Spelling suggestions: "subject:"faith."" "subject:"waith.""
651 |
A practical-theological investigation of the nineteenth and twentieth century "faith theologies"King, Paul Leslie 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a study of nineteenth and twentieth century faith theology and praxis, seeking to
determine a balanced, healthy faith that is both sound in theology and effective in practice, Part
1 presents a history and sources of Faith Teaching and Practices. It first looks
historically at the roots of later faith teaching and practice by presenting a sampling of
teachings on faith from early church fathers, reformers, mystics, and Pietists. These form the
foundation for the movements of faith in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-the classic
faith teaching, followed by the modern faith movement and leaders.
Part 2 deals with the foundational issues of faith teaching and practice: the relationship of faith
to the supernatural, the concept of the inheritance of the believer and the practice of claiming
the promises of God, the nature of faith, and the authority of the believer and its inferences for
faith praxis.
Part 3 investigates seven major theological issues of faith teaching and practice: faith as a law
and force, the object and source of faith, the relationship of faith and the will of God,
distinguishing between a logos and a rhema word of God, the concepts of revelation and
sense knowledge, the doctrine of healing in the atonement, the question of evidence of the baptism
in the Holy Spirit.
Part 4 examines major practical issues of faith teaching and practice about which controversy
swirls: positive mental attitude and positive confession; issues of discernment in acting upon
impressions, voices, revelations, and "words from the Lord;" questions of faith regarding sickness
and healing, death, doctors and medicine; the relationships between sickness, suffering, healing,
and sanctification; and prosperity.
Part 5 reflects upon these issues and comes to final conclusions regarding: the role of
hermeneutics in determining faith theology and praxis, how to handle unanswered prayers and
apparent failures of faith, the seeming paradox and tension between claiming one's inheritance and dying to self, a summary of practical conclusions for exercise of healthy faith, and final conclusions and recommendations on developing a sound theology and practice of faith for the twenty-first century. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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A practical-theological investigation of the nineteenth and twentieth century "faith theologies"King, Paul Leslie 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a study of nineteenth and twentieth century faith theology and praxis, seeking to
determine a balanced, healthy faith that is both sound in theology and effective in practice, Part
1 presents a history and sources of Faith Teaching and Practices. It first looks
historically at the roots of later faith teaching and practice by presenting a sampling of
teachings on faith from early church fathers, reformers, mystics, and Pietists. These form the
foundation for the movements of faith in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-the classic
faith teaching, followed by the modern faith movement and leaders.
Part 2 deals with the foundational issues of faith teaching and practice: the relationship of faith
to the supernatural, the concept of the inheritance of the believer and the practice of claiming
the promises of God, the nature of faith, and the authority of the believer and its inferences for
faith praxis.
Part 3 investigates seven major theological issues of faith teaching and practice: faith as a law
and force, the object and source of faith, the relationship of faith and the will of God,
distinguishing between a logos and a rhema word of God, the concepts of revelation and
sense knowledge, the doctrine of healing in the atonement, the question of evidence of the baptism
in the Holy Spirit.
Part 4 examines major practical issues of faith teaching and practice about which controversy
swirls: positive mental attitude and positive confession; issues of discernment in acting upon
impressions, voices, revelations, and "words from the Lord;" questions of faith regarding sickness
and healing, death, doctors and medicine; the relationships between sickness, suffering, healing,
and sanctification; and prosperity.
Part 5 reflects upon these issues and comes to final conclusions regarding: the role of
hermeneutics in determining faith theology and praxis, how to handle unanswered prayers and
apparent failures of faith, the seeming paradox and tension between claiming one's inheritance and dying to self, a summary of practical conclusions for exercise of healthy faith, and final conclusions and recommendations on developing a sound theology and practice of faith for the twenty-first century. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
653 |
The concept of faith in the Gospel of MarkIonov, Sergey 11 1900 (has links)
This research has the objective to explore the concept of faith in the Gospel of Mark.
