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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de la diagénèse osseuse en anthropologie médico-légale : étude macroscopique, spectrométrique et histomorphologique / Characterization of bone diagenesis in forensic anthropology : a macroscopic, spectrometric and histomorphological study

Delannoy, Yann 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introduction : La détermination du délai postmortem dans les cas de découvertes de restes squelettisés est un élément clé de l’enquête judiciaire. Pour autant, face à la découverte de restes osseux, peu de méthodes sont applicables pour une estimation précise de ce délai. Cette étude taphonomique souhaitait s’inscrire dans une temporalité rejoignant les impératifs judiciaires appliqués en médecine légale. Ainsi, l’hypothèse principale de ce travail était constituée par une dégradation organique précoce de l’os en période postmortem, notamment sous la forme d’une dégradation collagénique. Celle ci a donc fait l’objet d’une évaluation prospective.Matériels et Méthodes : 6 dons de corps humains, sans pathologie osseuse connue ont été inclus et pour chaque sujet, le choix des os étudiés s’est orienté vers les côtes. Ces os ont été inclus dans un environnement de diagénèse et étudiés sur 2 ans. Une analyse macroscopique de perte de poids de l’os a été réalisée, et complétée par deux méthodes : l’une moléculaire (microspectrométrie Raman) et l’autre morphologique (histologie).Résultats : Ce travail, a permis de mettre en évidence certaines caractéristiques de l’altération temporelle des différentes phases osseuses via : une dessiccation mise en évidence par une perte de poids osseuse ; une diagénèse des fractions organiques et minérales. Ainsi, l’étude des paramètres physico-chimiques en microspectrométrie Raman a montré une tendance temporelle à la diminution des rapports phase minérale/phase organique ; la diminution de la carbonatation minérale ; l’augmentation de la cristallinité. L’analyse statistique multivariée des spectres Raman a permis : de distinguer des groupes temporels en les discriminant via leurs contributions organiques ; de construire l’ébauche d’un modèle statistique d’utilisation pratique. L’étude microscopique des prélèvements a montré l’absence de toute attaque microbienne en période postmortem précoce, mais un mécanisme d’altération organique collagénique de type hydrolyse chimique.Discussion : Notre travail, a permis d’identifier 3 paramètres fondamentaux du vieillissement osseux qui doivent être connus du praticien qualifié en anthropologie médico-légale, et cela même sur une période d’étude de 2 ans « courte » à l’échelle de l’anthropologie :- L’environnement influence fortement la diagénèse osseuse et doit être aussi bien étudié que l’os en lui même. En effet, l’étude de la perte de poids de l’os, a montré une altération de composition osseuse très précoce avec phénomène de dessiccation osseuse, comparable à la déshydratation globale du corps en période postmortem ;- La diagénèse osseuse est un phénomène global dans lequel les différentes altérations de phases minérales et organiques sont interdépendantes et peuvent être appréciées par la microspectrométrie Raman, qui outre son apport dans l’analyse de la dégradation chimique de l’os, permet par les outils statistiques qui y sont associés, d’identifier des classes temporelles de diagénèse. Ces classes, qui devront faire l’objet d’études supplémentaires, pourraient à terme être une aide pratique et servir de référence dans la datation précise d’un os ;- L’altération organique de l’os peut s’opérer selon des modes de dégradations chimiques ou bactériens en fonction de l’environnement et du délai postmortem. L’histologie peut permettre de faire ce distinguo. Sur ce délai d’étude, la dégradation collagénique de type chimique par hydrolyse est prédominante.Conclusion : Ces paramètres forment une unité structurelle indissociable qui est connue de longue date en anthropologie archéologique, et qui est parfaitement transposable en pratique médico-légale si des méthodologies adaptées sont développées. Les voies de recherche sur cette thématique ont un rôle essentiel à jouer pour que la médecine légale puisse répondre aux légitimes demandes exprimées par les victimes et leurs ayants-droits auprès de la justice. / Introduction: Determining the postmortem interval in cases of skeletonized remains is a key element of the judicial investigation. However, few methods are applicable for an accurate estimate of this period. This taphonomic study wanted to be performed in a temporality joining the legal requirements applied in forensics. Thus, the main hypothesis of this study was an early organic postmortem bone degradation, particularly a collagen degradation. The latter has been studied prospectively.Materials and Methods: 6 human bodies without known bone disease were included, and for each subject, the ribs were chosen. The bones were included in a diagenetic environment and studied over 2 years. Macroscopic analysis of bone weight loss was performed, and completed by two methods: one molecular (Raman microspectrometry) and the other morphological (histology).Results: This work has highlighted certain features of the temporary bone alteration on its different phases via: a desiccation highlighted by bone mass loss; a diagenesis of organic and mineral phases. Thus, the study of physicochemical parameters by Raman microspectrometry revealed a temporary trend of declining mineral / organic ratios; decreasing carbonation; increasing crystallinity. Multivariate analysis of Raman spectra allowed: to distinguish temporal groups by discriminating via their organic contributions; to design a statistical model of practical use. The microscopic study of the samples revealed no microbial attack in the early postmortem period, but an alteration of collagen by chemical hydrolysis.Discussion: Our study identified three basic parameters of bone diagenesis that must be known to the forensic anthropologist, even over a period of 2 years which is \\\"short\\\" on the scale of anthropology:- The environment strongly influences bone diagenesis and should be studied as well as the bone itself. Indeed, the study of weight loss of the bone, revealed a phenomenon of bone drying, similar to the overall dehydration of the body in the postmortem period;- Bone diagenesis is a global phenomenon in which the various alterations of inorganic and organic phases are interdependent and can be evaluated by Raman microspectrometry. Also its contribution in the analysis of the chemical degradation of the bone, Raman spectroscopy and statistical tools associated with it, allows the identification of diagenesis classes. These classes will require additional studies, eventually to be a practical support in dating a bone;- The organic alteration of the bone may be due to chemical or bacterial degradation, according to the environment and the postmortem period. Histology can make this distinction. On this period of study, the collagen degradation by chemical hydrolysis is predominant.Conclusion: These parameters form a structural unit, which is well known in archaeological anthropology, and is absolutely transposable in forensic practice if appropriate methodologies are developed. Research on this topic has an essential role as forensics can respond to legitimate requests from victims and their relatives towards justice.

