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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Índice de vulnerabilidade como método de análise de risco a inundação da bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Feijó, RS

Schneider, Michelli de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
O aumento da população em grandes centros urbanos, dos problemas ambientais, e as mudanças climáticas globais são alguns dos fatores que têm influenciado numa maior intensidade e a frequência de eventos extremos e de desastres naturais em todo o globo. A região sul do Brasil aparece como uma das mais afetadas, sofrendo com estiagens e inundações recorrentes. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o risco de inundação da bacia hidrográfica do arroio Feijó que sofre frequentemente com inundações. Baseia-se na abordagem metodológica do Índice de Vulnerabilidade, que contempla dados demográficos e sociais dos setores censitários (IBGE). Abrange áreas dos municípios de Porto Alegre, Alvorada e Viamão, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Ao longo do período analisado, de 1980 a 2015, foram registradas 36 inundações em 19 anos, com a probabilidade de 53% ocorrência de um novo evento danoso a cada ano. Os meses com maior frequência são fevereiro setembro e outubro. Ainda que 63% dos anos com inundações tenham apontado atuação do fenômeno El Niño – Oscilação Sul, não é possível apontar influência direta dos mesmos nesses processos. Entendendo o risco como a relação do perigo ou ameaça de ocorrência de eventos adversos com a vulnerabilidade dos elementos expostos gerou-se a espacialização desses fatores e o mapa de risco de inundação. O perigo expressa a probabilidade quantitativa ou qualitativa de recorrência, abrangência, intensidade que ocorre o processo. Por meio da mancha de inundação de tempo de retorno de 100 anos, obteve-se o mapa de perigo. Os setores apontados com alto a muito alto perigo localizam-se nos bairros de Alvorada (Passo do Feijó, Umbu, Jardim Algarve e Americana) e Porto Alegre (Rubem Berta), apresentando de 50% a 80% das suas áreas com possibilidade de serem inundadas. O levantamento por meio do índice de vulnerabilidade proposto apontou os setores mais vulneráveis de toda a bacia em geral, bem como os que indicam qual população está mais exposta aos eventos adversos. Os municípios de Alvorada e Viamão foram os que apontaram mais setores com índice de elevado de vulnerabilidade. Setores que apontam baixo desenvolvimento social e baixa capacidade de enfretamento aos desastres. Por meio do mapa de risco, foram identificadas as áreas com baixo a muito alto riscos de inundação da BHAF, os setores censitários mais críticos, encontram-se nos bairros Passo do Feijó e Americana em Alvorada. A análise de risco demostra ser importante ferramenta para identificar áreas que necessitem maior atenção do poder público e investimentos em ações de proteção, prevenção e mitigação. A metodologia demonstrou ser eficaz, sendo de fácil execução, implementação e baixo custo. Pretende-se dessa forma, contribuir através desse estudo para uma gestão de riscos e desastres mais eficiente na área. / The increase in population in large urban centers, enviromental issues and global climate changes, among others factors, have increased the frequency and the intensity of extreme events and natural disasters across the globe and in this country. The south appears to be the most affected region, suffering from droughts and floods. This study aims to analyze the risks of flooding at the Feijo stream basin which often suffers from floods. The study is based on the methodological approach of the vulnerability index, which includes demographic and social data from the census tracts (IBGE). It covers areas of the municipalities of Porto Alegre, Alvorada e Viamão, at the Rio Grande do Sul state. Over the period analyzed, from 1980 to 2015, 36 floods were recorded in 19 years, with the probability of a 53% occurrence of a new damaging event each year. The most frequent months are February, September and October. Although 63% of the years with the occurrence of floods have also shown the occurrence of El Niño - South Oscillation phenomenon, it is not possible to indicate direct influence. Recognizing risk as the relation of danger or threat of adverse occurring events with the vulnerability of the elements exposed is how the spatialization of these factors and the flood risk map were generated. The hazard expresses the quantitative or qualitative probability of recurrence, extent, intensity in which the process occurs. By means of the 100-year return time flood spot the hazard map was obtained. The high-risk areas are located in the Alvorada (Passo do Feijó, Umbu, Jardim Algarve and Americana) and Porto Alegre (Rubem Berta) neighborhoods, pointing to 50% to 80% of these areas with the possibility of being flooded. The survey using the proposed Vulnerability index showed the most vulnerable sectors of the entire basin, as well as which population groups are most exposed to adverse events. The municipalities of Alvorada and Viamão were those that indicated more sectors with a high index of vulnerability. These are sectors that show low social development and low ability to cope with disasters. By means of the risk map, the areas with low to very high flood risks of BHAF (the most critical census tracts) were identified in the Passo do Feijó and Americana neighborhoods in Alvorada. The risk analysis proves to be an important tool to identify areas that need greater public attention and investments in protection, prevention and mitigation actions. The methodology proved to be effective, being to put into effect and implement, and at a low cost. The aim is to contribute through this study to a more efficient risk and disaster management in the area.

