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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving Aircraft Fuel Consumption Prediction through Ensemble Learning / Förbättrande av bränsleförbrukningsestimering genom ensembleinlärning

Gongzhang, Hanlin January 2022 (has links)
Performance models provided by aircraft manufacturers are used by aircraft operators to perform flight path simulations aiming to reduce aircraft fuel consumption. However, performance models are generic and does not account for the performance deviations of each aircraft individual. The performance deviations, particularly in terms of fuel consumption, will affect the dynamic programming of flight path simulations. This may result in a less optimal flight path and ultimately lead to higher fuel consumption than expected. In hope of reducing this risk, a collection of local performance factors were derived. These factors describe the percentual deviation between the real fuel flow and the levels predicted by the performance model, and are allocated with respect to a range of flight parameters in a data library known as the performance library. A test environment is then constructed to simulate a continuous flow of flight data, where a new performance library is derived from the flight data of every month. The local performance factors of the previous month are then updated with the current; a learning process based on the weighted average ensemble approach. Further, the local performance factors are used in conjunction with the performance model to estimate the aircraft fuel consumption during cruise. The observed average prediction error is noticeably smaller than that of an equivalent global, scalar performance factor used by airlines today. The result also reveals that the prediction accuracy and versatility of the performance library is mainly determined by its resolution - higher resolution generally offers better accuracy at a cost of requiring more flight data, whereas lower resolutions are more versatile but of lower accuracy. Finally, the performance libraries of two identical aircraft are used to trace the performance deviation between them. The weighted average of all local performance factors in the performance library of respective aircraft reveal that the average fuel consumption is roughly -1.9 % and -2.5 % lower than the estimates by the performance model, ultimately proving that it is feasible to detect overall fuel efficiency deviation between two identical aircraft. / Prestandamodeller tillhandhållna av flygplanstillverkarna används oftast av flygbolagen för att utföra flygruttsimuleringar i syfte att bespara bränsle. Dock är prestandamodellerna generiska och tillgodoräknar inte prestandaavvikelserna som förekommer hos varje flygplansindivid. Dessa prestandaavvikelser, speciellt i form av bränsleförbrukning, kommer att påverka den dynamiska programmeringen i flygruttssimulationen. Följde när flygrutter som kan leda till högre förbrukningar än de ursprungligen uppskattades. I hopp om att minimera denna risk beräknades mängder av lokala prestandafaktorer, vilka grundar på prestandamodellens avvikelse från verkliga flygdata. Dessa koefficienter allokerades sedan till ett databibliotek (prestandabibliotek) med avseende på en samling av flygparametrar. En testmiljö konstruerades i följd för att simulera ett kontinuerligt dataflöde. Vidare skapades ett prestandabibliotek för varje månadsflygdata, där de nyskapade lokala prestandafaktorerna viktas med de motsvarandeparterna i föregående månadens prestandabibliotek, vilket är en inlärningsprocessbaserad på viktad medelvärdesensemble. Prestandabiblioteket applicerades sedan över prestandamodellen och det snittliga uppskattning felet observerades vara märkbart mindre än det från en motsvarande global, skalärbaserad prestandafaktor. Resultatet antyder också på att prestandabibliotekets uppskattningsnoggrannhet och allsidighet beror huvudsakligen på dess upplösning - en hög upplösning leder generellt till ökad uppskattningsnoggrannhet med på bekostnad av mer flygdata, medan lägre upplösningar tenderar att vara mer allsidiga men med mindre uppskattningsnoggrannhet. Slutligen användes prestandabiblioteken av två identiska flygplan för att spåra prestandaavvikelser som förekommer mellan dem. Viktat medelvärde av alla prestandafaktorer i respektiveflygplanets prestandabibliotek tyder på att snittförbrukningen är ungefär 1,9 % respektive2,5 % lägre än det som uppskattades av prestandamodellen. Härmed bevisades att det är möjligt att spåra varianser i snittförbrukningen mellan två identiska flygplan.

