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The impact of climate and tectonics on sedimentary and deformational processes, Gulf of AlaskaReece, Robert Sherman 19 November 2013 (has links)
Collision of the Yakutat Terrane with North America in southern Alaska has
driven growth of the Chugach-St. Elias orogen. Glaciation of the St. Elias Range has
periodically increased since the Miocene, but began dominating erosion and spurred
enhanced exhumation since the mid-Pleistocene transition at ~1 Ma. Ice associated with this glacial intensification carved cross-shelf sea valleys that connect the St. Elias Range to the deep-sea Surveyor Fan. A newly increased terrigenous sediment flux into the fan triggered the formation and growth of the Surveyor Channel. The change in
geomorphology observed throughout Fan sequences allows us to characterize the
influence that a glaciated orogen can have in shaping margin processes and the sediment
pathways from source to sink. Seismic data also reveal an isolated, large, short runout,
mass-transport deposit (MTD) buried in the Surveyor Fan. The MTD geometry, size and location on a convergent margin lend support to recent studies suggesting seismic
strengthening and infrequent sediment failure on active margins. This study provides
insight into the magnitude and scope of events required to cause submarine mega-slides
and overcome higher than normal sediment shear strength, including the influence of
climate and sea level change. Beneath the Surveyor Fan, integrated geophysical data
reveals massive intraplate shearing, and a lack of oceanic crust magnetic lineaments in
regions of Pacific Plate crust. We argue that stress from the Yakutat-North America
collision transferred outboard to the Pacific Plate is the major driver for the deformation
causing these features. This stress would have resulted in significant strain in the NE
corner of the Pacific Plate, creating pathways for sill formation in the crust and Surveyor
Fan. The collision further intensified as the thickest Yakutat portion began to subduct
during the Pleistocene, possibly providing the impetus for the creation of the Gulf of
Alaska Shear Zone, a >200 km zone of shear extending out into the Pacific Plate. This
study highlights the importance of farfield stress from complex tectonic regimes in
consideration of large-scale oceanic intraplate deformation. / text
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Barrier island associated washover fan and flood tidal delta systems: A geomorphologic analysis and proposed classification scheme for modern washover fans and examination of a flood tidal delta complex in the Cretaceous upper McMurray Formation, Alberta, CanadaHudock, Jessica Wager 18 February 2014 (has links)
A detailed study of modern washover fan (fan) morphologies will clarify common fan geometries, lead to a better model for a “typical” fan, identify the preservation potential and probable geometries of fan facies in subsurface datasets and outcrops, and ultimately improve hydrocarbon recovery in barrier island reservoir systems. This study uses satellite imagery to conduct a spatial analysis of 118 modern fans to quantify geomorphologic attributes of fans. A new classification scheme for fans is proposed that refines the current fan model, dividing fans into channelized and non-channelized fans. Channelized fans are subdivided according to the location of primary deposition: barrier depo-center or lagoonal depo-center. Non-channelized fans are subdivided based on morphology: dissipative, lobate, or apron-sourced. Quantitative cross-plots of morphologic relationships are analyzed to define trends in fan morphologies. The most common type of fan encountered in our study is a non-channelized, line-sourced, lobate washover fan with an area of less than 1 km2 that is fully contained on a barrier and exhibits no subaqueous deposition in back-barrier waters.
The Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation is the primary reservoir of the Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, Canada. The upper McMurray is commonly interpreted as deposits of embayed coastal systems. Our location is in an under-studied area located 80 km northwest of Fort McMurray. Lateral and vertical facies changes, sedimentary structures, key surfaces, trace fossils, and bitumen saturation were documented in eight cores located along a 20 km transect situated paleo-landward of a Devonian paleo-high acting as a bedrock-barrier. Our data indicate that a flood tidal delta complex prograded landward into a back-barrier embayment through the stable, bedrock-controlled inlet. This system overlies middle McMurray fluvial sands and Devonian basement and was transgressed by marine waters prior to deposition of the overlying Wabiskaw Formation. Flood tidal delta sandbodies are bitumen saturated and therefore make good reservoirs; however, heavily bioturbated tidal flats can act as a barrier to flow where they encase flood tidal deltas, as encased sands were devoid of bitumen. This complex coastal paleogeography produced back-barrier deposits that contain a slightly more diverse, marine trace fossil assemblage than might otherwise be expected. / text
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臉書粉絲頁超連結分析系統 / A Hyperlink Analyzer for Facebook Pages李燕宜, Lee, Yen I Unknown Date (has links)
不僅於此,當重大公共事件發生時,許多臉書粉絲頁也會成為訊息與意見傳播的重要管道,所以許多傳播研究學者紛紛投入研究粉絲頁所發佈的貼文內容與來源,其中一個重點就是粉絲頁貼文所引用的外部網站內容。本論文針對轉發超連結的貼文以及大量貼文內含的超連結作處理,透過網址擷取和網址還原技術(URL unshorten)的應用加以分析統計,以供傳播研究學者快速了解粉絲頁貼文內容分布狀況,並藉此了解在不同情境下的社交媒體策略以及與粉絲之間的互動關係。另外為優化本系統效能,對於排程分析工作中提出並導入了「排程資料處理機制」,可顯著降低重覆分析貼文的次數,以提升資料分析的效率。 / Nowadays, social networking sites have become the new media for many celebrities, groups and business to communicate in societies and worldwide. Many celebrities, groups and business post their new status through Facebook fan pages and users can get status about celebrities or product information through Facebook immediately. Creating a Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote business and build closer relationship with audiences and customers.
Besides, during the outbreak a public event, many fan pages would become important sources of news and information dissemination. Thus, many Humanities and Social Sciences scholars are eager to investigate the sources and contents of posts in fan pages. In particular, many posts contain hyperlinks pointing to outside news or information sources. This thesis design and implement a fan page content analyzer, focusing on hyperlinks analysis. By parsing URLs and URL unshortening, our tool offers hyperlink analysis for scholars to get quick overview about fan page feeds and to understand how they cite news or information from various sources. In addition, our tool is equipped with an aggregated data sharing mechanism to avoid parsing redundant feeds, thus being able to improve the performance of the tool.
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Japanization? : Japanese Popular Culture among Swedish YouthLindell, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Japanese presence on the global cultural market has steadily been increasing throughout the last decades. Fan-communities all over the world are celebrating the Japanese culture and cultural identity no longer seems bound to the local. This thesis is an empirical study which aims to examine the transnational flow of Japanese popular culture into Sweden. The author addresses the issue with three research questions; what unique dimensions could be ascribed to Swedish anime-fandom, what is appealing about Japanese popular culture and how is it influencing fan-audiences? To enable deeper understanding of the phenomenon, a qualitative research consisting of semi-structured telephone-interviews and questionnaires, was conducted with Swedish fans of Japanese popular culture. The results presented in this thesis indicate that the anime-community in Sweden possesses several unique dimensions, both in activities surrounding Japanese popular culture and consumption and habits. Japanese popular culture fills a void that seems to exist in domestic culture. It is different, and that is what is appealing to most fans. Anime and manga have inspired fans to learn about the Japanese culture, in some cases, Japanese popular culture has in a way “japanized” fans – making them wish they were born in Japan.
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Motivational Differences in Why Sports Fans Attend Minor League Baseball and Roller Derby EventsPugh, Anissa S 01 October 2015 (has links)
The aim of the current study was to examine the differences in sport fan motivation factors between mainstream (Minor League baseball) and atypical (roller derby) fans. Eighty-one fans (40 Minor League baseball and 41 roller derby) completed an 8 question demographic survey, a 26-item Sport Fan Motivation Scale, a 7-item Sport Spectator Identification Scale, and a 10-item Sport Fan Exploratory Curiosity Scale. It was believed that fans of Minor League baseball would be more motivated by the entertainment factor than roller derby fans. While roller derby fans would be more motivated by eustress, group affiliation and family factors at the event than Minor League baseball fans. It was also predicted that roller derby fans would be more curious about new sports than Minor League baseball fans. Results showed that Minor League baseball fans were more motivated by the family aspects of the game than roller derby fans. Additionally, it was found that baseball fans were more curious about new sports in general than roller derby fans. Finally, the study found that roller derby fans were more motivated by the aesthetics of the game than Minor League baseball fans.
