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Entre a culpa e a cilada : aspectos da vida do Frei Fernando de BritoSantos, Cleidson do Nascimento 29 August 2016 (has links)
This paper discusses the history of the Dominican Friar Fernando de Brito and his
involvement in the episode that led to death Carlos Marighella (1911 - 1969) - leader of
the National Liberating Action (NLA) - one of the fighters organizations during the
military civilian dictatorship Brazilian. For this, some aspects Fernando's life are
highlighted, especially the issue of choice of religious life, political engagement and
imprisonment. In addition to the theoretical framework, we use sources such as oral
interviews with the friar himself, his daily produced in prisons and periodicals. Thus,
the research aims to present and analyze the case - the trap - through which fell
Marighella and the friar as well, in the sense of being blamed by the murder of the
partisan. We seek to discuss such issues in order to understand the construction of an
image stigmatized about the religious and also the content of his notes. / Esta dissertação discorre sobre a trajetória do frei dominicano Fernando de Brito e o seu
envolvimento no episódio que levou a morte Carlos Marighella (1911 – 1969) – líder da
Ação Libertadora Nacional (ALN) – uma das organizações mais combatentes no
período da ditadura civil militar brasileira. Por isso, alguns aspectos da vida de
Fernando são destacados, sobretudo a questão da opção pela vida religiosa, o
engajamento político e a prisão. Além de fontes teóricas, utilizamos entrevistas orais
com o próprio frei, o seu diário produzido nos cárceres e periódicos. Assim, a pesquisa
tem por objetivo apresentar e analisar, o caso – a cilada – por meio da qual caiu
Marighella e também o frade, no sentido de ser atribuída a ele culpabilidade pelo
assassinato do guerrilheiro. Buscamos problematizar tais questões a fim de compreender
a construção de uma imagem estigmatizada acerca do religioso e também o teor das
suas anotações. Read more
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Robust and Low-Complexity Waveform Design for Wireless Communications Systems Under Doubly Dispersive ChannelsBomfin, Roberto 14 January 2022 (has links)
With the recent advancements of wireless networks to satisfy new requirements, the investigation of novel transmission schemes to improve the link level performance is of major importance. A very common technique utilized in nowadays systems is the Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform, which has been adopted by several standards, including WiFi, LTE, and more recently 5G, due to its simple equalization process. Despite its success, this dissertation shows that OFDM is a sub-optimal scheme under frequency-selective channel (FSC), when channel state information (CSI) is available at the receiver only. Based on the coded modulation capacity approach, this work demonstrates that the data symbols should experience the same channel gain in order to achieve the best performance, leading to the equal gain criterion (EGC). However, this comes at a cost in terms of losing orthogonality among data symbols. The result is valid for linear modulation matrices under the assumptions of CSI at only at the receiver with perfect feedback equalization. In order to attain the EGC for doubly-dispersive channels, the block multiplexing (BM) waveform is proposed in this thesis, where the data symbols are spread in frequency and time. For instance, the recently conceived orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) is shown to be a particular case of BM with the classical single-carrier (SC). Regarding the equalization for the robust waveforms, it is shown that the minimum mean squared error with parallel interference cancellation (MMSE-PIC) employed together with convolutional encoder and soft decoder can completely remove the inter-symbol interference (ISI), where a low-complexity implementation is designed. In addition, a waveform with decreased complexity based on the sparse Walsh-Hadamard (SWH) is proposed for two reasons, i) sparse spreading requires a transform with lower size, ii) the Walsh-Hadamard transform is implemented with 1s and −1s, which requires less complexity than fast