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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aux sources de l'originaire dans le désir d'enseigner : approche clinique et projective / Analyzing the sources of origin in the desire to teach : clinical and projective approach

Cayot Decharte, Angélique 30 November 2017 (has links)
L'objet de ma recherche porte sur le désir d'enseigner qui interroge le choix d'un métier et la rencontre actuelle entre l'adulte et l'enfant, soit dans l'enseignement ordinaire soit pour les enseignants spécialisés qui choisissent de se confronter aux troubles graves des apprentissages et au handicap. Il s'agit d'explorer les origines du désir pris dans le discours spontané des enseignants appuyé sur des entretiens cliniques de recherche et dans un autre registre saisir la dynamique pulsionnelle, les choix identificatoires, les processus d'idéalisation et les mouvements fantasmatiques qui peuvent se déployer à travers l'utilisation des méthodes projectives. Pris dans la « métaphore vive » du mythe de Pygmalion déconstruit par Kaës (1973) à partir du fantasme de fustigation décrit par Freud en 1919, enseigner appelle un scénario fantasmatique mobile où les emplacements et les identifications entre l'enfant et l'adulte sont permutables, réversibles dans un retournement des positions actives et passives du sujet. Le désir d'enseigner s'inscrit dans une dimension narcissique patente actualisant le sentiment de continuité d'existence et la quête d'une image de soi idéale mais dans le même temps, se joue aussi la quête de la différence, ancrée dans l'infantile et le sexuel (Chabert, 2011) convoquant inévitablement la différence des sexes et la bisexualité psychique. Enfin, dans la réciprocité du désir d'apprendre et de savoir, enseigner à l'enfant, c'est aller à la rencontre de l'Inconnu posé par Rosolato (1978) comme une relation fondamentale entre le désir et l'idéal qui interroge l'inconnu en soi, le mystère de nos origines convoquant les fantasmes originaires rattachés aux questions de la naissance, de la mort et de la scène primitive. Le Rorschach et le TAT, ces autres objets énigmatiques qui font émerger des « arrêts » sur image et l'insistance de la répétition à certaines planches, mobilisent, dévoilent des enjeux fantasmatiques dans un écho singulier avec ce qui se joue dans la rencontre entre l'adulte et l'enfant à l'âge œdipien, celui de la latence et de l'adolescence. / This research focuses on the desire to teach that motivates the choices of a career and of the mutual encounter between the adult and the child, either in an ordinary school or a special educational setting for learning difficulty or severe disability needs. It aims at exploring the origins of the desire of teachers, on the one hand, through clinical research interviews, and on the other hand, by focusing on the underlying dynamics of drives, identifications and fantasies through projective testing. Caught up in the "rule of metaphor" of the Pygmalion myth, which was revisited by Kaës (1973) based on Freud's child beating fantasy concept (1919), teaching addresses mobile fantasized scenarios where identifications between the adult and the child are intertwined and reversible, turning around active and passive positions of the subject. The desire to teach is part of an evident narcissistic domain, restoring the sense of continuity of being and of an ideal self-image. However, the quest for differentiation, rooted in infantile psychosexuality (Chabert, 2011), is also played out, inevitably summoning gender differences and psychic bisexuality. Lastly, given the reciprocity between the desire to impart and to learn, teaching a child means encountering the Unknown which Rosolato (1978) defined as the fundamental relationship between the desire and the ideal; a relationship that questions the unknown in oneself, the mystery of one's origins and evoke primal fantasies which relate to questions of birth, death and primitive scenes. Enigmatic tools, such as the Rorschach and the TAT, produce fixated images and insistent repetitions on specific cards which summon fantasies echoing those at play in the encounter between the adult and the child of oedipal, latency or adolescent age.

Adult and Juvenile Sexual Offenders: The Use of Violence and Fantasies

Carter, Megan N. 17 March 2004 (has links)
Child sexual abuse (CSA) has been recognized as a widespread and devastating problem in our society. Definitional challenges result in a broad range of prevalence rates for CSA varying from 60/0 to 62% for females and 30/0 to 31 % for males (Finkelhor, Araji, Baron, Browne, Peters, & Wyatt, 1986). Although CSA affects our nation's children in epidemic proportions, researchers have found little conclusive evidence regarding CSA precursors. One promising area for exploring the etiology of CSA may be the differential patterns of sexual fantasies in juvenile and adult sex offenders. Abel, Becker, Mittleman, Cunningham-Rathner, Rouleau and Murphy (1987) found that more than 40% of non-familial child molesters reported the development of deviant sexual fantasies prior to sexually offending. Despite variations in offender subgroups, Marshall, Barbaree and Eccles (1991) found that 22% of the offenders experienced deviant fantasies prior to their first sexual offense. Unfortunately, the literature in this area has been quite limited despite its potential. Understanding offender similarities and differences in adult and juvenile populations may be important due to the large proportion of the offender population who begin sexually offending as juveniles and due to the treatment modalities that may be implemented for developmentally different offenders. As many as 500/0 of adult sex offenders have reported sexually deviant behavior beginning in adolescence (Becker, 1988; Ferhenbach, Smith, Monastersky & Deisher, 1986; Marshall, Barbaree, & Eccles, 1991). Juveniles have also been identified as perpetrators in more than half of all cases (Fehrenbach, Smith, Monastersky, & Deisher, 1986). This study investigates the relationship between offenders' sexual fantasies and their use of physical force to sexually offend. This investigation was also designed to examine the similarities and differences between adult and adolescent sexual offenders on these dimensions. Findings reveal an empirical relationship between offenders' fantasies and behaviors in sexual offending. It is anticipated that additional knowledge regarding potential relationships between fantasies and behaviors will assist in assessing and intervening with accused and convicted sexual offenders. Potential implications for clinical assessment and intervention into sexual abuse are discussed as well as the potential for understanding maintenance factors in the continuation of sexual abuse.


