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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing factors that influence position accuracy in a hydroacoustic telemetry system

Connolly, Jessica 10 September 2012 (has links)
Simulation modelling was used to quantify the accuracy of positions estimated in a three dimensional underwater environment. Time of arrival differences combined with multilateration methods were used to make positional estimates of a signal source (acoustic tag). The network studied was used to examine position estimates of aquatic organisms within a sensor (hydrophone) array. Hydrophone position uncertainty (distribution and variance), background noise converted to a measurement of signal strength in the form of a signal to noise ratio, a signal to noise ratio threshold and geometry of the hydrophone array were considered. Each of these factors was studied at two levels by way of a 2 to the power of 5 factorial design and analyzed with an ANOVA analysis to determine their influence on three dimensional positioning error. The level of background noise and hydrophone geometry were the two most influential factors in position accuracy. When a high level of background noise was present, it was essential that hydrophone geometry was as close to ideal as possible to ensure accurate position estimates.

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Niveles y Condiciones de Aprendizaje Organizacional (ENCAO) en trabajadores de una empresa privada peruana [Artículo] / Psychometric properties of the Organizational-Learning Levels and Conditions Scale (for its Spanish acronym, ENCAO) in employees of a Peruvian private company [Article]

Suárez Mora, Gloria, Fazio Zegarra, Alessandra, Manzanares Medina, Eduardo 02 1900 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas (evidencias de validez y confiabilidad) de la ENCAO en trabajadores de una empresa privada del sector de hidrocarburos en Lima Metropolitana. Para esto, se evaluó a una muestra de 384 participantes, 64 % mujeres y 36 % hombres, con edades entre los 19 y los 56 años (M = 29.57 años, DE = 7.33). Como evidencias de validez de la estructura interna del instrumento, se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), donde se encontró una estructura de cuatro factores relacionados (formación y cultura organizacional, aprendizaje social, aprendizaje grupal y aprendizaje estratégico individual) con los 21 ítems de la escala, los cuales explicaron el 60.33 % de la varianza total y obtuvieron adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste (χ² = 371.66; χ²/gl = 2.03; CFI = .99; RMSEA = .041). Como fuente de validez externa se obtuvieron correlaciones moderadas (entre .31 y .46) con la variable satisfacción laboral. Los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach de los cuatro factores oscilaron entre .60 y .84. Se concluye que la ENCAO y sus puntuaciones derivadas son una medida válida y fiable para medir el aprendizaje organizacional en el sector laboral evaluado. / Revisón por pares

Síndrome metabólica e padrões alimentares de indivíduos idosos do Estudo SABE: Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento. / Metabolic syndrome and dietary patterns of older adults from the Health, Well-being and Aging Survey (SABE)

