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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sponzoring v malých sportovních organizacích / Sponsoring of small Sports Organizations

Sikora, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the sponsorship in small sports organizations. The theoretical part of thesis specifies the term sponsorship, sports sponsorship and also defines the concept of a small sports organizations and their importance in sport. In the practical part, we used a mixed method approach. The first phase was qualitative survey and we conducted semi-structured interviews in 9 sports organizations. The second part is a quantitative survey among officials and members of sports clubs and fans (the target group of advert). The results reveal the level of sponsorship within the small sports organizations and define its importance for these organizations and the sponsors itself. The work provides useful advice for sports organizations in acquisition of new sponsors.

Systém financování vysokých škol v ČR a ve vybraných zemích EU / System of Higher Education Funding in the Czech Republic and in Selected European Union Countries

Tomcová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the description and analysis of the system of higher education funding in the Czech Republic and in selected EU countries. First, it focuses on the meaning and conception of the education, then the education is analyzed in the view of the public goods theory. The next section of the thesis characterizes the higher education system, analyses its funding and compares these systems within selected countries. The final part focuses on the presentation and evaluation of prepared changes in the higher education law, then applies gained knowledge and suggests possible changes to the funding system in the Czech Republic.

Potenciál českého faktoringového trhu / The potential of the Czech factoring market

Rippl, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of factoring and its aim is to assess the potential of the Czech factoring market and on its basis to evaluate the possibilities of entry of a new competitor into the factoring industry. The theoretical part explains the economic substance of factoring, describes the process of factoring operation and emphasizes the main advantages and disadvantages, that factoring provides to the clients of factoring companies. The analytical part analyzes the current state of factoring market, describes the major trends and estimates the future development. The key part of this thesis is concerned with analysis of external and internal environment of domestic factoring market conducted using PEST analysis and Porter's five forces model. The analysis' outcomes result in list of conditions for the entry of potential investors into the factoring industry in the Czech Republic. The practical part contents three scenarios by which the author suggests three options on how to implement the entry on the domestic factoring market.

Místní poplatky / Local charges

Kaszová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of local taxes with the accent on dog taxes. It is divided into three main parts. The first part is a theoretical definition of financing for municipalities and characterized by individual local charges with the greatest emphasis on dog tax and qualitative evaluation on a selected group of municipalities, the result is a detailed description applied for an exemption which vary considerably between cities. The second part deals with the taxation of international comparison of animals in our country and in the European Union, including a comparison of rates and specifications, including recommendations for the Czech Republic. The last part of dox tax analyzed from the perspective of the revenue from the fee depending on the individual tax rates or the number of registered dogs. There is also a development compared rates for the years 2002 and 2012, and the different categories. The analysis shows that the rate of fee increases along with the increase of the maximum possible rate and the number of dogs is dependent on the rate of the fee.

Framing Within Tech Crowdfunding Campaigns : How does the use of different cognitive framing categories influence the crowdfunding success of technology startups?

Putrenko, Alex, Oppor, Philip January 2019 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between the use of framing within crowdfundingcampaigns of technology startup companies and the funding outcomes of these campaigns.We examine how the presence of cognitive framing categories of opportunity, threat, noveltyand commonality within crowdfunding pitches of technology startups affect the chance ofsuccessfully receiving funding. In order to examine the effect of framing on the funding outcomes of crowdfundingcampaigns, a qualitative, explorative research approach is employed. With the use of anexisting framing framework, we identify, categorize and analyze the content of crowdfundingcampaigns. The data sample we analyze is comprised of publicly available technologycompany crowdfunding campaigns collected from Kickstarter, a crowdfunding platform. The results suggest that the presence of novelty and opportunity framing withincrowdfunding campaigns is most closely associated with successful funding. We alsodiscover that several other campaign components, both prose and non-prose, which did notconform into the framing cognitive categories outlined, may also be important for thesuccessful funding of campaigns.

Exploring the factors influencing the sustainability of mobile clinics for the delivery of the expanded programme on immunisation to the rural areas of the Northern Cape.

