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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Pickens, David Bruce, III 29 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of design requirements for early failure detection in a gear test rig / Analys av konstruktionskrav för detektering av tidiga kuggskador i en kuggprovningsrigg

Spaccesi, José Agustín January 2020 (has links)
Gears are the heart of many machines, being its function transform and transmit torque. This work is a study of adequate design requirements, in particular, the best methodology to early detect gear fatigue failure using a gear test rig, an FZG test machine. The study used the widely proved QFD analysis technique that introduces the client in the design process by using a matrix system. All available relevant literature on the subject and interviews with relevant people in the field were sources of information for the development of this technique. In that way, a mapping is presented, showing the most common fatigue failure modes and available detection methods.  As a result of the investigation, the most suitable technique for the early gear failure detection in the FZG rig to be a combination of vibration analysis and acoustic emissions analysis, these techniques present the best practice at the moment and also possible to implement. However, other technologies are also presented in the report. / Kuggväxlar uppfyller en viktig funktion i många system. I det här arbetet studerades de viktigaste konstruktionskraven hos en tetstrigg för kugg, en FZG-rigg, för att kunna detektera tidiga tecken på kuggskador. Litteraturstudier tillsammans med intervjuer av personer från industrin lade grunden till en jämförelse av produktegenskaper som uppfyller kundkraven med hjälp av en så kallad Quality Function Deployment matrix (QFD-matris). I en QFD omvandlas kundkrav till funktion- och konstruktionskrav, i och med den kunde också de vanligaste kuggskadorna och detekteringsmetoderna kartläggas.  De mest relevanta teknikerna för att detektera tidiga tecken på skador i en FZG-rigg idag visade sig vara en kombination av vibrationsmätningar och akustiska emissionsmätningar. Lösningen är möjlig att implementera. Även andra teknologier finns presenterade i rapporten. / Los engranajes son el corazón de muchas máquinas, siendo su función transformar y transmitir par. En este trabajo se realizó un estudio de los requisitos de diseño más adecuados, en particular, la mejor metodología para detección anticipada de fallo a fatiga de engranajes testeados en un banco de pruebas de engranajes FZG. Durante el estudio se utilizó la técnica de análisis QFD que introduce al cliente en el proceso de diseño mediante el uso de un sistema matricial. Toda la literatura relevante disponible sobre el tema, así como entrevistas a personas relevantes en el campo fueron utilizadas como fuente de información para el desarrollo de dicha técnica. También se realizó un mapeo de los diferentes modos y mecanismos de fallo por fatiga más comunes, así como los métodos de detección disponibles.  Como resultado de la investigación se concretó como metodología más adecuada para la detección anticipada de fallo de engranajes en los bancos de prueba FZG, una combinación de análisis de vibraciones y análisis de emisiones acústicas, estas técnicas presentan las mejores características en función de la dificultad de implementación. Sin embargo, en el informe también se presentan otras tecnologías.

Efficiency of Surface Treated Electric Vehicle Gears / Effektivitet av Ytbehandlade Kugghjul för Elektriska Fordon

Hansson, Jakob January 2022 (has links)
Gears are an important part of many machines. This thesis is a study in how new mechano-chemical surface treatments can be used to improve the efficiency in gear transmissions, specifically those relating to electric vehicles. The primary equipment used for this research is the FZG-test rig, a rig dedicated for the evaluation of lubricant and gear behaviour. To achieve an understanding of the effects of surface treatment, how gear contacts interact, and how geometry affects the efficiency, a substantial background study was performed, mixing various fields of knowledge and incorporating results from previous projects utilizing the FZG-test rig. Throughout the experimental phase of the project many goals had to be adjusted based on various problems encountered. Notable gear wear was observed in addition to the fact that many of the examined gears fell outside some of the specified manufacturing tolerance requirement. As a result, the data acquired from the testing is inconclusive. It is not possible to clearly establish the correlation between the effects of the new surface treatments method and efficiency due to the uncertainty in the interaction between lack of quality and a previously untested lubricant. These results are however still of benefit as to establish future test conditions and to identify the potential problems with FZG-testing. / Kugghjul är en viktig del i många maskiner. Denna rapport är en studie i hur nya mekaniska-kemiska ytbehandlingar kan tillämpas för att förbättra effektiviteten i kugghjulstransmissioners, specifikt för tillämpning i elektriska fordon. Den centrala utrustningen som använts i denna undersökning är en FZG-testrigg, en testrigg vars huvudsakliga uppgift är utvärdering av smörjmedel och kugghjulsbeteende. För att uppnå en förståelse av effekterna av ytbehandlingar, hur kugghjulskontakter interagerar, och hur kugghjulsgeometri påverkar effektiviteten, har en betydlig bakgrundstudie genomförts. Denna studie blandade flera olika kunskapsområden, samt resultat från tidigare projekt som även tillämpande FZG-testriggen. I projektets experimentella fas krävdes justeringar i flera av projektets mål på grund av problem som uppstod. Betydlig nötning kunde identifieras i samband med att flera av kugghjulen var utanför de nödvändiga tillverknings toleranskraven. I följd av detta är data från experimenten som utfördes icke-slutgiltiga. Det är inte möjligt att med säkerhet etablera ett samband mellan effekterna av den nya metoden av ytbehandling och effektivitet på grund av den osäkerhet som uppstår via kvalitetsbrister och ett smörjmedel som tidigare ej testats på KTH. Detta är fortfarande viktiga positiva resultat för att kunna etablera framtida test förhållanden och identifiera möjliga problem i experiment med FZG-testriggen.

