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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Políticas macroeconômicas em Moçambique : (1995-2014)

Carsane, Faizal Ramonje January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa as Políticas Macroeconômicas adotadas em Moçambique no período 1995-2014. Seu principal objetivo foi analisar as Políticas Fiscal, Monetária e Cambial adotadas no respectivo período e verificar se estas políticas podem ser utilizadas no país de acordo com os princípios determinados pela teoria econômica. Particularmente, a pesquisa utiliza o modelo macroeconômico de equilíbrio geral, denominado IS-LM-BP, para (i) avaliar se este modelo pode ser utilizado no país para fins de determinação de políticas econômicas e (ii) avaliar se as Políticas Fiscal, Monetária e Cambial inerentes a este modelo podem ser utilizadas no país para atingir determinados objetivos econômicos, conforme o postulado pela teoria econômica. Foram utilizadas na pesquisa técnicas estatísticas e econométricas que culminaram com a estimação de modelos econométricos multivariados com o propósito de verificar a validade do modelo macroeconômico de equilíbrio geral para a economia moçambicana e com isso também verificar se as relações econômicas postuladas por este modelo são aplicáveis à economia do país. Com base neste exercício estatístico e econométrico foi possível obter as seguintes conclusões: (i) o princípio da variação da demanda agregada como meio estimulador da economia não é aplicável à economia do país; (ii) a Política Monetária no país é muito dependente da evolução da taxa de inflação; (iii) o comportamento da inflação é muito dependente da Política Cambial; (iv) a Política Cambial adotada no país apenas efeta as importações e não as exportações; (v) nem todas as relações de causa-e-efeito determinadas pelo modelo de equilíbrio geral IS-LM-BP são verificadas na economia do país; portanto, este modelo não é o mais apropriado para fins de uso e determinação de políticas econômicas no país e (vi) a Política Monetária é a política econômica capaz de gerar efeitos no nível de produção do país. Dada à fraca evidência obtida nas relações de causa-e-efeito do modelo de equilíbrio geral IS-LM-BP, foram alternativamente, utilizados modelos econométricos univariados para explicar o comportamento de importantes variáveis macroeconômicas do país. Outra importante conclusão obtida na pesquisa foi a constatação de modelos univariados melhor explicarem o comportamento de variáveis macroeconômicas do país, comparativamente à modelos multivariados. / This research analyzes the Macroeconomic Policies adopted in Mozambique in the period 1995-2014. It´s main objective was to analyze the Fiscal, Monetary and Exchange Policies adopted in the respective period and to verify if these policies can be used in the country, according to the principles determined by economic theory. In particular, the research uses the general equilibrium macroeconomic model, called IS-LM-BP, to (i) assess whether this model can be used in the country for the purpose of determining economic policies and (ii) evaluate if the fiscal, monetary and exchange policies inherent to this model can be used in the country to reach certain economic objectives, according to the postulate by the economic theory. We used statistical and econometric techniques that culminated in the estimation of multivariate econometric models with the purpose of verifying the validity of the general equilibrium macroeconomic model for the Mozambican economy and also to verify if the economic relations postulated by this model are applicable to the local economy. Based on this statistical and econometric exercise it was possible to obtain the following conclusions: (i) the principle of the variation of the aggregate demand as stimulating means of the economy is not applicable in the local economy; (ii) Monetary Policy in the country is very dependent on the evolution of the inflation rate; (iii) the behavior of inflation is very dependent on the Foreign Exchange Policy; (iv) Foreign Exchange Policy adopted in the country only affects imports and not exports; (V) the cause-and-effect relationships determined by the IS-LM-BP general equilibrium model are not verified in the country's economy; therefore, this model is not applicable for purposes of use and determination of economic policies in the country and (vi) Monetary Policy is the economic policy capable of generating effects in the country's production level. Given the weak evidence obtained in the cause-and-effect relationships of the IS-LM-BP general equilibrium model, univariate econometric models were used to explain the behavior of important macroeconomic variables in the country. Another important conclusion obtained in the research was the finding of univariate models that better explain the behavior of macroeconomic variables in the country, compared to multivariate models.

