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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AnÃlise Multivariada dos ParÃmetros de Qualidade de Ãgua no Parque EcolÃgico do Rio CocÃ

Danilo Nogueira de Souza 30 June 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Os estuÃrios, apesar de terem sido o berÃo para a maioria das grandes cidades do mundo, sofrem grandes e constantes agressÃes por parte das mais diversas atividades humanas, as quais resultam em contaminaÃÃo de suas Ãguas. O Parque EcolÃgico do rio CocÃ, localizado na cidade de Fortaleza e cuja origem à o estuÃrio desse mesmo corpo hÃdrico, à alvo de impor-tantes fontes poluidoras tais como esgotos domÃsticos e industriais, e despejos de resÃduos sÃlidos. Para orientar futuras intervenÃÃes do poder pÃblico nesse ecossistema flÃvio-marinho, utilizou-se o mÃtodo estatÃstico multivariado da AnÃlise da Componente Principal (ACP) para o estudo dos parÃmetros de qualidade de Ãgua, identificando, dentre esses, quais os mais relevantes para cada tipo de poluiÃÃo. Os dados de qualidade de Ãgua foram coletados em uma campanha de campo realizada pelo Labomar (UFC). Os parÃmetros de qualidade de Ãgua selecionados para a anÃlise foram Cor, OxigÃnio Dissolvido (OD), Demanda BioquÃmica de OxigÃnio (DBO), FÃsforo, Nitrato e Coliformes Fecais. AtravÃs de uma anÃlise prÃvia feita com as correlaÃÃes lineares entre essas variÃveis, foi possÃvel identificar que a fonte poluidora mais significativa em trÃs das quatro seÃÃes analisadas à de origem industrial. Os resultados da aplicaÃÃo da ACP identificaram quais os parÃmetros sÃo mais diretamente influenciados e, por isso, mais indicativos de cada tipo de poluiÃÃo. AlÃm disso, constatou-se a eficiÃncia da aplicaÃÃo do mÃtodo AnÃlise da Componente Principal, especialmente quando hà pouca disponibilidade de dados, caso da bacia estudada. / Estuaries were the cradle for the majority of the cities in the world. On the other hand, they suffer with constant and strong aggressions by various types of human activities that pollute their waters. The Cocà River Ecological Park, located at Fortaleza and whose origen is the estuary of this same body of water, is target of important pollutant sources like domestical sewage and industrial sewage, and wasted solid material. In order to guide future interventions of the govenment in this ecosystem, was used the multivariate statistical method called Principal Componente Analyses (PCA) to study the parameters of water quality, identifying, among this variables, the most important ones for each type of pollution. Data about water quality were collected during a study leaded by Labomar (UFC). Color, Dissolved Oxigen (DO), Biochemical Oxigen Demand (BOD), Phosphorus, Nitrate and Fecal Coliforms were the selected water quality parameters for the analyses. Through a previous analyses with the linear correlations of this variables, it was possible to identify the most relevant pollutant source for three of the four studied sections: industrial source. Results for the application of PCA showed what parameters are the most directed influenced and, this way, are the most indicatives of each kind of pollution. Besides, the efficience of the method of Principal Component Analyses was verified, specially when there is few data, like the studied basin.

Dados MODIS e Landsat-8 para análise da água da Lagoa dos Patos, RS / MODIS and Landsat-8 for water analysis of the Patos Lagoon, Brazil

