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Vývoj komplexního simulátoru slunečního záření a jeho spolupráce s FV modulem / Development of the complex simulator of the solar irradiance and its cooperation with the PV modulePetrov, Roman January 2018 (has links)
The main point of this thesis is the extension of the complex solar radiation simulator, the creation of new functionalities, and the cooperation of this complex simulator with the PV power plant. This work builds on the work done in the area of solar radiation modeling. The thesis deals with the continuation, or improvement of some shortcomings, removing shortcomings, such as fixing the beginnings and ends of the simulation, correcting the calculation of sunrise and sunset, but also adding different types of clouds, combinations of different preset cloud situations, or data input, and more. These deficiencies are found in the bachelor's thesis "Complex Simulator of the solar irradiance", and PSCAD is the main tool in this work. Another important point of this work is the realization of the simulation where an improved solar radiation simulator works in cooperation with a model of a photovoltaic panel or a PV power plant, respectively. It has different operating states created in PSCAD. These include, for example, cloud crossings, both over the entire power plant and only partial. In addition, there are experiments that prove the fact that the direction of the incoming cloud plays a role in the power of the PV power plant.
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Racionalizace konceptu připojení fotovoltaické elektrárny / Rationalization of the concept of photovoltaic power station connectionSvozil, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This masters thesis addresses the racionalization of the concept of photovoltaic power station connection. A way of compensation valuable components involvement standar- tizovaným inverter controlled by a microcontroller. Also includes the measurement of voltage and current using a microcontroller. The output voltage of the DC/DC con- verter is controlled by the variable duty cycle of the PWM signal generated by the microcontroller ATmega32.
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Wellenlängenmultiplexing mit thermisch fixierten Volumenphasenhologrammen in photorefraktiven Lithiumniobat-Kristallen / Wavelength Division Multiplexing with Thermally Fixed Volume Phase Holograms in Photorefractive Lithium Niobate CrystalsBreer, Stefan 08 September 2000 (has links)
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is essential for further enhancement of the transmission capacities of optical
telecommunication systems. Key devices in WDM networks are multiplexing/demultiplexing components, which enable
the combination/separation of several carrier waves with different wavelengths for the purpose of simultaneous
transmission through one optical fibre. These components can be realized using Bragg diffraction from volume
holographic gratings. Especially reflection holograms provide a pronounced wavelength selectivity which makes them
attractive for free-space WDM applications.
Holograms can be stored permanently in photorefractive lithium niobate crystals by the method of Thermal Fixing.
Heating of the crystal during or after the recording process and subsequent development by homogeneous illumination at
room temperature create nonvolatile holograms. The recording and development processes of Thermal Fixing in iron-
and copper-doped lithium niobate crystals were investigated. Macroscopic Gaussian-shaped intensity patterns were
used to analyse the origin of the fixing mechanism. Spatially resolved absorption measurements were performed to
determine the concentration profiles of electron traps (Fe II/III) and protons. Results of computer simulations were
compared with experimental results, which showed that protons can be found to work as compensators during hologram
recording at temperatures around 180 degree C. Nevertheless thermal fixing without protons was possible, another
compensation mechanism stood in. The obtained refractive-index changes were due to the electro-optic effect, other
contributions could be neglected.
With this detailed knowledge about thermal fixing, a two-channel demultiplexing unit was built by superposition of two
thermally fixed reflection holograms in an iron-doped lithium niobate crystal. For this purpose a special two-beam
interference setup with precisely adjustable writing angles was arranged in a vacuum chamber to eliminate thermally
induced phase disturbances of the holographic recording procedure. Continuous development of the holograms by
incoherent light was necessary. In the dark, the enhanced dark conductivity of the crystal used gave rise to a hologram
degradation within about one day. Large diffraction efficiencies were attained (intensity losses between 2.3 and 5.2 dB
only) uilizing crystals with high-quality polished surfaces. The crosstalk supression of the realized demultiplexer was >
25 dB, which is comparable with the performance of other multiplexing techniques like fibre Bragg gratings or
arrayed-waveguide gratings. The low polarization dependence of the demultiplexer can be improved by superposition of
two holograms for each channel.
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Optimization of postharvest Technology for "Rojo brillante" Persimmon and Introduction of New Varieties in the Mediterranean AreaFathi Najafabadi, Ayoub 02 September 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En las últimas dos décadas, la producción de caqui en España ha aumentado exponencialmente y la superficie de cultivo se ha multiplicado casi por ocho. En la actualidad, la producción de caqui está centralizada en el cultivar 'Rojo Brillante', que es mundialmente apreciado. Sin embargo, esta centralización supone una importante limitación comercial.
