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Contribution à létude de lalimentation de la pintade locale au Bénin, et perspectives daméliorations à laide de ressources non conventionnelles/Contribution to the study of local guinea fowl feeding in Benin and prospects for improvements with unconventional feedstuffsDahouda, Mahamadou 19 June 2009 (has links)
Cette étude propose des voies damélioration de lalimentation de la pintade locale à laide de ressources alimentaires non-conventionnelles au Bénin.
La première partie de ce travail fait le point sur lutilisation des ressources alimentaires non-conventionnelles et particulièrement des graines de Mucuna spp. dans lalimentation de la volaille. Elle envisage le contexte de leur utilisation, leurs valeurs nutritionnelles ainsi que les contraintes liées à leur valorisation avant denvisager les effets des diverses techniques de traitement sur la réduction des teneurs en diverses substances toxiques et sur leur composition chimique.
La seconde partie porte sur létude des élevages traditionnels et les compare à une forme délevage contrôlé en station. Au Bénin, comme dans la plupart des pays au Sud du Sahara, lélevage traditionnel de la volaille est caractérisé par un système extensif peu productif et divaguant, où les animaux se nourrissent essentiellement sur les parcours. Ils disposent dabris sommaires et exigus et ne bénéficient ni de programmes de prophylaxie sanitaire ni dune alimentation adaptée. Toutefois, certains éleveurs distribuent en supplément des céréales ou dautres ressources non conventionnelles. Dans ces conditions, les performances pondérales des pintades ont été de 1121 ± 100 g à six mois dâge. En milieu contrôlé, cest-à-dire où les animaux étaient logés en permanence, nourris à laide dune provende formulée, séparés par sexe et vermifugés, le poids moyen à âge identique des mâles a été de 1151 ± 108 g contre 1085 ± 74 g pour celui des femelles. Dans les élevages traditionnels, les animaux vermifugés ont présenté une supériorité pondérale (1221 ± 107 g) par rapport au groupe non traité (1007 ± 31 g). Les performances de croissance des oiseaux élevés en milieu contrôlé nont pas été meilleures comparativement aux pintades du milieu rural, bien que les aliments utilisés en milieu contrôlé aient été conformes aux normes de la littérature. Létude des performances de reproduction dans le milieu rural et en milieu contrôlé situe lâge des femelles à la première ponte entre 7 et 9 mois avec un poids moyen de 1220 ± 97 g. Les pontes sont hivernales et les couvées sont réalisées dans 95,5 % des cas par les poules avec un nombre moyen de 14 ± 4 ufs incubés par poule et un taux global déclosion de 70 % pour une durée moyenne dincubation de 26 jours. La chute de la probabilité de survie a été la plus importante durant les 50 premiers jours de vie au cours desquels un taux de mortalité de près de 50 % a été observé. Malgré donc son importance économique, nutritionnelle et sociale, lélevage traditionnel de pintade au Bénin reste peu productif en raison de nombreuses contraintes incluant une forte mortalité juvénile, diverses pathologies, la prédation, le climat, le logement et une alimentation inadéquate.
La troisième partie fait linventaire du régime alimentaire des animaux divaguant, par analyse du contenu de jabot. Elle a ainsi permis de préciser la composition de la ration journalière de ces animaux, y compris la complémentation reçue par les éleveurs afin doptimiser la production. Les ingrédients trouvés dans les jabots ont été identifiés et regroupés en six catégories principales à savoir : la supplémentation, les graines des végétaux de parcours, leurs feuilles, les produits animaux, les minéraux et les éléments non identifiés. La quantité et la proportion des suppléments et des graines des végétaux nétaient pas significativement différentes entre les saisons tandis que celles des feuilles de végétaux, des produits animaux et des minéraux étaient plus élevées au cours de la saison des pluies. Les suppléments, en occurrence le maïs et le sorgho, étaient les composants majoritaires au cours des deux saisons. Les graines de végétaux les plus consommés provenaient de Panicum maximum (saison des pluies) et de Rottboellia cochinchinensis (saison sèche). Les teneurs des contenus de jabot en matière organique, extractif non azoté, et en énergie métabolisable étaient plus élevées en saison sèche, par contre les concentrations des minéraux étaient plus élevées en saison pluvieuse. Aucune différence na été notée entre les deux saisons en termes de matière sèche, protéines brutes et en fibres brutes. Lidentification et la quantification des différents composants alimentaires, ainsi que la détermination de la composition chimique et de la valeur alimentaire des aliments ingérés par les pintades au cours de la divagation a mis en évidence des déficits structurels mais également conjoncturels liés aux variations saisonnières de la qualité, de la disponibilité ou de laccessibilité des aliments pendant certaines périodes de lannée. Des corrections adéquates pour améliorer la production de la pintade en milieu villageois ont ainsi pu être proposées. Les graines de mucuna, en raison de leur composition nutritive, ont été proposées comme élément de solution à ce problème.
