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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití UAV pro mapování a analýzu následků povodní / Application of UAV for mapping and assessment of flood effects

Vacková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to devise a method for objective classification of floodplain based on spatially accurate data from UAV that allows identification of the fundamental features of floodplain and channel arising from or affecting by the floods activities. Background research is focused on floodplain forming processes; types of flood on our territory and its geomorphological effects, as well as a brief description unmanned aerial vehicle and their applicability in natural science and the flood. Proposed method was carried out on the test section - a part of meander of Javoří stream in Šumava Mountain - then was tested on complex meander belt of the same stream. Proposed method is based on applicability of standard objective classification. Elementary products from photogrammetric analysis - 2D orthophoto and 3D digital surface model - are used as basic input data. Another aim of theses is to discuss applicability of this method for assessment of fluvial form, its limits and potential development. The results indicated that success of classification will increase significantly the involvement of 3D data to classification, which from standard data from the UAV, despite the lack of absence multispectral bands doing a very valuable source of information for mapping and analysis, for example, the...

Přírodní katastrofy a nástroje krytí jimi způsobených škod na soukromém majetku / Natural disasters and tools of coverage the damage caused by them on private property

Datková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis discusses the occurrence and evolution of natural disasters in the world and in the Czech republic. More detail it deals with floods in the Czech republic, the causes of their formation, climate changes and especially tools of coverage the damage caused by them on property of individuals. In addition to prevention, commercial insurance, public and private sources are also considered the instruments of capital market. The interest is focused on barriers of commercial insurance that reduce the level of insurance protection. Finally, this work deals also with storms in the Czech republic.

Možnosti využitia nástrojov ART pri prírodných katastrofách na území Českej republiky / The possibilities of applying ART products to natural disasters in the Czech Republic

Veverka, Matej January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of applying weather derivatives and catastrophe bonds as alternative risk transfer products, which enable to cope with natural disaster risk in the Czech Republic. The author highlights an obvious increase in occurrence and intensity of extreme climate events resulting into devastating floods. Total costs caused by floods in August 2002, which hadn't been known so far, had important impact on the Czech insurance market. The situation is in many aspects similar to circumstances, which led to the birth of ART products abroad. If the recent tendencies continue, Czech insurers will have to find new ways of dealing with these risks beside the traditional commercial insurance. In accordance with conclusions of this thesis, applying of catastrophe bonds isn't supposed in the future. However, the weather derivatives seem to be an alternative with great potential.

Řešení důsledků živelních událostí prostřednictvím produktů komerčního pojištění / Solution of consequences of natural disasters with the help of commercial insurance products

Vytasilová, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the natural disasters, which struck the Czech Republic in the last decades, and with the analysis of the commercial insurance products covering the natural risks. The first part is dedicated to general characteristics of natural events, analysis of the natural disasters in the Czech Republic, and to characteristics of products, which offer protection from natural danger. The next part analyses the products of property insurance for Czech citizens by Czech Insurance Company and ČSOB insurance company. The conclusion of the thesis compares their products from the point of view of insurable risks and the height of yearly insurance premium.

Šetření závislostí vybraných parametrů protipovodňových opatření ve vybraných obcích v Ústeckém kraji v povodí Ohře a Labe. / Investigation of the dependence of selected parameters of flood control measures in selected municipalities in the Ústí nad Labem region in Ohře and Elbe river basin.

PALÁNOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
This thesis discusses the relationship between the population endangered by floods and the funds allocated to flood control measures in the Ústí nad Labem Region in the drainage basin of the Ohře and Elbe rivers, the general characteristics of flood control issues in the Czech Republic and particularly in the Ústí nad Labem Region, as well as other parameters that impact flood issues. In order to achieve its objectives, this dissertation utilised data collection and general theoretical and data file processing methods. A significant step was the application of two-dimensional statistical analyses, specifically regressive and correlation analyses. Another selected method was SWOT analysis. Solving the described research problems was associated with the process of verifying the following hypotheses: Hypothesis H1: The statistical dependence between the number of endangered inhabitants and the amount of funds for flood protection is based on linear regression. This hypothesis was confirmed, and the benefit of the confirmation of the hypothesis is also the determination of the significant role of the number of endangered inhabitants in ascertaining the amount of funds for flood control measures. Hypothesis H2: The statistical dependence between the number of the endangered inhabitants and the amount of funds for flood control measures is based on a strong positive correlation. This hypothesis was partially confirmed. A positive correlation was proved, though only a weak one rather than the expected strong correlation. This result indicates the necessity of not ignoring the examination of all parameters that affect approaches to the protection of the population in the municipalities. The verification of hypotheses H1 and H2 and the performance of a SWOT analysis made it possible to make other partial conclusions as well. Although the dissertation discussed floods at the Q100 limit, floods that correspond to level Q10 were proved to occur most frequently in the Ústí nad Labem Region. It is also for this reason that many flood control measures in the municipalities in this region are based on this finding. The flood control measures implemented at levels Q20-Q100 seem to be adequate.

Epidemiologické a ekologické dopady povodní v okrese Český Krumlov / Epidemiological and ecological impacts of floods in the Cesky Krumlov district

PAPOUŠKOVÁ, Michala January 2019 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis are Epidemiological and ecological impacts of floods in the Cesky Krumlov district. In the theoretical part I deal, from the perspective of epidemiology, with infectious diseases that may occur due to floods, I explain what information system was used by the regional hygiene stations in order to carry out the obligatory report, records, and analysis of occurrence of infectious diseases, and I would like to point out that from 1 January 2018 on, a new system started working for regional hygiene stations in the Czech Republic. Further, I deal with ecological impacts, and explain ecology in terms of Nature Conservation Act. Last but not least, I mention floods as such in the theoretical part, I define flood legislation, what administrative authorities work if such a crisis situation occurs, and what flood affected the region of Cesky Krumlov. The practical part analyses Epidat and the ISIN information system data using metaanalysis, searching for a link between them and infectious diseases during floods. I focused on infectious diseases that ma occur in connection to floods, such as Leptospirosis, Shigelosis, Cryptosporidiosis, Gastroenteritis caused by Campylobacteria and Norovirus, Virus Hepatitis type A, and Virus Hepatitis type E. The Discussion part evaluates the questionnaire aimed at the citizens of Cesky Krumlov region, also at the primary school pupils. What is their image of consequences of floods, and what may bet he cause. The results are then discussed in the conclusion of my diploma thesis. Creating an information leaflet meant for the lay public is another output of my diploma thesis.

O combate às enchentes no município de Santo André/SP: caracterização socioambiental do problema e subsídios dos afetados ao planejamento das ações de Defesa Civil / The fight against floods in Santo André/SP: the affected people\'s subsidies to civil defence actions plan

