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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A propòsit del «Cicle de Flo La Vigne», de Llorenç Villalonga

Mas Canals, Víctor de 23 January 2013 (has links)
En relació amb les novel•les de Llorenç Villalonga que integren l’anomenat Cicle de Flo la Vigne, aquesta tesi en caracteritza el context històric, analitza el concepte novel•lesc de l’autor, fa una anàlisi detallada de cadascuna de les novel•les i es detura en la recepció crítica coetània que tingueren. Els principals resultats i conclusions que s’han obtingut de l’anàlisi de les dades són els següents. Tot i que el sintagma és operatiu, no existeix realment un Cicle de Flo la Vigne, sinó la novel•la de Flo i el cicle de la decadència d’Occident. En la seva pràctica novel•lística, Villalonga no es va ajustar a les seves propostes teòriques. Temàticament, Villalonga és un compulsiu, la seva obra gira obsessivament a l’entorn de la mort individual i col•lectiva; totes les seves creacions són un pretext per incidir en aquest tema, al qual adequa materials de la més diversa procedència encara que els hagi de tergiversar. Així, conscient de la pròpia mort, l’amor a ell mateix l’empeny a aconseguir la immortalitat a través de la literatura. Al llarg d’aquesta cerca de la immortalitat, Villalonga esdevindrà un cronista i un vaticinador; a més, molt més racionalista que retrògrad, es convertirà en un pioner de l’ecologia i evolucionarà cap al pancatalanisme. Tant com s’ha negat aquesta darrera adscripció, s’ha suggerit l’homosexualitat de Villalonga; tanmateix, Villalonga no fou homosexual, sinó homòfil. Per acabar, s’han obtingut algunes conclusions que són les de més transcendència. Tradicionalment s’ha considerat l’obra de Villalonga dividida entre les obres que fan l’elegia del passat i les que fan la sàtira del present. Aquesta divisió és operativa, però té les seves limitacions. Hi ha elegia a Bearn, en efecte, però també n’hi ha a Lulú regina, tot i que sigui futura. Afirmem que hi ha una línia força més significativa que divideix en dos l’obra de Villalonga, la qual està sempre lligada a la voluntat de pervivència. D’una banda, la crònica escatològica, que connecta amb la pervivència literària. De l’altra, la literatura memorialista, que li permet la supervivència personal; privat de la biologia, li quedava la literatura: Les fures, El misantrop, L’àngel rebel, Falses memòries de Salvador Orlan. En aquest context, L’àngel rebel és una obra doblement singular. En primer lloc, perquè participa dels dos fronts productius esmentats: el memorialista i l’escatològic. En segon lloc, perquè recull la negativa de Porcel, la qual constitueix, de fet, l’empenta que impulsarà Villalonga a completar el seu gran cicle escatològic: Don Toni de Bearn, Obdúlia de Montcada, la Lilí, les Lulús, Andrea Víctrix. Així, usar el sintagma l’autor de Bearn com a perífrasi sinònima de Villalonga és correcte, però si es fa servir com a sinècdoque descriptiva de la seva obra s’està caient en un reduccionisme inacceptable: quan s’ha llegit Bearn, tot just si s’ha començat a llegir Villalonga. / In connection with the novels that make up the so-called Villalonga Cicle de Flo la Vigne, this thesis characterizes the historical context, analyzes the novelistic concept of the author, makes a detailed analysis of each novel and stops in the contemporary critique re-conception that they had. The main results and conclusions obtained from the analysis of the data are the following ones. Although the syntagma is operating, there isn’t actually a Cicle de Flo la Vigne, but the novel Flo and the West decline cycle. In his novelistic practice, Villalonga did not fit to his theoretical proposals. Thematically, Villalonga is compulsive, his work revolves around the individual and collective death; all his creations are a pretext to talk about this issue, which adapt materials of many different origins, even if he has to distort them. So, aware of his own death, love to himself pushes him to achieve the immortality through the literature. Along this immortality search, Villalonga will become a journalist and a predictor, much more rationalist than retrograde, will become an ecology pioneer and will evolve to pancatalanism. As much as this latest relevance has been refused, has been suggested Villalonga homosexuality, however Villalonga was not gay but homophile. To finish, some obtained conclusions are momentous. Traditionally, Villalonga work has been considered divided between the works that make an elegy of the past and the ones that make a satire of the present. This division is operational, but has its limitations. There is indeed an elegy in Bearn, but there are also in Lulú regina, even if it’s located in the future. We affirm that there is a much more significant line that divides the work of Villalonga, which is always linked to the will to survive. On the one hand, the eschatological chronic, which connects with the literature survival. On the other hand, the memorialist literature, which allows him the personal survival; as he had a lack of biology, he had the literature: Les fures, El misantrop, L’àngel rebel, Falses memories de Salvador Orlan. In this context, L’àngel rebel is a doubly unique work. First, because it participates in both of the two mentioned productive points: the memorialist and the scatological. Secondly, because it takes the negative of Porcel, which is, in fact, the push to boost Villalonga to complete his great eschatological cycle: Don Toni de Bearn, Obdúlia de Montcada, Lilí, Lulús, Andrea Víctrix. So, use the syntagma “the autor of Bearn” as a synonymous phrase for Villalonga is correct, but if it is used as a descriptive synecdoche of his work is to fall into an unacceptable reductionism: when you have read Bearn, you have just started reading Villalonga.