Application of multidisciplinary design optimisation to engine calibration optimisation

Yin, Xuefei January 2012 (has links)
Automotive engines are becoming increasingly technically complex and associated legal emissions standards more restrictive, making the task of identifying optimum actuator settings to use significantly more difficult. Given these challenges, this research aims to develop a process for engine calibration optimisation by exploiting advanced mathematical methods. Validation of this work is based upon a case study describing a steady-state Diesel engine calibration problem. The calibration optimisation problem seeks an optimal combination of actuator settings that minimises fuel consumption, while simultaneously meeting or exceeding the legal emissions constraints over a specified drive cycle. As another engineering target, the engine control maps are required as smooth as possible. The Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) Frameworks have been studied to develop the optimisation process for the steady state Diesel engine calibration optimisation problem. Two MDO strategies are proposed for formulating and addressing this optimisation problem, which are All At Once (AAO), Collaborative Optimisation. An innovative MDO formulation has been developed based on the Collaborative Optimisation application for Diesel engine calibration. Form the MDO implementations, the fuel consumption have been significantly improved, while keep the emission at same level compare with the bench mark solution provided by sponsoring company. More importantly, this research has shown the ability of MDO methodologies that manage and organize the Diesel engine calibration optimisation problem more effectively.

Reduced Fuel Consumption of Heavy-Duty Vehicles using Pulse and Glide

Hall, Marcus, Forsberg, David January 2019 (has links)
The transport sector always strive towards reduced fuel consumption for heavydutyvehicles. One promising control strategy is to use Pulse and Glide. Themethod works by acceleration to a high speed and then glide in neutral gear to alow speed.Two different control strategies and four different glide options were investigated.The two strategies were either to follow the optimal BSFC-line or using optimalcontrol. For each strategy, different velocity spans between the upper and lowervelocity were tested.The results show that the fuel consumption can be reduced up to 8.1 % comparedto a constant speed driving strategy. The fuel consumption was reduced the mostfor lower velocities and if the difference between the upper and lower velocity forthe Pulse and Glide strategy was kept small. The fuel saving can be explaineddue to increased engine efficiency during the pulse. The results also show thatthe difference between the rule-based and optimization based control strategy issmall. It can be concluded that a near-optimal strategy for a heavy-duty vehicleutilizing Pulse and Glide is to always pulse on the optimal BSFC-line.

Catégorisation des comportements de conduite en termes de consommation en carburant : une méthode de découverte de connaissances contextuelles à partir des traces d’interactions / Categorization of driving behavior in terms of fuel consumption

