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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produkce a percepce schwa (E caduc) ve francouzštině a v češtině. Srovnávací studie s pedagogickou aplikací / Production and perception of schwa (E caduc) in French and Czech. A contrastive study with pedagogical application

Nováková, Sylva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is a French-Czech contrastive study which deals with schwa (mute E) in the two languages. It is conducted in a pedagogical perspective. After comparing the principal phonetic/phonological characteristics of the two languages, the topic of the theoretical part is schwa in spoken French. One of the chapters concerns the treatment of mute E in French songs and its treatment in poetry. The second part consists in an experimental study ; it contains the description and the results of three experiments concerning the two languages. The acoustic realization of schwa (or a "schwa-like" vocalic segment) is observed through production tasks and perception tests of syllabicity in French and Czech words. The acoustic analyses seem to support the well-known hypotheses that it is not just the effect of the phonological cribble, but also a mental representation of the graphical form that is operating in the process of the perception of a foreign language. Furthermore, the representation of the graphical form seems to play a role for French listeners when hearing their own language. The articulatory habits of native speakers can considerably influence not only the production of a foreign language being studied, but also its perception. In the case of our first two perception tests the French listeners were...

Le vocabulaire dans l’enseignement FLE en Suède : L’introduction aux mots par une culture en partage / Vocabulary learning in French as a foreign language (FLE) in Sweden : Introducing words through a shared culture

Siberchicot, Adrien January 2022 (has links)
Vocabulary learning is a fundamental aspect in second language acquisition, yet it produces difficulties due to the use of translation as its most common means. An interesting thesis in this field is the connection between words and culture. But what are the actual theories and tools that make this connection worthwhile? How could it be operative for teachers of FLE (French: French as a foreign language) in Sweden? On the first place, a theoretical framework is established in order to formulate pedagogical propositions. It will examine the connection between vocabulary and culture through a wide array of literature in the field of second language learning. Thus, the intercultural context of language learning offers a relevant platform where notions such as intercomprehension, “lexiculture”, cultural and lexical competences and authentic texts are at play. Based on this theoretical framework, a practical teaching proposition is elaborated. Exercises, ways to introduce new words or examples of the use of intercomprehension in language learning are thus explored. This proposition is supported by two interviews made in dialogue with two French teachers. Their answers tend to confirm in part the relevancy of the theoretical notions explained earlier such as intercomprehension. However, the connection between vocabulary and culture seems to remain vague in the field of word learning. It seems this assumption is rather a context or a framework that emphasizes the complexity of word acquisition and that offers the ability to develop a certain desire in learning new words.

Vers un dispositif hybride autonomisant pour les futurs enseignants de FLE en Colombie. Expérimentation dans une classe de licence de langues vivantes à l’université d’Antioquia / Towards an autonomizing blended device for future teachers of FLE in Colombia. Experiment with a class of the undergraduate program in Modern Languages at the University of Antioquia / Hacia un dispositivo híbrido autonomizante para los futuros docentes de FLE en Colombia. Experimentación en una de la Licencia en lenguas extranjeras de la universidad de Antioquia.

