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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurements of exciton diffusion in conjugated polymers

Shaw, Paul E. January 2009 (has links)
The exciton diffusion length, which is the distance an exciton can diffuse in its lifetime, is an important parameter that has a critical impact on the operation of many organic optoelectronic devices, including organic solar cells, light emitting diodes and lasers. Knowledge of the exciton diffusion length can be a powerful aid for the design and optimisation of these devices. This thesis details the development of techniques based on time-resolved fluorescence for measuring the exciton diffusion in organic semiconductors. Two main methods were used to investigate exciton diffusion in the conjugated polymers P3HT, MEH-PPV and F8BT: the surface quenching technique and exciton-exciton annihilation. In particular, the surface quenching technique was adapted to avoid some of the potential pitfalls that have plagued earlier measurements. Using a titania quencher, measurements were performed using the surface quenching technique and fitted with an exciton diffusion model, allowing the calculation of the exciton diffusion length. Results from measurements of the exciton-exciton annihilation rate, which is a diffusion controlled process, where in good agreement with those from surface quenching, confirming the robustness of this twofold approach. A novel method for the control of the β-phase conformation in PFO films was used to produce films containing varying concentrations of β-phase. Exciton-exciton annihilation was used to investigate exciton diffusion in these films, revealing a gradual rise with increasing β-phase fraction due to improved interconnectivity. This work demonstrates how simple processing techniques can be used to control both film morphology and the exciton diffusion. The thickness dependence of the photoluminescence lifetime in conjugated polymers is a phenomenon that has so far received little attention and, thus, remained unexplained. This study demonstrates that it is not due to exciton quenching by external factors, but can be explained by a change in the morphology with decreasing film thickness.

The effect of intermolecular interactions and disorder on exciton diffusion in organic semiconductors

Haji Masri, Mohammad K. Z. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents studies of exciton diffusion in organic semiconductors measured using exciton-exciton annihilation and the measurements were performed on materials important for organic solar cells. In the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), the effect of molecular weight (4-76 kgmol⁻¹) was explored. Using exciton-exciton annihilation measurements, the highest diffusion coefficient was observed in the intermediate molecular weight region and was correlated with long conjugation lengths, higher fraction of aggregated states and more delocalised excitons within the aggregate. The results demonstrated that the molecular weight dependence is due to a complex relationship between intermolecular interactions, aggregate size and Boltzmann statistics. This thesis also includes an investigation of exciton diffusion in diketopyrrolopyrrole(DPP)-based small molecules as a function of molecular structure. Significant changes in photophysical and exciton diffusion properties were observed due to minor changes in molecular structure. Long conjugation lengths, bulky side chains or reduced steric hindrance due to absence of end alkyl chains correlated with reduced film crystallinity and reduced diffusion coefficients. The increase in disorder observed due to large conformational torsions resulted in inhomogeneous broadening of density of states and as a result exciton diffusion becomes dispersive. In this case, a slowdown of exciton diffusion is observed. This study demonstrates that enhanced exciton diffusion can be achieved by designing more rigid and planar conjugated backbones with smaller conjugation lengths. Finally, exciton diffusion measurements were used to rationalise the performance of T3 truxene oligomers as explosive sensors. Side chain lengths were found to have a subtle influence on exciton diffusion. Time-resolved PL quenching measurements were used to estimate the quencher concentration. Differences in quencher concentration were observed suggesting different interaction strengths of the quencher with the truxene oligomer which help explain the explosive sensing performance.

Excited State Dynamics in Nanostructured Polymer Systems / 高分子ナノ構造内における励起状態ダイナミクス

Tamai, Yasunari 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17595号 / 工博第3754号 / 新制||工||1572(附属図書館) / 30361 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科高分子化学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊藤 紳三郎, 教授 赤木 和夫, 教授 金谷 利治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Theory of ultrafast exciton dynamics in photosynthetic antenna systems

