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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tratamento de lesões profundas de cárie : um ensaio clínico randomizado comparando tratamento expectante com remoção parcial da dentina

Garcia, Roberta January 2011 (has links)
Este ensaio clínico randomizado multicêntrico avaliou a efetividade de um tratamento alternativo em lesões de cárie profundas comparado ao tratamento expectante (TE) após três anos de acompanhamento. O tratamento alternativo consistiu na remoção parcial de tecido cariado (RPTC) seguida de restauração em uma sessão. Métodos: Os critérios de inclusão foram: pacientes com molares permanentes apresentando lesões profundas de cárie (lesão alcançando metade interna de dentina ao exame radiográfico); resposta positiva ao teste térmico; ausência de dor espontânea; sensibilidade negativa à percussão vertical e ausência de lesão periapical detectada no exame radiográfico. Dentes elegíveis para participação no estudo foram randomicamente designados ao grupo teste (RPTC) e receberam remoção incompleta de tecido cariado e restauração em uma sessão (resina ou amálgama). Dentes designados ao grupo controle (TE) receberam capeamento pulpar indireto com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio e restauração temporária com cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol modificado. Após 60 dias, as cavidades foram reabertas, o tecido cariado remanescente foi removido e os dentes foram restaurados com resina composta ou amálgama. O desfecho avaliado foi a vitalidade pulpar, determinada por sensibilidade ao teste térmico e ausência de alteração periapical ao exame radiográfico. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de sobrevivência (Kaplan Meier), teste Log Rank e análise de regressão de Cox. Resultados: Foram executados 299 tratamentos, sendo 152 RPTC e 147 TE, em pacientes com idade variando entre seis a 53 anos. Até o terceiro ano de seguimento, 209 dentes foram avaliados. Foram observadas taxas de sucesso de 94% para o grupo RPTC e de 78% para o TE (p<0,000). As razões de falha foram: pulpite (4) e necrose (1) no grupo RPTC, e pulpite (11), necrose (5) exposição pulpar seguida de tratamento endodôntico (2), osteíte (1), exodontia (1) e fratura do dente (1) no grupo TE. Variáveis associadas com sucesso do tratamento foram o tipo de tratamento (RPTC) e número de superfícies envolvidas na restauração – uma superfície mais favorável do que duas ou mais superfícies. Os resultados sugerem que não há necessidade de reabrir a cavidade e realizar uma segunda escavação de tecido cariado para preservar a vitalidade pulpar. / This randomized multicenter clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of an alternative treatment on deep caries lesion’s compared to stepwise excavation (SW) after three years follow up. Treatment consisted on partial caries removal (PDR) followed by tooth’s restoration in one session. Methods: Inclusion criteria were: patients with permanent molars presenting deep carious lesions (lesion reaching inner half dentin on the radiographic examination); positive response to cold test; absence of spontaneous pain; negative sensitivity to percussion and absence of periapical lesion detected on radiographic exam. Teeth randomly assigned to PDR (test) received incomplete caries removal and filling in one session (resin or amalgam). Teeth assigned to SW (control) received indirect pulp capping with calcium hydroxide cement, temporary filling with a modified zinc oxide-eugenol cement. After 60 days the cavity was reopened, the remaining decayed dentine was removed and teeth were filled with composite resin or amalgam. Outcome evaluated was pulp vitality, determine by sensitivity to cold test and the absence of periapical alterations on radiographic exam. Data were submitted to Kaplan Meier, log rank test and Cox regression analysis. Results: At baseline, 299 treatments were executed, 152 PDR and 147 SW. At three years follow up, 209 teeth had been evaluated. A success rate of 94% for PDR and 78% for SW was demonstrated (p<0.000). Failure reasons were: pulpitis (4), pulp necrosis (1) for PDR group, and pulpitis (11), necrosis (5), pulp exposure followed by endodontic treatment (2), osteitis (1), tooth extraction (1) and tooth fracture (1) for SW. Variables associated with treatment success were type of treatment (PDR) and number of surfaces involved in the restoration – one surface more favorable than 2 or more surfaces. Results suggest that there is no need to reopen cavity and perform a second excavation to preserve pulp vitality.

Os efeitos de escavações acima de túneis já existentes. / The effects of excavations above existing tunnels.

