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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors influencing debt financing and its effects on financial performance of state corporations in Kenya

Nyamita, Micah Odhiambo January 2014 (has links)
Submitted in compliance with the requirements for the Doctorate degree in Technology, Department of Public Management and Economics, Durban University of Technology, 2014. / Identifying the best level of debt financing within corporations and its determinants is one of the main issues in financial management theory, as the use of debt is believed to have an important influence on the performance of corporations. The majority of studies on debt financing have been undertaken using data from developed economies, focusing more on private sector non-financial corporations. This study investigated the factors influencing debt financing and whether the use of debt positively or negatively influences the financial performance of state corporations in Kenya. The “financial leverage”, which is the proportion of debt financing of state corporations in the Kenyan region, based on the total debt and the total assets, was the object of analysis for the period 2007 to 2011. Applying both descriptive and inferential statistics, and a hybrid of cross sectional and longitudinal quantitative surveys, primary data from questionnaires, and secondary data from the corporations’ financial statements, were utilized. The sample size used was 50 income generating state corporations in Kenya. Using the primary and secondary data, the study, in addition, determined the extent of debt financing and analysed the different types of debt financing used by the various state corporations. It focused on the use of financial ratio analysis to identify the financial performance of the corporations by applying a pooling of cross-section analysis. Moreover, the “financial leverage” ratio was analysed in correlation with the financial performance ratios, in order to identify the potential of anticipation for future financing options for state corporations in Kenya. Further, the regression analysis result was used to demonstrate whether there is a relationship between the corporation’s “financial leverage” and its financial performance ratios and the debt financing theory suitable for explaining debt capital structure within the state corporations. The panel data for financial performance helped in identifying whether there was a significant relationship between “financial leverage” of corporations and their financial performance. The results identified the main factors influencing debt financing within state-owned corporations in Kenya to include profitability, asset tangibility and corporation growth. It was also determined that debt financing is inversely related to financial performance of state-owned corporations in Kenya. In addition, the results revealed that state-owned corporations from developed and developing economies use capital market debt securities, such as bonds and notes, and derivative financial instruments, such as swaps, options and forward contracts. In contrast, these types of debt are not common within the Kenyan state-owned corporations. The developed and developing economies state-owned corporations are perceived to have embraced the new public sector financial management reforms agenda and operate in more developed and efficient capital markets. However, in Kenya, the new public sector financial management agenda may have not been implemented positively within the state-owned corporations and the country’s capital market may still be efficient. It is expected that the findings of this study would have vital policy implications for Kenyan state-owned corporations, in particular, and the government, in general.

Kommunaler Investitionsbedarf im Freistaat Sachsen

Hesse, Mario, Redlich, Matthias, Diesener, Christoph 03 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
\"Investitionen sind das Fundament für Wachstum und Beschäftigung einer Volkswirtschaft. Ein moderner Kapitalstock (...) ermöglicht ein intaktes und qualitativ hochwertiges Gemeinwesen. (...) Während eine sinkende Anzahl der Erwerbspersonen eine Anpassung des Kapitalbestands bedingt, erfordert es gleichzeitig spezifische und umfangreiche Investitionen, um den sich verändernden Verhältnissen in einer alternden Gesellschaft zu begegnen.\" Was für Deutschland als Bundesstaat gilt, ist natürlich ebenso für seine Gebietskörperschaften gültig - doch sind die Rahmenbedingungen für diese aus verschiedensten Gründen (politischen, wirtschaftlichen, demographischen, historischen, geographischen usw.) teilweise recht unterschiedlich. Wenn Steuererhöhungen oder zusätzliche Neuverschuldung zur Finanzierung von höheren Investititionsausgaben politisch nicht durchsetzbar bzw. gesellschaftlich nicht erwünscht sind, liegt ein wesentlicher Baustein zur qualitativen Verbesserung öffentlicher Infrastruktur in effizienteren öffentlichen Investitionen. Das ÖPP-Kompetenzzentrum Sachsen (seit dem 01. Juni 2015 Kompetenzzentrum für Infrastruktur Sachsen, KIS) hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, durch empirische Datenerhebungen die zum Teil emotional geführte öffentliche Debatte über Investitionen und deren Beschaffungswege zu versachlichen und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Stärkung öffentlicher Infrastrukturinvestitionen im Freistaat Sachsen zu erarbeiten. Die hier vorliegende Studie ist ein Baustein auf dem Weg in diese Richtung.