En la presente Tesis se abordan dos objetivos principales: 1) Optimización de la tecnología pre y postcosecha con el fin de garantizar la calidad del caqui 'Rojo Brillante' durante la frigoconservación y el transporte a mercados internacionales. 2) Evaluación del comportamiento bajo condiciones mediterráneas de variedades introducidas de otras regiones productoras con el fin de ampliar el rango varietal de caqui. El primer objetivo de esta Tesis se logró a través de los estudios presentados en los Capítulos I al V. El segundo objetivo se abordó en los Capítulos VI y VII.
En el Capítulo I se esclarecieron las causas del pardeamiento interno del fruto en los envíos a los mercados internacionales. La temperatura a la que se expone la fruta inmediatamente tras la aplicación del tratamiento de desastringencia con altas concentraciones de CO2 se identificó como el principal factor implicado en esta alteración. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que esta alteración se puede evitar mediante la implementación de un período de atemperado de 24 h después del tratamiento con CO2, antes de conservar las frutas a bajas temperaturas.
En el Capítulo II se evaluó la eficacia de un tratamiento de desastringencia recientemente patentado basado en la aplicación de una nueva cera que contiene etanol en su formulación. Los resultados mostraron que esta cera podría ser una alternativa al tratamiento convencional de desastringencia con altas concentraciones de CO2 cuando la fruta se envía a mercados lejanos a bajas temperaturas. La aplicación de la nueva cera antes de conservación en frío provocó la pérdida de astringencia de la fruta tras 30 días a 0 °C, preservando la firmeza y la calidad interna.
Los resultados del Capítulo III demostraron que la realización de dos aplicaciones de ácido giberélico (AG) en precosecha permite retrasar el proceso de maduración de la fruta en el árbol con respecto a una sola aplicación. La combinación de AG en precosecha y 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) en postcosecha resultó en una mayor calidad del fruto durante la frigoconservación en comparación con la aplicación únicamente de 1-MCP. Además, la fruta tratada con múltiples aplicaciones de AG mostró una firmeza ligeramente mayor tras de conservación a baja temperatura.
En el Capítulo IV se demostró que, paralelamente al retraso de la maduración, el tratamiento con AG también retrasa la senescencia del cáliz, incrementando la calidad externa del fruto. La senescencia del cáliz durante la maduración del fruto se relacionó con una disminución de los parámetros de fluorescencia de clorofila (Fo, Fm y Fv/Fm).
En el Capítulo V se estudiaron las condiciones óptimas de almacenamiento del caqui producido bajo cultivo ecológico. Según los resultados, no se deben almacenar los frutos cosechados con firmeza inferior a 30 N. La calidad del fruto durante la conservación dependió de las condiciones de almacenamiento, momento de aplicación del tratamiento de deastringencia y estado de madurez inicial.
Por último, en los Capítulos VI y VII se abordó la evaluación bajo condiciones mediterráneas de 14 variedades de caquis no-astringentes procedentes de otros países. Se identificaron las variedades tempranas y tardías que pueden ser potencialmente interesantes para ampliar el período de cosecha en nuestra región. Los estudios postcosecha mostraron que todas las variedades estudiadas presentan una buena aptitud para ser comercializadas en los mercados nacionales y europeos. Sin embargo, la sensibilidad a los daños por frío que presentaron algunas de las variedades estudiadas podría limitar su
comercialización a países de ultramar. Además, se observó que la respuesta al
tratamiento con 1-MCP, para el control de los daños por frío, dependió en gran
medida de la variedad. / [CA] En les últimes dues dècades, la producció de caqui a Espanya ha augmentat exponencialment i la superfície de cultiu s'ha multiplicat quasi per huit vegades. En l'actualitat, la producció de caqui està centralitzada en el la cultivar 'Rojo Brillante', que és mundialment apreciat. Malgrat això, aquesta centralització suposa d'una banda una important limitació comercial, ja que la producció es concentra en un període de collita relativament curt i, d'altra banda implica un alt risc fitosanitari.
En la present Tesi s'aborden dos objectius principals: 1) Optimització de la tecnologia pre i postcollita amb la finalitat de garantir la qualitat del caqui 'Rojo brillante' durant la frigoconservació i el transport a mercats internacionals. 2) Avaluació del comportament de varietats introduïdes d'altres regions productores sota condicions mediterrànies amb la finalitat d'ampliar el rang varietal de caqui.
En el Capítol I es van esclarir les causes de l l'enfosquiment intern. La temperatura a la qual s'exposa la fruita immediatament després de l'aplicació del tractament de desastringència amb altes concentracions de CO¿ es va identificar com el principal factor implicat en aquesta alteració. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que aquesta alteració es pot evitar mitjançant la implementació d'un període de temperat de 24 h després del tractament amb CO¿, abans de transferir la fruita a baixes temperatures.
