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Efficient FPGA SoC Processing Design for a Small UAV RadarNewmeyer, Luke Oliver 01 April 2018 (has links)
Modern radar technology relies heavily on digital signal processing. As radar technology pushes the boundaries of miniaturization, computational systems must be developed to support the processing demand. One particular application for small radar technology is in modern drone systems. Many drone applications are currently inhibited by safety concerns of autonomous vehicles navigating shared airspace. Research in radar based Detect and Avoid (DAA) attempts to address these concerns by using radar to detect nearby aircraft and choosing an alternative flight path. Implementation of radar on small Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), however, requires a lightweight and power efficient design. Likewise, the radar processing system must also be small and efficient.This thesis presents the design of the processing system for a small Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) phased array radar. The radar and processing is designed to be light-weight and low-power in order to fly onboard a UAV less than 25 kg in weight. The radar algorithms for this design include a parallelized Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), cross correlation, and beamforming. Target detection algorithms are also implemented. All of the computation is performed in real-time on a Xilinx Zynq 7010 System on Chip (SoC) processor utilizing both FPGA and CPU resources.The radar system (excluding antennas) has dimensions of 2.25 x 4 x 1.5 in3, weighs 120 g, and consumes 8 W of power of which the processing system occupies 2.6 W. The processing system performs over 652 million arithmetic operations per second and is capable of performing the full processing in real-time. The radar has also been tested in several scenarios both airborne on small UAVs as well as on the ground. Small UAVs have been detected to ranges of 350 m and larger aircraft up to 800 m. This thesis will describe the radar design architecture, the custom designed radar hardware, the FPGA based processing implementations, and conclude with an evaluation of the system's effectiveness and performance.
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Range Resolution Improvement Of Fmcw RadarsKurt, Sinan 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar has wide application areas in both civil and military use. The range resolution is a critical concept for these FMCW radars as for the other radar types. There are theoretical restrictions in the range resolution. In addition, the non-ideal properties of the modules used in the systems negatively affects the range resolution. The transmitter leakage, non-linear frequency sweep, FM to AM distortion and measurement errors are some of the critical non-ideal properties. The problems arising from these non-ideal properties further restrict the range resolution of FMCW radars. Another important concept for the range resolution that can be obtained from FMCW radars is the signal processing method. This thesis deals with the non-ideal properties of the system modules and techniques to reduce their effects on the range resolution. Furthermore, the signal processing methods used for FMCW radar signals and the possible improvement techniques for these methods are discussed. Moreover, a simple signal processing unit called zero crossing counter which can be used for short range FMCW radars is implemented and range resolution performance of this zero crossing counter is investigated by carrying out measurements on a prototype FMCW radar at 2200MHz.
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IQ reflected power canceller for an FMCW radarStofberg, Anneke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Large close range environmental reflections or poor isolation between the transmit
and receive paths of an FMCW radar can overload the receiver. The In phase
and Quadrature phase (IQ) Reflected Power Canceller (RPC) provides a solution to
the problem by cancelling any close range reflections. In this study a procedure to
optimise the design of an RPC is developed and the performance limits of a practical
RPC is investigated in depth.
There are four focus areas in the evaluation and design of the IQ Reflected Power
Canceller. First, an analysis was performed on a theoretical IQ Reflected Power Canceller,
which provided insight into how the system functioned and made it possible
to identify practical application issues that would arise during the design.
The next focus area was the IQ Reflected Power Canceller’s dynamic range.
Equations, based on the power and noise characteristics of each component in the
canceller, were derived. From these equations, a system, with an optimised dynamic
range, could be developed.
Next, the IQ Reflected Power Canceller’s feedback loop stability was investigated.
The canceller is an active negative feedback control system but, in order to obtain
the negative feedback, the feedback signal has to be phase shifted by 180 degrees to
the phase of the input signal. An analysis of the canceller’s RF phase contribution
resulted in an equation that can be used to manage the nett RF phase in the feedback
The evaluation model of the IQ Reflected Power Canceller produced favourable
results. The tests performed on the system included measuring the level of cancellation
that can be achieved, whether the dynamic range corresponds to the predicted
values and the amount of RF phase error that can be introduced in the feedback
path while maintaining a stable system.
The IQ Reflected Power Canceller was found to perform well in the evaluation.
It provided a cancellation of more than 45 dB for close range reflections and the
canceller remained stable across a wide range of RF centre frequencies (1 GHz).