Policies adopted under duress: A model of fiscal-policy responses to financial crises

Luby, Ryan Patrick January 2015 (has links)
The present study proposes a model, termed the hybrid model, to explain fiscal-policy responses to financial crises. Although it is applied throughout the present study to the Eurozone, the model’s geographic and substantive scope apply more broadly. Combining and building upon past approaches, the hybrid model proposes three independent variables: partisanship, political capacity, and external actors. The model builds on the literature’s three dominant approaches: partisan, domestic approaches; approaches that emphasize convergence; and approaches that emphasize divergence, represented here primarily by the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) literature. The hybrid model integrates the domestic emphasis of the partisan approach with the international emphases of the convergence and, to some extent, VoC approaches. The hybrid model builds on the domestic politics of the partisan approach by integrating coalition logic and the tension between coalition partners into the partisan approach’s political landscape. The model also advances the convergence and VoC approaches by providing an explanation for variation in the pressure of financial markets, both over time and across countries, which mediates the influence of external actors in the domestic affairs of sample countries. In addition, with respect to the dependent variable, the present study develops a disaggregated measure that accounts for the diverse distributional implications of fiscal policies’ various dimensions. With respect to empirics, the present study employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Broadly, the large-N results provide support for the hybrid model, particularly as it pertains to partisanship. Event analyses and case studies support the role of external actors; the empirics show the degree to which financial-market pressure mediates the influence of external actors. Combined, the quantitative and qualitative approaches indicate problems with consonance, the particular dimension of political capacity considered in the present study. Both quantitative and qualitative results reveal that consonance, i.e., between-party tensions in coalition governments, provides an incomplete characterization of the factors influencing the political capacity of single-party and coalition governments. The case studies suggest that within-party tensions and party-system strength, as additional measures of political capacity, play key roles in shaping fiscal-policy responses. The empirics also confirm the importance of disaggregating fiscal policy, the dependent variable, beyond the broad measures of fiscal deficit, expenditure, and revenue adopted in the present literature.

Política fiscal e ciclo político no Brasil: uma análise empírica / Fiscal policy and political cycle in Brazil: an empirical analysis

Siqueira, Fernando de Faria 04 December 2015 (has links)
É consensual que questões políticas acarretam impactos econômicos significativos, entretanto, saber a direção e magnitude destes não é trivial. A contribuição desta dissertação ao assunto se divide em duas frentes: verificação da existência de ciclo político-orçamentário na execução de investimentos públicos; e estimação de relações macroeconômicas ao longo do ciclo político. Para o primeiro ponto, utilizou-se um modelo estrutural para a série mensal de investimento das Administrações Públicas (níveis federal, estadual e municipal), encontrando ciclos de curto e médio prazo, com duração de, aproximadamente, 2 e 4 anos, respectivamente. Ademais, os ciclos coincidem com o calendário eleitoral, sendo que suas fases de expansão se encontram no período pré-eleitoral e as de contração, sempre em anos ímpares. Para o segundo ponto, um VAR linear e outro com mudança de regime foram estimados, incorporando neste as informações obtidas pelo Modelo Estrutural. Os resultados do modelo linear indicam que investimento público causa crowding-out sobre investimento privado e que tanto investimento público quanto privado exercem efeito positivo sobre o PIB, a magnitude do segundo, entretanto, é consideravelmente superior à do primeiro. O modelo não-linear evidencia que os multiplicadores fiscais são distintos para os períodos pré e pós-eleitoral, salientando que o ajuste fiscal não implica redução da atividade econômica, e sim o contrário. O impacto dos investimentos privados sobre o crescimento, por sua vez, é sempre alto, positivo e independente de ciclo político. / There is consensus that political issues carry significant economic impact, however, it\'s not trivial to determine the direction and magnitude of these ones. The contribution of this thesis to the subject is divided into two fronts: the determination of political budget cycle in the execution of public investments; and estimation of macroeconomic relationships over the political cycle. For the first point, we used a structural model for the general government (federal, state and municipal levels) monthly series of investment, finding short and medium term cycles, with duration of, approximately, 2 and 4 years, respectively. Furthermore, the cycles coincide with the electoral calendar, since phases of expansion are in the pre-election period and the contraction ones, always in odd years. For the second point, a linear and a regime switching VAR were estimated, incorporating in the latter information obtained by the Structural Model. The results of the linear model indicate that public investment causes crowding-out in private investment and that public and private investment has a positive effect on the GDP, the magnitude of the second, however, is considerably higher than the first. The nonlinear model shows that fiscal multipliers are distinct for the pre and post-election period, stressing that the fiscal adjustment does not imply reduction of the economic activity, but otherwise. On the other hand, the impact of private investment on economic growth is always high, positive and independent of the political cycle.

