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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspectos ecológicos e sua relação com o polimorfismo genético e a taxonomia convencional de cianobactérias da represa Billings / Ecological aspects and their relationship to genetic polymorphism and conventional taxonomy of cyanobacteria from Billings reservoir

Maíra Paula Tir Cortez 27 September 2013 (has links)
Com a rápida e desorganizada expansão humana o processo de eutrofização do complexo Billings está acelerado, afetando a dinâmica das comunidades aquáticas, em particular a fitoplanctônica. Uma das conseqüências da eutrofização são as florações de cianobactérias. Dentre os 150 gêneros de Cyanobacteria, cerca de 40 são produtores de toxinas (cianotoxinas). O reservatório Billings abrange áreas de 7 municípios e localiza-se a oeste da cidade de São Paulo, a 23º 47\' S e 46º e 40\' W, e a uma altitude de 746m. Seus usos incluem saneamento, geração de energia elétrica, lazer e abastecimento público. Este trabalho tem como objetivos principais: a) efetuar análises em duas coletas (época chuvosa e época seca) das varáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas da água em três pontos no complexo Billings e em três profundidades (superfície, meio e fundo) (Capítulo II), b) Identificar e quantificar a comunidade de cianobactérias em cada um dos pontos e relacionar a riqueza e abundância com a qualidade das águas (Capítulo II) e c) Analisar qualitativamente as cianobactérias presentes, com uso de técnicas de biologia molecular, incluindo polimorfismo genético (Capítulo III); d) Comparar os dados obtidos com as análises qualitativas tradicionais com os dados das análises moleculares, associados à diferentes amostragens e em épocas do ano distintas (Cápitulo IV). As concentrações de clorofila-a, fósforo total e oxigênio dissolvido não estão em conformidade com a resolução CONAMA nº357 para corpos hídricos classe II na maioria das amostras dos pontos analisados. As florações fitoplanctônicas, foram presentes neste estudo na represa Billings, apresentando altos biovolumes de cianobactérias (20568,5 µm3/mL no Ponto 1 em fevereiro de 2012) e de outros organismos fitoplanctônicos como os dinoflagelados (1000544 µm3/mL no Ponto 2 em fevereiro de 2012). Foram observadas florações do dinoflagelado Ceratium furcoides e da cianobactéria Microcystis aeruginosa em agosto e fevereiro, respectivamente, levando a preocupações com relação às condições tróficas do reservatório e aos potenciais prejuízos que estas espécies podem causar. O reservatório foi classificado entre supereutrófico e hipereutrófico, indicando forte degradação da qualidade das águas nos pontos amostrados. As análises moleculares não foram satisfatórias para a caracterização molecular das cianobactérias, pois as enzimas utilizadas para a digestão do DNA extraído e amplificado não encontraram o sítio para clivagem, sendo as adequações das reações e a utilização de outras enzimas as próximas etapas deste trabalho / With the rapid expansion and disorganized human process of eutrophication complex Billings is accelerated, affecting the dynamics of aquatic communities, particularly the phytoplankton. One consequence of eutrophication are cyanobacterial blooms. Among the 150 genera of Cyanobacteria, about 40 are producers of toxins (cyanotoxins). The Billings reservoir covers seven counties and areas located west of the city of São Paulo, at 23 º 47 \'S and 46 º 40\' W, at an altitude of 746m. Its uses include sanitation, power generation, recreation and public supply. This work has as main objectives: a) conduct analyzes in two samples (wet season and dry season) variables of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water at three points in the complex Billings and three depths (surface, middle and bottom) (Chapter II ), b) Identify and quantify the community of cyanobacteria in each of the points and relate the richness and abundance with water quality (Chapter II) and c) analyze qualitatively the cyanobacteria present, using molecular biology techniques, including genetic polymorphism (Chapter III); d) Compare the data obtained with the traditional qualitative analyzes with data from molecular analyzes, associated with different samples and different seasons (Chapter IV). The concentrations of chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen are not in accordance with the Resolution CONAMA 357 for class II water bodies in most of the samples analyzed points. The phytoplankton blooms were present in this study in the Billings, showing high biovolumes cyanobacterial (20,568.5 μ m3/mL at Point 1 in February 2012) and other organisms as phytoplankton dinoflagellates (1000544 μ m3/mL at Point 2 in February 2012). Were observed blooms of the dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides and the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in August and February, respectively, leading to concerns in relation to trophic conditions of the reservoir and the potential damage that these species can cause. The reservoir was ranked among supereutrophic and hypertrophic, indicating strong degradation of water quality in the sampled points. Molecular analyzes were not satisfactory for the molecular characterization of cyanobacteria, as the enzymes used for digestion of DNA extracted and amplified not find the site for cleavage, and the adequacy of the reactions and the use of other enzymes the next steps of this work

