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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantifying Cerebellar Movement With Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations

Ridzon, Matthew C. 15 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Large Eddy Simulation Based Turbulent Flow-induced Vibration of Fully Developed Pipe Flow

Pittard, Matthew Thurlow 08 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Flow-induced vibration caused by fully developed pipe flow has been recognized, but not fully investigated under turbulent conditions. This thesis focuses on the development of a numerical Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) model that will help define the relationship between pipe wall vibration and the physical characteristics of turbulent flow. Commercial FSI software packages are based on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) fluid models, which do not compute the instantaneous fluctuations in turbulent flow. This thesis presents an FSI approach based on Large Eddy Simulation (LES) flow models, which do compute the instantaneous fluctuations in turbulent flow. The results based on the LES models indicate that these fluctuations contribute to the pipe vibration. It is shown that there is a near quadratic relationship between the standard deviation of the pressure field on the pipe wall and the flow rate. It is also shown that a strong relationship between pipe vibration and flow rate exists. This research has a direct impact on the geothermal, nuclear, and other fluid transport industries.

Structural responses due to underwater detonations : Validation of explosion modelling methods using LS-DYNA

Blomgren, Gustav, Carlsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Modelling the full event of an underwater explosion (UNDEX) is complex and requires advanced modelling methods in order to achieve accurate responses. The process of an UNDEX includes a series of events that has to be considered. When a detonation is initiated, a shock-wave propagates and the rest products from the explosive material creates a gaseous bubble with high pressure which pulsates and impacts the surroundings. Reflections of the initial shock-wave can also appear if it hits the sea floor, water surface or other obstacles. There are different approaches how to numerically model the impact of an UNDEX on a structure, some with analytical approaches without a water domain and others where a water domain has to be modelled. This master’s thesis focuses on two modelling methods that are available in the finite element software LS-DYNA. The simpler method is called Sub-Sea Analysis (SSA) and does not require a water domain, thus it can be beneficial to use in an early design stage, or when only approximated responses are desired. To increase the accuracy, a more complex method called S-ALE can be used. By implementing this method, the full process of an UNDEX can be studied since both the fluid domain and explosive material are meshed. These methods are studied separately together with a combination of them. Another important aspect to be considered is that oscillations of a structure submerged in water differs from the behavior it has in air. Depending on the numerical method used, the impact of the water can be included. Natural frequencies of structures submerged in water are studied, how it changes and how the methods takes this into account. To verify the numerical models, experiments were executed with a cylindrical test object where the distance and weight of charge were altered through out the test series. It was found that multiple aspects affects the results from the experiments, that are not captured in the numerical models. These aspects have for instance to do with reflections, how accurate the test object is modelled and the damping effects of the water. It is concluded that the numerical models are sensitive when small charges and fragile structures are studied. High frequency oscillations were not triggered in the experiment but found for both methods. It should be further investigated if the methods are more accurate for larger charges and stronger structures. Experiments with larger water domain would also be beneficial to reduce effects from reflections, as well as a more accurate model of the cylinder in the simulations.

Locally Optimized Covariance Kriging for Non-Stationary System Responses

Clark, Daniel Lee, Jr. 24 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Fluid-structure interaction with the application to the non-linear aeroelastic phenomena

