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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legitimate lies: The relationship between omission, commission, and cheating

Pittarello, Andrea, Rubaltelli, Enrico, Motro, Daphna 06 1900 (has links)
Across four experiments, we show that when people can serve their self-interest, they are more likely to refrain from reporting the truth ( lie of omission) than actively lie ( lie of commission). We developed a novel online "Heads or Tails" task in which participants can lie to win a monetary prize. During the task, they are informed that the software is not always accurate, and it might provide incorrect feedback about their outcome. In Experiment 1, those in the omission condition received incorrect feedback informing them that they had won the game. Participants in commission condition were correctly informed that they had lost. Results indicated that when asked to report any errors in the detection of their payoff, participants in the omission condition cheated significantly more than those in the commission condition. Experiment 2 showed that this pattern of results is robust even when controlling for the perceived probability of the software error. Experiments 3 and 4 suggest that receiving incorrect feedback makes individuals feel more legitimate in withholding the truth, which, in turn, increases cheating.

Relationship Among Ethical Mechanism, Ethical Climate and Ethical Behavior - Wealth Management Specialists in Financial Business

Tsai, Hui-chen 04 September 2006 (has links)
Abstract Ethical mechanism is generated by taking ethical perception into business organization policy; ethical climate is developed by the application of ethical mechanism in business organization operation; and ethical behavior is created by ethical climate within an organization. Therefore, ethical mechanism, ethical climate and ethical behavior are closely related, and profoundly affect the operation and development of a business organization. This thesis is to study the relationship among ethical mechanism, ethical climate and ethical behavior within organization levels and cross-levels. The wealth management specialists working at 32 banks and 4 stock trading companies are the main object of this study, and the analysis demonstrated in this thesis is based on 36 questionnaires collected from managers and 298 questionnaires from practitioners. On organizational level, the study focuses on how ethics mechanism influences the formation of ethical climate. On cross-level, the effect of ethical climate on staff¡¦s ethical behavior is thoroughly studied. 1. In general, financial business adopts seven ethical mechanisms, which are code of ethics, rewards and punishments, promotion, ethics committee, audit system, employee selection and ethics training. 2. There are four types of ethical climate existent in financial business, which are compliance of regulations, employee caring, independent thinking, and personal interest. 3. There are three structures of ethical behavior, which are honesty, integrity, and obedience. 4. The Effect of Ethical Climate on Ethical Mechanism l The implementation of ethical mechanism such as code of ethics, ethics committee and audit are greatly beneficial to the formation of ethical climate of employee¡¦s compliance of regulations. l The implementation of audit for ethical mechanism is helpful for the formation of ethical climate of compliance of regulations and independent thinking. l Employee selection and ethics training rarely affect the formation of ethical climate of compliance of regulations, employee caring and independent thinking. l The ethical climate of personal interest is suppressed by the implementation of open and fair promotion. l Of all ethical mechanisms, promotion is the only one that affects the ethical climate of personal interest. 5. The Effect of Employee¡¦s Ethical Behavior on Ethical Climate l The ethical climate of compliance of regulations can upgrade employee¡¦s ethical behavior of honesty, integrity, and obedience. l The ethical climate of employee caring is helpful for employee¡¦s ethical behavior of integrity, and obedience. l The ethical climate of independent thinking directly affects the ethical behavior of obedience. l The ethical climate of personal interest is irrelevant to the employee¡¦s ethical behavior. l In all, the more emphasis laid on ethical climate, the more ethical behavior of obedience. Key word: ethical mechanism, ethical climate, ethical behavior

The analysis of antecedents of bank-SME loyalty : professionalism, relationship quality, corporate image & switching barrier as a moderator