Andrade, Alice César Fassoni de January 2016 (has links)
Imagens adquiridas por sensores orbitais possibilitam observações da Terra e auxiliam estudos de grande áreas. Este trabalho utilizou imagens orbitais para analisar os componentes que modificam as características óticas da água na Lagoa dos Patos, localizada no sul do Brasil. A partir de imagens multiespectrais dos sensores MODIS/Terra e OLI/Landsat-8, foi possível avaliar a variação espaço-temporal de sólidos em suspensão (SS) e estimar alguns parâmetros de qualidade da água na Lagoa dos Patos. Na primeira etapa desse trabalho, o padrão anual e espacial de SS na laguna foi determinado com base em uma série de 15 anos do produto MOD09Q1 (reflectância na faixa do vermelho do sensor MODIS). Foi observado que a reflectância possui um padrão sazonal com aumento do outono até o final da primavera, e que no corpo lagunar e no estuário a reflectância varia ao longo do ano. Interpretações da variação da reflectância, relacionadas a descarga fluvial e a ação dos ventos, foram apresentadas. Na segunda etapa desse trabalho, o modelo linear de mistura espectral (MLME) foi aplicado em uma imagem do sensor OLI para separar águas espectralmente distintas do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. A partir das imagens frações, geradas pelo MLME, e das bandas do sensor OLI e TIRS modelos empíricos foram desenvolvidos para estimar alguns parâmetros de qualidade da água. Os modelos obtidos foram capazes de estimar a concentração de clorofila-a (R2 = 0,82) e de sólidos em suspensão (R2 = 0,62), a turbidez (R2 = 0,67) e a profundidade do disco Secchi (R2 = 0,64). Conclui-se que o MLME e os dados do satélite Landsat-8 apresentam grande potencial para estimativa de parâmetros da água por imagens orbitais. / Images acquired by orbital sensors enable observations of the Earth and assist studies of large areas. This work used orbital images to analyze the components that modify the optical characteristics of the water of Lagoa dos Patos, located in the southern region of Brazil. By using multispectral images from MODIS/Terra and OLI/Landsat-8 sensors it was possible to evaluate the spatio-temporal variation of suspended solids (SS) and estimate some parameters of water quality. In the first stage of this work, the annual and spatial pattern of SS were estimated based on a series of 15 years of MOD09Q1 product (reflectance in the red channel of MODIS sensor). It was observed that the reflectance has a seasonal pattern with increase in the autumn until the late spring, and that in the lagoon body and estuary the reflectance varies throughout the year. Interpretations of the spatio-temporal variation of reflectance related to river discharge and the action of the winds were presented. In second stage of this study, the Linear Spectral Mixing Model (LSMM) was applied to an image of the OLI sensor to separate spectrally distinct waters of Lagoa dos Patos estuary. From the fraction images generated by LSMM and the bands of OLI and TIRS sensors, empirical models were developed to estimate some parameters of water quality. The obtained models were able to estimate the concentration of chlorophyll (R2 = 81,56) and the suspended solids (R2 = 61,57), turbidity (R2= 67,14) and Secchi disk depth (R2 = 64,29). Combination of LSMM and the Landsat- 8 satellite have shown great potential for water parameters estimation from orbital images.

Estudo de biodisponibillidade de Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos - HPAs na água do mar nos ecosistemas marinhos do Sistema Estuarino de Santos - São Vicente e do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape / Bioavailability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - PAHs in the sea water in Santos Estuarine System and Cananéia - Iguape Lagoon System

Fabiana Ribeiro Fontenelle da Silva 02 March 2018 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a biodisponibilidade de HPAs na água do mar no sistema estuarino de Santos e no sistema lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, para isso foi feita a exposição de membranas semipermeáveis (SPMD) e de bivalves (Crassostrea brasiliana) a fim de se obter um melhor panorama das concentrações desse poluente nessas duas regiões. De forma complementar foram analisadas também amostras de água, material particulado em suspensão (MPS) e sedimentos. A bioacumulação de HPAs no tecido de bivalves foi cerca de quatro vezes superior às suas concentrações iniciais para a região de Santos. Foram também estimadas as concentrações de HPA na água do mar através das concentrações encontradas nos SPMDs e nos bivalves transplantados. Essas concentrações foram comparáveis às concentrações encontradas nas amostras de água. Através da análise de componentes principais juntamente com índices diagnósticos foi possível estabelecer as possíveis fonte de HPAs para as matrizes analisadas, identificando assim a predominância de HPAs pirolíticos em bivalves e sedimentos, enquanto que na água, MPS e SPMDs há predominância de HPAs petrogênicos. A comparação entre compartimentos mostrou a importância da avaliação de múltiplas matrizes, em função da concentração de HPAs cada grupo de compostos e de seus diferentes padrões de acumulação. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as concentrações médias de HPAs nas duas regiões de estudo. O Complexo de Cananéia - Iguape antes considerada como área controle, apresentou concentrações de HPAs elevadas, indicando influencia antrópica para a região. / The aim of this work was to evaluate PAH\'s bioavailability in the sea water in Santos Estuarine System and Cananéia - Iguape Lagoon System. SemiPermeable Membrane Devices (SPMD) and bivalves (Crassostrea brasiliana) were deployed in both areas to obtain an overview of all these pollutants concentration, further than the potential of bioaccumulation of contaminants. Aiming comparative purposes, samples of water, suspended particulate matter (SMP) and sediments were also analyzed. PAHs bioaccumulation in bivalves tissues after deployment represented fourfold the initial concentration for Santos region. The estimated concentration of 16 priority PAHs in the water SPMD- and bivalve-based were within the concentration of PAH analyzed in the water samples, demonstrating the effectiveness of those tools to assessment of PAH in water. Through the Principal Components Analysis (PCA), and the diagnostic ratios it was possible to establish the potential sources of PAHs for analyzed compartments, identifying the pyrolytic PAH influence for bivalves and sediments under, while for water, MPS and SPMDs the mainly PAHs source were from petrogenic PAHs. Comparison between compartments showed the importance of multiple tools analyzes due to the concentration of PAH of each compound group and the different pattern of accumulation. It was not observed significant difference between the mean concentrations of PAHs in both studied regions. Cananéia - Iguape Complex was first considered as control area reported PAHs concentration higher PAH concentrations, suggesting anthropic influence in this area.