Cremades Botella, Andrés 06 November 2023 (has links)
[ES] El interés en reducir el peso y resistencia aerodinámica de vehículos y en desarrollar fuentes de energía renovables se ha incrementado debido a la compleja situación ambiental y los requerimientos legales para reducir las emisiones de contaminantes y el consumo de combustibles. La industria aeronáutica ha propuesto nuevos diseños que integren conceptos como alas de alto alargamiento y materiales con elevada resistencia específica, como los materiales compuestos. Por su parte, conceptos similares se emplean en la generación de energía eólica. El radio de las palas de las turbinas eólicas se incrementa paulatinamente, siendo un ejemplo muy claro las grandes instalaciones off-shore. El uso de estructuras más alargadas y ligeras provoca mayor deformación debida a las cargas aerodinámicas. Este fenómeno se conoce como aeroelasticidad y combina los efectos de las cargas aerodinámicas, los efectos inerciales y las tensiones internas de la estructura. La combinación de las cargas anteriores provoca fenómenos de amortiguamiento de las vibraciones, o por el contrario, inestabilidades aeroelásticas. Diferentes metodologías pueden ser empleadas para simular los fenómenos aeroelásticos. La metodología más extendida para la simulación de las ecuaciones elásticas del sólido es la conocida como análisis de elementos finitos. Respecto a las ecuaciones de conservación del fluido, la mecánica de fluidos computacional es la herramienta de resolución para un problema arbitrario. La combinación de las metodologías anteriores puede ser empleada para el cálculo de fenómenos aeroelásticos. Sin embargo, el coste computacional de estas simulaciones es inasumible en la mayoría de casos de aplicación. Se requiere una metodología nueva capaz de reducir el coste de cálculo. Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de modelos de orden reducido que permitan resolver el problema acoplado sin pérdidas sustanciales de precisión. En primer lugar, la estructura tridimensional se reduce a una sección equivalente que reproduzca la física del sólido original. La sección equivalente se acopla con dos modelos aerodinámicos: simulaciones de mecánica de fluidos computacional y un modelo reducido basado en redes neuronales. Ambos modelos presentan elevada precisión respecto a las simulaciones tridimensionales. Sin embargo, algunos efectos como los efectos aerodinámicos tridimensionales, las distribuciones de carga aerodinámica, la presencia de materiales ortotrópicos y los acoplamientos estructurales no pueden ser simulados. Con el objetivo de resolver los limitantes del modelo anterior, se propone un segundo modelo de orden reducido. En este caso se trata de un algoritmo basado en elementos de viga. El algoritmo se diseña para ser capaz de incluir el cálculo de materiales ortotrópicos y diferentes tipos de problemas aeroelásticos. Inicialmente, se emplea el software para determinar su precisión en el cálculo de una viga de material compuesto y sección rectangular. Estos resultados se validan con las simulaciones tridimensionales. De este modo se demuestra la capacidad de la herramienta computacional para predecir las inestabilidades y los efectos de acoplamiento estructural provocados por la orientación de las fibras. Posteriormente, el algoritmo se emplea en la simulación de turbinas eólicas, mejorando los rangos de operación de las palas sin que ello suponga una penalización desde el punto de vista del peso de la misma. Finalmente, un ala basada en una estructura de membrana resistente es simulada. El cálculo obtiene una gran precisión en la predicción de la velocidad de flameo respecto a la simulación acoplada, siendo la única limitación del modelo la predicción de la distorsión de la membrana. El trabajo presente un conjunto de modelos de orden reducido que permiten disminuir el coste computacional de las simulaciones aeroelásticas en órdenes de magnitud. También, se proporcionan directrices para la selección del modelo reducido apropiado para los casos de interés. / [CA] L'interès a reduir el pes i la resistència aerodinàmica dels vehicles i a desenvolupar fonts d'energia renovables s'ha incrementat a causa de la complexa situació ambiental i els requeriments legals per a reduir les emissions de contaminants i el consum de combustibles. La indústria aeronàutica ha proposat nous dissenys que integren conceptes com ales d'alt allargament i materials amb elevada resistència específica, com ara els materials compostos. Per la seua banda, conceptes similars es fan servir en la generació d'energia eòlica. El radi de les pales de les turbines eòliques s'incrementa progresivament, sent un exemple molt clar les grans instal·lacions off-shore. L'ús d'estructures més allargades i lleugeres provoca més deformació deguda a les càrregues aerodinàmiques. Aquest fenomen es coneix com a aeroelasticitat i combina els efectes de les càrregues aerodinàmiques, els efectes inercials i les tensions internes de l'estructura. La combinació de les càrregues anteriors provoca fenòmens d'esmorteïment de les vibracions, o per contra, inestabilitats aeroelàstiques. Diferents metodologies poden ser emprades per simular els fenòmens aeroelàstics. La metodologia més estesa per a la simulació de les equacions elàstiques del sòlid és la coneguda com a anàlisi d'elements finits. Pel que fa a les equacions de conservació del fluid, la mecànica de fluids computacional és l'eina de resolució per a un problema arbitrari. La combinació de les metodologies anteriors pot ser emprada per al càlcul de fenòmens aeroelàstics. Tot i això, el cost computacional d'aquestes simulacions és inassumible en la majoria de casos d'aplicació. Cal una metodologia nova capaç de reduir el cost de càlcul. Aquest treball se centra en el desenvolupament de models d'ordre reduït que permeten resoldre el problema acoblat sense pèrdues substancials de precisió. En primer lloc, l'estructura tridimensional es reduix a una secció equivalent que reproduixca la física del sòlid original. La secció equivalent s'acobla amb dos models aerodinàmics. El primer empra les forces aerodinàmiques obtingudes mitjançant simulacions de mecànica de fluids computacional. Posteriorment es fa servir un model reduït basat en xarxes neuronals. Tots dos models presenten elevada precisió respecte a les simulacions tridimensionals. No obstant això, alguns efectes com ara els efectes aerodinàmics tridimensionals, les distribucions de càrrega aerodinàmica, la presència de materials ortotròpics i els acoblaments estructurals no poden ser simulats. Amb l'objectiu de resoldre els limitants del model anterior, es proposa un segon model dordre reduït. En aquest cas és un algorisme basat en elements de biga. L'algorisme es dissenya per ser capaç d'incloure el càlcul de materials ortotròpics i diferents tipus de problemes aeroelàstics. Inicialment, s'empra el programari per determinar-ne la precisió en el càlcul d'una biga de material compost i secció rectangular. Aquests resultats es validen amb les simulacions tridimensionals. D'aquesta manera, es demostra la capacitat de l'eina computacional per predir les inestabilitats i els efectes d'acoblament estructural provocats per l'orientació de les fibres. Posteriorment, l'algorisme s'empra en la simulació de turbines eòliques, millorant els rangs d'operació de les pales sense que això suposi una penalització des del punt de vista del pes. Finalment, una ala basada en una estructura de membrana resistent és simulada. El càlcul obté una gran precisió en la predicció de la velocitat de flameig respecte a la simulació acoblada, i l'única limitació del model és la predicció de la distorsió de la membrana. El treball presenta un conjunt de models reduïts que permeten disminuir el cost computacional de les simulacions aeroelàstiques en ordres de magnitud. També es proporcionen directrius per a la selecció del model reduït adequat per als casos d'interès. / [EN] The complex environmental situation and the legal requirements for decreasing pollutant emissions and fuel consumption have increased the interest in reducing the empty weight and drag of vehicles and developing renewable energy sources. Due to the former, the aviation industry has proposed new designs integrating high strength-to-weight ratios, such as composite materials and higher aspect ratio wings. These increases in aspect ratio have also been applied to wind energy generation. The rotors of wind turbines are increasing their diameters in recent years: a clear example is the massive off-shore facilities. Using larger and lightweight structures increases the effects of the aerodynamic loads on structural deformation. Structural dynamics are strongly connected to the air-structure interaction. This phenomenon, called aeroelasticity, combines the effect of the external aerodynamic loads, the inertial forces, and the internal elastic stress of the structure. The complex combination of all the previous effects may damp the vibrations of the structure, or on the contrary, they could increase their amplitude, resulting in an unstable phenomenon. The simulation of the aeroelastic phenomena can be performed using different approaches. The well-known finite element analysis is the most extended methodology for solving solid elastic equations. Regarding fluid conservation equations, computational fluid dynamics is the principal tool for resolving general aerodynamic problems. The aeroelastic simulations can be calculated by combining the previous algorithms. Nevertheless, the computational cost of these methodologies is excessive for a general engineering case. Therefore, new methodologies are required. This work focuses on developing aeroelastic reduced-order models that compute the coupled phenomena without substantial accuracy losses. Initially, the complete three-dimensional structure is reduced to an equivalent section that reproduces the structure. The equivalent structural section is coupled with two aerodynamic models. The first one uses the forces calculated with aeroelastic computational fluid dynamics. Then, a surrogate model based on artificial neural networks is combined with the equivalent section. Both models show accurate agreement compared to the complete three-dimensional simulations in predicting unstable velocity. However, the three-dimensional aerodynamic effects, load distribution, orthotropic materials, and structural couplings cannot be considered. In order to solve the previous limitations, a reduced-order model based on a beam element solver is proposed. The algorithm is designed to consider a general orthotropic material and different typologies of aeroelastic problems. Initially, the software is proven to simulate accurately a squared cross-section composite material beam. The results are validated with the complete three-dimensional simulations, demonstrating the capabilities of the tool for predicting the instabilities and the effects of the fiber orientations. Then, the algorithm is used for simulating a wind turbine blade, and the algorithm results are used to improve the operation range of the blades without weight penalties. Finally, a resistant membrane wing is simulated, obtaining high accuracy in the prediction of the flutter velocity compared with the complete coupled simulation. In addition, the only limitation of the model is the prediction of the membrane distortion. The work presents a set of reduced-order models that allow for reducing the computational cost of the aeroelastic simulations by orders of magnitude. In addition, a decision pattern is provided for selecting the appropriate algorithm for the interest problem. / This thesis have been funded by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University through the University Faculty Training (FPU) program with reference FPU19/02201. / Cremades Botella, A. (2023). Fluid-structure interaction with the application to the non-linear aeroelastic phenomena [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199249