Fourier transform (FFT) based waveforms. Furthermore, the problem of estimating the time varying channel is considered, where a unique word (UW) or (pilot block) based approach is studied. In this regard, another main contribution of this dissertation is to develop an optimization framework, where the combination of channel estimation plus Doppler spread error is minimized. In particular, the composite error minimization is achieved by properly setting the FFT size of the system, for a fixed data length. Lastly, cyclic prefix (CP)-free system is considered such that the transmission time is decreased, and therefore provides a better channel estimation. Naturally, the CP-free system has undesirable interference, which is resolved by an iterative CP-Restoration algorithm. In this case, we extend the EGC to equal reliability criterion (ERC), i.e., the data symbols should be equally reliable and not only have equal gain. As a consequence, the BM with orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM) waveform has the best performance due to equal time and frequency spreading. In conclusion, the coded modulation capacity approach of this dissertation provides new insights and solutions to improve the performance of wireless systems. Read more
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The Gathering Storm: The United States, Eduardo Frei's Revolution in Liberty and the Polarization of Chilean Politics, 1964-1970Hurtado Torres, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Grundlagen zur Entwicklung adaptiver Schalungssysteme für frei geformte BetonbauteileGraubner, Carl-Alexander, Knaack, Ulrich, Proske, Tilo, Freund, Björn, Michel, Matthias, Hickert, Sascha 21 July 2022 (has links)
Für die Realisierung nach bionischen Prinzipien entworfener Betontragwerke mit frei geformten Bauteilkonturen ist die erforderliche Schalung in technischer und ökonomischer Hinsicht von eminenter Bedeutung. Im Forschungsvorhaben wurde sich mit der Entwicklung adaptiver und aktiv regulierbarer Schalungssysteme befasst, welche durch den Einsatz neuartiger Materialen und Konstruktionsprinzipien flexibel auf beliebig geneigte und gekrümmte Bauteiloberflächen reagieren kann. Das Schalungssystem selbst soll nach bionischen Prinzipien agieren. Computergestützt ansteuerbare, elektrisch regulierbare Stellgliedsysteme ermöglichen effiziente, materialsparende Herstellverfahren und minimieren die Beanspruchung des Schalungssystems. / Formwork has great significance for the realisation of concrete load-bearing structures designed according to bionic principles with free-formed contours in technical and economic regard. The research project focussed on developing adaptive and actively controllable formwork systems that can flexibly respond to arbitrarily inclined and curved building part surfaces using new material and construction principles. The formwork itself is supposed to act according to bionic principles. Computer-aided, electrically controllable control element systems allow for efficient, material-saving manufacturing methods and minimise the load on the formwork system. Read more
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Entwicklung neuer Messverfahren zum Nachweis frei zirkulierender Tumor-DNA in Blutproben von Patienten mit malignen ErkrankungenGutewort, Katharina 03 June 2024 (has links)
Das Prostatakarzinom (PCa) ist die häufigste Krebsneuerkrankung und die zweithäufigste Krebstodesursache des Mannes in Deutschland. Die etablierten Tumormarker führen aufgrund ihrer unzureichenden diagnostischen Sensitivität und Spezifität zu Überdiagnosen mit folglich unnötigen Prostatabiopsien und den damit verbundenen klinischen Komplikationen. Darüber hinaus kann die derzeitige PSA-basierte Screeningpraxis nicht zuverlässig zwischen indolenter Erkrankung und therapienotwendigem Krebs unterscheiden. Auf DNA-Methylierung basierende Biomarker haben ein erhebliches Potenzial für die klinisch-chemische Labordiagnostik sowohl als tumorspezifische Biomarker für die Früherkennung oder posttherapeutische Überwachung von Krebs als auch als prognostische und prädiktive Biomarker für die therapeutische Stratifizierung. In dieser Arbeit erfolgte die Entwicklung neuer krebsspezifischer Methylierungs-Biomarker unter Anwendung