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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Long-Term Memory on Visual Attention and Access to Visual Consciousness

Weller, Peter 16 September 2022 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation zeige ich anhand einer Reihe von Beispielen, wie das Langzeitgedächtnis die perzeptuelle Verarbeitung beeinflussen kann. Anhand einer Aufgabe zur visuellen Aufmerksamkeit verdeutliche ich, inwiefern episodische Erinnerungen perzeptuelle Distrakoreffekte reduzieren können. In Experiment 1 sollten Versuchspersonen zuvor gelernte Worte entweder ins Gedächtnis zu rufen oder die Erinnerung an die Worte zu unterdrücken. Anschließend mussten sie unter Zeitdruck neue, bisher nicht präsentierte Worte semantisch einordnen, wobei die Zielworte von den zuvor abgerufenen oder unterdrückten Worten flankiert waren. Da die flankierenden Worte für die semantische Entscheidungsaufgabe irrelevant und die Versuchspersonen instruiert worden waren, diese zu ignorieren, kann von einem perzeptuellen Distraktoreffekt ausgegangen werden. Distraktoreffekte waren für zuvor unterdrückte Gedächtnisinhalte im Vergleich zur abgerufenen Gedächtnisinhalten deutlich reduziert, was nahelegt, dass episodische Gedächtnisinhalte die Wahrnehmung beeinflussen. Auf dieser Erkenntnis aufbauend zeige ich in Experiment 2, wie die suppressionsinduzierte Reduktion der Verarbeitung von Distraktorreizen durch individuelle Differenzen maskiert werden kann. Schließlich wurden den Versuchspersonen in Experiment 3 in einer „Attentional-Blink“-Aufgabe unbekannte Objekte als zweites von zwei aufeinander folgenden Zielobjekten dargeboten. Versuchspersonen konnten Objekte, die mit einer neu gelernten semantischen Information assoziiert waren, besser erkennen als Objekte, die mit minimaler Information assoziiert waren. Dieser Effekt ging mit einer Modulation der ereigniskorrelierten Potenziale 100ms nach Erscheinen des Reizes einher. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Inhalte aus dem Langzeitgedächtnis Wahrnehmungsprozesse beeinflussen können und leisten damit einen weiteren Beitrag zur Erkenntnis, dass die Wahrnehmung gegenüber höheren Kognitionen nicht unabhängig ist. / Numerous studies are emerging which suggest that long-term memories can influence early perceptual processing. Notwithstanding, these finding have come under fire from critics who view perceptual processing as independent of cognition. In this dissertation I demonstrate novel instances of long-term memory effects on perceptual processing, both in the context of an attentional task where I look at the extent to which episodic memory can reduce perceptual distraction and in a conscious detection task where I assess the effect of semantic knowledge on peoples ability to consciously detect briefly presented objects. In experiment one, participants retrieved or suppressed previously memorised words. Following this task, participants made speeded semantic judgments on novel target words that were flanked by the words that had previously undergone suppression or retrieval. Because the flanking words were irrelevant to the semantic judgment and were supposed to be ignored, any influence of their presence on semantic judgment speed can be taken as a marker of perceptual distraction. Results showed that the tendency for flankers to distract from target processing was markedly reduced if those flankers had undergone suppression. In experiment two, I expanded upon this finding by showing how this suppression-induced reduction in distractor processing can be masked by individual differences. Finally, in experiment three, I presented pictures of novel objects to participants as the second of two targets in an attentional blink paradigm. Results showed that participants were able to perceive objects associated with newly acquired semantic knowledge better than objects associated with minimal knowledge, a finding that was associated with a modulation of event-related brain potentials 100 msec after stimulus onset. Taken together, these experiments contribute to the growing body of evidence showing that information from long-term memory can influence perceptual processing.

