Spelling suggestions: "subject:"expect"" "subject:"iexpect""
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Remote NetlabEngkvist, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Detta projekt har haft som fokus att skapa ett system där användare med hjälp av SSH ska kunna logga in på en server och utföra konfigurationer på switchar och routrar med olika krav såsom att enbart en användare får vara inloggad i systemet åt gången. För att uppnå målen och kraven så användes ett par olika skript med språk såsom shell, bash, perl och expect. Resultatet visar en färdig produkt och att detta projekt var genomförbart. Lösningsförslaget finns presenterat i form av ett flödesschema och sedan vanlig text. Slutligen presenteras och diskuteras även andra alternativa lösningar. / The projects main focus have been to create a system mainly for the users that study network technology on a more advanced level. In order for the students to start to configure the switches and routers they need to access a server with the SSH protocol which was one of the requirements. Another requirement was that only one user should be able to configure at same time (so two users should NOT be able to configure the switches and routers at the same time). The scripting languages that was used was bash, shell, perl and expect in order to achieve these goals and requirement. The result shows a finished product and that this project was feasable. The solution is presented as a flowchart as an overview and some regular text that explains the scripts in more depth. There are of course a ton of other ways to solve this problem and a few of them are presented and discussed in the later chapters.
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Diseño e Implementación de una Plataforma IP/TV Tipo MYTHTV, Económica y con Fines DocentesRobles Kukuljan, Cristian David January 2008 (has links)
En la actualidad, el creciente interés por las nuevas tecnologías relacionadas con la
televisión ha dado pie a numerosos estudios, por un lado se encuentran las industrias que han
mejorado la calidad de la imagen, por otro lado en todos los continentes se están implementando
nuevos estándares de televisión. Estos avances vienen acompañados del crecimiento que ha
mostrado Internet en los últimos años, primero por su versatilidad y segundo por su rapidez.
Los avances que ha tenido Internet, tanto en sistemas operativos como en infraestructura,
más el constante progreso de nuevas herramientas computacionales, ha ampliado la gama de
servicios brindados por las telecomunicaciones, que es precisamente donde se establece el tema
de esta memoria, la cual desarrolla una plataforma donde convergen estas mejoras.
Considerando el gran interés del mercado por la televisión, se evalúa positivamente el
diseño e implementación de una plataforma de servicios IP/TV enfocado en un grabador
personal de video a través de una red IP local, con el mismo fundamento de MythTV y similar al
sistema TiVo comercializado en USA, pero con la ventaja de no requerir costos operacionales
por licencias de Softwares ni por costos de soporte de parte de las empresas.
El trabajo realizado se llevó a cabo con herramientas computacionales Open Source, las
que permiten su uso gratuitamente con soporte brindado por las comunidades que las
desarrollan. Así, se efectuó la implementación de una plataforma de streaming de video a través
del protocolo Internet con servicios como solicitar videos, transmitir televisión en directo y
programar grabaciones de emisiones televisivas. Una aplicación de este tipo es una motivación
para el cliente, dado que permite no perder programas que se transmitan en horarios inaccesibles.
La metodología seguida consiste en implementar las distintas etapas que permiten
alcanzar el diseño propuesto, esto a través de la selección, utilización y combinación de las
herramientas que entreguen a la plataforma las características deseadas. Además, incluye una
guía para recrearla de modo que pueda ser utilizada con fines docentes en laboratorios de
pregrado. También se puede utilizar en futuros trabajos de memoria o tesis integrándose en otras
soluciones de Streaming que la hagan converger con más servicios en una sola plataforma, estos
contenidos y proyecciones otorgan a esta memoria un considerable valor docente.