En el Capítol II es va avaluar l'eficàcia d'un tractament de desastringència recentment patentat basat en l'aplicació d'una nova cera que conté etanol en la seua formulació en caquis 'Rojo Brillante' i 'Triumph'. Els resultats van mostrar que aquesta cera podria ser una alternativa al tractament convencional de desastringència amb altes concentracions de CO¿ quan la fruita s'envia a mercats llunyans a baixes temperatures. L'aplicació de la nova cera abans de conservació en fred va provocar la pèrdua d'astringència de la fruita després de 30 dies a 0 °C, preservant la fermesa i la qualitat interna.
Els resultats del Capítol III van demostrar que l'aplicació de dos tractaments d'àcid giberèlic (AG) en precollita permet retardar el procés de maduració de la fruita en l'arbre respecte a una sola aplicació. La combinació de AG en precollita i 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) en postcollita va incrementar la qualitat del fruit durant la frigoconservació en comparació amb l'aplicació únicament de 1-MCP. A més, la fruita tractada amb múltiples aplicacions de AG va mostrar una fermesa lleugerament major després de conservació a baixa temperatura; no obstant això, una sola aplicació de AG també va ser eficaç per a previndre la manifestació de danys per fred en la fruita.
En el Capítol IV es va demostrar que, paral·lelament al retard de la maduració, el tractament amb AG també retarda la senescència del calze, incrementant la qualitat externa del fruit. La senescència del calze durant la maduració del fruit es va relacionar amb una disminució dels paràmetres de fluorescència de clorofil·la (Fo, Fm i Fv/Fm).
En el Capítol V es van estudiar les condicions òptimes d'emmagatzematge del caqui produït baix cultiu ecològic. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts, no s'han d'emmagatzemar els fruits collits amb fermesa inferior a 30 N. La conservació del fruit va dependre de les condicions d'emmagatzematge, moment d'aplicació del tractament de desastringència i estat de maduresa de la fruita.
Finalment, en els Capítols VI i VII es va abordar l'avaluació de 14 varietats de caquis no-astringents. Es van identificar les varietats primerenques i tardanes que poden ser potencialment interessants per a ampliar el període de collita. D'altra banda, els estudis postcollita van mostrar
que totes les varietats estudiades presenten una bona aptitud per a ser
comercialitzades en els mercats nacionals i europeus. No obstant això, la
sensibilitat als danys per fred que van presentar algunes de les varietats
estudiades podria limitar la seua comercialització a països d'ultramar. A més,
es va observar que la resposta al tractament amb 1-MCP, per al control dels
danys per fred, va dependre en gran manera de la varietat. / [EN] In the last two decades, persimmon production in Spain has increased exponentially and the cultivation area has expanded almost eight-fold. The current production of persimmon is focused on the cultivar 'Rojo Brillante', which is appreciated worldwide due to the high quality of the fruit. Nevertheless, centralized production of this single cultivar implies a major commercial limitation as its high volume of production is concentrated in a relative short harvesting period. Furthermore, it also implies a high phytosanitary risk.
In this context, this Thesis addresses two main objectives: 1) Optimization of pre- and postharvest technology in order to guarantee the quality of 'Rojo Brillante' persimmon after cold storage and transportation to overseas markets. 2) Evaluation of the behavior of foreign varieties of persimmon under Mediterranean conditions in order to extend the varietal range.
The first objective of this Thesis was tackled through the studies presented in Chapters I to V. The second objective was covered in Chapters VI and VII.
Chapter I dealt with the causes of internal browning disorder manifested after cold shipment of 'Rojo Brillante' persimmons to overseas markets. The temperature to which fruit is exposed immediately after CO2 deastringency treatment was identified as the main factor involved in this alteration. Our results showed that this disorder can be avoided by implementing an attemperation period of 24 h after the CO2 treatment, before transferring fruit to cold storage.
In Chapter II, the effectiveness of a recently patented deastringency treatment based on applying a new wax containing ethanol was assayed in 'Rojo Brillante' and 'Triumph' persimmons. The use of this new ethanol-based wax could be a potential alternative to the conventional CO2 deastringency treatment when the fruit are sent to distant overseas markets at low temperatures. Application of the new wax before cold storage led to loss of fruit astringency after 30 days at 0 °C while preserving fruit firmness and internal quality.
The results of Chapter III demonstrated that two applications of gibberellic acid (GA) made it possible to delay the fruit maturity process on the tree more than with just a single application. The combination of GA and 1-methylciclopropene (1-MCP) preserved the fruit quality better than with the application of 1-MCP alone during cold storage. Moreover, the fruit treated by multiple GA applications showed a slightly higher firmness after cold storage. However, a single GA application was also effective in preventing the manifestation of chilling injury (CI) in fruit.