Losper, Julia January 2021 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Northern Cape province has not been able to achieve the 90% immunization target recommended for South Africa’s expanded programme on immunisation (EPI). The situation has been attributed to the lack of access to EPI in the rural community. The Northern Cape’s poor infrastructure renders the provision of equitable preventive care service to rural communities a complex and costly task. The province is predominantly a rural setting consisting of farmland, with low population densities, and many residents have poor access to public transport to receive primary health care services from surrounding fixed or satellite clinics. Consequently, mothers often do not adhere to the immunization schedules, and lack awareness of the risks associated with the failure to have their infants vaccinated against communicable diseases. EPI services delivered via mobile clinics serve the primary health care needs for rural communities, but their sustainability remains a challenge. Additional barriers are found in literature which highlighted the shortage of health professionals, unreliable funding, limited transportation within rural areas and deficiencies in maintenance and suitability of mobile clinic vehicles.

Förderprogramme in Sachsen: Sachstand

Plaza, Sylwia 13 June 2019 (has links)
Die Nutzung von Förderprogrammen durch sächsische Kommunen zur Realisierung von Infrastrukturinvestitionen ist eines der Untersuchungsgebiete des Kompetenzzentrums für kommunale Infrastruktur Sachsen (KIS). Ziel ist es herauszufinden, welche Herausforderungen die Kommunen in Sachsen bei Beantragung, Abruf und Abrechnung von Fördermitteln antreffen und wie diese Hindernisse eine effektive Verteilung der zur Verfügung stehenden Fördermittel in Sachsen erschweren.

Third Party Funding in International Commercial Arbitration : Disclosure Challenges in Primary and Secondary Markets of Legal-Claims

Al Khatib, Iyad January 2021 (has links)
Third-party funding (TPF) has grown to be a popular phenomenon in the past two decades with a large global market (billions of USD). This success came with new complications regarding conflicts of interest that threaten the impartiality and independence of arbitrators who may have common-interests with funders. Disclosure of funding has been proposed as a solution and ordered in many cases. However, it was not always approached in systematic ways. Similar TPF cases may have inconsistent decisions. The thesis tackles disclosure in arbitrations to arrive to conclusions on whether it is needed, if all funding-information should be disclosed, and if legal-bases grant tribunals the powers to order such disclosures.  Disclosure opponents raise several objections, which are discussed in the thesis. One objection touches upon the root of many problems namely, TPF definitions. Opponents argue that available-definitions do not circumscribe many funding-models i.e., they are biased against an array of investors that should not be considered as funders. Due to the muddy waters that tribunals have been walking to decide issues on TPF-disclosure, there are inclinations to regulate disclosure. Lately, two national-legislations that include disclosure-regulations have been enforced in Hong Kong and Singapore. Few arbitral-institutions have addressed TPF disclosure (inter alia 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules). In jurisdictions and institutions without such regulations and rules, the soft-law IBA-Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration have been used but with different interpretations depending on arbitrators’ views and case-circumstances. The respective definitions do not address modern economic-realities in secondary-markets of claims. This causes dilemmas in deciding if investors in such markets are considered as funders per se. The thesis assesses TPF-disclosure in international commercial arbitration and analyses its applications in primary and secondary markets. The aim is to draw the attention to disclosure challenges in both markets, propound recommendations, and show that solving such challenges calls for: (i) revising existent-definitions to accommodate evolving funding-models, (ii) differentiating between disclosure-requirements in primary and secondary markets, and (iii) regulating TPF of arbitrations. One result is a proposed definition for ‘TPF of arbitration’ that encompasses unattended issues in existent-definitions. Other results show the need for mandatory-disclosure of funders’ identities (leaving funding-arrangements to tribunals on a case-by-case basis). Such results help to strike a balance between avoiding conflicts of interests and funders’ non-disclosure interests i.e., balancing between TPF transparency and confidentiality.

Financování rozvoje lidských zdrojů z fondů EU / Financing of Human Resources Development from EU Funds

Buljak, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis is the project implementation with the help of European funds. The project is focused on supporting the education of the staff in a non-profit organization. Included in the thesis is the introduction of basic concepts of European Structure Funds, Operational Programs of Czech republic and the development of the project in a comprehensive and admissible form.

Financování neziskové organizace / Funding of Nonprofit Organization

Zabák, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with evaulating of non-profit organizations focusing on amateur football clubs. During the analytical part,a financial statement will ge given by a CBA analysis based on a practical example of designing a new building with changing rooms and technical infrastructure of the football club "TJ Sokol Slavonin". "Finally, proposals improving the return on investment, followed by a financial structure, how to finance the project in an optimal way, show that an integrated finance model was created.

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