Management und Investitionen - Infrastrukturprojekte neu denken

Kratzmann, Alexander, Redlich, Matthias 04 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Seit einigen Jahren besteht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein massiver Nachholbedarf im Hinblick auf Investitionen in öffentliche Infrastruktur. Ein erheblicher Teil dieses Rück-stands ist dabei auf der kommunalen Ebene zu verorten. Neben der allgemein angespann-ten Finanzlage der Kommunen konnten vor allem Steuerungs- und Managementprobleme im Investitionsprozess als entscheidende Treiber dieser Entwicklung ausgemacht werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Jahr 2014 die unabhängige Expertenkommission „Stär-kung von Investitionen in Deutschland“ vom damaligen Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel beauftragt, Lösungsansätze für die bestehenden Probleme zu erarbeiten. Heraus-gekommen sind Vorschläge, die die Ursachen des Investitionsrückstands berücksichtigen, allerdings hinsichtlich der konkreten Ausgestaltung der sog. Infrastrukturgesellschaften in weiten Teilen vage bleiben. Insbesondere wird nicht geklärt, ob und inwieweit bzw. unter welchen organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen sich die Vorschläge auf die kommunale Ebene übertragen lassen. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse werden die Vorschläge der Expertenkommission einer kritischen Betrachtung unterzogen. Dazu werden im ersten Schritt aus den Vorschlägen der Exper-tenkommission Grundkonzeptionen abgeleitet. Die Aufgabenbereiche der Infrastrukturge-sellschaften umfassen so die Bereitstellung von Beratungsleistungen, die Projektrealisierung sowie die Projektfinanzierung. Im zweiten Schritt werden dafür vorhandene Anwendungs-beispiele identifiziert und analysiert. Zusammenfassend ist dabei festzustellen: Überregionale Beratungseinrichtungen bieten eine Möglichkeit, den Investitionsprozess für Kommunen transparenter zu gestalten und ihnen spezifisches Know-how zur Verfügung zu stellen. Eine über die Beratung hinausge-hende Gesellschaft, die zusätzlich eigenständig Aufgaben des Projektmanagement und der -steuerung oder den gesamten Realisierungsprozess sowie ggf. auch die Bewirtschaf-tung der Infrastruktureinrichtung übernehmen kann, erscheint ebenfalls sinnvoll. In der Praxis ist dies für die kommunale Ebene allerdings schwer umsetzbar. Zweckverbände, die den Infrastrukturbetrieb für Kommunen gebündelt wahrnehmen, können als erster Zwi-schenschritt gesehen werden, der schon heute in einigen Bereichen vorzufinden ist. Angesichts der Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels sowie der allgemein angespannten Finanzsituation vieler Kommunen muss in der Zukunft aber verstärkt über den Ausbau solcher Arrangements und praktikable Alternativen nachgedacht werden. Die Implementierung von Infrastrukturfonds, die finanzschwachen Kommunen zusätzliches Kapital für Investitionen zur Verfügung stellen sollen, lohnt sich für die Kommunen nur dann, wenn tatsächlich eine finanzielle Entlastung stattfindet. Hierzu könnte die Bündelung einer Vielzahl ähnlicher kommunaler Projekte innerhalb eines Fonds beitragen, allerdings existiert ein derartiges Modell derzeit noch nicht.

