Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ethical evaluation"" "subject:"eethical evaluation""
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An exploration of social desirability within the white Afrikaans-speaking group / Tarina KempKemp, Tarina January 2013 (has links)
South Africa has gone through immense changes in the past two decades. The period around 1994 has been characterised by a comprehensive set of political, social and economic changes, which greatly influenced not only the lives of individuals in this county but also many businesses, organisations and companies. Further to this, South Africa has become increasingly intercultural in orientation as companies persevered in establishing intricate networks with partners in a diverse set of cultures. This has put enormous strain on organisations to remain competitive in the market. It is critical that organisations develop a more resilient workforce with greater psychological capacities to succeed in the on-going war for talent. Attracting and retaining talented employees can give organisations a sustained competitive advantage. In view of the growing intricacies in the business world, ambiguity in markets, and employees’ attitudes, it is crucial that organisations invest in psychological assessments. However, investing in valid and reliable psychological assessments has become more difficult due to vast cultural diversity South Africa comprises off.
The general objective of this study was to explore social desirability in the white Afrikaans group. A qualitative design was used and a quota non-probability sampling method was implemented among white Afrikaans-speaking people of South Africa (N=60), who differed from one another with regard to age, gender and socio-economic status. The measuring instrument was a semi-structured interview, which was based on the phenomenological approach. The results of the interviews were transcribed and captured in Excel. Content analysis was used to interpret the responses in socially desirable themes. Independent psychologists and language and cultural experts were employed in order to validate the initial interpretations. The descriptive terms were reduced through the use of cluster analysis. The analysis included the grouping of synonyms and antonyms, together with the use of dictionaries, literature and knowledge about content. In the representation of social desirability and impression management strategies within the white Afrikaner group, six main themes with sixty sub-themes in total were identified. The six themes are facilitating, gender-based, intellect-openness, interpersonal relatedness, intrapersonal relatedness and value-based. Firstly, to facilitate others by giving advice and guidance will be seen as desirable and make a favourable impression. Secondly, to display characteristics that are typically associated with males and females, such as masculinity and femininity, will be seen as desirable and can make a positive impression. Thirdly, having a unique natural ability or skill and being receptive to new and different ideas will be seen as desirable and make a good impression on others. Fourthly, remaining constructive in one’s relationships, and fifthly, remaining constructive in one’s inner thoughts and possessing inner confidence and having respect will make a favourable impression and can be seen as socially desirable. Lastly, exhibiting moral consciousness and being trustworthy, loyal and reliable will make a positive impression and will be perceived as desirable by the white Afrikaner group.
Recommendations for future research and for practice were made. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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An exploration of social desirability within the white Afrikaans-speaking group / Tarina KempKemp, Tarina January 2013 (has links)
South Africa has gone through immense changes in the past two decades. The period around 1994 has been characterised by a comprehensive set of political, social and economic changes, which greatly influenced not only the lives of individuals in this county but also many businesses, organisations and companies. Further to this, South Africa has become increasingly intercultural in orientation as companies persevered in establishing intricate networks with partners in a diverse set of cultures. This has put enormous strain on organisations to remain competitive in the market. It is critical that organisations develop a more resilient workforce with greater psychological capacities to succeed in the on-going war for talent. Attracting and retaining talented employees can give organisations a sustained competitive advantage. In view of the growing intricacies in the business world, ambiguity in markets, and employees’ attitudes, it is crucial that organisations invest in psychological assessments. However, investing in valid and reliable psychological assessments has become more difficult due to vast cultural diversity South Africa comprises off.