Numerical Simulation of Blast Interaction with the Human Body: Primary Blast Brain Injury Prediction

Haladuick, Tyler January 2014 (has links)
In Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, explosions accounted for 81% of all injuries; this is a higher casualty percentage than in any previous wars. Blast wave overpressure has recently been associated with varying levels of traumatic brain injury in soldiers exposed to blast loading. Presently, the injury mechanism behind primary blast brain injury is not well understood due to the complex interactions between the blast wave and the human body. Despite these limitations in the understanding of head injury thresholds, head kinematics are often used to predict the overall potential for head injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate head kinematics, and predict injury from a range of simulated blast loads at varying standoff distances and differing heights of bursts. The validated Generator of body data multi-body human surrogate model allows for numerical kinematic data simulation in explicit finite element method fluid structure interaction blast modeling. Two finite element methods were investigated to simulate blast interaction with humans, an enhanced blast uncoupled method, and an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eularian fully coupled method. The enhanced blast method defines an air blast function through the application of a blast pressure wave, including ground reflections, based on the explosives relative location to a target; the pressures curves are based on the Convention Weapons databases. LBE model is efficient for parametric numerical studies of blast interaction where the target response is the only necessary result. The ALE model, unlike classical Lagrangian methods, has a fixed finite element mesh that allows material to flow through it; this enables simulation of large deformation problems such as blast in an air medium and its subsequent interaction with structures. The ALE model should be used when research into a specific blast scenario is of interest, since this method is more computationally expensive. The ALE method can evaluate a blast scenario in more detail including: explosive detonation, blast wave development and propagation, near-field fireball effects, blast wave reflection, as well as 3D blast wave interaction, reflection and refraction with a target. Both approaches were validated against experimental blast tests performed by Defense Research and Development Valcartier and ConWep databases for peak pressure, arrival time, impulse, and curve shape. The models were in good agreement with one another and follow the experimental data trend showing an exponential reduction in peak acceleration with increasing standoff distance until the Mach stem effect reached head height. The Mach stem phenomenon is a shock front formed by the merging of the incident and reflected shock waves; it increases the applied peak pressure and duration of a blast wave thus expanding the potential head injury zone surrounding a raised explosive. The enhanced blast model was in good agreement with experimental data in the near-field, and mid-field; however, overestimated the peak acceleration, and head injury criteria values in the far-field due to an over predicted pressure impulse force. The ALE model also over predicted the response based on the head injury criteria at an increased standoff distance due to smearing of the blast wave over several finite elements leading to an increased duration loading. According to the Abbreviated Injury Scale, the models predicted a maximal level 6 injury for all explosive sizes in the near-field, with a rapid acceleration of the head over approximately 1 ms. There is a drastic exponential reduction in the insult force and potential injury received with increasing standoff distance outside of the near-field region of an explosive charge.

Ανάλυση της απόκρισης σύνθετων πολυμερών υλικών υπό συνθήκες φωτιάς. Εφαρμογή σε αεροπορικές κατασκευές / Fire response of composite aerostructures