Realization Of A Cue Based Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interface With Its Potential Application To A Wheelchair

Akinci, Berna 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis study focuses on the realization of an online cue based Motor Imagery (MI) Brain Computer Interface (BCI). For this purpose, some signal processing and classification methods are investigated. Specifically, several time-spatial-frequency methods, namely the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT), Common Spatial Frequency Patterns (CSFP) and the Morlet Transform (MT) are implemented on a 2-class MI BCI system. Distinction Sensitive Learning Vector Quantization (DSLVQ) method is used as a feature selection method. The performance of these methodologies is evaluated with the linear and nonlinear Support Vector Machines (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Naive Bayesian (NB) classifiers. The methodologies are tested on BCI Competition IV dataset IIb and an average kappa value of 0.45 is obtained on the dataset. According to the classification results, the algorithms presented here obtain the 4th level in the competition as compared to the other algorithms in the competition. Offline experiments are performed in METU Brain Research Laboratories and Hacettepe Biophysics Department on two subjects with the original cue-based MI BCI paradigm. Average prediction accuracy of the methods on a 2-class BCI is evaluated to be 76.26% in these datasets. Furthermore, two online BCI applications are developed: the ping-pong game and the electrical wheelchair control. For these applications, average classification accuracy is found to be 70%. During the offline experiments, the performance of the developed system is observed to be highly dependent on the subject training and experience. According to the results, the EEG channels P3 and P4, which are considered to be irrelevant with the motor imagination, provided the best classification performance on the offline experiments. Regarding the observations on the experiments, this process is related to the stimulation mechanism in the cue based applications and consequent visual evoking effects on the subjects.

Exploring Picture Word Priming Effects in Healthy Aging Adults Using Event Related Potentials

Christopher, Sasha C. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanics with which older adults activate and access different subdomains of their mental lexicons during word retrieval for picture naming. Method: Data were analyzed for 12 aging, native English speakers who performed a picture-word priming task. The auditory probe words were presented in the following conditions in relation to the picture stimuli: Identically related, strongly semantically related, weakly semantically related, strongly phonologically related, weakly phonologically related, semantically related to the strong phonological relative of the target picture label, or phonologically-related to the strong semantic relative of the target picture label. Event related potentials were used to measure picture-word priming effects. Results: Three main results were observed. First, our healthy aging adult participants evidenced strong activation of whole-word phonological representations as well as rhyme representations of target picture labels, but weakened activation of initial phoneme information. Second, they processed semantic information robustly. Finally, our participants appeared to experience phonological competition when accessing target picture labels. Conclusion: Results from this study suggest that healthy aging adults maintain efficient access to whole-word phonological representations, rhyme representations, and conceptual-semantic representations of target picture labels. However, in line with previously-reported findings, they do seem to evidence limited activation of initial phonological information on the path to picture naming.

Die Entwicklung antwortbezogener Hirnaktivität: Fehlerverarbeitung und Priming / Development of event related potentials: error processing and priming

Muñoz Expósito, Silvia 16 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

L'organisation du système lexico-sémantique dans le cerveau monolingue et bilingue en développement / Lexical-semantic system organization in the monolingual and bilingual developing brain