Análise da composição, abundância e distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica nos reservatórios do sistema em cascata do Médio e Baixo rio Tietê/SP / Analysis of composition, abundance and distribution of phytoplanctonic community at Medium and Low Tietê river cascade system reservoirs

Lima, Diana de 02 April 2004 (has links)
Com a finalidade de atender a demanda energética, muitos reservatórios foram construídos no Brasil e, notadamente na região Sudeste, as construções das barragens não somente atenderam aos usos múltiplos (geração de energia, irrigação, lazer e abastecimento público), como também foram elementos propulsores da economia regional, contribuindo para a expansão das atividades industriais e rurais, bem como, um desordenado crescimento urbano. Em conseqüência da falta de planejamento, áreas naturais foram desmatadas, sendo substituídas por formas de plantio inadequadas e por projetos de especulação imobiliária não condizentes com a sustentabilidade ambiental. No decorrer das últimas décadas, os impactos aumentaram em magnitude e extensão, ocasionando sérios problemas aos recursos hídricos, culminando em conflitos pelo uso da água. Dentro deste contexto, destaca-se o rio Tietê, o qual percorre importantes cidades e extensas áreas rurais no Estado de São Paulo, sendo que, neste longo percurso, recebe a contribuição de diversos tributários (poluídos ou não) e efluentes urbanos, industriais e aqueles derivados de fontes não pontuais, além do processo de fragmentação que foi instalado a partir da construção de inúmeras barragens. De forma conjunta, todos os fatores promoveram alterações significativas no sistema e, procurando avaliar a situação atual dos reservatórios, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa direcionada à análise da composição, densidade e distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica e sua relação com as variáveis limnológicas, climatológicas e hidrodinâmicas dos reservatórios da Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava, Três Irmãos, além dos rios Tietê e Piracicaba e parte do rio Paraná (reservatório de Jupiá e a Jusante do reservatório de Ilha Solteira). Para tanto, foram realizadas coletas nos meses de fevereiro, maio, julho e outubro de 2000 e os resultados obtidos demonstram uma elevada concentração de nutrientes, com redução na seqüência dos reservatórios, além da variabilidade temporal, com efeito significativo da precipitação no transporte de materiais, promovendo alterações no estado trófico de cada sistema. A disponibilidade de nutrientes, transparência da água, vazão e tempo de residência, associados aos fatores climatológicos, foram elementos importantes no estabelecimento das populações, influenciando a composição, densidade e distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica, a qual apresentou maior dominância das classes Cyanophyceae e Chlorophyceae, com maior contribuição em densidade e riqueza de espécies, respectivamente. / For the purpose to attend the energy requirement, many reservoirs had been constructed in Brazil, and mostly in Southeast, the barrages construction not only attended to the multiple uses (energy generation, irrigation, leisure and public supply) but were propellant elements for the regional economy, contributing to the expansion of industrial and rural activities, as well as to an disarranged urban development. In consequence of the absence of planning, natural areas had been cleared and replaced by inadequated types of plantation and by land speculation projects not suitable to the environmental sustainability. During the last decades, the impacts increased in magnitude and extension, causing serious problems to the water resources, culminating with disagreements with regards to the water utilization. In this context, Tietê River should be pointed out, since it goes through important cities and large rural areas of São Paulo State and receives, through this long route, the contribution of several tributaries (contaminated or not) and urban, industrial and other effluents, derivated from not punctual sources, besides the calving that occurred after the construction of countless barrages. Conjunctly, all the factor promoted expressive alterations in the system. Aiming to evaluate the actual reservoir situation, a research was developed, focalizing the analysis of composition, density and distribution of the planctonic community and their relationship with limnological, climatic and hydrodinamical variables from Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava, and Três Irmãos reservoirs, besides Tietê and Piracicaba rivers and part of Paraná River (Jupiá Reservoir, downstream Ilha Solteira Reservoir). For this, collections had been accomplished in February, March, May, July and October 2000. The results demonstrated a high nutrient concentration, which reduces through the reservoir sequence, besides the temporal variability, with significant effect of precipitation in the material transportation, promoting alterations in the trophic condition of each system. Nutrient availability, water transparency, flow, and residence time, associated to the climatic factors, were important elements in the populations establishment, influencing composition, density and distribution of the planctonic community, which presented highest dominance of Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae classes, with highest density and species richness contribution, respectively.

