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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Investigation of Factors Affecting Test Equating in Latent Trait Theory

Suanthong, Surintorn 08 1900 (has links)
The study investigated five factors which can affect the equating of scores from two tests onto a common score scale. The five factors studied were: (a) distribution type (i.e., normal versus uniform); (b) standard deviation of itemdifficulties (i.e., .68, .95, .99); (c) test length or number of test items (i.e., 50,100, 200); (d) number of common items (i.e., 10,20,30); and (e) sample size (i.e., 100, 300, 500). The significant two-way interaction effects were for common item length and test length, standard deviation of item difficulties and distribution type, and standard deviation of item difficulties and sample size.

Validez y confiabilidad de escala de afecto positivo y negativo (SPANAS) en estudiantes universitarios peruanos

Gargurevich, Rafael, Matos, Lennia 18 March 2015 (has links)
rafael.gargurevich@gmail.com / It was studied the construct validity and the reliability of the SPANAS scale in two samples of university students from Lima. Through many confirmatory factorial analyses (AFC) it was evaluated the adjustment of three competing models (one factor, two correlated factors and two orthogonal factors). This procedure wasreplicated in the two samples of universitary students.After the validity and reliability analysis were done, it was found that the two correlated factors model was better to represent the scale in both samples. Furthermore, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale proved to be reliable. In this way we have evidence ofthe presence oftwo factors which represent the positive and negative affection. / Se ha estudiado la validez de constructo y la confiabilidad de la escala SPANAS en dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios de Lima. Mediante diversos análisisfactoriales confirmatorios(AFC)se evaluó el ajuste de tres modelos competidores (un solo factor, dos factores correlacionados y dos factores ortogonales). Este procedimiento se replicó en las dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios. Luego de haber realizado los análisis de validez y confiabilidad, se encontró que el modelo de dos factores correlacionados era el que mejor representó a la escala en ambas muestras. Además, las escalas de afecto positivo y negativo demostraron ser confiables. De esta manera se tiene evidencia de la presencia de dos factores que representan al afecto positivo y negativo.

Modelo de Risco e DecisÃo de CrÃdito Baseado em Estrutura de Capital com InformaÃÃo AssimÃtrica / Model of Credit Risk and Decision Based on Capital Structure with Asymmetric information

RÃgis FaÃanha Dantas 01 November 2006 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho se inicia analisando os aspectos teÃricos relacionados ao financiamento das empresas e os riscos atrelados a esta atividade de emprÃstimo realizada pelo sistema financeiro bancÃrio. Dada uma estrutura Ãtima de capital buscada pelas empresas, passa-se a analisar se este parÃmetro ou conjunto de parÃmetros à um bom indicativo para discriminar as empresas quanto ao seu risco de crÃdito analisado pelo mercado financeiro. Em relaÃÃo à gestÃo de risco, serà testado um modelo, tendo como variÃvel explicativa principal a variÃvel(ou conjunto de variÃveis) utilizada como parÃmetro de sinalizaÃÃo ao mercado de limite de risco, dentro dos conceitos de seleÃÃo adversa e modelos de sinalizaÃÃo num ambiente em que impera a informaÃÃo assimÃtrica. Assim, o uso de um sinalizador Ãtimo da estrutura de capital pelos bancos levaria a um equilÃbrio de Nash1 com informaÃÃo assimÃtrica no mercado de fundos emprestÃveis. No desenvolvimento do modelo estatÃstico utilizamos um modelo Logit em virtude da nÃo normalidade e as condiÃÃes de nÃo linearidade do modelo de probabilidade linear, entretanto, a anÃlise discriminante e Probit serÃo testados concomitantemente para efeitos comparativos entre os modelos. Outro ponto importante à a incorporaÃÃo de um modelo de decisÃo de crÃdito com o uso de programaÃÃo Linear Inteira. O uso deste modelo incorpora cenÃrios prospectivos com a taxa de juros, qualificando o ponto de corte(limites de aceitaÃÃo) para tomada de decisÃo. Ressaltamos aqui a importÃncia do uso da anÃlise fatorial no tratamento e configuraÃÃo das variÃveis explicativas, ferramenta nÃo observada para modelagem de risco nas diversas referencias deste trabalho. Diversos mÃtodos estatÃsticos univariados e multivariados, assim como critÃrios qualitativos sÃo usados na discriminaÃÃo e classificaÃÃo do risco, no entanto, o uso da AnÃlise Fatorial qualifica ainda mas as variÃveis independentes usadas, colocando-as em grupos de explicaÃÃo que captam melhor os efeitos dos diversos indicadores econÃmicofinanceiros. Neste trabalho foram revisados os principais modelos de insolvÃncia para avaliaÃÃo de risco de crÃdito no Brasil, concluindo-se com uma proposta de adoÃÃo de um modelo estatÃstico com o uso do modelo Logit e ProgramaÃÃo Linear Inteira, com o objetivo de medir o risco associado ao financiamento e emprÃstimo a clientes. / This work to research the theory about enterprises financial, financial struture, risk of the borrowe (enterprises) to repay the loan, credit of banks. In views of the optimal capital struture, credit analyses examines factors that may lead to default in the repayment of a loan. As for the risk management the general kinds of risks are described, particularly the credit risc and the credit concession models are evaluated. The risc models will have the financial demonstrations of interprises, here can be viewed as a signal, about the concept of asymmetric information. Thus, the signal to leave a nash equilibrium in this credit market. In the development of the statistic model, using the Logit Model because the problems of functional form of the linear probability model, the resÃduos is heteroscedastic and not have normal distribuition. The discriminant analyse, probit e logit will be test. Another important point in this work is the decision model. This model have predtion of interest to improve the decision with the cutoff. Referring to the factorial analyse in the statistic of the independentes variable, the use of factorial analyses is not observations in the reference. Having this purpose in mind a statistic model was developed, using logit regression with factorial analyse in variable and linear programming. This project aims at evaluating the used models and proposing the adoption of new models, for the allowance for dobtful accounts, with the objetive of mensuring the risk related to customers financing and loan activities.