Índice de vulnerabilidade como método de análise de risco a inundação da bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Feijó, RS

Schneider, Michelli de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
O aumento da população em grandes centros urbanos, dos problemas ambientais, e as mudanças climáticas globais são alguns dos fatores que têm influenciado numa maior intensidade e a frequência de eventos extremos e de desastres naturais em todo o globo. A região sul do Brasil aparece como uma das mais afetadas, sofrendo com estiagens e inundações recorrentes. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o risco de inundação da bacia hidrográfica do arroio Feijó que sofre frequentemente com inundações. Baseia-se na abordagem metodológica do Índice de Vulnerabilidade, que contempla dados demográficos e sociais dos setores censitários (IBGE). Abrange áreas dos municípios de Porto Alegre, Alvorada e Viamão, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Ao longo do período analisado, de 1980 a 2015, foram registradas 36 inundações em 19 anos, com a probabilidade de 53% ocorrência de um novo evento danoso a cada ano. Os meses com maior frequência são fevereiro setembro e outubro. Ainda que 63% dos anos com inundações tenham apontado atuação do fenômeno El Niño – Oscilação Sul, não é possível apontar influência direta dos mesmos nesses processos. Entendendo o risco como a relação do perigo ou ameaça de ocorrência de eventos adversos com a vulnerabilidade dos elementos expostos gerou-se a espacialização desses fatores e o mapa de risco de inundação. O perigo expressa a probabilidade quantitativa ou qualitativa de recorrência, abrangência, intensidade que ocorre o processo. Por meio da mancha de inundação de tempo de retorno de 100 anos, obteve-se o mapa de perigo. Os setores apontados com alto a muito alto perigo localizam-se nos bairros de Alvorada (Passo do Feijó, Umbu, Jardim Algarve e Americana) e Porto Alegre (Rubem Berta), apresentando de 50% a 80% das suas áreas com possibilidade de serem inundadas. O levantamento por meio do índice de vulnerabilidade proposto apontou os setores mais vulneráveis de toda a bacia em geral, bem como os que indicam qual população está mais exposta aos eventos adversos. Os municípios de Alvorada e Viamão foram os que apontaram mais setores com índice de elevado de vulnerabilidade. Setores que apontam baixo desenvolvimento social e baixa capacidade de enfretamento aos desastres. Por meio do mapa de risco, foram identificadas as áreas com baixo a muito alto riscos de inundação da BHAF, os setores censitários mais críticos, encontram-se nos bairros Passo do Feijó e Americana em Alvorada. A análise de risco demostra ser importante ferramenta para identificar áreas que necessitem maior atenção do poder público e investimentos em ações de proteção, prevenção e mitigação. A metodologia demonstrou ser eficaz, sendo de fácil execução, implementação e baixo custo. Pretende-se dessa forma, contribuir através desse estudo para uma gestão de riscos e desastres mais eficiente na área. / The increase in population in large urban centers, enviromental issues and global climate changes, among others factors, have increased the frequency and the intensity of extreme events and natural disasters across the globe and in this country. The south appears to be the most affected region, suffering from droughts and floods. This study aims to analyze the risks of flooding at the Feijo stream basin which often suffers from floods. The study is based on the methodological approach of the vulnerability index, which includes demographic and social data from the census tracts (IBGE). It covers areas of the municipalities of Porto Alegre, Alvorada e Viamão, at the Rio Grande do Sul state. Over the period analyzed, from 1980 to 2015, 36 floods were recorded in 19 years, with the probability of a 53% occurrence of a new damaging event each year. The most frequent months are February, September and October. Although 63% of the years with the occurrence of floods have also shown the occurrence of El Niño - South Oscillation phenomenon, it is not possible to indicate direct influence. Recognizing risk as the relation of danger or threat of adverse occurring events with the vulnerability of the elements exposed is how the spatialization of these factors and the flood risk map were generated. The hazard expresses the quantitative or qualitative probability of recurrence, extent, intensity in which the process occurs. By means of the 100-year return time flood spot the hazard map was obtained. The high-risk areas are located in the Alvorada (Passo do Feijó, Umbu, Jardim Algarve and Americana) and Porto Alegre (Rubem Berta) neighborhoods, pointing to 50% to 80% of these areas with the possibility of being flooded. The survey using the proposed Vulnerability index showed the most vulnerable sectors of the entire basin, as well as which population groups are most exposed to adverse events. The municipalities of Alvorada and Viamão were those that indicated more sectors with a high index of vulnerability. These are sectors that show low social development and low ability to cope with disasters. By means of the risk map, the areas with low to very high flood risks of BHAF (the most critical census tracts) were identified in the Passo do Feijó and Americana neighborhoods in Alvorada. The risk analysis proves to be an important tool to identify areas that need greater public attention and investments in protection, prevention and mitigation actions. The methodology proved to be effective, being to put into effect and implement, and at a low cost. The aim is to contribute through this study to a more efficient risk and disaster management in the area.

