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FIRO-B Interchange Compatibility, Academic Achievement, and Group CohesionWilliams, Joe D. 08 1900 (has links)
This study is an effort to add to the body of evidence for or against the validity of the concept of Interchange Compatibility as a factor in the goal achievement and cohesion of a group.
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An Evaluation of the Firo-B Scale with Hospitalized Psychiatric PatientsLadd, Lawrence J. 01 1900 (has links)
Concerning the present study, if in the test result of psychotic patients there is some distortion of reality concepts, as is generally expected, then their scores on any personality scale should vary considerably from norms established on the same test by "normal" subjects.
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Kommunikation mellan yrkesarbetare och platschefer - Framgångsfaktorer för en lyckad kommunikation / Communication between Construction Workers and Site Managers - Factors for a Successful CommunicationKuusela, Matilda, Sjöberg, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Byggbranschen är en omtalad bransch i många avseenden. En gemensam nämnare för problem i branschen har visat sig vara bristande kommunikation mellan olika led i ett byggprojekt. (Svensk Byggtjänst, 2014). Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur yrkesarbetare och platschefer upplever att kommunikationen idag fungerar ute i produktionen samt vad yrkesarbetare och platschefer kan göra för att bidra till en lyckad kommunikation. Studien avser att med hjälp av åsikter och tankar från yrkesarbetare och platschefer ta fram konkreta framgångsfaktorer för en lyckad kommunikation. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer med yrkesarbetare och platschefer. Respondenternas svar har därefter analyserats och jämförts med tidigare studier och teorier om kommunikation som ämne. Studiens resultat indikerar att yrkesarbetare och platschefer är eniga i hur kommunikationen sker idag men oeniga om hur välfungerande den är. Utifrån respondenternas svar är framgångsfaktorerna för en lyckad kommunikation i produktion engagemang, tydlighet, öppenhet, samarbete, återkoppling samt struktur och planering.
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An Investigation Of Altruism And Personality Variables Amongbeginning Counseling StudentsSchmuldt, Laura 01 January 2006 (has links)
Altruism is loosely defined as a desire to help others as well as acts and behaviors towards that end, particularly when no expectation of personal gain or reward exists (Batson, Fultz, Schoenrade & Paduano, 1987). It seems likely that individuals who choose to pursue acareer in counseling might be doing so out of some altruistic interest; in other words a desire to come to the aid of others in distress. It has been noted as well that some individuals may enter the counseling profession based more on self-interest; for example, as "wounded healers" hoping to work on personal issues (Wheeler, 2002). Some researchers (Shapiro &Gabbard, 1996) hypothesize that overstated altruism may lead to burn-out and fatigue among some counselors whereas those who have limited altruism may have difficulties empathizing with clients. Despite the apparent relevance of altruism to counseling as a profession, very few studies have investigated the level of altruism among those in the field. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between altruism and personality variables in beginning counseling students. It is currently unclear to what extent altruism is a state (situational) vs. a trait (inherent). Grasping a greater sense of what constitutes altruistic behavior among beginning counseling students may benefit researchers in understanding the potential difficulties Shapiro & Gabbard (1996) suggest; i.e., burn-out, limited empathy or even self-gratification. The population in this study was 87 students entering a Master's degree in Counselor Education at a large, public institution in the Southeastern Unites States. The subjects completed the following assessments at orientation to their program: The Robinson-Heintzelman Inventory (an instrument designed to study altruism vs. self-interest in counselor education students), the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B). It was hypothesized that higher scores on altruism would correlate with the intuitive and feeling dimensions of the MBTI and low scores on wanted inclusion, wanted affection and expressed control on the FIRO-B. The hypotheses were not supported in this study; the only finding of statistical significance was the correlation between the thinking dimension of the MBTI and the total score on the RHI. Suggestions for future research are discussed.
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A Correlational Study of a Random Stratified Sample of Superintendents in Michigan – Analyzing the Relationship Between MBTI® Reported Personality Preference Types and FIRO-B™ Interpersonal Leadership Styles, MBTI® Perceived andGracia, Ann 15 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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A Comparison of Physics and Psychology Majors on FIRO-B VariablesMcCown, John Rae 01 1900 (has links)
It is the basic assumption of this study that a relationship exists between the interpersonal needs of inclusion, control, and affection and occupational choice as indicated by college major. Studies in the area of vocational choice have largely dealt with people who are practicing the vocation, leaving doubt as to whether people are attracted to the vocation as a result of need-satisfaction behavior, or whether the people determine their orientation by practicing the occupation. The need for further clarification of these questions was recognized, and this study was an effort to add to the evidence for or against the validity of the concept of interpersonal need satisfaction as a factor in vocational choice.