Σικουτρής, Δημήτριος 01 February 2013 (has links)
The current dissertation, titled “Fire Response of Composite aerostructures” deals with a crucial subject of the aeronautics industry that is the fire response of composite aerostructures, more specifically the issue of interest in this work is the fuselage fire burnthrough from an external liquid jet-fuel pool fire. Other fire issues that “bother” the aeronautics industry are the fire spread inside the cabin, smoke generation and toxicity of the fumes, but these are not handled in the current dissertation. Aircraft structures are designed to withstand various loading scenarios during their operational life. These loading scenarios are associated to a great extent with normal aircraft operation (flight manoeuvres, take-off and landing). However there are situations where the aircraft structures are required to assure the safety of the passengers and crew. In the case of an emergency crash landing, the threat of an external jet-fuel fire always exists. Considering that the aircraft structure survives the impact, the survivability of the passengers and crew onboard the aircraft depends solely on the fire resistance of the aircraft structure. A measure of the fire resistance of an aircraft structure is the time needed for the flames to penetrate the fuselage and spread inside the cabin, the so-called, burn-through time. So far, the aircraft fire resistance has been extensively studied by conducting lab, medium and full scale tests. The early lab scale tests were performed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and involved the Bunsen-burner flammability test of coupons for developing fire safe interior materials. As the application of polymer materials on aircrafts kept increasing, the problem of fire burn-through due to external fire emerged. Marker was one of the first to perform full-scale fuselage burn-through tests to access the insulating performance of materials. Also a statistical analysis was performed by Cherry and Warren that accessed and analyzed data from past accidents and their work resulted in proving the importance of fuselage fire hardening and the passengers’ lives that could be saved using low-cost solutions. These works led the FAA to proposed new fire testing procedures for aircraft materials. The scope of this dissertation was to assess the performance of various structural materials in a pool-fire scenario. A simplified approach is made, approximating the pool-fire conditions with a flat panel burn-through test in accordance to the ISO2685:1998(E) Standard. The originality of the present work comes from the fact that it incorporates a multistage approach in order to investigate the behaviour and response of composite aircraft structures in the possibility of a fire event. The current approach goes down on material level in order to investigate and model the deterioration (decomposition) of the polymer composite. Thus, it investigates and proposes a methodology of how the thermophysical properties of the composite are deteriorated due to the fire event. It proceeds into developing a progressive-damage material model (material properties varying with the deterioration degree) and finally implementing this custom material model into a commercial FE package and solving the loading scenarios. Being more specific the current work begins with a quick review of the literature where incidents and work done on the burnthrough event for the past 20-30 years are summarized. It progresses then to presenting the various types of polymers used in the aircraft industry and their basic decomposition mechanisms, from the unsaturated polyesters to the epoxies and phenolics and in the end reference to the thermoplastics is made. Every organic material, hence, polymers used in aerospace applications, present a set of response characteristics when subjected to fire, specifically the heat release rate, thermal stability index, limiting oxygen index, flammability index, time-to-ignition, surface flame spread, mass loss, smoke density and smoke toxicity. Following is the backbone of this dissertation, the kinetics modelling. Two approaches are made, one simplified using single stage kinetics where the decomposition degree a is calculated based on the Arrhenius reaction theory and using the kinetic triplets (kinetic parameters) extracted from thermogravimetry, TGA, data using the Friedman multi-curve method. The second approach is more complicated and considers multi-stage decomposition of the polymer composite. Specifically a 3-stage reaction network is considered for every material, the LY-Ref, and the two modified batches, one with ammonium polyphosphate AP423 and the other both with AP423 and multi-wall carbon nanotubes MWCNT. Again the kinetic parameters, activation energy EA, frequency factor A, and reaction order n, are extracted for every step using the van Krevelen methodology. In the end using the reaction rates equations the reconstruction of the TGA curves is achieved with an error of less than 5% from the test data. Correlations that consider the material deterioration and affect the thermophysical properties of the materials are proposed. Those expressions are being developed for both of the two kinetic approaches, the single and multi stage. Another crucial part of this work is the measurement and calibration of the applied fire load. Again two fire load approaches are used, one according to the ISO2685 Standard where a propane burner was manufactured and calibrated according to the Standard for medium scale samples testing and a lab scale butane burner for small samples. The ISO2685 burner was also CFD simulated and the models calibrated against analytical expressions, ISO requirements and real measurements. The CFD simulations were performed so the heat flux or heat transfer coefficient to be extracted and used as input for the later thermal FE burnthrough models. The heat flux distribution of the lab-scale AML burner on the specimen surface was measured via a water cooled Schmit-Boelter SBG01 heat flux sensor manufactured by Hukseflux. Manufacturing and material details are presented concerning the samples used for every test campaign. Metallic (AL2024-T3) samples, CFRP neat and modified, and hybrid GLARE ones where manufactured. Also the experimental work performed is described. Cone calorimetry testing data are available, results from thermogravimetry tests, differential scanning calorimetry, and finally the burnthrough tests with both the testing apparatuses, the ISO2685 one and the AML lab-scale burner. The modelling work in this dissertation involved thermal models that were developed into a