Social Responsibility and Fair trade in European Context

Menšíková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to determine the current position of the Fair Trade concept in the framework of social responsibility within the European context, to find out strengths and weaknesses, evaluate them, and make the recommendations for the future development and improvement of the European social responsibility with regard to the Fair Trade, as one of the visible activity belonging to the social responsibility approach. The theoretical part focuses on introducing of basic principles of social responsibility and Fair Trade in the European context. In the empirical part, the primary data are collected with the qualitative method using expert interviews with the key experts from Fair Trade area. Personal opinions and suggestions from professionals and experts are presented and summarized. Afterwards, the empirical finding are compared with theoretical background and results are interpreted.

The control of cellular adhesion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the FLO gene regulator Mss11p

Bester, Michael Christiaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Science) (Viticulture and Oenology. Wine Biotechnology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae senses change within its environment and responds through specific adaptive cellular programmes, in particular by modifying gene expression. Many adaptive changes affect the physico-chemical properties of the cell wall, and several mechanisms that specifically affect the expression levels of genes that encode for cell wall components have been described previously. Cell wall modification directly impacts on general cell wall properties and cell-cell and cell-surface interactions. Many of these properties have been directly linked to families of cell wall proteins referred to as adhesins. In particular members of the Flocculation (FLO) gene family have been shown to play a crucial role in adhesion phenotypes. Flo11p functions in a variety of phenotypes including agar invasion, plastic adhesion and the formation of pseudohyphae, “flor” and “mats”, whereas Flo1p appears to control flocculation. The regulation of FLO11 expression is well documented and is mainly controlled by the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and cyclic AMP protein kinase A (cAMP-PKA) signalling cascades. Genetic analysis shows that Mss11p acts downstream and is central to these pathways, and furthermore interacts with the cAMP-PKA component Flo8p to activate transcription. In this study we further explore additional gene targets of Flo8p and Mss11p, as well as their regulation and their impact on cell wall characteristics and associated adhesion phenotypes. Our analysis shows that Mss11p is also required for FLO1 expression, and functions together with Flo8p to control many Flo-dependent adhesion phenotypes. Genome-wide gene expression analysis further reveals that altered Mss11p levels leads to the change in the expression of various cell membrane and cell wall genes, notably AQY2 and members of the DAN and TIR gene families. Further genetic analysis indicates that adhesion phenotypes display an almost exclusive dependence on FLO gene expression. We also demonstrate that these phenotypes require Flo10p and are thus dependent on the specific balance of Flo proteins in the cell wall. The analysis of signalling deletion mutants show that regulation of FLO10 shares signalling components with FLO11, but that the two genes are differentially regulated. Unlike FLO11, FLO10 transcription also does not display an absolute requirement for Mss11p but rather for the MAPK component Ste12p. Whole genome expression analysis were also performed on strains with altered levels of Flo8p which were compared with the above mentioned transcriptome data set. This analysis shows that Flo8p and Mss11p co-regulate the FLO genes, as well as AQY2 and TIR3, but also have significant unique gene targets. The combination