L'islam radical face au droit pénal en France

Michel, Damien 23 January 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse ne traite pas de l'Islam, mais uniquement d'une partie de celui-ci, la frange extrême. Il y a dans ce travail une progression, la vision radicale de l'islam engendre d'abord des victimes, une partie des croyants sont sous une emprise que l'on peut qualifier de sectaire. Ce terme tabou pendant longtemps n'a jamais été associé à l'islam avant le rapport parlementaire sur le port de la burqa. Pourtant, par un raisonnement par analogie, des branches de l'islam fonctionnent comme les sectes dénoncés dans de nombreux rapports parlementaires.Lorsque l'adepte cherche à appliquer les préceptes les plus rigoristes de l'islam, il se trouve parfois en conflit avec les valeurs et le droit français, dont l'origine et les fondements actuels sont totalement différents. Il y aura alors une mutation. L'adepte victime d'une forme sectaire de l'islam va se retrouver auteur de faits pénalement répréhensible, cette situation pouvant l'amener jusqu'à tomber dans l'activisme. Cette frange est numériquement dérisoire, mais elle s'appuie sur un système financier pour fonctionner plus large et difficilement cernable. L'image du rhizome peut s'appliquer à ce financement. En effet, comme ce végétal, le financement de l'activisme puise à plusieurs sources et alimente plusieurs tiges. L'activisme islamiste en France est passé d'un phénomène relativement ancien et importé de l'étranger à une crainte permanente avec des acteurs pouvant être français / This thesis does not deal with Islam, but only a fraction of it, it's extreme fringe. As this work progresses, it highlights that radical Islamism firstly creates victims, and places a part of the believers under an influence that can be defined as sectarian. This term remained taboo for a long time and has never been associated with Islam before the parliamentary report on the wearing of the burqa. Yet, arguing by analogy, one can see that branches of Islam do function just like sects denounced in several parliamentary reports.When a follower tries to apply the most rigorous precepts of Islam, he may enter a conflict with French values and law, who's origin and actual foundations are entirely different. Their takes place a mutation. A follower being the victim of a sectarian form of Islam gets to become the perpetrator of criminal offenses, this situation may further lead him up to fall into activism. This fringe is numerically absurdly low, but is backed in it's functioning by a financial system that is larger and hard to figure out. The rhizome may give a close picture of this financing. As this plant, the financing of activism has several sources and feeds several stems. Islamic activism in France, formerly a relatively ancient phenomenon imported from abroad, is now a permanent fear and could involve French actors

Structural reforms, debt financing and the formal and informal sector in sub-Saharan Africa--an empirical analysis

Koto, Prosper Senyo 28 July 2016 (has links)
The study is about enterprises in the formal and informal sectors in sub-Saharan Africa and consists of three separate but connected essays. The first essay examines whether or not structural reforms in the business regulatory environment, trade sector, and the financial sector, can influence access to debt financing for investment by enterprises in sub-Sahara Africa. The data is from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys. The analyses involve panel data models. The results are indicative that taken together; structural policy reforms reduce debt-financing constraints. Reforms in the business regulatory environment and the financial sector increase the likelihood of access to debt financing. However, for trade, beyond a threshold, further reductions in the tariff and non-tariff barriers make it harder for enterprises to obtain debt financing. These results have implications for the type of reforms pursued in various countries. The second essay examines how social capital, education, and liquidity constraints influence the decision of an entrepreneur to operate either in the formal or informal sector. For enterprises that did not register and operating for less than five years, there is evidence that the likelihood of running in the informal sector, as opposed to the formal sector, decreases with the entrepreneurial level of education while social capital increases this likelihood. However, for enterprises in the informal sector, operating for over five years, liquidity constraints impedes formalisation. In the long run, the decision to stay informal or formalise depends on funding constraints, the incidence of taxes in the formal sector and the perception that there are no benefits from operating in the formal sector. The third essay is about the relationship between enterprises in the formal and informal sector and aims to uncover, at least in part, whether or not social and human capitals are important in facilitating the linkages between enterprises in the formal and the informal sectors. The analysis involves flexible binary generalised extreme value models. The results are indicative that for both male and female entrepreneurs, social and human capitals have significant positive real effects on the likelihood of linkages. / October 2016