Cardona Villegas, Claudia Cecilia 08 July 2015 (has links)
Les technologies de l’information et la communication constituent actuellement un défi pour l’éducation en Colombie. La plupart des institutions éducatives, encouragée par le Gouvernement, savent qu’il faut les inclure dans leurs programmes. Cependant, il existe encore une forte réticence qui repose principalement sur la méconnaissance de la part des enseignants.Cette thèse en didactique de langues et cultures essaie de montrer à travers la présentation d’un cours hybride (combinaison de séances en présentiel avec des séances à distance ou virtuelles), que les technologies de l’information et la communication en éducation (TICE) peuvent apporter des bénéfices dans une licence en langues vivantes totalement en présentiel dans une université colombienne. Dans cette université publique, qui donne priorité aux jeunes à faible condition économique, de nombreux étudiants doivent travailler pendant leurs études. C’est pour cette raison qu’un cours en semi-présentiel diminue le temps d’assistance en classe et favorise la formation intégrale en promouvant le développement de l’autonomie. L’autonomie est une condition indispensable dans cette modalité éducative. Plusieurs disciplines telles que la sociologie, l’histoire, la didactique et la pédagogie ont convergé, à travers des outils et des données, vers cette thèse. Des questionnaires, des entretiens, des cahiers de bord des étudiants et des registres sur la plateforme, où le cours a été hébergé, ont permis d’observer comment quatorze (14) étudiants ont découvert et ont vécu une expérience, qui peut contribuer à modifier positivement les attitudes des nouvelles générations d’enseignants envers les TICE. En ce qui concerne l’autonomie, une légère progression est constatée, mais ce doit être encore amélioré, car en tant que processus, cette compétence demande plus de temps. La médiatisation et la médiation, deux composantes indispensables de tout dispositif en ligne, dépendent de tous les facteurs qui déterminent le contexte : étudiants, contenu du cours, horaire, niveau d’autonomie des étudiants, objectifs institutionnels et personnels, le professeur/tuteur… / Information and communication technology (ITC) is currently a challenge for education in Colombia. Most educational institutions, encouraged by the Government, know that they must include it in their programs; however, there is still a strong resistance to ITC due mainly to teacher´s lack of knowledge.This dissertation in language and culture didactics intends to show how a blended course of in-class and online teaching benefits foreign language programs in Colombian universities. At the University of Antioquia, a public university, priority is given to young people with low income who have to work while studying. It is for this reason that a blended course reduces the time to support and promote the integral formation of students by developing autonomy. Autonomy is an essential feature of this educational modality.Through the use of similar tools and data, several disciplines such as sociology, history, didactics and pedagogy converged in this dissertation. Questionnaires, interviews, students’notebooks and class recordings allow observing how fourteen (14) students discovered and lived this experience which could contribute to change to a more positive attitude in the new generations of teachers towards ICT. Student’s autonomy slightly increased as evidence by the tools used and the data gathered but it must be further improved because it is a skill that takes long to develop. Mediatisation and mediation, two indispensable components of any online device, depend on all the factors that determine the context: students, course content, schedule, level of student autonomy, institutional and personal goals, the teacher / tutor... / Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación constituyen actualmente un reto para la educación en Colombia. La mayoría de las instituciones educativas, impulsadas por el Estado, no ignoran que deben incluirlas en sus programas. Sin embargo, todavía hay una fuerte resistencia que obedece principalmente al desconocimiento de la parte de los docentes.Esta tesis en didáctica de lenguas y culturas trata de mostrar a través la presentación de un curso híbrido (caracterizado por combinar las sesiones de clase presenciales con sesiones a distancia o virtuales), que las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información en educación (TICE) pueden aportar beneficios a una licencia en lenguas extranjeras en modalidad presencial en una universidad Colombiana. Se trata de una universidad pública que favorece a los jóvenes estudiantes con dificultades económicas, donde muchos de ellos deben trabajar durante su formación universitaria.Es por esta razón que un curso semi-presencial disminuye el tiempo de asistencia a clases y favorece la formación integral al promover el desarrollo de la autonomía. La autonomía es un factor indispensable en esta modalidad educativa.Algunas disciplinas como la sociología, la historia, la didáctica y la pedagogía convergieron a través de los instrumentos y los datos obtenidos en esta tesis. Cuestionarios, entrevistas, cuadernos de campo de los estudiantes y registros en la plataforma, donde se desarrolló el curso, permitieron observar como catorce (14) estudiantes descubrieron y vivieron una experiencia que podría contribuir a modificar en ellos las actitudes de las nuevas generaciones de docentes hacia las TICE. En lo que concierne la autonomía, se pudo constatar una ligera progresión, pues como proceso, esta competencia requiere de tiempo. La mediación y la mediatización son dos componentes indispensables de todo dispositivo en línea que dependen de todos los factores que determinan el contexto: estudiantes, contenido de los cursos, horario, nivel de autonomía de los estudiantes, objetivos institucionales y personales, profesor/tutor…

O ritual comunicativo na aprendizagem do francês língua estrangeira.