of transcriptome data with current information concerning transcription factor (TF) interaction networks reveals the importance of network interaction between Cin5p, Flo8p, Mga1p and Mss11p. From these data we constructed a TF interaction model in which Flo8p acts as the predominantly activating TF component, whereas Mss11p function as a target hub TF, possibly as a mediator- or polymerase II holo-enzyme component. Finally we provide a first report on “mat” formation by an industrial wine yeast strain, and show that by adjusting FLO11 expression in this strain we are able to significantly change this phenotypic behaviour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gis Saccharomyces cerevisiae neem veranderinge in sy omgewing waar en reageer daarop deur middel van spesifieke sellulêre programme, in die besonder deur geenuitdrukking aan te pas. Verskeie aanpasbare veranderinge beïnvloed die fisieke, asook chemiese eienskappe van die selwand, en talle meganismes is al beskryf wat die uitdrukkingsvlakke beïnvloed van gene wat vir selwandkomponente kodeer. Die modifikasie van die selwand het ’n direkte impak op selwand-eienskappe, asook die sel-sel- en sel-oppervlak-interaksies. Verskeie van hierdie eienskappe word direk gekoppel aan die selwandproteïenfamilies, wat ook as adhesie-faktore bekend staan. Veral lede van die Flokkulasie (FLO) -geenfamilie het ’n noodsaaklike funksie in adhesie-fenotipes. Flo11p speel ’n rol in verskeie fenotipes, wat insluit die indringende groei van agar, plastiekaanhegting en die vorming van pseudohifes, “flor“ en “matte“, terwyl Flo1p flokkulasie beheer. Die regulering van FLO11-uitdrukking is deeglik gedokumenteerd en dit word hoofsaaklik gereguleer deur die mitogeen-geaktiveerde proteïenkinase (MAPK) en sikliese AMP-proteïenkinase A (cAMP-PKA) seintransduksiekaskades. Genetiese analises toon dat Mss11p stroom-af en sentraal tot hierdie kaskades funksioneer, en dit aktiveer transkripsie deur interaksie met die cAMP-PKA-komponent, Flop8. In hierdie studie word ’n ondersoek gedoen na addisionele teikengene van Flo8p en Mss11p, en hoe hierdie gene gereguleer word, asook hul impak op selwandeienskappe en geassosieerde adhesie-fenotipes. Ons analises toon dat Mss11p ook benodig word vir die ekspressie van FLO1 en dat dit, tesame met Flo8p, beheer uit oefen oor verskeie Flo-afhanklike fenotipes. Genoomwye geenekspressie-analises wys verder daarop dat veranderde Mss11p-vlakke lei tot die aanpassing van die ekspressie van verskeie selmembraan- en selwandgene, naamlik AQY2 asook lede van die DAN- en TIR-geenfamilies. Verdere genetiese analise dui daarop dat adhesie-fenotipes byna eksklusief afhanklik is van FLO-geenekspressie. Daar is verder getoon dat hierdie fenotipes ook Flo10p benodig en dus afhanklik is van die spesifieke balans van Floproteïene in die selwand. Die analise van seintransduksiemutante demonstreer dat FLO10 en FLO11 seintransduksie-komponente deel, maar dat hierdie gene verskillend gereguleer word. Anders as FLO11, toon FLO10 nie ’n absolute noodsaaklikheid vir Mss11p nie, maar eerder vir die MAPK-komponent, Ste12p. Totale genoomekspressie-analises is ook gedoen op gisrasse met aangepaste vlakke van Flo8p en dis vergelyk met bogenoemde transkripsiedatastel. Hierdie analise wys dat Flo8p and Mss11p die FLO-gene, asook AQY2 en TIR3, koreguleer, maar ook beduidende unieke teikengene het. Die kombinasie van transkripsiedata met huidig beskikbare informasie betreffende transkripsiefaktor (TF) -interaksienetwerke dui op die relevansie van netwerkinteraksie tussen Cin5p, Flo8p, Mga1p en Mss11p. Hiervan is daar ’n model opgestel waarin Flo8p in die meeste gevalle as die aktiverende TF-komponent optree, terwyl Mss11p as TF-teiken dien, moontlik as ’n mediator- of polimerase II holoënsiemkomponent. Laatens word daar vir die eerste keer verslag gedoen van ”mat”-vorming deur ’n industriële wyngisras en toon ons verder dat hierdie fenotipe beduidend verander word deur middel van die aanpassing van FLO11-uitdrukking.

