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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical evaluation of the research experiences of master and doctoral students at Technikon Natal

McLean-Anderson, Gloria 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are indications that the emergence of global trends in the production and dissemination of knowledge is influencing science policies worldwide, and compelling universities and technikons in South Africa to become more market oriented, competitive and entrepreneurial. Some of these trends include new modes of knowledge production, increased financial and academic accountability and distance education. The changing higher education landscape worldwide has implications for South African tertiary institutions. In addition, one of the objectives of the democratic government that took power in 1994 was to transform higher education. The publication of the White Paper on Education in 1997, the establishment of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), and the National Plan for Higher Education in 2001 heralded the beginning of change. Consequently, it became necessary for higher education institutions to deliberate on the future course of their undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training programmes. In this context, it is important for universities and technikons to understand the needs of their postgraduate students. The overall aim of this study was to identify the perceptions of ex-Technikon Natal (now the Durban Institute of Technology) postgraduate students on their research experiences with regard to supervision, communication, the Technikon generally, availability of resources, finance, time, departments, faculties, research, research methodology, statistics, library and expertise. The particular focus was on postgraduate students registered at the Technikon Natal in 2001, whether or not they had submitted their research proposals. A postal survey was carried out to determine the students' perceptions of their research postgraduate experiences at the then Technikon Natal. The results of the survey indicate that the majority of postgraduate students have a negative perception of the Technikon. Students feel that there are insufficient experienced supervisors available for consultation, leading to unacceptable delays. With regard to communication, students feel that the Technikon does not disseminate enough information on processes and procedures about postgraduate issues. Overall, students in the Health Sciences are more dissatisfied than students in the other faculties. In fact, the postal survey reveals that students in these other faculties are more positive than negative about their postgraduate experiences. However, it is worth pointing out that a large proportion of Science and Engineering students (38%) are undecided on this matter. It is interesting to note that the open-ended comments section at the end of the questionnaire reveals far more negative perceptions than the closed questions. Students are dissatisfied about the lack of modern computer facilities and available funds. They also feel strongly that it takes too long to get a research proposal approved. The majority feels that a postgraduate information kit would assist greatly. Comments about Research Methodology as a subject are particularly negative with regard to statistics, and the course, which they feel is too general. Students do not seem to have any major difficulties with the library services. The Technikon has to put structures in place to improve these negative perceptions and manage the students' needs. Combined with the impact of the merger of the former Technikon Natal and M.L. Sultan Technikon, the effects of which are not yet fully understood, the new Durban Institute of Technology should give serious consideration to the needs of its postgraduate population, especially in the Faculty of Health. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globale tendense in die produksie en disseminasie van kennis blyk wereldwyd 'n invloed op wetenskapsbeleid te he en noodsaak universiteite (en ook technikons in Suid-Afrika) om 'n groter markgerigtheid, mededingendheid en ondernemingsgees te openbaar. Hierdie globale tendense behels, onder andere, 'n verskuiwing na nuwe modi van kennisproduksie, sowel as 'n toename in finansiele en akademiese verantwoordbaarheid, en afstandsonderrig. Suid-Afrikaanse tersiere instellings kan hierdie wereldwye veranderinge in die landskap van hoar onderwys moeilik ontsnap. Daarbenewens het die demokratiese regering, wat in 1994 aan bewind gekom het, dit ten doel gestel om hoar onderwys in die land te transformeer. In 1997 het die eerste veranderinge ingetree met die publikasie van die Witskrif op Onderwys, en dit is in 2001 opgevolg met die totstandkoming van die Raad op Hoar Onderwys (CHE), die Hoar Onderwyskwaliteitskomitee (HEQC), en die Nasionale Plan vir Hoar Onderwys. Gevolglik het dit nodig geword dat hoar onderwysinstellings oorleg pleeg rakende die toekomstige verloop van voorgraadse en nagraadse onderrig- en opleidingsprogramme. Binne hierdie konteks is dit nodig vir universiteite en technikons om begrip te he vir die behoeftes van hul nagraadse studente. Die oorhoofse doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies te identifiseer van nagraadse studente aan die eertydse Technikon Natal (nou deel van die Durban Instituut vir Tegnologie). Die fokus was op studente se navorsingservarings met betrekking tot supervisie, kommunikasie, die technikon in die algemeen, die beskikbaarheid van hulpbronne, finansies, tyd, departemente, fakulteite, navorsingsmetodologie, statistiek, biblioteekfasiliteite en kundigheid. Studente wat in 2001 aan die Technikon Natal geregistreer was, is by die ondersoek betrek, ongeag of die student 'n navorsingsvoorstel ingedien het of nie. 'n Posvraelys-opname is gebruik. Die resultate van die opname toon die meerderheid nagraadse studente het 'n negatiewe persepsie van die Technikon. Die studente voel daar is nie genoeg ervare studieleiers om te raadpleeg nie, en dit lei tot onnodige vertragings. Wat kommunikasie betref, voel die studente dat die Technikon nie genoeg inligting omtrent nagraadse prosesse en prosedures versprei nie. In geheel gesien, het studente in die Gesondheidswetenskappe 'n veel groter ontevredenheid uitgespreek as studente in ander fakulteite. In die ander fakulteite was 'n geringe persentasie studente meer positief as negatief omtrent hul nagraadse ervaring. 'n Redelike persentasie studente in die Natuur- en Ingenieurswetenskappe (38%) was egter besluiteloos in hul opinie. Verder het die oop vrae aan die einde van die vraelys, wat kommentaar versoek, veel meer negatiewe as positiewe persepsies ontlok. Die studente is ontevrede met die gebrek aan moderne rekenaarfasiliteite en beskikbare fondse. Hul voel dat dit te lank neem om 'n navorsingsvoorstel goedgekeur te kry. Die meerderheid is van mening dat 'n nagraadse informasiepakket van groot waarde sou wees. Die kommentaar omtrent Navorsingsmetodologie as 'n vak is besonder negatief, veral wat statistiek bet ref, en hulle voel die kursus is te algemeen. Die studente blyk nie ernstige probleme met biblioteekdienste te he nie. Die technikon moet derhalwe strukture in plek stel ten einde die negatiewe persepsies van die studente aan te spreek en hul behoeftes doeltreffend te bestuur. Tesame met die impak van die samesmelting (waarvan die effek nog nie ten volle begryp word nie), moet die instelling ook ernstige oorweging skenk aan die behoeftes van die nagraadse populasie, veral in die Fakulteit van Gesondheid.

