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Supplement or Supplant? Estimating the Impact of State Lottery Earmarks on Higher Education FundingBell, Elizabeth, Wehde, Wesley, Wiens-Strucky, Madeleine 01 December 2020 (has links)
In the wake of declining state support for higher education, many state leaders have adopted lottery earmark policies, which designate lottery revenue to higher education budgets as an alternative funding mechanism. However, despite the ubiquity of lottery earmarks for higher education, it remains unclear whether this new source of revenue serves to supplement or supplant state funding for higher education. In this paper, we use a difference-in-differences design for the years 1990–2009 to estimate the impact on state appropriations and state financial aid levels of designating lottery earmark funding to higher education. Main findings indicate that lottery earmark policies are associated with a 5 percent increase in higher education appropriations, and a 135 percent increase in merit-based financial aid. However, lottery earmarks are also associated with a decrease in need-based financial aid of approximately 12 percent. These findings have serious distributional implications that should be considered when state lawmakers adopt lottery earmark policies for higher education.
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Efforts towards Security: Hybrid and Pure Token Offerings : An exploratory multiple case study of novel financing methods in the blockchain environment for entrepreneursCvetanovic, Andjela, Haaf, Simon January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Characteristics Associated With The Effectiveness Of Resource Development Programs At Florida Community CollegesMorgan, Nancy 01 January 2005 (has links)
As educational funding from traditional sources decreases and the cost of operating educational programs increases, community colleges are seeking ways to diversify funding streams and increase revenue. For many 2-year colleges, resource development, particularly the procurement of government grants and contracts, represents a viable source of revenue. The purpose of this research was (a) to establish a profile of grant development programs in Florida community colleges and (b) to identify factors associated with successful grant development. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect information about grant development programs at the 28 publicly-supported community colleges in the state of Florida. Twenty-six colleges completed the survey. The grant success rate, return on investment, and organizational and operational integration of institutional advancement functions of the respondent colleges were incorporated into linear mathematical models to predict grant development success. Although no statistically significant predictive relationships were determined, organizational and operational integration of institutional advancement functions can not be considered to be without some influence on a college's ability to generate grant revenue. The potential for community college efforts to yield increasing grant funding will continue to transform higher education. The study of the components and characteristics that allow for predicting successful grant acquisition is of continuing research interest and mounting practical importance to community college presidents, administrators, trustees, and resource development professionals.
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Strategic Improvement: A Systems Approach Using The Balanced Scorecard Methodology To Increase Federally Financed Research At The University Of Central FloridaWalters, Joseph 01 January 2013 (has links)
The University of Central Florida has many successful measures to reflect on as it celebrates its 50th year in 2013. It is the university with the 2nd largest student population in the U. S. and its overall ranking in the U.S. News & World Report has improved 4 years in a row. However, with respect to research, the federally funded research and development for the University of Central Florida (UCF) has remained flat. In addition, when compared to other schools, its portion of those federal research dollars is small. This thesis lays the groundwork for developing a model for improving the federally financed academic research and development. A systems approach using the balanced scorecard methodology was used to develop causal loop relationships between the many factors that influence the federal funding process. Measures are proposed that link back to the objectives and mission of the university. One particular measure found in the literature was refined to improve its integration into this model. The resulting work provides a framework with specific measures that can be incorporated at the university to improve their share of the federally financed research and development. Although developed for UCF this work could be applied to any university that desires to improve their standing in the federal financed academic research and development market.
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This report analyses the work on implementing the Women Peace and Security(WPS) agenda in Myanmar. As the conflict in the country is excessively complex withmultiple ethnic, indigenous, and linguistic groups we asked the important question:Who gets included/excluded from their implementation of WPS? And where lies thepower to shape gender equality work in the country? We answer this by looking atpower from two perspectives, material resources, and knowledge which both act associally constructive and exclusionary power. We argue that several bureaucraticinstitutions’ implementation lacks conflict sensitivity and intersectional perspective. While answering the questions we explain how the work and relationship betweendifferent international actors affect the local organization.
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Open-Science-Snack: ein Service der Universitätsbibliothek Freiberg14 June 2023 (has links)
Wissenschaft lebt vom offenen Austausch von Erkenntnissen. Die Open-Science-Bewegung prägt weltweit die Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftspolitik und -förderung in immer stärkerem Maße. Um die Wissenschaftler:innen der TU-Bergakademie Freiberg regelmäßig über die für den Forschungsalltag wichtigsten Open-Science-Themen zu informieren, hat die Universitätsbibliothek Freiberg einen neuen Service eingerichtet: den Open-Science-Snack. Zugeschnitten auf das Fächerspektrum und die vorhandenen Infrastrukturen der TU Bergakademie Freiberg enthält jeder „Snack“ einen Kurzbeitrag zu einem bestimmten Open-Science-Thema mit Links zu weiterführenden Informationen sowie einen Überblick zu den aktuellen wissenschaftspolitischen Entwicklungen und Fördervorgaben im Kontext von Open Science. Ergänzt werden die Beiträge zum Teil durch eine kurze Vorstellung von Repositorien, Open-Access-Zeitschriften oder -Büchern.
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An Examination of Evaluation Plan Quality in Human Service Nonprofit OrganizationsHarrison, Sarah M. 20 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance Funding of State Public Higher Education: Has it Delivered the Desired External Accountability and Institutional Improvement?Polatajko, Mark M. 30 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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An Examination of the Effects of Students SES, School Funding, and Teaching Resources on Test Scores Among Ohio High School StudentsAntestenis, Gwendolen K. 01 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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