Reconstitution faciale par imagerie 3d : variabilité morphométrique et mise en oeuvre informatique

Guyomarc'h, Pierre 28 November 2011 (has links)
La reconstitution faciale a pour but de restituer le visage d’un individu à partir de la morphologie de son crâne. Cette technique est utilisée en anthropologie médico-légale pour apporter de nouveaux témoignages dans l’identification de restes humains. Les objectifs de thèse sont d’établir une base de données crânio-faciale 3D de Français grâce à l’imagerie médicale, de tester les règles traditionnelles de reconstitution, et de quantifier les corrélations morphologiques entre tissus osseux et cutanés. Des examens hospitaliers par scanner tomodensitométrique (18 – 96 ans ; sexe ratio 1,16:1) ont été traités avec le logiciel TIVMI pour reconstruire avec précision les surfaces osseuses et cutanées. Plus de 200 points de repère ont pu être positionnés sur 500 individus, en suivant un protocole précis (répétabilité et reproductibilité vérifiées). L’extraction de distances Euclidiennes a permis de tester plusieurs règles traditionnelles, et d’étudier la spécificité et la variabilité des épaisseurs de tissus mous. Parallèlement, les coordonnées 3D des points ont été analysées par morphométrie géométrique. Les covariations entre groupes de points osseux et cutanés ont pu être quantifiées, ainsi que les asymétries, allométries, et influences de l’âge et du sexe sur les variations de conformation. Ces résultats ont permis l’élaboration d’une méthode d’estimation de la position des points de repère du visage, et la création (en collaboration avec le LaBRI) d’un module de reconstitution faciale nommé AFA3D. Basé sur le principe de déformation d’un visage synthétique, ce logiciel restitue la forme la plus probable du visage en fonction de la position de 78 points crâniométriques. / Facial approximation aims at the production of a face based on the skull morphology. This technique is performed in forensic anthropology to bring new testimonies in cases of human remains identification. The goals of this research are to establish a database of French skulls and faces in 3D through medical imaging, to test traditional guidelines, and to quantify the morphological correlations between soft and hard tissues. Computed tomography exams, collected in French hospitals (18 – 96 years; sex ratio 1.16:1), were treated with TIVMI software to reconstruct accurately the bone and skin surfaces. More than 200 landmarks have been placed on 500 subjects, following a protocol which repeatability and reproducibility have been checked. The extraction of Euclidian distances allowed testing traditional guidelines, and studying specificity and variability of soft tissue depths. In parallel, the 3D coordinates were analyzed with geometric morphometrics. Covariations between groups of bone landmarks and groups of skin landmarks were quantified, along with asymmetry, allometry, and influences of age and sex on the shape changes. These results allowed for the creation of a method to estimate the position of skin landmarks, and for the development of a facial approximation module in TIVMI, called AFA3D (in collaboration with the LaBRI). Based on the warping of a synthetic face, this software renders the most probable face depending on the position of 78 cranial landmarks.