Comércio justo e inserção internacional de produtos com apelo social : o caso do açúcar de rapadura do Engenho Comunitário de Água Branca no Estado de Alagoas

Maria da Silva Oliveira, Irani January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T17:21:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo6112_1.pdf: 862556 bytes, checksum: 78bac9b60838aa079ebda6706cb55338 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Comércio, não ajuda, esta é a essência do comércio justo ou fair trade, que tem o propósito de ajudar pequenos produtores localizados em países em desenvolvimento possibilitando o desenvolvimento sustentável nestas regiões. Para ser fornecedor desta rede internacional de comércio o produtor precisa atender algumas exigências que fazem seu produto apresentar apelo social tais como: dar igual oportunidades a homens e mulheres, ser administrado de forma transparente e democrática, preservar o meio ambiente entre outras. Este apelo social deve ser comprovado através de uma instituição certificadora internacional que atue no comércio justo mundial. Os governos mundiais têm demonstrado preocupação com a preservação do meio ambiente realizando campanhas de conscientização da finitude dos recursos naturais, um reflexo destas campanhas é que o cidadão passou a ter mais informações sobre estas agressões realizadas contra o meio ambiente e passou a valorizar o produto que tem conotação orgânica (produzido sem grandes agressões ao meio ambiente, sem uso de agrotóxico etc). Água Branca é um município do estado de Alagoas que está entre os 900 municípios brasileiros menos desenvolvidos (CPRM, 2000). Sua agricultura mostra uma particularidade interessante que é a não utilização de agrotóxicos ou corretivos de solo e tem uma tradicional exploração de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar e produção de seus derivados também sem a utilização de aditivos químicos. Este estudo teve o propósito de analisar o sistema de produção de açúcar mascavo em Água Branca apontando as simetrias e ajustes a serem realizados para que esta produção obtenha o selo internacional da Fairtrade Labelling Organizations Internacional FLO, como também quais os ajustes e simetrias apresentadas com a produção e cultivo orgânico, tomando como parâmetro as exigências para certificação de produtos orgânicos do Instituto Biodinâmico IBD, instituição credenciada pela International Federation of the Agriculture Moviments IFOAM, cujo selo de certificação orgânica tem creditação nos Estados Unidos da América, Japão, Europa e América do Sul. Para obtenção de certificação orgânica o projeto a ser credenciado deve estar devidamente regulamentado nos órgãos de vigilância sanitária. Foram estudadas as exigências da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) para registro do produto e da unidade produtora, como também foram apontados os ajustes e investimentos a serem realizados para obtenção do registro. Por fim este estudo concluiu que existe a possibilidade de inserção da produção de açúcar mascavo de Água Branca na rede internacional de comércio justo, para tanto é necessário fazer alguns ajustes que atendam as solicitações das instituições acima citadas

Sensitivity analysis of grate inlet representation and a comparison of two coupled hydraulic models for urban flood simulation / Känslighetsanalys av dagvattenbrunnars representation och en jämförelse mellan två kopplade hydrauliska modeller för simulering av urban översvämning

Lundqvist, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Urban flood models are an important tool in designing and analyzing municipalities sewer drainage systems and predicting the effect of potential extent and depth of future floods. In urban areas, coupled 1D-2D flood models are particularly useful as they can represent the surface- and sewer system and their interactions. But it iss common practice to simplify the sewer system by only simulating water exchange between both systems at manholes while neglecting the effect of grate inlets. To investigate the effect grate inlet representations have in flood models, the simulation results of different models created in the software MIKE FLOOD with the number of nodes and inlet sizes adjusted according to the location of actual grate inlets were compared. In addition, a comparison between the flood modeling softwares MIKE FLOOD and FLO-2D was performed, based on a case study in Motala.. It was found that both MIKE FLOOD and FLO-2D can predict similar flood propagation and maximum water depths. The MIKE FLOOD models predicted larger amounts of drained water via the sewer system. This was likely caused by the extra water added through water level correction in the MIKE FLOOD models combined with numerical instabilities in the FLO-2D sewer models. Adjusting the number and dimensions of nodes according to actual grate inlets proved to have little effect on the predicted maximum surface water depths. But it did result in decreased drainage capacity together with less sewer inflow compared to the models neglecting grate inlets. The inlet representation did have a significant effect on predicted flood durations, with the models neglecting grate inlets having shorter flood durations in downstream areas and longer flood durations in upstream areas compared to the other models. It was also found that that the effect inlet node representations has on flood durations heavily depends on their locations with nodes located in water gathering areas such as depressions with ponding water having the most effect.