Trace Metals and Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Life History and Trophic Connections in Estuarine-Dependent Fish from Tampa Bay, Florida

Boehme-Terrana, Linae Marie 15 November 2007 (has links)
Florida's estuaries support a wide range of species yet little is known about tracemetal cycling among members of this important ecosystem. To examine the flow of trace metals through the Tampa Bay estuary, four fish species representing different trophic levels were analyzed for copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and stable isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Species selected were the striped mullet (Mugil cephalus), tidewater mojarra (Eucinostomus harengulus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), and sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius). Juvenile fish were collected from the Alafia, Hillsborough, Palm, and Little Manatee Rivers. Adults were collected from Tampa Bay. Combinations of trace metal and stable isotope analyses were used to evaluate geographic variability in trace metal concentrations among locations in Tampa Bay and to shed light on trophic pathways that lead to trace metal accumulation. In juvenile mullet, significant trends were found between Zn concentrations, stable isotope ratios, and standard length. Animals of the smallest size classes carry greater concentrations of zinc in their tissues and have distinct stable isotope ratios that reflect their recent life history as offshore planktivorous larvae. Interestingly, the ratio of Zn:Cu concentrations was highly conserved. While species-specific differences were observed, relatively small Zn:Cu variations suggest a possible bioregulatory mechanism that maintains an optimal Zn:Cu ratio even in the presence of elevated absolute metal concentrations. Stable isotope ratios proved to be an effective tracer of ontogenetic changes in fish diet and habitat. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses revealed that trophic relations between species are established very early in an organism's life history. The bay anchovy, a major prey item of the sand seatrout, has δ15N values very similar to this predator. Although trophic linkages between trace metals and stable isotopes proved difficult to interpret, the relation between zinc concentrations and δ¹³C values suggested that trace metal concentrations are highest in animals that utilize food webs based on terrestrial carbon.

Arsenic and Selected Elements in Marine Photosynthetic Organisms,South-East Coast, NSW, Australia.

