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Research on Speed Control Methods for Single-Phase Full-Wave Brushless DC Fan Motor DriverLee, Mi-Chu 10 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis is about the improved design of small size brushless DC fan motor driving circuit. Two main improvements in the new design are increase the stability and decrease the size of motor fan at the same time. To improve the stability, there are two major parts added to the original driving circuit. The delay circuit that protects the H-bridge and the output low current limit circuit. Furthermore, it is believed that the speed control also can improve the stability. With regard to the rotation speed control, two circuits are attached to the motor, 1) speed feedback controller and 2) speed and current feedback controller. Both controllers are attached in the close loop rotation speed control circuit. They are used to increase the efficiency of drive circuit. In order to make the circuit more efficient, they solve problems such as disturbance in miscellaneous noise; also the power dissipation that occurs in open loop rotation speed control circuit.
The second improvement in the new design is to reduce the cost and size of system. The design of sensorless control scheme is proposed to replace the Hall sensor to detect rotor position. This sensorless scheme can also supply fan motor voltage to achieve the speed control.
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The Political Context of Contemporary Chinese Literary Thoughts: the inheritance relationoship between Hsia. C. T, Leo Ou-Fan Lee and David Der-Wei WangChang, Yu-chun 04 January 2011 (has links)
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Forced Dispersion of Liquefied Natural Gas Vapor Clouds with Water Spray Curtain ApplicationRana, Morshed A. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
There has been, and will continue to be, tremendous growth in the use and distribution of liquefied natural gas (LNG). As LNG poses the hazard of flammable vapor cloud formation from a release, which may result in a massive fire, increased public concerns have been expressed regarding the safety of this fuel. In addition, regulatory authorities in the U.S. as well as all over the world expect the implementation of consequence mitigation measures for LNG spills. For the effective and safer use any safety measure to prevent and mitigate an accidental release of LNG, it is critical to understand thoroughly the action mechanisms. Water spray curtains are generally used by petro-chemical industries to prevent and mitigate heavier-than-air toxic or flammable vapors. It is also used to cool and protect equipment from heat radiation of fuel fires. Currently, water spray curtains are recognized as one of the economic and promising techniques to enhance the dispersion of the LNG vapor cloud formed from a spill.
Usually, water curtains are considered to absorb, dilute, disperse and warm a heavier-than-air vapor cloud. Dispersion of cryogenic LNG vapor behaves differently from other dense gases because of low molecular weight and extremely low temperature. So the interaction between water curtain and LNG vapor is different than other heavier vapor clouds. Only two major experimental investigations with water curtains in dispersing LNG vapor clouds were undertaken during the 1970s and 1980s. Studies showed that water spray curtains enhanced LNG vapor dispersion from small spills. However, the dominant phenomena to apply the water curtain most effectively in controlling LNG vapor were not clearly demonstrated.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of water spray curtains in controlling the LNG vapor clouds from outdoor experiments. A research methodology has been developed to study the dispersion phenomena of LNG vapor by the action of different water curtains experimentally. This dissertation details the research and experiment development. Small scale outdoor LNG spill experiments have been performed at the Brayton Fire Training Field at Texas A&M University. Field test results regarding important phenomena are presented and discussed. Results have determined that the water curtains are able to reduce the concentration of the LNG vapor cloud, push the vapor cloud upward and transfer heat to the cloud. These are being identified due to the water curtain mechanisms of entrainment of air, dilution of vapor with entrained air, transfer of momentum and heat to the gas cloud. Some of the dominant actions required to control and disperse LNG vapor cloud are also identified from the experimental tests. The gaps are presented as the future work and recommendation on how to improve the experiments in the future. This will benefit LNG industries to enhance its safety system and to make LNG facilities safer.