This means that the FMCW radar’s frequency modulation bandwidth will not be
limited because of the IQ Reflected Power Canceller. The evaluation clearly showed
that the modulator in the feedback loop is the critical element that determines the
dynamic range of the radar with an RPC. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onvoldoende isolasie tussen die sender en ontvanger van ’n Frekwensie Gemoduleerde
Kontinu Golf radar, sowel as groot weerkaatsings vanaf voorwerpe in die omgewing
van die radar, veroorsaak dat die ontvanger versadig. Hierdie beperking veroorsaak
dat die radar ’n verminderde dinamiese bereik het, en daarmee ook dat die
radar se maksimum teiken-afstand verminder word. Die IQ Gereflekteerde Drywingskanselleerder
kan as ’n oplossing gebruik word teen hierdie ongewenste refleksies.
Hierdie navorsing poog om ’n kanselleerder te evalueer met die eind doel gestel
daarop om ’n praktiese stelsel aanmekaar te sit.
Die kanselleerder word geëvalueer deur na vier fokus areas te kyk. Eerstens word
’n ideale model opgestel, wat ’n beter begrip van die kanselleerder bewerkstellig. Uit
hierdie ideale model, is daar praktiese oorwegings wat die kanselleerder affekteer,
Ten einde die dinamiese bereik van die radar ontvanger te verbeter, word ’n
metode afgelei wat gebruik word om die kanselleerder se dinamiese bereik te optimeer.
Hierdie metode neem die maksimum drywingsbeperkinge van die komponente in die
kanselleerder in ag.
Die kanselleerder is ’n aktiewe terugvoer beheerstelsel, en aangesien ’n sommeerder
in die terugvoer lus gebruik word, moet die fase deur die lus met 180 grade
geskuif word om sodoende ’n kansellerende sein by die ontvangde sein te tel. Die
RF fase foute in die kanselleerder word geanaliseer deur ’n nie-ideale model van die
kanselleerder op te stel. Hierdie nie-ideale model maak dit moontlik om die effek van
’n RF fase fout op die kanselleerder se stabiliteit te ondersoek.
’n Praktiese kanselleerder is ontwerp uit die inligting wat versamel is gedurende
die evaluasie, en ’n werkende stelsel is aanmekaar gesit. Met hierdie praktiese
kanselleerder is die hoeveelheid drywing-onderdrukking wat bereik kan word, gemeet.
Die dinamiese bereik van die kanselleerder is ook bepaal en vergelyk met die teoreties
berekende waardes. Die aannames oor die effek van die RF fase fout in die
kanselleerder, is bevestig deur metings te neem.
Goeie resultate is met die kanselleerder behaal. ’n Kansellasie van meer as 45 dB
is gemeet vir naby-geleë refleksies. Die kanselleerder het ook stabiel gebly oor ’n wye
band van senter-frekwensies (1 GHz). Dus sal die Frekwensie Gemoduleerde Kontinu
Golf radar se modulasie bandwydte nie beperk word as gevolg van die kanselleerder
nie. Uit die evaluasie is daar gevind dat die modulator die kritieke element in the
kanselleerder se terugvoer lus is, dus bepaal die modulator die dinamiese bereik van
die radar met ’n kanselleerder.
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Automatické měření odstupu motorových vozidel / Automatic measurement of the motor vehicles distance.Juřica, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with evaluation of equipment used for non-contact measurement of distance between vehicles. First are discussed various principles of measuring and after the selection of the most appropriate solution is proposed a detailed block diagram of modulation, demodulation and evaluation of the whole system and its mathematical description. Another part is devoted to describing the activities of the microprocessor controller, with which is controlled evaluation part and to the control program. It also analyzes the maximal attainable accuracy of measurement and the errors that affect it. The last part includes a circuit design and simulation of selected functional block, which is a coincidence /quadrature/ detector and construction documents for evaluation and demodulation part of the measurement instrument.
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A 28 GHz Superregenerative Amplifier for FMCW Radar Reflector Applications in 45 nm SOI CMOSThayyil, Manu Viswambharan, Ghaleb, Hatem, Joram, Niko, Ellinger, Frank 22 August 2019 (has links)
This paper presents the design and characterization of a 28GHz integrated super-regenerative amplifier (SRA) in a 45 nm silicon on insulator (SOI) technology. The circuit is based on a complementary cross-coupled oscillator topology. The fabricated integrated circuit (IC) occupies an area of 0.67 mm 2 , and operates in a frequency range from 28.07GHz to 29.35 GHz. Characterization results show the minimum input sensitivity of the circuit, as -85 dBm and the input power level corresponding to the linear to logarithmic mode transition as -66.3 dBm. The measured output power delivered into a 100 Ω differential load is 1.1 dBm. The DC power consumption of the circuit is 10.6 mW. To the knowledge of the authors, the circuit has the best reported combined sensitivity and output power for an FMCW radar reflector implementation in CMOS.