O endividamento dos estados brasileiros: uma análise de sustentabilidade e dos instrumentos de controle / The brazilian states\' indebtedness: a sustainability and instruments of control analysis

Passos Filho, Antonio Carlos 08 October 2018 (has links)
A Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF) foi criada em 2000, tendo como um de seus objetivos o de controlar e limitar o processo de endividamento dos estados brasileiros. No entanto, em 2016, a União acertou o refinanciamento das dívidas de alguns destes estados. Este trabalho busca analisar esta aparente contradição; a crise dos estados teria como origem fatores exógenos à LRF ou os mecanismos da LRF não foram suficientes para conter o comportamento de endividamento excessivo dos estados? Utilizando a metodologia de Bohn (1998), estimou-se cinco modelos: painel completo, separação regional, separação por critério endógeno, separação por gasto com pessoal em relação a receita corrente líquida e separação pelo critério da Resolução de número 40 do Senado Federal. As estimações contemplam quatro períodos: 2001 a 2015; 2008 a 2015; 2001 a 2020 e 2008 a 2020, e consideram tanto a dívida consolidada líquida quanto a bruta. Os resultados apontam que os instrumentos que foram criados são ineficientes, pois estados que não estão constrangidos por nenhuma punição da LRF não possuem uma trajetória sustentável da dívida. Por consequência, é reforçada a ideia de que há um comportamento de risco moral por parte dos estados, que procuram endividar-se excessivamente por considerarem que a dívida será renegociada pela União, comportamento este que só pode ser combatido a partir de aprimoramentos institucionais. / The \"Fiscal Responsibility Law\" (LRF) was created in 2000, having as one of its pillars the control of the regional states\' indebtedness process. However, in 2016, the federal government approved the refinance of such debts for some states. This paper seeks to analyze this seeming contradiction: the states\' crysis is due to factors that are exogenous to the LRF, or are the LRF mechanisms not sufficient to restrain the excessive indebtness by the states? Using Bohn\'s methodology (1998), five models are estimated: complete pannel, regional separation, separation by an endogenous criteria, separation by LRF\'s resolution to stafe workers expending (wages, pensions, etc) and separation by a Senate resolution\'s criteria. The estimations are made in four time frames: 2001-2015; 2008-2015; 2001-2020; 2008-2020, and both the net debt and the gross debt are considered. Results indicate that the instruments that were created by the LRF are inefficient, in the sense that states that are not punished or affected by said instruments do not follow a sustainable fiscal policy. Consequently, the idea of a moral hazard behaviour is reemforced: the states expect that the federal government will refinance its debt, so they do not follow a sustainable fiscal policy. This behaviour can only be stopped through institucional reforms.

Financial and economic results of public budgets in the light of political cycles in the Czech Republic between years 1993 and 2010 / VÝSLEDKY HOSPODAŘENÍ VEŘEJNÝCH ROZPOČTŮ VE SVĚTLE PRŮBĚHU POLITICKÝCH CYKLŮ V ČR V LETECH 1993 - 2010

Kratochvílová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate financial and economic results of public budgets in the Czech Republic. The analysis concerns all governments between years 1993 and 2010 and shows possible connections with the political-business cycle. Origins of public budgets deficits are investigated in order to classify cyclical and structural deficit. These are established on the basis of political measures and the economic cycle analysis. First part of the thesis is based on the theory of Public finance, Public choice and Political-business cycle. Second part focuses on the analysis of economic cycles within the context of each election period and political decisions. Finally the thesis summarizes results of investigation at the said period and the influence of the economic policy of every government on results of public budgets. The economic cycle analysis demonstrate that between years 1993 and 2010 deficits of public budgets are predominantly structural.