An exegetical investigation of the faith terminology (pist-word group) in the Gospel
is required for that. An analysis of the model passages with occurrences of the motword
group shows the variety of possible connotations of the term. The most
paradigmatic of them are in the sense of trust in God [which means to be open
towards the highest reality]. Comparison of the results of the analysis with the
concept of faith in the Old Testament, Classical Greek, and Hellenistic Greek is
helpful to understand the etymology of the Markan use of the pist-word group and to
make clear the conceptual meaning of faith in the Gospel which is closer to the Old
Testament idea of an active commitment to God expressed in a continuous existence
in the presence of Him. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)
654 |
The ethical implications of the concept of faith as freedom from society in the theology of John WesleyBosch, Louis Carl 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis and examination of the concept of Faith as
understood, experienced, and held by John Wesley: Throughout this study, the
question, "Is this Faith possible" lingers, depicting the serious quest of heart and
mind to understand Wesley's theology and his empirical view of Faith, as found
in the eighteenth-century Revival in England and in Methodism. The problem
of the usage of Faith, and the confusion of Freedom, in the life of the "true
Christian" in Society, forms the basis of this discussion.
The concepts Faith, Freedom, and Society are each examined in this work:
The Spirit of the Age, as depicted by the thought of Kant the "transcendentalist"
in Europe; of Locke the English empiricist; and of Edwards the Calvinist in
America, give insight into the struggle in the pursuit of Freedom. These
difficulties are met by the unique ministry of Wesley, who would not compromise
man's "unalienable right" to be Free, especially in the light of "salvation by faith."
In this analysis and consideration I look at Wesley's concepts of Faith,
Freedom, and his understanding of Society, in the light of his theology and ethics,
as well as the milieu of the eighteenth century; the implications of these are
considered, taking note of, the influence and the impact of Wesley's ministry and
writings upon almost all of the eighteenth-century English population, as well as
the overflow of the same into the wider world.
What happened through his ministry stresses the truth that, what he knew
as Faith, was very different from the orthodox and traditional views. More than
ever, this needs to be understood today. Wesley's experience of Faith, in his
Freedom with regard to Society, is as relevant today as it was then. This thesis
sets out to clarify some of the problems: What Wesley had found, history
cannot deny. / Philosophy, Practical & Ststematic Theology / D. Th. (Theological Ethics)
655 |
Spiritual growth in the context of Christian communityPaxton, Geoffrey George 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the spiritual growth of individuals: what growth is; why growth is necessary; and how it can be nurtured. An individual's spiritual growth needs to happen in relationship with others, so that Christ's commandments to love God and neighbour are fulfilled. Thus the dynamics, goals and effects of community
life are examined. Spiritual growth and community raises implications for the Christian Church. These are examined, in particular the need for transformed leadership and models of ministry, transforming communities that will enable the church to fulfil its mission to the world. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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Bahai-geloof in Suid-Afrika : n' Godsdienswetenskaplike studie / The Bahai faith in South Africa : a religious studySchulz, Johannes Joagim Christoffel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Baha'i-geloof is 'n nuwe onafhanklike wereldreligie en is
redelik onbekend onder die bree Suid-Afrikaanse publiek. Hierdie
kwalitatiewe studie (gebaseer op die fenomenologiese metode) het
ten doel om die Baha'i-fenomeen op 'n nie-veroordelende wyse sander
vooroordele te beskryf en om die Baha'is se eie Suid-Afrikaanse
ervaring te registreer.
Dit geskied eerstens deur 'n bespreking van die Baha'ise historiese
gebeure (deel 1). Op hierdie wyse word die geloof in sy religieuse
familiegroepering geplaas. Terselfdertyd verklaar hierdie
deel die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die Baha'i-geloof wereldwyd
en in Suid-Afrika. Dit herdefinieer die verbondsgedagte
en toon hoe Baha'is die eenheidsgedagte en die uitlewing van Baha
'u' llah se boodskap via die skepping van 'n Administratiewe
orde vormgee.
Sentrale Baha'i-konsepte (deel 2) aangaande die geestelike dimensie
van die geloof word hierna aangestip. Dit word uitgebou met
ongestruktureerde onderhoude met versigtig gekose deelnemers,
waarin Baha'is dus self hul geloof in terme van die Baha'i-administrasie,
wette, byeenkomste en bepalings, Godsbegrip en eskatologie
sowel as hul antropologie en geskiedenis uitspel. Dit word
ooreenkomstig die sentrale temas bespreek sodat 'n Baha'i-geheelbeeld
gekonseptualiseer kan word. Dit word afgesluit met 'n bespreking
van die Baha'i-wereldstaat as die vervulling van die
profesie van die nuwe hemel en aarde.