Traoré, Assitan 19 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une méthode d'ingénierie des connaissances contextuelles qui permet la modélisation et l'identification du contexte explicatif d'un critère observé. Le contexte est constitué de connaissances explicatives situées permettant une représentation élicitée valide d'un objet dans la situation visée. Ces connaissances sont généralement découvertes lors de l'observation de la réalisation de l'activité dans laquelle cet objet est impliqué. Elles sont donc difficiles à décrire en début d'analyse d'une activité. Toutefois, elles restent nécessaires pour la définition, l'explication et la compréhension efficace d'une activité selon un critère observé caractérisant cette dernière. Cette thèse propose la définition progressive du contexte satisfaisant pour expliquer un critère observé lors de l'observation d'une activité. Cette recherche mobilise les traces d'interaction de l'activité analysée, précise la notion de contexte et exploite les méthodes de fouille de données pour réaliser la catégorisation et la classification d'un critère observé en distinguant les paramètres contextuels et non contextuels. L'environnement développé sur les principes des traces d'interaction, permet d'assister la découverte du contexte explicatif par une approche interactive, à l'aide des connaissances de l'analyste, de distinguer ce qui est contexte de ce qui ne l'est pas. Nous montrons qu'il est possible de construire un contexte valide, en le « découvrant » et en le formulant sous une forme générique, telle que proposée dans la littérature. Une application de la méthode a été effectuée en situation de conduite automobile pour modéliser et identifier le contexte explicatif de la consommation en carburant. En s'appuyant sur les connaissances existantes du domaine, la validation de la méthode est effectuée en étudiant qualitativement les connaissances produites sur la consommation réelle en carburant. La méthode est validée quantitativement en appliquant les règles de classifications établies sur des données collectées de l'activité de conduite. Cette illustration de l'analyse de l'activité de conduite automobile avec la méthode de découverte de connaissances contextuelles, pour déterminer le contexte explicatif de la consommation en carburant, a été effectuée à l'Ifsttar sur des données réelles collectées lors de l'activité de conduite en situation naturelle. Les expérimentations menées montrent des résultats encourageants et permettent d'envisager l'intégration de la méthode de découverte de connaissances contextuelles dans les pratiques des analystes de l'Ifsttar / This thesis proposes an engineering method of contextual knowledge that allows identification and modelling of explanatory context of observed criteria. The context consists of located explanatory knowledge allowing valid representation of an object in the covered situation. This knowledge is generally elicited when observing the activity performance in which the object is involved. They are therefore difficult to describe in the beginning of activity analysis but are necessary for the definition, explanation and effective understanding of an activity according to an observed criterion characterizing this activity. This thesis proposes a progressive definition of adequate context to explain an observed criterion during activity observation. The research mobilizes interaction traces of the analysed activity, clarify context notion and uses data mining methods for classification or categorization of an observed criterion by distinguishing contextual parameters and no contextual parameters. The developed environment, based on interaction traces principles, allows to assist explanatory context discovery by interactive approach, using context analyst knowledge. We demonstrate that it’s possible to build a valid context, by discovering it and by formulating it in a generic form as proposed in literature. An application of the method was performed in driving situation to identify and model the explanatory context of fuel consumption. The method validation is performed by studying produced knowledge on fuel consumption, qualitatively by relying on existing domain knowledge and quantitatively by applying classification rules established trough data collected from driving activity. This illustration of driving activity analysis with the contextual knowledge discovery method to determine explanatory context of fuel consumption was conducted at Ifsttar on real data, collected during driving activity in natural driving situation. The led experiments show encouraging results and allows considering the integration of contextual knowledge discovery method in Ifsttar analyst practices

Développement d'un outil de coupe économique et écologique pour le broyage des végétaux : analyse du mode de coupe, prototypage et innovation des moyens de coupe et de broyage / Development of economic and ecological cutting device for plant chipping : analysis of cutting mode, prototyping and innovation of cutting and chiiping means

Labbé, Stéphane 01 December 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation des plaquettes bois dans le secteur de l’énergie est en pleine croissance depuis les objectifs fixés par le grenelle de l’environnement. Cette utilisation croissante nécessite de plus en plus de matière première ainsi que des matériels de transformation. Ces machines de type déchiqueteuse / broyeur forestier consomme beaucoup d’énergie et dont la principale source est le pétrole. C’est pourquoi cette recherche propose dans un premier temps de définir un moyen d’évaluer la performance énergétique de ces machines puis dans un deuxième temps d’évaluer l’influence des paramètres de coupe sur la performance énergétique. Ce critère est défini comme le rapport entre la tonne de plaquettes sèches et l’énergie consommée par la déchiqueteuse. Il permettra d’évaluer une déchiqueteuse du marché. L’évaluation de la performance énergétique est réalisée en deux endroits distincts de la déchiqueteuse, proche de la coupe et de manière globale. Les différents résultats de l’influence des paramètres de coupe sont présentés afin de caractériser les plus importants dans le but d’une optimisation de la machine étudiée. Cette optimisation a permis de doubler la performance énergétique de la machine. La thèse a également mis en évidence les limites de l’utilisation de certains organes de sécurité réduisant la performance énergétique de 40%. Les différents travaux de recherche doivent permettre d’aider les concepteurs dans le dimensionnement de la source d’énergie nécessaire pour déchiqueter le bois / Consumption of fuelwood, mainly in the form of wood chips, is growing to achieve the goal fixed by the “Grenelle de l’Environment” Laws. Increasing wood chip production needs more and more raw materials and use of wood chippers or shredders is well established. These machines are very energy-consuming particularly in gasoline. First, this thesis presents original methods for measuring chipper performance and focuses on influence of cutting parameters on energy efficiency. Wood chipper energy performance is defined by the ratio between tonnes of dry wood chips and power consumed by the machine to produce them. Using energy efficiency determination method, all wood chippers will be compared and will help customer to choose the machine that consumes the least energy to produce wood chips. Wood chipper performance is measured at two different locations: one closer to the cutting area and the other at the wood chipper drive. The results show that wood chipper performance factor is properly defined and cutting parameters impacts wood chip performance. Cutting optimization halves the chipper fuel consumption to produce the same wood chips quantity. The results also show the limits of safeguard that reduce by 40% chipper performance. This thesis must help designers for developing more efficient machines to reduce their impact on the environment

