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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estratégias de educação ambiental em duas escolas municipais de Campo Magro - PR

Lima, Francielle da Silva de 13 December 2013 (has links)
Os princípios básicos na educação ambiental como as ações de sensibilização, compreensão e responsabilidade, tornam-se cada vez mais necessários para possibilitar reflexões sobre práticas cotidianas em prol da melhoria geral da qualidade de vida. Neste aspecto, a temática de resíduos sólidos inserida na educação ambiental pode representar uma valiosa contribuição para despertar a comunidade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo sensibilizar alunos de ensino fundamental de escolas municipais de Campo Magro – PR, sobre a importância da segregação e destinação correta de resíduos sólidos urbanos. Após a realização de entrevista com diretores e de diagnóstico dos ambientes das nove escolas municipais, foram definidas duas escolas para dar continuidade ao trabalho. Foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário para os alunos do 4º e 5º anos das escolas para avaliar as concepções e atitudes em relação à temática dos resíduos sólidos, ainda no mesmo dia foi solicitado a eles que realizassem uma representação (desenho) sobre o tema “lixo”. Através de análises destes instrumentos pôde-se fazer algumas considerações sobre o entendimento que os alunos têm da temática proposta, e traçar estratégias de educação ambiental de forma lúdica, como rodas de conversas e plantio de árvores, envolvendo as turmas de 4º e 5º anos. Também foram realizadas atividades de educação ambiental com os alunos dos 1°, 2° e 3° anos de ambas as escolas, além de diálogos com funcionários de limpeza, professores e os pais dos alunos. Após esta etapa, foram desenvolvidas e aplicadas atividades envolvendo as duas escolas, como confecções de cartazes (desenhos e frases) e de brinquedos, utilizando material reciclável. Todo o material produzido foi exposto nas escolas em um evento denominado “Reciclando Ideias”. No desenvolvimento das estratégias notou-se curiosidade e empenho bem como, trabalho e cooperação entre equipes. Em diálogo com os alunos, os mesmos opinavam de forma positiva sobre a continuidade das estratégias em outros momentos, mostrando interesse pelo assunto proposto e pela forma com que estávamos realizando o trabalho. Durante a realização dessas atividades pôde ser notado o envolvimento da comunidade escolar referente a questões ambientais em ambas as escolas, sendo relevante destacar a participação dos professores que sempre junto com seus alunos participaram e colaboraram para as atividades. Através desse projeto, pode ser confirmado que a temática ambiental para as séries iniciais da educação básica, deve ser trabalhada através de atividades diferenciadas e envolvendo alunos, professores, corpo técnico e a comunidade onde residem os alunos, pois somente com a ação dos multiplicadores ambientais é que será possível haver mudanças no cenário em que o meio ambiente encontra-se hoje. / The basic principles in environmental education as awareness, understanding and responsibility become actions are increasingly necessary to provide reflections on everyday practices on overall quality of life. In this regard, solid waste topic insertion in environmental education may represent a valuable contribution to awaken the community. The present study aimed to sensitize primary school students of municipal schools in Campo Magro - PR, of segregation and proper disposal of solid waste importance. After conducting interviews with directors and diagnostic environments of the nine public schools, two schools were established to continue the work. A questionnaire was elaborated and applied to students in 4th and 5th years of schools to assess views and attitudes towards solid waste topic, and they was prompted to stage a representation (drawing) on the topic "junk" on the same day. Through analysis of these instruments it was possible to make some considerations on the understanding that students have of the proposed topic, and design strategies for environmental education in a playful way, like wheels conversations and planting trees, involving groups of 4 and 5 years. Environmental education activities with students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of both schools were also performed, as well as dialogues with cleaning staff, teachers and parents of students. After this step, were developed and applied activities involving the two schools, as clothing, posters (drawings and phrases) and toys, using recyclable material. All material produced was exposed in schools in an event called "Recycling Ideas". The development of strategies was noted curiosity and commitment as well as work and cooperation between teams. In dialogue with the students, they opined positively about the continuity of the strategies at other times, showing interest in the proposed issue and by the way we were doing the work. While performing these activities could be noted the involvement of the school community regarding environmental issues at both schools, being relevant to highlight the participation of teachers who always together with their students participated and contributed to the activities. Through this project, it can be confirmed that the environmental issue in the early grades of elementary education, must be worked through differentiated activities and involving students, teachers, staff and community where students reside, because only with the action of environmental multipliers is that current environment scenario can be changed.