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Design And Qualification Of A Semi-anechoic Chamber And Investigation Into Noise Characteristics Of A Vacuum VleanerKayhan, Cihan 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study a centrifugal fan is studied for noise characteristics and measurements in a semi- anechoic room. A semi-anechoic room is constructed inside Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department has been qualified with respect to ISO 3745 standard. The fan characteristic is obtained as proposed in AMCA standards 210-75, by simply measuring the voltage and current of the motor during operation and calculating the power consumption of the assembly. Noise measurements are taken using two microphones attached to a multi-channel data acquisition and processing system in the semi anechoic room. Several different configurations of the vacuum cleaner with some parts removed or replaced systematically are considered during the noise measurements. Some of the results showed that the damping material placed inside the motor cover is proved to be very effective in noise reduction. Two different damping materials are examined for comparative evaluation.
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Structural and stratigraphic evolution of the central Mississippi Canyon Area: interaction of salt tectonics and slope processes in the formation of engineering and geologic hazardsBrand, John Richard 12 April 2006 (has links)
Approximately 720 square miles of digital 3-dimensional seismic data covering
the eastern Mississippi Canyon area, Gulf of Mexico, continental shelf was used to
examine the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the geology in the study area. The
analysis focused on salt tectonics and sequence stratigraphy to develop a geologic model
for the study area and its potential impact on engineering and geologic hazards.
Salt in the study area was found to be established structural end-members derived
from shallow-emplaced salt sheets. The transition from regional to local salt tectonics
was identified through structural deformation of the stratigraphic section on the seismic
data and occurred no later than ~450,000 years ago. From ~450,000 years to present,
slope depositional processes have become the dominant geologic process in the study
Six stratigraphic sequences (I-VI) were identified in the study area and found to
correlate with sequences previously defined for the Eastern Mississippi Fan. Condensed
sections were the key to the correlation. The sequence stratigraphy for the Eastern
Mississippi Fan can be extended ~28 miles west, adding another ~720 square miles to
the interpreted Fan.
A previously defined channel within the Eastern Fan was identified in the study
area and extended the channel ~28 miles west. Previous work on the Eastern Fan
identified the source of the Fan to be the Mobile River; however, extending the channel
west suggests the sediment source to be from the Mississippi River, not the Mobile
River. Further evidence for this was found in ponded turbidites whose source has been
previously established as the Mississippi River.
Ages of the stratigraphic sequences were compared to changes in eustatic sea
level. The formation stratigraphic sequences appear decoupled from sea level change
with ?pseudo-highstands? forming condensed sections during pronounced Pleistocene
sea level lowstands. Miocene and Pleistocene depositional analogues suggest the
location of the shifting Mississippi River Pleistocene depocenter is a more dominant
influence on sequence formation. Thus, the application of traditional sequence
interpretation with respect to sea level change should be reconsidered to also account for
the shifting depocenter for both the study area as well as the broader Eastern Mississippi
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Quaternary faulting in Clayton Valley, Nevada: implications for distributed deformation in the Eastern California shear zone-walker laneFoy, Travis A. 05 April 2011 (has links)
The eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) and Walker Lane belt represent an important inland component of the Pacific-North America plate boundary. Current geodetic data indicate accumulation of transtensional shear at a rate of ~9.2 ± 0.3 mm/yr across the region, more than double the total geologic rate (<3.5 mm/yr) for faults in the northern ECSZ over the late Pleistocene [Bennett et al., 2003, Kirby et al., 2006, Lee et al., 2009, Frankel et al., 2007]. Unraveling the strain puzzle of the Walker Lane is therefore essential to understanding both how deformation is distributed through the lithosphere along this transtensional part of the Pacific-North America plate boundary and how the plate boundary is evolving through time. The observed mismatch between geodetic and geologic slip rates in the central Walker Lane is characteristic of other active tectonic settings, including the nearby Mojave segment of the ECSZ [Oskin et al., 2008] and the Altyn Tagh fault in China [Cowgill, 2007]. In each case, lack of fault slip data spanning multiple temporal and spatial scales hinders interpretation of fault interactions and their implications for lithospheric dynamics. The discrepancy between geodetic and geologic slip rates in the central Walker Lane indicates that if strain rates have remained constant since the late Pleistocene [e.g. Frankel et al., in press], then the "missing" strain is distributed on structures other than the two major dextral faults at this latitude (Death Valley-Fish Lake Valley fault and White Mountains fault). Otherwise the region could presently be experiencing a strain transient similar to that of the nearby Mojave section of the ECSZ [e.g., Oskin et al., 2008], or the rate of strain accumulation could actually increasing over the late Pleistocene [e.g. Reheis and Sawyer, 1997; Hoeft and Frankel, 2010]. The Silver Peak-Lone Mountain extensional complex (SPLM), to which the Clayton Valley faults belong, is the prime candidate to account for the "missing" strain. The down-to-the-northwest orientation of the SPLM faults makes them the most kinematically suitable structures to accommodate the regional pattern of NW-SE dextral shear.