Almeida, Alcinéia Emmerick de 10 May 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar dois aspectos fundamentais na interação em língua estrangeira. O primeiro diz respeito às novas categorias que todo aprendiz deve processar durante a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, o confronto com um outro sistema de representação, os questionamentos voltados à sua própria língua, até então a única legítima para operacionalizar na fala e na escrita sua visão de mundo. O segundo aspecto, resultante do anterior, abordou a noção de face através do modelo da polidez lingüística de Brown & Levinson (1987) sobre a preservação da face nos rituais de comunicação. Esse modelo, aprofundado por Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1990), nos levou a considerar questões de grande importância para o sucesso da interação em língua estrangeira, como os rituais de "engrenagem comunicativa" tais como saudação, apresentação, despedida, agradecimento, elogio, votos, dar/pedir informação, desculpas etc., sendo os três primeiros objeto de estudo mais detalhado ao integrarem o corpus da pesquisa. Houve a preocupação de se elaborar um vídeo com seqüências de alguns rituais comunicativos a fim de sensibilizar tanto o aprendiz quanto o professor de língua estrangeira sobre a sua diversidade e sobre a importância de se conhecer suas regras e seu funcionamento em outra(s) língua(s) e cultura(s). Acreditamos que os rituais comunicativos podem determinar não apenas o sucesso das interações (ou pelo fazer com que elas ocorram sem rupturas traumáticas na comunicação) como também ser um fator positivo no contato/apropriação da língua/cultura que se procura ensinar/aprender. / Ce travail a eu pour objectif de faire une analyse de deux aspects fondamentaux de l'interaction en langue étrangère. Le premier, qui concerne les nouvelles catégories sur lesquelles tout apprenant doit travailler pendant son apprentissage d'une langue étrangère, nous montre que la confrontation avec un autre système de représentation fait émerger des questions sur sa propre langue, jusque-là la seule langue légitime pour exprimer à l'oral et à l'écrit sa vision du monde. Le deuxième aspect, résultant du premier, comprend la notion de face à travers le modèle de la politesse linguistique de Brown & Levinson sur la préservation de la face dans les rituels de communication. Ce modèle, approfondi par C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni, nous a fait considérer des aspects importants pour le succès de l'interaction en langue étrangère (LE dorénavant), tels que les variations culturelles et les rituels d'engrenage communicatif (des moyens de contacts en LE) — les salutations, les présentations, la prise de congé, le remerciement, les compliments, les vœux, la demande de renseignements, les excuses etc. —, étant les trois premiers objet d'une étude plus détaillée dans le corpus de cette dissertation. Nous avons eu le souci d'élaborer une vidéo avec des séquences de quelques rituels communicatifs pour sensibiliser l'apprenant et le professeur à leur diversité et à l'importance de connaître leurs règles et leur fonctionnement dans d’autre(s) langue(s) et culture(s). Les rituels communicatifs peuvent déterminer non seulement le succès des interactions verbales (au moins sans qu'il y ait des ruptures traumatiques dans la communication) mais aussi faciliter le contact/appropriation de la langue/culture qu’on cherche à enseigner/apprendre.

Ser na língua do outro: uma investigação heurística do ensino-aprendizagem de FLE / Being in the language of the other: an heuristic research of the FLE teaching-learning