Bruno Marcos Gonçalves Scodeler 27 November 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação aborda o estudo dos efeitos de escavações realizadas acima de túneis já executados. Os trabalhos mais relevantes envolvendo a interação entre escavações e túneis já existentes são apresentados e discutidos. São realizadas simulações numéricas de casos hipotéticos, em estado plano de deformações utilizando o modelo de Mohr-Coulomb, permitindo a identificação dos parâmetros mais relevantes para esse tipo de problema e suas influências nos resultados. É discutido o comportamento mais rígido do maciço durante as trajetórias de descarregamento, bem como qual o módulo de elasticidade mais adequado para representar o fenômeno. Modelagens numéricas de um caso real em São Paulo (a escavação dos subsolos do edifício Stan Paulista, acima de túneis do Metrô) são realizadas, utilizando o modelo e os conceitos estudados. Os resultados obtidos das simulações são discutidos e comparados com os valores de instrumentação. Constata-se que a metodologia utilizada para a análise dos efeitos de escavações acima de túneis já existentes pode ser utilizada na avaliação de outros casos. / The presented research approaches the study of excavations effects above existing tunnels. Some of the most relevant papers related to interaction between excavation and tunnels are presented and discussed. Numerical simulations of hypothetic cases assuming plane strain condition and Mohr-Coulomb model for soil behavior are performed, allowing the study of influence of input parameters in the results. It is discussed behavior of the soil in stress paths that indicates reduction of the mean stress, wich is more rigid than the triaxial compression path. It is also discussed wich is an appropriate elastic modulus to be used in this situation. A real case (basement excavation of Stan Paulista building, above Metrô tunnels) is analyzed with numerical models, utilizing the concepts studied. The results of the simulations are compared with field instrumentation data. It is concluded that the methodology used for the analysis of the effect of excavation above existing tunnels can be utilized in other cases.

Silicose em cavadores de poÃos da regiÃo da Ibiapaba: Papel da intervenÃÃo educativa no controle da doenÃa / Silicosis diggers of wells in the Ibiapaba Region: Role of educational intervention in disease control