Sarwary, Zahida January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to combine the various concepts, in the field of SME in service based industry, being developed independently by researchers. The goal is to provide a comprehensive overview on the rules and interactions of the involved factors. An investigation of the influence of corporate image and relationship quality on customer loyalty, among SMEs in the banking sector, is carried out. The moderating role of switching barrier is investigated. Furthermore the background variables, affecting relationship quality and corporate image, are investigated. This provides a deeper understanding on how customer loyalty is achieved. Such a deeper understanding on achieving customer loyalty can be regarded as a competitive tool especially in the banking sector with many financial providers and the products being alike. This article is based on 335 valid questionnaires returned from SME customers established in Sweden. The negative impact of Switching barrier on customer loyalty indicates that switching barrier should be avoided thus it decreases customer loyalty and does not have a moderating role. Instead focus should be put on delivering high professionalism which will contribute to higher level of relationship quality and positive perception of corporate image. This, in turn, will eliminate the moderating role of switching barrier and lead to customer loyalty.

Darbuotojų kognityvinių kompetencijų bei empatiškumo sąsajos su jų požiūriu į etišką elgesį organizacijoje / Employees Cognitive Competencies and Empathy Relationship with Their Attitude toward Ethical Behavior in Organization

Naujokaitienė, Justina 07 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti darbuotojų kognityvinių kompetencijų bei empatiškumo sąsajas su jų požiūriu į etišką elgesį organizacijoje. Tyrime dalyvavo 324 Lietuvoje dirbantys darbuotojai iš skirtingų įvairaus dydžio ir pobūdžio organizacijų. Statistinėje analizėje tiriamųjų imtį sudarė 252 darbuotojai, iš jų 90 vyrų ir 162 moterys, kurių amžiaus vidurkis 32,10 (SD = 9,75). Didžioji dalis apklaustųjų darbuotojų dirbo vidutinio dydžio, privataus kapitalo organizacijose, paslaugų srityje. Tiriamiesiems buvo pateikiamas klausimynas, kurį sudarė požiūrio į etišką elgesį matavimo skalės (etinės problemos atpažinimo, pritarimo priimtam etiškam sprendimui, etiško elgesio ketinimo), kognityvines kompetencijas matuojančios skalės (rizikos vertinimo tikslumo, atsispyrimo formulavimo efektui bei pasipriešinimo įsipareigojimo eskalavimo euristikai), empatijos skalė bei įvairūs demografines charakteristikas tiriantys klausimai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbuotojai, kurie tiksliau vertina kylančią riziką bei mažiau priešinasi įsipareigojimų eskalavimo euristikai, vienodai tiksliai atpažįsta etinę problemą, vienodai pritaria priimtam etiškam sprendimui bei išreiškia tokį patį etiško elgesio ketinimą kaip ir darbuotojai, kurie mažiau tiksliai vertina kylančią riziką ir labiau priešinasi įsipareigojimų eskalavimo euristikai. Darbuotojai, kurie yra labiau priklausomi nuo formulavimo efekto, vienodai tiksliai atpažįsta etinę problemą bei vienodai pritaria priimtam etiškam sprendimui kaip ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to investigate whether employees cognitive competences and empathy is related to their attitude to ethical behavior. The subjects of the study were 324 Lithuanian employees from different kind organizations. In the statistical analysis there was used data of 252 employees, which were 90 men and 162 women. The mean of their age was 32,10 (SD = 9,75). The biggest part of the respondents was working in the medium size private capital organizations in the facilities sphere. There was given the questionnaire for the respondents, which consisted of three scales: attitude towards ethical behavior (recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision, and formulation of ethical behavior intent), cognitive competencies (consistency of risk perception, resistance to framing effect, and resistance to sunk cost effect) and empathy. Also there were demographic questions given to the respondents. The results showed that there was no statistical difference between consistency of risk perception, resistance to sunk cost effect and recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision, and formulation of ethical behavior intent. Employees which are more dependent from the framing effect will not differ according to recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision from employees which are less dependent from the framing effect. Notwithstanding employees who are more dependent from the framing effect and employees who are less dependent from the... [to full text]