Dynamiques socio-spatiales et modes d'habiter des espaces urbains : comparaison de Besançon, Mulhouse et Strasbourg / Socio-spatial dynamics and ways of living of urban spaces : comparison of Besançon, Mulhouse and Strasbourg

Najib, Kawtar 19 September 2013 (has links)
La répartition spatiale des fonctions et des populations urbaines n’est pas due au hasard, elle peutmettre en évidence des inégalités qui interrogent nos sociétés démocratiques fondées avant tout sur leprincipe d’égalité. Celui-ci s’appuie sur les relations entre le « social » et le « spatial » qui consistentprincipalement à explorer les inégalités sociales dans les espaces urbains et ce qui est ressenti commeune injustice par les individus. Pour saisir ces dynamiques socio-spatiales, nous focalisons notrerecherche sur l’histoire urbaine de Besançon, Mulhouse et Strasbourg ainsi que sur les rapports entreles habitants et leur environnement résidentiel. À l’aide des grandes bases de données géo-localiséesde l’INSEE, nous étudions la distribution spatiale des ménages ainsi que son évolution sur une périodede près de vingt années (de 1990 à 2007). Par ailleurs, nous cherchons à observer les différents modesd’habiter des Bisontins, c’est-à-dire leurs stratégies résidentielles ainsi que leurs pratiques etreprésentations spatiales à l’aide d’enquêtes de terrain. Cette thèse s’appuie donc sur une doubleapproche : l’une macroscopique, historique et quantitative et l’autre microscopique et qualitative. Elleprésente finalement les structures socio-spatiales des zones d’étude et les trajectoires des quartiers(plus précisément des IRIS) afin de montrer les diverses tendances d’évolution (gentrification,paupérisation…) dans une optique comparative. Des facteurs d’évolution spécifiques apparaissentégalement en lien avec la localisation des villes d’étude ainsi qu’avec leurs fonctions urbaines etsociales, leur organisation interne et leur taille. Les enquêtes révèlent, pour leur part, plusieurs règlescomportementales qu’il s’agit de comparer compte tenu de la diversité sociale des quartiers. Cesinformations collectées à partir d’enquêtes sont plus subjectives, mais elles complètent les données desrecensements et leur donnent du sens. Au final, elles montrent que l’appartenance à un groupe sociospatialene détermine pas systématiquement les comportements résidentiels. / The spatial distribution of urban functions and populations is not random, this distribution canhighlight inequalities which call into question our democratic societies based on the principle ofequality. This principle is based on the relationship between the “social” and the “spatial” whichmainly consist in investigating social disparities in urban areas and what is perceived as an injustice byindividuals. To understand these socio-spatial dynamics, we focus our research on the urban history ofBesançon, Mulhouse and Strasbourg as well as the relations between the inhabitants and theirresidential environment. Using large geo-localized databases from INSEE, we study the spatialdistribution of households and its evolution over a period of nearly twenty years (1990-2007). Inaddition, we seek to observe the various ways of living of the residents of Besançon, that is to say theirresidential logics and their spatial practices and representations via field surveys. Thus, this thesis isbased on a double approach: the first one is macroscopic, historic and quantitative and the second oneis microscopic and qualitative. The study presents the socio-spatial structures of the studied cities andthe trajectories of districts (more exactly the IRIS: the smaller census area) in order to show thedifferent trends of evolution (gentrification, pauperisation...) in a comparative perspective. Specificfactors of evolution are also linked to the location of the studied cities as well as to their urban andsocial functions, their internal organisation and their size. The field surveys, for their part, revealseveral behavioural rules that we compare considering the social diversity of districts. Thisinformation collected from surveys is more subjective, but it completes the census data and gives themmeaning. Finally, we show that the membership of a socio-spatial group does not determinesystematically residential behaviours.

