildings and a general valuation platform. After those cities build their own indexes, it will be possible to obtain a national index. The results for Rio de Janeiro have validated that model.


ANA CAROLINA CANEGAL DE ALMEIDA 03 January 2011 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho aborda o tema da segregação urbana por meio do estudo da relação entre a Cruzada São Sebastião, conjunto habitacional popular criado há mais de 50 anos para abrigar famílias remanescentes de favelas, e o bairro onde este se localiza, o Leblon, um dos mais valorizados comercial e simbolicamente do Rio de Janeiro, moradia de classes abastadas. A pesquisa empírica centrou-se na análise do olhar de cinco intérpretes, de dentro e de fora do conjunto habitacional, na tentativa de compreender os modos particulares de leitura da relação entre os dois espaços em questão. Partindo da hipótese de que há entre a Cruzada São Sebastião e o Leblon tensões decorrentes de uma fronteira urbana estabelecida, reanimada e reavivada por meio da força dos estereótipos e do estigma territorial relegados à Cruzada, pretendeu-se, assim, contribuir para a discussão dos processos de segregação urbana. / [en] This work approaches the urban segregation theme through the study of the relationship between Cruzada São Sebastião, a housing project built over 50 years in order to shelter families which had lived in favelas, and Leblon, the neighborhood in which it takes place, mostly occupied by medium and higher classes’ groups. The research had focused on the analyses of five interpreters, which have their own specific perspectives, from inside and outside the housing project, trying to comprehend their particular ways of reading the relationship between those spaces in question. The hypothesis was that there are tensions originated from a constant reanimated and revived urban frontier established between Cruzada São Sebastião and Leblon, through the strength of stereotypes and territorial stigma relegated to Cruzada. Our intention, therefore, was to contribute for the urban segregation processes debate.

Vývoj cen nemovitostí v souvislosti s hospodářským vývojem České republiky / Real estate prices in connection with development of the economy of the Czech Republic

Novák, Aleš January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the problem of real estate prices in the Czech Republic and its progress in context of economic development of the Czech economy. The real estate prices are an important indicator of economic maturity of the country and its incidental adverse development affect strongly banking sector and consequently the whole economy. In the first part of the work are described and analyzed causations of the economic development of the Czech Republic for providing a frame of conditions of our economy. The second part of the work is focused on the Czech real estate market, its specifics in comparison with other markets. There are summarized starting points of the previous economic era and there are described and analyzed economic influences on the real estate market. Further there is given account of the real estate prices development in detail. Preceding findings are synthesized in the final part of the work and in addition there is sketched out possible development of real estate prices in the near future.

Trh průmyslových a skladových nemovitostí / The industrial and storage property market

Horáková, Petra January 2007 (has links)
The goal of this final essay is to present and evaluate the industrial and storage property market in the Czech Republic, to highlight its strengths and weaknesses, to compare it with the trends in other segments and with international statistics, and to estimate the direction of future development. A significant part deals with the realisation of projects in the form of regenerating brownfields, renewing and re-using damaged territory.

Analýza expanze na slovenský trh / Analysis of the Slovak market entry

Pausová, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The goal of my thesis is to elaborate a recommendation for the slovak market entry of the project bezrealitky.cz. Recommendation will be based on a situation analysis of the real estate market and of the main competitors. It should confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis, that in the slovak real estate market exists a niche in providing complex services for byuers and sellers of the real estates, which could be filled by project bezrealitky.cz

Realitní trhy v Evropě, USA a ČR v kontextu světové ekonomické krize / Real estate markets in USA, EU and Czech republic in the context of the economic crisis

Rerko, Filip January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the impacts of the current economic crisis on the real estate markets in USA, EU and Czech republic.

Vývoj cen nemovitostí v České republice v souvislosti s hospodářskou krizí / The real estate development in The Czech Republic in association with the global economic crisis

Stulík, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The main goal, of this work on the topic The real estate development in The Czech Republic in association with the global economic crisis, is to find out the essential determinants, which can influence the real estate market. In last period we are witness of discussion on the topic price bubble. This bubble should have been to see in date until 2008. In my work I will try to analyze, if it is true or not. The essential output of my work is analysis of relationship of real estate's price development in relation to whole economy. Because of economic crisis is better view of whole analysis.

Urbanizace v Hongkongu - vývoj a dopady / Urbanisation in Hong Kong - development and impacts

Suleymanova, Lina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma thesis is to characterize Hong Kong real estate bubble which reached its peak in 1988 and to analyze housing shortage in Hong Kong. The secondary objective is economic development of Hong Kong and urbanisation trends in 21st century. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first chapter introduces main theoretical urbanisation concepts. The second part deals Hong Kong economic development from 1842 till 2014. The third part analyzes formation and evolution of real estate bubble and housing shortage in Hong Kong.

Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících trh nemovitostí USA ve 20. letech 20. století s důrazem na měnovou politiku / The Analysis of Factors Affecting Real Esate Market in 1920s in the United States with Emphasis on Monetary Policy

Pokorný, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with factors that affected the real estate market in the 1920s in the United States. The aim of the thesis was to determine whether monetary policy had any effect on the prices of new residential houses and whether its easing led to the creation of price bubble and subsequent fall in prices. At first the thesis focuses on explaining economic development and monetary policy in the 1920s and subsequently on the analysis of foreign studies concerning different factors and their effects. The statistical method of regression model was used to test hypothesis. The results of my analysis proved that the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System was one of the factors affecting the prices of new buildings. This occurred through changes in interest rates, which encouraged an increase in real estate prices during the boom.

Kupní chování na trhu rezidenčních nemovitostí / Buying behavior in the residential property market

Libánský, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the consumers behavior on the residential property market in the Czech Republic, focusing on the specifics of the capital city. Based on the original research, the main goal of this thesis is to reveal the typical behavior and issues of the customers when buying real estate in Prague and evaluate the customer purchasing behavior of young population, with a focus on the college students. The secondary goal is to identify the profile of consumers on the real estate market in the Czech Republic and to describe the subjects on the Czech real estate market. The research is based on both qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative questionnaire surveys methods, providing a view of the problems of the real estate market from different angles.

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