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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physically Based Models for Predicting Exhaust Temperatures in SI Engines

Kerai, Hiren, Verem, Andrej January 2016 (has links)
To have knowledge about the gas and material temperatures in the exhaust system of today's vehicles is of great importance. These temperatures need to be known for component protection, control- and diagnostic purposes. Today mostly map-based models are used which are not accurate enough and difficult to tune since it consist of many parameters. In this thesis physically based models are developed for several components in the exhaust system. The models are derived through energy balances and are more intuitive compared to the current map-based models. The developed models are parameterized and validated with measurements from wind tunnel experiments and driving scenarios on an outdoor track. The engine out model is modeled theoretically and is therefore not parameterized or validated. The model for the temperature drop over the exhaust manifold could not be validated due to the pulsations occurring in the exhaust manifold, however suggestions on how to solve this problem are given in this report. The models for the turbocharger, the catalyst and the downpipe are parameterized and validated with good results in this thesis. The mean absolute error for the validation data set for the turbocharger is 0.46 % and 1.01 % for the catalyst. The mean absolute percentage error for the downpipe is 1.07 %.

Economic Dispatch of the Combined Cycle Power Plant Using Machine Learning

Bhatt, Dhruv January 2019 (has links)
Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP)s play a key role in modern powersystem due to their lesser investment cost, lower project executiontime, and higher operational flexibility compared to other conventionalgenerating assets. The nature of generation system is changing withever increasing penetration of the renewable energy resources. Whatwas once a clearly defined generation, transmission, and distributionflow is shifting towards fluctuating distribution generation. Because ofvariation in energy production from the renewable energy resources,CCPP are increasingly required to vary their load levels to keep balancebetween supply and demand within the system. CCPP are facingmore number of start cycles. This induces more stress on the gas turbineand as a result, maintenance intervals are affected.The aim of this master thesis project is to develop a dispatch algorithmfor the short-term operation planning for a combined cyclepower plant which also includes the long-term constraints. The longtermconstraints govern the maintenance interval of the gas turbines.These long-term constraints are defined over number of EquivalentOperating Hours (EOH) and Equivalent Operating Cycles (EOC) forthe Gas Turbine (GT) under consideration. CCPP is operating in theopen electricity market. It consists of two SGT-800 GT and one SST-600 Steam Turbine (ST). The primary goal of this thesis is to maximizethe overall profit of CCPP under consideration. The secondary goal ofthis thesis it to develop the meta models to estimate consumed EOHand EOC during the planning period.Siemens Industrial Turbo-machinery AB (SIT AB) has installed sensorsthat collects the data from the GT. Machine learning techniqueshave been applied to sensor data from the plant to construct Input-Output (I/O) curves to estimate heat input and exhaust heat. Resultsshow potential saving in the fuel consumption for the limit on CumulativeEquivalent Operating Hours (CEOH) and Cumulative EquivalentOperating Cycles (CEOC) for the planning period. However, italso highlighted some crucial areas of improvement before this economicdispatch algorithm can be commercialized. / Kombicykelkraftverk spelar en nyckelroll i det moderna elsystemet pågrund av den låga investeringskostnaden, den korta tiden för att byggaett nytta kraftverk och hög flexibilitet jämfört med andra kraftverk.Elproduktionssystemen förändras i takt med en allt större andel förnybarelproduktion. Det som en gång var ett tydligt definierat flödefrån produktion via transmission till distribution ändrar nu karaktärtill fluktuerande, distribuerad generering. På grund av variationernai elproduktion från förnybara energikällor finns ett ökat behov avatt kombicykelkraftverk varierar sin elproduktion för att upprätthållabalansen mellan produktion och konsumtion i systemet. Kombicykelkraftverkbehöver startas och stoppas oftare. Detta medför mer stresspå gasturbinen och som ett resultat påverkas underhållsintervallerna.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla en algoritm för korttidsplaneringav ett kombicykelkraftverk där även driften på lång siktbeaktas. Begränsningarna på lång sikt utgår från underhållsintervallenför gasturbinerna. Dessa långsiktiga begränsningar definieras som antaletekvivalenta drifttimmar och ekvivalenta driftcykler för det aktuellakraftverket. Kombikraftverket drivs på den öppna elmarknaden.Det består av två SGT-800 GT och en SST-600 ångturbin. Det främstamålet med examensarbetet är att maximera den totala vinsten förkraftverket. Ett sekundärt mål är att utveckla metamodeller för attskatta använda ekvivalenta drifttimmar och ekvivalenta driftcyklerunder planeringsperioden.Siemens Industrial Turbo-machinery AB (SIT AB) har installeratsensorer som samlar in data från gasturbinerna. Maskininlärningsteknikerhar tillämpats på sensordata för att konstruera kurvor för attuppskatta värmetillförseln och avgasvärme. Resultaten visar en potentiellbesparing i bränsleförbrukningen om de sammanlagda ekvivalentadrifttimmarna och de sammanlagda ekvivalenta driftcyklernabegränsas under planeringsperioden. Det framhålls dock också att detfinns viktiga förbättringar som behövs innan korttidsplaneringsalgoritmenkan kommersialiseras.

