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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vara chef med utländsk bakgrund : Butikschefers upplevelse av sin arbetssituation och yrkesroll

Arvidsson, Fabian, Mulaosmanovic, Marie January 2022 (has links)
Previous research has shown that in the last 20 years, there has been discrimination againstindividuals with a foreign background in the Swedish labor market. Statistics illustrate thatpeople with a foreign background have weaker representation than Swedish-born inmanagerial positions. The purpose has been to describe how store managers with a foreignbackground experience their working conditions and professional role in Sweden, to presentstore managers 'perceptions of discrimination in retail and to highlight positive leadershipstories where store managers' foreign backgrounds have been an advantage. Throughsemi-structured interviews, the study sheds light on store managers' experiences of theexistence of discrimination and what it is like to be a manager with a foreign background inSweden. An image emerges that a foreign background often becomes a strength in themanagers' work, where their unique habitus enriches their leadership. At the same time, theSwedish labor market is mediated as formally equal but informally unequal. The storemanagers confirm the previous research in many respects; that discrimination occurs, often inthe recruitment process, due to name selection, that individuals have a linguistic break orthrough informal favoritism that occurs when individuals with a foreign background are notgiven access to network. A perspective of discrimination that has not been discussed inprevious discrimination research has been conveyed; that customers act discriminatorytowards store managers. The results of the study indicate that unequal informal structures insociety and in organizations are expressed when low social and cultural capital throughnetworks and language risks becoming a gatekeeper that hinders career development. Thisstudy has shown that despite laws and regulations on discrimination that have been added inthe last 15 years, inequality is still reproduced in organizations which can be understood asinequality regimes. / Tidigare forskning har visat att det under de senaste 20 åren skett diskriminering av individermed utländsk bakgrund på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Statistik visar att individer medutländsk bakgrund har svagare representation än svenskfödda i chefspositioner. Syftet harvarit att beskriva hur butikschefer med utländsk bakgrund upplever sina arbetsförhållandenoch sin yrkesroll i Sverige, att framställa butikschefers uppfattning om diskriminering inomdetaljhandeln samt att belysa positiva ledarskapsberättelser där butikschefers utländskabakgrund utgjort en fördel. Med semistrukturerade intervjuer belyser studien butikschefernasupplevelser om förekomsten av diskriminering och hur det är att vara chef med utländskbakgrund i Sverige. Genom informanterna framkommer en bild av att utländsk bakgrundmånga gånger blir en styrka i chefernas ledarskap. Samtidigt beskrivs den svenskaarbetsmarknaden som formellt jämlik men informellt ojämlik. Butikscheferna bekräftar imånga avseenden den tidigare forskningen; att diskriminering sker, ofta irekryteringsprocessen, på grund av namnselektion, att individer har en språklig brytning ellergenom informellt favoriserande som sker när individer med utländsk bakgrund inte fårmöjlighet till nätverkande. En bild av diskriminering som inte diskuterats i den tidigareforskningen har förmedlats; att kunder agerar diskriminerande gentemot butikscheferna.Studiens resultat indikerar att ojämlika informella strukturer i samhället och i organisationerkommer till uttryck då lågt socialt och kulturellt kapital genom nätverk och språk riskerar attbli en portvakt som hindrar karriärutvecklingen. Denna studie visar att trots lagar ochreglering om diskriminering som tillkommit de senaste 15 åren, reproduceras fortfarandeojämlikhet i organisationer vilka kan förstås som ojämlikhetsregimer.

Structural Violence in the New Hampshire Family Court System: An Autoethnographic Exploration