Análise da variabilidade métrica dos parâmetros de Antropologia Forense para estimativa do sexo de duas populações: escocesa e brasileira / Analysis of the metric variability of the forensic anthropology parameters for sexing of two populations: Scottish and Brazilian

Thaís Torralbo Lopez Capp 12 May 2017 (has links)
Antropologia Forense é a aplicação da ciência da Antropologia Física e osteologia humana em casos criminais onde os restos da vítima estão em fase avançada de decomposição. Devido ao grande fluxo migratório descrito no histórico do Brasil, a população brasileira possui características físicas muito heterogêneas quando comparadas com a população escocesa, uma vez que a imigração mais significativa foi proveniente de outras regiões do próprio Reino Unido. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as variações craniométricas de duas populações (brasileira e escocesa), e avaliar a confiabilidade do método para determinação do sexo nas duas populações, com finalidade forense. A amostra total foi composta por 200 crânios com mandíbulas, sendo que a amostra brasileira foi constituída por 100 crânios completos e a amostra escocesa por 100 crânios e 36 mandíbulas, ambas amostras documentadas. Foram realizadas 72 mensurações sendo 51 cranianas e 21 mandibulares. Os resultados demonstraram que a amostra escocesa apresentou média maior comparada com a amostra brasileira em 54 variáveis do universo de 72 medidas. Trinta e três mensurações cranianas apresentaram diferença significativa entre as duas amostras e dentre as 21 medidas mandibulares analisadas, 05 apresentaram variação superior a 20%, 09 entre 10% e 20%, 07 inferior a 10%. As medidas que apresentaram maior dimorfismo sexual para as duas amostras foram a largura bizigomática (apresentando 73% de acerto para a amostra brasileira e 77% para a amostra escocesa), largura bigoníaca (79% e 83,30%) comprimento Porion-Mastoidale lado esquerdo (76% e 75%) e a altura do corpo mandibular lado esquerdo (67% e 80,60%). A análise discriminante multivariada demonstrou resultados satisfatórios para amostra brasileira com porcentagem de acerto variando entre 76-90% e na amostra escocesa 81-86,6%. Através da análise da curva ROC foram desenvolvidas 04 tabelas de referência sendo 01 para medidas cranianas brasileiras, 01 medida para mandibulares brasileiras, 01 tabela para medidas cranianas escocesas e 01 para medidas mandibulares escocesas. O presente estudo demonstrou que existem diferenças entre as duas amostras estudadas, porém ainda falta elucidar a causa responsável, já que se trata de uma grandeza multifatorial. A metodologia quantitativa analisada demonstrou-se precisa para analisar dimorfismo sexual nas duas amostras. / Forensic anthropology is the application of the physical anthropology science and human osteology in criminal cases where the victim\'s remains are in an advanced stage of decomposition. Due to migration Brazilian population is very diverse, comprising many races and ethnic groups, therefore it is much more varied than the Scottish population, which tends to be more homogenous once there was significant immigration to Scotland from the rest of the United Kingdom. The present study aimed to compare the craniometric variations of two populations (Brazilian and Scottish), and analyze the reliability of sex determination in the two populations for forensic purpose. The total sample was comprised of 200 skulls and 136 mandibles, the Brazilian sample consisted of 100 complete skulls and the Scottish sample was composed of 100 skulls and 36 mandibles, both of which are documented samples. The measure\'s protocol comprised 72 measurements, being 51 cranial and 21 mandibular. The results showed that the Scottish sample had a larger mean compared to the Brazilian sample in 54 variables of the 72 measures. Among the cranial measurements analyzed, 33 variables showed a significant difference between the two samples and among the 21 mandibular measurements considered, 05 presented a variation greater than 20%, 09 between 10% and 20%, 07 lower than 10%. The most dimorphic measurements for both samples were the bizigomatic width (73% of accuracy for the Brazilian sample and 77% for the Scottish sample), the bigoniac width (79% and 83,30%), the Porion-Mastoidale length (76% and 75%), and the left side mandibular body height (67 and 80,60%). The multivariate discriminant analysis showed satisfactory results for the Brazilian sample with a percentage of accuracy varying between 76-90% and in the Scottish sample 81-86.6%. Through the analysis of the ROC curve, four reference tables were developed: 01 for Brazilian cranial measurements, 01 Brazilian mandibular measurements, 01 Scottish cranial measurements and 01 Scottish mandibular measurements The present study showed a difference between the two samples studied, but it is not possible to define an unique cause responsible for that because this comprise multifactorial aspects. The quantitative methodology analyzed showed sexual dimorphism in both samples.