Verskeie gevolgtrekkings word uit hierdie data gemaak. Dit toon
hoe die Baha'is Baha'u'llah se boodskap as sleutel gebruik sodat
die moderne mens na die vestiging van 'n nuwe wereldkultuur gelei
word. Hierdie strewe bekragtig die Baha'i-strategie en motto van
eenheid in die verskeidenheid, en word as die oplossing vir
die hedendaagse probleme van die moderne mens aangebied. Daar
word dan met die Suid-Afrikaanse Baha'i-toekomsbeskouing afgesluit. / The Baha'i Faith is a new independent world religion and is vastly
unknown to the South African public. The purpose of this qualitative
research (based on the phenomenological method) is to
describe the Baha'i phenomenon in an unbiased, non-judgemental
way so that the own South African Baha'i experience is registered.
The Baha'i history (part 1) is discussed first in order to place
this faith in its own religious framework and to explain its origin
and development worldwide as well as in South Africa. It
establishes the message of the Covenant and shows how Baha'is are
proclaming the unity idea and the message of Baha'u'llah via the
establishment of the Administrative order.
Central Baha'i concepts (part 2) concerning the spiritual dimension
of the Baha'i faith are explored. It is expanded via unstructured
interviews with carefully selected participants in
order to let Baha'is explain their own administration, laws and
regulations, concepts about God and their escatology as well as
their anthropology and history. This is done in accordance to the
central themes so that a total picture of Baha'i could be conceptualised.
It ends with a discussion of the Baha'i worldstate as
the fulfillment of the new heaven and earth prophecy.
Different conclusions are made from these data. It shows how the
Baha'is are using Baha'u'llah's message as the key in order to
lead man to the establishment of a new modern world culture. This
culture will be the fulfillment of the Baha'i strategy and motto
of unity in diversity and serves as the Baha'i answer to the
modern day problems. The thesis ends with the South African expectations
of the future / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th. (Religious Studies)
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Geloofsvorming in die huisgesin : 'n ondersoek onder lidmate van die Apostoliese Geloof Sending van Suid-AfrikaWiid, Petrus Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Geloof word tradisioneel beskou as voortspruitend uit godsdienstigheid. In hierdie prakties teologiese navorsing word daar egter gefokus op geloof as 'n universele verskynsel. Godsdienstigheid spruit ook voort uit geloof, wat impliseer dat geloof nie net "ontvang" word tydens die sogenaamde "bekering" tot 'n bepaalde godsdiens nie, maar dat "bekering" een aspek van 'n dinamiese geloofsvormingsproses is.
Geloofsvorming word in hierdie studie in verband gebring met vier dimensies van mens wees, naamlik kognitiwiteit, sosialisering, affektiwiteit en moraliteit. By wyse van 'n kwalitatief-georienteerde, empiriese ondersoek onder AGS-gesinne, is rigtingwysers gevind wat die vier dimensies se invloed op geloofsvonning aandui. Dit blyk dat geloofsvonning nie primer belnvloed word deur die kognitiewe dimensie nie maar eerder deur die kwaliteit van die sosialisering en van die affektiwiteit in die huisgesin. Alhoewel die gehalte van die moraliteit ook 'n rot speel in geloofsvorming, word moratiteit ook grootliks gebaseer op die kwaliteit van die sosialisering en affektiwiteit. / Faith is traditionally considered to be an extention of religion. In this practical-theological research, faith is rather seen as a universal phenomenon through which life is given meaning. Religion thus arises from faith. This implies that faith is not "received" at a so-called "conversion" to a specific religion but rather is one aspect of a dynamic developmental process of faith.
Faith development is seen in conjunction with cognitivity, socialisation, affectivity and morality. A qualitative-orientated research among AFM-families has given an indication of the influence of these four dimensions on the faith development of children in the family. It seems that faith development is not as much influenced by cognitivity as by the quality of the socialisation and the affectivity in the family. Even though the quality of morality plays a role in faith development, it seems that the former is also based, to a great extent, on the quality of socialisation and affectivity. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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Die Metanoia-Botschaft des Evangeliums als Ausgangspunkt für die Erarbeitung einer praktisch-theologischen Theorie in der ErlebnisgesellschaftEckert, Klaus Ludwig Robert 06 1900 (has links)
Text in German / The impulse for this research comes from the present crisis of the penitential practice within the Roman Catholic communities of Germany, where notwithstanding all pastoral efforts the practice of sacramental confession has dropped to almost nothing. The procedure adopted is based on the method of R. Zerfass.