Avaliação de qualidades psicométricas da versão brasileira do índice de capacidade para o trabalho / Evaluation of psychometric qualities of the Brazilian version of the index of capacity for work

Silva Junior, Sérgio Henrique Almeida da January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / Dentre os instrumentos existentes para mensurar a capacidade para trabalho destaca-se o Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT). Ele foi desenvolvido para mensurar o quão bem está, ou estará, um (a) trabalhador (a) neste momento ou num futuro próximo, equão bem ele ou ela pode executar seu trabalho, em função das exigências, de seu estado de saúde e capacidades físicas e mentais. O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar algumas das propriedades psicométricas do ICT em trabalhadores de enfermagem. Os capítulos iniciais apresentam a revisão bibliográfica sobre estudos abordando qualidades psicométricas do ICT e conceitos referentes a alguns aspectos da qualidade psicométrica de instrumentos. Também apresenta os objetivos e justificava desse estudo. Os métodos e resultados são apresentados em dois artigos. O primeiro artigo investigou a confiabilidade teste reteste do ICT em uma amostra composta de 80 enfermeiros através dos coeficientes de correlação intraclasse (CCI), estatística Kappa e gráfico de Bland e Altman. No segundo artigo apresenta-se a validade de construto e a confiabilidade doICT em uma amostra de 1436 profissionais de enfermagem. Na validade de construto investigou-se a estrutura dimensional por meio da análise fatorial exploratória a partirda matriz de correlação policórica e análise paralela para retenção dos fatores a serem extraídos. Na validade de construto também investigou-se a correlação do ICT com alguns conceitos teoricamente relevantes na literatura sobre o tema através do cálculo da correlação de Spearman. Para avaliação da confiabilidade, medida através da consistência interna, foi utilizado os estimadores alfa de Cronbach e omega de McDonald. Os resultados evidenciaram confiabilidade teste reteste adequada para o índice; os valores do CCI e do Kappa ponderado mostraram concordância substancial (0,79 e 0,69, respectivamente). O gráfico de Bland e Altman mostrou que 95 por cento dasdiferenças entre a 1° e 2° medidas apresentam-se entre -6 e + 6 pontos, não mostrando um padrão sistemático entre ambas as medidas. O resultado do alfa de Cronbach e do omega de McDonald foi, respectivamente 0,80 e 0,87 indicando confiabilidade satisfatória. E a exclusão de qualquer questão não alterou substancialmente o resultado dos mesmos. Na validade de construto identificou-se estrutura bidimensional explicando 52,8 por cento da variância acumulada para os componentes principais e 42,0 por cento para os eixos principais. As hipóteses teóricas da validade de construto foram confirmadas com correlação direta e significativa do ICT com os escores de recompensa, controle e autoavaliação do estado de saúde; correlação inversa e significativa com a escala derecuperação após o trabalho, distúrbios psíquicos menores, esforço, excesso de comprometimento e demanda. Concluiu-se que o ICT, traduzido e adaptado para o português, apresentou propriedades psicométricas adequadas e que o mesmo dá suporte adicional para pesquisas na área de saúde ocupacional. / Among the existing instruments for measurement the work ability stands out the Work Abilty Index (WAI). It was developed to measure how well a worker is or will be in the present or near future, and how capable this worker is of performing work given the demands of the job and the health status and mental and physical capabilities of the worker. The purpose of this study is evaluate some of psychometric properties of the Work Ability Index (WAI) in nursing. The initial chapters present the revision bibliographic about studies focusing psychometric qualities of the WAI and some concepts referents the some aspects of the psychometric qualities instruments. It also presents the objectives of this study and justified. The methods and results of the present study are presented in two papers. The first paper investigated the test-retest reliability of the WAI in one sample composed of 80 nurses through the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), Kappa statistic and Bland and Altman graphic. In the second paper presents the construct validity and the reliability of the WAI in the sample of 1436 nurses. In the construct validity was assessed dimensional structure through for the exploratory factorial analyses from the polychoric correlate matrix and the parallel analysis for the retention of the factors. In the construct validity also investigated the correlate of WAI with the same theoretically relevant concepts in the literature about the theme thought of the calculus of the Spearman correlate. To assess the reliability, measure thought of internal consistence, we used Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega. The results showed appropriate test-retest reliability for the WAI; the value of the ICC and the weighted Kappa showed substantial agreement (0,79 e 0,69, respectively). The Bland and Altman graphic showed that 95% of the differences between 1° and 2° measurement present among -6 and + 6 points, not show a systematic pattern between the two measures. The results of the Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald omega was, respectively 0,80 e 0,87. And the exclusion of any issue did not substantially affect the outcome of these. We identified two-dimensional structure explaining 52,8% of the accumulated variance for the principal components and 42,0% for the principal axis. The theoretical hypothesis assumptions of the construct validity were confirmed with significant and direct correlate of the WAI with scores of the reward, control and Self-evaluation of the health state; correlated inversely and significantly with the Need for Recovery Scale, psychiatric disturbance, effort, overcommitment and demand. It was concluded that the WAI, adapted and translated for the Portuguese, showed appropriates psychometric properties and it give the supports additional research in occupational health.

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