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Expecting Excellence: Student and Teacher Attitudes Towards Choosing to Speak English in an IEPMoore, Alhyaba Encinas 01 December 2016 (has links)
In an effort to immerse learners in the target language, many IEPs in the U.S. hold fast to inflexible English Only policies (Auerbach, 1993; McMillan & Rivers, 2011). However, research has identified several shortcomings of such a rule, such as (1) the benefits of the L1 in L2 learning, and the lack of research supporting the exclusion of the mother tongue (Atkinson, 1993; Brooks-Lewis, 2009; Butzkamm, 2003), and (2) psychological, sociocultural, and linguistic factors that diminish the effectiveness of English Only and contribute to a negative learning environment (Shvidko, Evans, & Hartshorn, 2015). This body of research has prompted a large IEP in the U.S. to replace its English Only policy with initiatives that encourage English use, foster learner autonomy and create a more positive learning environment. This study evaluated this IEP's initiatives and found that this new perspective on language policy has created a viable alternative to English Only. These initiatives' intended objective to encourage English use was met while preserving learner autonomy and without sacrificing a high standard of excellence.
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Fidelity-Outcomes Relationships in the Expect Respect ProgramMooss, Angela Devi 27 May 2008 (has links)
The effects of program fidelity, gender, socioeconomic status, and school level were tested on various outcomes of a dating violence prevention program, Expect Respect. Fidelity data was collected from program facilitators, and individual posttest scores were gathered for individuals nested within each programmatic site. Multiple HLM models indicated that main effects for fidelity were present for the knowledge gained outcome scale, such that higher program fidelity led to higher posttest scores for participants. No other site level predictors affected outcomes or the fidelity-outcome relationship. Results from this study point towards the importance of implementing program fidelity when cognitive gains are a central goal of the program, whereas a more flexible program approach may be more optimal in conveying other programmatic components.
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Does the Relationship Matter? A Closer Examination of the of Relationship Quality in Program Fidelity ResearchWeinberg, Joanna Rose 21 April 2009 (has links)
Program evaluations are increasingly assessing the impact of treatment delivery and program processes on outcomes. The current study examined the effects of program fidelity, measured across various dimensions, and relationship quality on behavior change and knowledge gained outcomes in 241 middle and high school students who were participating in Expect Respect, an evidence-based dating violence prevention program. Cross-level, hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analyses found that program fidelity was not a significant predictor of participant outcomes. However, main effects for relationship quality were present for the knowledge gained outcome measure. Subsequent cross-level interactions provided further support for the importance of relationship quality in prevention program outcomes.
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Centralizace správy experimentální datové sítě / Central management of experimental data networkMeixner, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is design and implementation of experimantal data network central management in convergent network technology laboratory. This diploma thesis is devided into several chapters. Management network fundamentals are described in introduction. Actually used experimental network is analyzed in the second chapter. Design and implemantion of web modular information system are presented in third part. Solution of central management network system is summarised at the end of this thesis.
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Centralizace správy experimentální datové sítě / Central management of experimental data networkMeixner, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is design and implementation of experimantal data network central management in convergent network technology laboratory. This diploma thesis is devided into several chapters. Management network fundamentals are described in introduction. Actually used experimental network is analyzed in the second chapter. Design and implemantion of web modular information system are presented in third part. Solution of central management network system is summarised at the end of this thesis.
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Automatiserad nätadministration med bashTengqvist, Edvard January 2020 (has links)
Managing large quantities of aging nodes can be as burdensome and daunting task to an administrator. This is the reality for operation administrators and technicians working with Telias older xDSL network where linecards in nodes behaves irreguarly after a long uptime, resulting in faulty connections for the customers. One of the tasks is simply to restart these linecards when a customer or a technician files a complaint if the uptime of the linecard is an issue. This project aims to solve this issue by using scripting to take inventory of the linecards in the nodes and the corresponding uptime for these linecards. By storing this information in a database one can then query the database about wich linecards that are in need of a restart, before the customer experiences any trouble. By automating some of these manual management tasks with scripting, one can free up more time for personnel to handle other duties, as well as saving resources and cost for maintenance. / Att administrera stora mängder utav åldrande noder kan vara en betungande och skrämmande uppgift. Detta är verkligheten för driftpersonalen och teknikerna som arbetar med Telias äldre xDSL-nätverk där linjekort i noder beter sig oregelbundet efter en lång upptid, något som resulterar i bristfälliga anslutningar för kunderna. En av uppgifterna är helt enkelt att starta om dessa linjekort när en kund eller tekniker lämnar in klagomål om upptiden för linjekortet är ett problem. Detta projekt har som mål att lösa denna problematik genom användandet av scripting för att inventera linjekorten och dess motsvarande upptid. Genom att lagra denna information i en databas kan en sedan fråga databasen angående vilka linjekort som är i behov av omstart, innan kunder upplever problem. Genom att automatisera vissa av dessa manuella administrativa sysslor genom script kan en frigöra tid för personalen att utföra andra sysslor samt att spara in resurser och kostnader för underhåll.