Moynihan, Ann Marie 01 January 2018 (has links)
The family law system effectuates case outcomes affecting the lives of parents, children, and society through court orders imposing important life decisions upon divorcing or unmarried parents, children, and post divorce families. While some cases are resolved in alternative dispute resolution forums, others enter the courtroom and judicial decisions cause unintended consequences for millions of adults and children each year. This research details a parent’s suboptimal family law system experience caused by judicial decision-making, highlighting the need to examine the causes of unintended systemic outcomes. The purpose of this research is to raise awareness and provide justification for systemic reform to prevent unintended consequences of court ordered outcomes caused by underlying structural violence. Conflicting objectives of litigants and problem solvers are investigated to determine the causes of systemic failures so recommendations for improved outcomes can be formulated. Theories of justice, civil rights, public policy, systems, structural violence, and nonviolence are integral components of this research. Applied theory in the context of the researcher’s experience highlights the need to address this social system issue while demonstrating the system intended to resolve disputes actually exacerbates conflict, resulting in more disputes. This research contributes to the literature because many litigants are unable to share their stories due to their oppressed condition within the system. This autoethnography documents the effects of a social system for conflict management gone awry and establishes a foundation to promote dialogue in support of a new way to manage disputes that is conducive to conflict resolution instead of conflict escalation.


Sprong, Matthew Evan 01 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vocational rehabilitation (VR) is a program that provides individualized and supportive services to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment compatible with their skills, abilities, and interests. Previous research has shown that people with disabilities are at risk for experiencing discrimination in multiple stages of the rehabilitation process. The primary purpose of this study was to explore if recommendations for hypothetical rehabilitation services by rehabilitation counseling students were influenced by (a) the consumer's race, (b) causal attribution of disability, (c) participant's race, and (d) the interaction of the counselor's race and consumer's race. A 2 x 2 x 3 Factorial design was utilized and results from this study revealed that recommendations for rehabilitation services were not influenced by the consumer's race, participant's race, or the interaction of the counselor's race and consumer's race. The findings did reveal that a hypothetical consumer who had an internal cause of disability was more likely to receive fewer recommendations for rehabilitation services then a consumer with an external cause. Discussion and implications are provided.

Examining Moral Conflict as a Form of Prejudice

Parker, Michael T 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


BRENO DE CASTRO VIEIRA 29 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho desenvolve um modelo de licitações públicas com favoritismo e uma regra de decisão em dois estágios. Devido à existência de favoritismo, a qualidade mínima exigida pela agência para aprovar um projeto é determinada de forma a beneficiar uma das firmas. Mostramos que, mesmo supondo simetria ex-ante entre as firmas participantes e independência entre as distribuições de custo e qualidade, as ofertas de preço serão assimétricas em equilíbrio. Em particular, a firma beneficiada escolhe preços maiores do que as demais para um dado nível de custo. Além disso, simulações do modelo indicam que revelar o número de participantes qualificados diminui o preço que o governo espera pagar pelo bem. / [en] We study procurement auctions under favoritism and a two-stage decision rule. Because of favoritism, the minimum quality required in order to approve a project is endogenously determined to benefit the recipient of the agency s bias. We show that, even with ex-ante symmetry and independence between the distributions of costs and quality, equilibrium bidding behavior will be asymmetric and the favorite firm will bid less aggressively than the others. A mechanism design approach indicates that revealing the number of qualified participants or adopting a second-price rule would decrease expected prices and costs of realizing the project, due to the elimination of the asymmetric bidding behavior. Finally, simulations for the uniformly distributed case show that while adopting one of the alternative rules increases efficiency, it also increases the favorite firm s ex-ante profits and therefore may facilitate collusion between the agency and a firm.

A Dual Moderated Mediation Model of Favoritism's Effects on Employee Attitudes, Intentions, and Behavior

Walker, Laura 08 1900 (has links)
Although suspected to be a widespread phenomenon, workplace favoritism is an under-researched area of study. Scholars have queried the effects of perceived favoritism on employee outcomes through only a handful of studies, and the majority of those studies have been conducted at private firms in Middle Eastern countries where tribalism (i.e., loyalty to one's family or social group) is conventional. Further, differences in conceptual definitions of favoritism and subsequent subdimensions have muddied the understanding of what elements are considered essential to each phenomenon. Finally, favoritism research lacks examinations of conditional indirect effects of favoritism on employee outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this research is three-fold. The first aim is to develop a comprehensive, multidimensional measure of favoritism that will capture essential elements of the phenomenon that are specific to its subdimensions. Additionally, this study aims to increase our understanding of favoritism by examining the its indirect effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, counterproductive work behavior, and turnover intention through organizational justice, as well as explore differences in these effects among the supervisor's ingroup/outgroup members and among employees who vary in their perceptions of permeability to their supervisor's ingroup.

Effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwêreld van die adolessent / The effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent

Botha, Margaretha Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwereld van die adolessent aangespreek. Uit die literatuurstudie blyk dit dat die kwaliteit van die ouerkindverhouding, asook die verskil in 'n ouer se houding teenoor en behandeling van sy kinders daartoe bydra dat 'n kind begunstiging in die gesin beleef. Oorsake van ouerlike begunstiging setel in projektiewe identifikasie deur die ouer(s), persoonlike behoeftes en verwagtinge van die ouer(s), geboorte-orde, en die grootte en sarnestelling van die gesin. In die empiriese ondersoek is die leefwereld van adolessente wat ouerlike begunstiging beleef, verken. Volgens die resultate blyk dit dat van hierdie adolessente angs en minderwaardigheid beleef, 'n lae selfbeeld het en dat hul relasies problernaties is. / This study addresses the effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent. From the literature study it is evident that the quality of the parent-child relationship as well as. the difference in the parent's attitude and treatment of his children contributes to the fact that a child experiences favoritism in the family. Causes of parental favoritism reside in projective identification by the parent ( s) , parental needs and expectations, the birth order, and size and set up of the family. The empirical study investigates the life world of adolescents who experience parental favoritism. According to the results it seems that some of these adolescents experience anxiety and a sense of inferiority, have a low self-image and experience problematic relationships. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Socio-political Identity And Intergroup Perception: The Case Of Ulkucu Group In Turkey

Dalmis, Ibrahim 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis consists of two studies together with a preliminary study, focusing on the issue of ingroup representation of the &uuml / lk&uuml / c&uuml / group. The first study, addressing the problems of stereotype content, stereotype accuracy, and stereotype consensus, was based on in-depth interviewing with twenty members of the &uuml / lk&uuml / c&uuml / group. It was hypothesized that the group members, when their social identities were salient, would locate the ingroup within a chronic way of looking at the world, namely the perceived context. The accuracy of stereotypes and the stereotype consensus commonly observed among group members depended upon the efficiency of this perceived context as an explanation. Moreover, the favorability of stereotype content also derived heavily from this perceived context. The second study, based on two hundreds &uuml / lk&uuml / c&uuml / group members, examined the effects of target group (ingroup, close outgroup, distant outgroup), type of attributes (favorable, unfavorable), comparative context (intragroup, intergroup with close outgroup, intergroup with distant outgroup, multigroup), and level of identification with the ingroup (high-identifiers, low-identifiers) on the perceptions of homogeneity. A number of hypotheses were tested and the following results were found: First, group members perceived the ingroup as more positively homogeneous than both the close and the distant outgroup. Moreover, the close outgroup was perceived as more positively homogeneous than the distant outgroup. In fact, the distant outgroup was perceived as negatively homogeneous. Second, group members perceived both the ingroup and the close outgroup as more positively homogeneous in terms of unfavorable attributes than in terms of favorable ones. On the contrary, they tended to perceive the distant outgroup as more negatively homogeneous in terms of favorable attributes than in terms of unfavorable ones. Third, the above perceptions were less accentuated in the intragroup context, while they were more accentuated in the multigroup context. Fourth, the above perceptions were more accentuated for the high-identifiers than for the low-identifiers. Apart from these main effects, a number of complicated interactions were also discovered and these results were discussed with reference to the relevant literature.

Effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwêreld van die adolessent / The effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent

Botha, Margaretha Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwereld van die adolessent aangespreek. Uit die literatuurstudie blyk dit dat die kwaliteit van die ouerkindverhouding, asook die verskil in 'n ouer se houding teenoor en behandeling van sy kinders daartoe bydra dat 'n kind begunstiging in die gesin beleef. Oorsake van ouerlike begunstiging setel in projektiewe identifikasie deur die ouer(s), persoonlike behoeftes en verwagtinge van die ouer(s), geboorte-orde, en die grootte en sarnestelling van die gesin. In die empiriese ondersoek is die leefwereld van adolessente wat ouerlike begunstiging beleef, verken. Volgens die resultate blyk dit dat van hierdie adolessente angs en minderwaardigheid beleef, 'n lae selfbeeld het en dat hul relasies problernaties is. / This study addresses the effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent. From the literature study it is evident that the quality of the parent-child relationship as well as. the difference in the parent's attitude and treatment of his children contributes to the fact that a child experiences favoritism in the family. Causes of parental favoritism reside in projective identification by the parent ( s) , parental needs and expectations, the birth order, and size and set up of the family. The empirical study investigates the life world of adolescents who experience parental favoritism. According to the results it seems that some of these adolescents experience anxiety and a sense of inferiority, have a low self-image and experience problematic relationships. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Fatores que influenciam a coopera??o em humanos

Mour?o, Rochele Vasconcelos Castelo Branco 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:36:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RocheleVCBM_TESE.pdf: 2095393 bytes, checksum: 3e32df9736d15e4a91bb5cabe3afd11b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Human cooperation is fundamentally affected by reciprocal exchange, but it is also remarkably common on the context of large and symbolically marked in-groups, which promote cooperation through the feeling of belonging to a group. In this thesis, two empirical articles were produced in order to investigate how human cooperation is affected by factors such as reciprocity, in-group behavior, in-group markers and gender. We investigated this subject through the administration of online games consisting of token donations, on which the subjects faced virtual players controlled by the experiment. We found that cooperative behavior is strongly influenced by reciprocity, and it is also affected by the in-group behavior, observed on the context of the social variables place of birth, ethnicity, and religions, once all of them acted as in-group markers. The subjects? in-group behavior was enhanced when they played with generous in-group opponents, but weakened when their in-group opponents were non-generous. It was also found that cooperation is not affected by gender, but men and women cooperated in different ways under the influence of reciprocity and in-group behavior. Women are much more reciprocal on their cooperative behavior and men are less willing to cooperate with outgroupers, even when they act generously. The overall results contribute to a better understanding of the adaptive value of cooperation, reciprocity and in-group behavior on the solution of important challenges through the human evolutionary history / A coopera??o humana, al?m ser fundamentada pelas trocas rec?procas, desenvolve-se notadamente dentro de grupos extensos e simbolicamente marcados, nos quais existe a presen?a de marcadores de grupos, elementos que promovem a coopera??o por indicar pertin?ncia compartilhada. Na presente tese de doutorado, foram produzidos dois artigos emp?ricos que investigaram como a coopera??o humana se organiza diante dos fatores reciprocidade, comportamento de favorecimento de grupos, influ?ncia de marcadores de grupo e sexo dos indiv?duos. O m?todo de investiga??o consistiu no emprego de jogos online de doa??o de fichas, nos quais os sujeitos interagiam com jogadores virtuais controlados pelo experimento. Em linhas gerais, verificamos que o comportamento cooperativo sofre forte influ?ncia da reciprocidade. A coopera??o tamb?m ? afetada pelo favorecimento de grupos, comportamento que emergiu sob a influ?ncia das vari?veis naturalidade, etnia e religi?o, as quais atuaram como marcadores de grupo. O comportamento de favorecimento de grupos dos sujeitos mostrou-se amplificado na condi??o em que os parceiros de grupo cooperaram de forma generosa e enfraquecido na condi??o em que os parceiros de grupo foram pouco generosos. Verificamos tamb?m que a coopera??o n?o ? afetada pelo sexo dos indiv?duos. Por outro lado, homens e mulheres cooperam de forma diferenciada sob a influ?ncia da reciprocidade e do comportamento de favorecimento de grupos: as mulheres apresentam um perfil mais rec?proco na coopera??o e os homens cooperam pouco com os indiv?duos que n?o pertencem ao seu grupo, mesmo quando estes s?o generosos. Os resultados dos trabalhos, tomados em conjunto, contribuem para a compreens?o do valor adaptativo da coopera??o, da reciprocidade e do comportamento de favorecimento de grupos na solu??o de desafios na hist?ria evolutiva do homem

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