Brüggemann, Ben 13 July 2004 (has links)
Die Multiexzitonen-Theorie des Anregungsenergie-Transfers in Farbstoff-Protein-Komplexen und biologischen Antennensystemen wird um den Prozess der Exziton-Exziton-Vernichtung erweitert. Um eine mikroskopische Beschreibung zu erzielen, wird eine Herangehensweise benutzt, die auf der Internen Konversion der Anregungsenergie innerhalb der Farbstoffmoleküle basiert. Diese Interne Konversion führt zu nicht strahlenden Übergängen von höheren zu niedrigeren Exziton-Mannigfaltigkeiten. Neben der Einbeziehung der Exziton-Exziton-Vernichtung beinhaltet die hier verwendete Multiexziton-Dichtematrixtheorie auch die Kopplung zu niedrig-energetischen Schwingungs-Freiheitsgraden und dem elektrischen Feld. Für den Übergang von der Zwei- zu der Einexzitonen -Mannigfaltigkeit werden exakte und genäherte Ausdrücke hergeleitet. Die erste Anwendung der erweiterten Multiexziton-Dichtematrixtheorie ist die Berechnung von ultra-schnellen differentiellen Absoptionsspektren. Um den Prozess der Exziton-Exziton-Vernichtung in intensitätsabhängigen differenziellen Absorptionsspektren näher zu untersuchen, wird diese Herangehensweise auf den B850 Ring des LH2 von rhodobacter sphaeroides angewendet. Die Bedeutung der Exziton-Exziton-Vernichtung und der Einfluss von statischer Unordnung werden detailiert diskutiert. Die Simulationen der differentiellen Absorptionsspektren mit statischer Unordnung und Orientierungsmittelung zeigen gute Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Beobachtngen. Durch die Veröffentlichung der Strukturdaten des Photosystem I (PS1) von Synechococcus elongatus wurde es zum ersten Mal möglich, ein Exziton-Modell für die 96 Chorophyllmoleküle einzuführen, die in die Proteinmatrix dieses Antennensystems eingebettet sind. Das Ziel dabei ist, sowohl die linearen Spektren in einem weiten Temperaturbereich, als auch die zeitaufgelöste Fluoreszenz zu reproduzieren. Die Kopplungen und die Dipolmomente der Chlorophyllmoleküle wurden den Strukturdaten entnommen. Da die Energien der einzelnen Farbstoffe stark von deren unmittelbarer Umgebung abhängt, werden diese bestimmt, indem simulierte Absorption, Lineardichroismus und Zirkulardichroismus bei niedrigen Temperaturen den experimentellen Spektren angepasst werden. Nachdem einige Chlorophyllmoleküle den Zuständen mit den niedrigsten Energien zugeordnet wurden, werden die Energien mit Hilfe eines evolutionären Algorithmus angepasst. Die Qualität des PS1 Modells wird durch die Berechnung der zeitabhängigen Fluoreszenz untermauert (mit zusätzlicher inhomogener Linienbreite), die Simulationen stimmen gut mit aktuellen experimentellen Resultaten überein. Die oben erwähnten Exziton-Modelle beschreiben die jeweiligen Experimente erfolgreich. Der nächste Schritt ist, diese Modelle zu nutzen, um einen neuen Typ von Experiment vorzuschlagen, das Exciton-Steuerungs-Experiment. Auf dem Exciton-Modell des FMO Komplexes von Prosthecochloris aestuarii und dem oben erwähnten PS1 Modell von Synechococcus elongatus aufbauend wird die Bildung von exzitonischen Wellenpaketen durch Laser-Anregung studiert. Diese stellen eine kohärente Überlagerung exzitonischer Zustände dar, ähnlich der bei Schwingungs-Wellenpaketen. Um die spezielle Form des Femtosekunden-Laserpulses zu bestimmen, der zu einer räumlichen Lokalisierung der Anregungsenergie führt, wird die Theorie der optimalen Steuerung verwendet. Die Möglichkeit, solch einen lokalisierten Zielzustand zu erreichen, wird aufgezeigt, auch unter dem Einfluss von energetischer Unordnung und Exziton-Exziton Vernichtung. Ferner wird gezeigt, dass die Effizienz der Lokalisierung und die Länge des optimalen Pulses stark von der Temperatur abhängen. / The multi-exciton description of excitation energy transfer in chromophore complexes and biological light harvesting antenna systems is extended to include the exciton-exciton annihilation processes. To achieve a complete microscopic description the approach is based on intra--chromophore internal conversion processes which leads to non-radiative transitions from higher to lower lying exciton manifolds. Besides an inclusion of exciton-exciton annihilation the used multi-exciton density matrix theory also accounts for a coupling to low-frequency vibrational modes and the radiation field. Concentrating on transitions from the two- to the single-exciton manifold exact and approximate expressions for the annihilation rate are derived. A first application of the introduced extended multi-exciton density matrix theory is given by the computation of ultrafast transient absorption spectra. To elucidate the process of exciton-exciton annihilation in intensity dependent transient absorption data the approach is applied to the B850 ring of the LH2 found in rhodobacter sphaeroides. The signatures of exciton-exciton annihilation as well as the influence of static disorder are discussed in detail. The simulations of transient absorption including static disorder and orientational averaging are in good agreement with experimental data. The recently published structure of the Photosystem I (PS1) of Synechococcus elongatus made it for the first time possible to introduce an excitonic model for the 96 chlorophylls embedded in the protein matrix of that core-antenna system, as presented in this work. The challenge has been to reproduce linear frequency domain spectra in a wide temperature range as well as the time resolved fluorescence. The couplings and the dipole-moments of the chlorophylls are extracted from the x-ray crystal structure. Since the position of the energetic levels of the chlorophylls depend on the respective surrounding their determination is achieved by fitting low temperature absorption, linear dichroism and circular dichroism at the same time. After assigning some chromophores to the red-most states, an evolutionary algorithm is used to get the best fit. The quality of the resulting PS1 model (additionally accounting for inhomogeneous line broadening) is confirmed in calculating time dependent fluorescence spectra which show a good agreement with recent experimental results. The outlined method is also applicable to other photosynthetic antenna systems. The above described exciton models successfully explain the respective measurements. In a second step, they will be used to propose a new type of experiment, the exciton control experiment. Based on an exciton model for the FMO complex of Prosthecochloris aestuarii and the proposed PS1 model of Synechococcus elongatus one studies the laser pulse formation of excitonic wavepackets, i.e. a coherent superposition of excitonic states similar to vibrational wavepackets. Optimal Control theory is used to calculate the shape of femtosecond laser pulses that leads to a spatial localization of excitation energy. The possibility to populate such a localized target state is demonstrated, even in the presence of disorder or exciton-exciton annihilation, and it is shown that the efficiency of localization as well as the length the most suited pulses strongly depend on temperature.