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Replikerings- och Klusterlösning för PostgreSQLEriksson, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
Många organisationer världen över är i behov av att förmedla data lagrade i databaser till sina kunder samt ta emot information av kunden som lägger till/tar bort data i databasen. Att kunna ha databastjänsterna tillgängliga åt kunden under olika omständigheter och behandla kundens transaktion mot databasen snabbt är något som gynnar organisationen. Detta är särskilt viktigt för den svenska myndigheten Bolagsverket. För detta ändamål kan flera databaservrar interagera med varandra genom replikering, vilket resulterar i ett serverkluster av flera sammankopplade noder. I arbetet utforskades det om servrar med Postgres kan möta myndighetens behov. Målet med arbetet är att utifrån en skapad sammanställning av vilka områden som önskas utforskas, att demonstrera om Postgres har vad som krävs för att möta områdets kriterier och slutligen utvärdera utfallet av demonstrationen. Arbetet resulterade i tre sammanställda områden, totalt 12 implementationer över samtliga områden sammanlagt samt 6 av dem som mötte de kriterier för det område som behandlades. I arbetet tillämpades för samtliga implementeringar en direkt/indirekt fysisk replikering, som bygger på att en av noderna kan skrivas åt i taget där förändringen replikeras direkt till övriga noder. I samband med implementering användes ett flertal av Postgres tillägg och externa utbyggnader. Det beslutades under arbetets förlopp att endast behandla två av dessa områden fullständigt till förmån för utförlighet. Slutsatsen drogs att för de två områdena som behandlades fullständigt så hade Postgres förmågan att möta kriterierna. Dessutom så drogs slutsatsen att om en implementering avsedd för det tredje området kunde möta de sammanställda kriterierna så har Postgres det som krävs för att möta myndighetens behov. / Many organizations worldwide are in need of conveying data stored in databases to their customers as well as receiving information from the customer who adds/deletes data in the database. Being able to have the database services available to the customer in various circumstances and to process the customers transaction against the database quickly is something that benefits the organization. This is particularly of importance for the authority of the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). For this purpose, several database servers can interact with each other through replication, resulting in a server cluster of several interconnected nodes. The work explored whether servers with Postgres can meet Bolagsverkets needs. The goal of the work consisted of three parts. To define what areas to explore and related mandatory criterias. Create solutions based on the previous step. And finally demonstrate that Postgres has what it takes to meet the areas criterias. The work resulted in three areas, a total of 12 implementations across all areas combined, in of which 6 of them met the mandatory criterias. In the work, a direct/indirect physical replication was applied in all implementations. In physical replication one of the nodes can be written to at a time, where the change is replicated directly to the other nodes. Within implementation, a number of official and external Postgres tools/extensions were used combined with Postgres base functionality. It was decided during the course of the work to treat only two of these areas in full in favor of extensive work. It was concluded that for the two areas that were fully addressed, Postgres had the ability to meet the criterias. In addition, it was concluded that if an implementation intended for the third area could meet the criterias, then Postgres has what it takes to meet the authority needs.
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Automatická konfigurace síťových prvků Cisco akademie / Automatic configuration of intermediate networking devices used in Cisco academyVerner, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
his semestral´s thesis deals with proposal and system implementation for automatic configuration of Cisco network devices. This system is called AutoConf and it is intended for distant copying configuration files from eagle-server to the switches and routers in Cisco academy laboratory. It is handled by web pages placed on eagle-server. In this system, user can create new laboratory exercises with configuration files for network devices and then these files could be used for configurations. Informations about done configurations are saved in relation database MySQL. Network devices which will be configured by system AutoConf have to be connected with eagle-server. To setup their connection settings was created decision-making mechanism. If it detects physical connection between network device and eagle-server before network device starts, it will set network device for communication with eagle-server.
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