VAN DYKE, RICHARD GERARD January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Stephen Chatman's Piano Fantasies (1993): An Instructional and Performance Guide for Teachers and Intermediate Piano Students

Li, Hanhan 05 1900 (has links)
Contemporary repertoire is not commonly taught or explored by teachers during the intermediate level, when a student's musical training is transitioning to an advanced level. Nonetheless, it is important for piano instructors to be open-minded about contemporary music and have some perspective on the development of music repertoire in the future. The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a performance and pedagogical guide to Stephen Chatman's (b. 1950) Fantasies, from both technical and artistic viewpoints. The collection, which consists of eleven pieces, features a wide variety of contemporary idioms, styles, and means of notation. For instance, there are jazz-like syncopated rhythms, asymmetrical accents reminiscent of Primitivism, and Impressionistic or dissonant sonorities. Fantasies is not only a valuable tool for students to explore new sounds and improve their performing techniques while executing nontraditional notations and contemporary idioms, it is also a great teaching resource for instructors to promote students' musicality through hearing, seeing, and thinking. In this study, I provide individual, detailed descriptions for each of the pieces in the score, adding examples on how to address the difficulties they present to the performer. As a result, instructors can better understand how to help students prepare to perform this collection and spark their interest in playing contemporary music.

Une aventure humaine : la migration : approche des processus inconscients prémigratoires / Migration as a human adventure : an approach of pre-migration unconscious process

Bruyere, Blandine 29 September 2014 (has links)
Migration, exil, déportation, transplantation, exode, expatriation, autant de mots pour qualifier le départ d’un pays. Autant les sciences sociales se sont attachées à comprendre la migration sous toutes ses formes depuis longtemps, autant la psychologie « de la migration » n’en est qu’à ses débuts. Elle s’est, pour l’heure, surtout intéressée aux difficultés rencontrées par les immigrés, mais peu à l’émigré.Il est donc question dans ce travail de tenter de mettre à jour les processus psychiques, et dynamiques préalables au départ. Pour ce faire, j’ai choisi de me mettre également en situation de migration pendant le travail de la recherche, pour rencontrer, accompagner et prendre en charge des candidats aux départs, et des migrants en situation de transit. S’est révélé, au cours de ce travail, la complexité due aux emboitements des différents espaces de réalités auxquelles chaque sujet a à faire. Malgré tout, il est possible de dire que les processus migratoires se mettent en place à partir de contextes tyranniques (familiaux, sociaux) au sein desquels l'emprise et la violence sont au cœur du lien. Le prétexte économique, souvent mis au premier plan, vient symboliser la dualité dette / réparation de la dette, et semble consécutif au fantasme de meurtre qui agite le groupe familial. La migration manifeste une forme de libido d'expression épistémophilique. Elle est la mise en acte d'une quête de sens sur la jouissance de l'autre, parent, de la violence qu'il a agie en tyrannisant le groupe. La migration est métaphore, mais elle est aussi symptôme ; elle est à la fois tentative de mise en conflit par le déplacement de l’originaire aliénant, et répétition par retournement de mécanismes de rejet, d’exclusion. / Migration, exile, deportation, transplantation, exodus, expatriation are as many words to describe leaving a country. Though for a long time, social sciences have been attempting to understand all forms of migration, migration psychology is starting out. Up to now, it was interested in studying the immigrant's difficulties more than the emigrant.This study tries to update the psychic and dynamic process preliminary to departure. This is why I deliberately became a migrant during the whole research: I encountered, accompanied and took in charge prospective and transit migrants.My work enlightened on the complexity due to the diverse and intricate spaces of realities each subject has to deal with.However, migratory processes can be described as induced by oppressive contexts (in family or society) where control and violence are at the core of the bond. Economic motives are often put forward: they symbolize the duality of debt and reparation, and seem to be resulting from the murder fantasy in the family group.Migration denotes a form of libido and of epistemophilic drive. It is the actuation of a quest for the meaning of the other's (the parent's) narcissistic pleasure; it questions the violence and the control the other exerts over the group.Migration is both a metaphor and a symptom; it is the attempt to challenge and to modify the original alienation, as well as a repetition and a reversal of mechanisms of rejection and exclusion.