Etiskt ledarskap i säljande organisationer

Bohman, Moa, Nilsson, Evelina January 2015 (has links)
Titel: Etiskt ledarskap i säljande organisationer Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Moa Bohman och Evelina Nilsson. Handledare: Pär Vilhelmson, Kristina Mickelsson och Maria Fregidou-Malama. Datum: Augusti 2015. Syfte: Denna studies syfte är att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur chefer i säljande organisationer utövar etiskt ledarskap, sett ur chefers perspektiv. Forskningsfrågorna som formulerades efter en genomgång av den befintliga teorin är: 1. Påverkar chefer sina anställdas beteende genom att vara en förebild? 2. Påverkar chefer sina anställdas beteende genom förstärkning av etiska normer? 3. Påverkar chefer sina anställdas beteende genom kommunikation om etik? 4. Påverkar chefer sina anställdas beteende genom förstärkning och kommunikation om etiska riktlinjer? 5. Påverkar chefer sina anställdas beteende på något annat sätt? Metod: En fältstudie i form av kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes för att samla in information. Respondenter var chefer i säljande organisationer. Efter transkribering av intervjuerna analyserades informationen genom uppdelning och jämförelser. Resultat & slutsats: Denna studie visar att de intervjuade cheferna utövar ett etiskt ledarskap genom att vara förebilder, genom att kommunicera om etik, genom att belöna i form av beröm och positiv feedback samt genom att förstärka det etiska klimatet med hjälp av kommunikation om etiska riktlinjer. Studien kan varken bekräfta eller dementera huruvida förstärkning av etiska normer genom bestraffningar sker. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I denna studie finns det begränsningar i urvalets storlek, dess geografiska utbredning samt valet av perspektiv. Av den anledningen rekommenderas att undersökningen upprepas med antingen ett större urval eller på en annan geografisk plats än Gävle eller ur andra perspektiv. Framtida forskning bör även beröra huruvida bestraffningar används eller inte, och även varför. Relationen mellan de påverkansmetoder som tas upp i studien bör också undersökas. De nya påverkansmetoder som inte omfattades av den teoretiska modellen men som nämndes i intervjuerna bör också vara föremål för framtida forskning. Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna uppsats bidrar med insikter för den företagsekonomiska teorin. Då studiens resultat i vissa avseenden inte överensstämmer med den befintliga litteraturen har detta lett till konstruerandet av en ny teoretisk modell. Denna modell ger underlag för framtida forskning då dessa differenser behöver undersökas i en större omfattning. Studien bidrar även med ökad förståelse för hur chefer utövar etiskt ledarskap, vilket har potential att leda till ökad kunskap hos dagens aktiva chefer. Chefernas etiska ledarskap kan utvecklas och förbättras genom reflektion över sina egna tillvägagångssätt och hur dessa skiljer sig, eller överensstämmer, med de metoder som tas upp i denna studie. Nyckelord: Etiskt ledarskap, etiskt beteende, etiskt klimat, säljorganisationer. / Title: Ethical leadership in selling organizations. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Moa Bohman and Evelina Nilsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson, Kristina Mickelsson and Maria Fregidou-Malama. Date: August 2015. Aim: The purpose of this study is to contribute to greater understanding for how managers in selling organizations practice ethical leadership, viewed from a manager perspective. Following research questions were formulated after a review of the existing literature: 1. Do managers influence the behavior of their followers by being role models? 2. Do managers influence the behavior of their followers by reinforcement of ethical standards? 3. Do managers influence the behavior of their followers by communication about ethics? 4. Do managers influence the behavior of their followers by reinforcement and communication about ethical codes? 5. Do managers influence the behaviour of their followers in some other way? Method: A field study in terms of qualitative interviews was conducted to gather information. The interview subjects were managers in selling organizations. After transcribing the interviews the information was analyzed by selection and comparison. Result & Conclusions: This study shows that the interviewed managers practice ethical leadership by being role models, by communicating about ethics, by rewarding in terms of credit and positive feedback as well as by reinforcing the ethical climate through communication about ethical codes. The study can neither confirm nor deny whether reinforcing ethical norms through punishment occurs. Suggestions for future research: In this study, there are limitations in sample size, geographic range and the choice of perspective. For that reason a repeated study with larger selection, participants from another geographical area or the use of a different perspective (for example the follower) is recommended. Future research should also address whether punishments are used or not, and also why that is. The relationship between the suggested methods should also be examined. The new methods, which were not covered by the theoretical model but were mentioned in the interviews, should also be subjects for future research. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes with understandings for the business administration theory. Since the study results in some ways differed from the current literature a new theoretical model was created. This model provides a foundation for future research as these differences should be further investigated. The study also contributes with an increased understanding for how managers practice ethical leadership, which has the potential to enhance the knowledge of today’s active managers. The ethical leadership that the managers practice may evolve and improve by reflection about their own methods and how these differ, or correspond, to the methods presented in this study. Key words: Ethical leadership, ethical behavior, ethical climate, selling organizations.