Sirri, Louah 13 March 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le développement du système lexico-sémantique chez les enfants monolingues et bilingues. La question posée est la suivante : quand et comment les significations des mots commencent à être reliées entre elles et à s'intégrer dans un système sémantique interconnecté. Dans un premier temps, trois études ont été menées chez des enfants monolingues français. L'Etude 1, a pour but d'observer si les mots sont organisés selon des liens taxonomiques (e.g., cochon - cheval). L'Etude 2 explore si l'effet d'amorçage sémantique est sous-tendu par des mécanismes cognitifs, comme les processus d'activation automatique et contrôlé. Puis enfin, l'Etude 3 observe si les mots sont organisés en fonction de leur distance de similarité sémantique (e.g., vache - mouton versus vache - cerf). Dans un deuxième temps, deux études ont été conduites chez des enfants apprenant deux langues simultanément. L'Etude 4 vise à déterminer si les mots sont taxonomiquement liés dans chacune des langues. L'Etude 5 explore si les mots présentés dans une langue activent leurs représentations sémantiques dans l'autre langue et vice versa. Dans le but de répondre à ces questions, le traitement lexico-sémantique a été étudié en utilisant deux techniques : l'eye-tracking et les potentiels évoqués (PEs). Ces deux techniques enregistrent lors de la présentation des mots des réponses comportementales (Etude 3) et neuronales (Etude 1, 2, 4 et 5) de haute résolution temporelle. Les Etudes 1 et 2 montrent que chez les monolingues les mots sont liés taxonomiquement à l'âge de 18 et 24 mois. Durant le développement du langage, les deux processus d'activation automatique et contrôlé sont impliqués dans le traitement des mots (Etude 2). L'Etude 3 montre qu'à 24 mois, les mots sont organisés dans le système lexico-sémantique en développement selon la distance des similarités sémantiques. L'Etude 4 montre que chez les enfants bilingues, le traitement sémantique ne diffère pas selon les deux langues, mais la topographie des PEs varie selon la langue traitée. L'Etude 5 montre que les mots présentés dans une langue activent leurs représentations sémantiques dans la deuxième langue et vice versa. Toutefois, la topographie des PEs est modulée selon la direction de traduction. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'acquisition de deux langues, bien qu'elle soit très précoce, requière deux ressources neuronales bien distinctes, sous-tendant ainsi le traitement lexico-sémantique des langues dominante et non-dominante. / The present doctoral research explored the developing lexical-semantic system in monolingual and bilingual toddlers. The question of how and when word meanings are first related to each other and become integrated into an interconnected semantic system was investigated. Three studies were conducted with monolingual French learning children which aimed at exploring how words are organized, that is, according to taxonomic relationships (e.g., pig - horse) and to semantic similarity distances between words (e.g., cow - sheep versus cow - deer), and whether cognitive mechanisms, such as automatic activation and controlled processes, underlie priming effects. An additional two studies conducted with children learning two languages simultaneously, aimed at determining, first, whether taxonomically related word meanings, in each of the two languages, are processed in a similar manner. The second goal was to explore whether words presented in one language activate words in another language, and vice versa. In an attempt to answer these questions, lexical-semantic processing was explored by two techniques: eye-tracking and event-related potentials (ERPs) techniques. Both techniques provide high temporal resolution measures of word processing but differ in terms of responses. Eye-movement measurements (Study III) reflect looking preferences in response to spoken words and their time-course, whereas ERPs reflect implicit brain responses and their activity patterns (Study I, II, IV, and V). Study I and II revealed that words are taxonomically organized at 18 and 24-month-olds. Both automatic and controlled processes were shown to be involved in word processing during language development (Study II). Study III revealed that at 24-month-olds, categorical and feature overlap between items underpin the developing lexical-semantic system. That is, lexical-items in each semantic category are organized according to graded similarity distances. Productive vocabulary skills influenced word recognition and were related to underlying cognitive mechanisms. Study IV revealed no differences in terms of semantic processing in the bilinguals¿ two languages, but the ERP distribution across the scalp varied according to the language being processed. Study V showed that words presented in one language activate their semantic representations in the second language and the other way around. The distribution of the ERPs depended, however, on the direction of translation. The results suggest that even early dual language experience yields distinct neural resources underlying lexical-semantic processing in the dominant and non-dominant languages during language acquisition.

Effets des variations œstrogéniques féminines sur les potentiels évoqués cognitifs durant une tâche de rotation mentale

Germain, Martine 12 1900 (has links)
Il apparaît, suite aux résultats de plusieurs études comportementales et d’imagerie cérébrale, que les hormones gonadiques peuvent moduler le fonctionnement cérébral chez la femme. Les asymétries cérébrales fonctionnelles (ACFs), en particulier, changeraient en fonction du niveau de progestérone et d’œstrogène. On a également observé que lorsque le taux d’œstrogène est bas, les performances aux tâches impliquant l’hémisphère droit sont améliorées. Par contre, les preuves de l’action physiologique de ces deux hormones sur le cerveau ne sont pas très nombreuses. Le peu d’études d’électrophysiologie cognitive qui ont porté sur les effets du cycle menstruel ont rapporté que la composante P300 y serait sensible. Aucune n’a cependant utilisé une tâche d’habileté spatiale ou de rotation mentale qui sont connues pour impliquer davantage l’hémisphère droit. Le but de la présente étude est de documenter les changements électrocorticaux reliés aux variations hormonales lors d’une tâche de rotation mentale. Notre hypothèse de départ est que le taux d’œstrogène influencera l’activité électrocorticale et la latéralisation. Les potentiels évoqués cognitifs ont été comparés chez les mêmes femmes (n=12) lors d’une tâche de rotation mentale, répétée à deux périodes du cycle menstruel. Nos résultats démontrent que la condition de rotation induit une latéralisation de l’activité pariétale, vers l’hémisphère gauche, quand le niveau d’œstrogène est bas. Par contre, lorsque le niveau d’œstrogène est élevé, il n’y a aucune latéralisation. Par ailleurs, nous avons observé une augmentation de l’amplitude de la P300 lors du niveau oestrogénique élevé. En conclusion, les fluctuations oestrogéniques du cycle menstruel ont un impact sur la latéralisation de l’activité électrocorticale, lors d’un effort de rotation mentale. / After many behavioral and some neuroimaging studies, it appears that the gonadic hormones can modulate the neuronal function of women's brain. In particular, the functional cerebral asymmetries can be affected by the level of progesterone and estrogens. It has been observed that when the level of estrogen is low, the performance at task that engages more the right hemisphere is enhanced. However, there is a lack of evidence for the physiological actions of these two hormones on the brain. The few event-related potential studies taking into account the menstrual cycle effects, had noticed that the component P300 can be affected. No electrophysiological study has used a mental rotation task or spatial ability tests which are known for their right hemisphere dominance. The aim of the present research is to document the effect of hormonal variations on the electrocortical activity, using a mental rotation task. Our hypothesis is that estrogen levels affect electrocortical activity and lateralization. The ERPs were compared in the same women (n = 12) during a mental rotation task, repeated over two periods of the menstrual cycle. Our results show a lateralization of the left parietal activity when estrogen levels are low and during the rotation. Whereas when the estrogen level is high, there is no lateralization. In addition, we observed an increase in the amplitude of P300 for this same high level. In conclusion, estrogens fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle have an impact on the lateralization of electrocortical activity, when a mental rotation is needed.