1" step: An investigation on the present practice has been done with a previous research:
2nd step: The present research, in the first chapter deals with the New Testament origins of penance and the historical development up to the present time. An essential result attained is the insight that conversion (Mk 1,14 f.) does not consist of a message of doom but urges the audience to pursue the salvation of the reign of God. As a consequence the believer experiences an ethic motivation whereby he takes as orientation the rules of the kingdom of God.
3rd step: The sociological situation of the target group is the topic of chapter two. The study is based on the work of G. Schulze. The central point made by his analysis is the affirmation that people in contemporary society are basically experience orientated and that all opportunities and offers are assessed according to their experiential value. Because of the confusing oversupply of experiences and the avoidance of disappointments caused by unfulfilled expectations homogeneous groups (milieus) emerge. People, in search of experience orient themselves according to these experiences and
shape them in their turn. In the realm (market) of experiences which cannot be controlled supply and demand come together. The supplier who do not follow the laws of the market is ousted because of failing to supply what is demanded.
4th step: In chapter 3 a practical theological theory is developed that present penitential crises is routed in a crises of faith. For this reason an updated pastoral approach to conversion needs to take as its starting point the liberation message of Jesus and at the same time to take into consideration the rules that govern the market, the contemporary segmentation of the milieu included. The final step will consist in a pastoral concretisation / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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The practical theological challenges faced by the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Fountain of Life Congregation in the Winterveldt communitySejeng, Mankopane Sydney 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is about the practical theological challenges faced by the AFM of SA Fountain of life congregation in the Winterveldt community. The Fountain of life congregation has minimal involvement in the community of Winterveldt, a community plagued by numerous life threatening plights. The congregation is in a survival mode after stagnating for a number of years and with serious challenges of declining or even facing possible extinction.
This study's goal is to develop a practical theological theory, strategy and process which the AFM of SA Fountain of life congregation would be inspired to implement in order to contribute towards arresting theological, social, economical and moral degradation in the community of Winterveldt. The researcher employed a practical theological methodology and explored areas that are vital for the answering of the research problem, "What can be done in the Fountain of life congregation to maximize the participation of all members to serve the community of Winterveldt as well as the larger society?"
It is hypothesized that Practical Theology will give the AFM of SA Fountain of life guidance and equip this faith community and its leaders theologically to consider their vocation, to develop a practical theological ecclesiology, a way to be the true, faithful and effective local church which is the salt and light of the world, including Winterveldt.
The study explored the "world" in which Fountain of life finds itself, in terms of its contextual as well as the congregation's identity analysis. The normative aspects of being a missional church which covered the missional identity, empowerment and involvement of laity, and missional leadership were elaborated, while spiritual discernment with areas particular to Fountain of life received attention in the normative aspects of spiritual discernment. It is recommended that the identity of Fountain of life be grounded in the mission of the Trinitarian God (missio Dei of the Trinitarian God). The missionary identity and character of Fountain of life should be built and developed upon the eight dominant patterns found in a missional church.
The researcher strongly encourages the Fountain of life congregation to employ the missional leadership strategies while engaging in a total involvement leadership style, which integrates high concern for getting the task completed and a high concern for good people relationship. The leadership of Fountain of life is further encouraged to use the suggested laity empowerment strategies in order to empower, develop, and involve the laity.
Missional transformation can only succeed if the laity is empowered and committed to deal with new realities. Leadership is key in engaging the laity. The pastor and the leadership of Fountain of life must teach, educate, lead, and engage the congregation, and also partner with other communities of faith and organizations especially the South African Partnership for Missional Churches (SAPMC) to succeed.
Fountain of life should practice missional praxis theology, a holistic theological model that describes the methodology for congregations to develop their own contextual ecclesiology within the parameters of God‘s overall design for the Church. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing handel oor die prakties-teologiese uitdagings van die Apostoliese Geloofsending (AGS) in Suid-Afrika se Fountain of life gemeente in Winterveldt (Tswane metropolitaanse area). Fountain of life het minimale invloed in die Winterveldt gemeenskap, 'n gemeenskap wat gebuk gaan onder baie ernstige sosiale probleme. Die gemeente is net besig om te oorleef, dit is stagnant en staar agteruitgang of algehele ondergang in die gesig.