Análise Comportamental da Cultura e Educação: o papel do professor no ensino e aprendizagem de comportamentos pró-éticos / Behavior Analysis of Culture and Education: the teacher’s role in teaching and learning of pro-ethical behaviors

Borelli, Laura Moreira [UNESP] 05 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LAURA MOREIRA BORELLI null (lauraborelli1@gmail.com) on 2016-10-22T13:26:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO - LAURA BORELLI 2016.pdf: 1951164 bytes, checksum: 25f5f5e2e5e6cd7ac28dc2562ca3b20b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-10-31T16:21:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 borelli_lm_me_bauru.pdf: 1951164 bytes, checksum: 25f5f5e2e5e6cd7ac28dc2562ca3b20b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-31T16:21:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 borelli_lm_me_bauru.pdf: 1951164 bytes, checksum: 25f5f5e2e5e6cd7ac28dc2562ca3b20b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / São frequentes as iniciativas para melhoria da educação em um cenário atual que urge por mudanças, quando é examinado a partir de dados que apontam deficiências em vários aspectos, dentre eles o próprio processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A crise na educação se estende a uma crise de valores diante da qual permanece necessária a participação, na busca de soluções, dos diversos grupos e instituições sociais, dentre eles a escola, considerada responsável, ao lado da família, pela formação de crianças e jovens em relação a valores éticos imprescindíveis para o exercício da cidadania. Nesse contexto, os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) identificar, descrever e analisar as definições de ética e de comportamentos pró-éticos utilizadas por docentes no contexto escolar e as propostas de ensino destes comportamentos na escola; 2) identificar o papel do professor no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de comportamentos pró-éticos; 3) levantar necessidades e apontar alternativas de delineamentos para fortalecimento e consolidação do ensino de comportamentos pró-éticos relevantes para as pessoas das escolas participantes. Participaram 75 professores e 10 gestores de seis escolas públicas de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo. Os professores responderam a um questionário e os gestores a uma entrevista, com o objetivo de identificar as características do contexto escolar importantes para um planejamento cultural. Os resultados demonstram que os professores procuram ensinar comportamentos pró-éticos com frequência diante de situações de problemas de comportamentos e ofensas, visando a mudança de comportamento do aluno. Há pouca clareza sobre o que se espera do aluno nesta perspectiva, e o ensino acontece informalmente, sem orientações sistematizadas. As principais demandas para intervenção se referem aos problemas de comportamento dos alunos e à ausência da família na escola, e neste sentido, podem ser realizadas intervenções para fortalecer as práticas culturais relativas ao ensino de comportamentos pró-éticos aos alunos, com base em estratégias analítico-comportamentais, como por exemplo em formato de formação continuada aos professores. / Efforts to improve brazilian education are common in the current context that urges for changes when it is examined from data indicating deficiencies in various aspects, including the own teaching-learning process. The crisis in education extends to a crisis of values on which remains necessary to participate in the search for solutions, the various social groups and institutions, including the school, held responsible, next to the family, the education of children and youth in relation to ethical values indispensable for the exercise of citizenship. In this context, the objectives of this study were: 1) to identify, describe and analyze the definitions of ethics and pro-ethical behavior used by teachers in the school context and educational proposals of these behaviors at school; 2) identify the teacher's role in teaching-learning process of pro-ethical behavior; 3) raising needs and alternative solutions to designs for strengthening and consolidating the teaching of relevant pro-ethical behavior for people from participating schools. Participated 75 teachers and 10 managers from six public schools in a city in the interior of São Paulo. Teachers answered a questionnaire and managers to interview, in order to identify the important school context characteristics for cultural planning. The results show that teachers seek to teach pro-ethical behaviors often in situations of behavior and abuse problems, aiming to change student behavior. There is little clarity about what is expected of students in this perspective, and teaching happens informally, without systematic guidelines. The main demands identified for intervention refer to students' behavior problems and the absence of the family in school, and in this sense, interventions can be made to strengthen the cultural practices related to the teaching pro-ethical behavior students, based on behavioral analytical strategies, such as format of continuing education for teachers.