Sekulární trend, populační variabilita a určení pohlaví podle rozměrů lidského femuru. / Secular trend, inter-population variability and sex estimation with help of variables of human femur.

Švenkrtová, Iva January 2010 (has links)
Determination sex is one of the most important tasks in the identification of skeletal remains. Previous studies have shown that population differences in size and shape of femora can affect correct sex allocation. This thesis tested the discriminat functions generated from different populations and confirmed population specificity of the femur discriminant functions. Two samples of the identified adult femora for this project was used. First sample originates from the Czech population living in the 1st 20th century (78 males and 81 females) and second sample originates from the Czech population living in the 2nd 20th century (67 males and 35 females). Both samples also help us estimate the influence of secular trend of the femur'variables to the correct sex classification by discriminat functions calculated in the Czech population. The results showed the existence of the secular trend in femora size dimensions. Only the dimensions of the femoral head (vertical head diameter-F18, transverse head diameter-F19 and maximum diameter of the femoral head-MPH) and sagittal subtrochanteric diameter (F10) not chandged significantly during the 20th century. The secular trend has negatively influenced the correct sex classification, always for one subpopulation. Only the dimensions in which the secular trend...

From the Mouths of Babes: Using Incremental Enamel Microstructures to Evaluate the Applicability of the Moorrees Method of Dental Formation to the Estimation of Age of Prehistoric Native American Children

Blatt, Samantha Heidi 09 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Influence Of The Csi Effect On Education And Mass Media

McManus, Sarah E. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Forensic science television shows, especially CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, have been said to influence the public’s perception of how forensic science is used and create interest in studying forensic science and pursuing jobs in the field. This study investigates this claim through a variety of methods. First, definitions of the CSI effect are discussed, including how it was first used and mentioned in the media. Second, survey data from students in a forensic anthropology course regarding interest in forensic science media and educational and career choices are analyzed. Third, the number and debut dates of forensic science non-fiction books, novels, non-fiction television shows, and television dramas are investigated. Finally, a content analysis of the television show Bones is undertaken in order to understand how the forensic anthropology presented in this show differs from the actual practice of forensic anthropology. Results of this study indicate that, overall, students who wanted to pursue forensic science careers and graduate study did not watch more forensic science television shows and read more forensic science novels than those who did not want to pursue forensic science careers and graduate study. Also, based on the decreased interest in a number of forensic careers, it appears that respondents may have started the course with false perceptions regarding the actual job descriptions of these careers. Regarding the number and debut dates of forensic science media, this study found that the majority of non-fiction forensic anthropology books, non-fiction television shows, television dramas debuted after CSI appeared, corroborating the claim that CSI led to an increase in interest in forensic iii anthropology. In addition, this study found that while much of Bones is fictionalized for entertainment purposes, many of the techniques and analyses presented on the show have a peripheral basis in scientific methods.