MÃrcia AlcÃntara Holanda 18 June 1998 (has links)
A silicose em cavadores de poÃos da RegiÃo da lbiapaba à uma entidade nosolÃgica ocupacional adquirida por homens com idade mÃdia de 39 anos, cujas razÃes para cavar poÃos de modo artesanal sÃo: 1) ausÃncia de fontes naturais de Ãgua na RI; 2) existÃncia de longos perÃodos de estiagem; 3) falta de distribuiÃÃo democrÃtica da Ãgua existente no reservatÃrio da RI; 4) falta de alternativa de ocupaÃÃo para o ganho por parte desses homens; 5) estÃmulo à escavaÃÃo manual de poÃos pelas frentes de serviÃo dos planos emergenciais de combate aos efeitos da seca. Os cavadores acometidos adoecem em menos de 10 anos de exposiÃÃo à poeira podendo vir a adoecer em apenas 391,4 dias de atividade. Para prevenir a silicose, foi aplicada à populaÃÃo de 687 cavadores de cinco municÃpios da RI uma intervenÃÃo educativa primÃria conforme o mÃtodo Paulo Freire, para o aprendizado sobre o que à a doenÃa, como e por que os cavadores de poÃos a contraem e como podem evitÃ-la. O conteÃdo educativo do programa foi criado e repassado com a participaÃÃo ativa dos educandos, tendo sido feito de pessoa a pessoa, pelos profissionais de saÃde e cavadores; atravÃs de reuniÃo de grupo e da comunicaÃÃo de massa. No presente estudo, 283 cavadores dos 687 beneficiados com a intervenÃÃo responderam a um questionÃrio para se conhecer o papel dessa intervenÃÃo no conhecimento dos cavadores sobre a silicose e na atividade de cavar. Cento e quinze (40,6%) eram silicÃticos, 122 (43,1%) eram nÃo silicÃticos e 46 (16,3%) nÃo sabiam do seu diagnÃstico. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as medidas educativas aplicadas aos cavadores de poÃos tiveram importante papel no controle da doenÃa. A maioria dos cavadores, 277 (98,9%), acredita que a atividade de cavar poÃos trÃs doenÃa. NÃo houve relaÃÃo entre a crenÃa e o estado de saÃde dos cavadores, (p= 0,362). Duzentos e setenta e um cavadores (95,8%) aprenderam que à o pà da pedra o causador da silicose e 221 (78,1%) disseram que se adquire a doenÃa cavando poÃos. Com relaÃÃo à melhor maneira de aprender sobre a silicose, os cavadores disseram que foi atravÃs de intervenÃÃo feita de pessoa a pessoa. A imensa maioria dos cavadores 241 (85,8%) interrompeu a atividade de cavar e o fato de serem silicÃticos influenciou de modo significativo a interrupÃÃo da atividade (p=0,001). O principal motivo para interromperem a atividade de cavar foi a silicose 211 (89,1%). A relaÃÃo entre o motivo para parar de cavar e o fato de serem portadores de silicose foi significativa: p=0,034. Entretanto, o desejo de mudar de atividade foi expresso pela maioria 174 (77,7%) e nÃo sofreu influÃncia do estado de saÃde dos cavadores, (p=0,831). A minoria que nÃo assimilou o conteÃdo educativo sobre a silicose ou que nÃo mudou de atitude quanto à atividade de cavar poÃos, nÃo se conscientizou da realidade e precisa receber atenÃÃes no sentido de alcanÃarem essa conscientizaÃÃo. / Silicosis affects pit diggers in the lbiapaba Mountain Range (IMR). They are men with a mean age of 39. The circumstances that favors the pit digging activities are: 1) lack of natural water sources in the IMR 2) long periods of drought 3) lack of water supply to the population from the local water reservoir 4) lack of alternatives jobs for those men 5) governmental measures with incentives in emergency programs which encourage the manual pit digging activities in an attempt to curb the drought effects. The pit diggers who acquired silicosis had less than 10 years of silica exposure. Most of them became sick after 391,4 days of activity. A primary educational intervention was implemented to a total number of 687 pit diggers in five cities of IMR in intend to prevent silicosis. The Paulo Freireâs educational method was used it was applied to the pit diggers to make them learn about the disease and the sickening process, including how to prevent it. The pit diggers actively participated in the educational program content. This was done by person to person contact among health workers and pit diggers; by group reunions and by large popular communications. In the present study, 283 of the 687 pit diggers answered a questionary in order to evaluate the effects of the educational program on the pit diggers learning about the disease and on the pit digging activities. One hundred fifteen (40,6%) of the pit diggers known they had silicosis, 122 (43,1%) known they did not have silicosis and 46 (16,3%) did not know their diagnosis. The results indicated that the educational program was important to control the disease. The majority of the pit diggers, 277 (98,9%) believed that digging pits was related to getting silicosis This believing was not different among silicotics or non-silicotics (p=0,362). Two hundred seventy one (958%) pit diggers learned that the rock dust causes silicosis and 221 (78,1%) learned that silicosis is acquired by digging pits. The pit diggers said that person to person contact was the best way to learn about silicosis. Most of them, 241 (85,8%) interrupted digging activities. This attitude was influenced by the knowledge of their diagnosis. It was more frequent if they known they had silicosis (p=0,001). The most relevant motive to stop digging was the knowledge about the presence of the silicosis among the diggers 211 (89,1%). There was an association between stopping digging and being diagnosed as silicotic (p=0,034). Nevertheless, 174 (77,7%) wished to change theirjob activity. This was not related to their health status (p=0,831). The pit diggers who did not assimilated the educational program or did not change their attitude regarding pit digging consisted a minority. They did not realize their problem and they need further attention to assimilate an educational intervention

Tratamento de lesões profundas de cárie : um ensaio clínico randomizado comparando tratamento expectante com remoção parcial da dentina