Vliv organizačněprávní formy na hospodaření divadel / The influence of organizationally legal form on financing of theaters

Sirotková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The main target of the dissertation is to analyse and evaluate the financial management of the three types of organizationally legal forms for theatres, namely the allowance organization, the public service company and the private body. The first part is focused on the general characteristics of the allowance organization, methods of financing and the issue of funds under the new legislation. The practical part is focused on the analysis of financing of Švandovo theater, Dejvické theatre and the Theatre in Celetná, whose founder is Gaspar, s. r. o. Followed by a comparison of certain indicators between the theatres and the determination of the impact of these indicators has organizationally legal form in which the theatres work.

Možnosti financování silničních dopravních prostředků dopravní firmy Prompt spol. s r.o. / Acquisition and financing of new road transport vehicles for the company Prompt Ltd.

Iffland, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part is a cost analysis of the company Prompt Ltd. It also deals with possibilities for capacity utilization. The second part presents the actual offer of utility vehicles on the Czech market. Moreover it compares road trains offered to the company according to criteria chosen by the author. The last part of the thesis deals with several options of financing, mainly with comparison of finance lease and loan.

Factoring jako forma krátkodobého financování podniku / Factoring as a Form of short-term Financing a Firm

Krčková, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with factoring as a short-term debt financing. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses financial analysis of the company, working capital financing and enterprise receivables management, including the possibility of funding claims. The widest part is devoted to the description of factoring, factoring types, features, advantages and disadvantages. We also describe the course of a typical factoring case from the beginning to the end of the contract. Part of this work is devoted to a description accounting for factoring and comparison in factoring and revolving credit. Last part shows the factoring financing impact in specific firm on financial analysis indicators. The positive impact of factoring in the increase primarily reflected the Company's liquidity and payment behavior of customers.

The Money of Innovation : The Impact of Venture Capital on Innovation in Sweden

Dahlberg, Erik, Sörling, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Innovation leads to economic growth, however, financing innovation comes with major uncertainties and therefore there is a risk of underinvestment in innovation. One type of investor who is prepared to take on this uncertainty is the Venture Capitalist (VC). The question remaining is whether VCs spur further innovation or mainly exploit existing innovation. By counting the patent registrations in 133 Swedish VC financed firms and comparing these to 609 control firms, the difference in innovation level is assessed. The result indicate that VC financed firms, on average, become 23% more innovative after receiving financing from a VC. Thus, it is concluded that VCs spur innovation in the Swedish context.

Novos instrumentos de financiamento do agronegócio brasileiro e uma análise das alternativas de investimentos para o CDA/WA / New instruments of financing of the Brazilian agribusiness and an analyses of the alternative of investments for the CDA/WA

