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Metabolic implications of fiber consumption in childrenWeber, Casey Grant January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Human Nutrition / Mark D. Haub / Little is known about the impact of dietary fiber (DF) on children. Current recommendations are based on extrapolations from adult studies. Research is needed to provide science based evidence to determine how DF impacts the gut of children. Two studies were conducted to investigate the interactions of DF in the child large intestine. In the first study, the dose response of DF on breath hydrogen, methane, and total hydrogen content was investigated relative to Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended intakes in free-living preschool children. Only four of the 18 participants were able to comply with the treatment protocol. Although, no significant differences were noted in breath measures of fermentation across fiber consumption levels, there was a numerical pattern for increasing levels of DF to evolved increased gas production in the four compliers. In free-living individuals measures of acute fiber fermentation through breath was not sensitive enough over 6 hours to distinguish a difference in fermentative rate. Children, parents, and child care centers found this approach apparently acceptable. In study two, the impact of DF (10 g) fed over three weeks in children and their parents on metabolic markers of fermentation were evaluated. The body was able to adapt to 10 g/day DF consumption as bloating (p < 0.05) and flatulence (p = 0.06) decreased each week of the study. Fecal propionic acid was significantly increased over three weeks of DF supplementation. There was also an interaction (p=0.05) between time and age for butyric acid. Dietary fiber supplementation (10 g/day) over three weeks via a commercially available extruded cereal was well-tolerated by the participants, with no disturbances in bowel habit in children or adults. Alternatively, there were no improved bowel habit measures with increased DF consumption. This study provides evidence that this tolerable dose of DF supplementation over three weeks had similar impacts in free-living children and adults. However, the presence of increased butyric acid only in children may be reflective of different production or absorptive capacities between children and adults. Although not presented here, the bacterial ecological analysis may shed further insight into the interactions occurring in the large intestine. These are the first studies to my knowledge to have investigated these outcomes in young children. In addition to the gut health outcomes, this research provided a framework into the apparent feasibility of studying children in a gentle, non-invasive, and cost-effective manner.
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Effect of sorghum genotype, germination, and pretreatment on bioethanol yield and fermentationYan, Shuping January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Donghai Wang / Grain sorghum is the second major starch-rich raw material (after corn) for bioethanol
production in the United States. Most sorghum feedstock for bioethanol production is normal
non-tannin sorghum. Waxy sorghum and tannin sorghum are rarely used due to lack of scientific
information about waxy sorghum fermentation performance and the way to increase
fermentation efficiency of tannin sorghum. The main objectives of this study were to investigate
the fermentation performance of waxy sorghum and to improve fermentation efficiency of tannin
sorghum using techniques such as germination and ozonation treatments. The ethanol
fermentation performance on both waxy sorghum and tannin sorghum were evaluated using a
dry grind ethanol fermentation procedure. Fermentation efficiencies of tested waxy sorghum
varieties ranged from 86 to 93%, which was higher than normal (non-waxy) sorghum varieties.
The advantages of using waxy sorghums for ethanol production include less energy
consumption, higher starch and protein digestibility, shorter fermentation time, and less residual
starch in distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Results from germination study showed
germination significantly increased fermentation efficiency of tannin sorghum. The laboratory
results were further confirmed by those from five field-sprouted grain sorghum samples.
Significantly increased free amino nitrogen (FAN) contents in sprouted sorghum samples
accelerated the ethanol fermentation process. Results from both laboratory-germinated and fieldsprouted
samples demonstrated that germination not only increased fermentation efficiency
(higher than 90%) but also reduced fermentation time by about 50%, which could result in
energy saving and increased production capacity without additional investment. The excellent
performance of sprouted sorghums may provide farmers a new market for field-sprouted
sorghum (poor quality as food or feed) in a bad year. A previous study showed ozone had a
strong connection to degradation of lignin macromolecules. The hypothesis was that ozone
treatment may also reduce tannin activity and increase fermentation efficiency of tannin
sorghum. Results showed that the ethanol production performance (ethanol yield, fermentation
efficiency, and fermentation kinetics) of the ozone-treated, tannin sorghum flours was
significantly improved compared with the untreated control. The other effects of ozonation on
sorghum flour include pH value decrease, discoloration, and inactivation of tannin. In summary,
these studies showed sorghum, no matter it was waxy, field-sprouted, or tannin sorghum, can be
an excellent feedstock for ethanol production.