La quatrième étude a été réalisée afin dévaluer leffet de deux traitements de base (chaleur humide et chaleur sèche) sur la teneur des facteurs anti-nutritionnels, la composition chimique et la digestibilité des graines de mucuna. Les traitements thermiques ont amélioré les teneurs en protéines tandis que les taux de fibres brutes ont été réduits. Les teneurs en L-dopa, principal élément toxique de la graine de mucuna, ont augmenté en fonction du taux dincorporation de la graine. Une réduction significative de 52 % du taux de la L-Dopa a été constatée dans les graines bouillies par rapport à celles qui ont été toastées. Le traitement thermique a influencé significativement la digestibilité des nutriments, excepté celle de la matière grasse. Il en a été conclu que les graines de mucuna traitées adéquatement peuvent être utilisées pour nourrir la pintade.
La cinquième étude a porté sur lutilisation des graines de mucuna et des feuilles et cossettes de manioc sur les performances de croissance et la qualité de la viande des pintades. Des effets dépressifs sur la croissance des pintades et une réduction drastique de la consommation alimentaire ont été notés dans les groupes recevant des graines de mucuna crues. Le poids moyen de la carcasse ainsi que les différents morceaux de la découpe ont été significativement plus faibles que dans le groupe témoin. Cependant, la production de viande a été similaire entre les groupes témoin et ceux ayant reçu la graine de mucuna bouillie. Une augmentation significative du poids du gésier a été observée dans les lots ayant reçu les aliments contenant le mucuna traité, ainsi quune réduction du poids moyen des foies des animaux recevant des graine de mucuna crues. Lincorporation des graines dans la ration na toutefois pas modifié la qualité de la viande, les valeurs de pH et de capacité de rétention deau ayant été similaires dans les 3 groupes. Les analyses des foies, des reins et des muscles nont pas révélé la présence de L-dopa.
Par ailleurs, les performances enregistrées chez des animaux recevant des feuilles et cossettes de manioc ont été significativement plus faibles par rapport à celles observées dans le groupe témoin. Toutefois, aucune différence significative na été observée au niveau du poids des différents morceaux (blancs, ensemble cuisses-pilons, ailes) et du rendement de la carcasse, en fonction du lot. Aussi, la substitution du grain de maïs par les feuilles et les cossettes de manioc a permis de réduire le coût de production de la pintade. Ces ingrédients constituent aussi une opportunité pour réduire la concurrence entre lhomme et la volaille pour la consommation de maïs.
En conclusion, cette étude a montré quil est possible dutiliser avec succès certaines ressources non-conventionnelles telles que le mucuna qui constitue une opportunité pour les pays pauvres et qui pourrait contribuer à lamélioration de lautosuffisance alimentaire à partir de ressources locales/This study suggests ways of improvement of local guinea fowl feeding by unconventional resources in Benin.
The first part of this work reviews the use of unconventional feed resources, and particularly Mucuna spp. seeds, in poultry diets. This review focuses on the context of their use, their nutritional values as well as the constraints that hamper their upgrading before assessing the effects of various treatments on toxins levels and on chemical composition.
The second part of this study concerns the village poultry production systems, when compared to improved poultry production in station. In Benin, as in most of the countries in the South of Sahara, the village poultry production is characterized by an extensive system, in which birds have to scavenge to find most of their feed. They live in cramped houses and dont benefit either from disease prevention programs or from adapted feeding systems. However, farmers provide cereal grains or some unconventional resources. In these conditions, guinea fowl weight at six months was 1121 ± 100 g. In improved rearing, i.e. where animals were bred in houses, received complete diet, were separated by sex and received veterinary care, the mean weights at the same age were 1151±108 g for males versus 1085 ± 74 g for females. In village chickens, birds that received vermifuge treatments were significantly heavier when compared to untreated ones (1221 ± 107 vs 1007 ± 31 g). Growth performances in improved conditions were similar to that obtained with the guinea fowls reared in village, although they received complete diets that were in accordance with guinea fowl requirements. In rural area and in station, the study on reproductive performance indicated the onset of the first laying between 7 and 9 months of age with a mean weight of 1220 ± 97 g. Eggs laying occurred in rainy season, and broods were performed at 95.5 % level by hens, the mean number of eggs brooded by hen being 14 ± 4, with 70% hatching rate for 26 days of incubation duration. The decrease of cumulative survival probability was marked during the first 50 days of live during which a mortality rate of about 50 % was observed. In spite of its economic, nutritional and social importance, guinea fowl productivity in village area in Benin remains weak because of numerous constraints including keet mortality, diseases, predation, climate, housing and low feed supply.