The attitudes of managers and students towards adult basic education and training : a case study of the Grindrod group

Van Zyl, Daniel Johannes Rossouw 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to explore the effective and efficient implementation of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) within a specific group of companies. A central argument underlying the study is that the attitudes of managers and students who participate in these programmes play a critical role in the successful implementation of such programmes. The specific objective of the study is to identify those factors that influence managers' and students' attitudes towards ABET within the Grindrod Group. A literature review traces the origin of ABET and its historical development within other countries as well as in the South African context. The role of ABET within the context of Human Resources Development is identified and explored. The research entails a case study of the implementation of ABET within the Grindrod Group of Companies. Quantative as well as qualitative information regarding managers' and students' attitudes were obtained. The attitudes of both the managers and students at Grindrod's were identified by using structured questionnaires during 1998-1999. The questionnaire included closed as well as open questions. In-depth interviews were also conducted with a selected group of managers and students. The aim of the interviews was to facilitate a deeper understanding of managers' and students' attitude towards ABET and the variables that might influence these attitudes. In the case of students interviews were conducted with those who had dropped out of ABET programmes. ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to explore the effective and efficient implementation of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) within a specific group of companies. A central argument underlying the study is that the attitudes of managers and students who participate in these programmes play a critical role in the successful implementation of such programmes. The specific objective of the study is to identify those factors that influence managers' and students' attitudes towards ABET within the Grindrod Group. While the attitude of both managers and students could be described as positive, the study suggests that the following variables can be seen to influence managers' attitudes towards ABET: seniority of managers, their political orientation, their educational qualifications and the number of years that ABET has been in operation in a specific company. As far as students are concerned, the following variables seem to play a role: the length of their employment, their occupational status, the level of the ABET module that they participate in as well as their formal educational level. The problem that was most commonly cited by managers was that the ABET programme resulted in operational disruptions because the programme was run in working hours. The most regularly identified benefits included improved communication between managers and employees, improved motivation of employees and identification of development potential of employees. The vast majority of all the employees that partook in ABET stated that they believed that they had benefited from the programme. The most commonly cited benefits included being able to write, speak, read and understand English. While the study focuses on a specific group of companies within a specific industrial sector and does not allow generalisations to be made, it nevertheless attempts to lay a foundation for further research to be undertaken regarding the implementation of these programmes in different sectors of the economy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die effektiewe en doeltreffende implementering van programme vir die Basiese Onderrig en Opleiding vir Volwassenes (ABET - Adult Basic Education and Training) binne 'n spesifieke groep van maatskappye. 'n Belangrike uitgangspunt van die studie is dat die houdings van bestuurders en studente wat aan hierdie programme deelneem 'n kritiese rol speel in die suksesvolle implementering al dan nie van sodanige programme. Die studie poog om enkele faktore wat moontlik verband hou met bestuurders en studente se houdings teenoor programme binne die Grindrod Groep te identifiseer. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen van die oorsprong en historiese ontwikkeling van ABET wêreldwyd sowel as in Suid-Afrika. Die rol van ABET binne die konteks van Menslike Hulpbronontwikkeling is ook geidentifiseer en ondersoek. Die navorsing behels 'n gevallestudie van die implementering van ABET binne die Grindrod Groep van Maatskappye. Kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe inligting betreffende bestuurders en studente se houdings is bekom. Die bestuurders en studente by Grindrod se onderskeie maatskappye se houding teenoor ABET is vasgestel d.m.v. gestruktureerde vraelyste gedurende 1998-1999. Die vraelyste het beide geslote en 'oop' vrae ingesluit. Benewens die aanwending van vraelyste, is daar ook in-diepte onderhoude met 'n geselekteerde groep bestuurders en studente gevoer. Die doel van die onderhoude was om 'n beter begrip te ontwikkel betreffende bestuurders en studente se houding teenoor ABET en die faktore wat hul houding beinvloed. In die geval van studente is onderhoude gevoer met diegene wat nie die program suksesvol voltooi het nie. Terwyl die houding van bestuurders en studente in die algemeen as positief beskryf kan word, suggereer die ondersoek dat die volgende faktore bestuur se houding teenoor ABET beinvloed, naamlik, die senioriteit van bestuurders, hul politieke oriëntasie, hul opvoedkundige kwalifikasies en die aantal jare wat programme in die betrokke onderneming geimplementeer is. In die geval van studente blyk die volgende faktore 'n rol te speel: aantal jare wat studente in diens van die onderneming is, hul posisie binne die onderneming, die vlak van die module wat deur die studente gevolg word asook die vlak van skoolonderrig wat hulle oritvang het. Die mees algemene probleem wat bestuurders identifiseer is dat ABET programme operasionele onderbrekings veroorsaak omdat die program tydens werksure geimplimenteer word. Voordele wat met die program geassosieer word behels verbetering van kommunikasie tussen bestuurders en werknemers, verhoogde motivering van werknemers en die identifisering van die ontwikkelingspotensiaal van werknemers. Die oorgrote meerderheid van die studente wat deelgeneem het in die ABET program was van mening dat die program vir hulle van nut was. Die belangrikste voordeel wat deur die studente geidentifiseer is, is dat dit hulle in staat gestel het om Engels te skryf, praat, lees en verstaan. Terwyl die ondersoek fokus op 'n bepaalde groep maatskappye binne 'n bepaalde nywerheidsektor en dus nie veralgemenings toelaat nie, poog dit om 'n grondslag te lê vir verdere navorsing oor die implementering van sodanige programme in verskillende sektore van die ekonomie.