Thermal modelling of an FZG test gearbox / Termisk modellering av FZG-test-växellåda

Prakash del Valle, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
Gearboxes are always subject of study in order to increase their efficiency. Energy losses in gear contacts are transformed into heat which is distributed among the gearbox components increasing their temperature. A thermal model of the gearbox brings the opportunity of a deeper understanding of the heat dissipated related to the power losses in the gear contact. A MATLAB program based on ordinary differential equations was developed in order to make a thermal model of an FZG test gearbox. The model is based on a thermal network where each node represents a machine element. The thermal network is composed by thermal resistances due to deformation in the gear contact, conduction, convection and radiation. With thermal resistances, power losses and thermal inertia of each element, the temperature evolution was obtained by applying the First Principle of Thermodynamics. Due to the temperature evolution, heat transfer between different elements was estimated. Additionally, experimental results from an FZG test rig were implemented in the model and also used to verify its accuracy. Furthermore, additional features to the model such as a cooling system and spray lubrication were also studied. Results show a wide capability and handling of the program in terms of thermal analysis: heat flux direction and magnitude, visual tools such as thermal network of the test gearbox, as well as the analysis of different operating conditions. With these tools, an approach to the minimum amount of lubricant necessary and other ways to quench overheating could then be reached. Keywords: Thermal network, FZG gear test rig, heat flow, temperature, MATLAB, ODE. / Växellådor är ständigt ett forskningsområde för att förbättra deras verkningsgrad. Energiförluster i kuggkontakter omvandlas till värme som sprids i växellådan som sedan värmer upp komponenterna. En termisk modell av växellådan gör det möjligt för djupare förståelse hur värmen sprids i förhållande till energiförlusterna i kuggkontakten. Ett MATLAB-program baserat på ordinära differential-ekvationer utvecklades för att göra en termisk modell av en växellåda i en kuggrigg från FZG. Modellen är baserad på ett termiskt nätverk där varje nod representerar en maskinkomponent. Det termiska nätverket består av resistanser som uppstår på grund av deformation i kuggkontakten, ledning, konvektion och strålning. Med termiska resistanser, energiförluster, termisk tröghet från komponenterna och genom att applicera termodynamikens första grundsats kunde temperatur-genereringen bestämmas. Från temperatur-genereringen kunde värme-ledningen mellan komponenter uppskattas. Testresultat från en FZG-kuggrigg användes för att verifiera modellens noggrannhet. Andra egenskaper till modellen, som ett annat kylsystem och spraysmörjning studerades för att undersöka möjligheteten att adderas till modellen. Resultat visar på en bred användning av modellen i avseende på termisk analys: värmeflödets storlek och riktning, ett visuellt redskap för växellådans temperatur och hur växellådans temperatur varierar under olika driftförhållanden. Med de här redskapen kan den minsta oljemängden som behövs för att smörja kuggkontakten undersökas och hur kylning av kugghjulen kan förbättras. Nyckelord: Termiskt nätverk, FZG kugghjuls-rigg, värmeflöde, temperatur, MATLAB, ODE

Efficiency and Roughness Characteristics of Surface Treated Powder Metal Electric Vehicle Gears

Mohandas, Vyshak, Thazhathe Kalathil, Sreekuttan January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents an experimental research study aimed at identifying the optimal mechano-chemical surface treatment for powder metallurgy gears utilized in electric vehicles (EVs). The primary objective of the study is to determine the most effective surface treatment method in terms of enhancing gear transmission efficiency. The experiments utilise a specialized FZG test rig, which allows for comprehensive testing under realistic operating conditions. In addition, a surface roughness measurement device is used to evaluate the impact of the surface treatments on the gear's surface characteristics. The results obtained from the experiments reveal a particular type of surface treatment as the most effective among the test samples considered within the scope of the thesis, as it significantly improves gear transmission efficiency. These findings contribute to the advancement of surface treatment techniques for powder metallurgy gears used in EVs, aiding in the development of more efficient and high-performing gear systems for electric mobility. / Denna avhandling presenterar en experimentell forskningsstudie som syftar till att identifiera den optimala mekano-kemiska ytbehandlingen för pulvermetallurgiväxlar som används i elfordon (EV). Det primära syftet med studien är att fastställa den mest effektiva ytbehandlingsmetoden när det gäller att förbättra effektiviteten i växelöverföringen. Experimenten utförs med hjälp av en specialiserad FZG-testrigg, som möjliggör omfattande tester under realistiska driftsförhållanden. Dessutom används en ytråhetsmätningsanordning för att utvärdera effekten av ytbehandlingarna på kugghjulets ytegenskaper. Resultaten från experimenten avslöjar en viss typ av ytbehandling som den mest effektiva bland de testprover som betraktas inom ramen för avhandlingen, eftersom den avsevärt förbättrar växeltransmissionens effektivitet. Dessa fynd bidrar till utvecklingen av ytbehandlingstekniker för pulvermetallurgiska redskap som används i elbilar, vilket hjälper till att utveckla mer effektiva och högpresterande växelsystem för elektrisk mobilitet.

