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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mise en place de l'expérience d'absorption transitoire femtoseconde et son application sur des dérivés du pérylène diimide

Karsenti, Paul-Ludovic January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Mise en place de l'expérience d'absorption transitoire femtoseconde et son application sur des dérivés du pérylène diimide

Karsenti, Paul-Ludovic January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Micro and Nanostructuring of Polymers by Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Alshehri, Ali January 2016 (has links)
Micro/Nanostructuring of polymers by femtosecond pulses is of extreme importance because it drives applications in photonics and biomedicine. A femtosecond pulse, with an intensity of ∼ 10^13 W/cm^2, is capable of causing an optical breakdown and inducing permanent modification in the material. With such high intensity, and considering the fact that polymers possess high band gaps, the interaction nature is completely nonlinear, and the material can be modified locally on the surface and in bulk. The irradiated regions exhibit fluorescence, and they display new wetting properties as a consequence of the optical breakdown of a material. The optical breakdown can be investigated by studying the nonlinear absorption. In this thesis, we discuss the nonlinear absorption of fs-laser pulses inside polymers using transmission measurements. We show a step– function–like behaviour of the transmission, dropping abruptly to ∼ 20% at the optical breakdown threshold with a ∼ 40 % reduction in the band gap. Utilizing spectroscopy, we show that the laser-modified regions contain randomly distributed nanoclusters. The presence of localized nanoclusters is responsible for exhibiting fluorescence, within ∼ 10 µm3 for a single pulse. This feature was exploited to demonstrate high-density data storage in Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) without any special material preparation. We demonstrate up to 20 layers of embedded data that can be stored in a standard 120 mm disc. Storage capacity of 0.2 TBytes/disc can be achieved by adjusting read laser parameters. Besides the fluorescence capability induced in the bulk of polymers, the hydrophilicity shown by the fs–laser modified surface is utilized to study selective cell growth on the micro-structured Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surface. We show that the C2C12 cells and rabbit anti-mouse protein attach preferentially to the modified regions when the surface is modified with low pulse energies. However, in the high pulse energy regime, the laser-modified regions exhibit superhydrophobicity inhibiting cell adhesion.

Ultrafast Laser Sampling of a Plant Tissue and ion Conductivity Measurement for Investigation of Light Stress Generation Mechanisms

Abtahi, Seyed Ali 08 1900 (has links)
In this study we applied ultra-short laser pulses on a biological sample (Arabidopsis), in order to cut it precisely in a square pattern and subsequently use it for studying stress generation mechanisms. For this purpose, we utilized femtosecond laser pulses at 100 fs pulse width and 80 MHz repetition rate. We took two processing parameters into consideration such as laser power, laser exposure time which is related to the stage speed. Therefore, we were able to find the laser optimum conditions for ablation of biological tissues. The mutant and wildtype (control) obtained from laser cutting with a size of 500 µm × 500 µm were directly transferred (in-situ with laser cutting) into a microfabricated chamber containing ~500 nanoliters deionized water for measuring ion conductivity. The ion conductivity is a signature of cell-death mechanisms caused by various stresses. A light with intensity of 100 µmol was exposed to the samples for 2 hours and 20 minutes as a source of stress. A quantitative electrical analysis with high accuracy was assured by utilizing a microchamber, which enables a measurement in nanoliter volume. We measured the impedance which is reciprocal of conductivity using a lock-in amplifier and a precise current source at frequency of 130 Hz. Initially high impedance of mutant sample tended to drop within 2 hours and finally approached the constant value which signified that the cell death mechanism was complete. However, the wildtype sample demonstrated approximately constant impedance (conductivity) during the experiment.

Transient absorption spectroscopy of metal complexes : dithizonatophenylmercury(II) and derivatives

