Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1amily violence"" "subject:"bamily violence""
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Violência doméstica contra as mulheres nas relações íntimas de afeto : influências das estratégias de coping e impacto no bem-estar subjetivoCôrtes, Vanessa Araujo Souza 29 April 2014 (has links)
The violence is a phenomenon essentially built on social. It is complex, controversial and multifaceted, encompassing all cultures in their different social plots, either in public or private levels. A violence that affects primarily private levels is domestic violence, especially against women. This can be defined as an act of violence (action or omission), which is based on the gender issue and that may have biopsychosocial consequences. This type of violence is recognized by the World Health Organization as
a matter of health and social mainly for being characterized as a manifestation of power relations and historical culturally dissimilar, favoring the dominance of men over women. In recent years, however, with the release of the Maria da Penha Law (L. 11340), there was an increase in the number of reported cases and reported in the media of women who suffer violence or who have been killed as a result of this. However, these rates still aren´t consistent with the serious reality, because for various reasons
many women remain silent and submissive, configured as a chronic problem. This work aims to investigate the influence of different coping strategies in order to experience the situation of domestic violence in intimate relationships of affection and evaluate the impact of this violence on subjective well-being of women victims. For this, multimethod research approach (qualitative and quantitative) was performed with cross-sectional survey type. The sample consisted of 486 women victims of Sergipe (49.3 %) and not the victims (50.6 %) of domestic violence in intimate relationships of affection, who accessed the WPS and Reference Centres for Social Assistance. As for the instrument consisted of a questionnaire crawler (containing questions about sociodemographic data and open questions about domestic violence) and three scales: World Health Organization Violence Against Women (WHO VAW), Subjective Well-Being Scale (EBE) and Modes of Coping Scale (EMEP). The descriptive results of the demographic data comparing the two groups (women victims rather than victims), including analysis of the questionnaire tracker and analysis of the scales WHO VAW, EBE and EMEP. The results showed that subjective well-being is higher in women than non-victims of violence and the coping strategies caused a little impact on the relationship between domestic violence against women in intimate relationships of affection and subjective well -being. / A violência é um fenômeno construído essencialmente no social. É complexo, controverso e multifacetado, que abrange todas as culturas em suas diferentes parcelas sociais, seja nos níveis públicos ou privados. Uma violência que atinge, prioritariamente, os níveis privados é a violência doméstica, em especial, contra a mulher. Essa pode ser definida como um ato de violência (ação ou omissão), que tem por base a questão do gênero e, que pode ter consequências biopsicossociais. Este tipo de violência é reconhecido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como uma questão de saúde e social, principalmente, por ser caracterizada como uma manifestação das relações de poder históricas e culturalmente desiguais, que favorecem a dominação dos homens sobre as mulheres. Nos últimos anos, entretanto, com a divulgação da Lei Maria da Penha (L. 11340), houve um aumento do número de casos denunciados e noticiados na imprensa de mulheres que sofrem violência ou que foram mortas em
decorrência desta. Todavia, esses índices ainda não condizem com a grave realidade, pois por diversos motivos muitas mulheres permanecem caladas e submissas, configurando-se como um problema crônico. Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a influência de diferentes estratégias de coping no modo de vivenciar a situação de violência doméstica nas relações íntimas de afeto e avaliar o impacto desta violência no bem-estar subjetivo das mulheres vítimas. Para isso, foi realizada pesquisa com abordagem multimétodo (qualitativa e quantitativa), com delineamento transversal tipo survey. A amostra foi composta por 486 mulheres sergipanas vítimas (49,3%) e não vítimas (50,6%) de violência doméstica nas relações íntimas de afeto, que acessaram a Delegacia da Mulher e os Centros de Referência da Assistência Social. Quanto ao instrumento foi composto por um questionário rastreador (contendo questões sobre os dados sociodemográficos e questões abertas acerca da violência doméstica) e por três escalas: World Health Organization Violence Against Women (WHO VAW), Escala de Bem Estar Subjetivo (EBES) e, Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas
(EMEP). Foram extraídos os resultados descritivos dos dados sociodemográficos comparando os dois grupos (mulheres vítimas e não vítimas), incluindo a análise do questionário rastreador e a análise fatorial das escalas WHO VAW e EMEP. Os resultados apontaram que o bem-estar subjetivo é maior nas mulheres não-vítimas doque não vítimas, ressaltando que as estratégias de enfrentamento pouco impacta na relação entre violência doméstica contra as mulheres nas relações íntimas de afeto e o
bem-estar subjetivo.