The third part of the work studies scavenging guinea fowls crop contents, i.e., ingredients naturally found by the animals on the ground and supplement offered by the farmers. Ingredients found in crops were identified and divided in six main categories including supplemental feed, seeds, green forages, animal materials, minerals and unidentified material. Amounts and proportions of supplemental feed and seeds were not significantly different between seasons, whereas those of green forage, animal materials and mineral matter were higher in rainy season. Supplemental feed, especially maize and sorghum, was the largest component of the crop content in both seasons. The most represented grass seeds were Panicum maximum (rainy season) and Rottboellia cochinchinensis (dry season). Dietary concentrations of organic matter, non-nitrogen extract and metabolisable energy were higher in the dry season, while mineral concentrations were higher in the rainy season. There were no significant differences between the two seasons in dry matter, crude protein or crude fibre. The identification and quantification of various feed ingredients, as well as the determination of chemical composition and nutritive value of ingredients ingested by scavenging guinea fowl allowed highlighting the structural and short-term deficiencies due to seasonal variations of diets quality and availability during the year. Adequate corrections to improve guinea fowl production in village area were so able to be proposed. Mucuna seeds could solve this problem because of its leguminous-type feed value.
The fourth study was carried out to evaluate the effects of two basic treatments (cooking and toasting) on anti-nutrients factor contents, chemical composition and digestibility of mucuna seeds. Heat treatments improved proteins content whereas that of crude fibre was reduced. Contents of L-dopa, the main anti-nutritional factor in mucuna seeds, increased according to seed level incorporation. L-dopa content was significantly reduced by 52 % in cooked seeds while toasting had no effect. Heat treatment improved significantly seed nutrients digestibility excepted that of the ether extract. It was concluded that when mucuna seed is adequately treated, it could be used in guinea fowl diet.
The fifth study concerned the effects of mucuna seeds and cassava leafs and cossets on guinea fowl growth and meat quality. Crude mucuna seeds had depressive effects on guinea fowl growth and feed intake. Mean carcass and cut-parts weights were significantly lower in control group. However, meat yield was similar between control and cooked seeds groups. The gizzard weights were significantly increased in processed seeds diets groups and liver weight reduction was noticed in birds fed on raw Mucuna seed. Mucuna seed did not alter meat quality as assessed by the pH and water holding capacity measurements. L-Dopa analyses in liver, kidneys and breast muscle did not reveal the presence of any tissue residues.
Furthermore, growth performances recorded in birds receiving cassava leaves and cossets were significantly lower when compared to the control group. However, no difference was observed in cut-parts (breasts, thigh-drumsticks, wings) and in carcass yield between groups. So, maize substitution by cassava leaves and cossets allowed reducing feed cost. It can be then suggested that those feeds allow reducing competition for maize consumption between human and poultry.
In conclusion, it is possible to successfully use unconventional feed resources such as mucuna seeds which are an opportunity for developing country and could contribute to improve food security with local resources. Read more
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Domestication effects on foraging behaviour : consequences for adaptability in chickensLindqvist, Christina January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to study domestication effects on foraging behaviour in chickens and to investigate whether and how domestication and selection for high production have influenced adaptability in chickens. Two domestic strains of chickens (egg layers and meat type chickens) and their wild ancestor, the red jungle fowl (RJF) were compared in different test situations with respect to foraging behaviour and adaptability. The domestic strains showed a modified foraging strategy, where they were less inclined to explore and feed from a hidden food source, i.e. they showed less contrafreeloading (CFL, the behaviour of working for food even though identical food can be easily obtained) than RJF. The difference in CFL between RJF and the layers were not altered by food deprivation, which suggests that the lower CFL in the layers represents a genetically based difference in feeding strategy. In addition, CFL decreased with age in RJF and layers and social isolation decreased CFL in RJF. Furthermore, when foraging, RJF acquired information about the quality of different food sources, which was utilised after a change in environmental conditions. Contrary to this, layers gained less information during foraging and showed an impaired spatial learning ability compared to RJF, and in this respect, layers showed a lower degree of adaptability. Chronic stress impaired the learning capacity of both breeds but RJF seemed to be overall faster to learn to locate food in a spatial learning task. Furthermore, stressed RJF started to eat faster in the spatial learning test than non-stressed RJF, and contrary to this, stressed layers showed a more passive response by prolonging the time to start feeding