Oliveira, Guiomar Marins Justino de 06 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as reflexões sobre a prática de ensino, feitas pelo próprio pesquisador enquanto professor de francês, língua estrangeira, em contexto exolíngue de ensino-aprendizagem, por meio da análise de seus relatos de vida ou narrativas (auto)biográficas (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) acompanhados de seus diários de aula. Como forma discursiva, os relatos permitem ao narrador a rememoração e o resgate de experiências vividas; dessa forma, a narrativa apresenta-se, igualmente, como um retrato da situação no momento acontecido, trazendo consigo uma significação social, cheia de descrições e informações sobre um determinado contexto sociocultural e permitindo aos indivíduos, envolvidos no relato ou não, a compreensão do vivido pela perspectiva do narrador. Os relatos aqui trazidos dizem respeito à minha formação docente como um todo. Quanto aos diários de aula, eles concernem as atividades didáticas que realizei nos cursos FLE, FOS, FOU do CFIPOLI- USP. A presente pesquisa se define como uma investigação qualitativa, feita à luz da metodologia de pesquisa heurística de Clark E. Moustakas (1994). O registro de vida e das aulas constituem um espaço de expressão e de elaboração do pensamento do professor, no qual ele se expõe como profissional e pessoa; ao (se) expor, ele explica e interpreta sua ação pedagógica em aula e fora dela. Desta forma, como sujeitonarrador trago questões que influenciaram minhas ações e decisões pedagógicas e complemento os relatos com estudos específicos e analíticos, além de reflexões sobre práticas de aulas apresentadas. Todo esse processo, apenas possível pela ação reflexiva docente, contamina todos os envolvidos gerando um processo consciente e reflexivo também no(s) aluno(s). / The present study aimed to analyze the reflections about the teaching practice performed by the researcher as a French teacher, foreign language, in exolingual context of teaching and learning, by analyzing his life reports or autobiographical narratives (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) together with his class diary. As discursive form, the reports allows the narrator the recalling and the rescue of past experiences, thus, the narrative is presented as a picture of the situation from the that moment, bringing with it a social meaning, full of descriptions and information about a certain sociocultural context and allowing the subjects, involved in the report or not, the understanding of moment by the narrator perspective. The reports of this article are about the authors graduation being a teacher as a whole. About the class diary, they report the didactics activities performed in courses of FLE, FOS, FOU of CFI-POLI-USP. The present research is defined as a qualitative investigation, done by the methodology of heuristic research of Clark E. Moustakas (1994). The class and life records constitute a space of expression and development of teachers thought, exposing him professionally and as a person, doing it, the teacher explains and interprets his pedagogical actions inside and outside the class. Thus, as narrator subject, bringing issues that influenced the actions and pedagogical decisions and adding the reports with specific and analytics studies, besides the reflections about the practice of presented classes. All this process, only is possible by the teachers reflective action, contaminates everyone involved promoting a conscious and reflective process for students also.

Ensino e aprendizado do \'fle\' através de canções: reflexões sobre representações culturais e relatório de experiência / Teaching and learning of the \'fle\' through the songs: reflections about cultural representation and experience report