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Système de localisation indoor pour l'aide à la télésurveillance / Indoor localization system for telemonitoringKumar, Rupesch 17 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre d'un suivi régulier de patients âgés pouvant souffrir de maladie d'Alzheimer, de nombreuses applications, dont leur localisation, s'avèrent utiles. Un système de localisation compact dédié à un environnement en intérieure est nécessaire. Cette thèse est dédiée à la réalisation d'un système de localisation pouvant répondre à cette attente. Le système développé (Indoor Localisation System, ILS) permet la localisation en trois dimensions d'un badge actif (Active Tag, AT) relativement à une ancre unique (Localisation Base Station, LBS). Le système utilise le principe de radar monopulse multistatique FMCW(Frequency Modulation Continuos Wave) et exploite la bande de fréquence Européenne ULB (6-8.5 GHz). La méthode employée pour l'ILS est une méthode goniométrique se basant sur la mesure conjointe de la différence de fréquence d'arrivée (FDoA) et la différence de phase d'arrivée (PDoA) pour l'estimation de la distance radiale et des angles de direction (azimut et élévation) de l'AT relativement au plan formé par l'ILS. Afin de valider ce système, un prototype d'ILS a été réalisé à Télécom ParisTech.L'objectif de cette thèse est d'obtenir un système de localisation compact permettant de localiser un badge actif avec une précision submétrique dédié pour les environnements en intérieurs exposés aux problèmes de multi-trajets. / Regular and accurate position monitoring of elderly suffering from dementia related problems (Alzheimer) may be required. To assist their monitoring a compact and a less complex indoor localization system is compulsary. This thesis is dedicated to design a Line-of-Sight (LoS) system to allow the indoor localization. The thesis aims to develop an Indoor Localization System (ILS) for three-dimension position estimates with respect to single Localization Base Station as an anchor. The designed ILS uses an Active-Tag (AT) as remote targel. The system uses the monopulse multistatic FMCW radar principle and covers the European UWB (6-8.5 GHz) frequency band. The designed ILS is based on the frequency-difference of arrival (FDoA) and the phase-difference-of-arrival (POoA) techniques for the radial-distance and the angles (azimuth and elevation) estimates. In order to validate this system, a prototype of the ILS is designed at Telecom ParisTech, France.The objective of the designed ILS is to have a localization system with an accuracy in few centimeters in Line-of-Sight condition. The system is designed to need a single anchor, and simultaneously addressing the indoor challenges such as multipaths, strong signal attenuations, reflections, etc.
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Clutter Removal in Single Radar Sensor Reflection Data via Digital Signal ProcessingKazemisaber, Mohammadreza January 2020 (has links)
Due to recent improvements, robots are more applicable in factories and various production lines where smoke, fog, dust, and steam are inevitable. Despite their advantages, robots introduce new safety requirements when combined with humans. Radars can play a crucial role in this context by providing safe zones where robots are operating in the absence of humans. The goal of this Master’s thesis is to investigate different clutter suppression methods for single radar sensor reflection data via digital signal processing. This was done in collaboration with ABB Jokab AB, Sweden. The calculations and implementation of the digital signal processing algorithms are made with Octave. A critical problem is false detection that could possibly cause irreparable damage. Therefore, a safety system with an extremely low false alarm rate is desired to reduce costs and damages. In this project, we have studied four different digital low pass filters: moving average, multiple-pass moving average, Butterworth, and window-based filters. The results are compared, and it is ascertained that all the results are logically compatible, broadly comparable, and usable in this context.
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Efficient FPGA SoC Processing Design for a Small UAV RadarNewmeyer, Luke Oliver 01 April 2018 (has links)
Modern radar technology relies heavily on digital signal processing. As radar technology pushes the boundaries of miniaturization, computational systems must be developed to support the processing demand. One particular application for small radar technology is in modern drone systems. Many drone applications are currently inhibited by safety concerns of autonomous vehicles navigating shared airspace. Research in radar based Detect and Avoid (DAA) attempts to address these concerns by using radar to detect nearby aircraft and choosing an alternative flight path. Implementation of radar on small Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), however, requires a lightweight and power efficient design. Likewise, the radar processing system must also be small and efficient. This thesis presents the design of the processing system for a small Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) phased array radar. The radar and processing is designed to be light-weight and low-power in order to fly onboard a UAV less than 25 kg in weight. The radar algorithms for this design include a parallelized Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), cross correlation, and beamforming. Target detection algorithms are also implemented. All of the computation is performed in real-time on a Xilinx Zynq 7010 System on Chip (SoC) processor utilizing both FPGA and CPU resources. The radar system (excluding antennas) has dimensions of 2.25 x 4 x 1.5 in3, weighs 120 g, and consumes 8 W of power of which the processing system occupies 2.6 W. The processing system performs over 652 million arithmetic operations per second and is capable of performing the full processing in real-time. The radar has also been tested in several scenarios both airborne on small UAVs as well as on the ground. Small UAVs have been detected to ranges of 350 m and larger aircraft up to 800 m. This thesis will describe the radar design architecture, the custom designed radar hardware, the FPGA based processing implementations, and conclude with an evaluation of the system's effectiveness and performance.