The general objective of this study was to explore social desirability in the white Afrikaans group. A qualitative design was used and a quota non-probability sampling method was implemented among white Afrikaans-speaking people of South Africa (N=60), who differed from one another with regard to age, gender and socio-economic status. The measuring instrument was a semi-structured interview, which was based on the phenomenological approach. The results of the interviews were transcribed and captured in Excel. Content analysis was used to interpret the responses in socially desirable themes. Independent psychologists and language and cultural experts were employed in order to validate the initial interpretations. The descriptive terms were reduced through the use of cluster analysis. The analysis included the grouping of synonyms and antonyms, together with the use of dictionaries, literature and knowledge about content. In the representation of social desirability and impression management strategies within the white Afrikaner group, six main themes with sixty sub-themes in total were identified. The six themes are facilitating, gender-based, intellect-openness, interpersonal relatedness, intrapersonal relatedness and value-based. Firstly, to facilitate others by giving advice and guidance will be seen as desirable and make a favourable impression. Secondly, to display characteristics that are typically associated with males and females, such as masculinity and femininity, will be seen as desirable and can make a positive impression. Thirdly, having a unique natural ability or skill and being receptive to new and different ideas will be seen as desirable and make a good impression on others. Fourthly, remaining constructive in one’s relationships, and fifthly, remaining constructive in one’s inner thoughts and possessing inner confidence and having respect will make a favourable impression and can be seen as socially desirable. Lastly, exhibiting moral consciousness and being trustworthy, loyal and reliable will make a positive impression and will be perceived as desirable by the white Afrikaner group.
Recommendations for future research and for practice were made. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Trustworthy conversational agents for childrenEscobar Planas, Marina 19 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis explora el desarrollo de agentes conversacionales (ACs) confiables que puedan interactuar con niños, en alineamiento con la iniciativa de la Comisión Europea para que el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial (IA) se centre en el ser humano. Los ACs están convirtiéndose en una parte cada vez más integral de la vida de los niños, siendo utilizados en diversos sectores como la educación, el entretenimiento y la atención médica. Sin embargo, los niños, como un grupo de usuarios único, presentan necesidades y desafíos particulares, lo que hace necesario el desarrollo de directrices y evaluaciones rigurosas para asegurar que estos sistemas sean confiables.
La investigación comienza examinando los fundamentos de los ACs, enfocándose en su interacción con los niños. Una revisión de la literatura destaca tanto los beneficios como los riesgos asociados con estas tecnologías, subrayando la necesidad de enfoques multidisciplinarios para mitigar posibles preocupaciones éticas. Se introduce el concepto de confiabilidad, así como la falta de investigación existente en el desarrollo ético de los ACs.
Para abordar esta laguna, la tesis integra conocimientos de múltiples dominios, combinando la exploración teórica con estudios empíricos. Este enfoque lleva al desarrollo de un conjunto de directrices que abordan las particularidades de la interacción niño-AC, destacando la importancia de la transparencia, el comportamiento adecuado a la edad, el fomento de la conciencia de qué es una IA, la participación de partes interesadas y la gestión de riesgos.
Estas directrices se aplican luego en el diseño y desarrollo de un AC colaborativo de narración de cuentos. La confiabilidad del sistema se evalúa utilizando ALTAI y demostrando una mejora en la confiabilidad. Además, dicha evaluación se complementa con un estudio experimental que examina cómo los niños perciben e interactúan con estos sistemas, dando un protagonismo específico a los riesgos como la interpretación errónea de la naturaleza no humana del AC y el comportamiento de los niños en la revelación de datos. Los hallazgos resaltan el impacto positivo de la transparencia y la necesidad de un enfoque más eficaz para aclarar la agencia del AC.
Las contribuciones de esta tesis proporcionan tanto ideas teóricas como orientaciones prácticas para el desarrollo de ACs confiables para niños, asegurando que estén alineados éticamente con los valores sociales y los derechos de los niños. Se anima a futuras investigaciones a expandir estos hallazgos a contextos culturales más amplios y a desarrollar herramientas de evaluación más matizadas para evaluar la confiabilidad en los ACs entorno a los niños. / [CA] Aquesta tesi explora el desenvolupament d'agents conversacionals (ACs) confiables que puguen interactuar amb xiquets, en alineació amb la iniciativa de la Comissió Europea per que el desenvolupament de la intel·ligència artificial (IA) se centre en l'ésser humà. Els ACs s'estan convertint en una part cada vegada més integral de la vida dels xiquets, sent utilitzats en diversos sectors com l'educació, l'entreteniment i l'atenció mèdica. No obstant això, els xiquets, com a grup d'usuaris únic, presenten necessitats i desafiaments particulars, el que fa necessari el desenvolupament de directrius i avaluacions rigoroses per a assegurar que aquests sistemes siguen confiables.