Zatezalo, Kayla M. 16 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Land of contrast: osteological analysis of human remains from Salango, Ecuador and a comparison of paleopathologies between coastal and highland sites in Ecuador

Unknown Date (has links)
New data on human skeletal remains from Site 35 in Salango, Ecuador is combined with existing data presented by Jastremski (2006) to compile a more comprehensive report about the health conditions of the people. Site 35, which is associated with the Manteño culture that flourished in the Integration period from A.D. 500 – 1532, has been determined to comprise a singular population that is represented by a minimum of 27 individuals. In addition to more comprehensive conclusions about Site 35, this thesis uses the data from Site 35 in an extended comparison of health among prehistoric sites from six additional sites to observe general trends over time and across geography. Through an indepth analysis of distinct health traits, the general conclusion matches previous reports that the overall quality of health in Ecuador declined over time. However, the present analysis shows a less dramatic decline for coastal sites than for inland sites. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.

Análise de DNA em osso humano: estudo qualitativo da microestrutura do osso compacto / Analysis of human DNA bone: qualitative study of compact bone microstructure.

Iwamura, Edna Sadayo Miazato 18 March 2003 (has links)
Para a execução da etapa inicial da identificação médico-legal de restos humanos (antropometria e exame dos arcos dentários), faz-se necessária uma limpeza prévia da ossada, para a remoção de tecidos moles putrefeitos. Os casos não identificados por esses métodos tradicionais, poderão ser submetidos ao exame de DNA. No entanto, apesar do grande avanço da biologia molecular, utilizando a amplificação de DNA pela PCR, algumas limitações que afetam a habilidade de se obter DNA em restos humanos, permanecem. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi fornecer subsídios morfológicos para os analistas forenses, com ênfase na prática médico-legal, visando uma utilização mais eficiente do DNA obtido de osso compacto de restos humanos em decomposição ou já esqueletizados, sem tecidos moles aderidos. Foi realizado o estudo da microestrutura do tecido ósseo compacto femoral, de restos humanos em decomposição, ainda com tecidos moles, que foram limpos pela fervura em água (n = 7) e ossadas já esqueletizadas pela decomposição natural, que não foram fervidas (n = 8). Destes, seis ossadas foram provenientes de cemitério público regular, após 3 anos de inumação, 1 ossada proveniente da região amazônica, e 1 ossada de origem desconhecida. Estas duas ultimas, apresentado-se porosas ou quebradiças. As análises morfológicas de cortes histológicos foram coradas com hematoxilina e eosina e o DNA amplificado pela PCR para os loci CSF1PO, TPOX, TH01, F13A0, FESFPS, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317 e amelogenina. Os resultados da análise desses dois grupos foram comparados com os de cadáveres frescos (n = 5) do Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos da Capital. A fervura dos ossos, do modo como é realizada no Instituto Médico Legal de São Paulo, pode aumentar a eosinofilia da matriz óssea e, em alguns casos, pode promover a desagregação dos ósteons. Tal procedimento pode remover células, mas pode também remover possíveis inibidores da PCR, favorecendo a análise do DNA obtido destas amostras. O fator limitante para a obtenção e análise de DNA, em amostras de ossos limpos por fervura, é a quantidade exígua de células. Ossos não submetidos à fervura, após inumação por três anos ou há mais tempo em contato com a terra, podem apresentar alterações da microestrutura. No