compared to non-stressed layers. This indicates a more active response to stress in RJF than in layers. Similarly, when RJF and layers were exposed to food deprivation, RJF showed an active response by increasing their time spent on foraging behaviour. The general results in this thesis most likely reflect different adaptive strategies, where RJF appear to be better adapted to a stochastic environment, and the domestic strains to grow and produce egg in a more predictable environment. The findings are in accordance with the resource allocation theory, which suggests that animals selected for high production are expected to reallocate a high proportion of resources into production traits and hence fewer resources might be left to other biological processes, e.g. exploratory behaviour. Selection for high production seems to influence the ability of chickens to cope with a changing environment, which may have implications for the welfare of chickens in a production environment. Read more
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Höns återhämtning efter stress samt domesticeringens effekter : En biologisk studie med ett lärarperspektivAlriksson, Emelie January 2011 (has links)
Den biologiska studien har visat att värphöns genom domesticeringen förändrat och anpassat sina beteenden till att leva med människor. De har utvecklat en minskad rädsla för människor och en ökad stresstålighet. I denna studie har höns återhämtning efter en stressupplevelse studerats. För att se hur domesticeringen har påverkat återhämtningen jämfördes beteenden mellan raserna White Leghorn och red junglefowl. Frågeställningarna som användes för att undersöka detta var: Hur lång tid tar det innan höns återhämtar sina naturliga beteenden, ej stressrelaterade, efter en stressupplevelse? Finns det några skillnader i återhämtningen beroende av kön eller mellan raserna White Leghorn och red junglefowl? Resultatet visade inte på en specifik tid för återhämtning men på att en tydlig återhämtning förekom. Återhämtningen visades i beteendena Relaxed Behaviour, Comfort Behaviour, Perch, Vocalisation och Stand Alert genom att uppvisandet av beteendena skiljde sig signifikant med tiden. Även signifikanta skillnader visades mellan raserna, både i beteenden som visade på återhämtning och i beteenden som inte gjorde det. En slutsats om vilken ras som återhämtade sig snabbast var svår att dra. Detta på grund av att beteendeskillnaderna visade på olika tendenser gällande återhämtning. Skillnaderna i återhämtningen mellan könen, visades tendenser på att hanarna återhämtade sig snabbare. Domesticering har även i denna studie studerats utifrån ett lärarperspektiv. Undersökningen visade att domesticering kan ingå i biologiundervisningen i områdena evolution och genetik i år 7-9. / The biological study has shown that behaviour of laying hens has changed through domestication and the hens have adapted to live with humans. They have developed less fear of humans and more resistance to stress. In this study hens’ recovery after a stressful experience has been studied. A comparison between the breeds White Leghorn and red junglefowl has been made to see how the domestication has affected the recovery. The questions of this study are therefore: How long does it take for hens’ to recover their natural behaviour, not stressrelated, after a stressful experience? Are there any differences in recovery between the different breeds White Leghorn and red junglefowl? The results did not show a specific time for recovery, but a distinct recovery was noticed in Relaxed Behaviour, Comfort Behaviour, Perch, Vocalisation and Stand Alert. This beacause of the behaviours differed significantly with time. Also significant differences existed between the breeds, both in behaviours that showed recovery and in behavious that did not. A conclusion of what breed that recovered fastest was difficult to make. This because of the differences of behaviour showed different tendencies in recovery. The differences in recovery between the sexes showed tendencies that the males recovered fastest. The domestication has also been studied from a teacherperspective. The study showed that domestication can be a part of biologyeducation in the fields of evolution and genetics in the grades 7-9. Read more
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Skirtingo organinių rūgščių kiekio įtaka dėsliųjų vištų produktyvumui bei kiaušinių kokybei / The influence of different amount of organic acid to the productivity of the laying hens and the quality of eggsNorkutė, Justina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Lesinimo bandymas truko 56 dienas ir buvo atliktas su 30 savaičių Hisex Brown linijų derinio 36 vnt. dėsliųjų vištų. Paukščiai buvo suskirstyti į 3 grupes, kiekvienoje grupėje po 12 vištų. Visų grupių vištos buvo lesinamos standartiniais kombinuotaisiais lesalais. Kontrolinės grupės vištos buvo lesinamos tik standartiniais kombinuotaisiais lesalais, į I tiriamosios grupės kombinuotuosius lesalus buvo įmaišyta organinių rūgščių priedo, kurio dozavimas 1,5 kg/t lesalų, į II tiriamosios grupės kombinuotuosius lesalus įterpta organinių rūgščių priedo 2 kg/t lesalų. Lumance priedai – 1,5 kg/t ir 2,0 kg/t – esminės įtakos vištų masės dinamikai nebuvo nustatytas. Minėti priedai mažino vištų dėslumą sumažino 2-4 proc., o lesalų konversijai bei išsaugojimui esminės įtakos nenustatyta. Naudoti Lumance priedai sumažino tyrimų vištų masę 3-5 proc. Lumance priedas 1,5 kg/t lesalų padidino lukšto stiprumą 10 proc., baltymo aukštį 9 proc., Hafo vienetus – 6 proc., lukšto storį – 3 proc., palyginus su kontroline grupe. Lumance priedai omega – 6 ir omega – 3 kiekiui bei santykiui, hypocholesterolemijos/hypercholesterolemijos, peroksidavimosi, aterogeniškumo ir trombogeniškumo indeksams tiek šviežiuose kiaušiniuose, tiek sandėliuotuose 28 dienas esminės įtakos neturėjo. Juslinės šviežių kiaušinių baltymo ir trynio savybės buvo labai artimos, nenustatyta, kad naudoti priedai būtų turėję reikšmingos įtakos kvapo, skonio, spalvos ar tekstūros savybių intensyvumui. Išlaikius kiaušinius 28 paras... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The feeding experiment took 56 days and was performed on the 36 Hisex Brown layer fowl of 30 weeks old. Hens were divided into 3 groups of 12 hens in each. The fowl of all 3 groups were fed with a standard composite feed. The fowl in the auditorial group were only fed with the standard composite feed whilst the composite feed of the first investigative group was mixed with an organic acid supplement of a dosage 1,5kg/tn of feed and finally the composite feed of the second investigative group was combined with an organic acid supplement of a dosage 2kg/tn of feed. The influence was not detected of the Lumance supplements (1,5kg/t and 2kg/t) to the body growth of the fowl. The mentioned supplements reduced fowl productivity by 2-4% however the influence was not detected to the conversion of feed and preservation. Used Lumance supplements reduced the body weight of examined fowl by 3-5%. Lumance supplement of 1,5kg/t feed increased the strength of the hull by 10% and the height of albumen by 9%, the units of Haf – by 6% and the thickness of the hull by 3% in comparison with the auditorial group. Lumance accessories omega - 6 and omega - 3 and the quantity proportion hypercholesterolemia/ hypercholesterolemia, peroxidation, atherogenic and thrombogenicity indices both fresh eggs and warehoused for 28 days had no significant influence.The sensual features of yolk and albumen of fresh eggs were very close and it was not established a significant influence of the used supplements... [to full text] Read more
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Meat quality of raw and processed guinea fowl (Numeda meleagris)Tlhong, Tumelo Maud 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Consumer Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the chemical composition mineral and cholesterol
content of the different cuts (breast, drumstick and thigh) of raw guinea fowl meat. The study
also aimed at establishing the effect of cooking method on guinea fowl quality attributes by
investigating the effect of different cooking methods on the chemical composition and sensory
attributes of the different cuts. The effect of injecting a brine solution on the chemical
composition and sensory attributes were also investigated.
There were no differences in terms of moisture content of the various cuts raw guinea fowl meat
The breast had significantly higher protein content when compared to drumstick and thigh
(P<0.05). The fat content was similar for all the cuts (P>0.05). Whilst the drumstick had
significantly the lowest value for ash content when compared to the thigh. Saturated fatty acids
(SFAs) and total unsaturated fatty acids (TUFAs) were not different (P>0.05) in all the cuts.
Drumstick had significantly higher monounsaturated fatty acids compared to other cuts (P<0.05),
and it had the highest polyunsaturated fatty acids (P<0.05). The breast had the lowest (P<0.05)
n-6 fatty acid value (44.25) and had relatively the lowest Polyunsaturated:Saturated (P:S) fatty
acid ratio of 1.74 when compared to the other cuts. High n-6:n-3 ratios, ranging from 7.05 to
16.58, were also found in all the cuts. Cholesterol was lowest (P<0.05) in the breast. Seventeen
amino acids were found, including the eight of the nine essential amino acids. Significant
differences were found in amino acid values for the different cuts. Values of iron were
significantly higher in the drumstick and thigh cuts (P<0.05), whilst drumstick had the highest
zinc content of all the cuts (P<0.05).
On investigating the effect of three cooking methods (baking-bag, foil-wrap, open-roasting at
140ºC for 65 minutes) on the chemical composition, the open-roasting method produced higher
moisture content (P<0.05) consistently for all cuts, with the breast having the highest and the
drumstick the lowest (P<0.05). The moisture content of the baking-bag method on the other
hand was consistently the lowest (P>0.05). This effect was significant for the breast, which had
lost the most moisture (P<0.05). The baking-bag method consistently resulted in a higher protein
content, which is attributed to the higher moisture loss (P<0.05) in comparison with the other
methods, resulting in a more concentrated product. With regard to the fat content no effect
resulting from the cooking methods could be observed (P>0.05), but the cuts’ natural fat content
was reflected especially in the open–roasting method (P<0.05) giving further support to the understanding that the open-roasting method indeed made the least inroads on the chemical
composition of guinea fowl meat under these restraints: controlled for cooking time and
temperature, internal temperature not controlled.
All the cuts cooked according to all the methods, had the favourable >0.4
Polyunsaturated:Saturated fatty acids (P:S) ratio, ranging from 0.91 to 1.42 between cuts and
treatments. The n-6:n-3 ratio was below the recommended beneficial value, namely <4:1, in all
the cuts irrespective of all the cooking methods, ranging from 2.47 to 3.08.