Análise socioambiental e econômica de inundações: vulnerabilidade humana e natural / Environmental and economic analysis of floods: human vulnerability and natural

Keila Camila da Silva 21 August 2015 (has links)
O intenso crescimento urbano vem agravando diversos problemas socioambientais e econômicos nas cidades. Nesse cenário, inundações urbanas são crescentes em muitas cidades brasileiras, causando diversos problemas. Embora as enchentes sejam consideradas fenômenos cíclicos e naturais, podem ser potencializadas pela ação humana. Visando o reconhecimento dos condicionantes destes eventos, a metodologia utilizada foi integrada, englobando fatores naturais, sociais e antrópicos. Foram pesquisados os eventos de inundações na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jaú, as características humanas que influenciam, bem como a identificação das áreas de risco, visando contribuir social e ambientalmente para a minimização desses danos no município de Jaú-SP. No intuito de contribuir com a população que se encontra nas áreas de risco, foi realizado um estudo de campo, através da utilização de entrevistas, compatível com a realidade do município. O estudo documental, através do histórico de inundações na área urbana nos últimos dez anos, relacionou o processo de urbanização e a incidência de inundações. Entrelaçado a esses dados, identificou-se os bairros de ocorrência de inundação. A pesquisa demonstrou que existem 39 bairros suscetíveis a eventos de enxurradas e inundações. Já a inundação do ano de 2011, trouxe gastos totais de R$ 6.593.070,00 para o município, com danos materiais, não materiais e ambientais, além de prejuízos econômicos e sociais. Quanto a sociedade, observou-se que a relação entre ser humano e natureza se encontra estritamente desfavorável para ambos. / The intense urban growth is exacerbating many social, environmental and economic problems in cities. In this scenario, urban floods are increasing in many Brazilian cities, causing various problems. Although the floods are considered cyclical and natural phenomena, they may be potentiated by human action. Aimed at recognizing the constraints of these events, the methodology was integrated, encompassing natural factors, social and man-made. The flood events in the basin of Rio Jau were surveyed, the human characteristics that influence, and the identification of risk areas in order to contribute socially and environmentally to minimize such damage in the town of Jau-SP. In order to contribute to the population that is in risk areas, a field study was conducted through the use of interviews, consistent with the reality of the city. The desk study through the history of flooding in urban areas over the past decade, related the process of urbanization and the incidence of flooding. Intertwined with these data, it identified flood occurrence neighborhoods. Research has shown that there are 39 districts susceptible to runoff events and flooding. Since the flood of 2011, brought total expenditures of $ 6,593,070.00 for the county, material damages, nonmaterial and environmental as well as economic and social losses. As society, it was observed that the relationship between humans and nature is strictly negative for both.