Desempenho operacional de semeadora-adubadorae perdas na colheita do milho em sistema de plantio direto/

Grotta, Danilo Cesar Checchio. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: O objetivo buscado com o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi obter informações quanto às melhores alternativas para o sistema de semeadura direta em regiões com características semelhantes às de Jaboticabal/SP, na cultura do milho, em diferentes manejos de culturas de cobertura do solo. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP/Jaboticabal. Avaliou-se o desempenho do conjunto trator-semeadora-adubadora, o desenvolvimento de um híbrido simples de milho (DKB 390), e as perdas na colheita mecanizada em função de 2 culturas de cobertura crotalária (Crotalária juncea L.) e mucuna preta (Mucuna aterrina L.), manejadas de 3 formas, sendo duas mecânicas (triturador de palhas e rolo-faca) e uma química (herbicida via pulverizador) com a cultura do milho semeada a 5 cm de profundidade e deposição de adubo em 3 profundidades (11, 14 e 17 cm) totalizando 18 tratamentos com 4 repetições com delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial. Os resultados evidenciaram que a força de tração na barra foi menor nas profundidades 11 e 14 cm do sulcador de adubo, e o mesmo ocorreu para a força de tração na barra por fileira de semeadura, força de pico na barra de tração, potência na barra de tração, potência na barra por fileira de semeadura, consumos volumétrico e ponderal. O consumo específico foi maior na profundidade de 11 cm do sulcador de adubo. A distribuição longitudinal de plantas não foi influenciada pelos fatores. Os fatores cultura, manejo e profundidade não influenciaram as variáveis, fluxo de grãos, fluxo de material não grão, fluxo total e perdas totais. As perdas totais não foram influenciadas por nenhum dos fatores estudados. / Abstract: The objective sought with the development of the work was to obtain information on the best alternatives to the no-tillage system sowing in regions with similar characteristics to those of Jaboticabal / SP, in the corn crop in different management cultures of soil cover. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Laboratory of Machinery and Agricultural Mechanization (LAMMA) of São Paulo University State. It was evaluated the performance of all tractor-seeder-fertilizer, the development of a simple hybrid maize (DKB 390), and losses in mechanized harvesting crops in function of 2 coverage cultures (Crotalária juncea L.) and black mucuna ( Mucuna aterrina L.), managed in 3 ways, two mechanical (crusher of straw and roll-knife) and a chemical (herbicide spray route) with the corn crop sown to 5 cm deep and deposition of fertilizer in 3 depths ( 11, 14 and 17 cm) totaling 18 treatments with 4 repetitions with design in randomized blocks in factorial plots. The results showed that the force of traction in the bar was lower at depths of 11 to 14 cm stem of fertilizer, and the same occurred for the traction force on the bar by row of sowing, the power peak in the bar of traction, potency on the traction bar, potency on the traction bar by the row of sowing, consumption volumetric and weight. The specific consumption was higher in the depth of 11 cm from steam of fertilizer. The longitudinal distribution of plants was not influenced by factors. The factors culture, management and depth did not influence the variables of grain flow, flow of material non-grain, total flow and total losses. The total losses were not affected by any of the factors studied. / Orientador: Carlos Eduardo Angeli Furlani / Coorientador: Rouverson Pereira da Silva / Banca: Alberto Carvalho Filho / Banca: Wilson José Oliveira de Souza / Banca: Afonso Lopes / Banca: Leandro Borges Lemos / Doutor