commercial FE package. It was not part of this work to develop a thermal solver so a commercial one was selected and all the developed methodology was adapted to its requirements and specifications. The boundary conditions on the models are presented both for the ‘hot’ front surface and the rear ‘cooling’ one. For the ‘hot’ one the heat flux distribution is used and for the ‘cooling’ one an equivalent convection is applied that accounts for both convective and radiative cooling. The decomposing material model is implemented into to FE solver via user defined subroutines for the single stage kinetics and the multi-stage approach. Finally the simulations were run and the results and models were compared against the available experimental results. Since so far the burnthrough response of aerostructures was limited to coupon, samples and medium size flat panels. A more realistic approach was performed by developing a mathematical model of a real size test. The certification tests conducted by the FAA are for full size fuselage sectors under the fire load of a burning jet-fuel pan pool-fire. A burning jet-fuel pool fire is a complex phenomenon on its own, combining it with a decomposing fuselage structure make the modeling approach even more difficult to simulate if not impossible. Required data for the pool-sizes under investigation were not available, so data for large external hydrocarbon pool fires from literature were used. Also, because the main characteristic of a jet-fuel (kerosene) pool fire is that the flames are not clear, on the contrary, great amount of shoot is produced making combustion modeling and radiative heat transfer to the fuselage even more of a challenge to model, it was decided to try and tackle this full-scale approach by a simplified the modeling approach. Instead of liquid fuel combustion, an equal hot air stream with mass flow, velocity and temperature properties extracted from literature correlation data was performed. Conclusively, in terms of completeness the benefit analysis performed by Cherry and Warren is presented in brief. The objective of their analysis was to assess the potential benefits, in terms of reduction of fatalities and injuries, resulting from improvements in fuselage burnthrough resistance to ground pool fires. Fire hardening of fuselages will provide benefits in terms of enhanced occupant survival and may be found to be cost beneficial if low-cost solutions can be found. The maximum number of lives saved per year in worldwide transport aircraft accidents, over the period covered by the data, if hardening measures were applied, was assessed to be 12.5 for the aircraft in its actual configuration (when the accidents occurred) and 10.5 for the aircraft configured to later airworthiness requirements. These figures are completely significant and give an extra confirmation that this work on investigating the fire response of composite aerostructures is on the right track. As the work of Cherry and Warren concluded, the fire hardening measures in order to be applicable need to be cost efficient. The concept under which this whole dissertation stepped on was to investigate the fire response of composite aerostructures and the possibility of hardening the structure itself without the use of extra protective layers that add cost and weight to the overall aircraft and its maintenance. In the end it was concluded that there is the possibility of hardening the fuselage structure by design and by material. Incorporating composites into the structure it is possible to prolong the burnthrough time at least for 4-5 minutes before auto ignition occurs on the inner side of the fuselage. Auto ignition of the inner side fuselage cabin materials is mentioned since in NONE of the burnthrough tests of the CFRP composites and the GLARE samples flame penetration was observed. / Στην παρούσα διατριβή με τίτλο «Ανάλυση της απόκρισης σύνθετων πολυμερών υλικών υπό συνθήκες φωτιάς. Εφαρμογή σε αεροπορικές κατασκευές» πραγματοποιείται εργασία στην αριθμητική προσομοίωση και πειραματική διερεύνηση της συμπεριφοράς αεροπορικών κατασκευών σε συνθήκες φωτιάς. Στην μέχρι τώρα βιβλιογραφία οι διάφοροι έλεγχοι για πιστοποίηση των αεροπορικών υλικών αλλά και των αεροσκαφών στο σύνολό τους αποτελούνταν από εκτενείς πειραματικές δοκιμές σε μεσαία κλίμακα καθώς και σε πλήρους κλίμακας κατασκευές. Οι προδιαγραφές των ελέγχων ορίζονται από την Ομοσπονδιακή Διεύθυνση Αεροπλοΐας των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της Αμερικής, Federal Aviation Administration FAA. Όπως γίνεται αντιληπτό πλήρους κλίμακας δοκιμές είναι χρονοβόρες αλλά και οικονομικά ασύμφορες, για τον λόγο αυτό τα τελευταία χρόνια πραγματοποιούνται προσπάθειες από την FAA για καθιέρωση Προτύπων ελέγχου μικρής κλίμακας τα οποία σε συνδυασμό με αριθμητικά μοντέλα θα είναι σε θέση να προβλέπουν την συμπεριφορά των αεροπορικών κατασκευών σε συνθήκες φωτιάς από την φάση του σχεδιασμού τους. Θα εξασφαλίζεται έτσι καλύτερη διαχείριση οικονομικών και υλικών πόρων. Στην βιβλιογραφία ο μεγαλύτερος όγκος αριθμητικής μοντελοποίησης έχει πραγματοποιηθεί στους τομείς της ναυπηγικής και των θαλάσσιων κατασκευών καθώς επίσης και τα τελευταία χρόνια στον τομέα της αστικής δόμησης. Αριθμητική δουλεία πάνω στην συμπεριφορά των αεροπορικών κατασκευών είναι υπερβολικά περιορισμένη και εκεί στοχεύει να συμβάλει η παρούσα διατριβή. Οι αεροπορικές κατασκευές εκτός των περιορισμών και προδιαγραφών που θέτουν οι άλλες εφαρμογές απαιτούν την ελαχιστοποίηση του προστιθέμενου βάρους στην κατασκευή. Διάφοροι τύποι πολυμερών συνθέτων υλικών χρησιμοποιούνται στην βιομηχανία, διακρινόμενα σε θερμοσκληρυνόμενα και θερμοπλαστικά. Αρχικά παρουσιάζονται τα θερμοσκληρυνόμενα ξεκινώντας από τους ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενους πολυεστέρες και βινυλεστέρες, στις φαινολικές και εποξικές ρητίνες καταλήγοντας στους υψηλής θερμοκρασίας κυανεστέρες. Εν συνεχεία γίνεται αναφορά στα συνήθη χρησιμοποιούμενα θερμοπλαστικά, πολυπροπυλένιο PP, Poly-ether ether-ketone PEEK και polyphenylene Sulphide PPS. Φυσικά δεν παραλείπεται να γίνει σύντομη αναφορά και στις τυπικές διεργασίες θερμικής αποσύνθεσης των προαναφερθέντων πολυμερών. Η συμπεριφορά των σύνθετων πολυμερών υλικών σε συνθήκες φωτιάς περιγράφεται από κάποια χαρακτηριστικά μεγέθη τα οποία χρησιμοποιούνται για την ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύγκριση των διαφόρων υποψήφιων αεροπορικών υλικών. Συγκεκριμένα τα μεγέθη αυτά είναι: Heat Release Rate HRR, Thermal Stability Index TSI, Limited Oxygen Index LOI, Extinction Flammability Index ESI, Time-to-Ignition, Surface Flame Spread, Mass Loss, Smoke Density, Smoke Toxicity. Οι διαδικασίες