Studies on Molecular Targets and Pathways Regulated by Rice RFL for Flowering Transition and Panicle Development

Goel, Shipra January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
LFY of Arabidopsis is a member of a unique plant specific transcription factor family. It is involved in giving meristem a determinate floral fate by the activation of floral organ identity genes and preventing inflorescence meristem identity. RFL is a homolog of FLO/LFY in rice. Studies from our lab on rice RFL, based on the effects of knockdown or overexpression, showed its major functions are in timing the conversion of SAM to IM and to prevent the premature conversion of branch meristem to spikelets. Additionally roles in vegetative axillary meristem specification have been also been identified in laboratory. Here, we attempt to delineate molecular pathways directly regulated by RFL as a transcription factor controlling inflorescence and floral development in rice. Part I: Identification of global target genes bound by RFL in developing rice inflorescences We carried out ChIP sequencing of the DNA bound by RFL in panicles (01.-0.3cm stage) using anti-RFL antibody. DNA sequences in one library pool were analyses by the MACS algorithm (FDR<0.01), to find 8000 binding sites while the SPP algorithm identified 5000 enriched peaks. These mapped to 2500 or 2800 gene-associated loci respectively, 617 of which were common loci to both pipelines. Several RFL bound gene loci were homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana LFY gene targets. Such gene targets underscore conserved downstream targets for LFY-proteins in evolutionarily very distinct species. AtLFY is known to bind variants of CCANT/G cis element classified as primary, inflorescence or seedling type. We scanned for these three types of cis elements at 123 RFL bound genes with likely functions in flowering. For a few of these 123 rice loci we find one of these cis motifs (p-value<0.001) in RFL bound ChIP-seq data. To validate these targets of RFL, we adopted in vitro DNA-protein binding assays with bacterially purified RFL protein. We confirm RFL target interactions with some genes implicated in flowering time, others in photoperiod triggered flowering, circadian rhythm, gibberellin hormone pathway, inflorescence development and branching. The in vitro experiments hint different RFL-DNA binding properties as compared to Arabidopsis LFY. We report binding to sequences at rice gene loci that are unique targets. Part II: Pathways regulated by RFL for reproductive transition and panicle development To co-relate DNA binding of RFL to target loci with changes in their gene expression, expression studies were taken up for selected set of genes implicated in rice flowering transition and panicle architecture. To study in planta and tissue specific gene regulation by RFL we raised RFL dsRNAi transgenics. Comparative transcript analysis in these RFL partial knockdown lines and matched wild type tissues reveal that RFL is an activator for some genes and repressor for other gene targets. We also examined if the gene expression effects of RFL knockdown can be reversed by induced complementation with an RFL-GR protein. We raised transgenics plants with a T-DNA ubi:RFL-GR, 35S CaMV:amiR RFL for these experiments. In planta target gene transcript levels were assessed in various conditions conditions. These studies validate rice RFL as an activator of some panicle architecture genes. Part III: Analysis of endogenous RFL protein in WT rice tissues Studies in Arabidopsis and in petunia with LFY and AFL, respectively, implicate these some abnormal mobility as compared to their predicted molecular weight when overexpressed. We studied endogenous RFL protein abundance in planta, adopting western analysis with anti-RFL antibody. We consistently identify two prominent cross reacting bands in different tissues which can be also be pulled-down from whole nuclear extracts of panicle and axillary meristem tissues. We speculate on likely modifications and possible functions for the same.

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