Improving the precision of vehicle fuel economy testing on a chassis dynamometer

Chappell, Edward January 2015 (has links)
In the European Union the legislation governing fleet CO2 emissions is already in place with a fleet average limit of 130g/km currently being imposed on all vehicle manufacturers. With the target for this legislation falling to 95g/km by 2020 and hefty fines for noncompliance automotive engineers are working a pace to develop new technologies that lower the CO2 emissions and hence fuel consumption of new to market vehicles. As average new vehicle CO2 emissions continue to decline the task of measuring these emissions with high precision becomes increasingly challenging. With the introduction of real world emissions legislation planned for 2017 there is a development driven need to precisely assess the vehicle CO2 emissions on chassis dynamometers over a wide operating range. Furthermore since all type approval and certification testing is completed on chassis dynamometers, any new technology must be proven against these test techniques. Typical technology improvements nowadays require repeatability limits which were unprecedented 5-10 years ago and the challenge now is how to deliver this level of precision. Detailed studies are conducted into the four key areas that cause significant noise to the CO2 emissions results from chassis dynamometer tests. These are the vehicle electrical system, driver behaviour, procedural factors and the chassis dynamometer itself. In each of these areas, the existing contribution of imprecision is quantified, methods are proposed then demonstrated for improving the precision and the improved case is quantified. It was found that the electrical system can be controlled by charging the vehicle battery, not using auxiliary devices and installing current measurement devices on the vehicle. Simply charging the vehicle battery prior to each test was found to cause a change to the CO2 emissions of 2.2% at 95% confidence. Whilst auxiliary devices were found to cause changes to the CO2 emissions of up to 43% for even a relatively basic vehicle. The driver behaviour can be controlled by firstly removing the tolerances from the driver’s aid which it was found improved the precision of the CO2 emissions by 43.5% and secondly by recording the throttle pedal movements to enable the validation of test results. Procedural factors, such as tyre pressures can be easily controlled by resisting the temptation to over check and by installing pressure sensing equipment. Using a modern chassis dynamometer with low parasitic losses will make the job of controlling the dynamometer easier, but all dynamometers can be controlled by following the industry standard quality assurance procedures and implementing statistical process control tools to check the key results. The implementation of statistical process control alone improved the precision of unloaded dynamometer coastdown checks by reducing the coefficient of variation from 6.6 to 4.0%. Using the dynamometer to accelerate the vehicle before coastdown checks was found to approximately halve the variability in coastdown times. It was also demonstrated that verification of the dynamometer inertia simulation and response time are both critically important, as the industry standard coastdown test is insufficient, in isolation, to validate the loading on a vehicle. Six sigma and statistical process control techniques have shown that for complex multiple input single output systems, such as chassis dynamometer fuel economy tests, it is insufficient to improve only one input to the system to achieve a change to the output. As a result, suggested improvements in each noise factor often have to be validated against an input metric rather than the output CO2 emissions. Despite this, the overall level of precision of the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption seen at the start of the research, measured by the coefficient of variation of approximately 2.6%, has been improved by over six times through the simultaneous implementation of the findings from this research with the demonstration of coefficient of variation as low as 0.4%. Through this research three major contributions have been made to the state of the art. Firstly, from the work on driver behaviour an extension is proposed to the Society of Automotive Engineers J2951 drive quality metric standard to include the a newly developed Cumulative Absolute Speed Error metric and to suggest that metrics are reviewed across the duration of a test to identify differences in driving behaviours during a test that do not cause a change to the end of test result. Secondly, the need to instrument the vehicle and test cell to record variability in the key noise factors has been demonstrated. Thirdly, a universal method has been developed and published from this research, to use response modelling techniques for the validation of test repeatability and the correction of CO2 emissions. The impact of these contributions is that the precision of chassis dynamometer emissions tests can be improved by a factor of 6.5 and this is of critical importance as the new real world driving and world light-duty harmonised emissions legislation comes into force over the next two to five years. This legislation will require an unprecedented level of precision for the effective testing of full vehicle system interactions over a larger operating range but within a controlled laboratory environment. If this level of precision is not met then opportunities to reduce vehicle fuel consumption through technology that only has a small improvement on fuel consumption, which is likely given the large advances that have be achieved over the last few decades, will be missed.