Ethical behavior, Leadership, and Decision Making

Emery, Emmett 01 January 2016 (has links)
Ethical principles applied in organizations can broaden individual and corporate priorities beyond profit and shareholder enrichment. Ethical factors may influence leaders to make sound decisions to protect the organization from unethical behavior. The purpose of this study was to examine if a correlation exists between the independent variables of leadership and decision making, and the dependent variable of ethical behavior. Drucker's theory of management served as the theoretical framework. Data collection involved 2 survey instruments, the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire and the Moral Potency Questionnaire from 98 participants from retail businesses in the southwestern United States. The model as a whole was able to significantly predict ethical behavior (F(2, 95) = 12.79, p < .01), R-² = .21. However, none of the individual predictors was significant. The existence of multicollinearity between the 2-predictor variables offers a plausible explanation for this phenomenon. Therefore, these results should be viewed with caution. Implications for positive social change include examining behaviors and leadership capabilities in individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions. The findings may contribute to social change by providing leaders with information to improve strategies when making decisions involving ethical behavior in the workplace.

Ética en las finanzas ¿binomio imposible? / Ethics in finance - impossible binomial?

Moreno Quispe, José Ernesto, Valenzuela Ortiz, José Luis 06 July 2019 (has links)
En este trabajo, buscamos conocer los diferentes puntos de vista en torno al dilema que surge entre la ética y las finanzas, y partimos definiendo a las finanzas desde su raíz etimológica, la misma que determina que las finanzas son la ciencia para alcanzar fines u objetivos humanos; así también, abordamos diversas teorías éticas, que, si bien es cierto, se desarrollaron en un contexto diferente al de nuestros días, son necesarias para lograr un correcto entendimiento del dilema planteado. Bajo ese mismo enfoque, estudiamos a la ética empresarial, que se define como las reglas, normas, códigos o principios morales que proporcionan directrices para un comportamiento correcto y veraz en situaciones específicas; y el comportamiento ético individual, que es afectado por características individuales, como el desarrollo moral, y por factores situacionales, como la cultura organizacional .Además, como parte del desarrollo de esta investigación bibliográfica, se presentan diversos ejemplos que demuestran como el comportamiento ético afecta de manera positiva y en muchas ocasiones de manera negativa a las actividades financieras, y por ende a la economía, no solo local, sino también global; estos ejemplos apoyan y contradicen las posiciones adoptadas por diferentes autores respecto al tema controvertido. Finalmente, se explica como el modelo de la Economía del Bien Común busca hacer frente al modelo económico Capitalista, apoyándose en los valores que profesa, como la dignidad humana, la solidaridad y justicia social, la sostenibilidad ecológica y la transparencia y la participación democrática. / In this work, we seek to know the different points of view around the dilemma that arises between ethics and finance, and we start by defining finance from its etymological root, the same one that determines that finance is science to reach human ends or objectives; likewise, we approach diverse ethical theories, that although it is true, were developed in a different context to the one of our days, they are necessary to achieve a correct understanding of the dilemma raised. Under the same approach, we study business ethics, which is defined as the rules, norms, codes or moral principles that provide guidelines for correct and truthful behavior in specific situations; and individual ethical behavior, which is affected by individual characteristics, such as moral development, and by situational factors, such as organizational culture.In addition, as part of the development of this bibliographic research, several examples are presented that demonstrate how ethical behavior affects in a positive way and in many occasions in a negative way financial activities, and therefore the economy, not only local, but also global; these examples support and contradict the positions adopted by different authors regarding the controversial topic. Finally, it is explained how the model of the Economy of the Common Good seeks to confront the Capitalist economic model, relying on the values it professes, such as human dignity, solidarity and social justice, ecological sustainability and transparency and democratic participation. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Νεότερες εξελίξεις στην κοινωνική λογιστική των επιχειρήσεων : Η σχέση κοινωνικής με την οικονομικής τους απόδοσης / Recent developments in corporate social accounting : The relationship between social and financial performance