Bosman, Gurthwin Wendell 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The availability of laser systems capable of generating ultrashort optical pulses in the visible spectral range have made it possible to study molecular species with a temporal resolution in the order of intra-molecular dynamics which previously were not accessible. Henceforth, in this study a popular pump-probe technique called ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy (UTAS) is employed to study the initial photochromic reaction of metal complex, dithizonatophenylmercury (II) (DPM) under various conditions. These conditions include the use of different solvents and electronically altering DPM by the addition of substituents with specific electron affinity properties. For this study the photochromic behaviour of DPM dissolved in methanol is used as standard. Using this standard, the initial photochromic reaction after ultrafast excitation within less than 100 fs caused a radiationless photoreaction with a time constant of about 2 ps, which is interpreted as C=N isomerization along the twist coordinate. It is found that during this isomerization reaction an orthogonally twisted intermediate state was formed and observed through its excited-state absorption, which funnels through a conical intersection onto the ground state potential. Once here, bifurcation along pathways towards the ground states of the reactant and product configurations occurs. This was the first observation of photochromism for DPM in a strong polar solvent such as methanol. From the results of the test compound in methanol, comparisons to the photo-behaviour of DPM dissolved in deuterated methanol and dichloromethane are made. What is established is that changing the solvent resulted in slightly different decay times as well as spectral shifts in the absorption profile which suggested that the potential energy surface of the excited state is modified. This is similar to the results found from the electronically altered DPM species. Here the entire photoreaction is found to either be sped up (1 ps) or slowed down (4 ps) depending on the sample investigated. Previous studies on the photochromicity of DPM like systems concluded that apart from the photo-activated forward reaction, a back reaction occurs in the absence of light. Therefore a detailed look at the back reaction of DPM and its derivatives are also studied. This is done by temporally monitoring the absorption change of the photo-product as it converts back to the reactant. In doing so the lifetime of the photo-product is determined and found to differ greatly depending on the solvent and substituent used. Lastly, in assuming that the back reaction follows first order kinetics, an Arrhenius type measurement on the photo-product of DPM is conducted. The result of this measurement is that a potential energy barrier of 64.8 kJ/mol is overcome in the back reaction. The measurements performed and the results obtained from the photochromicity of DPM contribute to the understanding of photo-induced cis-trans isomerization reactions about a C=N double bond. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskikbaarheid van laser sisteme in staat om ultrakort optiese pulse te genereer in die sigbare spektrale gebied, het die studie van molekulˆere spesies met ’n tydresolusie in die orde van intra-molekulˆere dinamika wat voorheen nie toeganklik was nie. Voortaan, in hierdie studie word ’n populˆere aktiveer-interogeer tegniek genaamd ultravinnige tydafhanklike absorpsie spektroskopie (UTAS) aangewend om die aanvanklike fotochromiese reaksie van die metaal kompleks, ditisoonfenielkwik (II) (DFK) onder verskillende kondisies te bestudeer. Hierdie kondisies sluit in die gebruik van verskillende oplosmiddels en die elektroniese verstelling van DFK deur die toevoeging van substituente met spesifieke elektron affiniteit eienskappe. Vir hierdie studie word die fotochromiese gedrag van DFK, opgelos in metanol, as standaard gebruik. Met hierdie standaard, word gevind dat die aanvanklike fotochroom reaksie na ultravinnige opwekking binne minder as 100 fs, ’n stralingslose fotoreaksie met ’n tydkonstante van 2 ps veroorsaak. Hierdie fotoreaksie word verklaar as die C=N isomerisasie met betrekking tot die draai ko¨ordinaat. Daar is ook gevind dat gedurende hierdie isomerisasie reaksie, ’n ortogonaal verdraaide oorgangstoestand gevorm word wat waargeneem is deur sy absorpsie in die opgewekte toestand wat tregter deur ’n koniese kruispunt na die potensiaal van die grondtoestand. By hierdie punt vurk die proses na die grondtoestande van die reaktant en die produk vorme. Di´e was die eerste waarneming van fotochromisme van DFK opgelos in ’n sterk polˆere oplosmiddel soos metanol. Vanuit die resultate vir die toets mengsel in metanol word vergelykings getrek tot die fotogedrag van DFK opgelos in gedeureriese metanol en dichlorometaan. Wat hieruit vasgestel is, is dat die verandering in oplosmiddel wel die fotoreaksie be¨ınvloed deurdat verskillende vervaltye en spekrale verskuiwings in die apsorpsie profiel waargeneem word. Hierdie verskille dui aan dat die potensie¨ele energie oppervlakte van die opgewekte toestand wel gemodifiseer word. Dit is ook soortgelyk aan die resultate vir die elektronies verstelde BFK spesies. Hier is gevind dat die tempo van die totale fotoreaksie `of toeneem (1 ps) `of afneem (4 ps) afhanklik van die spesifieke spesie wat bestudeer word. Vorige studies van die fotochromiese gedrag van sisteme soortgelyk aan DFK het gevind dat behalwe vir die fotogeaktiveerde voorwaartse reaksie, daar ook ’n keersy reaksie plaasvind in die afwesigheid van lig. Dus word die keersy reaksie vir DFK en sy derivate ook in detial bestudeer. In hierdie studie word die absorpsie verskille van die fotoproduk tydelik waargeneem soos dit terugkeer na die reaktant. Op hierdie manier word die leeftyd van die fotoproduk bepaal en gevind dat dit grootliks afhang van die tipe oplosmiddel en tipe substituent wat gebruik word. Ten slote, wanneer daar aanvaar word dat di´e keersy reaksie eerste orde kinetika volg, word ’n Arrhenius tipe meting op die fotoproduk uitgevoer. Die resultaat van hierdie meting is dat ’n potensie¨ele enrgie versperring van 64.8 kJ/mol oorkom word in die keersy reaksie. Die metings wat uitgevoer is en die resultate wat verkry is van die fotochromiese gedrag van DFK dra by tot die verstandhouding van lig-ge¨ınduseerde cis-trans isomerisasie reaksies rondom ’n C=N dubbelbinding.