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Domestic violence and physical child abuse: Do social workers see the risk?Johnson, Virginia Faye 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to look at whether domestic violence is being viewed as a risk factor in homes where there is also physical child abuse. Historically a misconception has existed that child abuse occurs in a vacuum of sorts, isolated from other family problems.
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Domestic violence education and risk mitigation for prelicensure nursing studentsDyckman, Frances Maria 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to develop a domestic violence consciousness raising-education program and a self-administered risk assessment for a population of community college nursing students. When the faculty became aware that attrition rates were rising and that a high number of requests to drop out of nursing school were disproportionately linked to recent incidences of domestic violence, a potential contributing cause of the high drop out rate was revealed.
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From victim to victory: the experiences of abused women and the salience of the support they encounterVan Rensburg, Madri Stephani Jansen 30 November 2004 (has links)
This thesis includes four studies investigating the experiences of abused women. According to ecological approaches different systems should be considered when conducting research into abused women and their experiences.
The first study involved women who successfully left an abusive relationship. An ecological approach was used to investigate the experiences of the women in the different phases of their relationship, including the initial attraction to the partner, the development and sustaining of the abuse and her attempts to leave until her final decision to leave permanently. An important finding was the importance of considering and investigating all systems and levels when dealing with abused women, including those who have left and those who are contemplating leaving this relationship.
The second study found that women who experienced physical abuse were often hurt in anatomical locations that were indicative of impulsive violence. The abuser used any object in the heat of the moment to attack the victim and no premeditated planning was evident in the type of injuries sustained. The women further reported that medical practitioners did not investigate the causes of injuries and that they were not referred to social services or organisations dealing with abused women, although they were recognised as suffering from abuse.
The intersection of abuse of women and HIV was the topic of focus of the third study. A review of the records of abused women revealed that many abused women were subjected to risk factors for contracting HIV, with counsellors focussing only on abuse issues. Longitudinal case studies, of women exposed to both conditions, revealed that they lacked social support and were often secondarily victimised by the social welfare systems. An environmental scan found that social and health care services were not accessible to these women.
The final study investigated intervention strategies to combat burnout in workers at an organisation dealing with abused women. The importance and effectiveness of creative exercises and art sessions were determined in combination with debriefing and supervision sessions.
The studies all considered systems that are important in service delivery to abused women. A holistic and systemic investigation and treatment of abused women is shown to be essential, as is the importance of grass roots research. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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Family violence in African communities in the Western Cape : s theological-ethical assessmentRashe, Reuben Zolile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Family violence, commonly known as domestic violence, is becoming a serious social problem – not only in the Western Cape but in the whole country. Most women are still victims of family violence caused by their spouses. Although family violence is a serious violation of human rights, it does not seem to be recognized as such in the Church and within some African communities. Family violence results in women experiencing serious physical, economic as well as health and psychological problems.
Despite the fact that governments worldwide (including the South African government) have committed themselves through legislation, to addressing the abuse of women, most women are still experiencing family violence. Most women choose to be silent about their experiences of family violence and for various reasons, prefer to remain in such relationships. The reasons for their silence vary from one to another.
This study is essentially a theological-ethical assessment. The aim of the study was to explore what could be the churches’ response and contribution in combating family violence in African communities in the Western Cape.