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Storytellings effekter : på individens upplevda tillhörighet- och samhörighetskänsla. / Storytelling effects : on individual´s perceived sense of belonging and affinity sense of belongingAhlander, Emma, Olsson, Magnus, Davidsson, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Using the communication tool storytelling, in group processes is very popular. Storytelling can be used to motivate group members to collaborate and pursue common goals. Humans have many different needs, but one of the biggest and most important, besides food and water, is the need to belong. The need to belong can be met by being involved in different group constellations. A well-tested model in group psychology is the FIRO model, which suggests that all groups go through different stages in their work towards pursuing their common goal. How well the group manages to create the unity that the individuals in the group strive for depends on how well the group works in the respective stages. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether individuals feel that they have a stronger sense of belonging and faster achieve an affinity sense of belonging to their assigned group, if storytelling is used as a communication tool. A quantitative research method has been implemented by collecting databased on an experimental study. Ninety questionnaires were collected and analyzed, where the participants were divided into two different experimental groups. Based on a scenario they were then asked to answer the questionnaire where half of the surveys contained a scenario with storytelling, and the other half contained a scenario without storytelling. From the essays result, it was found that storytelling contributes to individuals feeling a stronger sense of belonging to their assigned group. Storytelling does however not contribute to individuals faster achieving an affinity sense of belonging to their fellow group members. The essays results aim to be applied to different types of working groups. By a working group, we refer to different types of groups within different subjects such as professional groups, study groups and training groups etcetera. In this essay, these groups will be referred to as assigned groups. This is done to minimize the risk that the reader will confine themselves to focusing solely on working groups within organizations. The following essay is written in Swedish. / Användning av kommunikationsverktyget storytelling inom grupprocesser är idag mycketpopulärt. Storytelling kan användas för att motivera deltagare i arbetsgrupper att samarbeta och sträva mot gemensamma mål. Människor har många olika behov men ett av de största och viktigaste, förutom mat och vatten, är att känna tillhörighet till andra människor. Behovet av tillhörighet kan uppnås genom att en individ är delaktig i olika gruppkonstellationer. En välbeprövad modell inom gruppsykologi är FIRO-modellen som antyder att grupper går igenom olika faser. Hur väl gruppen lyckas skapa den samhörighet som individerna i gruppen strävar efter beror på hur väl gruppen samarbetar i de respektive faserna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om individer upplever att de får en starkare tillhörighetskänsla och snabbare uppnår en samhörighetskänsla till sin tilldelade grupp med hjälp av storytelling. En kvantitativ forskningsmetod har genomförts genom insamling av data utifrån en experimentstudie. 90 besvarade enkäter har tagits in och analyserats, där studiens deltagare delades in i två olika experimentgrupper. Utifrån ett scenario fick de sedan svara på enkäten där hälften av enkäterna innehöll ett scenario med storytelling och den andra hälften innehöll ett scenario utan storytelling. Av studiens resultat visade det sig att storytelling bidrar till att individer känner en starkare tillhörighet till sin tilldelade grupp, men att storytelling inte bidrar till att individerna i gruppen snabbare uppnår en samhörighetskänsla. Studiens resultat ämnar appliceras på olika typer av arbetsgrupper. Med en arbetsgrupp menar vi olika typer av grupper inom olika ämnen såsom yrkesgrupper, studiegrupper och träningsgrupper med mera. I studien kommer dessa grupper att benämnas som tilldelade grupper för att minimera risken att läsaren avgränsar sig till att enbart fokusera på en organisations arbetsgrupper.