Anjos, Célia Regina dos 31 August 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, num primeiro momento, o de realizar algumas considerações do ponto de vista pedagógico quanto ao ensino / aprendizagem do FLE - Francês Língua Estrangeira, no tocante à metodologia, às possíveis abordagens e à importância do ensino da civilização, dentro do universo intercultural que leva o indivíduo a se descentrar, a cooperar, a ultrapassar certos pré-julgamentos e a compreender como o outro o vê e as representações do mundo. Os conceitos de Pierre Martinez, Christian Puren, Pierre Dumont, Jean-Claude Beacco e Martine Abdallah-Pretceille, dentre outros, constituíram algumas das postulações das quais pude me valer para estudar estas questões. Ocupou lugar especial a questão da inserção do ensino de línguas dentro do universo da globalização, já que não podemos desatrelar a questão educativa das questões sociais ou econômicas, que aí se fazem refletir diretamente. Os trabalhos de Martin Carnoy, publicados pela Unesco, bem como o \"Cadre Européen de référence pour les langues: apprendre, enseigner, évaluer\", entre outros, constituíram fontes sólidas para essas informações. Num segundo momento, o ensino de FLE ganha dimensão através de estratégias de ensino, de instrumentos poderosos dentro da tarefa a que deve se propor o ensino de línguas estrangeiras: a de ensinar de forma prazerosa e efetiva. Dentro dessa perspectiva, o ensino através de canções se reveste de grande importância, sendo um elemento de grande valia para o desafio que é colocado, permitindo ao aluno a imersão na aprendizagem, grande interação em sala de aula e a obtenção de informações preciosas dentro do contexto cultural ou intercutural, já que, ao lado de outras produções, a canção permite a apreensão de elementos da estrutura social e artística de uma determinada época, produzida num certo momento histórico. Finalmente, o relato da experiência do curso de francês extracurricular ministrado na FFLCH da USP visa dar elementos para presentes e futuras reflexões por parte de colegas que, em busca da motivação e realização da aprendizagem, desenvolvem novas alternativas e formas de ensinar que possam levar o aluno a refletir sobre as questões gerais que estão implícitas quando se fala em ensino de língua estrangeira; afinal, aprender uma língua é, sem dúvida, aprender também sua cultura, o quê e como pensa o povo que fala esta língua; conhecer seus ícones, seus símbolos, em seus vários aspectos ou temas, bem como algumas de suas representações. Foi o que se pretendeu abordar através do Curso de Francês através das Canções. / The present work had the objective, at first, of making some considerations on a pedagogical view about the teaching way/learning of the FLE - Francês Língua Estrangeira, when it gets to methodology, possible approaches and the importance of the civilization teaching inside the intercultural universe which leads individuals to cooperate, get trough some pre judgments and to understand how others see themselves and the world representations. The subject of the insertion of the language teaching into the globalization universe, took a special place on this work, as we can\'t separate the educative question from the social or economical questions, which are intrinsically connected. The works of Martin Carnoy, published by UNESCO, as well as, the Cadre Européen de reference pour les langues: apprendre, enseigner, évaluer, among others, served as solid sources to those information. On a second moment, the FLE teaching grows in importance trough teaching strategies, trough powerful instruments inside the task on which the foreign language teaching must reflect on: to teach on a pleasant and affective way. Based on that perspective the teaching trough songs gains great importance, being a very valuable element to the challenge which is set, leading the student to a total focus on the process of learning, great interaction in the classroom and to the attainment of precious information inside the cultural and intercultural context, since among other productions, songs allow the fixation of elements from the social and artistic structure from a determined time, produced at a certain historical moment. Finally, the experience report from the external French course ministered at this Institution, aims the generation of elements to present and future reflection by colleagues which, on the search of motivation and learning accomplishment, develop new alternatives and teaching ways that may lead the student to reflect about the general questions which are implicit when it gets to foreign language teaching; after all, to learn a language is, without question, to learn its culture, what and how the people who speak that language think; to know its icons, its symbols on several aspects or themes, some of its representations. That is what was intended to be demonstrated trough the French Course trough Songs.

"Jeux de rôle" ve výuce francouzštiny jako cizího jazyka / Role-playing in French as a Foreign Language

Konštiaková, Kristína January 2018 (has links)
The work is dealing with the "Role-playing" ("Jeux de rôles") in teaching French as a foreign language. The aim of theoretical part is to describe the history and definition of the activity as well as its didactic use and benefits. Furthermore, respective phases of its realization are described. The practical part begins with showing the results of application of this activity in practice. Then, presence of the activity in some current French textbooks is examined in more detail. Finally, thanks to the survey method, the present situation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is monitored, from teachers' point of view on the one hand and from students' one on the other hand. The goal of the research is to find out if teachers of French language use the activity in theirs lessons and if so, what their experience is. Measuring popularity of this activity among students completes the research. Key words: Role-playing, French as a foreign Language |FLE|, French Textbook, Communicative Approach, Pragmatics

Ser na língua do outro: uma investigação heurística do ensino-aprendizagem de FLE / Being in the language of the other: an heuristic research of the FLE teaching-learning