Stock-flow consistent models : evolution, methodological issues, and fiscal policy applications

Kappes, Sylvio Antonio January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo discutir diferentes aspectos de um método de modelagem econômica conhecido por Modelos Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC). Essa classe de modelos tem como principais características a presença de matrizes que representam os balanços patrimoniais dos setores modelados, bem como os fluxos de transações e de fundos financeiros. A primeira etapa do trabalho consiste em analisar as origens dos modelos SFC, apresentando os trabalhos que precederam as primeiras formulações. Em seguida, é feito um survey completo da literatura SFC corrente. Essas duas etapas são realizadas através de uma revisão bibliográfica de artigos, working papers, teses e dissertações. A terceira etapa do trabalho consiste em discutir aspectos metodológicos da modelagem SFC, em especial a modelagem de equações comportamentais de expectativas. Por fim, um modelo SFC é elaborado com o objetivo de analisar o comportamento de uma economia sob quatro regimes fiscais diferentes: (i) balanço equilibrado; (ii) meta de gastos do governo como proporção do PIB; (iii) meta de déficit do governo como proporção do PIB; (iv) meta de dívida pública como proporção do PIB. O comportamento em estado estacionário desses regimes é analisado, bem como sua resiliência a choques. Entre as conclusões, percebeu-se que o segundo regime apresenta a maior taxa de crescimento no steady state, além de ser mais resiliente a choques negativos. / The general goal of this dissertation is to discuss different dimensions of a class of Post-Keynesian models known as Stock-Flow Consistent Models. The main features of these models are: (i) the presence of balance sheets matrices of the sectors to be modeled, guaranteeing the consistency in the economic stocks; (ii) the flow of funds matrix, that records the real and financial transactions of the economy. The first step of the work is to analyze the origins of the SFC models, presenting the works that preceded the first elaborations. Next to it, the current SFC literature is surveyed. These two steps are accomplished by means of a survey of the literature in academic journals, working papers, dissertations and thesis. The third step of the work is a discussion of methodological issues such as the role of expectations in the behavioral functions for consumption. Finally, the fourth step consists of elaborating a SFC model in order to analyze four fiscal policy regimes: (i) balanced budget, (ii) a target for government’s expenditures , (iii) a target for government deficit, and (iv) a target for government debt. The steady state behavior of each regime is analyzed, as well as its resilience to adverse shocks. The second regime is the one with the higher steady state growth rate and also is the more resilient to negative shocks.

Oil boom, fiscal policy and economic development : a computable general equilibrium analysis of the role of alternative fiscal rules in Ghana's emerging petroleum economy

Adam, Mohammed Amin January 2014 (has links)
The objectives of the study are to assess the fiscal sustainability and development impacts of Ghana’s fiscal rule for allocating petroleum revenues to the annual budget against alternative fiscal rules - the permanent income and the bird-in-hand rules. Fiscal sustainability is measured by government long-term fiscal space in proportion to non-oil GDP, whilst development impacts are measured through a dynamic CGE model of Ghana. Generally, the study makes four important findings on how fiscal policy triggered by the inflow of new petroleum revenues could affect the long-term fiscal sustainability and growth of the economy. One, Ghana’s fiscal rule is neither fiscally sustainable nor provide higher impacts of petroleum revenues on economic development relative to the permanent income and the bird-in-hand rules. Two, fiscal sustainability does not necessarily lead to greater development outcomes. The bird-in-hand rule is the most fiscally sustainable, but the permanent income rule provides higher development outcomes and can move Ghana’s transformation towards a full middle income status. Three, institutional quality in a country could lead to efficiency gains in government spending. Four, efficiency in government spending could improve on development outcomes. Ghana could therefore benefit from its petroleum revenues by adopting the permanent income rule; and with temporary petroleum revenues, the focus of the country should be on current investment of petroleum revenues in building the country’s asset base to support short-term and long-term growth of the economy. However, this should be complemented with strengthening the quality of institutional arrangements to enhance efficiency in government spending.


Schendstok, Matthijs B. 01 January 2019 (has links)
While the long run productivity of federal highway infrastructure spending has been well researched, their short run effects and effects on income inequality. This dissertation explores those under-researched unconventional effects. In the first chapter, I investigate the effects of federal infrastructure grants on income inequality. I find that grants reduce inequality in both recipient and neighboring states. The reduction is driven by greater income among the bottom three income quintiles. I explore two mechanisms using person level data and find that the reduction in inequality is attributable to higher income for low-skilled workers and workers working in low-skilled industries. In the second chapter, I investigate the role of implementation lags in the ARRA. I find that the employment effects after six months were nearly twice as high in short lag counties compared to long lag counties. However, these effects quickly fade. I find no evidence of implementation lags impacting employment after one year. In the third chapter, I examine the effect of the business cycle on completion times of federally financed transportation infrastructure projects. I find that projects that begin construction during periods of economic slack are completed more quickly, suggesting an alternative mechanism for state dependent fiscal multipliers.