We use differential GPS to measure fault offset and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) geochronology to date offset landforms. Using these tools, we measure extension rates that are time-invariant, ranging from 0.1 ± 0.1 to 0.3 ± 0.1 mm/yr for fault dips of 30° and 60°. These rates are not high enough to account for the discrepancy between geologic and geodetic data in the ECSZ-Walker Lane transition zone. Based on geologic mapping and previously published geophysical data [Davis, 1981; Zampirro, 2005], deformation through Clayton Valley appears to be very widely-distributed. The diffuse nature of deformation leads to geologic slip rates that are underestimated due to the effects of off-fault deformation and unrecognized fault strands. Our results from Clayton Valley suggest that the discrepancy between geodetic and geologic strain rates at the latitude of the northern ECSZ is a result of long-term geologic rates that are underestimated. If the true geologic rates could be calculated, they would likely be significantly higher and therefore in closer agreement with geodetic data, as is the case everywhere else in the ECSZ north of the Garlock fault [Frankel et al., 2007a, in press; Kirby et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2009a].
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Whole-house mechanical ventilation in a mixed-humid climateCapps, Laura 15 February 2012 (has links)
As building codes and green building programs require tighter home construction, the need for outdoor air ventilation to improve indoor air quality increases. Major improvements in building envelopes and duct systems have led to decreases in heating and cooling loads causing fewer HVAC system run-time hours, and increasing the probability for air stagnation within homes with poor outdoor air ventilation. ASHRAE Standard 62.2 quantifies the amount of whole-house ventilation required based on the number of occupants and the square footage of conditioned space, but leaves the design of the ventilation system up to the mechanical engineer or HVAC contractor. In 2010, ASHRAE began requiring flow testing for confirmation of outdoor air ventilation rates, yet few municipalities and green building programs have adopted the new standard.
Builders in mixed-humid climates are forced to balance the need for outdoor air ventilation with the upfront costs for mechanical ventilation systems, and the potential for increased humidity loads and energy costs associated with mechanical ventilation strategies. One common solution employed in the southeastern United States involves a central fan integrated supply (CFIS) ventilation system controlled with an air-cycler for minimum run-time to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2. While this system has been tested and proven to meet design ventilation rates, those tests were often conducted on homes constructed by well trained builders receiving strong oversight from building scientists and the design ventilation rates were not always ASHRAE compliant.
The following report analyzes whether the CFIS ventilation system with air-cycler controller provides ventilation meeting ASHRAE Standard 62.2 when employed by builders with minimal training and support.