The development of an integrated problem-based learning (PBL) approach in a post-matriculation programme at the University of Stellenbosch

Malan, Sharon Brenda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Educational Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / It is evident that many students admitted to higher education in South Africa are ill-prepared for tertiary study. The predominantly behaviorist school system encourages learner dependency and superficial understanding and fails to encourage reflection and self-direction. Changing times and a more diverse student population have heightened the need for a broader range of teaching and learning approaches at tertiary level. As a result, many departments, faculties and institutes such as SciMathUS have explored the merits of problem-based learning (PBL) which supports students as self-directed, independent learners. Problem-based learning is a different philosophical approach to the whole notion of teaching and learning where problems drive the learning and is one of the best examples of a constructivist learning environment. Thus far, problem-based learning has mainly been implemented in long-term medical curricula, so research findings focus mainly on the development of PBL for longer programmes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether introducing a Hybrid PBL approach in a shorter one-year foundation programme can create conditions for learners to develop and sustain self-directed learning skills and gain more control of the learning process. This interpretive-constructivist study may be broadly termed evaluation research. A mixedmethod approach that involved collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data was chosen. Evaluation findings indicate that introducing students to a Hybrid PBL approach does promote more meaningful learning patterns, typified by processing the subject matter critically and self-regulating learning processes. However the sustainability of the meaningdirected learning activities is questionable if student beliefs do not support the activities employed. Findings also reveal that the Hybrid PBL approach contributes to overall programme improvement by promoting understanding in mathematics and science and improved staff relationships and subject knowledge. PBL helps to establish a learner-centered learning environment that emphasizes relations in mathematics and science, promotes deep approaches to learning which may lead to higher levels of achievement and success in Higher Education.