ελέγχου και τα υπολογιζόμενα μεγέθη γίνονται βάσει διεθνών Προτύπων που κυρίως για τον τομέα της αεροναυπηγικής ορίζονται από την Ομοσπονδιακή Διεύθυνση Αεροπλοΐας FAA. Η αριθμητική προσομοίωση προυποθέτει γνώση της συμπεριφοράς των πολυμερών υλικών σε συνθήκες υψηλής θερμοκρασίας, για τον σκοπό αυτό πραγματοποιήθηκαν πειράματα απώλειας μάζας με χρήση θερμογραβιμετρίας TGA κατά την διάρκεια της οποίας η απώλεια μάζας καθώς και ο ρυθμός αυτής παρακολουθούνται και καταγράφονται σαν συνάρτηση του ρυθμού θέρμανσης. Μέσα από αυτά τα δεδομένα μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί εκτίμηση του τρόπου αποσύνθεσης του πολυμερούς. Αρχικά πραγματοποιήθηκε η θεώρηση της μονοβάθμιας αντίδρασης (single-stage reaction) που αποτελεί και την πλέον απλουστευμένη προσέγγιση. Στην θεώρηση αυτή θεωρείται πως η πολυμερής μήτρα περνάει από την «παρθένα» κατάσταση στην απανθρακομένη μέσα σε ένα βήμα. Η περιγραφή της αντίδρασης αυτής γίνεται με μια μονοβάθμια αντίδραση τύπου Arrhenius. Σε δεύτερο βήμα χρησιμοποιήθηκε κινητική θεωρία πολλαπλών σταδίων (multi-stage kinetics) σύμφωνα με την οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε ακριβέστερη προσέγγιση της απόσύνθεσης της πολυμερούς μήτρας των συνθέτων υλικών με απόκλιση μικρότερη του 5% από τα πειραματικά δεδομένα της θερμογραβιμετρείας (thermogravimetry). Και στις δύο προσεγγίσεις της αποσύνθεσης υπολογίσθηκαν οι κινηματικές παράμετροι: συντελεστής συχνότητας A (frequency factor), ενέργεια ενεργοποίησης ΕΑ (activation energy), τάξη αντίδρασης n (reaction order) για κάθε στάδιο. Με την ολοκλήρωση αυτού του σταδίου υπήρχε μια αξιόπιστη δυνατότητα αναπαράστασης της διαδικασίας αποσύνθεσης στο πείραμα της θερμογραβιμετρίας. Είναι γνωστό ότι οι διακυμάνσεις της θερμοκρασίας επηρεάζουν της τιμές των θερμοφυσικών ιδιοτήτων των υλικών. Αναλογιζόμενοι ότι στην διαρκεία της επιβολής της φλόγας στα σύνθετα υλικά όχι μόνο η θερμοκρασία αλλά και η σύσταση μεταβάλλεται συνεχώς λόγω της αποσύνθεσης κρίθηκε αναγκαία η ανάπτυξη μιας μεθοδολογίας που θα συμπεριλαμβάνει την επίδραση της αποσύνθεσης στην μεταβολή των θερμοφυσικικών ιδιοτήτων (θερμική αγωγιμότητα, ειδική θερμοχωρητικότητα και πυκνότητα) της πολυμερούς μήτρας και κατά συνέπεια του συνθέτου υλικού. Οι εξαγόμενες μαθηματικές σχέσεις χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στην αριθμητική προσομοίωση που ακολούθησε. Με σκοπό την ορθή αριθμητική μοντελοποίηση κρίνεται αναγκαία η μέτρηση και βαθμονόμηση του θερμικού φορτίου τον πειραματικών δοκιμών. Το μετρούμενο θερμικό φορτίου χρησιμοποιήθηκε εν συνεχεία ως φόρτιση στα αναπτυχθέντα μοντέλα. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο πειραματικές διατάξεις εφαρμογής φλόγας, μία μεσαίας κλίμακας σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του FAA Standard, που περιγράφεται στο ISO2685:1998(E) “Aircraft – Environmental test procedure for airborne equipment – Resistance to fire in designated fire zones” και μίας εργαστηριακής κλίμακος. Πραγματοποιήθηκε μέτρηση με θερμοζεύγη και καλορίμετρο νερού καθώς και αριθμητική μοντελοποίηση με χρήση CFD για την πρώτη διάταξη. Ενώ για την εργαστηριακής κλίμακας έγινε μέτρηση με θερμοζεύγη και ενός αισθητήρα θερμικού φορτίου «water-cooled Hukseflux Schmit-Boelter SBG01 sensor». Εν συνεχεία πραγματοποιήθηκε η κατασκευή των δοκιμίων των υποψήφιων υλικών καθώς και οι πειραματικές δοκιμές και έλεγχοι τους. Συγκεκριμένα πραγματοποιήθηκε: Θερμιδομετρία κώνου (cone calorimetry), Θερμογραβιμετρία (thermogravimetry), Θερμιδομετρία Διαφορικής Ανίχνευσης (Differencial Scanning Calorimetry, DSC), Μέτρηση Θερμικής αγωγιμώτητας, Δοκιμή διείσδυσης φλόγας (Fire burnthrough penetration). Καθώς ο χαρακτηρισμός της αποσύνθεσης των πολυμερών υλικών, η μεταβολή των θερμοφυσικών ιδιοτήτων, η μέτρηση και βαθμονόμηση του επιβαλλόμενου θερμικού φορτίου καθώς και οι πειραματικές δοκιμές έχουν ολοκληρωθεί ακολουθεί η αριθμητική προσομοίωση. Οι συνοριακές συνθήκες θερμικού φορτίου και ψύξης επιλέχθησαν ως εξής. Ως φόρτιση θεωρήθηκε η κατανομή του θερμικού φορτίου (σε kW/m2) στην εμπρός επιφάνεια του πάνελ. Στην ψύξη της πίσω επιφάνειας λήφθηκε υπόψη τόσο η ελεύθερη μεταφορά θερμότητας με επαφή όσο και η ακτινοβολία. Το μοντέλο της συμπεριφοράς του υλικού διαμορφώθηκε κατάλληλα ώστε να γίνει κατανοητό από τις απαιτήσεις ενός εμπορικού κώδικα Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων επίλυσης θερμικών προβλημάτων και προσομοιώθηκαν οι πειραματικές δοκιμές διείσδυσης φλόγας των δύο πειραματικών διατάξεων, μεσαίας και εργαστηριακής κλίμακος. Πλέον της αριθμητικής προσομοίωσης της συμπεριφοράς σε φωτιά επίπεδων δοκιμίων αεροπορικών κατασκευών, πραγματοποιήθηκε προσπάθεια απλουστευμένης μοντελοποίησης των συνθηκών φλόγας ενός λιμνάζοντος όγκου καυσίμου αεροσκαφών στο εξωτερικό μιας ατράκτου. Δημιουργήθηκε ένα τρισδιάστατο ρευστομηχανικό μοντέλο πρόβλεψης του θερμικού φορτίου στην επιφάνεια μιας τυπικής ατράκτου σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές γεωμετρίας του Προτύπου “Full-scale test evaluation of Aircraft fuel fire burnthrough resistance improvements” DOT/FAA/AR-98/52,1999. Τα ρευστομηχανικά αποτελέσματα συγκρίθηκαν με δεδομένα βιβλιογραφίας για μεγάλες φλεγόμενες δεξαμενές λιμνάζοντος καυσίμου. Εκτός από την μελέτη της απόκρισης των αεροπορικών κατασκευών σε συνθήκες φλόγας σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι και η παρουσίαση λύσεων οι οποίες θα έχουν την δυνατότητα της βελτίωσης της συμπεριφοράς των υπαρχουσών δομών καθώς και των μελλοντικών σύνθετων δομών. Ενδεικτικά αναφέρεται η δυνατότητα χρήσης νανοεγκλεισμάτων, και βελτιωμένων μονωτικών υλικών, π.χ. aerogels. Όπως έχει ήδη αναφερθεί οι αεροπορικές κατασκευές θέτουν τον περιορισμό της ελαχιστοποίησης του προστιθέμενου βάρους, για τον λόγο αυτό η ενίσχυση των συνθέτων υλικών θα πρέπει να πραγματοποιηθεί σε επίπεδο υλικού και σχεδιασμού. Πρέπει δηλαδή η ίδια η κατασκευή που είναι ικανή να φέρει τα μηχανικά φορτία να εξασφαλίζει και την πιστοποίηση της FAA για συνθήκες φωτιάς. Συνοψίζοντας, η παρούσα διατριβή πραγματοποιεί μια καινοτόμο, γρήγορη και αρκετά ακριβή προσέγγιση του σημαντικότατου ζητήματος της συμπεριφοράς των πολυμερικών σύνθετων αεροπορικών δομών σε συνθήκες φωτιάς Η πολυπλοκότητα του όλου φαινομένου επέβαλε την πραγματοποίηση παραδοχών και απλουστεύσεων. Καθώς όμως με την αυξανόμενη χρήση των συνθέτων υλικών στις αεροπορικές κατασκευές, ο τομέας της ασφάλειας σε συνθήκες φλόγας είναι συνεχώς αυξανόμενος και απαιτητικός. Για αυτό οι παραδοχές και θεωρήσεις της παρούσας διατριβής μπορούν να βελτιωθούν με χρήση νέων υπολογιστικών μεθόδων και πειραματικών δεδομένων με στόχο την ακόμα ακριβέστερη πρόβλεψη της συμπεριφοράς τον αεροπορικών δομών σε συνθήκες φλόγας.