Die studie poog om teorie, strategie en ʼn proses te ontwikkel wat die Fountain of life gemeente in staat sal stel om ʼn bydrae te lewer om die algehele agteruitgang op teologiese, sosiale, ekonomiese en morele gebied, aan bande te lê en selfs om te keer. Die navorser gebruik ʼn prakties-teologiese benadering ter beantwoording van die navorsingsvraag: "Hoe kan die Fountain of life gemeente deelname van lidmate maksimaal benut sodat hulle Winterveldt en die groter gemeenskap kan bedien?"
As die Fountain of life AGS gemeente die prakties-teologiese uitdagings wat die gemeenskap in die gesig staar, kan ondersoek en verstaan asook maniere vind om dit aan te spreek kan hulle die lot en swaarkry van die gemeenskap se mense help verlig.
Die navorsing ondersoek die gemeente se bestaanswêreld, haar meer onmiddellike konteks asook haar identiteit. Wat is die normatiewe basis van ʼn missionale gemeente? Wat is die implikasies daarvan vir missionale identiteit? Hoe word lidmate bemagtig en hoe raak hulle betrokke? Wat behels missionale leierskap? Verder word baie klem geplaas op die normatiewe beginsels van geestelike onderskeidingsvermoë en wat dit in die praktyk vir die gemeente beteken.
Die studie stel voor dat Fountain of life haar identiteit in die sending van die drie-enige God (missio Dei) leer vind. Die agt kenmerke van ʼn missionale gemeente behoort die identiteit van die gemeente te bepaal.
Die navorser voel sterk dat die gemeente missionale leierskap strategieë moet implementeer. Dit behels volle oorgawe aan die taak sowel as ʼn volledige betrokkenheid by mense. Die gemeente se leierskap word aangemoedig om lidmate te bemagtig, te help om geestelik te ontwikkel en om in die kerk en gemeenskap betrokke te raak.
Missionale transformasie kan alleen slaag as lidmate betrokke is, bemagtig is en bereid is om nuwe werklikhede te hanteer. Leierskap moet hiertoe verbind wees. Die plaaslike pastoor en die gemeente se leierskap moet lidmate toerus, voorgaan en betrokke kry. Hulle moet ook met ander geloofsgebaseerde organisasies netwerk, in die besonder die Suid-Afrikaanse Genootskap van Gestuurde Gemeentes.
Fountain of life gemeente word opgeroep om missionaal en holisties teologie op ʼn praxis styl te beoefen sodat die gemeente ʼn eie kontekstuele ekklesiologie binne die koninkryk se parameters van die missio Dei kan ontdek.
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The American social welfare system is a mixed system consisting of loosely coupled government programs, private nonprofit and for-profit organizations, grassroots and religious entities. Although religious entities historically played a key role in the development of the social welfare system, the faith-based initiative of President George W. Bush targeted religious service providers to receive government funding and take on a larger role in service delivery to at-risk populations based on the belief that these providers were substantially different from traditional providers. Using a cross-sectional research design and a survey instrument created for the study, data was collected from 121 nonprofit service providers in the Richmond Metropolitan Statistical Area of Virginia. Nonprofit organizations were selected from three online databases using identified criteria and sent paper surveys and/or emails inviting them to complete a web-based survey. The study identified similarities and differences between characteristics of faith-based service providers and traditional providers and used a conceptual model composed of Resource Dependence Theory and Neo-Institutional Theory to suggest dynamics impacting similarities and differences between providers. Data analysis included univariate and multivariate analysis of organization characteristics. Univariate findings identified that faith-based organizations in the study were older, served more people in 2006, generally provided services via volunteers, received more funding from congregations and other religious entities and did not favor membership in professional organizations. Other than these notable differences, faith-based providers were fairly similar to their traditional counterparts. A multivariate analysis used a two-group discriminant function (DFA) procedure to determine which variables best discriminated between provider groups. Two variables, funding from congregations/other religious entities and funding from government grants/contracts, were found to be the most important discriminating variables. Study findings were consistent with prior research comparing the provider groups. Although some differences do exist, overall similarities tended to outweigh differences suggesting that the claim of substantially differences between providers did not fit the geographic area studied. For those concerned with community service delivery, the implication is that recent economic developments suggest that attention should be placed on collaboration and service delivery capacity-building rather than on the differences between service providers.
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