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Evaluation of mageu-based gluten-free bread in South Africa23 April 2015 (has links)
M.Tech. (Food Technology) / Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease triggered by the ingestion of gluten; persons suffering from coeliac disease are compelled to follow a life-long gluten-free diet. Gluten-free bread, (GFB), has poor quality attributes compared to wheat bread. The effect of mageu, a traditional beverage on quality parameters of GFB with and without selected hydrocolloids was studied. Mageu produced from maize flour and commercial starter cultures were used in GFB based on sorghum, soybean flour and maize starch. It is hypothesized that mageu with or without hydrocolloids could improve GFB quality aspects. The quality parameters measured were specific volume, loaf height, bake loss, rheological attributes, crumb firmness, firming rate, onset of mould growth and sensory attributes: texture, crumb colour, crust colour, flavour and overall acceptability.....
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Enriquecimento com ferro em levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. / Iron enrichment in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Blumer, Solange Aparecida Groppo 28 February 2002 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a capacidade de adsorção de ferro pela levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae visando à incorporação em ração animal, utilizando, para isso, o sulfato ferroso. Foram realizados ensaios para determinar a tolerância de uma linhagem de Saccharomyces cerevisiae em concentração de ferro, onde se escolheu uma concentração para estudo de 5,36 mmoles de Fe +2 /L em função de inibição de crescimento e tempo para obtenção de massa satisfatória. Em seguida, foram realizadas cinco fermentações consecutivas para enriquecimento da levedura com Fe +2 , utilizando-se como inoculo todo o fermento recuperado da fermentação anterior descontada a alíquota tomada para a análise do teor de Fe +2 . Uma fermentação com células inativadas termicamente também foi realizada para determinar a capacidade de adsorção de Fe +2 pelas mesmas. Foi observado acúmulo crescente de Fe +2 na levedura a cada fermentação, iniciando-se por 1,43 mmoles de Fe +2 / kg de matéria seca para 6,68 mmoles de Fe +2 / kg de matéria seca após cinco fermentações consecutivas. / The aim of this work was to evaluate the iron adsorption capacity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, for animal food supplementation purpose. The iron tolerance of one Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain was evaluated, choosing 5.36 mmoles Fe +2 as the concentration for the further assays. Five concecutive fermentation were done for the iron enrichment of the yeast, using as innoculum the whole biomass formed in the previous fermentation except for the amount employed for iron determination. A batch essay with inactive cells was also conducted for the determination of Fe +2 adsorption. Results showed an increasing accumulation of Fe +2 in all fermentation, from 1.43 mmoles kg -1 of dry mass at the beginning, to 6.68 mmoles kg -1 of dry mass, after five consecutive fermentations.
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Quantificação de metano entérico e metabolismo ruminal de bovinos alimentados com enzimas fibrolíticas e amilolíticas / Quantification of enteric methane and ruminal metabolism of cattle fed with fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymesPaucar, Lizbeth Lourdes Collazos 20 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de enzimas sobre a ingestão de matéria seca, digestibilidade dos nutrientes, comportamento alimentar, produção de CH4 entérico e os parâmetros fermentativos, além da produção de metano nas fezes de bovinos, utilizando biodigestores. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade de São Paulo, Pirassununga/SP, Brasil. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas, com peso médio de 923,04 ± 86,76 kg, canuladas no rúmen, distribuídas em cinco tratamentos utilizando delineamento experimental em quadrado latino 5x5: 1) Controle: dieta sem adição de enzimas; 2) Amilase: dieta com 7,5 g de amilase/animal/dia (Amaize, ALLTECH); 3) Xilanase: dieta com 15 g de xilanase/animal/dia (Fibrozyme, ALLTECH); 4) Celulase + protease: dieta com 7,5 g celulase + protease/animal/dia (Allzyme VegPro PO, ALLTECH); 5) Pool: dieta com 30 g de mistura de enzimas (amilase, xilanase e celulase + protease)/animal/dia. Cada período experimental consistiu de 21 dias (os primeiros 15 dias foram utilizados para adaptação da dieta e os últimos 5 dias para a coleta de dados). Nos dias 10 e 20, foi avaliada a digestibilidade utilizando o marcador de óxido crômico e coleta de fezes. No dia 17, foi avaliada o comportamento ingestivo por 24 horas, através de monitoramento visual a cada 5 minutos. No dia 19, foi mensurado o pH ruminal a cada 10 minutos, utilizando-se probes de mensuração contínua. Para quantificar os ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), metano, concentração de N-NH3 e protozoários, coletou-se conteúdo ruminal antes, 3, 6, 9 e 12 horas após a alimentação matinal. A técnica de fermentação consistiu na incubação de conteúdo de rúmen líquido e sólido em frascos em banho-maria 39 ºC durante 30 minutos. Na subsequente medição da produção de metano usou-se cromatografia gasosa. Nos dias 20 e 21, foi avaliada a dinâmica ruminal. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa SAS, através do procedimento PROC MIXED. O modelo, o efeito de tratamento como fator fixo e os efeitos de animal e período como fatores aleatórios, considerado nível de significância de 5%. A adição de enzimas não mostrou diferença significativa em relação ao consumo de matéria seca (CMS), digestibilidade, comportamento ingestivo, produção de CH4, N-NH3, protozoários ou dinâmica ruminal. A associação de enzimas (tratamento Pool) aumentou a produção de acético, propiônico e AGCC totais em relação à dieta controle. As variáveis pH mínimo, médio e máximo, tempo de pH abaixo de 5,8, 6,0, 6,2 e 6,5, assim como área de pH abaixo de 5,8, 6,0, 6,2 e 6,5 não diferiram significativamente entre os tratamentos. Não foram verificadas diferenças para a produção de biogás ou teores sólidos do efluente. Concluiu-se que a utilização destes aditivos, nas proporções usadas, não afetou as variáveis de CMS, digestibilidade, comportamento ingestivo, produção de CH4, pH, protozoários, N-NH3 ou dinâmica ruminal. A associação de enzimas apresentou melhora na produção de AGCC ruminal sem aumentar a emissão de CH4. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of enzymes on dry matter intake, nutrient digestibility, feeding behavior, production of enteric CH4 and fermentative parameters, as well as the production of methane in bovine feces using digester. The experiment was conducted at the University of São Paulo, Pirassununga/SP, Brazil. Five cows were used, with a mean weight of 923.04 ± 86.76 kg, cannulated in the rumen, distributed in five treatments using 5x5 Latin square experimental design: 1) Control: diet without addition of enzymes; 2) Amylase: diet with 7.5 g of amylase/animal.day(Amaize,Alltech); 3) Xylanase: diet with 15 g of xylanase/animal.day(Fibrozyme, Alltech); 4) Cellulase + protease: diet with 7.5 g of cellulase + protease/animal.day (Allzyme VegPro PO, Alltech); 5) Pool: diet with 30 g of enzymes pool (amylase, xylanase and cellulase + protease)/animal.day. Each experimental period consisted of 21 days (first 15 days were used for diet adaptation and the last 5 days for data collection). On days 10th and 20th, digestibility was evaluated using the chromic oxide marker and fecal collection. On the 17th day, ingestive behavior was evaluated for 24 hours, through visual monitoring every 5 minutes. On day 19th, ruminal pH was measured every 10 minutes, using a continuous measurement device. In order to quantify short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), methane, concentration of NH3-N and protozoa, rumen contents were sampled prior to and 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours after morning feeding. The fermentation technique consisted of incubation of liquid and solid rumen contents in bottles in a water bath 39 ºC for 30 minutes. Subsequent measurement of methane production using gas chromatography On days 20th and 21th, ruminal dynamic was evaluated by emptying this organ. Data were analyzed using SAS, through the PROC MIXED procedure. The model included the effect of treatment as fixed factor, animal and period effects as random factors, considered level of significance of 5%. The addition of enzymes showed no significant difference in relation to dry matter intake (DMI), digestibility, ingestive behavior, CH4 production, NH3-N, protozoa or ruminal dynamics parameters. The association of enzymes (pool treatment) increased acetic, propionic and total SCFA production in relation to the control diet. Not significant differences were observed for the pH variables, as minimum, average and maximum pH, as well as time and area which pH was below to 5.8, 6.0, 6.2 and 6.5. No differences were verified for biogas production or solid effluent contents. It is concluded that these additives, in the proportions used, did not affect the variables of DMI, digestibility, ingestive behavior, CH4 production, pH, protozoa, NH3-N or ruminal dynamic. The association of the enzymes showed improvement in the production of rumen SCFA without increasing the CH4 emission.