The study of the effect of the three cooking methods (baking-bag, foil-wrap and open-roast) on
the sensory attributes of the breast meat revealed that aroma-intensity of the three cooking
treatments did not differ significantly (P>0.05). Foil-wrap produced a more tender and juicier
product (P<0.05), while, when using the baking-bag method, values for flavour decreased
(P<0.05). It is proposed that a higher internal temperature (which was not controlled) was
attained when using the baking-bag method (temperature and time controlled) resulting in loss
of volatile flavour components.
The effect of the three cooking methods (baking-bag, foil-wrap and open-roast) on the proximate
composition (moisture, protein, fat and ash) of raw and cooked breast meat was investigated. As
anticipated raw breast meat had higher moisture content (74.55%, P<0.05) than the cooked
cuts, with open-roasting showing the highest (68.55%) value and foil-wrap close second
(68.12%). These values differed significantly from the baking-bag method (66.06%, P<0.05).
An investigation on the effect of brine infusion on the sensory attributes and chemical
composition (proximate and fatty acid composition, and mineral content) of breast meat, baked
in foil-wrap, was carried out using descriptive sensory analysis with the injected breast and the
control as variable. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between the injected and the
control samples for any of the sensory attributes of aroma, tenderness, initial juiciness,
sustained juiciness and flavour. Judge:treatment variations were observed for all the attributes,
and samples differed for all attributes except for aroma. It is proposed that the use of the hand
injector could not effectively distribute the brine solution, hence the recommendation to repeat
the experiment using an electronic multineedle-injector. No effect was observed for the
proximate composition (P>0.05). Further research pertaining to cooking methods of meat of
free-range guinea fowl is recommended to address certain issues that have been highlighted. Read more
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Estudo do processo para a aceleracao da geracao de amonia a partir de residuos avicolas visando a producao de hidrogenio / Study of the acceleration of ammonia generation process from poultry residues aiming at hydrogen productionEGUTE, NAYARA dos S. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:28:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Efeitos do Butorfanol na concentração anestésica mínima do Sevofluorano em galinhas d'angola (Numida meleagris) /Escobar, André. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Augusto Araújo Valadão / Banca: Juan Carlos Duque Moreno / Banca: Newton Nunes / Banca: Ricardo Miyasaka de Almeida / Banca: Valéria Nobre Leal de Souza Oliva / Resumo: Objetivou-se, com este estudo, determinar se o butorfanol modifica a concentração anestésica mínima do sevofluorano (CAnMSEV) em função do tempo e avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios e eletrolíticos causados por essa associação em galinhas d'angola. Dez galinhas d'angola foram anestesiadas com sevofluorano e mantidas sob ventilação mecânica para determinação da CAnMSEV individual pelo modelo bracketing. A porcentagem de redução da CAnMSEV após a administração intravenosa de 2 ou 4,0 mg/kg de butorfanol em função do tempo foi estimada por regressão logística pelo método "up-and-down". Em etapa subsequente, foram avaliados os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios do sevofluorano (1,0 CAnM) e de uma dose equipotente do sevofluorano (0,8 CAnM) associado ao butorfanol (4,0 mg/kg). A CAnMSEV média foi de 2,86 ± 0,09V%. Após 15 minutos da administração de 2,0 mg/kg de butorfanol, a redução da CAnMSEV foi de 8,52 ± 3,11V%. Após 15 e 30 minutos da administração de 4,0 mg/kg de butorfanol, a redução da CAnMSEV foi de 20,78 ± 4,37V% e 11,07 ± 8,2V%, respectivamente. A administração intravenosa de 4,0 mg/kg de butorfanol induziu taquicardia supraventricular e fibrilação ventricular em 62,5% e 25% dos animais, respectivamente. Foi observada diminuição da frequência cardíaca, hipotensão e depressão respiratória severa 1 minuto após a administração de 4,0 mg/kg de butorfanol. O butorfanol diminui de forma dosedependente a CAnMSEV por um curto período, contudo, a dose que proporcionou a maior redução da CAnMSEV não foi considerada segura nas condições deste estudo / Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the sevoflurane minimum anesthetic concentration (MACSEV), to measure the dose and temporal sevoflurane MAC sparing effect of butorphanol, and to evaluate the cardiorrespiratory changes of this combination in guinea fowl. Ten guinea fowls were anesthetized with sevoflurane under mechanical ventilation for individual MACSEV determination using the bracketing design. The percent of MACSEV reduction after intravenous administration of 2 or 4,0 mg/kg of butorphanol was estimated by logistic regression using the up-and-down method. Afterward, the cardiorespiratory changes of sevoflurane (1.0 MAC) and of an equipotent dose of sevoflurane (0.8 MAC) combined with butorphanol (4.0 mg/kg) were studied. The mean MACSEV was 2.86 ± 0.09%. After 15 minutes of the 2-mg/kg butorphanol injections, the sevoflurane MAC reduction was 8.52 ± 3.11%. After 15 and 30 minutes of the 4-mg/kg butorphanol injections, the sevoflurane MAC reduction was 20.78 ± 4.37% and 11.07 ± 8.2%, respectively. Intravenous administration of 4.0 mg/kg of butorphanol caused supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation in 62.5% and 25% of the animals, respectively. Decrease in heart rate, severe hypotension, and respiratory depression were observed after one minute of butorphanol administration. Butorphanol dose-dependently decreased MACSEV for a short period; however, the dose that caused MAC sparing effect was not considered safe in this experimental conditions / Doutor Read more