Tributação ótima: estudo jurídico, econômico e financeiro de modelos / Optimal taxation: law, economics and finance studies of models.

Lima, Juciléia de Souza 25 November 2014 (has links)
A questão da excessiva carga tributária incidente sobre a economia brasileira tem estado no foco das discussões no cenário político e social, e por sua vez, não deixa de ser objeto de pesquisa na área acadêmica, sendo a Teoria da Tributação Ótima, um tema recorrente nos mais diversos cenários, especialmente, entre economistas, juristas e cientistas políticos. A teoria da tributação ótima tem como base teórica, o estudo do delineamento de um sistema tributário ideal (tax design), objetivando a análise de como determinada receita tributária pode ser arrecadada pelo governo ao menor custo para a sociedade, em termos de perda de eficiência. Entretanto, a Teoria da Tributação Ótima apresenta como o seu desafio, a compatibilização entre o critério da eficiência e o da capacidade contributiva, e consciente da importância do tema para a instituição de políticas tributárias, emergimos-nos nesta pesquisa que deu nascimento a presente dissertação. / The excessive tax burdens issue incident on the Brazilian economy has been the focus of discussion in the political and social scene, and it is still subject of research in the academic area, being the Optimal Tax Theory, a recurring theme in various scenarios, especially among economists, lawyers and political scientists. The tax authorities represented by the government, undeniably has the need to raise taxes to achieve your social objectives, however, the tax collection activity can lead to distortions in the economy, particularly on the economic decisions of agents, making mister find a better solution to mitigate such undesired effects on the productive economy, through the design of an ideal tax system is emerging - thus the Optimal Tax Theory. The Optimal Tax Theory has as its theoretical basis, the study of the design of an optimal tax system (tax design) , aiming at the analysis of how certain tax revenue can be collected by the government at minimum cost to society, reaching certain distributional goals a lower cost in terms of loss of efficiency. However, the Theory of Taxation Great features as its challenge to reconcile the efficiency criterion and the ability to pay, and we are aware of the economic and political \"mainstream\" that is the theme symbolizes for imposition of tax policies, we emerge in this study - that gave birth to this thesis.

Essays on Public Finance : Retirement Behavior and Disaster Relief

Eisensee, Thomas January 2006 (has links)
<p>The dissertation consists of three self-contained essays on Public Finance.</p><p>“News Droughts, News Floods and U.S. Disaster Relief” studies the mass media's influence on the U.S. government response to about 5,000 natural disasters in developing countries in 1968-2002. These disasters took around 63,000 lives and affected 125 million people per year. Given the huge losses involved, it is essential that disaster relief is provided to those most in need. We show that U.S. disaster relief depends on the occurrence of other newsworthy events at the time of the disaster, such as the Olympic Games or the O.J. Simpson Trial, which are obviously unrelated to need. We argue that the only plausible explanation for this is that relief decisions are driven by news coverage of disasters, and that this news coverage is crowded out by other newsworthy events.</p><p>“Fiscal Policy and Retirement in the Twentieth Century” proposes a model that explains the trend in labor supply among older workers through changes in fiscal policy, including social security. The essay re-introduces social security as a major determinant of retirement behavior, while simultaneously offering an explanation to the two main puzzles in the literature: (i) the small contemporary retirement elasticities and (ii) the drop in the retirement age prior to the introduction of social security.</p><p>“Sustainable Fiscal Policy and the Retirement Decision” concerns the sustainability of fiscal policy in aging economies and the retirement decision. The essay develops an applied general equilibrium model, where the retirement age is endogenous and current fiscal policy is a response to future demographic developments. Three policies are analyzed: (1) raising taxes (2) reducing the replacement rate and (3) raising the Full Retirement Age. All policies are found to have a substantial impact on retirement. Sustaining fiscal policy will result in falling interest rates, inducing a general delay in retirement. This general equilibrium effect on retirement can be substantially larger than the direct effect of changing social security incentives.</p>

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