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The contributing role of some circumstantial factors in fueling family violencePretorius, Cornell Willem 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine whether any relationship existed between
identified circumstantial factors about the living conditions of black families and specific
conflict tactics employed by them in an informal settlement in the Helderberg basin. The
research hypothesis is founded on crime statistics for the past five years for the
Helderberg basin that have shown a generally higher crime incidence/reporting rate for
informal and low cost-housing compared to more affluent areas in the basin (CIAC,
2000). The purpose of exploring the existence of such a relationship was to highlight
particular circumstantial factors, assisting decision makers at local government to
intervene more effectively in terms of funds and resources to ensure safer community.
A semi-structured questionnaire, developed by the author, was used to determine the
presence of circumstantial factors in this community; the Conflict Tactic Scales, (CTS),
developed by Straus (1979), served as the measure to assess the predominant conflict
tactics employed by families in Nomzamo, an informal settlement in the Helderberg
basin. Fifty families (2 members per family) participated in the study with one condition
that one of the members should be a child between the ages of 12 and 17.
The only significant relationship that was obtained was between the circumstantial factorlevel
of education, and the conflict tactic-physical assault between spouses, which
highlights the fact that continued education raises ones' awareness and empowers one to
speak out against violence in the home. Possible reasons were offered, given that no other
significant trends could be determined in the study and recommendations for future
research in this field are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om vas the stelof daar enigsins 'n verband bestaan tussen
bepaalde omgewingsfaktore verwant aan die lewensomstandighede van swart gesinne in
'n informele nedersetting in the Helderberg-kom en spesifieke konflik strategieë deur
hulle gebruik. Die navorsing hipotese spruit voort uit misdaad statistiek oor die afgelope
vyf jaar vir die Helderberg-kom, wat oor die algemeen 'n hoë misdaadaanmeldingsyfer
vertoon vir informele en lae-koste behuising areas in vergeleke met meer gegoede areas
in die kom (CIAC, 2000). Die bepaling of daar wel 'n verband bestaan, het ten doelom
besluitmakers binne plaaslike owerhede te assisteer om fondse tot hul beskikking, meer
effektief aan te wend om misdaad verder te bekamp en die gemeenskap te beveilig.
Die bepaling van die teenwoordigheid van omgewingsfaktore binne die gemeenskap, is
gedoen deur middel van 'n semi-gestruktureerde vraelys wat deur die skrywer ontwikkel
is; om vas te stel welke konflik strategieë meerendeels deur gesinne gebruik word in dié
informele nedersetting, is gebruik gemaak van die Conflict Tactic Scales (CTS) soos
ontwikkel deur Straus (1979). Vyftig gesinne (twee lede per gesin) het deelgeneem aan
die studie met die voorwaarde dat een van die lede van die gesin 'n adolessent tussen 12
en 17 moes wees.
Die enigste beduidenswaardige verband wat verkry is, was tussen die omgewingsfaktor -
opvoedingspeil, en die konflik strategie - fisiese aanranding tussen eggenote. Dit dui
daarop dat met toenemende onderrig, verhoog 'n mens se gewaarwordig en word 'n mens
bemagtig om 'n standpunt in te neem teen geweld in die huis. Sekere redes word
aangevoer gegee die feit dat geen ander beduidende verbande voortgespruit het uit die
studie nie en voorstelle vir verder navorsing in dié veld word gegee.
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The Relation Between Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Dating Violence in a Social Information Processing Model Among Young AdultsChong, Chu Chian 05 1900 (has links)
Dating violence (DV) among young adults, specifically in college settings, is a serious issue with potential severe repercussions – both physically and psychologically – for victims of DV (DV victimization), and even financially on societal institutions as a whole. Exposure to parental intimate partner violence (IPV) has been associated with DV in young adults. Such violent behaviors appear to be associated with a recurrent pattern of aggressive thought processes, content, and arousing emotions. This study investigated the mediating effects of explicit socio-cognitive processes, through the reformulated social information processing (SIP) model, and implicit cognitive processes for exposure to parental IPV on DV perpetration and victimization, as well as the moderating effects of identification with parental figures and emotional arousal for exposure to parental IPV on predicting DV perpetration and victimization. 85 college students (men n = 23, M age = 22.29) were recruited for the study and results revealed that exposure to father-to-mother IPV predicted DV victimization, and that the interaction between exposure to father-to-mother IPV and identification with maternal figure predicted DV victimization. Conversely, identification with a parental figure negatively predicted DV victimization. The results revealed that SIP processes did not mediate the relationship for exposure to parental IPV on DV perpetration, however, SIP process of aggressive responding was positively associated with exposure to father-to-mother IPV and DV perpetration. Next, interaction of exposure to mother-to-father IPV and positive affective arousal is associated with less severe SIP hostile attributions and less positive evaluations of aggression responses. Finally, implicit cognition did not mediate exposure to parental IPV and DV perpetration.