Generic learning outcomes in a technikon diploma programme : a critical analysis

Van Schalkwyk, Susan C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1997, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) published its guidelines 'to provide for the development and implementation of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF)' (Government Gazette 1997:35). This framework was to pave the way for compelling transformation in the education sector. One of the key features of the framework would be a directive that a series of competencies, or generic skills, that SAQA termed its 'critical cross-field outcomes' would have to be incorporated into the design of all programmes of learning. The publication of the guidelines sparked considerable debate; a debate that, in the five years since 1997, does not appear to have been resolved. As higher education institutions prepare for the 2003 submission of programmes to SAQA for registration, the importance of swift and meaningful intervention is self-evident. This report gives an account of a study undertaken to allow for the critical analysis of generic learning outcomes, or specifically SAQA's critical outcomes, as they present themselves in a technikon diploma programme. While the initial impetus in terms of the skills debate may appear to have arisen as a result of national imperatives, the overview of the literature pointed to international precedents, particularly when the issue of generic skills was contextualised against the background of the changing higher education landscape. Thus empirical research was conducted at the Cape Technikon using the National Diploma in Human Resources Management, its academic staff and its second-year student group, as its focus. The qualitative data, generated via multiple techniques including document analysis, interviewing, and a survey, provided a wealth of information and in-depth insight into the perceptions and attitudes of the respondents. The researcher endeavoured to maintain a practical focus throughout the study and sought to interpret and critique existing practice against best practice as described in the literature. The findings highlighted numerous issues relating to the integration of generic learning outcomes into programmes of learning. Key among these were the apparent lack of clarity and guidance among students and staff about the meaning of, and envisaged role for, the generic learning or critical outcomes; the fact that many in the technikon sector are already employing those teaching and learning strategies that are deemed appropriate when following an outcomes-based approach; that the changing student profile has had a direct impact on what happens in the classroom; and that assessment systems and practices appear to be the main barriers to the effective development of generic skills. In response, this study recommends that a structured, holistic, process approach be implemented at those institutions that are serious about integrating SAQA's critical outcomes into their programmes of learning. While such an approach would require institutional support and guidance, as well as an overall commitment to staff development, it is the contention of the researcher that the technikon sector, by virtue of its career-oriented focus and the design of its programmes, is ideally positioned to embrace the SAQA challenge successfully. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasieowerheid (SAKO) het in 1997 riglyne gepubliseer wat voorsiening maak vir die ontwikkeling en implementering van 'n Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk (NKR). Hierdie raamwerk sou die weg baan vir ingrypende veranderinge in die onderwys. Een van die sleuteleienskappe van hierdie raamwerk was die opdrag dat 'n reeks bevoegdhede, of generiese vaardighede, wat deur SAKO as sy 'kritiese uitkomstes' beskryf is, in die opstel van alle leerprogramme ingesluit moes word. Die publikasie van die riglyne het 'n aansienlike debat ontketen; 'n debat wat in die vyf jaar sedert 1997 oënskynlik nog nie tot 'n einde gekom het nie. Aangesien hoëronderwysinstellings hul voorleggings vir 2003 aan SAKO vir registrasie nou reeds begin voorberei, is die noodsaaklikheid van 'n vinnige en betekenisvolle besluit hieroor voor die hand liggend. Hierdie verslag gee 'n uiteensetting van navorsing wat gedoen is om 'n kritiese analise van generiese leeruitkomstes, of spesifiek die kritiese uitkomstes van SAKO, soos toegepas in die diplomaprogram van 'n tegnikon, te beskryf. Alhoewel dit aanvanklik mag gelyk het asof die debat oor vaardighede sy ontstaan aan 'n nasionale opdrag te danke gehad het, het 'n oorsig van die literatuur daarop gedui dat internasionale presedente ook daartoe aanleiding gegee het, veral in gevalle waar vrae betreffende die generiese leeruitkomstes teen die agtergrond van 'n veranderende hoëronderwyslandskap beskou is. Empiriese navorsing is aan die Kaapse Tegnikon onderneem met die Nasionale Diploma in Menslike Hulpbronnebestuur, sy akademiese personeel en tweedejaarstudente, as fokuspunt. Kwalitatiewe data is deur die gebruik van verskeie tegnieke gegenereer wat dokumentêre analise, onderhoudvoering en 'n vraelysopname insluit. Hierdie data het 'n bron van inligting oor, en insae, tot, die persepsies en houdings van die respondente verskaf. Die navorser het deurgaans gepoog om 'n praktiese fokus tydens die studie te behou en om die huidige praktyk te interpreteer en te beoordeel teenoor dit wat as suksesvol in die literatuur bestempel is. Die bevindinge het verskeie aspekte ten opsigte van die insluiting van generiese leeruitkomstes binne leerprogramme na vore gebring. Van die belangrikste aspekte is die klaarblyklike gebrek aan duidelikheid en leiding, onder sowel studente as akademiese personeel, oor die betekenis van, en beoogde rol vir die kritiese of generiese leeruitkomstes; die feit dat vele akademici in die tegnikonsektor reeds gebruik maak van die onderrig- en leerstrategieë wat as toepaslik vir uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig beskou word; dat die veranderende studenteprofiel 'n direkte impak gehad het op dit wat in die klaskamer gebeur; en dat assesseringspraktyke en -metodes tans die grootste remskoen in die effektiewe ontwikkeling van generiese vaardighede blyk te wees. In antwoord hierop beveel hierdie studie die implementering van 'n gestruktureerde, holistiese, prosesbenadering by die instellings aan wat erns maak met die insluiting van SAKO se kritiese uitkomstes in hul leerprogramme. Alhoewel so 'n benadering ondersteuning en leiding van die instellings, asook 'n algemene verbintenis tot personeelontwikkeling, sal vereis, is dit die navorser se oortuiging dat die tegnikonsektor, as gevolg van sy loopbaangerigte fokus en die inhoud van sy programme, ideaal geposisioneer is om die SAKO-uitdaging suksesvol die hoof te bied.