entanto, a presença de hemácias preservadas e núcleos de osteócitos nestas amostras, indica melhor preservação de células em relação às amostras de ossos fervidos. O fator limitante para a análise de DNA nestas amostras é a presença sugestiva de inibidores da reação de amplificação pela PCR. Restos humanos, sem tecidos moles, macroscópicamente não preservados (porosos e quebradiços), e não submetidos à fervura, apresentam alterações de perda de matriz mineralizada; no entanto, nestas amostras ainda é possível encontrar células preservadas. Os resultados obtidos no neste trabalho permitem traçar algumas estratégias para uma melhor utilização nos protocolos de extração e análise do DNA em osso compacto de restos humanos. / To the first essential step to forensic identification of human remains (anthropological study of race, sex, age, etc) it is necessary a previous cleaning of the bones, to remove decomposing soft tissues. Medico-legal inconclusive or non identified cases, by using these traditional methods, could be subjected to DNA analysis. However, in spite of advances in human identification techniques, specially by PCR amplified DNA, some limitations that affect the ability to obtain DNA in human remains still persist. Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide additional support from morphological analysis, to help forensic analysts personnel to utilise more efficiently the DNA, extracted from compact bones of human remains in decomposition or already skeletonized corpse, it means without soft tissues, with special emphasis in the legal-medicine practice. Femoral compact bones were obtained from: 7 human remains found on the ground, in different degree of decomposition which were cleaned by boiling to remove soft tissues; also studied were collections of bones from 8 corpses having undergone natural decomposition: 6 human remains exhumed after 3 years from a common public cemetery in São Paulo City; 1 case from amazon region and 1 case with no information, both cases remained from long time (more than 3 years) in contact with soil. All eight cases, were not boiled as no soft tissue were adhered. As a control, five cadavers 12 to 16 hours post mortem were also used. The compact bones histological sections were stained by haematoxilin and eosin and the loci CSF1PO, TPOX, TH01, F13A01,FESFPS, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317 and amelogenin were amplified by PCR.The procedure for boiling the human remains utilised in the Legal Medicine Institute of São Paulo would have increased the eosinophily of bone matrix and, in some cases, promoted the desaggregation of the osteons. In addition these procedures would have removed the cells, but in some cases would have removed possible inhibitors of the PCR, favouring in this way the analysis of DNA obtained from these samples. The limiting factor to obtain successful analysis in bones submitted to boiling seem to be the low quantity of nuclei present in these samples. For the other hand, in bones not cleaned by boiling, the presence of preserved red cells and oscteocyte nuclei inside the lacunae indicates better preservation of cells in relation to those bones cleaned by boiling. The limiting factor to obtain successful DNA analysis in bones exhumed or in contact of soil, is the suggestive presence of inhibitors of PCR. Porous and brittle bones from human remains, without soft tissues that are not processed by boiling, present alterations through loss of mineralised matrix, although it is still possible to found preserved cells in these samples. The results presented in this work clarify concerns about viability of DNA for identification analysis. They also help to establish better strategies for optimisation of DNA extraction and analysis in compact bones of human remains.