OBBPA-ddPCR-basierter Assays. Diese neue Methode ermöglicht die Identifizierung geringster Mengen methylierter zellfreier-Tumor-DNA vor einem hohen Hintergrund von unmethylierter Wildtyp-DNA in Form einer minimal invasiven Blutprobenentnahme (liquid biopsy). Die Methylierungs-Biomarker beruhen auf Gensequenzen, welche zwischen gesunden Probanden und Patienten mit benigner Prostatahyperplasie (BPH) und PCa signifikante Methylierungsunterschiede aufweisen. Die Methylierungs-Biomarker RASSF1, SOX8, GSTP1, mir129-2, CCDC181, PAI1 und NRIP3, welche eine hohe diagnostische Sensitivität bei hoher diagnostischer Spezifität aufweisen, wurden zu einem Marker-Panel kombiniert. Anschließend wurde die Eignung dieses Panels als diagnostische Tumormarker in einer weiteren Probenserie validiert. Die Proben der Optimierungs- und Validierungsprobenserie beruhten auf Serumproben von 52 gesunden Probanden, sechs BPH-Patienten und 43 PCa-Patienten. Dabei erreichte das Biomarker-Panel eine diagnostische Sensitivität von 81,40 % bei einer diagnostischen Spezifität von 100 %. Die Methylierungsanalyse der cfDNA könnte deshalb als sinnvolles Hilfsmittel, ergänzend zur PSA-Bestimmung im Serum, bei der PCa-Frühdiagnose eingesetzt werden. Außerdem legen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nahe, dass die Anzahl der methyliert vorliegenden epigenetischen Biomarker des Panels als prognostischer Parameter sowie zur Verlaufskontrolle und Risiko-Stratifizierung der Tumorerkrankung dienen könnte. Um diese Daten zu bestätigen und das Potenzial der cfDNA-Methylierungsanalyse weiter einschätzen zu können, bedarf es jedoch weiterer Untersuchungen mit größerer Stichprobenanzahl, verbesserter Präanalytik und größeren Probenvolumen.:Abbildungsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung
1.1 Prostatakarzinom
1.2 Benigne Prostatahyperplasie
1.3 Tumor-/Biomarker
1.3.1 Flüssigbiopsie „Liquid biopsy“
1.3.2 Zirkulierende zellfreie (Tumor-)DNA
1.3.3 Methylierung der cfDNA
1.3.4 Etablierte Tumor-Biomarker – Das Prostataspezifisches Antigen
1.4 Verfahren zu DNA-Methylierungsanalyse
1.4.1 Experimentelle Tumor-Biomaker
1.4.2 State-of-the-Art Methylierungsanalyse-Methoden
1.4.3 OBBPA-ddPCR
1.5 Motivation und Hintergrund
2 Material
2.1 Biologisches Material
2.2 Primer und Sonden
2.3 Chemikalien und Reagenzien
2.4 Puffer und Lösungen
2.5 Kitsysteme
2.6 Laborgeräte
2.7 Software
2.8 Verbrauchsmaterial
3 Methoden
3.1 Biomarker-Recherche
3.2 Primer- und Sondendesign
3.3 Whole genome amplification (WGA) des 0%-DNA-Standards (0%-SD)
3.4 Methyltransferase-Behandlung des 100%-SD
3.5 Aufreinigung der Standards
3.6 Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) und Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM)-PCR
3.7 Agarose-Gelelektrophorese
3.8 Isolierung zellfreier DNA aus Blutproben
3.9 DNA-Konzentrationsbestimmung
3.10 Bisulfitkonversion
3.11 Optimierte Bias-basierte Prä-Amplifikation mit anschließender ddPCR (OBBPA-ddPCR)
3.11.1 Präamplifikation
3.11.2 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)
3.12 Datenanalyse
3.13 Statistische Analyse
4 Ergebnisse
4.1 Ergebnisse der Biomarker-Recherche
4.2 Ergebnisse der qPCR und MS-HRM-PCR
4.2.1 Ermittlung der qPCR TA, TM und Cq-Werte der neuen Marker
4.2.2 Testung der neuen Marker in der MS-HRM-PCR an Serumproben von gesunden Probanden und PCa-Patienten
4.3 Ergebnisse der Primer- und Sondenbedingungen der OBBPA-ddPCR 45
4.3.1 ddPCR-Bedingungen
4.3.2 Präamplifikationsbedingungen
4.4 Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse und Auswertungsoptimierung
4.4.1 Datenanalyse
4.4.2 OBBPA-ddPCR-Bedingungen des Marker-Panels
4.5 Ergebnisse der Blutuntersuchungen
4.5.1 Vergleich der PCa-, BPH- und GM-Kohorten hinsichtlich ihres DNA-Methylierungsanteils
4.5.2 Vergleich der PCa-Subkohorten unterschiedlicher PSA-Wertbereiche hinsichtlich ihres Methylierungsanteils
4.5.3 Vergleich der Marker hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei 100 %iger diagnostischer Spezifität
4.5.4 Vergleich der diagnostischen Sensitivität der einzelnen Marker und des Marker-Panels hinsichtlich PCa-Proben unterschiedlicher PSA-Konzentrationsbereiche
4.5.5 Vergleich der Optimierungs- und Validierungsprobenserie hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei einer diagnostischen Spezifität von 100 %