Efficiency and wear properties of spur gears made of powder metallurgy materials

Xinmin, Li January 2016 (has links)
Powder metallurgy (PM) is usually used in manufacturing parts with complex geometries, such as gears and structural parts. The main attractions of PM are the high rate of material utilization, environmental friendliness of production, economic advantages (especially for complex geometries), and possibility of obtaining lighter components. To find a wide range of applications and compete with regular steel gears, PM gear transmissions should have good transmission efficiency and wear properties. Furthermore, they should have low contact noise and adequate surface fatigue properties. Because of the porosity structure of PM gears both on gear flanks and in the body, the friction and wear properties of PM gear flank contacts differ somewhat from those of regular steel gears.    This doctoral thesis examines the efficiency and wear properties of PM gears. Paper A compares the wear, friction, and damage mechanism properties of two sintered gear materials with those of a standard gear material. Paper B deals with the gear mesh torque loss mechanism of PM and regular steel gears by combining both pin-on-disc frictional and FZG efficiency tests. Paper C comparatively examines the efficiency of PM and regular steel gears by conducting FZG gear efficiency tests. Paper D focuses on the wear and friction properties of PM and regular steel gear materials treated using the triboconditioning process. Paper E studies the friction and wear properties attributable to different pore sizes in PM gear materials.    The results indicate that regular steel meshed with PM gear material and PM meshed with PM gear material are good candidate combinations for gear transmissions. This is because the porosities of PM material can lower the friction coefficient while the wear rate can be the same as or even better than that of regular steel contacts. The triboconditioning process enhances the wear resistance and reduces the friction coefficient of the PM gear material. The friction and wear coefficients of PM meshed with PM gear material display increasing trends with increasing pore size. The friction and wear coefficients of regular steel meshed with PM gear material display decreasing trends with increasing pore size. / <p>QC 20160523</p>

A Methodology to Evaluate the Dynamic Behavior of Back-to-back Test Machines

Gullo, Thomas W. 17 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Engineered Surface Processes on Efficiency of Spur Gears

Chaudhury, Kreteeka 23 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An Experimental Investigation of Materials and Surface Treatments on Gear contact Fatigue Life

Klein, Mark Andrew 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

CFD simulation of dip-lubricated single-stage gearboxes through coupling of multiphase flow and multiple body dynamics : an initial investigation

Imtiaz, Nasir January 2018 (has links)
Transmissions are an essential part of a vehicle powertrain. An optimally designed powertrain can result in energy savings, reduced environmental impact and increased comfort and reliability. Along with other components of the powertrain, efficiency is also a major concern in the design of transmissions. The churning power losses associated with the motion of gears through the oil represent a significant portion of the total power losses in a transmission and therefore need to be estimated. A lack of reliable empirical models for the prediction of these losses has led to the emergence of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) as a means to (i) predict these losses and (ii) promote a deeper understanding of the physical phenomena responsible for theselosses in order to improve existing models. The commercial CFD solver STAR-CCM+ is used to investigate the oil distribution and the churning power losses inside two gearbox configurations namely an FZG (Technical Institute for the Study of Gears and Drive Mechanisms) gearbox and a planetary gearbox. A comparison of two motion handling techniques in STARCCM+ namely MRF (Moving Reference Frame) and RBM (Rigid Body Motion) models is made in terms of the accuracy of results and the computational requirements using the FZG gearbox. A sensitivity analysis on how the size of gap between the meshing gear teeth affects the flow and the computational requirements is also done using the FZG gearbox. Different modelling alternatives are investigated for the planetary gearbox and the best choices have been determined. The numerical simulations are solved in an unsteady framework where the VOF (Volume Of Fluid) multiphase model is used to track the interface between the immiscible phases. The overset meshing technique has been used to reconfigure the mesh at each time step. The results from the CFD simulations are presented and discussed in terms of the modelling choices made and their effect on the accuracy of the results. The MRF method is a cheaper alternative compared to the RBM model however, the former model does not accurately simulate the transient start-up and instead provides just a regime solution of the unsteady problem. As expected, the accuracy of the results suffers from having a large gap between the meshing gear teeth. The use of compressible ideal gas model for the air phase with a pressure boundary condition gives the optimum performance for the planetary gearbox. The outcomes can be used toeffectively study transmission flows using CFD and thereby improve the design of future transmissions for improved efficiency.

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