Dourado, Daiana Aparecida Quintiliano Scarpelli 17 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A síndrome metabólica (SM) é frequente em idosos. A alimentação influencia a prevalência, constituindo uma das variáveis de risco modificáveis, com impacto positivo no controle da doença. Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre SM e padrões alimentares de indivíduos idosos do município de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal que utilizou os dados do Estudo SABE: epidemiológico, de coortes e de base domiciliar. A população deste estudo incluiu idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, selecionados por amostra probabilística, e entrevistados em 2010, pertencentes a três coortes A/2000 (n=630), B/2006 (n=214) e C/2010 (n=311). As variáveis de estudo foram: a) referidas: sexo, idade, escolaridade, ingestão de bebida alcoólica, tabagismo, atividade física e número de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis; b) mensuradas: SM, identificada segundo os critérios do National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII) sendo circunferência da cintura > 102 cm, para homens, e > 88 cm, para mulheres; pressão arterial 130 e/ou 85 mmHg (obtidas por entrevistadores previamente treinados); triacilgliceróis 150 mg/dL; High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) colesterol < 40 mg/dL, para homens e < 50 mg/dL, para mulheres; glicemia de jejum >100 mg/dL (por meio de amostra sanguínea); obesidade, classificada pelo índice de massa corporal 30kg/m2. Os dados de alimentação foram obtidos por meio de entrevista domiciliar registrando-os em formulário específico, com 107 alimentos, classificados em 18 grupos de alimentos. Os padrões alimentares foram determinados pela análise fatorial exploratória por componentes principais. Foram utilizados teste de qui-quadrado de Rao & Scott para amostragem complexa, bem como regressão logística múltipla, com nível de significância de 5 por cento . O programa estatístico STATA 13.1 foi adotado para os cálculos. Resultados: 1.155 indivíduos foram estudados e a prevalência de SM foi de 57,9 por cento . Quatro padrões alimentares foram identificados: padrão 1, composto por: frituras, embutidos, enlatados, doces, tubérculos, temperos/molhos industrializados e ovos, denominado inadequado; padrão 2, laticínios desnatados, cereais e pães integrais e alimentos light, diet ou zero, denominado padrão modificado; padrão 3, óleos vegetais, arroz, cereais refinados e pão branco, carnes e leguminosas, denominado padrão tradicional brasileiro; e, padrão 4, frutas, verduras e legumes e tubérculos, denominado benéfico. O padrão modificado foi associado positivamente à SM. Idosos do 4º quartil do padrão modificado aumentaram em 60 por cento o risco da presença de SM. O padrão benéfico foi associado negativemente à SM, em idosos 70 anos (coorte A). Os padrões inadequado e tradicional brasileiro não foram associados significativamente à SM. Conclusão: O padrões alimentares modificado e benéfico estiveram associados a SM. Indivíduos do padrão modificado apresentaram aumento do risco de SM, e do padrão benéfico redução do risco para idosos mais velhos. A associação ao padrão modificado pode ser devido à mudanças alimentares implementadas no dia a dia dos indivíduos idosos, após diagnóstico de anormalidades metabólicas. / Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is common in elderly people. The feeding influences its prevalence constituting one of the modifiable risk factor, with positive impact on the disease control. Objective: To investigate the association between MS and dietary patterns of older adults from São Paulo city. Methods: Cross-sectional study that used data from the SABE survey: epidemiological, cohort based and home-dweling. The study population included elderly individuals ( 60 years old), both sexes, selected by probability sampling, and interviewed in 2010, belonging to three cohorts A/2000 (n = 630), B/2006 (n = 214) and C / 2010 (n = 311). The study variables were: a) referred: gender, age, education, alcohol consumption, smoking, physical activity, number of chronic noncommunicable diseases; b) measured: MS, identified according to the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII): waist circumference > 102 cm for men, and > 88 cm for women; blood pressure 130 and/or 85 mmHg (obtained by trained interviewers); triglycerides 150 mg/dL; high density lipoprotein cholesterol < 40 mg/dL for men, and < 50 mg/dL for women; fasting glucose > 100 mg/dL (through blood samples); obesity, c classified by body mass index 30 kg/m2. The feeding data were obtained by one specific food frequency questionnaire with 107 foods, classified into 18 food groups. Dietary patterns were determined by exploratory factor analysis of principal components. Rao & Scott and multiple logistic regression for complex sample were used, with 5 per cent significance level. The statistical software STATA 13.1 was adopted for calculations. Results: 1155 subjects were studied. The prevalence of MS was 57.9 per cent . Four dietary patterns were identified: pattern 1, composed by fried foods, sausages, canned foods, sweets, tubers, spices/sauces and processed eggs, called inappropriated; pattern 2, composed by low-fat dairy products, whole grain cereals and breads, and light, diet or zero food, called modified; pattern 3, composed by vegetable oils, rice, refined cereals and white bread, meat and legumes, called Brazilian traditional pattern; and pattern 4, fruits, vegetables and tubers, called beneficial. The modified pattern was positively associated to MS. 4th quartile modified pattern older adults had increased in 60 per cent the risk of MS. The beneficial pattern was negatively associated to MS, in the older individuals ( 70 y, cohort A). The inappropriated and Brazilian traditional patterns were not significantly associated to MS. Conclusion: The modified and beneficial dietary patterns were associated to MS. Modified individuals pattern showed increased risk of MS. Beneficial pattern reduced the risk to the oldest older individuals. The modified pattern could be due to dietary changes implemented in the older adults daily life after diagnosis of metabolic abnormalities. .