Avaliação biótica e abiótica de um "wetland" em efluente de ranicultura /

Peres, Lorena Regina da Silva January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares / Banca: Rodrigo Ney Millan / Banca: Claudinei da Cruz / Resumo: Na maioria dos sistemas de criação de organismos aquáticos as descargas de efluentes ocorrem sem tratamento prévio nos mananciais naturais ou em tanques e/ou viveiros de fluxo contínuo de água, acarretando mudanças na biota aquática destes corpos receptores. Logo, estes sistemas são considerados um grande fator de impacto negativo para o meio ambiente, principalmente o setor de ranicultura do CAUNESP, que lança seus resíduos diariamente sem nenhum tratamento no efluente que deságua nos viveiros de piscicultura causando problemas de degradação da água, com aumento principalmente de nitrogênio e fósforo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as condições limnológicas, presença de coliformes termotolerantes e conhecer a comunidade fitoplanctônica em um "wetland" localizado no efluente do setor de ranicultura do CAUNESP/UNESP (Jaboticabal - SP) em três períodos distintos da criação de rãs, correspondendo o período I com 2.400 animais; o período II com 40.000 girinos e o período III contendo 3.750 animais em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento. Esta avaliação foi embasada em informações ecológicas a respeito dos efeitos das plantas aquáticas como retentoras da carga orgânica e inorgânica proveniente do setor de ranicultura como também, do acúmulo de nutrientes no sedimento e ganho de biomassa da macrófita utilizada Eichhornia crassipes. Através dos resultados obtidos foi observado que as variáveis amônia, clorofila a, alcalinidade, condutividade, fósforo total, sólidos totais, deman... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Effluent discharge in most water organism breeding systems lacks previous treatment, with its subsequent release into natural water sources or tanks/ponds with continuous water flow and changes in the aquatic biota of the receiving water bodies. The systems are a relevant negative impact factor for the environment. This is especially true for the frog culture section of CAUNESP. The latter daily dischargesthe effluent's untreated residues, released into the fish ponds, causing water degradation and increase in nitrogen and phosphorus rates. Current analysis evaluates the limnological conditions and the existence of thermo-tolerant coliforms, know the phytoplankton community in a wetland in the effluent of the frog culture sector of CAUNESP/UNESP, Jaboticabal SP Brazil, and samplings were undertaken in three different periods in frog breeding, corresponding to Period I with 2,400 animals; Period II with 40,000 tadpoles and Period III with 3,750 animals at different development phases. Assessment was fore grounded on ecological data on the effects of water plants as retainers of organic and inorganic load derived from the frog culture sector and from the nutrient stock on the sediment and in macrophytes. Research was also based on the growth and gain of the biomass of macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes. Results revealed that the variables ammonia, chlorophyll-a, alkalinity, conductivity, total phosphorus, total soluble and dissolved solids, chemical oxygen demand, thermo-tolerant ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Ammonia Flux At The Air/Water Interface Of Tampa Bay