Compósitos a base de resíduos de concreto, lodo de anodização de alumínio e resíduos da produção de cal / Composites on the basis of concrete waste, sludge from anodizing aluminum process and waste of lime production

Pedroso, Daniela Evaniki 10 March 2016 (has links)
CNPq / Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver novos compósitos para construção civil e pesquisar mudanças nas propriedades mecânicas e nas estruturas morfológicas durante os períodos de cura de: 3, 7, 14, 28, 60 e 90, 180 dias e 1 ano. Foram desenvolvidas 23 composições utilizando como matérias primas resíduos de concreto, lodo da anodização de alumínio e resíduos da produção da cal. Para cada composição foram moldados 60 corpos de prova de 20mm x 20mm e compactadas as misturas com pressão de 10 MPa, com tempo de permanência desta pressão de 30 s. Os resultados dos ensaios de resistência à compressão uniaxial, absorção de água e dilatação prevaleceram às demandas das Normas Brasileiras. Dentre todas as composições destaca-se a de número 17, visto que não incorpora um valor muito alto de resíduo da produção de cal e sua resistência aumenta com o passar do tempo. Esta composição obteve resistência à compressão de 6,76MPa aos 28 dias de cura e 12,48MPa aos 180 dias de cura, também foram realizadas análises de processos físico-químicos de formação de estruturas, para explicação deste ganho de resistência. / The aim of presented research was to develop new composites for construction and analyze changes of mechanical properties and morphological structures during the healing periods: 3, 7, 14, 28, 60 and 90 and 180 days and 1 years. There were developed 23 compositions using concrete waste, sludge from anodizing aluminum process and waste of lime production as raw materials. For each composition 60 samples of 20mm x 20mm cylinder size were extracted with pressure of 10 MPa, which was kept for 30 seconds for each specimen. The results of the uniaxial compression resistance, water absorption and expansion tests exceeded Brazilian Standards. Among all compositions the number 17 is highlighted, since it does not contain high amount of lime production waste and its resistance increases over time. This composition reached compressive strength resistance of 6,76MPa after 28 days of healing and 12,48MPa over 180 days, analysis of physical-chemical processes was also carried out in order to explain high strength gain.

Resíduo de construção e demolição e EPS reciclado como alternativa de agregados para a Região Amazônica: aplicação em blocos para alvenaria

Soares, Raimundo Nonato Belo 17 February 2010 (has links)
Trabalho desenvolvido através do projeto de mestrado interinstitucional - MINTER - entre a UTFPR e o IFAM - Manaus, financiado pela CAPES e pela SUFRAMA. / Financiado pela CAPES e pela SUFRAMA. / No estado do Amazonas a questão do gerenciamento dos Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD) merece atenção e soluções que sejam sustentáveis dos pontos de vista ambiental, econômico e social. O RCD gerado, bem como o Poliestireno Expandido (EPS), ainda são descartados ou conduzidos às lixeiras com os agravantes da inexistência de um projeto de gestão, visto haverem problemas com inundações, poluição dos mananciais e, significativa ocupação nos lixões controlados pelo poder público, dentre outros. Outro aspecto relevante refere-se ao uso, pela construção civil, de agregados como o seixo rolado e granito, o primeiro extraído de rios e transportado em balsas percorrendo distâncias superiores a 700 km e o segundo explorado a distâncias superiores a 150 km da cidade de Manaus, causando alto impacto ambiental e elevado custo de logística. Neste contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a viabilidade técnica da produção de concreto alternativo utilizando RCD e EPSR(Poliestireno Expandido Reciclado) obtido após processo de extrusão e moagem na forma de agregado graúdo ou miúdo. Os RCDs (de concreto) selecionados em obras e britados, bem como, o EPSR foram analisados granulometricamente com a finalidade de serem incorporados à concretos aplicados a fabricação de blocos de alvenaria. Os blocos produzidos foram analisados quanto a resistência mecânica e também quanto à absorção de água. O EPSR possui baixa densidade e contribui para a obtenção de blocos mais leves. / In the Amazon State, the issue of management concerning construction and demolition waste (C&D) deserves attention and solutions that are sustainable from environmental, economical and social standpoints. The RCD produced as well as the expanded polystyrene (EPS), are still discharged in inappropriate places or taken to the dumpsters with the worsening provided by the lack of a management project such as: floods pollution of the water resources (rivers lakes and others) and significant space occupation in the landfills controlled by the city council, among others. Another aspect, related with the civil engineering sector, refers to the usage of components like the pebbles and granite, the first one extracted from rivers and transported by ferries within distances over 700 km and the second one explored within distances over 150 km from Manaus City, causing high environmental impact and high logistics cost. The goal of this research was to study the technical feasibility of producing alternative concrete using RCD and post-consumpting EPS extruded and crushed to transform it in aggregate. The RCDs (of concrete) selected in construction sites and crushed, as well as the EPSR (expanded polystyrene recycled) were analyzed in its granulometric distribution to be used as aggregate on the concrete composition features to obtain wall blocks. The produced blocks were analyzed mechanically and also regarding the water absorption level. The EPSR has low density and contributing to the production of lighter blocks. / 5000-11-25