Communicative language teaching : a comparison of the Lesotho form E (English) and South African grade 12 FAL (English) curricula

Kobo, Mamorapeli Justinah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Includes glossary of terms / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the study presented, two English curriculum documents were analysed, one from South Africa and the other from Lesotho. The analysis was focused on English first additional language curriculum documents for what is known as Grade 12 in South Africa and Form E in Lesotho. The two curricula are both informed by Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), with the concept of communicative competence, which is the ability to use the linguistic system effectively and appropriately, at its core. The two curricula are distinguished from each other as being locally developed (South Africa) and internationally developed (Lesotho) curriculum documents. Research contributions on the role that English plays in today‟s language learning and teaching context introduce the study . An overview is provided of the CLT appr oach and the essentials and difficulties perceived in CLT introduction in Africa and particularly Southern Africa. Jacobs and Farrell‟s (2003) evaluative framework for CLT is proposed as an indication of the extent to which CLT is evident in curricula. Ag ainst this background, the question arises of how CLT is realised in English first additional language curriculum documents for Grade 12 in South Africa and for Form E in Lesotho . In answering the question, a qualitative content analysis method that sets in interpretivist paradigm is employed for analysis of the curricula, and coding is applied using the evaluative framework proposed by Jacobs and Farrell (2003). The analysis attempts to evaluate the two English first additional language curriculum documents (curricula plans ). First, an exploration of the structures of the two curriculum documents was done. Second, the evaluation of the curricula against Jacobs and Farrell‟s (2003 :10 ) “ eight changes in language teaching and learning ” followed. Third, the comparison of the two curricula was carried out. Evaluation and comparison processes were carried out for the purpose of determining which of the two curricula best realises CLT. Reflecting on what is needed in the choice of English first additional language curricula, the conclusion is reached that (a) curricula need to be explicit in describing texts for language teaching, (b) they need to include oral and listening proficiency, and (c) a locally developed curriculum realises the CLT elements better than an internationally developed curriculum document. This means that learners‟ needs are be tter accommodated when local context and situations are in use. With this, learners bring their learning experiences as close as possible to their own real-life situations and thereby contribute towards language development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie analiseer twee kurrikulumdokumente vir die onderrig van Engels: een Suid-Afrikaans en die ander van Lesotho. Die analise fokus op Engels as eerste addisionele taal kurrikula vir wat as Graad 12 bekend staan in Suid-Afrika en as Vorm E in Lesotho. Beide kurrikula is in die Kommunikatiewe Taalonderrigtradisie ontwikkel; ʼn tradisie wat vereis dat die taalstruktuur effektief in realistiese situasies gebruik word. Die twee kurrikula word onderskei deur die feit dat die Suid-Afrikaanse een plaaslik ontwikkel is en die Lesotho onderwyssisteem gebruik ʼn internasionaal - ontwikkelde kurrikulum, die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate. Die studie word ingelei deur ʼn bespreking oor die r ol wat Engels speel in die huidige leer- en onderrigkonteks. ʼn Oorsig word gegee van Kommunikatiewe Taalonderrig (KTO), gevolg deur ʼn bespreking van die elemente en probleme wat ervaar word met KTO in Afrika en in Suider- Afrika in die besonder. ʼn Raamwerk, voorgestel deur Jacobs en Farrell (2003) vir die evaluering van KTO, word voorgestel as ʼn aanduiding van die mate waartoe kurrikula die beginsels en praktyke van KTO insluit. Die probleem wat hierdie studie bestudeer is die mate waartoe KTO manifesteer in die Graad 12 Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal kurrikulum in Suid-Afrika en in die Vorm E kurrikulum, die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate, in Lesotho. Die navorsingsbenadering is interpretatief en kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise word gebruik om die kurrikula te analiseer. Deur die raamwerk van Jacobs en Farrell (2003) te gebruik, word dit moontlik om die twee kurrikulum dokumente te analiseer en te vergelyk . As ʼn eerste stap word die struktuur van beide dokumente bespreek, gevolg deur ʼn evaluering van elke kurrikulum in terme van die agt veranderings in onderrig en leer wat veronderstel is om KTO te karakteriseer (Jacobs en Farrell 2003:10). Hierdie twee stappe is nodig om die finale vergelyking van die twee kurrikula te kan doen sodat die mate waartoe hulle KTO manifesteer, aangedui kan word. Hierdie analise kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Engels eerste addisionele taalkurrikulum in Lesotho (a) duideliker riglyne moet verskaf vir die aard van tekste wat vir Engels taalonderrig gebruik kan word, (b) dat hierdie kurrikulum mondelinge- en luistervaardighede moet insluit en (c) dat die plaaslik-ontwerpte, Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum beter rekenskap gee van KTO as die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate, die internasionaal-ontwikkelde dokument wat in Lesotho gebruik word. As gevolg van die vergelyking met die Jacobs en Farrell raamwerk, blyk dit dat leerders se behoeftes beter ondervang kan word wanneer plaaslike kontekste en situasies gebruik word omdat leerders op hulle eie leerervarings kan staatmaak om hulle taalvermoë te ontwikkel.