Mizak, Constance Anne 29 March 2004 (has links)
An ammonia emissions inventory discovered that 90% of the ammonia emitted from Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Polk counties, originated from the latter two counties. This finding is significant and suggests that a substantial portion of the ammonia deposited to Tampa Bay is transported with easterly air masses. Ammonia and ammonium concentrations at the coastal Gandy Bridge site were seasonally and diurnally consistent, but the rural Sydney site showed greater variability. It was determined that wind direction was the most influential parameter affecting the Gandy Bridge site, which supports the hypothesis that an advection of ammonia from the east is a major source of ammonia to the estuary. Sequential sampling of ammonium in wet deposition at the Gandy Bridge site confirmed that between 35% and 60% of the ammonium (CNH4) in rainfall is deposited to Tampa Bay during the initial 20% of precipitation (D) according to a power law CNH4=aD-b. Ammonium concentrations were predicted with an aqueous-phase accumulation model and a relationship between I, rainfall intensity in mm min-1 and (beta), scavenging rate in min-1 was shown as (beta) = 0.08I0.66. This algorithm will facilitate future modeling studies that explore the relationship between the wet deposition of ammonium and ammonia reduction strategies in Tampa Bay. The NOAA Buoy model accurately predicts sensible heat flux, and is an effective tool for estimating the offshore air/water exchange rates of ammonia over Tampa Bay. If near-shore vs. offshore meteorological measurements are used, the model under-predicts flux parameters by as much as 30% in the summer season. The model was "calibrated" to correct this deficiency. Bi-directional ammonia flux measurements during the fall and winter seasons resulted in an average flux rate of 96.2 (mu)g-NH3 m-2 d-1, indicating a net transfer from air to water. During the 2003 summer season, an average ammonia flux rate of -117.9 (mu)g-NH3 m-2 d-1 and a 32% reduction in the annual ammonia dry deposition rate to Tampa Bay was calculated. Wet deposition likely contributes to ammonia reemission from the estuary. These results indicate that volatilization of ammonia reduces the nitrogen burden available for biological synthesis in Tampa Bay.

A mathematical model of seasonal and spatial variation in phosphorus concentrations in the surface waters of Lake Memphremagog, Quebec /

Spiller, Gary B. January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

Sedimentation av lera och fosfor i en anlagd våtmark

Peters, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
<p>The amount of various phosphorus (P) fractions in the sediment and the relationship between the amount of P and sediment particle size were investigated in a constructed wetland southwest of Linköping. Furthermore, the possible correlation between clay content in the sediment and distance from the inlet was investigated. Sediment samples were collected along three transects from the inlet to the outlet, with six samples in each transect. In order to measure the soluble P, an NH4Cl extraction was done. This was also analysed for total soluble P after oxidation with peroxodisulphate. The sediment was also analysed for total-P and organic P by drying, dispersion in a mortar and sieving followed by boiling in HCl. Analysis of phosphate-P in all extracts was done with an acid molybdate solution and ascorbic acid, forming a blue complex that was measured spectrophotometrically. There was no significant relationship between soluble P or soluble total-P and the proportion of clay in the sediment samples. This was also the case for total-P and organic-P. Generally, the levels of phosphorus in the sediment were low, which may result from too deep sediment samples, causing the settled P-rich sediment to be diluted by the terrestrial soil underneath the wetland. There was a low proportion of clay in the sediment (4 – 18 %), which made it difficult to detect any correlation with soluble-P content. When omitting the samples at the inlet (which were more influenced by vegetation than the others), a significant positive correlation between percentage of clay and distance from the inlet was detected, suggesting that clay particles were settling in the wetland.</p>

The influence of eutrophic conditions on the activity of the suspension-feeding barnacle Semibalanus balanoides

Kunzel, Theresa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Eutrophication is a current problem on coastal lines worldwide. Cirripedia like the northern acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides actively help to prevent high amounts of plankton in the coastal zones by filtering plankton out of the surrounding water. This investigation focuses on the movements of Semibalanus balanoides in comparison to increasing concentrations of plankton in the water (between 33mg and 110 mg particles per litre) which simulate eutrophication. The four factors feeding activity, pumping activity, isolation time and clogging of the feeding apparatus in relation to the plankton concentration of the water were examined. </p><p>The results show significant interaction between pumping movement and the plankton concentration. The feeding activity, the isolation time and the clogging compared to the plankton concentration get no statistical results. </p><p>Less feeding activity and an increase in pumping behaviour will not decrease the amount of plankton in the coastal waters which will increase the problems of eutrophication. The paper shows that more investigation on suspension feeders and their surroundings needs to be done to be able to understand the dangers fully.</p>