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An evaluation of the FE-model adopted for modal analysis in the fan booster spool project, GEnx.Andersson, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Avsikten med denna avhandling är att utvärdera den FE-modell som använts i modalanalyser av komponenten fan booster spool, framtagen och tillverkad av Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan. Detaljen ingår i den civila flygplansmotorn GEnx som är utvecklad för flygplanet Boeing 787 Dreamliner.</p><p>Inledande tester av spolen påvisade en mycket god korrelation mellan analys och test men när spolen senare provkördes i en komplett monterad motor noterades en uppenbar skillnad i resultat. Den andra noddiameterns egenfrekvenser indikerade att spolen i test hade ett något styvare beteende än vad som beräknats i analys.</p><p>En teori utvecklades som byggde på att en initiell kontakt mellan rotor och ett slitskikt på statorn kunde framkalla en förstyvande effekt på spolen när rotorn på grund av rotationslaster expanderar radiellt. Detta examensarbete initierades då för att undersöka om denna kontakt kunde inkluderas i FE-modellen och för att utreda om kontakten har en möjlighet att förstyva spolen.</p><p>Avhandlingen utvärderar FE-modellen med avseende på randvillkor, laster och modelleringsteknik i FE-programmet Ansys 10.0. En grundlig kartläggning av spolens känslighet påvisar en robust komponent med hög motståndskraft mot yttre och inre störningar.</p><p>En förstyvande effekt relaterad till en initiell kontakt mellan slitskikt och spole bekräftas i denna avhandling. Kontakten har visat sig ha särskild inverkan på den andra noddiametern och dess egenfrekvenser. Ett förslag på modelleringsteknik där den förstyvande effekten inkluderas har däremot inte föreslagits i detta arbete då effekten enligt uppgift går förlorad efter en inkörningsperiod.</p><p>Det har i detta arbete visats att det kommando som i Ansys tidigare använts för att kompensera för så kallade spin softening-effekter, kspin, resulterar i konservativa värden för spolens egenfrekvenser. En rekommendation baserad på de resultat som framkommit är därför att utesluta funktionen kspin i modalanalyser för denna komponent. Valet av sektorstorlek och kopplingsmetod mellan masselement och spole har också visats ha en tydlig inverkan på de beräknade egenfrekvenserna.</p><p>Spolens radiella förskjutningar har analyserats som funktion av rotationshastigheten. Resultatet visar att den hastighet då kontakt mellan tätningständer och spole etableras är nästintill identisk med den hastighet då töjningar först börjar uppträda i spolen enligt testdata från töjningsgivarprov.</p>
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Evaluation of time varying stresses in a Howden fanvan Mierlo, Tim, Żywalewski, Rafal January 2015 (has links)
In this work, the time varying stresses in a Howden axial flow fan are obtained by finite element analyses. Dynamic substructuring is used to obtain accurate values of the stresses in the threads of the blade shaft, the component which connects the blade with the hub. Three different global models are used to compare the influence of neglecting the fan shaft and the stiffness influence of the centrifugal force. The relative displacements, which are obtained from the global models, have been used as boundary condition in the detailed models. The detailed models are used to obtain the Von Mises stresses in the root of the threads of the blade shaft. Finally the results of the three global models are compared with experimental measured data provided by Howden. The experimental data results in the highest Von Mises stresses. The model with the fan shaft and the stiffness influence of the centrifugal force gives values for the Von Mises stresses which are approximately twenty percent lower. The model without the fan shaft results in the lowest stresses which are approximately forty percent lower than the stresses obtained using the measured data.
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Jag och mitt fanskap : vad musik kan betyda för människorKjellander, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation aims to find further understanding of how people with special interest in a certain artist utilise music and the fact that they are fans in their everyday lives. I have opted to study two fans included in each group selected for this study: Kiss, Status Quo and Lasse Stefanz, one male and one female fan belonging to each respective group. I have worked according to grounded theory as a method, and through an analysis of their musical life stories, I have attempted to identify why they became fans and how them being fans has affected them in their lives. Four categories, fandom as: a marker of identity, socialisation, a form of self therapy and a pseudo religion and the core category authenticity usage show the results of the study. The categories show that to a large extent it all comes down to the musical identity of these people, i.e. the identity of being a fan, and their experiences of being fans. They have been socialised into a specific genre, which has meant increased interest in a specific artist. Family, media and friends have all played a part in this socialisation. The informants have developed cultural competence as concerns their idols, although they have also gained the subcultural capital resources required in order to come across as credible fans. Various kinds of experiences offer meaning and nourish the fans. Security and stability in everyday lives are also contributing factors to them being fans and the music offers them something that they are unable to acquire from elsewhere. They have established different strategies in order to be able to be fans, one of these being legitimacy. A vital part of this legitimacy consists in them viewing the bands as authentic, i.e. important. / <p>Eva Kjellander är också affilierad med Linné-universitetet</p>
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