Silva, Gustavo de Souza e 03 May 2006 (has links)
O instrumento tradicional de financiamento é aquele utilizado pelo Sistema Nacional de Crédito Rural - SNCR e que possui como fonte o orçamento do governo, as exigibilidades bancárias, a poupança verde etc. Os instrumentos não tradicionais podem ser considerados os novos mecanismos com fonte de recursos privados e que pretendem substituir os instrumentos tradicionais no financiamento agropecuário. A Lei n° 11.076, de 30 de dezembro de 2004, oficializou cinco títulos de créditos que deverão ser utilizados pelos agentes do agronegócio para captarem recursos privados para o seu financiamento e aumentar o giro de capital dentro do próprio setor, além de dar nova redação à Lei n° 9.973, de 29 de maio de 2000, que dispõe sobre o sistema de armazenagem dos produtos agropecuários. Os novos instrumentos de financiamento do agronegócio são denominados de: Certificado de Depósito Agropecuário - CDA, Warrant Agropecuário - WA, Certificados de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio - CDCA, Letra de Crédito do Agronegócio - LCA e Certificado de Recebíveis do Agronegócio - CRA. O objetivo destes instrumentos é desvincular a concessão de crédito do sistema oficial e desenvolver um novo mecanismo de financiamento do agronegócio através de papéis lastreados em produtos depositados e títulos de dívidas agrícolas que deve ampliar o relacionamento entre o setor financeiro e o setor como um todo, devendo tornar o financiamento mais eficiente para o produtor e menos onerosos aos cofres públicos. Este trabalho define o cenário brasileiro onde estes novos títulos do agronegócio foram instituídos, apresenta as justificativas para a criação destes títulos e expõe os mecanismos atualmente utilizados pelo mercado para captar recursos da iniciativa privada, apresenta e discute a legislação desses novos instrumentos. E por último buscaram-se alternativas de investimento para estes papéis nos mercados físicos e futuros de seis produtos agrícolas de janeiro de 2005 a outubro de 2005: açúcar cristal, algodão, arroz, café arábica, milho e soja. Duas situações foram consideradas: especulações com o CDA e o WA, onde o investidor adquire o papel e especula com cada produto; e operação de spread, onde o investidor compra o CDA/WA (mercado físico) e trava o rendimento numa operação com o mercado futuro da Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros - BM&F, sem ficar exposto a variações de preço. No caso do arroz apenas a análise dos preços físicos foi elaborada devido à ausência do mercado futuro para este produto na BM&F. A partir disso, concluiu-se que a especulação com os produtos agrícolas não teve um bom resultado no período. Já as operações de spread do mercado futuro da BM&F com o CDA/WA ofereceram boas oportunidades de rentabilidade ao investidor que conseguiu captar o momento correto para a operação. / The traditional instrument of financing is that one used by the National System of Rural Credit - SNCR and that has as source of resource the budget of the government, the banking liabilities, the green saving. The not traditional instruments can be considered the new mechanisms which have as source of funding private resources and that aims as to substitute the traditional instruments of the farming financing. The Law 11,076, of December 30, 2004, officialized five titles of credits that will have to be used by the agents of the agribusiness to raise private resources to its financing and to increase the turn of capital of the own sector, besides giving new writing to the Law number 9,973, of May 29, 2000, which deliberates on the system of storage of the farming products. The new instruments of financing of the agribusiness are: Certificate of Agribusiness Deposit - CDA, Agribusiness Warrant - WA, and Certificates of Rights to Receive - CDCA, Agribusiness Letter of Credit - LCA and Certified of Receivable of the Agribusiness - CRA. The objective of these instruments is to detach the concession of credit of the official system and to develop a new mechanism of financing of the agribusiness through titles based in deposited agricultural products and titles of agricultural debts that must increase the relationship between the financial and agribusiness sector as a whole, and it is expected that the financing will become more efficient for the producer and less expensive to the government. This work defines the Brazilian scene where these new titles have been created, it presents the justifications for the creation of these titles and shows the mechanisms used by the market to raise resources from the private sector, presents and it discuss the legislation of these new titles. Finally, it was searched alternative of investment for these papers in the physical and future markets of six agricultural products using data from January 2005 to October of 2005: bulk sugar, cotton, rice, Arabica coffee, maize and soybean. Two situations had been considered: speculations with the CDA and WA, where the investor acquires the title and speculates with each product; and operation of spread, where the investing purchase the CDA/WA (physical market) and locks the interest rate in an operation with the futures market of the Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange - BM&F, without being exposed to the price variations. In the case of the rice only the analysis of the physical prices was done because of the absence of the futures market for this product in the BM&F. From this, it was concluded that the speculation with the agricultural products did not have good results in the period. However, the operations of spread of the futures market of the BM&F with the CDA/WA had offered good opportunities of profitability to the investor who was able to operate at the correct moment.

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