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Importância dos genes fliC e motB de Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Enteritidis na colonização intestinal e invasão sistêmica em aves (Gallus gallus domesticus) / Importance of genes fliC and motB OF Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis in intestinal colonization and systemic invasion in birds (Gallus gallus domesticus)Barbosa, Fernanda de Oliveira [UNESP] 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by FERNANDA DE OLIVEIRA BARBOSA null (feobarbosa@hotmail.com) on 2016-04-11T19:18:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) causa o paratifo aviário em aves e frequentemente está relacionada aos surtos de infecção alimentar em seres humanos. A contribuição do flagelo versus motilidade na interação patógenohospedeiro requer estudos mais aprofundados. Para melhor entendimento da contribuição individual desses fatores de virulência em aves, pintinhos de um dia de vida foram desafiados oralmente com estirpe selvagem de SE, uma mutante não-móvel mas flagelada (SE ΔmotB) e outra mutante aflagelada (SE ΔfliC). Excreção fecal e colonização de fígado, baço e conteúdo cecal pelas estirpes de SE foram avaliadas. Além disso, também foi realizada a avaliação das alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas. Nos estágios iniciais da infecção, ambos mutantes mostraram menor capacidade de colonizar o ceco, além de menor recuperação no baço por SE ΔfliC comparando a estirpe selvagem SE. Após 7 dpi não havia diferenças na contagem das três estirpes em conteúdo cecal, fígado e baço. Análises histopatológicas demonstraram que estirpes flageladas (SE ΔmotB e SE) induziram reatividade linfóide em inglúvio, ceco, íleo e fígado. No entanto, nos estágios iniciais da infecção a estirpe SE ΔfliC não estimulou a reatividade linfóide em lâmina própria de ceco e íleo mas induziu discretos focos necróticos em fígado. Portanto, neste estudo a presença de estrutura flagelar e motilidade parece exercer um papel nos estágios iniciais da colonização intestinal e infecção sistêmica por SE nas aves. / Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) causes fowl paratyphoid in poultry often related to outbreaks of food-borne diseases in humans. The contribution of flagella and motility in host pathogen interaction require further investigation. To better understand the individual contribution of these virulence factors in poultry, one day old chickens were challenged orally with wildtype strain of SE, a nonmotile but fully flagellated (SE ΔmotB) and aflagellated mutant (SE ΔfliC). Faecal excretion and colonization of liver, spleen and cecal contents by the SE strains were assessed. Additionally, the assessment of gross and microscopic alterations was also performed. At the early stages of infection both mutants showed lower capacity to colonize the ceca, besides the lower recovering in spleen of SE ΔfliC comparing to the wild type of SE. After 7 dpi there were no differences among the counts of the three strains in ceca, liver and spleen. Histopathological analyses demonstrated that flagellated strains (wild type SE and SE ΔmotB) induced lymphoid reactivity in crop, ceca, ileum and liver. On the other hand, in the early stages of infection, SE ΔfliC strain did not stimulate lymphoid reactivity in lamina propria of ceca and ileum but induced discrete necrotic foci in liver. Thus in the present study the flagellar structure and motility seemed to play a role at the early stages of the intestinal colonization and systemic infection by SE in the chicken. / FAPESP: 2014/02014-1 Read more
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Infecção experimental de aves de postura (Gallus gallus domesticus) por cepas de Salmonella enterica sorovar Gallinarum (SG), SGNalr SGcobS e SGcobScbiA: Anatomopatologia, hemograma e perfil bioquímico séricoGarcia, Kleber Ormande [UNESP] 23 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:57:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