La investigació comença examinant els fonaments dels ACs, centrant-se en la seua interacció amb els xiquets. Una revisió de la literatura destaca tant els beneficis com els riscos associats amb aquestes tecnologies, subratllant la necessitat d'enfocaments multidisciplinaris per a mitigar possibles preocupacions ètiques. S'introdueix el concepte de confiabilitat, així com la manca d'investigació existent en el desenvolupament ètic dels ACs.
Per a abordar aquesta bretxa, la tesi integra coneixements de múltiples dominis, combinant l'exploració teòrica amb estudis empírics. Aquest enfocament porta al desenvolupament d'un conjunt de directrius que aborden les particularitats de la interacció xiquet-AC, destacant la importància de la transparència, el comportament adequat a l'edat, el foment de la consciència de què és una IA, la participació de parts interessades i la gestió de riscos.
Aquestes directrius s'apliquen després en el disseny i desenvolupament d'un AC col·laboratiu de narració de contes. La confiabilitat del sistema s'avalua utilitzant ALTAI i demostrant una millora en la confiabilitat. A més, aquesta avaluació es complementa amb un estudi experimental que examina com els xiquets perceben i interactuen amb aquests sistemes, donant un protagonisme específic als riscos com la interpretació errònia de la naturalesa no humana de l'AC i el comportament dels xiquets en la revelació de dades. Els resultats ressalten l'impacte positiu de la transparència i la necessitat d'un enfocament més eficaç per a aclarir l'agència de l'AC.
Les contribucions d'aquesta tesi proporcionen tant idees teòriques com orientacions pràctiques per al desenvolupament d'ACs confiables per a xiquets, assegurant que estiguen alineats èticament amb els valors socials i els drets dels xiquets. S'encoratja a futures investigacions a expandir aquests resultats a contextos culturals més amplis i a desenvolupar eines d'avaluació més matisades per a valorar la confiabilitat en els ACs involucrats amb xiquets. / [EN] This thesis explores the development of trustworthy conversational agents (CAs) that may interact with children, aligning with the European Commission's human-centred artificial intelligence (AI) initiative. CAs are becoming increasingly integral to children's lives, used in various sectors such as education, entertainment, and healthcare. However, children, as a unique user group, present particular needs and challenges, necessitating the development of guidelines and rigorous evaluations to ensure that these systems are trustworthy.
The research begins by examining the fundamentals of CAs, focusing on their interaction with children. A literature review highlighted both the benefits and risks associated with these technologies, emphasising the need for multidisciplinary approaches to mitigate potential ethical concerns.
The concept of trustworthiness is introduced, as well as a significant research gap in CA ethical development.
To address this gap, the thesis integrates knowledge from multiple domains, combining theoretical exploration with empirical studies. This approach leads to the development of a set of guidelines that align with the needs of children and CAs, highlighting the importance of transparency, age-appropriate behaviour, AI awareness, stakeholder involvement, and risk management.
These guidelines were then applied in the design and development of a collaborative storytelling CA. The system's trustworthiness was assessed using the ALTAI framework, demonstrating an improvement in trustworthiness. This evaluation is further supported by an experimental study, examining how children perceive and interact with these systems, with a specific focus on risks such as misinterpreting the CA's non-human nature and children's data sharing behaviour. Key findings underscored the positive impact of transparency, and the need for a more effective approach to clarify the CA's agency.
The contributions of this thesis provide both theoretical insights and practical guidance for developing trustworthy CAs for children, ensuring they are ethically aligned with societal values and children's rights. Future research is encouraged to expand these findings to broader cultural contexts and develop more nuanced evaluation tools for assessing trustworthiness for children. / Escobar Planas, M. (2024). Trustworthy conversational agents for children [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/214061
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