Φίλιος, Φίλιππος 04 December 2014 (has links)
Στην μελέτη αυτή εξετάζονται μία σειρά από συναφή ζητήματα τα οποία συνδέονται άρρηκτα μεταξύ τους: Α) Πως μετριούνται οι κοινωνικές επιδόσεις των εταιρειών; Β) Ποιες συνέπειες μπορεί να έχει μία καλή κοινωνικώς απόδοση; Γ) Ποιες σχέσεις τεκμηριώνονται εμπειρικώς ανάμεσα στην απόδοση σε κοινωνικούς όρους και στην απόδοση σε οικονομικούς όρους. Δ) Είναι εφικτό ένα κοινωνικό συμβόλαιο μεταξύ επιχειρήσεων και κοινωνίας; Ποια μορφή μπορεί αυτό να πάρει; Ε) Τι ρόλους καλείται να παίξει και πως η Κοινωνική Λογιστική των Εταιρειών; Ποια επιμέρους είδη Κοινωνικής Λογιστικής έχουν αναπτυχθεί και ποιες σκοπιμότητες-χρησιμότητες υπηρετούν; ΣΤ) Τι εννοείτε ως ηθική συμπεριφορά στον Τραπεζικό τομέα; Ζ) Case-Study: «Η Alpha Bank» / In this study i examine, throw desk research, a series of related issuew which are closely connected: A) How the Corporate Social Performance is measured? B) What consequences can have a socially good performance? C) Which relationships are empirically documented between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance? D) Is it feasible a social Contract between corporation and society? E) Which roles has been called the Micro-Social Accounting to play? What kinds of Micro-Social Accounting have been developed and which scope does each serve? F) What do we mean as ethical behaviour in banking sector? G) Case-Study: “Alpha Credit Bank”

School Leadership for a Diverse Society

Buonanno, Thomas Anthony January 2020 (has links)
Given the increase of language minority students in school districts across Pennsylvania, school leaders are faced with the demand to address the unique needs of students learning English. Previous research suggests that state initiatives to simply assimilate students may not have been successful in meeting their needs. Furthermore, research and theory also suggest that leaders demonstrating cultural proficiency may be more effective in meeting the needs of English learners who are also ethnic minorities. The approach leaders take may be a function of the ethical paradigm that informs their decision-making. In order to understand the extent to which elementary school principals in one school district display cultural proficiency and to investigate the ethical paradigms that inform their decision-making, I conducted interviews with five principals in one large diverse school district in Pennsylvania. Drawing on a framework of Cultural Proficiency, I found in general there to be an over-appreciation of diversity and under-appreciation of cultural proficiency at the conclusion of this study. Additionally, there was an observed tendency for these school principals to view their leadership role as one that functions primarily within the confines of executing district policies at the building-level. Though each participant expressed the importance of advocacy for their students, they did not pursue policy creation or change within a broader political context. Despite the similarities among participants, my analysis suggested variations in the participants’ concepts of their role as school leaders to support English Language Learners and language minority students. / Educational Leadership

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