A Partitioned FSI Approach to Study the Interaction between Flexible Membranes and Fluids

Makaremi Masouleh, Mahtab 27 April 2022 (has links)
The interaction between fluids and structures, which is an interdisciplinary problem, has gained importance in a wide range of scientific and engineering applications. Thanks to new advances in computer technology, the numerical analysis of multiphysics phenomena has aroused growing interest. Fluid-structure interactions have been numerically and experimentally studied by many researchers and published by several books, papers, and review papers. Hou et al. (2012) [3] have also published a review paper entitled “Numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction”, which provides useful knowledge about different approaches for FSI analysis. The key challenge encountered in any numerical FSI analysis is the coupling between the two independent domains with clear distinctions. For example, a structure domain requires discretizing by a Lagrangian mesh where the mesh is fixed to the mass and follows the mass motion. In fact, the Lagrangian mesh is able to deform and follows an individual structural mass as it moves through space and time. Nonetheless, the fluid mesh remains intact within the space, where the fluid flows as time passes. The numerical approaches with regard to FSI phenomena can be divided into two main categories, namely the monolithic approach and the partitioned approach. In the former, a single system equation for the whole problem is solved simultaneously by a unified algorithm; however, in the latter, the fluid and the structure are discretized with their proper mesh and solved separately by different numerical algorithms. When a fluid flow interacts with a structure, the pressure load arising from the fluid flow is exerted on the structure, followed by deformations, stresses, and strains of the structure. Depending on the resulting deformation and the rate of the variations, a one-way or two-way coupling analysis can be conducted. Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is characterized by the interaction of some movable or deformable structure with an internal or surrounding fluid flow. In a fluid-structure interaction (FSI), the laws that describe fluid dynamics and structural mechanics are coupled. There is also another classification for FSI problems on the basis of mesh methods: conforming methods and non-conforming methods. In the first method, the interface condition is regarded as a physical boundary (interface boundary) moving during the solution time, which imposes the mesh for the fluid domain to be updated in conformity with the new position for the interface. In contrast, the implementation of the second method eliminates a need for the fluid mesh update on the account of the fact that the interface requirement is enforced by constraints on the system equations instead of the physical boundary motion. In this work, we study numerically and experimentally the fluid-structure interaction comprising a flexible slender shaped structure, free surface flow and potentially interacting rigid structures, categorized in flood protection applications, whereas more emphasis is given to numerical analysis. Objectives of this study are defined in detail as follows: The initial aim is the numerical analysis of the behavior of a down-scale membrane loaded by hydrostatic pressures, where the numerical results have to be validated against available experimental data. A further case which has to be investigated is how the full scale flexible flood barrier behaves when approached and impacted by an accelerated massive flotsam. The numerical model has to be built so as to replicate the same physical phenomenon investigated experimentally. It enables a comparison between the numerical and experimental analyses to be drawn. A more complicated case where the flexible down-scale membrane interacts with a propagated water wave is a further target area to study. Moreover, an experimental investigation is required to validate the numerical results by way of comparison. The ultimate goal is to perform a similitude analysis upon which a correlation between the full-scale prototype and the down-scale model can be formed. The implementation of the similarity laws enables the behavior of the full scale prototype to be quantitatively assessed on the basis of the available data for the down-scale model. In addition, in order to validate the accuracy of the similitude analysis, numerical analyses have to be carried out.:Contents Zusammenfassung I ABSTRACT IV Nomenclature X 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Work overview 2 1.2 Literature review 3 1.2.1 The non-conforming methods 6 1.2.2 The conforming (partitioned) approaches 11 Interface data transfer 16 Accuracy, stability and efficiency 16 Modification of interface conditions: Robin transmission conditions 18 1.3 Concluding remarks 19 2 Methodology-numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction analysis (FSI) 20 2.1 Single FV framework 21 2.1.1 The prism layer mesher 24 2.1.2 Turbulence modeling 24 2.2 Preparation of the standalone Abaqus model 27 2.2.1 Damping by bulk viscosity 28 2.2.2 Coulomb friction damping 29 2.2.3 Rayleigh damping 29 2.2.4 Determination of the Rayleigh damping parameters based on the Chowdhury procedure 29 2.2.5 The frequency response function (FRF) measurement 30 2.2.6 The half-power bandwidth method 31 2.3 Explicit partitioned coupling 33 2.4 Implicit partitioned coupling 39 2.5 Overset mesh 40 2.6 Concluding remarks 42 3 Verification and validation of the structural model 44 3.1 Numerical model setup of the down-scale membrane 44 3.2 Comparing similarity between numerical and experimental results 46 3.2.1 Hypothesis test terminology 46 3.2.2 Curve fitting 47 3.2.3 Similarity measures between two curves 48 3.3 Results (down-scale membrane) 52 3.3.1 Similarity tests for the contact length 54 3.3.2 Similarity tests for the slope 58 3.3.3 Similarity tests for the displacement in Y direction 60 3.4 Concluding remarks 63 4 Numerical model setup of the original membrane for impact analysis 66 4.1 Structure domain 67 4.2 Fluid domain 72 4.2.1 Standard mesh and results 74 4.2.2 Overset mesh 80 4.3 Co-simulation model setup and results 88 4.4 Concluding remarks 96 5 Numerical wave generation 100 5.1 Theoretical estimation of the waves 107 5.2 Numerical wave tank setup 110 5.3 Results 114 5.4 Concluding remarks 119 6 Validity of the model with dynamic pressure 121 6.1 Wave tank 123 6.2 Structure domain 127 6.3 Fluid domain 130 6.4 Co-simulation model setup 136 6.5 Experimental approach 137 6.6 Results 141 6.6.1 Similarity tests for the displacement of the membrane in X direction 156 6.6.2 Similarity tests for the displacement of the membrane in Y direction 160 6.6.3 Similarity tests for the displacement of the membrane in Z direction 164 6.7 Concluding remarks 168 7 Similarity 171 7.1 Motivation 171 7.2 Governing equations 174 7.3 Buckingham Pi theorem 175 7.4 Dimensionless numbers 175 Similitude requirement 177 7.5 Simulation setup 178 7.6 Results 179 7.7 Concluding remarks 191 8 Summary, conclusions and outlook 192 List of figures 199 List of tables 209 References 210