As enchentes do rio Aricanduva (MSP) e a construção de conhecimentos no ensino de Geografia / Flooding of the river Aricanduva (MSP) and the construction of knowledge in geography teaching

Marcia Yoko Kobayashi 30 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo geral da pesquisa é verificar até que ponto a Geografia ensinada em escolas cuja comunidade é afetada por enchentes tem realizado a leitura do espaço de vivência dos alunos e uma aprendizagem significativa. O trabalho de campo foi realizado em cinco escolas públicas (estaduais e municipais) situadas no entorno do rio Aricanduva, no baixo e médio cursos do rio, na área de maior inundação. Foram entrevistados Diretores, Coordenadores Pedagógicos, Professores e alunos da 6ª série do ensino fundamental. Os questionários (abertos) versam sobre a construção do conhecimento em Geografia e a noção de enchentes. Também foram analisadas as Propostas Curriculares Oficiais e os livros didáticos (adotados nas escolas). Observou-se que há um descompasso, entre o que se intenciona ensinar, a concepção de ensino e de Geografia e o que se aprende na disciplina. De um lado os professores (Propostas Curriculares e os livros didáticos) têm uma concepção que se preocupa com a realidade e o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico, por outro lado; os alunos, possuem uma concepção da disciplina e da escola ligada à localização, ao mercado de trabalho e ao conhecimento enciclopédico. Em relação às enchentes prevalecem, entre os entrevistados, explicações destituídas de elaboração científica, embora, entre os professores, haja alguma compreensão da questão das inundações urbanas enquanto produto do processo de urbanização, como pensamos deveria ser. Os resultados demonstram a relevância da concepção de ensino baseada na construção de conhecimentos com referência no conhecimento cotidiano e situado no espaço vivido dos alunos. / The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which geography taught in schools whose community is affected by flooding has made the reading of the living space of students and significant learning. The fieldwork was conducted in five public schools (state and municipal) located around the river Aricanduva in low and middle courses of the river, the area of major flooding. Directors were interviewed, educational coordinators, teachers and students from 6th grade education. Questionnaires (open) deal with the construction of knowledge in geography and the notion of flooding. Also analyzed the proposed curricula and textbooks (adopted in schools). It was observed that there is a mismatch between what we intend to teach, design and teaching of geography and what is learned in the discipline. On the one hand teachers (Proposed Curriculum and textbooks) have a design that is concerned with reality and the development of critical thinking, on the other hand, the students have a concept of discipline and school linked to location, market work and encyclopedic knowledge. In relation to floods prevail among respondents explanations devoid of scientific development, though, among teachers, there is some understanding of the issue of urban flooding as a product of the urbanization process, we think it should be. The results reveal the importance of design education based on the construction of knowledge with reference to everyday knowledge and situated in the lived space of students

Streams of Blood and Water : A quantitative study on the effects of flood disasters on conflict intensity

Mauritz, Carl January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fitting extreme value distributions to the Zambezi river flood water levels recorded at Katima Mulilo in Namibia