Predictive Models and Eutrophication Effects of Fish Farms

Nordvarg, Lennart January 2001 (has links)
<p>Aquaculture has become one of the fastest growing food industries in the world. Like many other industries, aquaculture, and especially fish farms may cause negative effects on the environment, such as eutrophication, which is recognised as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems. In this thesis such effects are studied in a number of lakes and Baltic coastal areas. The ecosystem scale in focus is an entire lake or defined coastal area in the size range 0.5-25 km<sup>2</sup>. One important aim is to develop practically useful models that estimate the eutrophication effects as a function of fish farm load. Such models should be useful for the licensing authorities when giving permissions for fish farms.</p><p>It was concluded that fish farms might increase the surface water concentrations of total and dissolved phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll in lakes. Furthermore, traditional models overestimate the fish farm impact on lakes. Therefore, new models especially valid for fish farm emissions in lakes were developed.</p><p>A method to assess the sensitivity of coastal areas to an increased organic load from, e.g., fish farms was developed. Moreover, models to predict the enhanced phosphorus and chlorophyll-a concentrations and the decreased Secchi depth caused by fish farms were developed for coastal areas in the Åland archipelago. From extensive field studies in the Åland archipelago it was concluded that fish farms could cause increased total phosphorus concentrations, periphytic growth and phytoplankton biomass. However, those effects were generally only observed in small and semi-enclosed bays. Finally, the sediment quality beneath coastal fish farms was found to be a key parameter for the water quality, as well as for the recovery time after closure of fish farms.</p>

Phosphorus reduction in dairy effluent through flocculation and precipitation

Bragg, Amanda Leann 17 February 2005 (has links)
Phosphorus (P) is a pollutant in freshwater systems because it promotes eutrophication. The dairies in the North Bosque and its water body segments import more P than they export. Dairies accumulate P-rich effluent in lagoons and use the wastewater for irrigation. As more P is applied as irrigation than is removed by crops, P accumulates in the soil. During intense rainfall events, P enters the river with stormwater runoff and can become bio-available. Reducing the P applied to the land would limit P build up in the soil and reduce the potential for P pollution. Since wastewater P is associated with suspended solids (SS), the flocculants, poly-DADMAC and PAM, were used to reduce SS. To precipitate soluble P from the effluent, NH4OH was added to raise the pH. Raw effluent was collected from a dairy in Comanche County, TX, and stored in 190-L barrels in a laboratory at Texas A&M University. Flocculant additions reduced effluent P content by as much as 66%. Addition of NH4OH to the flocculated effluent raised the pH from near 8 to near 9, inducing P precipitation, further reducing the P content. The total P reduction for the best combination of treatments was 97%, a decrease from 76 to 2 mg L-1. If this level of reduction were achieved in dairy operations, P pollution from effluent application would gradually disappear.

Predictive Models and Eutrophication Effects of Fish Farms

Nordvarg, Lennart January 2001 (has links)
Aquaculture has become one of the fastest growing food industries in the world. Like many other industries, aquaculture, and especially fish farms may cause negative effects on the environment, such as eutrophication, which is recognised as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems. In this thesis such effects are studied in a number of lakes and Baltic coastal areas. The ecosystem scale in focus is an entire lake or defined coastal area in the size range 0.5-25 km2. One important aim is to develop practically useful models that estimate the eutrophication effects as a function of fish farm load. Such models should be useful for the licensing authorities when giving permissions for fish farms. It was concluded that fish farms might increase the surface water concentrations of total and dissolved phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll in lakes. Furthermore, traditional models overestimate the fish farm impact on lakes. Therefore, new models especially valid for fish farm emissions in lakes were developed. A method to assess the sensitivity of coastal areas to an increased organic load from, e.g., fish farms was developed. Moreover, models to predict the enhanced phosphorus and chlorophyll-a concentrations and the decreased Secchi depth caused by fish farms were developed for coastal areas in the Åland archipelago. From extensive field studies in the Åland archipelago it was concluded that fish farms could cause increased total phosphorus concentrations, periphytic growth and phytoplankton biomass. However, those effects were generally only observed in small and semi-enclosed bays. Finally, the sediment quality beneath coastal fish farms was found to be a key parameter for the water quality, as well as for the recovery time after closure of fish farms.

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