Desempenho propulsivo de embarcações de pesca: estudo aplicado à melhoria das embarcações do Espírito Santo. / Propulsive performance of fishing vessels: sttudy applied to the improvement of Espirito Santo\'s vessels.

Guesse, Lucas de Carvalho 25 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um procedimento simples e robusto para avaliação e análise do desempenho de instalações propulsoras de embarcações de pesca operando no Estado do Espírito Santo. O objetivo é verificar se as embarcações estão operando com baixa eficiência propulsiva, portanto, com consumo de combustível maior do que o desejável, e identificar possíveis ações de melhoria desta eficiência que poderiam ser implementadas com baixo custo. Tendo em vista as condições artesanais da construção e operação das embarcações de pesca no Espírito Santo, o procedimento foi desenvolvido de forma a poder ser aplicado com relativa facilidade pelas pessoas envolvidas na atividade pesqueira artesanal neste Estado. O procedimento envolve o levantamento de informações sobre a geometria do casco, as características da instalação propulsora existente e sobre alguns aspectos do desempenho das embarcações. Para este levantamento são propostos métodos e técnicas suficientemente simples para que possam ser facilmente aplicadas nos estaleiros. Com base nestes dados levantados implementou-se no procedimento proposto diversos algoritmos que permitem determinar o coeficiente propulsivo das embarcações de pesca e a perda de energia útil que ocorre tanto no motor, por conta de condições inadequadas de operação, quanto na transmissão desta energia para o hélice. Para a validação dos métodos e técnicas envolvidos neste procedimento e dos resultados fornecidos por ele, o mesmo foi aplicado em alguns cascos de embarcações de pesca disponíveis em estaleiros visitados no Estado. Para uma destas embarcações o procedimento foi aplicado em sua totalidade, permitindo identificar a baixa eficiência da instalação propulsora e algumas das possíveis causas que provocam a perda de energia útil no sistema. Finalmente, com base nesse exemplo de aplicação, um estudo de possíveis melhorias na instalação propulsora é apresentado ao final do trabalho. / This study presents a simple and robust procedure to the performance evaluation and analysis of propulsion systems of fishing vessels operating in the Espírito Santo State. The goals are to verify if the vessels are operating at low propulsive efficiency, therefore, with a fuel consumption greater than desired, and identify possible actions to improve this efficiency that could be implemented at a low cost. The procedure was developed in view of the conditions of construction and operation of fishing vessels in Espírito Santo, so that it can be applied with relative ease by the people involved in artisanal fishing activity in this State. The procedure involves the collection of information about the geometry of hull, the characteristics of existing propulsion plant and some aspects of the performance of the vessels. To do this data collection, this paper proposes methods and techniques simple enough to be easily applied in the shipyards. Based on these data collected, the proposed procedure implemented several algorithms to ascertain the propulsive coefficient of fishing vessels and the energy loss which may occur due to the inadequate operating conditions and in energy transmission to propeller. It has been applied in some fishing vessel hulls available on sites visited to validate the methods and techniques involved in this procedure and its results. The procedure was applied, in its entirety, in one of this vessels, that allowed to identify the low efficiency of the propulsion plant and some of the possible causes that justify this energy loss in the system. Finally, based on this application example, a study of possible improvements in propulsion plant is presented at the end of work.