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Infuência de diferentes limitações nutricionais sobre a produção de retamicina por Streptomyces olindensis ICB20. / Influence of different nutrient limitation on retamycin production by Streptomyces olindesis ICB 20.Inoue, Olavo Ossamu 07 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o efeito de diferentes limitações nutricionais sobre a produção de retamicina por Streptomyces olindensis ICB20. Realizaram-se cultivos contínuos empregando meios limitados em carbono, nitrogênio ou fosfato, variando-se a vazão específica de alimentação entre 0,025 e 0,075 h -1 . A análise dos dados dos cultivos mostrou que a produção de retamicina foi favorecida sob limitação por fosfato, resultando em velocidades específicas de produção (qRTM) da ordem de 9,2 mg/g.h em D=0,075 h -1 ; adicionalmente, qRTM variou linearmente com D, isto é, com a velocidade específica de crescimento, tal relação não foi observada sob limitação por carbono ou nitrogênio. O emprego de meio limitado em nitrogênio resultou nas menores velocidades específicas de produção, com valor máximo de 4,2 mg/g.h em D=0,043 h -1 . Cultivos empregando meio limitado em carbono levaram a valores intermediários de qRTM, variando entre 3,0 e 6,6 mg/g.h. Os maiores valores de fator de conversão glicose a célula (YX/GLC) foram obtidos em cultivos empregando meio limitado em carbono, aproximadamente, 0,40, enquanto que sob limitação por nitrogênio e fosfato, YX/GLC variou ao redor de 0,30. Para estudar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de glicose na alimentação, realizaram-se cultivos contínuos empregando meio limitado em fosfato com concentração de glicose variando entre 10 e 25 g/L. Os resultados mostraram que o emprego de concentrações de glicose superiores a 10 g/L levou a menor produção de retamicina, possivelmente devido à ocorrência de repressão catabólica. Os dados relativos à análise de imagens não indicaram nenhuma relação clara entre as diferentes limitações nutricionais e a morfologia nem entre as dimensões dos objetos e a produção. Entretanto, parece haver relação entre a porcentagem em área de diferentes classes morfológicas e a produção de retamicina, sendo que aparentemente, a produção é inversamente proporcional à porcentagem de clumps. / The aim of the present work was to assay the influence of different nutrient limitation on the production of retamycin by Streptomyces olindensis ICB20. A series of continuous cultures was performed using carbon-limited, phosphate-limited or nitrogen-limited media, varying the dilution rate (D) between 0.025 and 0.075 h -1 . The analysis of the cultures data showed that the production of retamycin was favored under phosphate limitation, resulting in values of specific production rate (qRTM) as high as 9.2 mg/g.h at D=0.075 h -1 , additionally, qRTM varied linearly with D, hence, with the specific growth rate; however such relationship was not observed in carbon-limited neither nitrogen-limited cultures. The use of nitrogen-limited medium led to the lowest production rates, with a maximum value of 4.2 mg/g.h at D=0.043 h -1 . Cultures using carbon-limited medium resulted in intermediary values of qRTM, varying between 3.0 and 6.6 mg/g.h. The highest values of biomass yield (YX/GLC) were obtained in cultures using carbon-limited medium, approximately 0.40, while under nitrogen and phosphate limitation, YX/GLC varied around 0.30. To study the effect of different glucose concentration in the feed medium, continuous cultures using phosphate-limited medium with glucose concentration varying between 10 g/L and 25 g/L were performed. The culture results showed that the use of glucose concentration higher than 10 g/L in the feeding medium led to lower production of retamycin, possibly due to catabolic repression. The data of image analysis showed no clear relation between nutrient limitation and morphology neither between objects dimensions and retamycin production. However, there seems to be a relation between the percentage in area of different morphological classes and retamycin production, apparently the production is inversely proportional to the percentage of clumps.