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Masculinity, myth and male victimisation: a study exploring professional discourses on male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV)January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Diversity Studies))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, School of Social Sciences, 2016 / IPV directed against male partners is a contentious and notorious topic within the study of domestic violence (Barkhuizen, 2010). Together with this it can be established from the research that even though there is a willingness amongst professionals to acknowledge males as victims of IPV there remains a lack of awareness both amongst professionals and society in general. Therefore, the issue of female-to-male IPV within the South African context is in need of extensive research. Accordingly, this research aims to fill the gap in the literature concerning male victimisation. Six key professionals- who work with domestic violence and have knowledge pertaining to the laws surrounding domestic violence- provided expert, educated opinions on the topic which were drawn from interviews that were transcribed and analysed with the use of thematic content analysis and critical discourse analysis. Key findings revealed the complexities of female-to-male IPV in South Africa. The research revealed that yes, South African law does make provision for male victims but the law is poorly implemented due to many intricacies. The most interesting results related to police perceptions of IPV (both female and male perpetrated). As such this study will bring about greater awareness of the issue and thus provide victims of female-to-male IPV the opportunity to report such incidents without fear of disbelief, reprisal or humiliation. In addition, this research will assist in addressing many of the academic debates and legal issues that surround this controversial aspect of abuse.
KEY WORDS: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Domestic Violence, Male Victimisation, Female-to-male IPV, Professionals, Police, South Africa / GR2017
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Barn som upplever våld i nära relation: våldets konsekvenser ur ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om barnets påverkan av upplevt våld i nära relation / Children’s experiences of domestic violence: the consequenses of violence from a gender perspective : A qualitative study of how experiencing domestic violence affects the childJohansson, Sebastian, Östman, Kataline January 2019 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie som undersöker hur barn kan påverkas av upplevt våld i nära relation och hur våldets orsaker kan förstås och förebyggas. Studien är baserad på fyra intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer som har erfarenhet av arbete inom våld i nära relation. Socionomerna arbetar på ett Barnahus, ett kriscentrum för män, Centrum mot våld samt en verksamhet som bland annat arbetar med familjesamtal. De teoretiska ramar som studien utgörs av är genusperspektivet samt symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Resultatet indikerar på att konsekvenserna av våld är desamma oaktat om ett barn har bevittnat eller själv blivit utsatt för våldet. Detta främst vad gäller de psykiska konsekvenserna som vanligen förklaras i form av skuld, skam och självförakt. Konsekvenserna beroende på barnets könstillhörighet visar på olikheter, där identifikation till föräldrar och anpassning efter samhällsnormer tycks ha en inverkan på barnets utveckling till följd av våldet. Många barn har obearbetade känslor vilka presenteras som konsekvenser av våldet, men kan även förstås som orsaker till eget bruk av våld i nära relation senare i livet. För att mildra konsekvenser men också förebygga våldet och dess uppkomst behöver ett större föräldraansvar tas för att minska ett barns konsekvenser samt avlasta barnets känslor av skuld. Ytterligare behöver barn ges möjlighet att resonera kring samhällsnormer och könsspecifika förväntningar.