Neves, Rafael Antonio Teixeira das 04 September 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de uma análise sócio-ambiental do fenômeno de enchentes, recorrente no município de Santo André/SP, permitindo identificar, de um lado, um esforço contínuo do poder público para combater esse fator de ameaça relacionado às chuvas. E, de outro, a persistência da vulnerabilidade espacial de populações de baixa renda na localidade, em especial, em áreas marginais. A dissertação levanta problemas que estão na área do gerenciamento do desastre de enchentes, descreve os processos sociais e urbanos, demonstra as vulnerabilidades e as ações tomadas para minimizálas, verificar quais são as perspectivas futuras para as vulnerabilidades e qual é o discurso coletivo das representações sociais dos afetados para as questões do risco, dos danos imateriais, o entendimento da política aplicada para as áreas de enchente, buscando a dimensão do desastre nas percepções dos atingidos pelas enchentes e inundações. Apresenta-se, daí, uma compreensão sociológica baseada no Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) do relato padrão dos afetados na convivência com as enchentes. A pesquisa qualitativa, realizada através de entrevista, identifica um discurso coletivo de sofrimento que, ao lado das perdas materiais, revelam a ausência de cidadania para levar adiante alternativas para a segurança do lugar frente às enchentes. A dissertação visa destacar seu valor informativo para balizar as ações de gerenciamento de risco através das ações integradas de prevenção, preparação, resposta e recuperação mais eficazes no futuro. / This dissertation is about a social-environmental analysis of the floods phenomenon in Santo André city/SP, which, on one hand, allows us to identify a non-stop effort of the public power to beat this threat related to rain and, on the other hand, the spatial vulnerability persistence of the low-income population in the region, especially, on river banks. This dissertation brings up problems that are in the area of the flood disaster management, describes the social and urban processes, shows the vulnerability factors and the actions taken to minimize them. It verifies which the future prospects for the vulnerability factors are and which the collective speech of the social representatives of the affected people is, concerning the risk and immaterial damage issues. This dissertation also verifies the understanding of the policy applied to the flood areas, analysing the disaster dimension from the point of view of the ones affected by floods. Thus we have a sociological comprehension - based on Collective Subject Speech - of the standard-report of people affected by floods. The qualitative survey identifies a collective speech of pain that, besides the material loss, reveals lack of citizenship to carry on alternatives for the local safety against floods. This dissertation aims to highlight its information value to delimit the risk management actions through more efficatious integrated actions of prevention, preparation, response and recuperation in the future.

O desempenho de pavimentos permeáveis como medida mitigadora da impermeabilização do solo urbano. / The performance of permeable pavements as a mitigation measure of impermeabilization of urban soil.

Pinto, Liliane Lopes Costa Alves 08 April 2011 (has links)
É fato que a crescente urbanização e a conseqüente impermeabilização do solo são alguns dos principais fatores que interferem no escoamento das águas de chuva. Isso se retrata na aceleração do escoamento, com a diminuição dos tempos de trânsito e aumento dos picos de vazão. É cada vez mais freqüente a ocorrência de inundações em áreas que anteriormente não eram atingidas. A impermeabilização de grandes áreas que possam vir a interferir nas condições hidrológicas de determinada região deve ser analisada pelos órgãos fiscalizadores. O meio técnico e acadêmico se vê frente a frente com o desafio de pesquisar, estudar, analisar e propor técnicas que possam atenuar os efeitos causados pelas chuvas em áreas densamente urbanizadas. Este trabalho intenciona dar uma contribuição à drenagem urbana e vem propor a adoção de uma técnica compensatória que se mostrou muito eficiente. Trata-se do pavimento permeável do tipo sem infiltração no solo. Este dispositivo foi implantado de maneira convencional em um estacionamento na Universidade de São Paulo e contou com o suporte financeiro da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo. Foram monitorados dois tipos de estrutura com revestimentos de BCP e CPA, durante o período de 6 meses. A instrumentação constou de uma estação pluviométrica e 4 sensores de nível instalados em caixas coletoras dotadas de vertedouros. Durante a pesquisa foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático para validação do modelo físico. Ao final dos estudos concluiu-se que o desempenho do pavimento permeável para os dois tipos de estruturas monitoradas resultou em amortecimento da vazão afluente entre 28% e 87% no BCP e 56% e 85% no CPA. Portanto, esse tipo de dispositivo se mostrou muito eficiente. / The increasing urbanization and the consequent imperviousness of the soil are the main factors that may interfere with the flow of stormwater. It causes the accelerating of the flow with the decrease in transit times and the increase of peak flows. The occurrence of flooding in areas not previously affected is getting more frequently. The imperviousness of large areas that may interfere with the hydrological conditions of a region should be analyzed by the technicians. The technicians and academics find themselves face to face with the challenge of researching, studying, analyzing and proposing techniques that can mitigate the effects caused by rain in densely urbanized areas. This study intends to give a contribution to the urban drainage and is proposing the adoption of a compensatory technique that has proved very efficient. This is the type of permeable pavement without infiltration into the soil. This device was implanted in a conventional way in a parking lot at the University of Sao Paulo with the financial support of the Sao Paulo City Hall. During 6 months two types of permeable pavements covered with permeable interlocking concrete pavement and porous pavement were monitored. The instrumentation consisted of a rain collector and four level sensors installed in collection boxes provided with spillways. During the research it was developed a mathematical model to validate the physical model. At the end of the studies it was concluded that the performance of permeable pavement for the two types of structures monitored resulted in weakening of flow between 28% and 87% in the permeable interlocking concrete pavement and 56% and 85% in the porous pavement. Therefore, this type of device was very effective.