Guiomar Marins Justino de Oliveira 06 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as reflexões sobre a prática de ensino, feitas pelo próprio pesquisador enquanto professor de francês, língua estrangeira, em contexto exolíngue de ensino-aprendizagem, por meio da análise de seus relatos de vida ou narrativas (auto)biográficas (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) acompanhados de seus diários de aula. Como forma discursiva, os relatos permitem ao narrador a rememoração e o resgate de experiências vividas; dessa forma, a narrativa apresenta-se, igualmente, como um retrato da situação no momento acontecido, trazendo consigo uma significação social, cheia de descrições e informações sobre um determinado contexto sociocultural e permitindo aos indivíduos, envolvidos no relato ou não, a compreensão do vivido pela perspectiva do narrador. Os relatos aqui trazidos dizem respeito à minha formação docente como um todo. Quanto aos diários de aula, eles concernem as atividades didáticas que realizei nos cursos FLE, FOS, FOU do CFIPOLI- USP. A presente pesquisa se define como uma investigação qualitativa, feita à luz da metodologia de pesquisa heurística de Clark E. Moustakas (1994). O registro de vida e das aulas constituem um espaço de expressão e de elaboração do pensamento do professor, no qual ele se expõe como profissional e pessoa; ao (se) expor, ele explica e interpreta sua ação pedagógica em aula e fora dela. Desta forma, como sujeitonarrador trago questões que influenciaram minhas ações e decisões pedagógicas e complemento os relatos com estudos específicos e analíticos, além de reflexões sobre práticas de aulas apresentadas. Todo esse processo, apenas possível pela ação reflexiva docente, contamina todos os envolvidos gerando um processo consciente e reflexivo também no(s) aluno(s). / The present study aimed to analyze the reflections about the teaching practice performed by the researcher as a French teacher, foreign language, in exolingual context of teaching and learning, by analyzing his life reports or autobiographical narratives (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) together with his class diary. As discursive form, the reports allows the narrator the recalling and the rescue of past experiences, thus, the narrative is presented as a picture of the situation from the that moment, bringing with it a social meaning, full of descriptions and information about a certain sociocultural context and allowing the subjects, involved in the report or not, the understanding of moment by the narrator perspective. The reports of this article are about the authors graduation being a teacher as a whole. About the class diary, they report the didactics activities performed in courses of FLE, FOS, FOU of CFI-POLI-USP. The present research is defined as a qualitative investigation, done by the methodology of heuristic research of Clark E. Moustakas (1994). The class and life records constitute a space of expression and development of teachers thought, exposing him professionally and as a person, doing it, the teacher explains and interprets his pedagogical actions inside and outside the class. Thus, as narrator subject, bringing issues that influenced the actions and pedagogical decisions and adding the reports with specific and analytics studies, besides the reflections about the practice of presented classes. All this process, only is possible by the teachers reflective action, contaminates everyone involved promoting a conscious and reflective process for students also.

L'utilisation des TIC dans l'apprentisage du FLE au Soudan : étude de cas à l'université de Nyala au Darfour / Utilisation of ICT in learning french as foreign language in Sudan : case study at university of Nyala in Darfur

Mohammed Abdallah Ishag, Babiker 18 January 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette recherche consiste à postuler les effets de l'intégration des TIC dans l 'apprentissage du FLE au Soudan, à partir d'une étude de cas des étudiants de FLE de l'Université de Nyala (état du Sud Darfour). L'hypothèse principale porte sur l'usage des TIC en classe de FLE soudanaise comme facteur de maîtrise de la langue française et d'initiation à la culture française par une modification du rapport aux savoirs. La méthodologie croisée comprend 1) une enquête qualitative préliminaire auprès d'enseignants sur leurs usages des TIC ; 2) un questionnaire (N = 220 ; population exhaustive des étudiants en FLE de Nyala) ; 3) une étude comparée de pratiques de classes sans/avec usage des TIC (2112 séquences ; classe en semestre 5 ; 90 étudiants). Les résultats montrent que l 'usage des TIC dynamise les interactions et modifie le rapport au savoir, ouvrant des perspectives de démocratisation et de désenclavement du territoire ainsi qu'une opportunité de renouvellement des pratiques professionnelles et étudiantes dans leur dimension interculturelle. / This research aim lays on the impact of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) during French teaching class in Sudan. This case study focused on the students from Nyala University (South Darfur State). The hypothesis was about the ICT impact on the learning as a vector for the French language mastering and the initiation towards its cultural aspects by the modification of the knowledge relationship. The crossed methodology used 1) a qualitative inquiry interview on teachers about their ICT uses; 2) a survey questionnaire (N=220; all the student population enrolled at Nyala university in the language curriculum); 3) a comparative study on classroom pracTICs with(out) the ITC use (2/ 12 sequences duration; semester 5 level; 90 students). Results showed that the ITC use impacts the interaction dynamics and modifies the rapport to knowledge, opening perspective s for democrati zing and the area as well as renewing the professional and student pracTICs towards crosscultural perspectives.