Time domain pulse shaping using a genetic algorithm

Mori, Andrew 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Through the use of complex Laser Pulse Shaping, numerous fundamental laser induced processes may be controlled as well as studied. This work serves as an introduction into Laser Pulse Shaping, with the focus on a simple Pulse Shaping experiment, as well as to determine whether future, more complex processes may be similarly controlled. A description of Laser Pulse Shaping theory is presented here, along with a full explanation of a simple experiment to maximize second harmonic generation (SHG) through Pulse Shaping. This experiment is simple on a theoretical level yet complicated in both implementation as well as operation. The experimental setup and software integration required hardware compatibility in multiple programming languages. This work was successful in the sense that a fully automated dispersion compensation system, accomplished through the use of a genetic algorithm in a feedback controlled loop, was constructed and tested. The success of this experiment and the understanding gained in this work has laid the foundation for further complex Pulse Shaping systems to be achieved in future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Komplekse Laserpuls-vervorming kan gebruik word om verskeie fundamentele laser-geinduseerde prosesse beide te beheer asook te bestudeer. Hierdie navorsingstuk dien as n inleiding tot Laserpuls-vervorming, spesifiek gefokus op n eenvoudige Pulsvervormings-eksperiment. Meer komplekse Pulsvervormingsopstellings kan toegepas word deur die kennis opgedoen in hierdie tesis. Die teoretiese agtergrond van Laserpuls-vervormings word bespreek, tesame met n eenvoudige eksperiment om die Tweede Harmoniek Skeppingsproses (SHG) te maksimeer deur van Laserpuls-vervorming gebruik te maak. Die eksperiment is teoreties eenvoudig, waar die implimentering asook bedryf meer kompleks is. Die bedryf van die eksperiment word in 2 dele hanteer: die hoofprogram en n Genetiese Algoritme gebruik in optimering. Die werking van Genetiese Algoritmes asook Ultrakort Pulse (USPs) en pulskarakterisering word ook bespreek. Die suksesvolle opstelling van die experiment en ook die eind resultate wat gevind is, maak dit moontlik om meer ingewikkeld komplekse laserpulsvervorming experimente te bestudeer.

Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy

Numan, Nagla Numan Ali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Terahertz radiation is currently used in security, information and communication technology (ICT), and biomedical sciences among others. The usability of terahertz (THz) radiation, in many of its applications depends on characteristics of the materials being investigated in the THz range. At the heart of THz usage is a THz spectroscopy system necessary for the generation and detection of the THz radiation. In this thesis, we characterise such a THz spectroscopy system. In our typical THz spectrometric system, we make use of femtosecond (fs) laser technology and pump-probe principles for emission and detection of THz radiation. Background about the principles of generation THz radiation using fs triggered antennas and the principles of the spectroscopy technique and appropriate literature references are presented. Using an assembled commercially available kit, we reproduce known spectra in order to confirm correct functionality (for calibration) of the assembled spectroscopy system and to gain experience in interpreting these spectra. By introducing a suitable x - y scanning device we construct a crude THz imaging device to illustrate the principle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Terahertsstraling word deesdae wyd in die sekuriteits, inligting-en-kommunikasie en biomediese sektore aangewend. Die gepastheid van terahertsstraling (THz) vir ’n spesifieke toepassings hang af van die eienskappe van die materiale wat ondersoek word. Vir die uitvoer van sulke eksperimente word ’n THz-spektroskopie sisteem benodig vir die opwekking en meting van THz-straling. In hierdie tesis word so ’n THz-spektroskopie sisteem beskou en gekarakteriseer. In die sisteem word van ’n femtosekondelaser (fs) gebruik gemaak in ’nn pomp-en-proef opstelling vir die uitstraling en meting van THz-straling. Die beginsels rakende die opwekking van THz-straling, deur gebruik te maak van ’n antenna wat deur ’n fs-laser geskakel word, asook die beginsels van die spektroskopiese tegniek, met toepaslike verwysings, word in die tesis aangebied. Deur gebruik te maak van’n kommersiële THz opstelling is bekende spektra gemeet om die korrekte funksionering (vir kalibrasie doeleindes) na te gaan en om ondervinding op te doen in die interpretasie van hierdie spektra. ’n X-Y-translasie toestel is tot die opstelling bygevoeg om THz-afbeelding moontlik te maak en sodoende hierdie beginsel te illustreer.