Thomson, Danielle, n/a January 2006 (has links)
The cycling of arsenic in the marine photosynthetic plants and algae was examined by analysing total arsenic concentrations and arsenic species in selected marine photosynthetic organisms from the south-east coast, NSW, Australia. A range of elements required for metabolism in photosynthetic organisms were also analysed to determine if any relationship between these elements and arsenic concentrations occurred. Organisms were selected from salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems, marine inter-tidal and estuarine environments, and two species of marine phytoplankton cultured, to represent the different marine environments that primary producers inhabit. Organisms selected were compared to species within their own environment and then a comparison made between the varying ecosystems. In the salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems, the leaves of four species, the mangrove Avicennia marina, the samphire Sarcocornia quinqueflora, the seablight Suaeda australis, and the seagrass Posidonia australis were sampled from three locations from the south-east coast of NSW using nested sampling. Mean total arsenic concentrations (mean � sd) dry mass for all locations were A. marina (0.38 � 0.18 �g g-1 to 1.2 � 0.7 �g g-1), S. quinqueflora (0.13 � 0.06 �g g-1 to 0.46 � 0.22 �g g-1), S. australis (0.03 � 0.06 �g g-1 to 0.05 � 0.03 �g g-1)and P. australis (0.34 � 0.10 �g g-1 to 0.65 � 0.26 �g g-1). Arsenic concentrations were significantly different between species and locations but were consistently low compared to marine macroalgae species. Significant relationships between As and Fe concentrations for A. marina, S. quinqueflora and P. australis and negative relationship between As and Zn concentrations for S. quinqueflora could partially explain arsenic concentrations in these species. No relationship between As and P concentrations were found in this study. All terrestrial species contained predominantly inorganic arsenic in the water extractable and residue fractions with minor concentrations of DMA in the water-soluble fraction. P. australis also contained dimethylated glycerol and phosphate arsenoriboses. The presence of arsenobetaine, arsenocholine and trimethylated glycerol arsonioribose is most likely due to the presence of epiphytes on fronds on P. australis. In contrast, macroalgae contained higher total arsenic concentrations compared to marine terrestrial angiosperms. Total arsenic concentrations also varied between classes of algae: red macroalgae 4.3 �g g-1 to 24.7 �g g-1, green macroalgae 8.0 �g g-1 to 11.0 �g g-1 and blue green algae 10.4 �g g-1 and 18.4 �g g-1. No significant relations were found between As concentrations and concentrations of Fe, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Mg, P and Zn concentrations, elements that are required by macroalgae for photosynthesis and growth. Distinct differences between algal classes were found for the proportion of arsenic species present in the lipid and water-soluble fractions, with green algae having a higher proportion of As in lipids than red or estuarine algae. Acid hydrolysis of the lipid extract revealed DMA, glycerol arsenoribose and TMA based arsenolipids. Within water-soluble extracts, red and blue-green algae contained a greater proportion of arsenic as inorganic and simple methylated arsenic species compared to green algae, which contained predominantly glycerol arsenoribose. Arsenobetaine, arsenocholine and tetramethylarsonium was also present in water-soluble extracts but is not normally identified with macroalgae and is again likely due to the presence of attached epiphytes. Residue extracts contained predominantly inorganic arsenic, most likely associated with insoluble constituents of the cell. Mean arsenic concentrations in the green microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta were 13.3 �g g-1 to 14.5 �g g-1, which is similar to arsenic concentrations found in green macroalgae in this study. Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum arsenic concentrations were 1.62 �g g-1 to 2.08 �g g-1. Varying the orthophosphate concentrations had little effect on arsenic uptake of microalgae. D. tertiolecta and P. tricornutum metabolised arsenic, forming simple methylated arsenic species and arsenic riboses. The ratio of phosphate to glycerol arsenoriboses was higher than that normally found in green macroalgae. The hydrolysed lipid fraction contained DMA arsenolipid (16-96%) with minor proportions of phosphate arsenoribose (4-23%). D. tertiolecta at f/10 phosphate concentration, however, contained glycerol arsenoribose and another arsenic lipid with similar retention as TMAO as well as DMA. The similarities between arsenic species in the water-soluble hydrolysed lipids and water-soluble extracts, especially for P. tricornutum, suggests that cells readily bind arsenic within lipids, either for membrane structure or storage, releasing arsenic species into the cytosol as degradation of lipids occurs. Inorganic arsenic was sequestered into insoluble components of the cell. Arsenic species present in D. tertiolecta at lower phosphate concentrations (f/10) were different to other phosphate concentrations (f/2, f/5), and require further investigation to determine whether this is a species-specific response as a result of phosphate deficiency. Although there are similarities in arsenic concentrations and arsenic species in marine photosynthetic organisms, it is evident that response to environmental concentrations of arsenic in uncontaminated environments is dependent on the mode of transfer from the environment, the influence of other elements in arsenic uptake and the ability of the organism to metabolise and sequester inorganic arsenic within the cell. It is not scientifically sound to generalise on arsenic metabolism in �marine plants� when species and the ecosystem in which they exist may influence the transformation of arsenic in higher marine organisms. There is no evidence to suggest that angiosperms produce AB as arsenic is mostly present as inorganic As, with little or no arsenic present in the lipids. However, marine macro- and microalgae both contain lipids with arsenic moieties that may be precursors for AB transformation. Specifically, the presence of TMA and dimethylated arsenoribose based arsenolipids both can transform to AB via intermediates previously identified in marine organisms. Further identification and characterization of As containing lipids is required.