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Tolerância ao estresse e características fermentativas de leveduras Dekkera bruxellensis isoladas da fermentação alcoólica / Stress tolerance and fermentative characteristics of Dekkera bruxellensis yeasts isolated from the alcoholic fermentationBassi, Ana Paula Guarnieri 14 October 2011 (has links)
A espécie Dekkera bruxellensis tem sido detectada como a principal levedura contaminante em diversos processos fermentativos, dentre eles o de produção de etanol combustível, apresentando uma surpreendente capacidade de crescimento e adaptação naqueles substratos. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre suas características de crescimento em condições de estresse e comportamento fermentativo. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a tolerância ao estresse e as características fermentativas exibidas por três linhagens de D. bruxellensis isoladas da fermentação alcoólica, além do efeito da contaminação em mosto de caldo de cana sobre os parâmetros fermentativos, buscando informações que possam contribuir para o manejo da fermentação alcoólica quando contaminada com esta levedura. Foram realizados testes de caracterização em meio YEPD sólido e líquido em condições estressantes para as três linhagens de D. bruxellensis e uma linhagem de S. cerevisiae (PE-02). O efeito do tratamento ácido associado ao etanol sobre a viabilidade das quatro linhagens em situação de agitação e sem agitação foi também avaliado. Em seguida, testes fermentativos em meio sintético (sem reciclo celular) e em meio de caldo de cana (com reciclo celular e utilizando-se ou não tratamento ácido) foram conduzidos para verificar as características fermentativas das linhagens de D. bruxellensis em comparação com S. cerevisiae, simulando-se uma contaminação por 103 células/mL da linhagem CCA155 em meio de caldo de cana. As três linhagens de D. bruxellensis apresentaram crescimento invasivo em meio YEPD sólido, possivelmente um mecanismo de sobrevivência da levedura em condições estressantes. Observou-se uma variação na resposta das linhagens às situações de estresse (baixo pH e alta concentração de etanol). Em condições não estressantes, a linhagem PE-02 apresentou melhor desenvolvimento, no entanto, em situações de estresse de pH, concentrações de açúcar e etanol, as linhagens de D. bruxellensis desenvolveram-se melhor. O controle eficiente do crescimento destas leveduras poderia ser obtido com um tratamento combinado de baixo pH (1,5) e etanol (9%), porém houve também prejuízo significativo à levedura S. cerevisiae, embora em menor extensão. Em sistema de batelada sem reciclo celular em meio sintético, verificou-se que a agitação influenciou significativamente a produção de etanol e ácidos por D. bruxellensis. O teor alcoólico foi maior quando se utilizou glicose como fonte de carbono ao invés de sacarose. Em sistema de batelada com reciclo celular em meio de caldo de cana, foram obtidos melhores resultados quanto à produção de etanol, menor teor de açúcar redutor total residual e maior eficiência fermentativa quando se utilizou o tratamento ácido do fermento (pH 1,5), assim como melhor controle do crescimento da linhagem CCA155 quando em cultura mista com S. cerevisiae (PE-02). O tratamento ácido utilizado teve efeito não só sobre o crescimento da levedura contaminante, mas também beneficiou a levedura do processo, resultando assim na minimização do efeito da contaminante sobre a fermentação conduzida em meio de caldo de cana sob dez ciclos fermentativos de 12 horas. / The species Dekkera bruxellensis has been considered as the main contaminant yeast in several fermentative processes, including the fuel alcohol production, showing a surprising growth capacity and adaptation in those substrates. However, a little is known about their growth characteristics in stressing conditions and fermentative profile. In this context, this work aimed to evaluate the stress tolerance and fermentative characteristics exhibited by three strains of D. bruxellensis isolated from the alcoholic fermentation, besides the effect of the contamination in sugar cane juice over the fermentative parameters, searching for information that could contribute to the management of the alcoholic fermentation when the medium is contaminated with this yeast. Characterization tests in YEPD medium (solid and liquid) under stressing conditions for the D. bruxellensis and S. cerevisiae (PE-02) strains were carried out. The effect of the acid treatment associated with ethanol over the cell viability of the four strains in shaken and non-shaken flasks was also evaluated. Following, fermentative tests in synthetic medium (without cell recycle) and in sugar cane juice (with cell recycle and with/without acid treatment) were carried out to verify the fermentative characteristics of the strains of D. bruxellensis comparing to S. cerevisiae, simulating a contamination by 103 cells/mL of the strain CCA155 in sugar cane juice. All the strains of D. bruxellensis showed invasiveness in YEPD agar medium, probably a survival mechanism in stressful conditions. A variation in the response of the strains to the stressing conditions (low pH and high ethanol concentration) was observed. In nonstressing situations, the strain PE-02 showed better growth; however, in stressing conditions of pH, ethanol and sugar concentrations, the strains of D. bruxellensis had better growth performance. The effective control of their growth could be obtained with a combined treatment of low pH (1.5) and ethanol (9%), however, a significant harmful effect to the S. cerevisiae strain was also verified, but in a lower extension. In batch system without cell recycle in synthetic medium, it was verified the influence of agitation over the ethanol and acid production by D. bruxellensis. The alcohol content was significantly higher when glucose was utilized instead of sucrose. In batch system with cell recycle in sugar cane juice, the best results for ethanol production, lower residual total reducing sugar and higher fermentative efficiency were obtained with the acid treatment of the ferment at pH 1.5, as well as a better growth control of the strain CCA155, in mixed culture with S. cerevisiae (PE-02). The acid treatment utilized in this work had effect not only over the growth of the contaminant yeast, but also benefited the yeast S. cerevisiae, resulting in the minimization of the effect of the contaminant over the fermentation developed in sugar cane juice medium in 12-hour ten fermentative cycles.