Numerical Methods for Modeling Dynamic Features Related to Solid Body Motion, Cavitation, and Fluid Inertia in Hydraulic Machines

Zubin U Mistry (17125369) 12 March 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Positive displacement machines are used in various industries spanning the power spectrum, from industrial robotics to heavy construction equipment to aviation. These machines should be highly efficient, compact, and reliable. It is very advantageous for designers to use virtual simulations to design and improve the performance of these units as they significantly reduce cost and downtime. The recent trends of electrification and the goal to increase power density force these units to work at higher pressures and higher rotational speeds while maintaining their efficiencies and reliability. This push means that the simulation models need to advance to account for various aspects during the operation of these machines. </p><p dir="ltr">These machines typically have several bodies in relative motion with each other. Quantifying these motions and solving for their effect on the fluid enclosed are vital as they influence the machine's performance. The push towards higher rotational speeds introduces unwanted cavitation and aeration in these units. To model these effects, keeping the design evaluation time low is key for a designer. The lumped parameter approach offers the benefit of computational speed, but a major drawback that comes along with it is that it typically assumes fluid inertia to be negligible. These effects cannot be ignored, as quantifying and making design considerations to negate these effects can be beneficial. Therefore, this thesis addresses these key challenges of cavitation dynamics, body dynamics, and accounting for fluid inertia effects using a lumped parameter formulation.</p><p dir="ltr">To account for dynamics features related to cavitation, this thesis proposes a novel approach combining the two types of cavitation, i.e., gaseous and vaporous, by considering that both vapor and undissolved gas co-occupy a spherical bubble. The size of the spherical bubble is solved using the Rayleigh-Plesset equation, and the transfer of gas through the bubble interface is solved using Henry's Law and diffusion of the dissolved gas in the liquid. These equations are coupled with a novel pressure derivative equation. To account for body dynamics, this thesis introduces a novel approach for solving the positions of the bodies of a hydraulic machine while introducing new methods to solve contact dynamics and the application of Elasto Hydrodynamic Lubrication (EHL) friction at those contact locations. This thesis also proposes strategies to account for fluid inertia effects in a lumped parameter-based approach, taking as a reference an External Gear Machine. This thesis proposes a method to study the effects of fluid inertia on the pressurization and depressurization of the tooth space volumes of these units. The approach is based on considering the fluid inertia in the pressurization grooves and inside the control volumes with a peculiar sub-division. Further, frequency-dependent friction is also modeled to provide realistic damping of the fluid inside these channels.</p><p dir="ltr">To show the validity of the proposed dynamic cavitation model, the instantaneous pressure of a closed fluid volume undergoing expansion/compression is compared with multiple experimental sources, showing an improvement in accuracy compared to existing models. This modeling is then further applied to a gerotor machine and validated with experiments. Integrating this modeling technique with current displacement chamber simulation can further improve the understanding of cavitation in hydraulic systems. Formulations for body dynamics are tested on a prototype Gerotor and Vane unit. For both gerotor and vane units, comparisons of simulation results to experimental results for various dynamic quantities, such as pressure ripple, volumetric, and hydromechanical efficiency for multiple operating conditions, have been done. Extensive validation is performed for the case of gerotors where shaft torque ripple and the motion of the outer gear is experimentally validated. The thesis also comments on the distribution of the different torque loss contributions. The model for fluid inertia effects has been validated by comparing the lumped parameter model with a full three-dimensional Navier Stokes solver. The quantities compared, such as tooth space volume pressures and outlet volumetric flow rate, show a good match between the two approaches for varying operating speeds. A comparison with the experiments supports the modeling approach as well. The thesis also discusses which operating conditions and geometries play a significant role that governs the necessity to model such fluid inertia effects in the first place.</p>

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