Study of the Si Biogeochemical Cycle in the Sediments of the Scheldt Continuum (Belgium / The Netherlands) / Etude du Cycle Biogéochimique du Si dans les Sédiments du Continuum de l'Escaut (Belgique / Pays-Bas)

Rebreanu, Laura 19 August 2009 (has links)
Le but général de ce travail fut de quantifier la silice biogène (BSiO2) dans les sédiments du continuum de l'Escaut (estuaire – zone côtière), ainsi que son taux de recyclage - rétention. Le coefficient de diffusion moléculaire de la DSi a été déterminé pour différentes valeurs de température et deux salinités et une relation empirique reliant le coefficient de diffusion à la température et à la viscosité de la solution a été établie. La distribution longitudinale de la BSiO2 dans les sédiments de surface, ainsi que les profils verticaux de BSiO2 et de silice dissoute ont été déterminés durant différentes saisons en 2004 et 2005. Les flux de DSi ont été également estimés via des expériences d’incubations et par modélisation des profiles verticaux de DSi. Des expériences de dissolution des sédiments ont permis de déterminer (via modélisation) les constantes cinétiques de vitesse de la BSiO2 et une première évaluation du taux de recyclage de la BSiO2 (5 – 70%). Sur base des calculs à partir des profiles de DSi dans l’eau interstitielle, le taux de recyclage de la BSiO2 varie entre 8 et 92% dans l’estuaire, ce qui correspond à une rétention moyenne de la BSiO2 supérieure à 60%, et souligne ainsi l'efficacité du filtre estuarien par rapport à la silice. En revanche, le recyclage de BSiO2 dans la zone côtière apparaît comme très intensif, avec des valeurs souvent supérieures à 40%. Ces résultats montrent l'importance d'inclure les estuaires dans le calcul des budgets globaux de Si. / The general objective of this study was to quantify the BSiO2 in the sediments of the Scheldt continuum, together with its recycling and retention in this area. First an empirical relation linking the diffusion coefficient of DSi to temperature and salinity was determined, via diffusion experiments. The longitudinal BSiO2 distribution in surface sediments and the vertical BSiO2 and DSi profiles in sediment cores where then measured during 2 years and different seasons, together with other parameters characterizing pore waters, such as alkalinity, pH, sulphate… DSi fluxes were also estimated either directly through whole core incubations measurements or via modelling of interstitial water profiles. BSiO2 dissolution experiments allowed the evaluation of the kinetic rate constants also through modelling of the results, and gave preliminary information over the BSiO2 recycling rates (5 – 70%). The recycling rate as obtained from pore water profiles vary between 8 and 92%, with an average value of about 32%, which highlights the importance of the estuarine filter for silica. Recycling is much more intense in the coastal area, with values up to 40%, which we explain by higher salinity and higher sediment permeability. The different experiments and results also indicated that secondary mineral precipitation might be and important process affecting BSiO2 in the Scheldt sediments.

Distribution and characteristics of black carbon in sediments of Kao-ping Coastal Areas

Wu, Wen-Jing 28 August 2006 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of black carbon (BC) and possible sources by analyzing BC contents in core and sediment trap samples collected from Kao-ping submarine Canyon and surficial sediments collected from Love River, Chianjen River, Kaohsiung Harbor, Kao-ping River and adjacent coastal area. In addition, sediment core and trap samples of Kao-ping submarine Canyon, and suspended solids of Kao-ping estuary were analyzed to estimate the BC loading from Kao-ping River and the flux in Kao-ping submarine Canyon. The concentrations of BC ranged from 0.38 to 3.29 mg g-1 in this study. The results we found in coastal sediments were comparable to those in Asia, but lower than those in America and Europe. Black carbon found in surficial sediments of D2, L1 and of stations from Love River, Chianjen River and Kaohsiung Harbor were contributed from vehicle emission or coal combustion. Correlation coefficients of BC versus total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations, combustion PAHs, total organic carbon (TOC) and grain size were significant in the sediments of Kao-ping River adjacent coast. Regrading to the temporal distribution of BC in Kao-ping submarine Canyon, BC and PAHs increased in the deposited sediment after 1970, that was probably related to prosperous industrial activities for last decades in Taiwan. Surficial sediments could be grouped into three clusters by hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed principal component 1 (PC 1) could explain 35 % of total variances. Significant PC 1 compound loadings were found mostly from high molecular weight PAHs which derived mainly from combustion processes. This result was supported by the significant correlation (p<0.05) of PC 1 scores versus BC concentrations which were also mainly derived from combustion. BC fluxes for sediment cores, S1 and S37, and sediment trap of Kao-ping submarine Canyon, 0.59 g m-2 yr-1, 2.03 g m-2 yr-1 and 23 g m-2 yr-1, respectively, were comparable to those reported for surficial sediments in literature. However, BC fluxes in this study were lower than those in the sediments from Mouth of Providence River, Palos Verdes Shelf and New England Harbors, but higher than those in pelagic sediments of the Pacific Ocean. In addition, we also measured BC concentrations in suspended solid samples to estimate loadings of Kao-ping estuary which ranged from 33 to 1765 kg day-1 with an average of 602 kg day-1. Annual BC loading of Kao-ping River was roughly estimated as 29.55¡Ñ104 tons which was lower than that of the Mississippi River.