Novos compósitos cerâmicos com base em caulim, borra de tinta, areia de fundição e vidros residuais

Ribas, Hélverton Emílio 10 May 2017 (has links)
Resíduos industriais têm sido um dos grandes problemas ambientais discutido na atualidade. Muitos trazem em suas composições metais pesados de diversos teores, sendo necessária uma análise de cada resíduo, a fim de que se busquem soluções práticas apropriadas da destinação, e se torne um benefício ao meio ambiente. Foram elaboradas diversas composições com borra de tinta, areia de fundição, vidro e caulim, em moldes de 60mmx20mm, prensados uniaxialmente em prensa hidráulica a 10 MPa e sinterizados em forno elétrico nas temperaturas 1100°C, 1150°C, 1200°C, 1250°C e 1275ºC. Os compósitos passaram por ensaios de resistências a flexão, absorção de água, densidade aparente, retração linear, FRX, DRX, MEV, EDS, lixiviação e análise de materiais particulados. Posteriormente no material sinterizados, verificaram-se novas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, mostrando a fundição de seus materiais e resistência à flexão que chegou a 12,29 Mpa, 10,85% de absorção de água. 6,04% de retração linear e 1,39% de densidade aparente, na composição que se utilizou de 7% de resíduos e incinerados a 1275°C. Identificou a presença dos minerais montmorillonita, illita, caulinita, gibbsita, rutila e cristobalita e suas influências na cerâmica. Essa pesquisa apresentou uma solução cabível aos resíduos de tinta, areia de fundição e vidro, utilizandoos como matéria-prima para cerâmica branca. / Industrial waste has been one of the major environmental problems discussed today. Many contain in their compositions heavy metals of various contents, and an analysis of each residue is necessary in order to find appropriate practical solutions of the destination, and become a benefit to the environment. Several compositions were made with paint sludge, cast sand, glass and kaolin, in 60mmx20mm molds, uniaxially pressed in a hydraulic press at 10 MPa and sintered in an electric oven at temperatures of 1100 ° C, 1150 ° C ° C, 1200 ° C, 1250 ° C and 1275 ° C. The composites underwent tests of resistance to bending, water absorption, apparent density, linear retraction, FRX, DRX, SEM, EDS, leaching and analysis of particulate materials. Subsequently, in the sintered material, new physical and mechanical properties were found, showing the casting of its materials and flexural strength of 12.29 Mpa, 10.85% of water absorption. 6.04% linear retraction and 1.39% apparent densities, in the composition that was used of 7% of residues and incinerated at 1275 ° C. It identified the presence of the minerals montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, gibbsite, rutila and cristobalite and their influences on ceramics. This research presented a suitable solution for waste ink, sand casting and glass, using them as raw material for white ceramics.