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Fermentation rate, yeast protein and sensory profiles of wines from fungicide treated Chenin Blanc grapesDzedze, Ntombiyesicelo January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Food Technology))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Fungal diseases in vineyards are one of the main causes leading to economic losses within the viticultural sector and are continuously increasing over years. The most common of these fungal diseases are powdery mildew, downy mildew and grey mould. Commercial fungicides to treat the above-mentioned diseases are available and their usage is regulated under Act 36 of 1947 to comply with Good Agricultural Practises (GAP). However, the application of less-harmful, natural alternative fungicides to control vineyard diseases are currently an important research focus since the demand for organic products by consumers and retail companies are increasing. However, fungicide residues can alter the fermentation process and prevent some biochemical pathways of yeast metabolism involved in phenolic and/or aroma compound production that are critical for sensory quality. Therefore the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of fungicide treatments on the fermentation rate, yeast proteins expressed, aroma compounds released and sensory profile of wines produced. In the study, Chenin Blanc grapes treated with chemical and natural fungicides (1x treatment and 2x treatment) under Good Agricultural Practises (GAP) were used to produce small-scale wines and laboratory-scale fermentations. Laboratory-scale fermentations were conducted in duplicate using the commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) Active Dry Wine Yeast (ADWY) strains VIN 13 and VIN 7. The fermentations were monitored by frequently weighing until they stabilised (CO2 weight loss). Small-scale wines were produced using the commercial S. cerevisiae ADWY strain VIN 13 only. Wines were made according to the standard Nietvoorbij experimental winemaking procedure. At the end of fermentation, lees samples were plated onto Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose (YPD) agar and colonies grown were subjected to CHEF gel electrophoresis to confirm that the S. cerevisiae yeast strain inoculated at the beginning of the fermentation completed it. Moreover, fermenting wine samples, collected at the start (lag phase) and at end of fermentation (stationary phase), were subjected to protein extraction, quantification and characterisation in order to investigate fermenting wine yeast proteins. Furthermore, the final wines were subjected to chemical analyses as well as measurement of aroma enhancing metabolites (esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids and thiol compounds) using GC – FID and MS. Additionally, duplicate samples of the wines were evaluated sensorially by a trained panel of 12 winemakers and researchers, using an unstructured line scale. Wines were compared to the control wine according to visual (colour), flavour (tree fruit, tropical fruit, and wine foreign), taste (body mouthfeel, acidity) and overall quality. The data collected from the study was statistically analysed using a two-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and subject to a multiple factor analysis (MFA). From the results obtained in the above study, it was concluded that yeast strains used for winemaking completed the fermentations at a similar rate to their respective controls. In addition, small-scale cellar fermentations showed that fungicide treatments (1x treatment and 2x treatment) compared to the controls had no notable negative effects on wine aroma and sensory profiles although differences were observed in the proteins expressed after the fermentation. Overall, the fungicide treatments did not negatively affect the yeast performance, yeast protein expressed, aroma compounds released and sensory profiles of the wines produced. Further studies are recommended on other white as well as red wine grape cultivars to fully assess the effects of the fungicides.