A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the St Lucia Estuary mouth.

Jaaback, Kathryn Margaret. January 1993 (has links)
The reduced fresh water input into the St Lucia Estuary combined with the increase of sediment in the St Lucia Lake System has necessitated the implementation of a dredging programme. To ensure the effectiveness of the dredging programme, the behaviour of the sediment under various flow and tidal conditions needs to be determined. To establish how sediment will move, it is necessary to understand the hydrodynamics of the estuary. To achieve this, a hydrodynamic model which can be linked to a sediment transport model needs to be developed. Various existing types of hydrodynamic and sediment transport models are reviewed, to determine their suitability for the above purpose. Results of the analysis indicate that a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model is required. The two-dimensional hydrodynamic model developed is based on the momentum and continuity equations for an unsteady, non-uniform, free-surface flow for an incompressible fluid. The two dimensions are in the horizontal plane and flow is averaged over the depth. The equations are non-linear and are not decoupled, thus a numerical technique was needed to solve them. An Alternating Direction Implicit technique has been used. Boundary conditions in the modelled region were specified as flow velocity at the upstream boundary, and water levels, relative to the Mean Lake Level, at the downstream boundary. Two short simulations using hypothetical data were run on a 80826 IBM compatible. Results of the simulation indicate two areas where irregularities in the model output are a consequence of the use of hypothetical data in defining the boundary conditions. Recommendations for the collection of data in order to improve and calibrate the model are discussed. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, 1993.

The dynamics of nano- and microplankton in the St. Lucia estuarine lake system, KwaZulu-Natal.