5 Diskussion
5.1 Limitierungen etablierter PCa-Tumormarker
5.2 Suche und Etablierung eines neuen Biomarker-Panels
5.3 Ergebnisse des neu entwickelten Biomarker-Panels
5.3.1 GSTP1
5.3.2 RASSF1A
5.3.3 SOX8
5.3.4 CCDC181
5.3.5 MIR129-2
5.3.6 PAI-1
5.3.7 NRIP3
5.4 Gesamt-Performance des Biomarker-Panels
5.5 Ausblick
6 Zusammenfassung
7 Summary
8 Referenzen
9 Anhang
Anlage 1: Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens
Anlage 2: Bestätigung über Einhaltung der aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben / Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common newly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men in Germany. The insufficient diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of established tumor markers, lead to overdiagnosis, resulting in unnecessary prostate biopsies and associated clinical complications. Furthermore, the current PSA-based screening practice cannot reliably distinguish between indolent disease and clinically significant cancer. DNA methylation-based biomarkers have significant potential for clinical laboratory diagnostics, both as tumor-specific biomarkers for early detection or post-therapeutic monitoring of cancer, and as prognostic and predictive biomarkers for therapeutic stratification. This study aimed to develop novel cancer-specific methylation biomarkers using OBBPA-ddPCR-based assays. This new method enables the identification of minute amounts of methylated cell-free tumor DNA amidst a high background of unmethylated wild-type DNA, using a minimally invasive blood sample collection (liquid biopsy). The methylation biomarkers are based on gene sequences that exhibit significant methylation differences between healthy individuals and patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and PCa. The methylation biomarkers RASSF1, SOX8, GSTP1, mir129-2, CCDC181, PAI1, and NRIP3, which demonstrate high diagnostic sensitivity with high diagnostic specificity, were combined into a marker panel. Subsequently, the suitability of this panel as diagnostic tumor marker was validated in an additional series of samples. The optimization and validation sample series consisted of serum samples from 52 healthy individuals, six BPH patients, and 43 PCa patients. The biomarker panel achieved a diagnostic sensitivity of 81.40% with a diagnostic specificity of 100%. Therefore, the methylation analysis of cfDNA could serve as a valuable addition to serum PSA determination in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer. Additionally, the results of this study suggest that the number of hypermethylated epigenetic biomarkers of the selected panel could serve as a prognostic parameter, as well as for disease monitoring and risk stratification. However, further investigation with larger sample sizes, improved pre-analytical procedures, and larger sample volumes is needed to confirm these findings and assess the potential of cfDNA methylation analysis.:Abbildungsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung
1.1 Prostatakarzinom
1.2 Benigne Prostatahyperplasie
1.3 Tumor-/Biomarker
1.3.1 Flüssigbiopsie „Liquid biopsy“
1.3.2 Zirkulierende zellfreie (Tumor-)DNA
1.3.3 Methylierung der cfDNA
1.3.4 Etablierte Tumor-Biomarker – Das Prostataspezifisches Antigen
1.4 Verfahren zu DNA-Methylierungsanalyse
1.4.1 Experimentelle Tumor-Biomaker
1.4.2 State-of-the-Art Methylierungsanalyse-Methoden
1.4.3 OBBPA-ddPCR
1.5 Motivation und Hintergrund
2 Material
2.1 Biologisches Material
2.2 Primer und Sonden
2.3 Chemikalien und Reagenzien
2.4 Puffer und Lösungen
2.5 Kitsysteme
2.6 Laborgeräte
2.7 Software
2.8 Verbrauchsmaterial
3 Methoden
3.1 Biomarker-Recherche
3.2 Primer- und Sondendesign
3.3 Whole genome amplification (WGA) des 0%-DNA-Standards (0%-SD)
3.4 Methyltransferase-Behandlung des 100%-SD
3.5 Aufreinigung der Standards
3.6 Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) und Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM)-PCR
3.7 Agarose-Gelelektrophorese
3.8 Isolierung zellfreier DNA aus Blutproben
3.9 DNA-Konzentrationsbestimmung
3.10 Bisulfitkonversion
3.11 Optimierte Bias-basierte Prä-Amplifikation mit anschließender ddPCR (OBBPA-ddPCR)
3.11.1 Präamplifikation
3.11.2 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)