Equity & efficiency in South African primary schools : a preliminary analysis of SACMEQ III South Africa

Spaull, Nicholas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The many and varied links between student socioeconomic status and educational outcomes have been well documented in the South African economics of education literature. The strong legacy of apartheid and the consequent correlation between education and wealth have meant that, generally speaking, poorer learners perform worse academically. The links between affluence and educational quality in South Africa can partially explain this outcome since the poor receive a far inferior quality of education when compared to their wealthier counterparts. This disadvantages them in the labourmarket and entrenches their poverty. This thesis uses the recent Southern and Eastern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ III) dataset for South Africa to answer three important questions: (1) Is South African primary education efficient? (2) Is South African primary education equitable? and (3) What are the main factors that have a significant effect on student mathematics and reading performance in Grade 6. The thesis shows that a high proportion of the country’s learners are functionally illiterate and functionally innumerate. The research confirms previous findings that socio-economic status, and particularly school socioeconomic status, is important when understanding student success or failure. Other factors which significantly affect student performance are homework frequency, grade repetition, and the availability of reading textbooks. In contrast, teacher-subject knowledge was found to have only a modest impact on Grade 6 performance. Policy interventions associated with the findings are also highlighted. The study concludes that South Africa is still a tale of two school sub-systems: one which is wealthy, functional and able to educate students, while the other is poor, dysfunctional, and unable to equip students with the necessary numeracy and literacy skills they should be acquiring in primary school. Finally, the thesis suggests that there are some options available to policy-makers which are expected to have a positive effect on learner performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vele en diverse verbande tussen studente se sosio-ekonomiese status en onderwysuitkomste is goed gedokumenteer in die Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur oor die ekonomie van onderwys. Die sterk nalatenskap van apartheid en die gevolglike korrelasie tussen onderwys en rykdom beteken dat armer leerlinge in die algemeen akademies swakker vaar. Die verband tussen welvaart en onderwysgehalte in Suid-Afrika kan hierdie uitkoms gedeeltelik verklaar, omdat arm mense ʼn veel swakker gehalte van onderwys ontvang as rykes. Dit plaas hulle in ʼn swakker posisie in die arbeidsmark en bevestig daarmee hulle armoede. Die tesis gebruik die onlangse SACMEQ III datastel vir Suid-Afrika (SACMEQ is die akroniem vir die Southern and Eastern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality) om drie belangrike vrae te beantwoord: (1) Is Suid-Afrikaanse primêre skole doeltreffend? (2) Is Suid-Afrikaanse primêre onderwys regverdig verdeel? (3) Wat is die belangrikste faktore wat studente se wiskunde en leesvermoë in Graad 6 beduidend beïnvloed? Die tesis toon dat ʼn groot proporsie van die land se leerlinge funksioneel ongeletterd en ongesyferd is. Die navorsing bevestig vorige bevindinge dat sosio-ekonomiese status, en veral die sosioekonomiese status van die skoolgemeenskap, ʼn belangrike bepaler van studente se sukses is. Ander faktore wat studente se prestasie beduidend beïnvloed is hoe gereeld hulle huiswerk doen, of hulle die graad herhaal, en die beskikbaarheid van handboeke. In teenstelling daarmee is bevind dat onderwysers se vakkennis net ʼn beskeie impak op Graad 6 prestasie het. Daar is ook klem op beleidsingrypings wat uit die bevindinge spruit. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat Suid- Afrikaanse onderwys steeds die storie van twee sub-stelsels is: een wat ryk is, goed funksioneer en in staat is om studente ʼn goeie opvoeding te bied, terwyl skole in die ander deel van die stelsel arm is, wanfunksioneel, en die vermoë ontbreek om studente toe te rus met die syfer- en leesvaardighede wat skole hulle behoort te bied. Ten slotte identifiseer die tesis opsies vir beleidmakers wat leerlinge se prestasie sou kon verbeter.

New assessment methods in business studies in the FET phase

Russell, Yvette 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed. (Didatics)) / Assessment methods in Business Studies in the FET phase have had to change as a result of the implementation of OBE and the NSC in South Africa. In order to analyse how this has affected the education of learners, a case study, based on the IEB was analysed. Under the supervision of Umalusi, the IEB has developed new moderation systems in order to quality assure SBA (School Based Assessment), represented by learners’ portfolios which constitute 25% of the final promotion mark for the NSC. The guidelines and documentation for these moderation requirements are contained in the IEB Business Studies SAG (Subject Assessment Guidelines). This document forms the basis of the case study.The IEB, however, does not work in isolation and through their partnership with the DoE the experience gained through implementing new assessment methods in Business Studies as described in this study can be adapted for other subjects or schools in the public sector.