Spectral and temporal modulation and characterization of femtosecond ultra-short laser pulses

Mbanda Nsoungui, Gaelle Carine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ultra-short laser pulses are useful in materials processing like melting and cutting metals, and medical applications such as surgery and many other fields. In this study, we characterize and control the temporal shape of the ultra-short pulses generated from a Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser. It operates in the near infra-red spectral region, with a centre wavelength of 800 nm. The 4f pulse shaper is the main setup used to modulate spectral shape and characterize the laser pulse. The shaper consists of two diffraction gratings, two cylindrical lenses and a computer controlled liquid crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM). Gratings, lenses and LC-SLM are arranged in a 4f geometry, f being the focal length of the lenses. This setup is first analysed analytically and numerically using Fourier transform and the results obtained are then compared to those obtained from the experiment. The characterization of ultra-short pulses was done using three different autocorrelation techniques such as the intensity autocorrelation, the interferometric autocorrelation, and the pulse shaping autocorrelation which can act as interferometric autocorrelation when a nonlinear crystal ß-barium borate (BBO) is placed exactly at the position of the experiment. These characterization techniques are based on the interaction between the laser pulse and a replica of it with a nonlinear crystal. The setups were implemented and measurements using the last two techniques were successfully conducted, with the pulse duration result in the range from 80-86 fs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ultrakort laserpulse het baie nut in verskeie velde waaronder materiaalprosessering (soos die smelt en sny van metale) en mediese toepassings (soos chirurgie) maar net twee voorbeelde is. In hierdie studie karakteriseer en beheer ons die vorm van n ultrakort laserpuls, afkomstig vanaf n Ti:Saffier femtosekonde laser, in tyd. Die laser straal in die nabyinfrarooi spektrale gebied uit met n sentrale golflengte van 800 nm. Ons gebruik n sogenaamde 4f-pulsvormer om die spektrum van die laserpuls te moduleer en die laserpuls te karakteriseer. Die vormer bestaan uit twee diffraksieroosters, twee silindriese lense en n rekenaarbeheerde vloeibare kristal ruimtelike-lig-modulator (LC-SLM). Die diffraksieroosters, lense en LC-SLM is in n 4f-geometrie gerangskik, met f die brandpunt van die lense. Die opstelling is eers analities en numeries beskou deur van Fourier-transformasies gebruik te maak waarna die resultate wat verkry is met die van n eksperiment vergelyk is. Die karakterisering van ultrakort laserpulse was met drie verskillende outokorrelasie tegnieke gedoen, naamlik n intensiteits-outokorrelasie, n interferometriese-outokorrelasie en n pulsvormer-outokorrelasie. Die pulsvormer kan as n interferometriese-outokorrelator optree indien n nie-lineêre kristal ß-bariumboraat (BBO) by die uitset van die pulsvormer geplaas word. Hierdie karakteriseringstegnieke is gebaseer op die interaksie tussen die oorspronklike laserpuls en n kopie van die laserpuls in n nie-lineêre kristal. Die nodige opstellings virdie metings is gemaak en die metings was suksesvol uitgevoer. Die pulslengte wat gemeet is, is in die orde van 80-86 fs.