Étude électrophysiologique de l’impact de la couleur dans le déploiement attentionnel

Jetté Pomerleau, Vincent 01 1900 (has links)
L’influence de la couleur dans les mécanismes perceptuels et attentionnels a été étudiée. Quatre couleurs (le rouge, le vert, le bleu et le jaune) ont été calibrées individuellement à travers la technique heterochromatic flicker photometry. Suivant cela, les participants ont déployé leur attention à une cible (un cercle de couleur avec une ligne orientée). Les données électrophysiologiques ont été enregistrées pendant que les sujets performaient la tâche de recherche visuelle, et les analyses ont été basées sur les potentiels évoqués (PÉs). Trois composantes des PÉs ont été examinées : la posterior contralateral positivity (Ppc); la N2pc, reflétant le déploiement de l’attention visuo-spatiale et la temporal and contralateral positivity (Ptc). Des conditions dans lesquelles la cible était bleu ou rouge, lorsque comparées à des conditions avec une cible jaune ou verte suscitaient une N2pc plus précoce. Une amplitude plus élevée est aussi observée pour les cibles rouges pour les composantes Ppc et Ptc, reflétant une sélectivité pré-attentionelle. Ces résultats suggèrent de la prudence dans l’interprétation de données comparant des cibles de différentes couleurs dans des tâches de PÉs, et ce même lorsque les couleurs sont équiluminantes. / We investigated how target color affected behavioral and electrophysiological results in a visual search task. Perceptual and attentional mechanisms were tracked using the N2pc component of the event-related potential and other lateralized components. Four colors (red, green, blue, or yellow) were calibrated for each participant for luminance through heterochromatic flicker photometry and equated to the luminance of grey distractors. Each visual display contained 10 circles, 1 colored and 9 grey, each of which contained an oriented line segment. The task required deploying attention to the colored circle, which was either in the left or right visual hemifield. Three lateralized ERP components relative to the side of the lateral colored circle were examined: a posterior contralateral positivity (Ppc) prior to N2pc, the N2pc, reflecting the deployment of visual spatial attention, and a temporal and contralateral positivity (Ptc) following N2pc. Red or blue stimuli, as compared to green or yellow, had an earlier N2pc. Both the Ppc and Ptc had higher amplitudes to red stimuli, suggesting particular selectivity for red. The results suggest that attention may be deployed to red and blue more quickly than to other colors and suggests special caution when designing ERP experiments involving stimuli in different colors, even when all colors are equiluminant.