Garcia, Roberta January 2011 (has links)
Este ensaio clínico randomizado multicêntrico avaliou a efetividade de um tratamento alternativo em lesões de cárie profundas comparado ao tratamento expectante (TE) após três anos de acompanhamento. O tratamento alternativo consistiu na remoção parcial de tecido cariado (RPTC) seguida de restauração em uma sessão. Métodos: Os critérios de inclusão foram: pacientes com molares permanentes apresentando lesões profundas de cárie (lesão alcançando metade interna de dentina ao exame radiográfico); resposta positiva ao teste térmico; ausência de dor espontânea; sensibilidade negativa à percussão vertical e ausência de lesão periapical detectada no exame radiográfico. Dentes elegíveis para participação no estudo foram randomicamente designados ao grupo teste (RPTC) e receberam remoção incompleta de tecido cariado e restauração em uma sessão (resina ou amálgama). Dentes designados ao grupo controle (TE) receberam capeamento pulpar indireto com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio e restauração temporária com cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol modificado. Após 60 dias, as cavidades foram reabertas, o tecido cariado remanescente foi removido e os dentes foram restaurados com resina composta ou amálgama. O desfecho avaliado foi a vitalidade pulpar, determinada por sensibilidade ao teste térmico e ausência de alteração periapical ao exame radiográfico. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de sobrevivência (Kaplan Meier), teste Log Rank e análise de regressão de Cox. Resultados: Foram executados 299 tratamentos, sendo 152 RPTC e 147 TE, em pacientes com idade variando entre seis a 53 anos. Até o terceiro ano de seguimento, 209 dentes foram avaliados. Foram observadas taxas de sucesso de 94% para o grupo RPTC e de 78% para o TE (p<0,000). As razões de falha foram: pulpite (4) e necrose (1) no grupo RPTC, e pulpite (11), necrose (5) exposição pulpar seguida de tratamento endodôntico (2), osteíte (1), exodontia (1) e fratura do dente (1) no grupo TE. Variáveis associadas com sucesso do tratamento foram o tipo de tratamento (RPTC) e número de superfícies envolvidas na restauração – uma superfície mais favorável do que duas ou mais superfícies. Os resultados sugerem que não há necessidade de reabrir a cavidade e realizar uma segunda escavação de tecido cariado para preservar a vitalidade pulpar. / This randomized multicenter clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of an alternative treatment on deep caries lesion’s compared to stepwise excavation (SW) after three years follow up. Treatment consisted on partial caries removal (PDR) followed by tooth’s restoration in one session. Methods: Inclusion criteria were: patients with permanent molars presenting deep carious lesions (lesion reaching inner half dentin on the radiographic examination); positive response to cold test; absence of spontaneous pain; negative sensitivity to percussion and absence of periapical lesion detected on radiographic exam. Teeth randomly assigned to PDR (test) received incomplete caries removal and filling in one session (resin or amalgam). Teeth assigned to SW (control) received indirect pulp capping with calcium hydroxide cement, temporary filling with a modified zinc oxide-eugenol cement. After 60 days the cavity was reopened, the remaining decayed dentine was removed and teeth were filled with composite resin or amalgam. Outcome evaluated was pulp vitality, determine by sensitivity to cold test and the absence of periapical alterations on radiographic exam. Data were submitted to Kaplan Meier, log rank test and Cox regression analysis. Results: At baseline, 299 treatments were executed, 152 PDR and 147 SW. At three years follow up, 209 teeth had been evaluated. A success rate of 94% for PDR and 78% for SW was demonstrated (p<0.000). Failure reasons were: pulpitis (4), pulp necrosis (1) for PDR group, and pulpitis (11), necrosis (5), pulp exposure followed by endodontic treatment (2), osteitis (1), tooth extraction (1) and tooth fracture (1) for SW. Variables associated with treatment success were type of treatment (PDR) and number of surfaces involved in the restoration – one surface more favorable than 2 or more surfaces. Results suggest that there is no need to reopen cavity and perform a second excavation to preserve pulp vitality.