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Estudo dos parâmetros fermentativos, características físico-químicas e sensoriais de hidromel / Study of the fermentative parameters, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of meadFlavio de Oliveira Ferraz 28 November 2014 (has links)
Na primeira etapa deste trabalho avaliou-se o desempenho fermentativo de 6 cepas de leveduras comerciais utilizadas na produção de vinhos e cerveja, em mosto de mel 30°Brix suplementado com 0,5 g/L de peptona e 1 g/L de extrato de levedura. Como resposta determinou-se o crescimento das leveduras em número de células e as concentrações de glicose, frutose e etanol por HPLC, que permitiram determinar os parâmetros rendimento, eficiência de fermentação e produtifidade em etanol, bem como a produção de sulfeto de hidrogênio. Assim, selecionou-se a cepa Saccharomyces bayanus - Pasteur Champagne - Red Star, que teve seu comportamento avaliado em mosto de mel suplementado com diferentes nutrientes. Os resultados demonstraram que a suplementação do mosto de mel com sais ou com suplemento comercial Enovit contribuiu para o bom desempenho da referida cepa. Na etapa seguinte, estudou-se a produção de hidromel em escala piloto a 18°C em reatores de polipropileno contendo 130 L de mosto sem suplementação (controle), suplementado com Enovit e suplementado com pedaços de maçãs (10% m/v). Terminada a fermentação, após 60 dias, o hidromel foi devidamente caracterizado físico-quimicamente quanto aos padrões de qualidade e identidade para hidromel estabelecidos pela Legislação Brasileira. Os resultados demonstraram que, com exceção da acidez total, todos os parâmetros avaliados se encontravam em consonância com os referidos padrões. Assim, as formulações estudadas foram adequadas para a obtenção de hidromel. Terminada a fermentação o hidromel foi submetido ao processo de envelhecimento a 20°C, por 216 dias, em tonel de carvalho (50L); galão de plástico (20 L); e frasco de vidro tipo bolha (20L), sendo neste período, caracterizado físico-químicamente, bem como quanto aos teores de compostos fenólicos totais, capacidade antioxidante, presença de aminas bioativas e compostos aromáticos derivados do tonel de carvalho. O hidromel envelhecido em galão de plástico apresentou teores de extrato seco reduzido abaixo do mínimo estabelecido nos padrões da legislação. A utilização de maçãs como suplemento do mosto de mel resultou em hidromel com maior teor de compostos fenólicos e maior capacidade antioxidante. As concentrações de aminas bioativas encontradas não comprometem a qualidade do hidromel, nem oferecem risco à saúde do consumidor. A análise de compostos fenólicos dos hidroméis envelhecidos em tonel de carvalho revelou que o processo de envelhecimento promoveu a extração de furfural, vanilina e ácido gálico, compostos que contribuem para o perfil sensorial da bebida, ficaram abaixo do limiar de percepção sensorial, fato que pode ser alterado pelo aumento do tempo de envelhecimento. Quanto a intenção de compra, os hidroméis avaliados apresentaram mais de 50% de notas variando entre 3 (tenho dúvidas se compraria) e 5 (certamente compraria), sendo os de melhor aceitação envelhecidos em recipientes de plástico e vidro. A análise sensorial revelou pouca influência do recipiente de envelhecimento sobre os atributos avaliados e a intensão de compra mostrou que os provadores preferiram os hidroméis envelhecidos em recipientes inertes (vidro e plástico). Diante do exposto, conclui-se que a produção de hidromel e seu posterior envelhecimento, por 216 dias, em recipientes inertes ou em tonéis de carvalho recondicionados, resultam em bebidas que apresentam boa aceitação, sendo uma alternativa viável para apicultores diversificarem a sua produção. / In the first stage of this work it was evaluated the fermentation performance of six commercial strains of yeast used in the of wine and beer production in honey wort 30 °Brix supplemented with 0.5 g / L peptone and 1 g / L yeast extract. In response, it was determined the yeast growth by number of cells and concentrations of glucose, fructose and ethanol by HPLC, as well as fermentation parameters as yield, efficiency and productivity in ethanol, and the production of hydrogen sulfide. Saccharomyces bayanus -Pasteur Champagne - Red Star showed better fermentation performance and it was evaluated in honey wort supplemented with different nutrients. The results showed that must supplementation with salts or commercial supplement Enovit contributes to the yeast performance. In the next step, it was studied the production of mead on a pilot scale at 18 ° C in polypropylene reactors containing 130 L of wort without supplementation (control), supplemented with Enovit and supplemented with apple pieces (10% m/v). By the end of fermentation, after 60 days, mead was properly characterized physico-chemically regarding the standards of quality and identity for mead, established by Brazilian legislation. The results showed that, with the exception of total acidity, all parameters were in accordance with the standards. After the fermentation, mead was subjected to aging process at 20 ° C