3.12 Datenanalyse
3.13 Statistische Analyse
4 Ergebnisse
4.1 Ergebnisse der Biomarker-Recherche
4.2 Ergebnisse der qPCR und MS-HRM-PCR
4.2.1 Ermittlung der qPCR TA, TM und Cq-Werte der neuen Marker
4.2.2 Testung der neuen Marker in der MS-HRM-PCR an Serumproben von gesunden Probanden und PCa-Patienten
4.3 Ergebnisse der Primer- und Sondenbedingungen der OBBPA-ddPCR 45
4.3.1 ddPCR-Bedingungen
4.3.2 Präamplifikationsbedingungen
4.4 Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse und Auswertungsoptimierung
4.4.1 Datenanalyse
4.4.2 OBBPA-ddPCR-Bedingungen des Marker-Panels
4.5 Ergebnisse der Blutuntersuchungen
4.5.1 Vergleich der PCa-, BPH- und GM-Kohorten hinsichtlich ihres DNA-Methylierungsanteils
4.5.2 Vergleich der PCa-Subkohorten unterschiedlicher PSA-Wertbereiche hinsichtlich ihres Methylierungsanteils
4.5.3 Vergleich der Marker hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei 100 %iger diagnostischer Spezifität
4.5.4 Vergleich der diagnostischen Sensitivität der einzelnen Marker und des Marker-Panels hinsichtlich PCa-Proben unterschiedlicher PSA-Konzentrationsbereiche
4.5.5 Vergleich der Optimierungs- und Validierungsprobenserie hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei einer diagnostischen Spezifität von 100 %
5 Diskussion
5.1 Limitierungen etablierter PCa-Tumormarker
5.2 Suche und Etablierung eines neuen Biomarker-Panels
5.3 Ergebnisse des neu entwickelten Biomarker-Panels
5.3.1 GSTP1
5.3.2 RASSF1A
5.3.3 SOX8
5.3.4 CCDC181
5.3.5 MIR129-2
5.3.6 PAI-1
5.3.7 NRIP3
5.4 Gesamt-Performance des Biomarker-Panels
5.5 Ausblick
6 Zusammenfassung
7 Summary
8 Referenzen
9 Anhang
Anlage 1: Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens
Anlage 2: Bestätigung über Einhaltung der aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben Read more
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Systémové a překladové ekvivalenty německých privativ na -frei a -los / Systemic and Translation Equivalents of German Adjectives Ending on -frei and -losBernasová, Mariana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis uses language corpora to analyze Czech translations of a linguistically asymmetric phenomenon of German privatives ending in -frei and -los from three perspectives: translation typology (micro-stylistics and macro-stylistics), Popovič's stylistic adequacy (shifts of expression: intensification of expression, attenuation of expression, correspondence of expression) and potentially intrinsic feature of German privatives to perceive the fact of absence ("privation") as positive or negative. Privatives are adjectives that express the absence of substance or quality that is represented in their first (left) component; in the context of this work they are limited to adjectives ending in -frei, -los, -arm and -leer. In the Introduction the current state of research is outlined and its time and local limitations are explained. It is emphasized that corpus is here used not just for translation as such but also for theory of translation. The hypothesis starts from the assumption that German privatives as phenomena of grammar have no equivalent on this level in Czech; therefore a direct translation equivalent is often missing. For this reason it is also probable that the translator will have to decide for such Czech translation of one German privative that comprises more words or even a whole... Read more
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Religiosidade popular, espaço-tempo reconciliador, aspectos subjetivos da religião : um olhar para a romaria de Frei Damião em São Joaquim do Monte - PEHeleno José Vieira 16 August 2013 (has links)