Automated Device to Measure Slurry Properties in Drilled Shafts

Mullins, Miles Patrick 01 July 2016 (has links)
Slurry is the fluid within a drilled excavation that is introduced when an excavation is deeper than the water table or where additional stability is needed for loose sandy dry soils. Although construction practices vary greatly throughout the country and the world, slurry levels should be maintained above the existing ground water level by a suitable margin. The most widely used slurry type is mineral slurry formed by mixing dry clay powder with water; either bentonite or attapulgite powder may be used (attapulgite being used in saline water conditions). Regardless of whether the slurry material is mineral, polymer or natural, the construction practice must address the slurry properties to ensure the stability of the excavation is never compromised. Proper performance of slurries used to stabilize drilled shaft excavations is maintained by assuring the density, viscosity, pH, and sand content stay within specified limits. These limits have been set either by past experience, research findings and/or by manufacturer recommended values. However, field slurry testing is time consuming as all measurements are manually performed. With the overwhelming advances in digital down-hole devices, it is not unreasonable to assume that slurry property tests are equally applicable to this trend. This formed the basis of this project. The most commonly used test to indicate slurry viscosity is the Marsh Funnel Test which is essentially a timed flow for a fixed volume of slurry to exit a falling head funnel. Using a library of unique pressure versus flow rate responses for a wide range of slurry viscosities, an automated downhole device was designed and tested that incorporated this information to estimate viscosity in the excavation without the need to remove slurry in order to test. Direct measurement of slurry density was also incorporated into the device and the sand content was computed from density and the viscosity where the suspended solids that make up the density stems from both the slurry products and the soil cuttings.

Response of piled buildings to the construction of deep excavations

Korff, Mandy January 2013 (has links)
Trends in the construction of deep excavations include deeper excavations situated closer to buildings. This research provides insight into mechanisms of soil-structure interaction for piled buildings adjacent to deep excavations to be used in the design and monitoring of deep excavations in urban areas. Most methods to assess building response have originally been developed for tunnelling projects or buildings with shallow foundations. Monitoring data of the construction of three deep excavations for the North South metro Line in Amsterdam, The Netherlands have been used to validate these methods specifically for piled buildings. In all three of the Amsterdam deep excavations studied, the largest impact on the ground surface and buildings is attributed to preliminary activities instead of the commonly expected excavation stage. The in situ preliminary activities caused 55-75% of the surface settlement and 55-65% of the building settlements. Surface settlements measured behind the wall were much larger than the wall deflections and reached over a distance of 2-3 times the excavated depth away from the wall. The shape of the surface settlements found resembles the hogging shape as defined by Peck (1969). For the excavation stage only, the shape of the displacement fits the profile proposed by Hsieh and Ou (1998). Most prediction methods overestimate the soil displacement at depth. An analytical method has been established and tested for the behaviour of piled buildings near excavations. This method includes the reduction of pile capacity due to lower stress levels, settlement due to soil deformations below the base of the pile and development of negative (or positive) skin friction due to relative movements of the soil and the pile shaft. The response of piles in the case of soil displacements depends on the working load of the pile, the percentages of end bearing and shaft friction of the pile, the size and shape of the soil settlements with depth and the distribution of the maximum shaft friction with depth. A method is derived to determine the level for each pile at which the pile and soil settlement are equal. Buildings in Amsterdam built before 1900 and without basement are most sensitive to soil displacements. For all other buildings, the pile settlement depends mainly on the working load. The actual damage experienced in buildings depends also on the relative stiffness of the building compared to the soil. Cross sections in Amsterdam have been evaluated and it is concluded that the Goh and Mair (2011) method provides a realistic, although rather large range of possible modification factors for the deflection of buildings next to excavations, deforming in hogging shape. For the incidents that happened at Vijzelgracht some well known damage indicators have been evaluated.