Análise das reconstruções faciais forenses digitais caracterizadas utilizando padrões de medidas lineares de tecidos moles da face de brasileiros e estrangeiros / Analysis of characterized digital forensic facial reconstructions using measurement patterns of soft tissues from Brazilians and foreigners faces

Fernandes, Clemente Maia da Silva 31 May 2010 (has links)
A preocupação com a identificação, que é o processo pelo qual se determina a identidade, é bastante antiga. Atualmente, as relações sociais ou exigências civis, penais, administrativas e comerciais necessitam de sua comprovação. A identificação de pessoas mortas é fundamental, não somente para aplacar as necessidades emocionais de seus amigos e familiares, como também para que providências legais relativas ao óbito possam ser tomadas. Infelizmente, amiúde ocorrem situações em que corpos chegam aos Institutos Médico-Legais em estado de putrefação ou esqueletização, e não são identificados. Em tais situações, análises antropométricas para estimar, por exemplo, idade, gênero e estatura, são de grande valia. Nestes casos, a reconstrução facial forense será muito importante, pois pode possibilitar o reconhecimento e, por conseguinte, aumentar consideravelmente as chances de identificação. A reconstrução facial forense tridimensional pode ser manual ou digital. A reconstrução facial forense digital tornou-se possível com o advento da Tecnologia da Informação, imaginologia médica e novos softwares de imagem 3D e de reconstrução. Para a realização da reconstrução facial, são necessários dados relativos à espessura dos tecidos moles da face. Não há na literatura registros de trabalhos de reconstrução facial digital realizados com dados de tecidos moles obtidos a partir de amostras constituídas por sujeitos brasileiros. Há duas tabelas de espessura de tecidos moles publicadas para a população brasileira: uma obtida a partir de medidas realizadas em cadáveres frescos (padrão cadáveres frescos), e outra a partir de medidas em exames de ressonância magnética (padrão ressonância magnética). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar três diferentes reconstruções faciais forenses digitais caracterizadas (com cabelo, cílios e sobrancelha) de um sujeito brasileiro (realizadas a partir de um padrão internacional e dois padrões nacionais de espessura de tecidos moles da face), e avaliar as reconstruções faciais forenses digitais comparando-as com fotografias do próprio indivíduo e de outros nove sujeitos. Para isso, foram utilizadas imagens DICOM de uma Tomografia Computadorizada (TC) cedidas por um voluntário que, uma vez convertidas, foram utilizadas para a efetivação das reconstruções faciais digitais. Uma vez realizadas as três reconstruções, as mesmas foram comparadas com fotografias do voluntário que teve a sua face reconstruída e outros nove sujeitos. Trinta examinadores participaram desta tentativa de reconhecimento. O sujeito-alvo, que teve a sua face reconstruída, foi reconhecido por 26,67% dos examinadores na reconstrução realizada com o Padrão nacional de Ressonância Magnética, 23,33% na reconstrução realizada com o Padrão nacional de Cadáveres Frescos e 20,00% na reconstrução realizada com o Padrão Internacional, tendo sido o sujeito mais reconhecido nos dois primeiros padrões. Os reconhecimentos acertados do sujeito-alvo indicam que a reconstrução facial forense digital, realizada com parâmetros empregados neste trabalho, pode ser ferramenta útil para, havendo um ou vários sujeitos reconhecidos, chegar-se a uma identificação positiva. / The concern with the identification, that is the process by which the identity is determined, is quite old. Currently, the social relations or civil, criminal, administrative and commercial requirements need its evidence. The identification of deceased persons is essential not only to assuage the emotional needs of their friends and family, but also to allow legal actions related to death. Unfortunately, situations often occur when bodies arrive at the Medico-Legal Institutes in a state of putrefaction or skeletonization, and are not identified. In such situations, anthropometric analysis to estimate, for example, age, gender and height, are of great value. In these cases, forensic facial reconstruction is very important because it may serve to recognize and therefore increase the chances of identification. The three-dimensional forensic facial reconstruction can be manual or digital. The digital forensic facial reconstruction was made possible with the advent of Information Technology, medical imaging and new 3D image and reconstruction softwares. To perform facial reconstruction, data on the thickness of the soft tissues of the face are necessary. There is no literature records of facial reconstruction works carried out with digital data of soft tissues obtained from samples of Brazilian subjects. There are two tables of thickness of soft tissue published for the Brazilian population: one obtained from measurements performed in fresh cadavers (fresh cadavers pattern), and another from measurements on magnetic resonance imaging (magnetic resonance pattern). The aim of this study was to perform three different characterized digital forensic facial reconstructions (with hair, eyelashes and eyebrows) of a Brazilian subject (based on an international pattern and two national patterns for soft facial tissue thickness), and evaluate the digital forensic facial reconstructions comparing them to photos of the individual and other nine subjects. We used DICOM images of a computed tomography (CT) donated by a volunteer that, once converted, were used for the realization of the digital facial reconstructions. Once we\'ve performed the three reconstructions, they were compared with photographs of the volunteer who had his face reconstructed and of nine other subjects. Thirty examiners participated in this recognition attempt. The target subject, who had his face reconstructed, was recognized by 26.67% of the examiners in the reconstruction performed with the national Magnetic Resonance Pattern, 23.33% in the reconstruction performed with the national Fresh Cadavers Pattern of and 20.00 % in the reconstruction performed with the International Pattern, and the target-subject was the most recognized subject in the first two patterns. The correct recognitions of the subject indicate that the digital forensic facial reconstruction, carried out with parameters used in this study, may be a useful tool, with one or more subjects recognized to achieve a positive identification.

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