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Radar-based Environment Perception for Pre-Crash Safety SystemsKamann, Alexander 15 January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, methods for radar-based environment perception from the vehicle safety point of view are presented. The proposed methods comprise advanced topics of radar-based target detection and tracking in dynamic pre-crash scenarios, as well as ghost object identification.
The problem of a wandering dominant scatter point on the target surface and corresponding challenge for accurate target tracking in low-range configurations is considered. The proposed method presents a procedure to estimate target wheel positions and corresponding bulk velocities to serve as fixed scatter points on the target surface. Input to this method are raw radar data. The technique spatially resolves the micro-Doppler signals, generated by the rotating wheels of the target vehicle, to determine characteristic scatter points on the target surface. A micro-Doppler parameter is defined to quantify detections that are with high probability generated by the rotating target wheels. This group of detections is processed to estimate the wheel position and corresponding bulk velocities of the target, referred to as wheel hypotheses. The proposed method is evaluated in dynamic driving scenarios, where the driver performs an emergency evading action to avoid a collision. Subsequently, the detected wheel hypotheses serve as input to a developed tracking framework, which is used to estimate the target object static and dynamic states. Since the number of detected wheel hypotheses varies, a random-finite-set-based measurement model is used to incorporate multiple wheel hypotheses detected for one extended target object. The tracking performance is evaluated in critical evading scenarios using real vehicles as the target object.
In addition, the thesis emphasized the problem of ghost object generation due to multipath propagation in pre-crash scenarios. Radar sensors, perceiving the immediate vehicle environment, show an elevated ghost object presence due to a higher probability illuminating potential reflection surfaces, e.g., road boundaries or buildings. At times, these ghost objects appear to be on a collision trajectory with the ego vehicle, whereas the vehicles are in uncritical driving scenarios, e.g., an urban intersection. In real-world driving scenarios, one target object may generate multiple false-positive targets. Based on the propagation and reflection behavior of electromagnetic waves, a geometric multipath model is derived, illustrating the occurring multipath reflections on real-world surfaces, e.g., buildings or road-bounding barriers. The proposed geometric propagation model describes the relative positions of the false-positive reflections and is validated with extensive real radar data. A custom reflector target mounted on a platform, creating deterministic point targets as dominant backscatter centers of a vehicle body, validated the different multipath reflections and the overall accuracy of the model. Moreover, radar measurements of a vehicle during an intersection scenario proved relevance to multipath reflection behavior and confirmed the model assumptions.
Third, the relevance of skid scenarios with high magnitudes of side slip angles in pre-crash phases is highlighted. A novel test methodology, to non-destructively transfer vehicles with mounted surround sensors in skid situations, is developed and a survey analyzing a state-of-the-art radar sensor revealed the potential to improve object tracking performance. A test vehicle, equipped with a state-of-the-art automotive radar sensor and a reference sensor, was tested in real skid situations using a kick plate and a standardized radar target. The test method utilizes the side slip angle as a criticality criterion, which may be adjusted by the kick plate. Subsequently, a novel, modified motion model is derived, estimating side slip angles in these skid driving situations. The contribution emphasizes the estimation of horizontal vehicle motion using the proposed model considering an additional lateral force applied to the vehicle rear axle. Based on these results, an Extended-Kalman filter is designed to estimate the target object relative position and velocity in skid scenarios. The evaluation includes both the tracking and side slip angle estimations in real car tests using the above-mentioned test method.
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Time Domain SAR Processing with GPUs for Airborne PlatformsLagoy, Dustin 24 March 2017 (has links)
A time-domain backprojection processor for airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been developed at the University of Massachusetts’ Microwave Remote Sensing Lab (MIRSL). The aim of this work is to produce a SAR processor capable of addressing the motion compensation issues faced by frequency-domain processing algorithms, in order to create well focused SAR imagery suitable for interferometry. The time-domain backprojection algorithm inherently compensates for non-linear platform motion, dependent on the availability of accurate measurements of the motion. The implementation must manage the relatively high computational burden of the backprojection algorithm, which is done using modern graphics processing units (GPUs), programmed with NVIDIA’s CUDA language. An implementation of the Non-Equispaced Fast Fourier Transform (NERFFT) is used to enable efficient and accurate range interpolation as a critical step of the processing. The phase of time- domain processed imagery is dif erent than that of frequency-domain imagery, leading to a potentially different approach to interferometry. This general purpose SAR processor is designed to work with a novel, dual-frequency S- and Ka-band radar system developed at MIRSL as well as the UAVSAR instrument developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These instruments represent a wide range of SAR system parameters, ensuring the ability of the processor to work with most any airborne SAR. Results are presented from these two systems, showing good performance of the processor itself.
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