Ultrafast exciton relaxation in quasi-one-dimensional perylene derivatives / Ultraschnelle Relaxation von Exzitonen in quasi-eindimensionalen Perylenderivaten

Engel, Egbert 07 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with exciton relaxation processes in thin polycrystalline films and matrix-isolated molecules of the perylene derivatives PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride) and MePTCDI (N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-dicarboximide). Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, transient absorption spectra, excitonic relaxation in the lowest excited state subsequent to excitation, and exciton-exciton interaction and annihilation at high excitation densities have been addressed. Transient absorption spectroscopy in the range 1.2eV-2.6eV has been applied to thin polycrystalline films of PTCDA and MePTCDI and to solid solutions of PTCDA and MePTCDI molecules (monomers) in a SiO2 matrix. We are able to ascribe the respective signal contributions to ground state bleaching, stimulated emission, and excited state absorption. Both systems exhibit broad excited-state absorption features below 2.0eV, with dominant peaks between 1.8eV and 2.0eV. The monomer spectra can be consistently explained by the results of quantum-chemical calculations on single molecules, and the respective experimental polarization anisotropies for the two major transitions agree with the calculated polarizations. Dimer calculations allow to qualitatively understand the trends visible in the experimental results from monomers to thin films. The broad excited state absorption band between 1.8eV and 2.0eV allows to probe the population dynamics in the first excited state of thin films. We show that excitons created at the Gamma point relax towards the border of the Brillouin zone on a 100fs time scale in both systems. Excitonic relaxation is accelerated by increase of temperature and/or excitation density, which is attributed to stimulated phonon emission during relaxation in k-space. Lower and upper limits of the intraband relaxation time constants are 25fs (resolution limit) and 250fs (100fs) for PTCDA (MePTCDI). These values agree with the upper limit for the intraband relaxation time of 10ps, evaluated from time-resolved luminescence measurements. While the luminescence anisotropy is in full accordance with the predictions made by a luminescence anisotropy model being consistent with the exciton model of Davydov-split states, the pump-probe anisotropy calls for an explanation beyond the models presently available. At excitation densities 10^(19)cm^(-3), the major de-excitation mechanism for the relaxed excitons is exciton-exciton annihilation, resulting in a strongly reduced exciton life time. Three different models for the microscopic behavior have been tested: a diffusion-limited annihilation model in both three and one dimensions (with diffusion constant D as fit parameter) as well as a long-range single-step Förster-type annihilation model (with Förster radius RF as fit parameter). For PTCDA, the latter two, being structurally equivalent, allow to fit a set of multiexponential decay curves for multiple initial exciton densities with high precision. In contrast, the three-dimensional diffusion-limited model is clearly inferior. For all three models, we extract annihilation rates, diffusion constants and diffusion lengths (or Förster radii), for both room and liquid helium temperature. Temperature dependence and orders of magnitude of the obtained parameters D or RF correspond to the expectations. For MePTCDI, the 1D and the Förster model are in good agreement for a smaller interval of excitation densities. For a initial exciton densities higher than 5 x 10^(19)cm^(-3), the 3D model performs significantly better than the other two.