Depois de anos participando e observando a chamada Romaria de frei Damião, em São Joaquim do Monte, Pernambuco, sentindo e analisando as manifestações de fé vividas pelos romeiros, nosso interesse epistemológico voltou-se para a cultura da peregrinação e sua teia de significados, tentando aprender o que a experiência da peregrinação significa para a comunidade local e para os romeiros. Buscamos fundamentar nossa pesquisa nas contribuições de Geertz e García Cancline, por concordarmos tanto com a idéia de que a cultura, em nosso caso aquela popular, é um contexto, dentro do qual as formas de religiosidade podem ser descrit[a]s de forma intelegível isto é, descrit[a] com densidade, quanto com a ideia de que a cultura popular é uma cultura híbrida e, como tal, deve ser analisada. Ao longo de nossa pesquisa constatamos que os fenômenos das peregrinações não é uma realidade única e exclusiva do cristianismo. É, provavelmente, o primeiro fenômeno de massa da história e continua presente em outras experiências religiosas, de maneira forte e marcante, como é o caso do islamismo e do hinduísmo. Em todos os casos, pode-se afirmar que ela é buscada por ser fonte de reconciliação. Em conclusão, concordamos com Terrin, de que as duas dimensões a do verdadeiro e a do imaginário coexistem de maneira excepcional na romaria como talvez em nenhum outro fenômeno. / After years of participating in and observing the call frei Damião, Pilgrimage in São Joaquim do Monte, Pernambuco, feeling and analyzing the manifestations of faith lived by pilgrims, our epistemological interest turned to the culture of pilgrimage and its Web of meanings, trying to learn what the experience of pilgrimage means for the local community and to the pilgrims. We substantiate our research on the
contributions of Geertz and García Cancline, by agree both with the idea that culture, in our case that is popular, "a context", within which the forms of religiosity "can be
applet descript [a] s in an intelligible manner i.e. applet descript [a] with density", as with the idea that popular culture is a "hybrid" and cultureas such, should be analysed. Throughout our research we found that the phenomena of pilgrimages is not an exclusive and unique reality of Christianity. Is probably the first mass phenomenon of history and still present in other religious experiences, so strong and striking, as is the case of Islam and Hinduism. In all cases, we can say that it is fetched by be source of reconciliation. In conclusion, we agree with Terrin, that "the two dimensions the real and the imaginary coexist so exceptional in pilgrimage as perhaps no other phenomenon". Read more
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Turismo religioso, romarias e festas de Frei Damião no Nordeste brasileiroNadjairo Francisco Chaves 16 June 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo compreender as perspectivas de progresso que o processo de beatificação e canonização de Frei Damião pode trazer para o crescimento do turismo religioso em Pernambuco tendo-se por foco as romarias e festas que existem em sua homenagem. Nela, inicialmente é feita uma abordagem geral acerca das peregrinações e do turismo religioso com foco nas imbricações existentes entre os mesmos, além de apontarem-se suas raízes históricas para adentrar-se na questão do turismo religioso no Brasil. Depois, voltamos nossa atenção para a figura de Frei Damião de Bozzano, onde passeamos brevemente pela história da formação da Ordem dos Frades Menores Capuchinhos no Brasil e adentramos na trajetória de vida de Frei Damião no Nordeste brasileiro, por meio de suas missões, doença e morte e o processo de beatificação e canonização. Finalizada essa etapa, passamos a tratar de suas romarias e festas realizadas em homenagem a Frei Damião pelo nordeste brasileiro, com vistas ao turismo religioso e oportunidades mercadológicas e, por fim, tratamos dos desafios existentes para o crescimento do turismo religioso em Pernambuco, tendo-se por foco as informações recebidas durante as entrevistas realizadas junto ao Guardião do Convento de São Felix de Cantalice e o Gestor da Unidade de Destinos e Produtos Turísticos da EMPETUR. Para isso, a metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, para a composição de nosso referencial teórico e a pesquisa de campo, realizada por meio de entrevista, diante das quais se pode concluir que a figura de Frei Damião tem uma grande representatividade para o povo nordestino, que o considera um santo, símbolo de fé e devoção e cujos deslocamentos que acontecem em decorrência de suas romarias e festas podem ser apontados como importante atrativo para o crescimento do turismo religioso no Nordeste. / This dissertation aims to understand the prospects of progress that the process of beatification and canonization of Frei Damião can bring to the growth of religious tourism in