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Arteterapia com famílias e psicanálise winnicottiana: uma proposta de intervenção em instituição de atendimento à violência familiar / Art therapy with families and Winnicotts psychoanalysis: a proposal of intervention in an institution for cases of family violenceSei, Maíra Bonafé 09 October 2009 (has links)
A Psicanálise Winnicottiana baseia-se na crença de que o viver criativo está ligado à saúde. Winnicott propôs as Consultas Terapêuticas, quando a psicoterapia não era possível e a pessoa poderia ser ajudada com poucos encontros. Criou o Jogo do Rabisco, no qual o contato entre terapeuta e paciente ocorre por meio de desenhos. Entende-se que a soma destas características permite uma articulação desta teoria à prática da Arteterapia, intervenção terapêutica que oferece recursos artísticos para facilitar expressão e comunicação. Objetivou-se com esta investigação, construir uma proposta de intervenção com famílias, em uma prática da Artepsicoterapia pautada na Psicanálise Winnicottiana, para aplicação no contexto institucional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia Clínica, por meio da qual foram atendidas 10 famílias clientes de uma instituição de atenção à violência familiar. O processo psicoterapêutico familiar foi empreendido com a oferta de recursos artísticos disponíveis em uma caixa artística composta por diferentes materiais expressivos e presente nas sessões. Escolheu-se três famílias para aprofundamento da compreensão do processo, com foco na importância dos encontros iniciais na construção do processo terapêutico familiar, no emprego da Arteterapia como facilitadora da comunicação de pensamentos e sentimentos no setting e nos limites e alcances desta forma de terapia. Percebeu-se que as famílias tiveram dificuldades em aderir à intervenção, com interrupções precoces dos atendimentos. Entende-se que este abandono pode ter ocorrido devido à proposta de reflexão sobre as vivências da família, às dores resultantes da violência e pelo questionamento acerca dos papéis que cada pessoa ocupa na família. O uso dos materiais artísticos facilitou e enriqueceu as contribuições das crianças e adolescentes. Complementou também a compreensão dos adultos, com suas escassas, mas reveladoras produções, além de ampliar o entendimento da dinâmica familiar. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, relacionadas especialmente com o foco na família como o paciente da sessão, na atenção psicológica em instituições para casos de violência familiar, considera-se que observar a família como o paciente é necessário. Por fim, assinalase que a Arteterapia pôde ser uma facilitadora do processo psicoterapêutico das famílias, pois minimiza resistências e amplia o entendimento do grupo, com maiores ganhos proporcionados pela intervenção. / The Winnicotts Psychoanalysis is based on the belief that the creative life is related to health. Winnicott has proposed the Therapeutic Consultations, when the psychotherapy was not possible and the person could be helped with just a few meetings. He has created the Squiggle Game, in which the contact between therapist and patient occurs through drawings. It is understood that the sum of these features allows an articulation of this theory to the practice of Art Therapy, a therapeutic intervention that offers artistic resources to facilitate expression and communication. It was aimed on this research to build a proposal of intervention with families, in a practice of Art Psychotherapy guided by Winnicotts Psychoanalysis, applied to an institutional context. This is a qualitative research in Clinical Psychology, through which 10 families were attended, clients of an institution of attention of family violence cases.. The family psychotherapeutic process was undertaken with the provision of artistic resources available in an \"art box\" consisted of different expressive materials and available in the consultations. It was chose three families to deepen the understanding of the process, focusing on the importance of the initial meetings in the construction of the family therapeutic process, with the use of Art Therapy as a facilitator of communication of thoughts and feelings and on the limits and scope of this form of therapy. It was noticed that families had difficulties to join the intervention, with early discontinuation of care. It is understood that this interruption may have occurred due to the proposal to reflect on family experiences, the pain resulted from the violence and the questions about the roles that each person occupies in the family. The use of artistic materials facilitated and enriched the contributions of children and adolescents. It also supplemented the understanding of adults, with its rare but revealing productions, in addition to improve the understanding of family dynamics. Despite the difficulties encountered, particularly related with the focus on the family as the sessions patient, in psychological care in institutions for family violence cases, it is considered that observing the family as the patient is indeed necessary. Finally, it was noted that the Art Therapy could be a facilitator of the psychotherapeutic process with these families, because it minimizes the resistance and increases the understanding of the group, with higher gains provided by the intervention.
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