Manipulation of short pulses

Okoye, Raphael 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An ultra-fast laser pulse can be described in the time or frequency domain. If the timebandwidth product of an ultra-fast pulse is not satisfied, then the pulse is stretched. Stretching can be described in the time or frequency domain. In the time domain, it is called a chirp and in the frequency domain, it is known as the group delay dispersion GDD. Various techniques can be used to stretch and compress laser pulses. In this project, a prism pulse compressor used for compressing stretched pulses was built. A 200nm supercontinnum generated in an all normal dispersion photonic crystal fibre (ANDi-PCF) was compressed using the prism pulse compressor from 2ps to 140fs. The experiment and physical interpretation presented in this project suggest that a shorter pulse duration less than the measured 140fs of the compressed supercontinnum can be obtained. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Ultra-vinnige laser puls kan beskryf word in tyd of frekwensie. As die tyd-bandwydte produk van ‘n ultra-vinnige puls nie bevredig is nie, dan is die puls uitgerek. Hierdie uitrekking kan beskryf word in tyd of frekwensie. In tyd word dit tjirp genoem en in frekwensie groep vertraging dispersie. Verskeie tegnieke kan gebruik word om ‘n laser puls te rek of saam te pers. In hierdie projek is ‘n prisma puls kompressor gebou om uitgerekte pulse saam te pers. ‘n 200nm bre e bandwydte puls (“supercontinuum”) is gegenereer in ‘n fotoniese kristal optiese vesel wat uitsluitlik normale dispersie toon (ANDI-PCF) en die puls is toe saamgepers met behulp van die prisma puls kompressor van‘n oorspronklike 2ps na 140fs. Die eksperiment en fisiese interpretasie wat in hierdie projek aangebied word dui daarop dat ‘n nog korter puls, minder as die gemete 140 fs, verkry kan word deur die bre e bandwydte puls verder saam te pers.

A new femtosecond electron diffractometer for structural dynamics experiments at cryogenic temperatures

Smit, Albert Bart 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, a femtosecond electron diffraction (FED) set-up that is capable of investigating the photo-induced switching of Cu(DCNQI)2 from being an insulator to being a conductor is presented. Movies of atomic structural changes with temporal resolution within the typical photo-switching transition timescales (sub-picoseconds) are obtainable with this set-up by employing a femtosecond laser. The experimental technique and the design of a crucial instrument of the machine, the electron gun, are extensively described and characterised both numerically and experimentally. The interest in observing atomic structural changes of Cu(DCNQI)2 in real time is because of the rich variety of the radical salts available that show alloy-specific Charge Density Wave (CDW) transitions. Valuable insights about the driving mechanisms behind these structural changes that are responsible for a change in conductivity are obtainable, as well as the relation between crystal alloys and their transition characteristics. Electron diffraction patterns of crystals in their metallic phase (room temperature) are shown in this thesis, but diffraction patterns of cryo-cooled Cu(DCNQI)2 in its insulating phase are still to be acquired. The temporal resolution of the atomic movie can be improved by recompression of electron pulses that are debunched due to Coulomb repulsion and electron energy spread within a pulse. Numerical and preliminary experimental results presented in this work expose the potential of a simple compression technique. In this way, more electrons in a single electron pulse can be afforded which allows to perform experiments at shorter integration time or lower repetition rate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word ’n femtosekonde elektron diffraksie opstelling aangebied wat daartoe in staat is om die foto-geïnduseerde omskakeling in Cu(DCNQI)2 van nie-geleier tot geleier te ondersoek. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n femtosekonde laser in hierdie opstelling, is ’rolprente’ van strukturele veranderinge op atoomskaal met ’n tyd resolusie beter as die tipiese foto-omskakelings tydskaal (sub-pikosekonde) verkrygbaar. Die eksperimentele tegniek en die ontwerp van ’n noodsaaklike instrument van die masjien, die elektron geweer, word breedvoerig beskryf en numeries en eksperimenteel gekenmerk. Die belangstelling om strukturele veranderinge in Cu(DCNQI)2 op atoom skaal in reële tyd waar te kan neem is as gevolg van die ryke verskeidenheid van radikale soute, wat allooispesifieke ladings digtheid golf (CDW) oorgange toon, wat beskikbaar is. Waardevolle insigte oor die meganismes wat hierdie strukturele veranderinge wat ’n verandering in geleiding veroorsaak dryf is verkrygbaar, sowel as die verwantskap tussen die kristal allooi en die oorgang kenmerke. Diffraksie patrone van kristalle in die metaalagtige fase (kamer temperatuur) word in hierdie tesis getoon, maar diffraksie patrone van cryo-verkoelde Cu(DCNQI)2 in die niegeleier fase moet nog verkry word. Die tyd resolusie van die atomiese rolprent kan verbeter word deur die elektron puls — wat deur Coulomb afstoting en elektron energie spreiding versprei is — weer saam te pers. Numeriese en voorlopige eksperimentele resultate toon die potensiaal van ’n eenvoudige kompressie tegniek. Hierdeur kan meer elektrone in ’n elektron puls gegun word en so die integrasie tyd of die herhalingstempo van die eksperimente verkort kan word.

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