Crises financeiras: efeito contágio ou interdependência entre os países? Evidências utilizando uma abordagem multivariada / Financial crisis: contagion effect or interdependence among countries? Evidences using a multivariate approach

Vidal, Tatiana Ladeira 28 September 2011 (has links)
As turbulências causadas internacionalmente por crises financeiras levam estudiosos a análises dos impactos destas, ganhando destaque os conceitos de efeito contágio e interdependência. Efeito contágio pode ser entendido como uma quebra na estrutura de transmissão de choques previamente existente entre os países. Caso os choques transmitidos não sejam intensos o suficiente para promover esta mudança na interrelação entre as economias, diz-se que o cenário de interdependência foi mantido. O objetivo deste trabalho é, a partir das metodologias sugeridas por Forbes e Rigobon (2002) e Corsetti, Pericoli e Sbracia (2005), verificar indícios de efeito contágio entre quinze economias em oito episódios de crises financeiras. Os dois trabalhos propõem alternativas de ajustes nos coeficientes de correlação entre os países, os quais são utilizados como Proxy para a interrelação entre as economias, no intuito de corrigir problemas de heterocedasticidade nos dados que levariam a vieses indesejados nos resultados. Conclui-se que o modelo de Corsetti, Pericoli e Sbracia (2005), como esperado, apresentou-se mais eficiente em encontrar indícios de efeito contágio, uma vez que abrange variações nas componentes dos retornos não consideradas pelo modelo de Forbes e Rigobon (2002). Os resultados, corroborados por testes de robustez, indicam a crise asiática de 1997 como a mais contagiosa, seguida pelo ataque terrorista de 11 de setembro de 2001, crise brasileira de 1999, bolha da internet de 2000 e crise do Subprime. Os outros episódios não apresentaram indícios de contágio o que indica choques restritos ao país de origem da crise. / The international turbulences caused by financial crisis lead researchers to analyze their impacts, emphasizing the concepts of contagion effect and interdependence. Contagion effect can be understood as a break on the shock transmission structure previously existent between countries. In case the transmitted shocks are not strong enough to promote this change in the economies relation, the interdependence has been kept. This study object is, using the Forbes and Rigobon (2002) and Corsetti, Pericoli and Sbracia (2005) suggested methodology, verify the contagion effect between fifteen economies and eight financial crisis episode. Both studies are alternatives of adjustments on the correlation coefficients between countries as a proxy to the interrelation, to correct the data from heteroskedasticy problems which lead to biased results. The study conclusion is that the Corsetti, Pericoli and Scracia (2005) model is more efficient to detect contagion, once it considers the variance of the returns components that are not considered at Forbes and Rigobon (2002) approach. The results are corroborated by robustness tests. The most contagion episode is the 1997 asian crisis, followed by the terrorist attack from 2001 September 11th, 1999 brazilian crisis, the 2000 internet bubble and the Subprime crisis. The others episodes do present any evidence of contagion effect. This fact indicate that the shocks were restrict to the crisis origin country.

Um estudo da percepção dos consumidores frente aos atributos do selo orgânico Brasil em alimentos /

Lima, Anderson Rodolfo de January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Andréa Rossi Scalco / Coorientador: João Guilherme de Camargo Ferraz Machado / Coorientador: Sérgio Silva Braga Junior / Resumo: Como meio de diferenciar os atributos de produtos orgânicos frente aos produtos convencionais, os selos orgânicos começaram a ser utilizados na década de 1990. Os selos orgânicos são emitidos por instituições certificadoras credenciadas e independentes, as quais atestam que determinado produto é orgânico. No entanto, a identificação e a compreensão das informações agregadas aos produtos orgânicos pelos selos podem não ser facilmente percebíveis aos consumidores. Diante desse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a percepção dos consumidores no que se refere aos atributos dos alimentos com certificados de orgânicos no Brasil. Para tanto, os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de um survey, utilizando como instrumento de coleta questionários semiestruturado. A aplicação do instrumento foi feita por meio da internet com 148 consumidores em dezembro de 2017 que reconhecem o selo de produto orgânico do Brasil. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e da Análise Fatorial Exploratória. Os resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa apontaram que o consumidor percebe 24 atributos relevantes no selo orgânico do Brasil (dentre 26 atributos), quando desenvolvida a análise estatística descritiva dos dados. Além disso, a análise multivariada considerou que a percepção dos consumidores sobre o selo orgânico considerou três grandes fatores, "Respeito ao trabalhador", "Respeito ao meio ambiente" e "Bem-estar animal e associativismo". / Abstract: As a means of differentiating the attributes of organic products from conventional products, organic labels began to be used in the 1990s. Organic labels are issued by accredited and independent certifying institutions, which attest that a particular product is organic. However, identification and understanding of the information aggregated to organic products by labels may not be easily perceived by consumers. In view of this context, the present study aims to evaluate consumers' perceptions regarding the attributes of foods with organic certificates in Brazil. To do so, the data were collected through the application of a survey, using semi-structured questionnaires as a collection instrument. The application of the instrument was done through the internet with 148 consumers in December 2017 who recognize the Brazilian organic product label. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and the Exploratory Factor Analysis. The results found in this research indicate that the consumer perceives 24 relevant attributes in the Brazilian organic label (among 26 attributes), when the descriptive statistical analysis of the data was developed. In addition, the multivariate analysis considered that the perception of consumers on the organic label considered three major factors: "Respect for the worker", "Respect for the environment" and "Animal welfare and associativism". / Mestre