Ultrafast exciton relaxation in quasi-one-dimensional perylene derivatives

Engel, Egbert 30 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with exciton relaxation processes in thin polycrystalline films and matrix-isolated molecules of the perylene derivatives PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride) and MePTCDI (N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-dicarboximide). Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, transient absorption spectra, excitonic relaxation in the lowest excited state subsequent to excitation, and exciton-exciton interaction and annihilation at high excitation densities have been addressed. Transient absorption spectroscopy in the range 1.2eV-2.6eV has been applied to thin polycrystalline films of PTCDA and MePTCDI and to solid solutions of PTCDA and MePTCDI molecules (monomers) in a SiO2 matrix. We are able to ascribe the respective signal contributions to ground state bleaching, stimulated emission, and excited state absorption. Both systems exhibit broad excited-state absorption features below 2.0eV, with dominant peaks between 1.8eV and 2.0eV. The monomer spectra can be consistently explained by the results of quantum-chemical calculations on single molecules, and the respective experimental polarization anisotropies for the two major transitions agree with the calculated polarizations. Dimer calculations allow to qualitatively understand the trends visible in the experimental results from monomers to thin films. The broad excited state absorption band between 1.8eV and 2.0eV allows to probe the population dynamics in the first excited state of thin films. We show that excitons created at the Gamma point relax towards the border of the Brillouin zone on a 100fs time scale in both systems. Excitonic relaxation is accelerated by increase of temperature and/or excitation density, which is attributed to stimulated phonon emission during relaxation in k-space. Lower and upper limits of the intraband relaxation time constants are 25fs (resolution limit) and 250fs (100fs) for PTCDA (MePTCDI). These values agree with the upper limit for the intraband relaxation time of 10ps, evaluated from time-resolved luminescence measurements. While the luminescence anisotropy is in full accordance with the predictions made by a luminescence anisotropy model being consistent with the exciton model of Davydov-split states, the pump-probe anisotropy calls for an explanation beyond the models presently available. At excitation densities 10^(19)cm^(-3), the major de-excitation mechanism for the relaxed excitons is exciton-exciton annihilation, resulting in a strongly reduced exciton life time. Three different models for the microscopic behavior have been tested: a diffusion-limited annihilation model in both three and one dimensions (with diffusion constant D as fit parameter) as well as a long-range single-step Förster-type annihilation model (with Förster radius RF as fit parameter). For PTCDA, the latter two, being structurally equivalent, allow to fit a set of multiexponential decay curves for multiple initial exciton densities with high precision. In contrast, the three-dimensional diffusion-limited model is clearly inferior. For all three models, we extract annihilation rates, diffusion constants and diffusion lengths (or Förster radii), for both room and liquid helium temperature. Temperature dependence and orders of magnitude of the obtained parameters D or RF correspond to the expectations. For MePTCDI, the 1D and the Förster model are in good agreement for a smaller interval of excitation densities. For a initial exciton densities higher than 5 x 10^(19)cm^(-3), the 3D model performs significantly better than the other two.

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