by 216 days in oak barrel (50L) plastic gallon (20 L) and glass bottle (20L), and was characterized physico-chemically, as well as regarding the content of total phenolics, antioxidant capacity, presence of bioactive amines and aromatic compounds derived from the oak barrel. The results showed that the mead aged in plastic gallon presented content of \"reduced dried extract\" below the minimum patterns stated. It was also observed that the use of apples as the must supplement resulted in honey mead with a higher content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. The concentrations of bioactive amines found do not compromise the quality of mead, neither consumer health. The analysis of phenolic compounds in meads aged in oak barrel revealed that the aging process promoted the extraction of furfural, vanillin, gallic acid, compounds which contribute to the sensory profile of the beverage. Concentrations of these compounds were below the threshold of sensory perception, which can be changed by increasing aging time. Regarding purchase intent, all meads evaluated obtained more than 50% of positive scores, ranging between 3 (I doubt if buy) and 5 (definitely would buy), and meads aged in plastic and glass containers showed better acceptance. Sensory analysis showed little influence of the aging container on the attributes evaluated and the tasters preferred the meads aged in inert containers. So,it is concluded that the production of mead and its subsequent aging in inert containers or reconditioned oak casks, resulted in beverages that have good acceptance and are a viable alternative for beekeepers to diversify their products.
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Modelagem matemática do processo fermentativo de produção de retamicina por microrganismo filamentoso Streptomyces olindensis. / Mathematical modeling of the production of retamicyn by filamentous microorganism Streptomyces olindensis.Lopes, Juliana Silva 05 June 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a modelagem matemática de processo de produção do antitumoral retamicina produzido pelo microrganismo filamentoso Streptomyces olindensis em cultivos descontínuos, descontínuos alimentados e contínuos. Através da modelagem matemática é possível verificar o comportamento dos fatores que interferem na produção deste metabólito secundário, a fim de identificar as melhores condições de processo. Foram estudados diferentes modelos: modelo morfologicamente estruturado, modelo não estruturado e um modelo híbrido que combina equações de balanço material com redes neurais artificiais. O modelo morfologicamente estruturado é um aperfeiçoamento de um modelo anterior e o modelo não estruturado, por sua vez, foi desenvolvido na tentativa de simplificar a descrição do processo ao considerar menos variáveis e possuir menor número de parâmetros ajustáveis. Nos modelos, as variáveis consideradas no ajuste foram as concentrações de biomassa, de glicose, de retamicina e de oxigênio dissolvido no meio. Os resultados das simulações foram avaliados estatisticamente por comparação com os dados experimentais. Os modelos também foram comparados entre si através de uma análise estatística. Observou-se que, dentre os modelos estudados, o modelo híbrido apresentou sensibilidade pronunciada às condições iniciais e qualidade de representação dos dados experimentais inferior à dos demais modelos. Os modelos morfologicamente estruturado e não estruturado apresentaram capacidade similar de representação do comportamento dos dados experimentais dos ensaios descontínuos, descontínuo-alimentados e contínuos com baixas taxas de alimentação. / The mathematical modeling of retamycin production during batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivations of Streptomyces olindensis was studied. Through the mathematical modeling, it is possible to identify the best conditions to conduct the process. Different models considered were: a morphologically structured model, an unstructured model and a hybrid model that combines artificial neural networks with mass balances. The morphologically structured model included an enhancement in a model previously described. The unstructured model was developed as an attempt to simplify the description of the process by considering fewer variables and fewer parameters to be adjusted. The variables considered in the models were the concentrations of biomass, glucose, retamycin and dissolved oxygen. Simulation results were submitted to statistical analysis such as model discrimination and test of adequacy to verify which of the models were suitable to describe the process and whether the results of the simulations fit the experimental data or not. Results show that the hybrid model presented high sensitivity to the initial conditions and its capability of representing the experimental data was worse than that of the other developed models. Both the morphologically structured model and the unstructured model show similar suitability to represent the experimental data behavior for batch, fed-batch and low-dilution rate continuous runs.
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