Trampa de la pobreza en el Perú : Enfoque de acumulación de activos para los años 2014-2017 / Poverty trap in Peru: Assets dynamics approach for 2015-1017

Puma Bejar, Renzo Marcelo 11 August 2019 (has links)
La reducción pobreza es un tópico importante en la agenda de país que tiene Perú, sin embargo, para 2017 la pobreza aumento un punto porcentual. Del mismo modo, el gasto en programas sociales ha ido en aumento, pero la variación porcentual en el número de hogares pobres ha ido reduciéndose. Esto podría significar que el efecto positivo que estos deberían tener , como lo propone Sachs (2005), está siendo mitigado o eliminado por otro proceso subyacente que no está siendo observado. Este proceso subyacente podría ser síntoma de trampa de la pobreza, para determinar la veracidad de esta afirmación se utilizará como base el trabajo de Carter y Barret (2006), adaptándolo para la base datos de la ENAHO panel. Dicha metodología propone el uso de un índice que mida el nivel de activos de un hogar, y mediante la observación de la dinámica de la función resultante se puede determinar la existencia de una trampa de pobreza a nivel de activos. Los resultados de las estimaciones muestran que no existe una trampa de pobreza, pero la sensibilidad de los datos con respecto a la especificación índice de activos hace que sea necesario una extensión del trabajo con métodos econométricos más recientes. / Poverty reduction is an important topic in Peru's country agenda, however, by 2017 poverty increased by one percentage point. Similarly, spending on social programs has been increasing, but the percentage variation in the number of poor households has been decreasing. This could mean that the positive effect that these should have, as proposed by Sachs (2005), is being mitigated or eliminated by another underlying process that is not being observed. This underlying process could be a symptom of the poverty trap, to determine the veracity of this statement, the work of Carter and Barret (2006) will be used as a basis, adapting it to the database of the ENAHO panel. This methodology proposes the use of an index that measures the level of assets of a household, and by observing the dynamics of the resulting function, the existence of a poverty trap at the asset level can be determined. The results of the estimates show that there is no poverty trap, but the sensitivity of the data with respect to the asset index specification makes an extension of work with more recent econometric methods necessary. / Trabajo de investigación

Data Analysis Using Experimental Design Model Factorial Analysis of Variance/Covariance (DMAOVC.BAS)

Newton, Wesley E. 01 May 1985 (has links)
DMAOVC.BAS is a computer program written in the compiler version of microsoft basic which performs factorial analysis of variance/covariance with expected mean squares. The program accommodates factorial and other hierarchical experimental designs with balanced sets of data. The program is writ ten for use on most modest sized microprocessors, in which the compiler is available. The program is parameter file driven where the parameter file consists of the response variable structure, the experimental design model expressed in a similar structure as seen in most textbooks, information concerning the factors (i.e. fixed or random, and the number of levels), and necessary information to perform covariance analysis. The results of the analysis are written to separate files in a format that can be used for reporting purposes and further computations if needed.

The Research of Brand Image and Involvement Affect Brand Royalty in Smart Phone Market