Self-reflexivity In Postmodernist Texts: A Comparative Study Of The Works Of John Fowles And Orhan Pamuk

Saracoglu, Semra 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation makes a comparative analysis of the self-reflexivity in the novels of one British and one Turkish writer - John Fowles and Orhan Pamuk. The study restricts itself to three novels by each writer. In making this analysis under the light of Robert Scholes&amp / #8217 / s theory of reality, and making use of Linda Hutcheon&amp / #8217 / s classification of self-reflexivity, and Jacque Lacan&amp / #8217 / s The Mirror Stage, it is argued that both Fowles and Pamuk create worlds within worlds which are similar to but different from each other, namely the fictional world, the world of the implied author, and the outer world, i.e. the world of the writer. Although these worlds reflect each other, it is not a one-to-one reflection of outer reality, since art/fiction is illusion. This dissertation argues that in accordance with their aims in both life and literature, and their views on reality, Fowles and Pamuk make use iv of different self-reflexive devices. While Fowles prefers overt self-reflexive devices, Pamuk chooses to employ both overt and covert ones / this may be because Fowles aims to be didactic whereas Pamuk does not. While Fowles believes in the existence of the external world, Pamuk rejects it. Whatever techniques they use, it is shown that they both write self-reflexive texts focusing on fictionality as their theme. The analysis of the six novels by Fowles and Pamuk as the representatives of two different literatures demonstrates that self-reflexivity is an indispensable characteristic of postmodern fiction and that Pamuk is more postmodernist compared to Fowles.

L'institution harmonique (ca. 1640-1647) de Charles Guillet / Institution harmonique (ca. 1640-1647) of Charles Guillet

Grimaldi, Amarine 08 March 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’Institution harmonique, un traité manuscrit composé par Charles Guillet entre 1640 et 1647, dédié à l’archiduc Léopold-Guillaume. Une étude introductoire précède la transcription de la dédicace, de la préface et du premier livre (le seul qui subsiste). Elle met en lumière l’auteur Charles Guillet (ca. 1575-1654), une figure originale mais peu connue dans le paysage musical et apporte des éclairages sur la source manuscrite (notamment organisation, contenu et dessein théorique). La construction de son discours est enfin analysée à travers l’usage des sources (choix des autorités et compilation de deux « phares harmoniques » qu’étaient Zarlino et Salinas). Par la mise en scène de controverses, Guillet démontre la supériorité de la division syntone sur la diatone et justifie la théorie modale de Zarlino. Dans le premier livre sur « la Theorie, ou Speculative Musicale », la théorie arithmétique des rapports et des proportions est appliquée aux intervalles puis aux questions pratiques du tempérament / This dissertation deals with the Institution Harmonique, a hand written treatise, composed by Charles Guillet between 1640 and 1647, dedicated to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm. An introductory study precedes the transcription of the dedication, preface and Part 1 (the only one remaining to this day). It introduces author Charles Guillet (ca. 1575-1654), an original yet poorly known figure of the musical scene. You will find some specifications regarding the hand-written source (organisation, content and theoretic purpose). I will analyse the construction of discourse through the use of the various sources (choice of authorities and compilation of Zarlino and Salinas, two « harmonic lighthouses ». By staging of controversies, Guillet demonstrates the superiority of syntonic tuning on Pythagorean tuning and justifies the zarlinian modal theory. In the Part 1 on « The Theory, or musical speculative », the arithmetic theory of ratios and proportions is applied to the intervals then to the practical questions regarding temperament

A maldição como processo = leituras de Gaspard de la Nuit / Curse as a process : lectures on Gaspard de la Nuit

Melo Franco, Lenon Rogerio de 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Suzi Frankl Sperber / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituo de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T22:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MeloFranco_LenonRogeriode_M.pdf: 1830662 bytes, checksum: d63fce9d22e9ed1808c6436f83f0a25d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A dissertação se ocupa da recepção da obra francesa Gaspard de la Nuit: fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot desde sua publicação nos anos românticos até nossos dias. As leituras de Sainte-Beuve, Baudelaire, Mallarmé e André Breton, sobretudo, são revisadas à luz de exames sincrônicos e diacrônicos. Os diferentes acolhimentos do texto são oportunidade e aporte para discutirmos seus aspectos prevalentes, tais como a relação da poesia com as artes plásticas, a fundação de um novo gênero que é o poema em prosa moderno e a noção de poète maudit. Após o decantamento crítico de numerosos leitores, apresentamos então nossa exegese particular da obra - que se acrescenta a esses registros recepcionais que foram analisados / Abstract: Not informed / Mestrado / Literatura Geral e Comparada / Mestre em Teoria e História Literária

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