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Gruppklimatets betydelse : En kvalitativ studie om elevers upplevelser avgruppklimat i ämnet idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet. / The significance of group climate : A study of students' perceptions of group climate in physical education in high school.Jonsson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
This essay is about the significance of group climate for students in physical education. Groupwork and group processes are dealt with in the essay and its importance to students' experiences of the subject and goal attainment. During the autumn of 2015 two different classes in high school were studied in the subject physical education and health. These classes were observed at two different occasions and eight students, four in each class, were selected to participate in the study based on “the role of assumptions” described in the previous research section. Questions regarding group climate and groupwork were asked in order to investigate how the groups were composed, and how the students explained the significance of group climate. Students' responses were connected to Bion’s group theory and the FIRO model which was used as the theoretical foundation and previous research explains groupwork and group processes. The results of the study indicate that students experienced group climate in the class as problematic. Students in the selected classes were divided into many small groups and they explained that they were not talking to the other small groups. The group climate influenced some of the students to the extent that they did not attend classes which may obstruct their goal attainment. According to students, classes had not had any practice in trusting eachother which contradicts the fact that many researchers indicate that it is the teacher's responsibility to create a better climate in classes. Therefore, it may be important for teachers to work actively with exercises that promote group climate. Authors point out that it is becoming more important in today's society to cooperate in most professions. This was also something the students felt they had the opportunity to practice during group work. Students felt that it could sometimes be effective to let the teacher decide the groups in advance because they had the opportunity to get to know more people in the class. Even though a student wants to be in the same group as his best friend it does not mean that it is mutual.
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Řízení integrovaného marketingového komunikačního procesu / Management of the Integrated Marketing Communication ProcessVondrová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
I deal with Integrated Marketing Communication Process and with new trends in Marketing Communication. Then I analyse the FIRO-tour company, its strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I research satisfaction of clients and I locate image of the company. After that I propose the new Marketing Communication strategy for selected product.
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Is sharing caring? : En kvantitativ studie om intentionen bakom att dela virala videor / Is sharing caring? : A quantitative study about the intention behind sharing viral videosHapp, Amanda, Wilhelmsson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Titel: Is sharing caring? En kvantitativ studie om intentionen att dela virala videor Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Amanda Happ och Erik Wilhelmsson Handledare: Jonas Kågström Datum: 2019 – Januari Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera faktorerna bakom intentionen att dela en viral video på internet utifrån begreppen videokvalitet, empati, kontroll, altruism och inkludering. Studien genomförs således för att bidra med kunskap om intentionen bakom virala videodelningar till marknadsförare inom ämnet. Metod: En kvantitativ metod har använts där data har samlats in genom en webbaserad enkätundersökning med 480 kvinnliga respondenter från 16 år och uppåt. Data har bearbetats i analys- och statistikprogrammet SPSS genom deskriptiv-, faktor-, kluster- och korrelationsanalys. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet visar att inkludering, altruism och i viss mån kontroll är de främsta faktorerna för att skapa en intention att dela virala videor på internet. Vidare visar resultatet att personer som väljer att dela virala videor med sina vänner ofta vill uppnå förstärkta band till gruppens medlemmar och bekräftelse av sin egen roll i den sociala gruppen. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till ökad kunskap om vilka beteendefaktorer som ligger bakom beslutet att dela en viral video på internet. Denna kunskap kan hjälpa yrkesutövare skapa en marknadsföringskampanj som har till syfte att bli viral på internet. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Fortsatt forskning bör rikta sig till andra målgrupper, förslagsvis män. Det är även relevant att utföra en större undersökning där intentionen hos både sändare och mottagare (som i sin tur delar videon vidare) analyseras för att kunna påträffa eventuella likheter och skillnader hos dessa olika grupper. Nyckelord: Virala videor, delning, eWOM, FIRO, Moment-to-Moment Likeability / Title: Is sharing caring? A quantitative study about the intention behind sharing viral videos. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration. Author: Amanda Happ and Erik Wilhelmsson Supervisor: Jonas Kågström Date: 2019 – January Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyze factors behind the intention to share a viral video on the internet based on the concepts of video quality, empathy, control, altruism and inclusion. This paper aims to contribute knowledge of the intention behind sharing viral videos to marketers within the subject. Method: A quantitative method has been performed where data has been collected through a web-based survey of 480 female respondents from 16 years and older. Data has been processed in the analysis- and statistical program SPSS by using descriptive-, factor-, cluster- and correlation analysis. Result & Conclusions: The result shows that inclusion, altruism and, to some extent, control are the main factors for creating an intention to share viral videos on the internet. Furthermore, the result shows that people who choose to share viral videos with their friends often want to strengthen ties to other group members and reinforce their role in the social group. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to increased knowledge of the behavioral factors behind the decision to share a viral video. Knowledge can help professionals when a marketing campaign is being created with the aim of becoming viral on the internet. Suggestions for future research: Continued research should target other groups, preferably men. It is also relevant to conduct a larger survey where the intention of both creator and receiver of viral content are analyzed to identify any similarities and differences between them. Key words: Viral videos, forwarding intention, eWOM, FIRO, Moment-to-Moment Likeability
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