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L’origine ed evoluzione della dimensione esterna della politica migratoria dell’Unione Europea: modi di governance, attori, istituzioni. / THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE EXTERNAL DIMENSION OF EU MIGRATION POLICY: MODES OF GOVERNANCE, ACTORS, AND INSTITUTIONSCORTINOVIS, ROBERTO 06 March 2014 (has links)
L’obiettivo principale di questa tesi è di analizzare l’origine ed evoluzione della dimensione esterna della politica migratoria dell’Unione Europea. Attraverso un framework teorico che coniuga la letteratura sui ‘new modes of governance’ con quella riguardante il ‘rational-choice institutionalism’, questa tesi si propone di analizzare il sistema di governance in tre settori politici che rientrano nell’ambito della dimensione esterna: politica di riammissione, controlli esterni alle frontiere, e cooperazione con Paesi terzi concernente la gestione della migrazione legale. Sulla base delle premesse teoriche sopra indicate, questa tesi avanza due conclusioni principali. In primo luogo, si sostiene che l’evoluzione del sistema di governance nei tre casi presi in considerazione, lungi dal seguire un percorso lineare verso una sempre maggiore comunitarizzazione, ha al contrario dato luogo a sistemi di governance ‘ibridi’, che combinano cioè elementi vincolanti tipici del metodo comunitario con elementi caratteristici dei “new modes of governance”, incentrati sull’uso di soft law. In secondo luogo, si evidenzia il ruolo centrale rivestito dagli Stati Membri nello sviluppare tali sistemi di governance in accordo con due obiettivi prioritari: limitare l’autonomia delle istituzioni sovranazionali all’interno del processo decisionale e plasmare i risultati di tali politiche in accordo con le preferenze degli stessi Stati Membri. / The central aim of this thesis is to provide an account of the origin and evolution of the external dimension of EU migration policy. By means of a theoretical framework that combines new modes of governance and rational-choice institutionalism, this thesis analyses the systems of governance of three policy areas falling within the external dimension: readmission policy, external border controls and cooperation with third countries in the field of legal migration. On the basis of such theoretical premises, two central arguments are advanced. First of all, it is argued that the evolution of the system of governance in the three cases, far from following a linear path towards communitarization, has resulted in the adoption of mixed systems featuring both 'old' modes of governance in line with the traditional Community Method and 'new’ modes based on soft-law and non-binding commitments. Secondly, this thesis underlines the central role played by the Member States in devising those governance mechanisms in order to fulfil two main objectives: limiting the discretion of EU supranational institutions in the decision-making process and shaping policy outcomes according to their preferred policy options.
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The Living Dead: Securing the (Eu)ropean Border : Frontex’s problem representation of migration and its institutional expansionFranz Hagström, Ivo January 2023 (has links)
Since the 2015 migration crisis, Frontex has expanded and increased its information-gathering on migrants. This has led to controversial activities post-2015 despite the Agency’s self-perceived humanitarian identity. The aim of this thesis is to analyze Frontex’s problem representation of migration in the Agency’s annual Risk Analysis Reports from 2015-2022 on the basis of postcolonialism and corporeal research to problematize the implicit assumptions that make Frontex’s expansion and increased control of migrants intelligible and how this is justified despite the Agency’s stated humanitarian ambitions. To this end, the thesis adopts a poststructuralist methodological approach based on Bacchi’s (2009) and Bacchi & Goodwin’s (2016) account of the WPR-model. In the analysis and concluding discussion, I argue that postcolonial and patriarchal power relations reinforce gendered and racialized constructions of the migrant body as a Terrorist, Victim, or Liar, which leads to a supposed need for increased information to separate the illegitimate from the legitimate migrant. How this is made intelligible as a “humanitarian” effort can be found in the production of abject bodies, either to be expulsed or transformed, where humanitarianism only applies to the feminized Victim while the masculinized Terrorist must be defeated. By depicting increased information and control as a humanitarian commitment to the saving of Victim lives, the Agency’s expansion is represented as a humanitarian effort.