Curriculum review in economics : re-thinking pedagogy

Robinson, Zurika 09 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this article (see Annexure A)1 is to review curriculum within the Department of Economics (Unisa). The article is intended for submission to the International Review of Economics Education (IREE) with the guidelines contained in Annexure F. Unisa is the largest open and distance, e-learning institution in Africa and as such requires reliable and applicable curriculum to cater in the needs of the continent and the rest of the world. The curriculum review also entails an evaluation of undergraduate and post graduate programmes offered by the Department of Economics. It is a mixed methods study, in that qualitative interviews inform and confirm the results of a quantitative survey done amongst alumni, students, faculty and industry on the degree offering within the Department. The world of work and workplace as such will change as part of the fourth industrial revolution. Improving the graduateness and employability of students has become crucial in line with Unisa’s motto of “Define tomorrow”. The main findings show that creative and critical writing and numerical skills in line with pluralism in Economics and pedagogy are key and at the forefront of any change that needs to occur. Further, re-thinking pedagogy will require a coordinated effort within the Department of Economics with revising all Micro- and Macroeconomics modules at the different levels of the BCom (Economics). This will also entail an overall strategy for assessment on the different levels to improve writing skills of the students. Implementing Calculus and Linear Algebra at first year level and Statistics up to third year level should bring the department in line with local and international universities. This has become clear within the Department and includes the two-stream qualification route, with revised Economics and new Applied Economics route. This curriculum review can inform other similar exercises, which makes South Africa the emerging market of future generations. / Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die kurrikula in die Departement Ekonomie (Unisa) te hersien. Unisa is die grootste oop- en afstandsleerinstelling in Afrika en verlang as sodanig betroubare en toepaslike kurrikula om aan die kontinent en die res van die wêreld se behoeftes te voorsien. Die kurrikulumhersiening behels ook 'n evaluering van voorgraadse en nagraadse programme wat die Departement Ekonomie aanbied. Die studie het gemengde metodes gebruik. Kwalitatiewe onderhoude het die resultate van 'n kwantitatiewe opname onder alumni, studente, fakulteitslede en die industrie oor dit wat die departement aanbied, belig en bevestig. Die wêreld van werk en die werkplek sal verander as deel van die Vierde Industriële Rewolusie. Dit het noodsaaklik geword om studente se graadwaardigheid en indiensneembaarheid te verbeter, ooreenkomstig met Unisa se slagspreuk van "Definieer die toekoms". Die hoofbevindinge wys dat kreatiewe en kritiese skryf- en numeriese vaardighede ooreenkomstig pluralisme in Ekonomie, noodsaaklik en aan die voorpunt van enige veranderinge is wat moet plaasvind. Verder, om pedagogie weer te bedink sal 'n gesamentlike poging binne die Departement Ekonomie behels om alle mikro- en makro-ekonomiese modules op die verskillende vlakke van die BCom (Ekonomie) te hersien. Dit sal ook 'n algehele strategie vir die assessering op die verskillende vlakke behels om studente se skryfvaardighede te bevorder. Deur Calculus en Lineêre Algebra op eerstejaarsvlak aan te bied en Statistiek tot op derdejaarsvlak, sal die departement in lyn met plaaslike en internasionale universiteite bring. Dit sluit die tweestroomkwalifikasies in met hersiende Ekonomie en nuwe Toegepaste Ekonomie roete. Hierdie artikel belig ander kurrikulumhersienings van verskeie vakgebiede plaaslik en internasionaal, wat Suid-Afrika die ontluikende mark vir toekomstige generasies maak. / Sepheo sa sengolwa sena ke le lekola-botjha dikharikhulamo tsa Lefapha la Dithuto tsa Moruo (Unisa). Unisa ke setsi se seholo ka ho fetisisa tsa thuto ya elektroniki se butsweng hape e le sa thuto ka ngollano, mme ka mokgwa oo, se hloka ho ba le kharikhulamo e tshepehang hape e amehang hore e kgotsofatse ditlhoko tsa kontinente le lefatshe ka bophara. Tekolo-botjha ya kharikhulamo e boetse e ne e kenyeletsa mananeo a pele ho grata le a kamora grata a fanwang ke Lefapha la Dithuto tsa Moruo. E ne e le boithuto ba mekgwa e fapaneng moo teng dinthavu tsa mokgwa wa boleng di tsebisetseng le ho netefatsa diphetho tsa boithuto ba mokgwa wa mongata hara ba neng ba kena sekolo moo, baithuti, lekala le indasteri mabapi le digrata tse fanwang kahare ho lefapha. Lefatshe la mosebetsi le sebaka sa mosebetsi di tla fetoha jwalo ka karolo ya Phetoho e Kgolo ya Bone ya Indasteri. Ho ntlafatsa boemo ba ho fumana grata le bokgoni ba ho fumana mosebetsi ha batjha ho se ho le bohlokwahadi ho latela lepetjo la Unisa la “Hlalosa bokamoso”. Diphetho tsa sehlooho di bontsha hore bongodi ba boiqapedi le boinahano le ditsebo tsa dipalo ho latela puso-pedi ho thuto ya tsa Moruo di bohlokwa mme di eme kapele ho phetoho efe kapa efe e hlokang ho etsahala. Ho feta moo, ho nahanisisa mokgwa wa thuto ho tla kenyelletsa maikutlo a hlophisitsweng kahare ho Lefapha la Thuto ya tsa Moruo ho ntjhafatsa dithuto tsohle tsa micro- le macro-economics maemong a fapaneng a BCom (Economics). Sena se boetse se tla kenyelletsa moralo o akaretsang wa tekanyo maemong a fapaneng ho ntlafatsa ditsebo tsa bongodi tsa baithuti. Ho tsebisa dithuto tsa Calculus le Linear Algebra boemong ba selemo sa pele sa dithuto le ho tsebisa thuto ya Statistics ho fihla ho boemo ba boraro ho ka tlisa lefapha maemong a tshwanang le a diyunivesithi tsa lehae le tsa matjhaba. Sena se kenyelletsa mangolo a karolo tse pedi le Dithuto tsa Moruo (le Applied Economics). Sengolwa sena se rerile ho tsebisa ditekolo tse ding tsa kharikhulamo ka mekgahlelo e fapaneng kahare ho naha le matjhabeng, e leng ho etsa Afrika Borwa e be setsi se hlahellang ka mahetla sa mebaraka bakeng sa maloko a nako e tlang. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