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Improvement of Cherry Tomato Fruit Yield and Quality Under a Controlled EnvironmentBuck, Johann Sebastian January 2005 (has links)
The effects of controlled environment strategies on the yield and quality of cherry tomato fruit production were studied between April, 2003 and September, 2004 at The University of Arizona Campus Agriculture Center; Tucson, AZ. Two cultivars of cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme) planted at 2.2 plants m-2 were grown hydroponically in coconut coir and drip fertigated with a low EC (2.4 dS m-1), high EC (4.5 dS m-1), mid day relief of high EC (2.4 dS m-1 or 4.5 dS m-1 over a 24 h period) or night time super high EC treatment (12 dS m-1). From April to October, 2003, the effects of mid day relief of high EC on cherry tomato fruit yield and quality were determined. From February through September, 2004 the effects of super high EC treatment, horizontal air flow (HAF) fan operation and/or delayed fertigation on cherry tomato fruit cracking were studied.
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An evaluation of the FE-model adopted for modal analysis in the fan booster spool project, GEnx.Andersson, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Avsikten med denna avhandling är att utvärdera den FE-modell som använts i modalanalyser av komponenten fan booster spool, framtagen och tillverkad av Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan. Detaljen ingår i den civila flygplansmotorn GEnx som är utvecklad för flygplanet Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Inledande tester av spolen påvisade en mycket god korrelation mellan analys och test men när spolen senare provkördes i en komplett monterad motor noterades en uppenbar skillnad i resultat. Den andra noddiameterns egenfrekvenser indikerade att spolen i test hade ett något styvare beteende än vad som beräknats i analys. En teori utvecklades som byggde på att en initiell kontakt mellan rotor och ett slitskikt på statorn kunde framkalla en förstyvande effekt på spolen när rotorn på grund av rotationslaster expanderar radiellt. Detta examensarbete initierades då för att undersöka om denna kontakt kunde inkluderas i FE-modellen och för att utreda om kontakten har en möjlighet att förstyva spolen. Avhandlingen utvärderar FE-modellen med avseende på randvillkor, laster och modelleringsteknik i FE-programmet Ansys 10.0. En grundlig kartläggning av spolens känslighet påvisar en robust komponent med hög motståndskraft mot yttre och inre störningar. En förstyvande effekt relaterad till en initiell kontakt mellan slitskikt och spole bekräftas i denna avhandling. Kontakten har visat sig ha särskild inverkan på den andra noddiametern och dess egenfrekvenser. Ett förslag på modelleringsteknik där den förstyvande effekten inkluderas har däremot inte föreslagits i detta arbete då effekten enligt uppgift går förlorad efter en inkörningsperiod. Det har i detta arbete visats att det kommando som i Ansys tidigare använts för att kompensera för så kallade spin softening-effekter, kspin, resulterar i konservativa värden för spolens egenfrekvenser. En rekommendation baserad på de resultat som framkommit är därför att utesluta funktionen kspin i modalanalyser för denna komponent. Valet av sektorstorlek och kopplingsmetod mellan masselement och spole har också visats ha en tydlig inverkan på de beräknade egenfrekvenserna. Spolens radiella förskjutningar har analyserats som funktion av rotationshastigheten. Resultatet visar att den hastighet då kontakt mellan tätningständer och spole etableras är nästintill identisk med den hastighet då töjningar först börjar uppträda i spolen enligt testdata från töjningsgivarprov.
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The Steampunk Aesthetic: Technofantasies in a Neo-Victorian RetrofuturePerschon, Mike D Unknown Date
No description available.