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Le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière / Criminal law faced with crossborder migrationRichefeu, Ludivine 03 December 2018 (has links)
Centrée sur le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière, la présente étude prend le parti d’intégrer en son sein deux formes de migration spécifiques : la migration irrégulière et la migration pour motif terroriste. Elle choisit également de faire du droit pénal son objet central. Ce choix conduit naturellement à renverser les perspectives initiales et à envisager, non les effets du droit pénal sur la migration transfrontière, mais l’inverse : les incidences de la migration transfrontière sur le droit pénal. À cet égard, migration irrégulière et migration pour motif terroriste ont en commun d’ébranler le droit pénal. Face à la migration irrégulière, le droit pénal subit une instrumentalisation : sa mobilisation n’est effectuée que dans une finalité administrative d’éloignement de la migration présente à la frontière (particulièrement dans les zones d’attente et frontalières). Plus encore, la politique de prévention contre l’immigration irrégulière développée à l’échelle de l’Union européenne a entraîné un véritable enchevêtrement de normes pénales, agissant dans de multiples espaces géographiques, dont certaines sont détournées afin d’entraver la migration en mer, et d’autres créées pour l’empêcher de se former sur terre, au sein des États tiers de départ. À l’inverse, le droit pénal apparaît absent face à la migration pour motif terroriste. Alors qu’il pourrait se saisir de ce phénomène, il semble au contraire dépassé par la montée en puissance de mesures de police administrative. De nature à anticiper d’une manière quasiment prédictive le risque terroriste porté par la migration transfrontière, ces mesures entraînent l’obsolescence du droit pénal. Penser le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière permet enfin de révéler que la migration irrégulière et la migration pour motif terroriste sont liées par le droit, en étant envisagées sous le prisme du risque qu’elles portent en elle. / This study focuses on the link between criminal law and crossborder migration and will address two specific forms of migration : irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose. The main focus of this study is criminal law. This choice has resulted in a reversal of the original focus ; that is to say the effects of crossborder migration on criminal law as opposed to the effects of criminal law on crossborder migration. Both irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose undermine criminal law. With respect to irregular migration, criminal law is used as an administrative instrument to repel migrants from national borders particularly those in waiting zones and crossborder zones. Prevention policies against irregular migration implemented at the EU level have resulted in an entanglement of criminal norms, in various geographic areas, some of them were diverted to prevent migration by sea and other were created to stop migrants trying to enter by land via third countries. On the contrary, criminal law seems absent with regards to migration with a terrorist purpose. While it could effectively tackle this phenomenon, it seems overwhelmed by the rise of administrative police measures. These measures are able to anticipate in a quasi-predictive manner the risk of terrorism via crossborder migration and they in fact render criminal law ineffective. Thinking criminal law in the face of crossborder migration has allowed to reveal that irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose are legally contected, when they are considered through the prism of the risk conveyed.
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歐洲聯盟移民政策之研究:以歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局的角色與功能為例 / Immigration policy of the European Union: A study on the Frontex李美姿, Li, Mei Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲聯盟共有27個會員國,克羅埃西亞將於2013年成為第28個歐盟會員國,歐洲聯盟自1952年成立後,已替歐洲帶來了半世紀的和平、穩定及發展,並榮獲2012年度諾貝爾和平獎,在第二次世界大戰後的重建工作及在1989年柏林圍牆倒下後,長期擔任團結凝聚歐洲、促進和平、和解、民主及人權的角色,除發行歐洲單一貨幣歐元外,並逐步建立歐洲單一市場,撤除歐盟內部邊界,讓人員、商品、服務和資金能自由流動,卻也導致非法移民可利用其邊境管制的疏忽而進入歐盟境內,造成歐洲各國的社會治安問題。不論是合法移民或非法移民,「移民」對歐洲聯盟各國的社會治安、種族文化及民族融合確實帶來不可小覷的影響,隨著歐盟內部人員可以自由在各國間移動,歐洲聯盟各會員國開始重視移民政策,穩定歐盟內部安全、加強歐盟外部邊界管制及打擊非法移民也日益重要,移民已經不再只是單一國內的問題,它廣泛的牽涉到跨國移民問題的類型,歐盟各國除將移民問題提高到歐盟層次的議題上,共同協商統籌規劃更詳盡的移民政策外,並成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局,共同管理歐盟外部邊境安全,透過結合各國的警力,提高邊境管制和緝捕的效力,改善非法移民或難民所產生的問題(例如跨國犯罪、毒品、人口販賣等),以達遏止非法移民入境的效果。本文將透過瞭解歐盟移民政策制定的發展過程及因素,藉以窺探歐洲移民政策目前現況,並透過研析其政策內容及成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局之政策法源,探討歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局於歐盟移民政策實際執行面上扮演之角色、功能與其重要性,以了解歐盟外部邊境安全共同管理之成效。 / European Union is composed of 27 member states. Croatia will become the 28th of the Europe Union (EU) member state in 2013. The European Union established in 1952 has brought Europe peace, stability and development for fifty years, and was awarded the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. During the period of the post-World War II reconstruction and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, the EU serves as an important role to bring Europe together and to promote peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights. The creation of European single currency and the formation of single market develop the free flow of goods, services and capital around the EU. However, it raises security issues while illegal immigrants exploit freedom of movement within the EU. Whether legal immigrants or illegal immigrants do bring underestimated impact on security and cultural and ethical integration issues. With the free movement of people within the EU, the member states have started to focus on the immigration policy in order to stabilize the internal security, to enhance the control of the external border and to fight against illegal immigration. Immigration issues are no longer just single domestic problems, but it is widely involved in the type of transnational migration. The EU member states see immigration issues at the EU level and coordinate the planning of the immigration policy, and establish the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) to co-manage the EU external border security. The support of the national police force to improve the effectiveness of border control and the warrant of arrest ease the problem of illegal immigrants or refugees (such as transnational crime, drugs, human trafficking, etc.) to achieve the effect of curbing illegal immigration. This paper observes the current situation of the European immigration policy based on the study on the development of EU immigration policy-making process and factors. Through the analysis of policy and the law and treaties of founding the Frontex, this paper also examines the role and function of Frontex on the implementation of the EU immigration policy to understand the effectiveness of the co-management of the EU external border security.