Pernambuco, having been the focus for pilgrimages and festivals that exist in his honor. It initially is made on a general approach of pilgrimages and religious tourism with focus on overlapping between them, and also point to its historical roots to enter on the question of religious tourism in Brazil. Then we turn our attention to the figure of Frei Damião of Bozzano where strolled briefly through the history of the formation of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin in Brazil and we enter the life path of Frei Damião in northeastern Brazil , through its missions, and disease death and the process of beatification and canonization. After this step, we proceed to address their pilgrimages and festivals held in honor of Fr Damian to the Brazilian Northeast, with a view to religious tourism and marketing opportunities, and finally, treat existing challenges for the growth of religious tourism in Pernambuco, having focus is on the information received during the interviews conducted by the Guardian of the Convent of St. Felix of Cantalice and Unit Manager of destinations and tourism products of EMPETUR. For this, the methodology used was the literature and documents, for the composition of our theoretical and field research, conducted through interviews, on which one can conclude that the figure of Frei Damião has a great representative for the people northeastern, which considers it a holy symbol of faith and devotion and whose displacements that occur as a result of their festivals and celebrations can be pointed out as an important asset for the growth of religious tourism in the Northeast. Read more
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Religiosidade popular, espaço-tempo reconciliador, aspectos subjetivos da religião : um olhar para a romaria de Frei Damião em São Joaquim do Monte - PEVieira, Heleno José 16 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-16 / After years of participating in and observing the call frei Damião, Pilgrimage in São Joaquim do Monte, Pernambuco, feeling and analyzing the manifestations of faith lived by pilgrims, our epistemological interest turned to the culture of pilgrimage and its Web of meanings, trying to learn what the experience of pilgrimage means for the local community and to the pilgrims. We substantiate our research on the
contributions of Geertz and García Cancline, by agree both with the idea that culture, in our case that is popular, "a context", within which the forms of religiosity "can be
applet descript [a] s in an intelligible manner i.e. applet descript [a] with density", as with the idea that popular culture is a "hybrid" and cultureas such, should be analysed. Throughout our research we found that the phenomena of pilgrimages is not an exclusive and unique reality of Christianity. Is probably the first mass phenomenon of history and still present in other religious experiences, so strong and striking, as is the case of Islam and Hinduism. In all cases, we can say that it is fetched by be source of reconciliation. In conclusion, we agree with Terrin, that "the two dimensions the real and the imaginary coexist so exceptional in pilgrimage as perhaps no other phenomenon". / Depois de anos participando e observando a chamada Romaria de frei Damião, em São Joaquim do Monte, Pernambuco, sentindo e analisando as manifestações de fé vividas pelos romeiros, nosso interesse epistemológico voltou-se para a cultura da peregrinação e sua teia de significados, tentando aprender o que a experiência da peregrinação significa para a comunidade local e para os romeiros. Buscamos fundamentar nossa pesquisa nas contribuições de Geertz e García Cancline, por concordarmos tanto com a idéia de que a cultura, em nosso caso aquela popular, é um contexto , dentro do qual as formas de religiosidade podem ser descrit[a]s de forma intelegível isto é, descrit[a] com densidade , quanto com a ideia de que a cultura popular é uma cultura híbrida e, como tal, deve ser analisada. Ao longo de nossa pesquisa constatamos que os fenômenos das peregrinações não é uma realidade única e exclusiva do cristianismo. É, provavelmente, o primeiro fenômeno de massa da história e continua presente em outras experiências religiosas, de maneira forte e marcante, como é o caso do islamismo e do hinduísmo. Em todos os casos, pode-se afirmar que ela é buscada por ser fonte de reconciliação. Em conclusão, concordamos com Terrin, de que as duas dimensões a do verdadeiro e a do imaginário coexistem de maneira excepcional na romaria como talvez em nenhum outro fenômeno . Read more