Performance monitoring and numerical modelling of a deep circular excavation

Schwamb, Tina January 2014 (has links)
For the design of deep excavations, codes and standards advise to base estimates of wall deflections and ground movements on empirical data. Due to the limited number of case studies on circular excavations it is nearly impossible to find comparable projects under similar conditions. Therefore designers have to adopt conservative approaches, which predict larger ground movements than probably occur in reality and thus lead to more expensive structures and protective measures. Further uncertainty is induced for diaphragm wall shafts. The discontinuous nature of the wall due to the joints between the individual panels may cause anisotropic wall behaviour. There is a complete lack of understanding if, and how, the design of diaphragm wall shafts should consider anisotropic wall stiffness. The construction of Thames Water's Abbey Mills shaft in East London provided a unique opportunity to monitor the structural performance and the ground movements of one of the largest shafts ever built in the UK. The 71 m deep excavation penetrates a typical London strata and one third is in unweathered medium to hard Chalk. The monitoring scheme included distributed fibre optic strain sensing instrumentation and conventional inclinometers in the shaft wall to measure bending and hoop strains, as well as wall deflections during several construction stages. Further inclinometers and extensometers were installed around the shaft to monitor surface and sub-surface ground movements. The monitoring results were then compared to the initial PLAXIS design predictions. A further numerical investigation was conducted in FLAC2D which allowed a more flexible parametric study. The measured bending moments during shaft excavation exceeded the predictions mainly in the wall sections in the Chalk group. It was found that this was caused by assigning a low cohesion to the Chalk to induce conservative ground movements, so that the Chalk yielded in the analysis. In reality however, it remained elastic and hence induced larger bending moments in the wall. For future excavations in Chalk it is recommended to investigate the effect of a low and a high cohesion of the Chalk on the wall bending moment. The hoop strain measurements indicate that the shaft has undergone a three-dimensional deformation pattern during a dewatering trial prior to shaft excavation. The parametric study on wall anisotropy suggests that the shaft wall behaved like a cylindrical shell with isotropic stiffness, where the joints between the panels do not reduce the circumferential stiffness. Further numerical simulations varied the shaft wall thickness and the at rest lateral earth pressure coefficient in the Chalk. The results showed that the wall thickness has a minor influence on its deflection and hence thinner walls might be feasible for future shafts. The at rest lateral earth pressure coefficient of the Chalk appeared to be appropriately picked with 1.0 in the initial design. Above all, it was shown that wall deflections were very small with less than 4 mm. Correspondingly small ground movements were measured throughout shaft excavation. Empirical formulas on the other hand predict large settlements between 40 and 105 mm. Numerical predictions were much closer to the measurements and showed that small heaves occurred due to soil swelling caused by removal of overburden pressure. For future shaft designs it is hence advised against the use of empirical formulas derived from case studies under different conditions. It may furthermore not be necessary to implement expensive large-scale monitoring schemes, as it has been confirmed that ground movements around diaphragm wall shafts are minimal and that risks are low. The findings from this study provide valuable information for future excavations, which can be applied to the shafts constructed for the forthcoming Thames Tideway Tunnel project.

Fracturing and deformation at the edges of tabular gold mining excavations and the development of a numerical model describing such phenomena

Brummer, Richard Kenneth 10 September 2014 (has links)
D.Ing. (Civil Engineering) / This thesis describes an Investigation Into the nature of the fracture and deformation mechanism which occur at the edges of tabular gold mining excavation. Published Information on these phenomena Is reviewed, and the necessary underground Investigation required to consolidate the previous work Is described. It Is concluded that the rock near the reef plane at the edges of these mining excavations Is subject to stresses sufficiently high to cause It to fracture through the formation of regular patterns of shear planes. These fractures can form In the solid rock some distance ahead of the mining excavation. Nearer the mining face, extension fractures form which result In slabbing or splitting of the exposed rock. An Idealization of the observed rock behavior Is proposed, which Is then incorporated with conventional boundary element techniques Into a numerical model (SEAMS) which Is capable of analyzing two Dimensional tabular mining excavations where the rock near the reef plane at the edge of the mining excavation fractures, deforms and sheds load. A Sensitivity analysis of the numerical model Is described which Identifies those mining parameters capable of being used to advantage In controlling the size of the fracture zone.

Proteção pulpar indireta em dentes permanentes após remoção seletiva de tecido cariado : um ensaio clínico randomizado controlado