An emulator of an engine-car system by an engine-dynamometer system

Lee, Wing Hong January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Elec.E)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Wing Hong Lee. / Elec.E

Semeadura da soja em sistemas de rotação de culturas e integração agricultura-pecuária em um latossolo sob sistema de plantio direto / Seeding of soybean in systems of handling culture and cattle-raising integration in oxisol under no tillage system

Gurgacz, Flavio 17 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:25:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavio_texto.pdf: 2261502 bytes, checksum: 70662acf10f6cee0e3ad7d7d457cd0c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-17 / The no tillage system with cattle-raising integration blunts as an alternative to agricultural activities diversification providing income increase, production risks decrease and optimization of the machinery and inputs. The no tillage seed drill available in the market disposal some components that adapts itselves to different plantation conditions. On the other hand some information are necessary to indicate in which situations the mechanism must be modified and what is its effect in the culture implantion. In this direction it was conducted a research under an oxisol in Cascavel-PR evaluating the performance of a fertilizer and seed drill in the implantation of soybean culture under different systems of soil management. Were used fertilizer coulters cinzel type, double disc and its absence under two rotation systems (wheat/soybean and covering plant/soybean) and cattle-raising integration. For the area characterization were determined the density, macroporosity, microporosity, penetration resistance, humidity and soil vegetal covering. In the tractor were determined the fuel consumption, the drawbar force, pneumatic slip, rotation of the engine and speed. The other evaluated parameters were the depth of ridge and seeds, mobilized soil in the line, index of emergency speed (IVE), plant population and productivity. The results showed a tendency of modification in the soil physics parameters according to management system and a modification in the seeder performance equipped with different coulters under the different soil conditions.The fuel consumption, drawbar force, pneumatic silp and speed were significantly modified by the coulter mechanism. The cinzel coulter showed greater depth of ridge and seeds, soil mobilizing in the line and minor IVE. The soybean productivity was not influenced by the coulter mechanism but was affected by the management system being the major value obtained in the cattle-raising integration system in function of the biggest population of plants gotten. It was concluded that when it works with different management systems it is necessary to modify the coulters of soil preparation in the sowing line to get the desired results. / O sistema plantio direto junto com a integração agricultura-pecuária desponta como alternativa à diversificação das atividades agrícolas, proporcionando aumento de renda, diminuição dos riscos de produção e otimização de máquinas e insumos. As semeadoras para plantio direto, disponíveis no mercado, disponibilizam vários componentes que se adaptam as diferentes condições de implantação da lavoura. Por outro lado, são necessárias informações que indiquem em quais situações deve-se modificar um mecanismo e qual seu efeito na implantação da cultura. Nesse sentido, implantou-se um trabalho sob latossolo no município de Cascavel - PR, avaliando-se o desempenho de uma semeadora adubadora na implantação da cultura da soja sob diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo. Utilizou-se sulcadores de fertilizante tipo haste, disco duplo e sua ausência sob dois sistemas de rotação de cultura (trigo/soja e planta de cobertura/soja) e integração agricultura-pecuária. Para a caracterização da área, mensurou-se a densidade, macroporosidade, microporosidade, resistência à penetração, umidade e cobertura vegetal do solo. No trator, foram mensurados o consumo de combustível, força na barra de tração, patinagem dos rodados, rotação do motor e velocidade. Os outros parâmetros avaliados foram a profundidade de sulco e sementes, revolvimento do solo na linha, índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE), população de plantas e produtividade. Os resultados mostram uma tendência de modificação nos parâmetros físicos do solo de acordo com o sistema de manejo e modificação do desempenho da semeadora equipada com os diferentes mecanismos sob as diferentes condições de solo. O consumo de combustível, requerimento de força, patinagem e velocidade foram significativamente modificados pelo mecanismo sulcador. O mecanismo tipo haste obteve maior profundidade de sulco e sementes, revolvimento do solo na linha e menor IVE. A produtividade de soja não foi influenciada pelo mecanismo sulcador e sim pelo sistema de manejo, sendo o maior valor obtido no sistema integração agricultura-pecuária, em função da maior população de plantas obtida. Concluiu-se que, quando se trabalha com diferentes sistemas de manejo, é necessário modificar os mecanismos de preparo do solo na linha de semeadura, para se obterem os resultados desejados.

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