Kamwi, Innocent Silibelo January 2005 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The aim of this research project was to estimate parameters for the distribution of annual maximum flood levels for the Zambezi River at Katima Mulilo. The estimation of parameters was done by using the maximum likelihood method. The study aimed to explore data of the Zambezi's annual maximum flood heights at Katima Mulilo by means of fitting the Gumbel, Weibull and the generalized extreme value distributions and evaluated their goodness of fit. / South Africa

Dobrovolnická pomoc a povodně v ČR / Voluntary aid and the floods in the Czech Republic

Cihelková, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
The general purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the state of certain chosen aspects of the management of voluntary aid during the floods in the Czech Republic. It also aims at identifying the weaknesses of the system of management of voluntary aid. The processed data are divided into five logical groups. The thesis is primarily divided into a theoretical part, generally dealing with voluntary work as a significant and an indispensable element of the society and also with emergency events in particular the floods which affected the Czech Republic and which without the notable and distinctive voluntary aid could not have been coped with. The practical chapters are devoted to certain chosen aspects of the management of voluntary aid and focus on their specifics during the crises and character of concrete activities non-profit organisations which have taken a considerable part in coping with the recent floods over the last few years. The pivotal chapter of the thesis is the empirical research whose objective was the detection of single aspects of the volunteers' work and the management of voluntary aid during the floods in the Czech Republic. The adopted technique in collecting the data is the standardized questionnaires designed for two groups of volunteers and voluntary fire brigades, which are included in the appendixes of the thesis. The research has showed that there are certain drawbacks and deficiency in managing voluntary aid. Conclusion: The thesis proposes certain recommendations to improve the situation.


Unknown Date (has links)
CASCADE 2001 is a multi-basin flood routing program used in areas of flat terrain. CASCADE was used for different situational elements including the Florida Keys, Broward County, and Pensacola. The goal for this screening tool was to create flood inundation watershed mapping for the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM). After showing the risks of flooding that could occur in Florida, the thought of how useful CASCADE can be in other environmental conditions. The Rocky Mountains were selected to show the effect of flood inundation that can be mirrored in an opposite condition from prior experimentation. We chose to test this program in an area with mountainous terrain like the region of Grand Lake, Colorado. Rainfall, in collaboration with groundwater tables, ground soil storage and topography have the most effect on the CASCADE modeling program. Effects that were not used in the Florida models but added for Grand Lake included snowmelt. Snowmelt in the Rocky Mountains affects the flow of the Colorado River causing excess discharge that flows throughout the valleys and into Shadow Mountain Lake. WINSRM was a recommended model that could be used to simulate snowmelt during different months of Colorado’s spring season. The effects of snowmelt and rainfall flooding can be compared in relation to each other. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2021. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection


Unknown Date (has links)
Flooding can impact a community's social, cultural, environmental, and economic resources; therefore, generating a sound, science-based, long-term decision to improve resiliency is critical for future prosperity and growth. Developing watershed management plans is essential in assisting local communities in reducing flood insurance costs through mitigation and resiliency efforts. This effort, specifically for this report, will focus on the Pensacola Watershed Basin and the development procedures to assess the risks of flooding and storm surges. Utilizing readily available data on topography, ground surface water elevations, tidal data for coastal communities, open space, and rainfall, a framework was developed to facilitate flood risk assessments under various conditions. Such knowledge allows communities to properly prepare and prevent major damages during times of high flooding, such as tropical storms and hurricanes. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (MURP)--Florida Atlantic University, 2021. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Metodické postupy hodnocení vlivu extrémů počasí na škody na majetku / Methodical Procedures for Assessing the Impact of Extreme Weather on Property Damage

Sedláček, Milan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the basic legal prerequisites to determining the amount of damage done to a real estate (building) in the legal framework of Slovak Republic. Its aim is to determine and quantify the property damage caused by extreme weather. It deals with climate problems as well as its indicators. This is accomplished through two different approaches - the analysis of actual damage done to the property for one, and secondly, the damage dealt to the building during its restoration into previous condition. The thesis aims to establish a methodological procedure for calculating all damages done to the property.

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