Resíduos sólidos urbanos como tema ambiental: reflexões a partir de um curso de educação ambiental semipresencial para professores do ensino básico

Canedo, Patricia Lemiszka Ribas 31 October 2014 (has links)
CAPES / Diante dos graves problemas causados pelos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos ao meio socioambiental, a Educação Ambiental é uma das estratégias para o enfrentamento dessa problemática bem como de outros aspectos da crise ambiental. Na educação formal o papel dos professores é de extrema importância para que a Educação Ambiental seja trabalhada de maneira contínua, crítica e interdisciplinar. Este trabalho relata e discute a realização de um curso de extensão em EA, para 86 professores do ensino básico da rede pública do estado do Paraná, utilizando como temática ambiental os Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos. O curso foi desenvolvido na modalidade semipresencial utilizando Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) plataforma Moodle 2.5 da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. A abordagem metodológica utilizada nesta pesquisa foi à pesquisa-ação colaborativa. Nos encontros presenciais foram trabalhadas questões teóricas e propostas de prática pedagógica. No ambiente virtual, houve debates e oficinas para propostas de ação onde foram coletados os dados para esta pesquisa por meio de questionários semiestruturados, dados coletados no AVA (fóruns, tarefas e atividades colaborativas). Os projetos realizados pelos professores foram relatados e discutidos no terceiro encontro presencial. Para análise dos dados foram empregadas abordagens quali-quantitativas. Com a realização desta pesquisa foi possível constatar que a maioria dos professores não dispunha de conhecimento suficiente sobre RSU, e que raramente empregam temas de EA na sua prática pedagógica. Conclui-se que cursos de formação continuada podem ser uma das alternativas para reduzir as lacunas existentes na formação de professores e servir como potencializadores para o desenvolvimento da EA nas escolas. / When facing the severe problems caused by Urban Solid Waste (USW), Environmental Education (EE) is one of the strategies for tackling this issue as well as other aspects of the environmental crisis. In formal education, the role of the teachers is extremely important so that EE worked in a continuous, critical and interdisciplinary way. The present paper reports and discusses the presentation of an extension course in EE to 86 teachers of public basic schools of the state of Paraná, using as environmental theme the USW. The course developed in the semi-distance modality using Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle 2.5 platform Federal Technological University of Paraná.The methodological approach used in this research was the collaborative research-action. In person meetings theoretical issues and proposals for pedagogical practice worked. In the virtual environment, there was discussion and workshops for action proposals where the data for this research through semi- structured questionnaires, data collected in the AVA (forums, tasks, and collaborative activities) collected. Data analyzed through a quali-quantitative approach. This research showed most teachers did not have enough knowledge about USW and rarely employ EE themes within their educational practices. The several activities conducted throughout the course led to important reflections on environmental issues, mainly the ones related to USW generation and management. We consider continuous formation courses to be one of the alternatives to reduce the gaps present in the formation of teachers and to serve as potentializers for the development of EE in schools.

Metal bioaccumulation and precious metal refinery wastewater treatment by phoma glomerata / Bronwyn Moore Masters Thesis

Moore, Bronwyn Ann 18 March 2008 (has links)
The biosorption of copper, nickel, gold and platinum from single metal aqueous solutions by the nickel hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii plant biomass was investigated. Potentiometric titrations of the biomass and determination of optimal sorption pH for each metal showed that nickel ions were released from the biomass into solution. The presence of free nickel ions interfered with the uptake of the other three metals and further biosorption investigations were discontinued. Three fungal isolates found colonising metal solutions were cultured and screened for their ability to remove 50 mg.l⁻¹ of copper, nickel, gold and platinum from solution and to survive and grow in precious metal refinery wastewaters. One isolate was selected for further studies based on its superior metal uptake capabilities (35 and 39 mg.l⁻¹ of gold and platinum, respectively) and was identified as Phoma glomerata. Copper, nickel, gold and platinum uptake studies revealed that nickel and gold were the most toxic metal ions, however, toxicity was dependent on pH. At pH 6 more biomass growth was achieved than at lower pH values and metal uptake increased by 51 and 17 % for copper and nickel, respectively. In addition, the production of extracellular polymeric substances played a role in base metal interaction. Precious metals were observed to be preferentially removed from solution, complete removal of gold and platinum was observed at all initial pH values, 89 % of copper was bioaccumulated at an initial metal concentration of 55 mg.l⁻¹ (pH 6) and only 23 % of nickel was removed from solution under the same conditions. Metal bioaccumulation was confirmed through transmission electron microscopy and micro particle induced X-ray emission. The effect of P. glomerata immobilised in a packed bed reactor on precious metal refinery wastewaters was investigated. It was found that the fungal isolate was not able to remove the high salt and chemical oxygen demand concentrations found in the wastewaters, however due to its ability to survive and grow in undiluted wastewater and remove metal ions from solution it may be utilised as a metal detoxification step in the treatment process train. / PDFCreator Version 0.9.0 / AFPL Ghostscript 8.53