Chapter IV demonstrated that in parallel to delaying maturity, the GA treatment also delayed calyx senescence, which meant that the fruit preserved a good appearance. The calyx lobe senescence during fruit ripening was linked to a decrease in all Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging (CFI) parameters (Fo, Fm, and Fv/Fm).
Chapter V addressed the optimization of storage conditions for organic persimmons. According to our results, fruit harvested with a firmness lower than 30 N must not be stored. Fruit harvested with a higher level of firmness could be stored for up to three weeks depending on the storage conditions, the moment of application of the CO2 deastringency treatment, and the stage of fruit maturity. The longest storage period (3 weeks) was achieved when fruit were harvested with a firmness of around 45 N, submitted to CO2 treatment and then stored at 15 °C.
Finally, 14 foreign varieties grown under Mediterranean conditions were evaluated to identify early- and late-season varieties with potential to extend the harvesting period. This is presented in Chapters VI and VII. In general, all the evaluated varieties fulfilled the quality criteria to be commercialized in domestic and European markets. However, sensitivity to CI was variety dependent and response to 1-MCP treatment was also observed to depend on the variety. / This study has been supported by the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria de España (INIA) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the projects RTA 2013-00043-C02-01 and RTA2017-00045-C02-01. In addition, it has been supported by the Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research (Project N° 51910). This study has also been founded by the Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte de la Comunidad Valenciana (project GV/2016/183). Ayoub Fathi Najafabadi thanks the INIA for grant FPI-INIA #43 (CPD2015-0151). The authors thank Fomesa Fruitech S.L.U. and Natural Hand S. L. for their technical support, Cooperativa Agrícola Ntra Sra de Loreto for its technical support and for making the plots and fruit used in this study available and Plant Production Department (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias) for providing the fruit weight data and the photographs of the different varieties. / Fathi Najafabadi, A. (2021). Optimization of postharvest Technology for "Rojo brillante" Persimmon and Introduction of New Varieties in the Mediterranean Area [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171252 / Compendio
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Koncept nabíjecí stanice s možností off-grid provozu pro elektrokola / Concept of Charging Stations with off-grid Operation for Electric BicyclesLeitman, Valentín January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with charging stations for electric bicycles powered by renewable energy. The aim of this work is to make a proposal for the hybrid charging stations for electric bicycles, which will work independently and, if necessary, will be backed up by a network. In this thesis is entered theoretical information on the issue of electric bicycles, the batteries, charging stations, the connectors of chargers, and photovoltaic systems. The practical part of this thesis is the basic design of the charging station and its design of the mathematical model of the individual parts in Simulink program, which are linked to the actual design of the charging station. In conclusion, this thesis deals with energy and economic analysis of the proposed system, therein included various methods of assessing investment recommendations of appropriate processing methods and overall assessment of the subject.
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High order numerical methods for a unified theory of fluid and solid mechanicsChiocchetti, Simone 10 June 2022 (has links)
This dissertation is a contribution to the development of a unified model of
continuum mechanics, describing both fluids and elastic solids as a general
continua, with a simple material parameter choice being the distinction
between inviscid or viscous fluid, or elastic solids or visco-elasto-plastic
media. Additional physical effects such as surface tension, rate-dependent
material failure and fatigue can be, and have been, included in the same
The model extends a hyperelastic formulation of solid mechanics in
Eulerian coordinates to fluid flows by means of stiff algebraic relaxation
source terms. The governing equations are then solved by means of high
order ADER Discontinuous Galerkin and Finite Volume schemes on fixed
Cartesian meshes and on moving unstructured polygonal meshes with
adaptive connectivity, the latter constructed and moved by means of a in-
house Fortran library for the generation of high quality Delaunay and Voronoi
Further, the thesis introduces a new family of exponential-type and semi-
analytical time-integration methods for the stiff source terms governing
friction and pressure relaxation in Baer-Nunziato compressible multiphase
flows, as well as for relaxation in the unified model of continuum mechanics,
associated with viscosity and plasticity, and heat conduction effects.
Theoretical consideration about the model are also given, from the
solution of weak hyperbolicity issues affecting some special cases of the
governing equations, to the computation of accurate eigenvalue estimates, to
the discussion of the geometrical structure of the equations and involution
constraints of curl type, then enforced both via a GLM curl cleaning method,
and by means of special involution-preserving discrete differential operators,
implemented in a semi-implicit framework.
Concerning applications to real-world problems, this thesis includes
simulation ranging from low-Mach viscous two-phase flow, to shockwaves in
compressible viscous flow on unstructured moving grids, to diffuse interface
crack formation in solids.
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