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Qualità della sicurezza in Europa: la formazione dell'operatore di Polizia come leva stategica per l'integrazione: studio di caso in quattro paesi UE e indicazioni metodologiche per una sperimentazione internazionaleDI FELICE, LORENA 31 March 2011 (has links)
La ricerca approfondisce il rapporto tra qualità della sicurezza e qualità della formazione ai fini di realizzare uno spazio di sicurezza libertà e giustizia in Europa. Lo studio rivolge particolare attenzione alla formazione di polizia erogata in Europa dai differenti sistemi organizzativi che determinano l’accesso alla professione sviluppando un’analisi trasversale dei diversi Paesi da cui trarre gli elementi comuni attinenti al profilo di poliziotto. L’organizzazione delle forze di polizia negli Stati dell’Unione è risultata complessa e diversificata si è quindi impostato lo sviluppo della ricerca secondo la metodologia dello studio di caso, riferendosi a Italia Francia, Regno Unito, Polonia, Quattro Paesi significativi e rappresentativi . Obiettivo specifico dell’ analisi è pervenire a un profilo professionale formativo comune che permetta l’elaborazione di un’azione finalizzata alla definizione e alla successiva sperimentazione di un sistema di monitoraggio della qualità della formazione erogata nelle Scuole di polizia europee. / This Research investigates the relationship between security and education to realize an Area of security, freedom and justice in Europe. The focus is on Constable Courses of Police Training Schools within The European Union to find out a competency framework for cope. The Study is fully aware of the fact that different Police Training Systems are used within the Member States. Regarding this aspect the Research proposes study cases about Italy, France, United Kingdom and Poland. Its purpose is to have a vision on the core tasks of police and then to propose quality control standards to be implemented in National Police Courses.
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La sécurité intérieure européenne et la lutte contre l'immigration clandestine: contribution à l'analyse des modes de légitimation de l'ordre politique européenDuez, Denis 07 February 2007 (has links)
La thèse est une étude du processus de sécurisation de l’immigration clandestine à l’œuvre dans l’Union européenne. Elle s’attache à expliquer la tension, voire la contradiction, existant entre l’ambition et la fermeté du discours européen sur le contrôle de l’immigration illégale, d’une part, et le risque politique intrinsèquement lié à ce choix, d’autre part. La prétention au contrôle des flux migratoires clandestins apparaît en effet largement illusoire tant en raison de l’ampleur et de la nature des flux concernés que de la faiblesse des moyens effectivement mis en œuvre par l’Union européenne. <p><p>Au départ d’une grille d’analyse s’appuyant sur une lecture critique des approches constructivistes de la sécurité, la politique européenne de lutte contre l’immigration clandestine est interprétée comme étant l’expression d’un « discours de sécurité » forgeant des représentations sociales insécurisantes des migrants clandestins. Cette production sociale du « péril migratoire » est examinée sous l’angle des enjeux de légitimité entourant la création de l’espace européen de liberté, de sécurité et de justice. Dans ce cadre, nous soulignons que la lutte contre l’immigration l’illégale ne peut se réduire à son objectif explicite – la maîtrise des flux – mais qu’elle participe également d’un mécanisme classique de légitimation du corps politique supposant la définition d’une figure menaçante de l’altérité. Le « clandestin » représente dans cette optique un « objet insécurisant » consensuel qui émerge dans le champ européen au terme d’un processus de formation d’une volonté politique fonctionnant sur le mode du plus petit dénominateur commun. Agrégeant les inquiétudes exprimées à l’égard du terrorisme et de la criminalité transnationales mais aussi les préoccupations pour la stabilité économique, sociale et culturelle des sociétés européennes, cette figure permet de rassembler les États membres autour d’un projet sécuritaire commun. Elle contribue de ce fait à l’émergence d’une dynamique de type ami-ennemi reposant sur une opposition croissante entre un « Autre » incarné par le clandestin et un « Nous » qui, à défaut d’être culturellement homogène, se trouve unifié par un sentiment d’insécurité collectivement partagé. <p> / Doctorat en sciences politiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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