Tratamento de efluentes líquidos de unidades produtoras de farinha de mandioca

Lima, Roberto Albuquerque 05 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:20:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_roberto.pdf: 771972 bytes, checksum: 84b4fdd96e095e36234f411eb7d531d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the third most important crop in the basic food of the Brazilian population. The production of cassava flour generates an effluent, called manipueira , containing high organic matter and cyanide. The objective of this study was to investigate the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), turbidity and cyanide from cassava wastewater by physical-chemical and biological treatments. In the physicalchemical treatment by coagulation-flocculation, three full factorial designs were carried out to investigate the factors: pH, tannin concentration and the flocculation polymer (Polipan) concentration on the response variables: COD, turbidity and cyanide. The maximum efficiency for COD removal was 91 % at pH 8.0 in the presence of tannin 1.0 mL/L and Polipan 0.030 ppm. The highest removal of turbidity (75 %) was determined at pH 8 and tannin 0.8 mL/L in the absence of Polipan to reduce the costs of treatment. Under these conditions, the maximum removal of cyanide was 12 %. In the aerobic biological treatment for 48 h, the maximum efficiencies for COD reduction of 88 % and for turbidity reduction of 69 % were determined in the presence of the microbial consortium 20 % v/v, ammonium chloride 5 6 % and at pH 8.0. For the treatments, physical-chemical and biological, the results show that pH 8 is a key factor for removal of organic compounds and cyanide from cassava wastewater. The treatments of the manipueira by coagulation-flocculation and by microbial consortium decrease the pollution of this effluent before being launched in the water resources / A mandioca (Manihot esculenta) é a terceira cultura mais importante do país na alimentação básica da população. A produção de farinha de mandioca gera um efluente denominado manipueira que contem elevada quantidade de matéria orgânica e cianeto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a remoção da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), turbidez e cianeto da manipueira por tratamentos físico-químico e biológico. No tratamento físico-químico por coagulação-floculação, três planejamentos fatoriais completos foram realizados para investigar os fatores: pH, tanino e o polímero sintético auxiliar da floculação (Polipan) sobre as variáveis respostas: DQO, turbidez e cianeto. A eficiência máxima de remoção de DQO foi 91 % a pH 8,0, na presença de tanino 1,0 mL/L e Polipan 0,030 ppm. A maior remoção de turbidez (75 %) foi determinada a pH 8 e tanino 0,8 mL/L, na ausência do Polipan para diminuir os custos do tratamento. Nessas condições, a redução máxima de cianeto foi de 12 %. Nos tratamentos biológicos aeróbios durante 48 h, as eficiências máximas de redução de DQO 88 % e de turbidez 69 % foram determinadas na presença de consórcio microbiano 20 % v/v, cloreto de amônio 5 - 6 % e a pH 8,0. Para os tratamentos físico-químico e biológico, os resultados obtidos mostram que o pH 8 foi fator chave para remoção de compostos orgânicos e do cianeto da manipueira. Os tratamentos da manipueira por coagulação-floculação e por consórcio microbiano diminuem a carga orgânica desse efluente antes de ser lançado nos recursos hídricos

Modelling landfill site suitability in Gauteng Province using GIS

Tshimange, Tshilidzi 11 February 2016 (has links)
Department of Ecology and Resource Management / MENVM