garcia_ko_me_jabo.pdf: 1338222 bytes, checksum: 3ae3f6dbbedafe616111a3bd7c911731 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a anatomopatologia, o hemograma e o perfil bioquímico sérico de aves de postura inoculadas por Salmonella Gallinarum (SG) contendo os genes cobS e cbiA inoperantes (SGcobScbiA) que mostrou ser avirulenta em trabalhos anteriores, comparando-a com cepas virulentas SGNalr e SGcobS, para mostrar se SGcobScbiA pode ser componente de vacina contra cepas selvagens de SG e S.Enteritidis. 280 pintainhas foram distribuídas em 4 grupos (G); G1 (SGcobS), G2 (SGNalr), G3 (SGcobScbiA) e G4 (controle). Com exceção do G4, os grupos receberam 0,2 mL de suas respectivas cepas contendo aproximadamente 108 UFC/mL de inóculo, aos 5 dias de idade. A eutanásia foi realizada 24h antes (1DAI) e após a inoculação (1DPI), e 3 (3DPI), 5 (5DPI), 7 (7DPI), 10 (10DPI) e 15 (15DPI) dias após a administração do inóculo, sacrificando-se, em cada momento, dez aves de cada grupo. As aves foram sacrificadas, obtendo-se amostras de sangue utilizadas para os exames hematológicos e bioquímicos. Fragmentos de fígado, baço, timo, bursa de Fabricius, rins e coração foram destinados aos exames histológicos. As aves inoculadas com a cepa SGcobS tiveram comportamento semelhante às aves inoculadas por SGNalr, porém com algumas respostas diferentes nos exames hematológicos e bioquímicos. As aves inoculadas com a cepa SGcobScbiA tiveram comportamento semelhante ao grupo controle, entretanto foi verificado alterações brandas em alguns parâmetros, mostrando que estudos futuros devem ser feitos, verificando se as alterações constatadas não irão interferir no desempenho de aves vacinadas com a cepa SGcobScbiA. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate anatomopathology, hemogram and blood serum components of commercial layers experimentally inoculated with SGcobScbiA, which is a Salmonella Gallinarum (SG) strain it shows attenuation of the virulence in previous research and it was compared with high virulence SGNalr and SGcobS strains in order to show if SGcobScbiA has potential to be use as a vaccine against SG and S. Enteritidis wild strains. 280 commercial layers were divided into 4 groups (G); G1 (SGcobS), G2 (SGNalr), G3 (SGcobScbiA) and G4 (control group). With exception of G4, all the other groups received 0,2 mL of their respective strain containing about 108 CFU/mL of the inoculum with five days of age. Birds were sacrificed 24 hours before (1DBI) and 24 hours after the inoculation (1DAI), and three (3DAI), five (5DAI), seven (7DAI) ten (10DAI), and fifteen (15DAI) days after the administration of the inoculum, slaughtering ten birds at a time in each group. Birds were submitted to euthanasia and blood samples were collected in order to make the hematological and blood serum components test. Samples of liver, spleen, thymus, bursa of Fabricius, kidneys and heart were collected for the histological test. The birds inoculated with SGcobS strain had similar behavior when compared with that ones who received SGNalr strain, however some different responses in the hematological and blood serum components were found. On the other hand, the birds inoculated with SGcobScbiA strain had similar behavior when compared with the control group, however, lower alterations in some parameters were found. Further studies must be done to verify if these alterations will not interfere in the performance of the vaccinate birds with SGcobScbiA strain. Read more
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Remoção de amônia gerada em granjas avícolas e sua utilização em células à combustível e uso como fertilizante / Removal of ammonia generated from farm poultry and their use in the fuel cells and as fertilizerJoão Coutinho Ferreira 07 July 2010 (has links)
A amônia presente em galpões fechados de criação de frangos afeta a saúde tanto dos animais como dos tratadores, além de ser um grave problema ambiental. O processo aqui recomendado faz uso de um material com grande capacidade de retenção tanto da amônia gasosa como na forma de seu hidróxido, NH4OH. Este absorvedor, um trocador catiônico sólido, preparado para a retenção seletiva da amônia, é inodoro, insípido e atóxico. Uma vez saturado com amônia, passa por um tratamento químico para a remoção deste composto, podendo ser reutilizado muitas vezes sem perda de sua capacidade retentora, tornando o processo mais econômico. A remoção deste material pode-se dar na forma de um sal de amônio que poderá ser utilizado como fertilizante. Ressalta-se ainda que a amônia recuperada nestes galpões avícolas, quando submetida a uma decomposição térmica catalítica, gera hidrogênio para uso em células a combustível, podendo fornecer energia elétrica no próprio local do trabalho. / The process here stressed uses a cátion exchange material. The aim of the present work has been to prepare a suitable cation exchanger material with excepecinally high selectivity for ammonia, as the cation NH4+ or as aqueous ammonia solution containing NH4OH hyroxide as well. Aliquots of the abovementioned exchangers were set up inside an chiken farm production near São Paulo city. Periodically the exchanger was removed to the laboratory and eluted with a convenient acid to regenerate the exchanger for the new cicle. The ammonia retention was quite high and presents no dificulty for its elution. The selected exchanger is a solid material, non toxic, without smell and have good physical properties. The first results encouraged us and our plants to do large experiments that in progress. This process is a contribution to remediation of the avicola local, removing the ammonia gas and suppressing grettly its smell and bad effect to the animals and even to workers Read more
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