Kao, Wei-Chun 15 July 2011 (has links)
The global shipments of smartphones will be more than four hundred fifty million, and it will overtake handset and become the mainstream in 2011. The fact is that there are more and more choices for customers to choose. It not only many brands, but also varieties of operating systems are provided with consumers.In this trend, is brand image still important factor that contributes to the consumers choosing the smartphones? For customers having had smartphones, how the brand image affects their loyalty? Therefore, this study attempts to find out the linear relationship between brand image and brand loyalty, In addition, it takes involvement and the operating systems into consideration. The research also intends to focus on whether the effects of the involvement adjust this or not and look for a difference of linear relationship between the two operating systems-android and ios. The scope of this research includes the customers owning smartphones in Taiwan. Moreover, the method of the study is sending on-line and paper questionnaires at the same time, and the number of the valid questionnaires is 261.In this study, brand image are divided into three perspectives by factorial analysis, functional benefits, symbolic benefits, experiential benefits. Brand loyalty consists of behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty. The involvement is composed of importance, symbolic value, and risk.The research uses regression analysis to verify the linear relationship between brand image and brand loyalty. Furthermore, put brand image, brand loyalty, involvement into the regression analysis, and through multiple stepwise regression analysis to find out the factors which contribute to linear relationship. The result reveals that there is a linear relationship between the brand image and brand loyalty. In addition, linear relationship between different operating systems is also different, and especially the functional brand influences significantly on brand loyalty.

Manufacturing And Characterization Of Uniformly Porous And Graded Porous Polymeric Structures Via Selective Laser Sintering

Jande, Yusufu Abeid Chande 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Selective laser sintering is a rapid prototyping method (RP), which was originally developed, along with other RP methods, to speed up the prototyping stage of product design. The sole needed input for production being the solid model of the part, the mold/tool-free production characteristics and the geometric part complexity that can be achieved due to layer-by-layer production have extended the applicability/research areas of these methods beyond prototyping towards new applications and material development. Local pore formation in a part that occurs as a result of the discrete manufacturing nature of selective laser sintering is normally considered a defect. In the current research, this is viewed as an opportunity for material development: Exploitation of rapid prototyping methods to produce composites/functionally graded materials with controlled porous structures. That the material interior structure (porous structure) and exterior shape are formed during the same course renders selective laser sintering process as an attractive manufacturing alternative for producing complex-geometry composite/porous materials, which may be difficult or impossible to manufacture with other techniques. In this thesis, the use of selective laser sintering (a rapid prototyping method) in producing uniformly porous and graded polymeric graded porous structures is studied. The material used was polyamide powder (PA 2200) and the selective laser sintering machine used was the EOSINT P 380 system. In this research, three process parameters of the SLS system, the hatching distance, the laser power and the laser scanning speed were varied to produce parts that have different porosities. Porous parts with a homogenous porous microstructure (uniformly porous parts) could be produced, as well as graded porous parts. The results of uniformly porous structure production were utilized to build graded porous structures by imparting different porosities along a certain direction within a single part. Both, uniformly porous and graded structures were characterized physically and mechanically. The porous parts (both uniformly porous and graded porous) were infiltrated with epoxy resin to produce epoxy-PA composites and graded materials. The physical and mechanical properties of these parts were compared with those of the uninfiltrated (porous PA) structures

Dynamic Fracture Conductivity—An Experimental Investigation Based on Factorial Analysis

Awoleke, Obadare O 02 October 2013 (has links)
This work is about fracture conductivity; how to measure and model it based on experimental data. It is also about how to determine the relative importance of the factors that affect its magnitude and how to predict its magnitude based on these factors. We dynamically placed the slurry hereby simulating the slurry placement procedure in a field-scale fracture. We also used factorial and fractional factorial designs as the basis of our experimental investigation. The analysis and interpretation of experimental results take into account the stochastic nature of the process. We found that the relative importance of the investigated factors is dependent on the presence of outliers and how they are handled. Based on our investigation we concluded that the investigated factors arranged in order of decreasing impact on conductivity are: closure stress, polymer loading, flow back rate, presence of breaker, temperature and proppant concentration. In particular, we find that at high temperatures, fracture conductivity was severely reduced due to the formation of a dense proppant-polymer cake. Also, dehydration of the residual gel in the fracture at high flow back rates appears to cause severe damage to conductivity at higher temperatures. This represents a new way of thinking about the fracture cleanup process; not only as a displacement process, but also as a displacement and evaporative process. In engineering practice, this implies that aggressive flow back schemes are not necessarily beneficial for conductivity development. Also, we find that at low proppant concentrations, there is the increased likelihood of the formation of channels and high porosity fractures resulting in high fracture conductivities. The uniqueness of this work is a focus on the development of a conductivity model using regression analysis and also the illustration of a procedure that can be used to develop a conductivity model using dimensional analysis. We reviewed both methodologies and applied them to the challenge of modeling fracture conductivity from experimental studies.

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