Fru Azinwi, Nche-Fambo. 10 September 2014 (has links)
St. Lucia estuarine lake system has a history of episodic droughts and floods leading to a high variability in physico-chemical characteristics which may influence the community structure of nano- and microplankton that are the main primary energy synthesisers in aquatic systems. Originally, the St. Lucia estuary and the Mfolozi River shared the same mouth with the Mfolozi River acting as the main source of fresh water to the system and as stabiliser of the common inlet. Due to prolonged mouth closure from 2001-2012 and high evaporation rates, severe extended droughts and high salinities were experienced in 2001-2012.This project aimed to characterise community composition and biomass of nano-and microplankton (autotrophic and heterotrophic) under the varying and extreme physico-chemical conditions in order to characterize the energy basis of the planktonic food web in St. Lucia. Its main objectives were to compare and add onto Johnson’s (1977) list of phytoplankton taxa in the system, to estimate the biomass (carbon) of nano- and microplankton from cell counts and biovolume measurements, and lastly to understand and establish trends in the change in community structure of these organisms with the varying physico-chemical characteristics. Nano- and microplankton samples were collected monthly from October 2010 to September 2011 at three different sites: Lister’s Point, Charters Creek and the mouth representing the lakes and estuary Channel. Chlorophyll a and physico-chemical parameters were also measured in situ during collection. In the lab, samples were settled using the Utermöhl method and species were identified to at least genus level, counted and cell measurements taken under an inverted microscope for biovolume calculations and biomass thereof. Abundance in cells per liter and biomass (carbon) in pg/L was then analyzed from the counts. The nano-and microplankton groups recorded in the system were cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, ciliates and diatoms. Seventy eight phytoplankton taxa were identified composed of 56 diatoms, eight green algae, one cryptophyte, seven cyanobacteria and six dinoflagellate taxa. Nineteen ciliate taxa were also found. Only 12 of the diatom taxa identified in this study were listed by Johnson (1977), none of the taxa in the other phytoplankton groups was listed by Johnson (1977). The Johnson (1977) study conducted in the system from 1975-1977 listed the phytoplankton taxa occurring at that time. There was no significant difference in the community composition, biovolume and biomass between seasons hence no seasonal trend however, there were significant differences in the nano- and microplankton community composition, biovolume and biomass at the three different sites of the system. Cyanobacteria were the main taxa in the northern embayments dominating in abundance, biovolume and biomass (biological variables), green algae and cryptophytes dominated in abundance, biovolume and biomass in the Channels while in South Lake, green algae dominated in abundance but diatoms dominated in biovolume and biomass. Ciliate biological variables were higher in the northern regions than in the other parts of the estuary. The absence or limited grazing pressure of ciliate predators in the northern region due to their inability to cope with the extreme salinities compared to the other parts of the system explains why the northern embayments had the highest abundance, biovolume and biomass of ciliates. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates were the heterotrophs in this study. Autotrophic:heterotrophic biomass ratio was lowest in the northern regions as heterotrophs had a higher biomass there. This ratio was higher in the South Lake and the Channel. The lack of stratification and generally high turbidity in the system made the system unfavourable for dinoflagellate growth. The higher presence of ciliate predators in the South Lake and Channel probably accounts for the low heterotrophic biomass hence high autotrophic:heterotrophic biomass ratio in South Lake and the Channel. Nutrients were not limiting during this study and salinity was the main physico-chemical characteristic accounting for the differences in nano- and microplankton biological variables. The Cyanothece bloom in the northern region was primarily due to high salinities (>150) which also indicated unfavourable conditions for other plankton types. The high diatom biomass in the southern lake was due to low salinities (<28) which favoured their growth, whereas chlorophytes and cryptophytes dominated in the Channel mainly due to low turbidity (median of 11.4NTU) and fresh water input from the Mfolozi lowering salinities (<5). The South Lake and Channel thus had the highest available energy for higher trophic level organism since 1) diatoms and green algae are the most favoured food source for phytoplankton grazers while the cyanobacteria though most abundant are the least favoured food source leaving the northern lake with smaller energy source for higher trophic level organisms and 2) The low autotrophic:heterotrophic biomass ratio in the northern region leaves the region with a lower net carbon biomass than the other parts of the system with a higher autotrophic: heterotrophic biomass. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

Dietary dynamics of two key fish species in the St Lucia estuarine system, South Africa.

Dyer, David Clifford. January 2014 (has links)
Among the 155 species of fish recorded so far in the St Lucia estuarine lake, Oreochromis mossambicus and Ambassis ambassis are the two most prominent. Although originally endemic to southern Africa, O. mossambicus is now one of the most widely distributed exotic fish species worldwide. Together with A. ambassis, they have become the dominant fish species in the St Lucia estuarine lake since the closure of the mouth in 2002 and are, therefore, a crucial component of the food webs throughout the system. After a decade dominated by dry and hypersaline conditions, the St Lucia system has changed dramatically in terms of prevailing environmental conditions, as a result of higher than average rainfall at the end of 2011 and the onset of a new wet phase at the start of 2012. In response, A. ambassis, which prefers lower salinity regimes, has expanded its distribution range throughout the estuarine lake. Stable δ¹⁵N and δ¹³C isotope analysis was used in conjunction with gut content analysis to elucidate the diet of these species at sampling localities spanning the geographical range of the system and determine whether these species shift their diet in response to environmental or climatic shifts. From both studies it is evident that from a temporal and spatial scale these two species adopt similar, yet very different, dietary tactics. Oreochromis mossambicus was shown to adopt a generalist feeding strategy, opportunistically feeding on dietary items that are available thus allowing this species to alter its diet according to the environment that it inhabits. Trophic positioning of this species was found to be controlled by salinity in St Lucia as dietary composition differed greatly between sites. In contrast, Ambassis ambassis displayed a more specialist dietary composition, feeding predominantly on zooplankton. However, this species also opportunistically supplements its diet with additional sources when available. Trophic position of A. ambassis was higher in the dry season owing to the increased productivity of the system during the wet season. The success and dominance of both species in the St Lucia system can therefore be attributed to their dietary strategies. Under extreme environmental conditions, O. mossambicus has the added advantage of its wide tolerance of different environmental conditions, particularly salinity, thus allowing it to proliferate. / M.Sc. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.

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