Hierarchical error processing during motor control

Krigolson, Olave 26 September 2007 (has links)
The successful execution of goal-directed movement requires the evaluation of many levels of errors. On one hand, the motor system needs to be able to evaluate ‘high-level’ errors indicating the success or failure of a given movement. On the other hand, as a movement is executed the motor system also has to be able to correct for ‘low-level’ errors - an error in the initial motor command or change in the motor command necessary to compensate for an unexpected change in the movement environment. The goal of the present research was to provide electroencephalographic evidence that error processing during motor control is evaluated hierarchically. The present research demonstrated that high-level motor errors indicating the failure of a system goal elicited the error-related negativity, a component of the event-related brain potential (ERP) evoked by incorrect responses and error feedback. The present research also demonstrated that low-level motor errors are associated with parietally distributed ERP component related to the focusing of visuo-spatial attention and context-updating. Finally, the present research includes a viable neural model for hierarchical error processing during motor control.

Neural mechanisms of cognitive control and reward learning in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Lukie, Carmen Noel 30 August 2010 (has links)
A substantial amount of behavioural, genetic, and neurophysiological data suggest that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is influenced by an underlying abnormality in the midbrain dopamine system. A previous study found that children with ADHD are unusually sensitive to the salience of rewards, mediated in part by the dopamine system (Holroyd, Baker, Kerns & Mueller, 2008). The current study aimed to replicate and expand upon the previous finding using event-related potentials (ERP) recorded from typically developing children and children with ADHD as they navigated a “virtual T-Maze” in two conditions differing on reward saliency. Children also completed a behavioural task designed to measure decision making and sensitivity to reward and punishment. Both groups of children responded to the behavioural task in a way that is indicative of increased sensitivity to reward. Unlike the previous study, the salience of reward as reflected in the ERP did not have an effect on either children with ADHD or typically developing children. However, both groups displayed a larger error-related negativity (ERN) in the condition presented second.

Dviprasmių figūrų suvokimo skirtingos suvokimo apkrovos užduotyse tyrimas sukeltųjų potencialų metodu / Research on the perception of ambiguous figures in different perceptual load tasks using the event-related potentials technique

Antonova, Ingrida 23 December 2014 (has links)
Tokie regimieji dirgikliai kaip Necker’io gardelė įdomūs tuo, kad yra dviprasmiai bei sukelia trimatės erdvės pokyčio suvokimą. Remiantis suvokimo apkrovos teorija papildoma užduotis turėtų keisti šį suvokimą. Šio darbo tikslas buvo ištirti dviprasmių ir nedviprasmių gardelių suvokimą skirtingos suvokimo apkrovos užduotyse. I eksperimente dalyvavo 18 studentų (9 vyrai ir 9 moterys). Buvo tiriama didelės ir mažos suvokimo apkrovos įtaka reversijų suvokimui. II eksperimente dalyvavo 9 tiriamieji (7 vyrai ir 2 moterys). Tyrimo eiga buvo tokia pati kaip I eksperimento, bet skyrėsi užduotys: vienoje užduotyje raidžių nebuvo (normalus stebėjimas), kitoje užduotyje raidės buvo, bet į jas nereikėjo kreipti dėmesio. Palyginus abiejų tyrimų rezultatus nustatyta, kad bet kokia suvokimo apkrova panaikina Reversijos neigiamumą subjektyvaus pasikeitimo atveju. Realaus pasikeitimo bloke Reversijos neigiamumas buvo gautas, bet nepriklausė nuo apkrovos. Reversijos teigiamumui neturi įtakos nei suvokimo apkrova, nei suvokimo trukdis, tuo tarpu esant suvokimo trukdžiui Reversijos neigiamumas išnyksta tiek realaus, tiek Necker’io gardelės pasikeitimo atvejais. / Ambiguous visual stimuli such as the Necker lattice are interesting because they can cause apparent changes in our perception. According to the perceptual load theory, complementary tasks would be able to modify the amount of attention paid to this perception. The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of ambiguous and unambiguous lattices under different perceptual load tasks. Eighteen participants (9 men) took part in experiment I. The impact of high and low perceptual loads on perception of reversals was studied. 9 subjects (7 men) participated in experiment II. The experimental procedure was the same as in experiment I, but the tasks were a bit different: task without letters (normal observation) and task with letters distracters. Participants were told not to pay attention to letters in experiment II. A comparison of the results of these two experiments revealed that high and low perceptual loads eliminate Reversal Negativity in Necker change condition. Reversal Negativity was found in Real change condition, but it was load-independent. Neither perceptual load, nor load-resembling distractor have any effects on Reversal Positivity, however, Reversal Negativity was suppressed by load-resembling distractors both in Real change and in Necker change conditions.

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