Numerical Optimal Control of Hybrid Electric Trucks : Exhaust Temperature, NOx Emission and Fuel Consumption

Andersson, Fredrik, Andersson, Hampus January 2018 (has links)
The controls for a parallel hybrid electric truck are optimized using numerical optimal control. Trade-offs between catalyst light-off times, NOx emission and fuel consumption have been investigated for cold starts at two operating points, as well as temperature differences between conventional and hybrid powertrains during WHTC (World Harmonized Transient Cycle). A model describing the temperature dynamics of the aftertreatment system is implemented as well as temperature-based deNOx performance for both Cu-Zeolite and Fe-Zeolite catalysts. Control is performed in a piecewise linear fashion, resulting in a total of 23 states including control signals. It is shown that high temperatures can be a larger threat to catalyst performance when running the WHTC than low temperatures, for both conventional and hybrid powertrains. Furthermore, decreasing the light-off time of the catalyst does not always lead to decreased NOx emission, instead there is a trade-off between light-off time and NOx emission. It is found that there are controls that will realize decreased NOx emission for a hybrid truck during cold starts at the expense of increased fuel consumption.

Verifieringsmetod för flexibla avgasledande element - Felmodsanalys / Verification method for flexible exhaust hose Definition and modelling of damage

Mohammadi, Ramona January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes på Scania CV AB och behandlar delar i lastbilens avgassystem som utsätts för korrosion och nötning. Huvudmålet med detta arbete är att utveckla en provmetod för livslängdsundersökning av flexibla slangar. En serie tester utfördes för att förstå grundorsakerna till brott och en FE-analys utfördes för att verifiera resultaten till dessa prov. En stor del av den flexibla slangen blir stel på grund av höga avgastemperaturer och som leder till plastisk deformation av slangen. Men de tre första lindningarna som ligger närmast motorn behåller sin flexibilitet på grund av kontinuerliga motorvibrationer. Slutsatsen är att huvudorsaken som gör att de flexibla slangarna går av, är slitage som leder till sprickinitiering. Den sprickan sprider sig i form av lågcykelutmattning d.v.s att det tar ganska kort tid tills brott sker i den flexibla slangen. Korrosion initierar mellan de icke-flexibla delar av slangen Korrosionshastigheten ökar med tiden och det orsakar små hål på ytorna. Baserat på testresultaten är den mest lämpliga stället för livslängdsundersökningar Scanias komponentprovceller. Genom att mäta slitagedjupet under repeterbara förhållanden som rekommenderas i rapporten och med hjälp av data från kundutfall, kan en livslängd uppskattas. För att kunna förbättra livslängden för de flexibla slangarna, rekommenderas att använda rostfritt stål typ 1.4828 vid tillverkning av dessa slangar bör varmformning användas, samt att avståndet mellan lagrena respektive tjockleken ökas. Flera tester med olika teststidsintervall behöver göras för att ta reda på nötningshastigheten. / This thesis was conducted at Scania CV AB with information based on corrosion and wear. The main goal of this work is to develop a test method to investigate the stripwounded hose’s lifetime. A series of tests were performed to understand the reasons of their failure and a FE analysis was performed to verify the results obtained from these tests. It was observed that a large part of stripwounded hose becomes stiff due to high temperatures of the exhaust gas. The high temperature leads to plastic deformation of the hose. In contrast, the three first windings closest to the engine keep their flexibility due to continuously engine vibrations while there is sign of wear between the layers in these three windings more than other parts of the stripwounded hose. Hence, it is concluded that the main reason for stripwounded hose’s unpredictable failures is wear which leads to crack initiation. The crack propagation is in type of low cycle fatigue which means that it takes a short time until the stripewounded hose breaks. Corrosion is initiated between the non-flexible parts of the hose. The rate of corrosion is increased by time and causes small holes on the surfaces. According to results from the experiments the most suitable location for the lifetime investigation is Scania’s component test cells . Several tests with different time spans needs to be performed. By measuring the wear depth rate under repeatable test conditions and bycomparing with stripwounded hoses from customer trucks, a lifetime can be estimated. To improve the fatigue lifetime of the stripwounded hoses, it is recommended to use stainless steel of type 1.4828, manufactured through hot-forming with larger distance between layers and thicker layers to find out the wear rate.

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