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Mažo aerodinaminio vamzdžio skaičiavimas ir įrengimas / Calculation and Construction of Small Scale AerodynamicBielskus, Juozas 23 July 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamas mokomasis aerodinaminis vamzdis, su kuriuo bus galima atlikti laboratorinius darbus ir nesudėtingus mokslinius tyrimus. Aptariama aerodinaminio vamzdžio reikšmė studentams, Lietuvos ūkiui ir aplinkosaugai. Taip pat pateikiama, kokius bandymus su aerodinaminiu vamzdžiu bus galima atlikti Pastatų energetikos katedroje. Apžvelgti laboratorijos įrangos gamintojų – Aerolab, G.u.n.t, Armfield, Stirolab, GDJ Inc mokomieji aerodinaminiai vamzdžiai, projektavimo rekomendacijos. Pastatų energetikos katedrai suprojektuotas aerodinaminis vamzdis, papildomai pridėti triukšmo slopintuvai prieš ir už ventiliatoriaus. Taip pat atlikta kompiuterinių programų, kuriomis naudojantis galima atlikti oro srautų moduliaciją, analizė, ir pasirinkus tinkamiausią programą atlikta Pastatų energetikos katedros aerodinaminio vamzdžio darbinės kameros moduliacija. Šio baigiamojo darbo rezultatas – pagamintas ir surinktas mokomasis aerodinaminis vamzdis, kuris bus naudojamas laboratoriniams darbams ir tyrimams atlikti. Darbą sudaro 11 dalys: įvadas, 11 skyrių dėstomoji dalis, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 65 p. teksto be priedų, 39 iliustr., 9 lent., 30 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo grafikai ir priedai. / Masters‘ thesis deals with an educational wind tunnel which is to be used to carry out laboratory works and simple research. It disscuses the importance of wind tunnel for students, Lithuanian economy and environment protection. It also presented tests those can be made with wind tunnel in the department of buildings’ energetics. The educational wind tunnels, design recommendations of the laboratory equipment manufacturer – Aerolab, G.u.n.t, Armfield, Stirolab, GDJ Inc were overviewed. Wind tunnel for department of buildings’ energetics was designed, in addition silencers before and behind the fan were added. There are also made an analysis of computer programs, which enable air flow modulation, and selecting the best program the wind tunnel working chamber modulation of the department of buildings’ energetics was performed. The result of the thesis – produced and assembled educational wind tunnel, which will be used for laboratory work and research. The work consists of eleven parts: introduction, describtion, conclusions, references. Work size – 65 pages without appendixes, 39 figures, 9 tables, 30 references. Appendixes.
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Research on reducing costs of underground ventilation networks in South African mines / Warren Christopher KukardKukard, Warren Christopher January 2006 (has links)
South Africa is currently facing a major electricity crisis due to the continuous growth
in electricity demand. Eskom, the largest electricity supplier in South Africa, have
enabled numerous methods to support energy reduction in both the residential and
industrial sectors.
Programs developed by Eskom to help the different major electricity consuming
industries with the development of energy efficient and load shift strategies, have
already been put into practice. These programs solely focus on the potential savings in
megawatts each production sector might consist of. The key features of the Eskom
electricity reduction initiative are driven by the energy efficiency concept and the
peak demand load shift capability.
Both the load shift and energy efficient initiatives are mostly active in the mining
industry, because of the high electricity consumption levels of a standard mining
operation. One of the most inefficient systems currently active within a mining
operation is the ventilation control system.
This dissertation describes the energy efficient and load shift research on the current
underground ventilation system by means of certain design methodologies that might
improve the inefficient operational features on both the standard underground
auxiliary fans and the main surface fans.
The operational features of a standard 2-pole 45 kW issued auxiliary fan were tested,
by using a fan-testing column to compare the performance criteria to that of an
improved auxiliary fan design.
An energy saving potential on a single 45 kW unit of 11 kW was evident during the
testing analysis. This amounted to an estimated annual energy saving potential of
R 370,000.00 with a total saving of 561 kW on all the installed 45 kW units at
Kopanang goldmine, by means of an investment in the replacement of the current
installed units with that of the improved units.
A secondary study was to gather information on the main surface fan operational
features at Kopanang and Mponeng goldmines. The gathered information showed an
estimated possibility for load shift and efficiency initiatives, which will result in fan
operating life expansion and electricity savings capabilities.
Annual electricity savings of up to R I ,500,000.00 were calculated on efficiency and
load shift strategies and gave an indication on how costly inefficient operations are.
The calculated I 0% increase in main fan efficiency resulted in an annual saving of
nearly R 1,100,000.00 with a reduction of 1,05 MW at Mponeng goldmine and an
annual saving of nearly R 721,000.00 with a reduction of 675 kW at Kopanang
goldmine. The load shift potential at Mponeng and Kopanang goldmines were
nearly 3,5 MW and 2,25 MW respectively.
Capital investments from either Eskom or alternative investors will definitely play a
crucial part in the realization of energy efficiency and load shift measures. It may
include, improved fan installations, variable speed drives for the main fans and real
time management systems.
If the mine should decide to invest in these efficient strategies, the proposed Eskom
DSM program might result in a net energy savings potential for any mining operation. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Electrical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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