Evaluating agricultural potential of a Cape Metropolitan Catchment : a fuzzy logic approach

Fourie, Johannes Christoffel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Sustainable use of the earth’s resources is seen by many authorities as critical to ensure the planet’s survival. In this regard agriculture is seen as a major role player and fundamental link in the chain of sustainability. South Africa, a country with relatively little favourable agricultural land, should therefore preserve high potential areas for agricultural purposes. The Western Cape, with 75% of all medium-potential arable land in South Africa, is a valuable asset. One region targeted for development and where uncertainty prevails regarding its agricultural potential, is the G21B catchment in the Atlantis Growth Corridor (AGC). The AGC is envisaged as long-term growth axis for the Cape Metropole, but conflicting opinions exist on its agricultural possibilities and suitability to absorb urban growth. Consequently, the aim of this project was to evaluate the suitability of this catchment for a number of agricultural landuses. Fuzzy logic, a modification of the land evaluation approach originally developed by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), was used to address this problem. Input data consisted of a soil map and digital elevation model (DEM) of the area. Parameters identified from these sources and applicable to the study were soil texture of the first, second and third horizons, as well as coarse fragments in the top soil, wetness, weathered rock, average pH, effective root depth, and slope. These parameters were compared to the requirements of six landuses, i.e. wheat, wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and citrus, and a fuzzy representation for every landuse was constructed. Expert opinion aided in a weighting process whereby the relative weights of parameters were computed and incorporated into the evaluation. Results showed extensive areas with a relatively high agricultural potential for potatoes and wine grapes. In addition, areas with potential were also identified for wheat, citrus, and tomatoes, albeit on more limited scale. Large areas, however, were deemed unsuitable for the aforementioned agricultural crops and would therefore be suitable to absorb metropolitan growth or to be maintained as conservation areas. The fuzzy logic approach provided insightful results. Problematic parameters were easily identified and no information was lost in the evaluation process. It also allowed for an objective quantitative comparison between crops. This provided freedom in deciding which landuse should be practiced, especially if the focus is on a sustainable rather than the most productive crop.

Uitkomsgebaseerde assesseringsmodel vir die ontvangsjaar

Davin, Reda J. (Reda Johanna) 30 June 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study addresses the problem of the lack of an assessment model for the reception year that is theoretically grounded and can be implemented in practice by developing an outcomes-based assessment model. Assessment in an outcomes-based approach moves from an evaluative model to a model designed to appraise the learner's development and learning. Learners are assessed continuously and in an holistic manner by means of multiple methods that are part of the daily facilitation of learning. Following an introductory orientation (chapter 1), it is indicated that despite the radical transformation in education there are as yet few signs of any direct impact on assessment practices in the reception year. The importance of assessment in an outcomes-based model is firmly rooted in official policies but its implementation in practice is problematic. Assessment in the reception year is also complicated by problems in teaching practice. The unique nature of outcomes-based teaching is analysed in depth in chapter 2 in order to draw up theoretical guidelines on which to base the assessment model. The theoretical reflection in chapter 3 provides answers to the question: "Why should assessment take place?" The question is answered after considering the distinctive nature of and main reasons for reception year teaching. In an outcomes-based teaching approach it is particularly important to answer this question because assessment is more than simply evaluating the extent to which demarcated contents have been mastered. Chapter 4 explores authentic assessment methods that accommodate the unique nature of reception year teaching and an outcomes-based approach. Methods such as parent interviews, portfolios of learners' work and observation by means of incident records, checklists and participation charts are appropriate assessment methods. The points at which assessment information is collected and how it is interpreted and communicated are also examined. The proposed model, based on the theoretical findings, was presented to experts in the field of early childhood development for their input on its practical implementability. It was found that the model can be implemented in practice, provided in-service training is provided. The final chapter of the study consists of a summary, findings and recommendations regarding the practical implementation of the assessment model in the reception year. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Teacher Education)

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