Red River Flooding in the City of Fargo: What has been Learned through Repeated Events

Thompson, Steven A January 2015 (has links)
Video summarizing a Ph.D. dissertation for a non-specialist audience. / Emergency Management / Emergency Management / College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Previsão de chuva a curtíssimo prazo na área de abrangência do radar meteorológico de São Paulo / Rainfall short-term forecast in the surveillance area of São Paulo weather radar.

Farias, José Felipe da Silva 17 September 2009 (has links)
A avaliação da previsão de chuva a curtíssimo prazo com até 3 horas de antecedência na área de cobertura do RSP para diferentes tipos de sistemas precipitantes, principalmente os associados às enchentes e deslizamentos na RMSP, foi realizada por meio de um modelo advectivo a partir do campo de vento 2D médio e da velocidade dos campos das taxas de precipitação estimados com o radar e um Esquema Numérico de Terceira Ordem Corrente Acima (ENTOCA). O ENTOCA utiliza um vetor com deslocamento mantido constante. O desempenho da previsão para precipitação acumulada num determinado intervalo de tempo foi avaliado pelo Índice de Sucesso Crítico (CSI), Probabilidade de Detecção (POD) e Razão de Falsos Alarmes (FAR). Quantitativamente, a acurácia da previsão foi avaliada por meio do Erro Quadrático Médio (EQM). O coeficiente de correlação mostrou que a qualidade da previsão decresce ao longo do tempo, com maior previsibilidade para os sistemas estratiformes do que para os convectivos. O ENTOCA não considera a evolução espaço-temporal dos sistemas precipitantes durante a extrapolação do campo das taxas de precipitação. Em geral, constatou-se uma subestimativa da precipitação acumulada. As previsões também apresentaram maior desempenho para até 90 minutos e menor, a partir de 120 minutos de extrapolação. O desempenho médio da previsão pelo índice CSI para o limiar de 0.2 mm ao final de 60 minutos de precipitação acumulada foi: FFs (77%), Lis (67,5%), BDs (58%), CIs (56,4%) e BMs (47%). Em geral, a partir de 90 minutos de advecção (sistemas convectivos) e 120 minutos (sistemas estratiformes), o desempenho da previsão diminui exponencialmente. / The evaluation of the rainfall short-term forecast up to 3 hours in advance within the surveillance area of São Paulo weather radar (RSP) for different types of precipitating systems, mainly the are associated to floods and landslides in Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (RMSP), was carried out with an 2D wind advective scheme and rainfall rates estimated with the RSP. The third-order upstream numerical scheme (ENTOCA) was used with a uniform wind vector. The rainfall forecast skill for a given time interval was evaluated by the Critical Success Index (CSI), Probability of Detention (POD) and False Alarm Rate (FAR). Quantitatively, the accuracy of the forecast was evaluated with the mean-square error (mse). The correlation coefficient showed that the quality of the forecast decrease with time, with better skill for the stratiform systems than for convective ones, given that the ENTOCA do not take into account spatial-temporal evolution of the rainfall systems. In general, the precipitation accumulation was underestimated. The forecasts had better skill up to 90 minutes. The average skill based on CSI for the thresholds of 0.2 mm at 60 minutes the precipitation accumulation are: FFs (77%), Lis (67,5%), BDs (58%), CIs (56,4%) and BMs (47%). In general, from 90 minutes of advection (convective systems) and 120 minutes (stratiform systems), the skill of the forecast decreases.

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