Azambuja, Rafael Schultz de January 2017 (has links)
Este ensaio clinico randomizado controlado avaliou a eficácia do uso da proteção pulpar indireta com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio (HC) ou sistema adesivo universal (AU) num período de seis meses de acompanhamento em lesões profundas de cáries em dentes permanentes após a remoção seletiva de tecido cariado (RSTC). Métodos: Participaram do estudo 48 pacientes, (mediana de idade de 27 anos [distribuição 7-54 anos]), com 41 molares e 15 premolares com lesões profundas de cárie (envolvimento radiográfico ≥50% de profundidade de dentina), sensibilidade pulpar positiva ao teste frio (gás refrigerado, -50°C, Maquira, PR, Brasil), ausência de dor espontânea, sensibilidade negativa aos testes de percussão, ausência de perda cuspídea e ausência de imagem radiográfica sugestiva de lesão periapical (radiografia periapical - VistaScan®). Após a remoção seletiva de tecido cariado para dentina amolecida, o grupo teste do ensaio recebeu um sistema adesivo universal (Universal single bond, 3M Espe, Brasil), enquanto o grupo controle recebeu a proteção pulpar indireta com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio (Dycal, Dentisply, Rj, Brasil). Todos os dentes foram imediatamente restaurados seguindo o condicionamento ácido seletivo em esmalte, aplicação de um sistema adesivo universal (AU) e resina composta nanoparticulada (Filtek Z350, 3M Espe, SP, Brasil). O desfecho de sucesso para vitalidade pulpar avaliou após seis meses: sensibilidade pulpar positiva ao teste frio, ausência de imagem sugestiva de lesão periapical (radiografia periapical - VistaScan®), ausência de dor espontânea e sensibilidade negativa à percussão vertical. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier e teste Log Rank, e as variáveis idade (mediana), gênero, escolaridade, IPV, ISG, CPO-D, CPO-S, número de faces da restauração, tipo do dente, proteção pulpar indireta, profundidade da lesão (≥50% da profundidade da dentina ou ≥75% da profundidade da dentina) e presença de antagonista, quanto as suas distribuições nos dois grupos de tratamento pelos testes qui-quadrado e de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: As taxas de sucesso foram de 93.3% para o grupo controle (HC) e de 95.8% para o grupo teste (AU) (P=0.976). Dois casos de insucesso foram registrados, sendo necrose pulpar (grupo controle) e pulpite (grupo teste). As variáveis analisadas no início do estudo mostram uma amostra igualmente distribuída entre os grupos de tratamento. Nenhuma das variáveis foi relacionada ao insucesso. Os resultados sugerem que não há diferença entre o uso ou não de HC na proteção pulpar indireta após remoção 7 seletiva de tecido cariado em seis meses de acompanhamento, apresentando uma taxa de sucesso alta independente do tratamento. / This randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of using indirect pulp protection with calcium hydroxide liner (CH) or universal adhesive (UA) over a period of 6 months in deep caries lesions on permanent teeth after selective removal to soft dentin (SCRSD). Methods: The sample consisted of 41 molars and 15 premolars (with radiographic involvement of the inner half of the dentin), from 48 patients, (median age 27 [distribution 7-54 years]), with positive response to cold test (refrigerated gas, -50 °C, Maquira, PR, Brazil), absence of spontaneous pain, negative sensitivity to percussion tests, absence of cuspid loss and absence of radiographic imaging suggestive of periapical lesion (periapical radiography). After the selective removal to soft dentin, the test group received a universal adhesive system (Universal Single Bond, 3M Espe, Brazil) whereas the control group received indirect pulp protection with calcium hydroxide liner (Dycal, Dentisply, Rj, Brazil). All teeth were restored following selective acid condition for enamel, adhesive system (UA) and nanoparticulate composite resin (Filtek Z350, 3M Espe, SP, Brazil). The successful outcome for pulp vitality assessed after six months: positive pulpal sensitivity to the cold test, absence of image suggestive of periapical lesion (periapical radiography - VistaScan®), absence of spontaneous pain and negative response to vertical percussion test. The results were submitted to the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the Log Rank test and the variables: age of subjects, gender, schooling, plaque index, gingival bleeding index, DMF-T, DMF-S, number of surfaces involved in the filling, type of the tooth, indirect pulp material, size of lesion (≥50% of dentine or ≥75% of dentine) and antagonist, analyzed for their distribution in the two treatment groups by the tests chi-square and Mann-Whitney. Results: The success rates were 93.3% for the control group (CH) and 95.8% for the test group (UA) (P=0,976). Only two cases of failure were recorded, one pulp necrosis (control group) and pulpitis (test group). The variables analyzed at the beginning of the study show a similarly distributed sample between treatment groups. The results suggest that there is no difference between the use of CH or UA in indirect pulp protection after SCRSD followed by composite restoration at six months of follow-up, showing a high rate of success for both treatments.

Zajištění stavební jámy na stavbě RD / Foundation pit design

Valkó, Attila January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with securing of foundation pit of family house in given geological conditions situated in Brno-Kohoutovice. The aim of the thesis is to list possible solutions of securing foundation pits in general and solve this geotechnical problem with an appropriate solution. Static calculations were performed by geotechnical software GEO5.

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