Investigating the performance of a community based approach to solid waste management: A case study of Nkulumane Suburb in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Mkumbuzi, Sinqobile Helen 18 May 2018 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / Solid waste management (SWM) has become an issue of increasing worldwide concern as urban populations continue to rise and consumption patterns change. The health and environmental effects associated with SWM are escalating, predominantly in the perspective of developing countries. The rise in rural-urban migration rates in developing countries has left local authorities overwhelmed and failing to cope with the increase in solid waste. This has led to a shift from conventional systems of solid waste management to contemporary systems such as community based solid waste management (CBSWM). Despite the shift, it seems local authorities in developing countries still fail to manage suburban waste effectively. This study investigated the performance of a CBSWM scheme in Nkulumane, a high-density suburb in Bulawayo. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, hence a mixed methods approach employed. The study incorporated systematic sampling and purposive sampling in the selection of research participants. Data was collected through qualitative questionnaires, semi structured interviews and field observations. Thematic content analysis and descriptive statistics from SPSS version 25 were used in data analysis. The study revealed that community members from Nkulumane had sound knowledge on what CBSWM entails, however the community members had negative attitude towards CBSWM and traditional notions on SWM had an influence of their perception of CBSWM concepts. The study also revealed that Bulawayo City Council had managed to create employment for the community through a CBSWM scheme. Furthermore, operating expenses of the city council had decreased over the years. The level of environmental awareness had improved in the study area as well. However, Bulawayo City Council has battled with community participation problems, financial constraints and inter-institutional infighting. This study provides a comprehensive report on the performance of the CBSWM scheme in Nkulumane high density suburb, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. / NRF

Economic potential of gold mine waste: a case study of Consolidated Murchison Mine Waste

Ravele, Rembuluwani Solly 20 September 2019 (has links)
MESMEG / Department of Mining and Environmental Geology / The increase in the demand and market price of gold has led to reprocessing of gold tailings in many parts of the world. Mines are recently closing down due to depletion of resources and increasing mining costs leading to the reprocessing of old tailings dams. The cost of rehabilitation is high, and therefore a more convenient way of rehabilitation is required. The most convenient strategy identified here was to reprocess tailings for gold and use waste rocks as construction materials. The tailings residues (waste remaining after reprocessing) will be relocated to a more convenient place to avoid pollution. Gold reprocessing from tailings dams has gained momentum in South Africa especially in the Witwatersrand Basin where there are large volumes of tailings. Gold is being reprocessed from tailings in this area using hydraulic monitors. This study focused on the evaluation of gold and heavy metals within the tailings at Consolidated Murchison Mine tailings in Gravelotte, Limpopo province. Augering was conducted over the tailings up to a depth of 8 m along four sampling Profiles. The first profile had two sampling points, the second profile with three sampling points, the third and fourth profiles consisted of four and five sampling points respectively. Samples were collected at 1 m interval, therefore a total of 112 samples were collected and analysed for heavy metals using X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry and 84 samples were analysed for gold using fire assaying. Tailings sampling was accompanied with tailings logging, taking note of colour, texture and moisture content. Based on this, the oxidation status of the tailings dam was determined. Oxidation zone of this tailings dam was mainly from top down to a depth of 3 m. The transitional zone was not identified, hence after the oxidation zone, the rest was unoxidized zone. This study established that gold was erratically distributed within the tailings dam with the lowest and highest values of 200 mg/kg and 1880 mg/kg respectively and the average was 670 mg/kg. The tonnage of tailings within the dam was found to be 13 280 310 tons with a total gold amount of 8 897. 81 kg. At the current world market, this interprets to US$ 306 932 396.00 (R 4 281 706 924.20). It was concluded that this tailings dam is economically viable for reprocessing, although previous studies have indicated that it is not possible to extract gold from tailings dams completely. The heavy metal content of Pb, Ni and Cr were found to be high with average values of (ppm); 5631.5, 2062.6 and 1345 v respectively. The metals with the lowest values were Cd, Co and Cu, averaging (ppm); 0.01 ppm, 19.8 ppm and 42.1 ppm respectively. Heavy metal content in soil around the tailings dam was gradually decreasing with distance from the tailings dam. Waste rocks have been used in some parts of the world as sub-base material for engineering construction, hence in this study, a total of 6 waste rock samples were collected using grab sampling method for geostatistical investigation. Such samples were subjected to various geotechnical tests which included particle size distribution analysis (sieve analysis), Atterberg limit tests and laboratory compaction test to determine their suitability for construction. The waste rock material was found to be suitable for road construction as it was classified under Group A-1-a using the AASHTO classification system. The material consisted mainly of rock fragments, gravel and sand material with minor silt/clay. In general, Consolidated Murchison mine waste was found to be suitable for road construction. / NRF

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