Twórczość Claire Castillon w kształceniu literackim na filologii romańskiej w Polsce / Littérature contemporaine féminine française à destination d'étudiants en FLE : l'exemple de Claire Castillon : étude critique et didactique / Contemporary French women’s writing for students in FLE : the exemple of Claire Castillon

Lange-Henszke, Magdalena 29 September 2016 (has links)
La présente étude vise à écouter la voix des femmes s’exprimant à travers leurs œuvres, à comprendre leurs motivations, leurs buts et leur place dans le discours littéraire et social ; on cherchera aussi à analyser la réception par les étudiants de la littérature française féminine contemporaine, considérée comme une proposition de lecture digne d’attention en raison de son caractère socialement engagé. Le fait de se demander de quelle façon la littérature française créée par les femmes observe les problèmes auxquels est confrontée la société contemporaine et de quelle manière elle entreprend un dialogue sur ces sujets, montrant par là un intérêt pour l’ordre social et politique, semble élargir avec profit non seulement les perspectives de l’analyse littéraire, mais également l’horizon de la didactique de la littérature. En se penchant sur la création littéraire contemporaine des femmes, on cherche à proposer un tour d’horizon des formes d’engagement et du degré d’intensité avec lequel sont traitées les questions de société dont la problématique influence la situation de l’individu et les communautés qu’il forme, à commencer par la plus petite d’entre elles : la famille. À travers l’œuvre de Claire Castillon, qui puise dans les modèles créés par les femmes écrivains des générations précédentes, nous pouvons observer la façon dont celles-ci entreprennent une réflexion critique sur leur place et leur rôle dans le tissu social, mais aussi sur l’état général de la société dans laquelle elles évoluent. De même, nous voyons quels problèmes de société apparaissent comme les plus sensibles de leur point de vue. Afin de suivre l’évolution de l’écriture féminine et de mieux comprendre sa place actuelle, il est essentiel d’analyser les motifs pour lesquels les femmes ont saisi la plume, notamment depuis la Révolution française, lorsque ces questions de société ont pris une importance particulière dans le discours public, également dans le champ littéraire. / This study aims to listen to the voices of women expressed through their works, to understand their motivations, their goals and their place in the literary and social discourse ; we also seek to analyze the reception by students of contemporary French women's writing considered a reading proposal worthy of attention because of its socially committed character. The fact wonder how French literature created by women observe the issues facing modern society and how she develop a dialogue on these subjects, thereby showing an interest in social and political order which seems to expand profitably not only the prospects of literary analysis, but also the horizon of didactics of literature. By focusing on the contemporary literature of women, it seeks to provide an overview of the forms of commitment and degree of intensity with which are treated the issues of society whose problems affect the situation of the individual and communities that it forms, starting with the smallest one: the family. Through the work of Claire Castillon, which draws from models created by women writers of previous generations, we can observe how women writers undertake critical reflection on the role od women in society, but also the general state of society in which they operate. Similarly, we see which social issus are most essential to their views. To follow the evolution of women's writing and understand its current position, it is important to analyze the reasons why women have seized the pen, especially since the French Revolution, when the social issues have taken a particular importance in the public discourse, also in the literary field.

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