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Turismo religioso, romarias e festas de Frei Damião no Nordeste brasileiroChaves, Nadjairo Francisco 16 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-16 / This dissertation aims to understand the prospects of progress that the process of beatification and canonization of Frei Damião can bring to the growth of religious tourism in Pernambuco, having been the focus for pilgrimages and festivals that exist in his honor. It initially is made on a general approach of pilgrimages and religious tourism with focus on overlapping between them, and also point to its historical roots to enter on the question of religious tourism in Brazil. Then we turn our attention to the figure of Frei Damião of Bozzano where strolled briefly through the history of the formation of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin in Brazil and we enter the life path of Frei Damião in northeastern Brazil , through its missions, and disease death and the process of beatification and canonization. After this step, we proceed to address their pilgrimages and festivals held in honor of Fr Damian to the Brazilian Northeast, with a view to religious tourism and marketing opportunities, and finally, treat existing challenges for the growth of religious tourism in Pernambuco, having focus is on the information received during the interviews conducted by the Guardian of the Convent of St. Felix of Cantalice and Unit Manager of destinations and tourism products of EMPETUR. For this, the methodology used was the literature and documents, for the composition of our theoretical and field research, conducted through interviews, on which one can conclude that the figure of Frei Damião has a great representative for the people northeastern, which considers it a holy symbol of faith and devotion and whose displacements that occur as a result of their festivals and celebrations can be pointed out as an important asset for the growth of religious tourism in the Northeast. / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo compreender as perspectivas de progresso que o processo de beatificação e canonização de Frei Damião pode trazer para o crescimento do turismo religioso em Pernambuco tendo-se por foco as romarias e festas que existem em sua homenagem. Nela, inicialmente é feita uma abordagem geral acerca das peregrinações e do turismo religioso com foco nas imbricações existentes entre os mesmos, além de apontarem-se suas raízes históricas para adentrar-se na questão do turismo religioso no Brasil. Depois, voltamos nossa atenção para a figura de Frei Damião de Bozzano, onde passeamos brevemente pela história da formação da Ordem dos Frades Menores Capuchinhos no Brasil e adentramos na trajetória de vida de Frei Damião no Nordeste brasileiro, por meio de suas missões, doença e morte e o processo de beatificação e canonização. Finalizada essa etapa, passamos a tratar de suas romarias e festas realizadas em homenagem a Frei Damião pelo nordeste brasileiro, com vistas ao turismo religioso e oportunidades mercadológicas e, por fim, tratamos dos desafios existentes para o crescimento do turismo religioso em Pernambuco, tendo-se por foco as informações recebidas durante as entrevistas realizadas junto ao Guardião do Convento de São Felix de Cantalice e o Gestor da Unidade de Destinos e Produtos Turísticos da EMPETUR. Para isso, a metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, para a composição de nosso referencial teórico e a pesquisa de campo, realizada por meio de entrevista, diante das quais se pode concluir que a figura de Frei Damião tem uma grande representatividade para o povo nordestino, que o considera um santo, símbolo de fé e devoção e cujos deslocamentos que acontecem em decorrência de suas romarias e festas podem ser apontados como importante atrativo para o crescimento do turismo religioso no Nordeste. Read more
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